Go Well Ruth Dyson

Written By: - Date published: 7:44 am, August 5th, 2020 - 10 comments
Categories: election 2020, helen clark, labour, uncategorized - Tags:

She is one of the less noticeable of the current list of Labour MPs.  She has been in Parliament for a long time, has given sterling service, has kept the Port Hills electorate safely red and has served the Labour Party organisation at the highest level, especially in its darkest time when she was President in the late 1980s.  She should be acknowledged.  So this post is to thank Ruth Dyson for her commitment to and services for the Labour Party.

Her valedictory speech was very funny.  Very, very funny.

She has been active in the Labour Party since 1979.  She became Party President in 1988 and was part of the rearguard action that dulled and eventually defeated the Rogernomes by making sure that progressive candidates were selected in winnable seats.  This aspect of Labour’s history needs to be delved into further.  She deserves our thanks.

She became an MP in 1993 during an especially difficult time and stuck it out and kept going.  She beat David Carter to win the seat on the first occasion.

She was a very capable Minister in the Fifth Labour Government but had a rough time after she was caught driving with excess breath alcohol.  She was returned as a Minister however,

She was formidable as a local MP.  I have seen many, many constituents say good things about her and I cannot think of anyone saying a bad thing about her.  This is the measure of the quality of an MP.  What do their constituents think of them.  Most of Ruth’s constituents thought she was great.

Thank you Ruth for your commitment, and your humour and your style.  Go well.


10 comments on “Go Well Ruth Dyson ”

  1. Heather Grimwood 1

    I first met Ruth when she was newly Party President……always striving and staunch in advancing her /our goals in an era when it was certainly not easy for women to do so….always observant of needs of others…a powerful supporter of the less fortunate. Enjoy your well-deserved future life Ruth. Thank you.

  2. Leapy 2

    I'd also like to echo a wholehearted thanks to Ruth for her work over many years as an MP. She's a great advertisement as to how an MP should behave. Best wishes for the future.

  3. Anne 3

    I have listened to three departing women MPs – Sarah Dowie, Clare Curran and Ruth Dyson. All three were powerful speeches with a good sprinkling of humour.

    Although they were not the only ones, all three have suffered from misinformed reporting and what amounted to abuse, humiliation and disrespect by certain journalists. Yet we learn they were in fact strong, dedicated public servants who made a big difference in their local communities and/or areas of public importance for which they had specific knowledge and interest.

    I particularly thank Clare Curran for giving the Press Gallery a face to face bollocking over their culture of harassment, bullying and in some cases misogynistic behaviour (my paraphrasing) which continued sometimes without abatement for long periods of time. She (rightly) suggested they take a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror. Bravo Clare!

  4. Byd0nz 4

    She has been a 'Rock' for Labour over many years and has been an inspiration to many and for any Politicion to last so long without any demeaning comments following them out the door shows just what a dedicated and genuine person she is. Rock on Ruth.

    • Anne 4.1

      She copped it in her early years BydOnz. Can't recall the exact details now but it was the usual misogynistic stuff along with nasty rumours – similar to what Helen Clark encountered.

  5. Patricia Bremner 5

    To Ruth "Dignity is a state worthy of respect" to quote you.

    Ruth always accorded others respect and preserved their dignity. Her inclusive attitude a hallmark. Good health and enjoyment in your future Ruth.

  6. Rrm 6

    "Go well" has got to be the weirdest salutation I've ever seen. Double plus good this Newspeak.

    Rare to see a Labour MP retire, most of them seem to hang on to that sweet 6-figure salary for dear life. Ruth Dyson seems like a good sort, I hope she enjoys whatever comes next.

  7. Ad 7


    Did good in this world.