Written By:
Bunji - Date published:
8:52 am, August 21st, 2014 - 51 comments
Categories: national, radio -
Tags: christchurch, john ansell
Just Wow.
Morning Report failed to get hold of Bob Harvey to offer balance on their coverage of National/Labour’s opening ads this morning, but I don’t think it mattered, because John Ansell did enough damage by himself.
God must be a member of the National Party, because He flattened the people’s republic of Christchurch and that’s where the economic growth has come from
So much in that – Christchurch deserved their earthquake because they voted left?
And National – according to someone from the right – has no economic plan, and relies on a natural disaster to get them out of an economic hole.
Among other bits he also pointed out that rowing is an elitist sport so it’s the well-to-do streaking ahead under National, but the earthquake comment stood out for offensiveness and acceptance of National’s economic ineptitude…
[Update: link to Morning Report interview]
So ACT is turning on the NATS by reminding everyone we are only doing well cos of the earthquake?
Yes I thought it was a particularly nasty comment. Turned it off!
Me too. Couldn’t listen to the shallow intellect and snide little man any more. (I do think he
has the delusion that he’s clever- Don Brash thought so.)
Comments about God flattening Christchurch with earthquakes are on a par with Slater referring to Cantabrians as pricks, scum, & West Coasters as feral.
I wonder if the media will follow up on his despicable comments and I wonder if anyone in the South Island will vote for National after the contempt shown by Key’s supporters.
You should have kept listening, apparently the Green party caused the leaky buildings crisis.
Thanks but Sorry- couldn’t keep listening – vomit threatened my laptop keyboard
Bob Harvey has again showed how crass the right are about humanity, and compassion for those severely affected by the tragic earthquake event of three years plus ago.
Where are their sense of humanity for the unfortunate?
In HB Gisborne regions they have shown the same crass uncaring lack of concern for the weather events that washed out the 800m section of the rail track, and dragged the entire population through three years of no support for assistance for the rail restoration, while the road is now crammed full of trucks and congestion through our cities and getting very dangerous.
Now The Government instead yesterday released a plan to fund removing our railway and putting in another part of Keys’ cycleway around N.Z. how sick is that.
This will only enflame an already severely dangerous truck gridlock situation the HB Gisborne regions have now.
Bob Harvey did clearly show the ugly side of right wing policy toward communities suffering by bulldozing over their wishes for consultation ahead of any planned changes in his morning RNZ comments.
Among other bits he also pointed out that rowing is an elitist sport so it’s the well-to-do streaking ahead under National, but the earthquake comment stood out for offensiveness and acceptance of National’s economic ineptitude…
Bob Harvey, Disturbed ? Don’t you mean Adsell ?
Dude, Bob Harvey didnt turn up.
I don’t believe that most of the right in NZ think God flattened Christchurch…
Pop over to “Proof”, your leader needs you.
Very bad PR from PR expert!
Lose Yourself Eminem
More bad PR Eminates from National
Is it though? Or has it been changed just enough to satisfy copyright laws…
Bad PR Men at Work and George Harrison didn’t get away with it!
Puckish Rogue defending another of Nationals PR disasters to smug to cocky oh how the mighty have fallen time for a cup tea and lie down!
I can hear Rhiana singing in the back ground as you are typing oh how “I love to Lie!love to lie”
Followed by Eminem’s
Cleanin out my Closet!
then humming to Mocking bird!
Led Zepplin managed to though
But do most of them think the earthquakes have a ‘silver lining’ because now the economic activity coming from the rebuild can get attributed to the broader claim of the ‘sound economic management’ of National?
PR Astounding observation-Whoo oo Deep thinking
Opps Should read Adsell, he sure was a plonker eh!
Ansell. A henchmen of the right.
And seriously, is that quote for real folks? Is there an audio available? He has said vile things in the past. He can add this one to the collection.
Electorates of CHCH I hope you give a massive collective fingers up to Nat/Act on 20th September. You have been treated with contempt and indifference by this government and deserve much better.
Oh god it is for real. Thanks for putting up the audio. Nice to know we’re all “a bunch of losers standing around wanting things.”. Ansell in another inhabitant of Planet Key.
As someone else pointed out – it looks like all white “elite” doing the rowing.
Do they use an Australian ad agency? Surely any NZ agency would get that.
The irony is they made fun of the multi colour/ multi ethnic life boat, the inclusive one.
National, side with Aryan superiority . . . . It’s pretty damn close to self satire.
…it looks like all white “elite” doing the rowing. The two boats suggest something picked up from the cutting room floor of The Young Ones – it echoes the university challenge episode, but with a rowing story line.
“Ra, Ra, Ra !!!, We’re going to smash the oiks !!!”
Moreover, what does Key have to say to a National Party spinner gloating over the earthquakes? He has noting to say when Slater called the earthquake victims scum. Great insight into what Tory insiders really think, and they are now so arrogant and out of touch, they just say it all out loud without consequences. Keep smiling, John.
no better insight into what tory insiders think than Dirty Politics, which the PM has never publicly slammed.
I’m still trying to figure out how they shoe horned Slater into the cox seat.
National= no jobs policy.
Labour = now a policy to have value added products made in regional NZ policy.
Why use Kiwis to do anything in todays world?
National over the last 6 years always will promote use for overseas companies as a preference.
Can we start a list?
My short beginning.
1/ Hillside Workshops lost a contract to build wagons and locomotive restoration. (Kiwirail now scrapping waggon every week currently.)
2/ Fisher & Paykel sold and moved to china to manufacture there.
3/ Closed all woollen mils and now woollen carpets are only produced in China & India.
4/ Shoe and linen clothing manufacturing all but a few have all gone to overseas.
5/ Loss of Aircraft maintenance to Australia now Asia.
6/ EQC accounting went Australia. (Brisbane)
7/Timber mills closing all over NZ Waikato, HB, West coast, etc’
I could fill two pages but anyone out there help out and add as you will.
My list under Hillside should read scrapping “Many wagons” every week, according to our rail advisors.
Is national trying to wind down our rail in NZ? looks very much like it.
Please vote these vandals out all Kiwi’s.
“The largest increase in skilled vacancies, was for technicians and trade workers”
“By region, the biggest increases were in Manawatu and Wanganui, and Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay.”
Well done National
Thats because the existing trades have gone to Christchurc the latest region by region figures show rural area’s already in decline even affecting Auckland
You’re a good leftie tricledrown, don’t feel too bad when National gets back in
PR Yeah right at least you have the guts to stick it out although it will be for nought
If the left win I’ll still be here and just think of all the fun you lot can have (I’ll change my name of course but I’ll let everyone know what it is 😉 )
puckish you might change your handle but we will still recognize the drone!
No trikledown, it’s the self righteous gurgle of hatred – which will still emanate, that will let us know it’s PR.
I thought that was a joke. He actually said it?
The Bullshit emanating from the business World is being spun to suit National!
i.e. Fletcher Building CHCH rebuild is making things look good considering a lot of materials that are being used in the CHCH rebuild are manufactured in Fletcher own plant in Auckland!
Freight ways are spinning the line everything is going Gangbusters but when you closely examine their figures not so good.
i.e. their growth is coming from online purchases coming in from overseas which means less jobs in New Zealand more money going straight overseas without doing anything for our economy!
there it is again – the deafening sound of silence from our right winger lupins these days round here
I love the Nats boat ad, all the Nat uniformed rowers in it are going backwards.
Lupis, is he our side or theirs?
If a Nat’ has changed his name or not getting paid neither are we but where still here so who is genuine not for the money?
Puckish rose its a job that’s why he will be around when labour combo gets back in. trouble is will he accept a bribe to blog such dirt as he is um..fair at.
Yep – some rich white guys have taken over the ship and we are going backwards into the future.
Because it’s a cold southerly day I thought I’d transcribe the Asnell interview.
SF: John Ansell’s handled election advertising for both the National and ACT party, he is with us now. We are also hoping to talk to Sir Bob Harvey the former Labour Party President so hopefully we’ll get him joining us shortly, but firstly let’s talk to JA, good morning.
JA : Good morning. I also did 3 campaigns for Labour actually.
SF: Oh excellent so what’s your reaction to these two adverts, which do you think is the most powerful?
JA: Well I was surprised how clear cut the win was to National um the Labour Party um has an ad with lots of people standing around doing nothing and asking for stuff including Labour MPs standing around dumbstruck offering no thoughts on how to afford it (laugh) and the National’s got this fit, sleek team of um ambitious hard working office types up early in the morning pulling together in a row boat ah um with a plan and a common purpose and um the bit I like though um is the is the cheeky cameo of the lifeboat full of Labour and Greens pulling in different directions and so that..I think it’s a pretty effective I wasn’t expecting to like either of them um they’re normally pretty boring these sort of things but um that cameo you know the real message for National which you’ll hopefully be seeing more of hopefully from my rightwing point of view is um is the influence of the Greens, you know the people who supported the thinking behind leaky homes could soon be in charge of state housing, Russell Norman the Australian Communist (SF laughs) could be in charge of finance in 1 months time (SF laughs again) that sort of thing that’s what the Nats are going to have to be running with (SF still laughing) the Cunliffe cabinet is going to be 1/3rd Green…
SF: Well let’s just just let’s just hang on a second though because if we can talk about how this actually plays out because you know what is the reaction going to be because ultimately Labour are absolutely sticking to their message of saying vote positive that’s what they want that’s what they are going with whereas how is the National advert going to be seen by people?
JA: Well ah there are a couple of downsides, one is the elitism of rowing but rowing of course is the is the NZ sport where we lead the world you know we get up early we we train hard and we lead the world and that’s the National ethos really that’s what they are trying to say I mean they are overstating the case about their economic management um god is obviously a member of the NP because he um flattened the people’s republic of ChCh and that created the economic growth. (SF half laugh)
SF: oh ok so but
JA ..boasting about but um the Labour campaign talks positive um but doesn’t offer anything positive they don’t say how they’re going to do any of this stuff how they’re going to give all these people what they want um…
SF: So the imagery very strong then in the National advert you’re saying but what about the music and I know a lot has been certainly been talked about on this on Twitter using Eminem that’s kind of an interesting fit with National isn’t it?
JA: I think that’s a bit of a beat up I didn’t thinking of it from a viewer’s point of view I don’t notice the music you never do the purpose the purpose of music is to heighten the mood you don’t actually sort of listen to it so much …
SF: but if you know that song doesn’t that immediately make you think of Eminem and and isn’t that a danger?
JA: I don’t think Eminem is the most positive sort of role model
SF : well the title of the song is ‘lose yourself’
JA : yeah well ok so
SF : it’s not a great word to have associated with your advert is it
JA : I think that’s largely the media trying to beat that up trying to find something wrong with it I think you know I’m surprised how good the ad is um it’s painting the I don’t think the public are going to care too much about that angle it’s really the imagery of the ad itself and the positivity, you know one ad talks about being positive while there’s a bunch of sort of losers standing around wanting stuff and the other ad actually is um being positive and reminding people that you know the country is going in the right direction and people are well at least the National Party caucus with no other influences in the caucus really to upset them are um you know having their own way ….
SF: well look
JA: ..in contast with ah a potential labour cabinet of all these different um odds and sods trying to pull different ways
SF: Well look thank you very much for your time and your perspective on that. That’s John Ansell who has handled election advertising for National, Act and indeed Labour he was saying there. We hoped to speak to Bob Harvey former LP president unfortunately not able to get hold of him.
So, Russell Norman is an Australian Communist; god is a member of the National Party; the Greens caused the leaky homes debacle; ordinary Kiwis are a bunch of losers standing around wanting stuff and the people who represent minority interests are odds and sods.
With friends like that ……
Keep Calm and Carry On. John Ansell was someone who has been involved with three Labour election promotions. He was giving a report on the feeling that the general bloke and blokess would give. Fairly correctly also.
His response on the Labour one was not too different to mine. A question, a pause, then a stilted reading from a card. He said that Labour were all talking about what they wanted with no mention of how they would get it. And that gap is where Labour can be tripped each time, on the idea that Labour is going to go for higher wages and run the country into debt etc. This would come from people who haven’t a clue how we are already in that position and why. And they need a small saveloy of information to slip into their open mouths.
Some of Te Reo Putakes notes –
1 the Labour Party um has an ad with lots of people standing around doing nothing and asking for stuff including Labour MPs standing around dumbstruck offering no thoughts on how to afford it (laugh) and the National’s got this fit, sleek team of um ambitious hard working office types up early in the morning pulling together in a row boat ah um with a plan and a common purpose
(Sounds as if he is being quite objective there. I think a focus group would say that same thing.)
2 potential labour cabinet of all these different um odds and sods trying to pull different ways
(Is this relating to MMP from an unchanging dinosaur, or the breadth of experience and intellect that Labour has cf to National’s young ‘uns, or just wondering if there is any teamwork and collegial thinking in the likely Labour Cabinet..)
3 [National] are overstating the case about their economic management um god is obviously a member of the NP because he um flattened the people’s republic of ChCh and that created the economic growth.
(That’s actually a bit of a dig at National there, pointing out the obvious.)
4 the real message for National which you’ll hopefully be seeing more of hopefully from my rightwing point of view is um is the influence of the Greens, you know the people who supported the thinking behind leaky homes could soon be in charge of state housing
(Doesn’t like Greens. And is willing to spray them with any herbicide handy. And talking communist and finance is scaremongering.)
A lot of his comments are just him giving the blokey public response. And Christchurch is National’s main get out of jail card. But how did the theme that the Greens caused the leaky homes problem get going??
I apologise deeply to TeWhareWhero. I was admiring the huge amount of work of putting John Ansells remarks up and the wrong name was in my mind. (Is Te Whare The White House?) I thought it was good to see what John Ansell said. And look at the context in which he said it. He’s still someone to watch out for but not quite the worm I heard about.
It means The Red House.
Thanks I would have looked it up but it would have taken some of my coughing time which is keeping me busy. And I was learning colours in Maori from my grandchildren’s cd by Anika Moa just the other day. Kakariki is green, Kowhai is yellow. Viruses in bodies or computers – they are damnable things.
Minimum wage rise have to be linked to productivity rise. So why on Backbenchers were there so many Nats all demanding they pay too much tax, and shouldn’t have to put taxes back up after the huge productivity collapse in the financial markets. Don’t they believe in free markets anymore. That the perverse incentive of tax cuts for the wealthiest is government intervention gone to far when not coupled to real tax cuts (not GST rises) on the poorest. Its not so astonishing believing they think God is a Nat when they believe they have a divine right to tax cuts without any economic merit.
And even basic economics teaches us that we pay more we get better productivity, less turnover of staff, etc, so paying people less means a drop in productivity, higher turnover in staff, and so less economic wealth creation. So why is even the tax payer union for stopping minimum wage rises?
Are they just dumb, or more of the same blinkered greed that caused the GFC?