Written By:
- Date published:
10:25 am, September 16th, 2010 - 41 comments
Categories: making shit up -
Tags: christchurch earthquake, david farrar
Over at the sewer David Farrar is busy desperately defending the new one-law-to-rule-them all that is the Canterbury quake legislation by trying to claim that dictatorships can be good things:
But a long time ago, a dictator was seen in positive lights – in fact some dictators are seen as democratic heroes. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix changed the office from a noble one to a tyrannical one when he was made dictator for an indefinite period in 82 BC. Prior to that, it was well regarded.
I’ve always found Farrar’s pretensions to intellectualism amusing (in a cringing Ricky Gervais kind of way) but this really takes the cake.
I guess that means when he was comparing Helen Clark to dictators in 2008 he was being complimentary. It’s just his readers were too stupid to realise how good a dictatorship is. Good thing he’s setting the record straight now.
UPDATE: Couldn’t resist running this YouTube classic again. For some reason I can’t embed the code (Lynn?), so you’ll have to click through the link.
Lprent: Just put the URL in the post. It will embed itself using oEmbedd
can we see a bigger version of the pic in the post maybe?
It’s rather flattering I thought. You can’t see his gut…
The pic has been updated but the text hasn’t so it makes no sense – not worth including this time but someone will get round to it one day…
You know it’s bad if even D4J is spitting at John Key. Just go and have read of at Farrar’s piece of shit blog. LOL.
He’s really jumped the shark now.
Psycho Milt sums it up nicely at the sewer:
I’d forgotten how awful Farrar comes across on TV. like an overweight, secretive, slimey, elitist penguin with a lisp.
the whale looked a lot better in that clip than he does now :<
Bright Red: Penguin ? Nah , that is an insult to
Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae
Tux, Linux, and the creator of Batman villans.
The rest you got pretty right.
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penguin ],
Remember how Farragoblog used to kick David Benson-Pope for some indiscretion.
The boots on the other foot now but its merely ‘not good’;
Exactly. What National should have done is act unilaterally and then when pointed out that they were acting illegally, they could have introduced retrospective legislation to cover their asses. That would be far more principled.
Seriously, the pollies can work out that making political gain out of the earthquake is a no go so surely even you lot could do the same.
It is National who have made political gain out this. The power Brownlee has now far exceeds anything to do with rebuilding. The rest were too dimwitted and cowed to resist. Of course democracy to many people is just siding with whoever has the biggest stick – otherwise known as cowardice.
DPF posts a frankly fatuous defence of the worst piece of legislation ever, and some commenters decide their contribution should be comments on his appearance?
Way to go, you intellectual, handsome devils you.
Well, today I’m all outraged out.
Between Farrar, Brownlee, Garrett, our valiant “opposition”, and the libertarianz cameo . . . fuck it.
I’m going to go get drunk and make fat jokes (now seditious) until Chairman Brownlee figures out how to sign his name at the bottom of a “Canterbury Recovery Death Warrant” (the bottom, not the middle. Very important!). Or until I wake up tomorrow morning.
Farrar, fat? Man, he’s so fat when he jumps in the air he gets stuck . . . he’s so fat he’s protected by Greenpeace . . . he’s so fat he’s got his own postal code . . . he’s so fat that when he broke his leg, gravy poured out . . . he’s so fat you gotta take a train to his good side . . . FATuous defence is right.
Well if they’re funny it’s different. I’m sure there’s no truth to what I was told, for instance, that you’re so ugly you have to Trick or Treat by phone 😀
No, its worse . . . I’m so ugly that when I was born the doctor slapped my mother 🙂
Bloodhound Gand: Why’s everybody always picking on me?
I didn’t see David Farrar giving the legislation his 100 percent support. He made clear he prefers that there are restrictions placed on the powers. His point, which none of you bother to dispute in your intellectual arrogance, is that in the past dictatorial powers were used in times of crisis for a short perior of time to enable someone to do what they needed to do without having to go through the normal process of getting approval. Do you dispute this fact?
By in the past you mean ancient fucking rome. That’s quite the past. Rome had it’s good points, also it’s bloody awful points. Pointing out that Rome allowed dictators doesn’t actually get you very far. They also strangled senators in a pit.
I want my tribunes of the people, then we’ll talk.
Rome also had slaves . . . is Farrar starting the softening up process for National Ltd™’s real intentions?
Point me to any contemporary democratic society that dished out dictatorial powers in a crisis. See, I think you’re making the mistake of confusing extra-ordinary powers with the ability to bypass some laws but still be held to account with what our parliament has just given GB which are dictatorial powers due to the fact that he can bypass pretty much any law and not be held to account.
There’s quite a difference really.
It is silly to state that Gerry Brownlee cannot be held to account. The ultimate accountability is of course by the electors at the ballot box.
#3 on National’s list, for starters.
For seconders, legally accountable.
For thirdsies, rule of law, I kinda like it.
He was elected to represent Ilam and therefore only has a mandate to represent that neighbourhood which is the only safe Tory seat in Christchurch you egg.
I never got to vote for him because I live in Bromley, not that I would have in the first place. But he has the power to rule my shit now which I never asked for. If he shows up in my neck of the woods he’ll get eggs to the gob.
I really want that everybody realises that dictators start out by doing good things. Usually hi-jacking and exploiting sentiments such as unity and solidarity and backing it up with brick and mortar largesse in the shape of discretionary or one off donation/funding.
In this way they generate a supportive base, a compliant populace that extends the benefit of the doubt given the perception of previous good deeds, while ‘the Mussolini’ finds it’s stride.
Which is not to say that such passings are inevitable. Simply that the possibility has now been afforded in NZ.
P.S. Well done all you fucking lower than scum shit sac representatives who just advertised your willingness to throw away the very last vestigial remnants of democracy that I or anyone else could nominally rely on to prevent unaccountable bad…very bad corporate orientated shit landing all over our heads.
A Hippocritter with a seismic foot print?
Whoah, now I know what the guy behind the blog looks and sounds like, lol. Really.. I don’t think I can take this guy too seriously. Not that I have.
Perhaps that is the reason why the main contributors to The Standard prefer to remain anonymous. Because they think it will mean people will more likely take them seriously
Yep. Like newspaper editorials.
So newspaper editorials take the authors of The standard seriously do they? Any evidence for this rather bold statement (not just an editorial that shares the opinion expressed here mind, I’m meaning something that links the site directly).
Yey, Cowboy hat boy is back. Just as rabid as his pre-ban days. LOL.
Captcha: SELF. as in inflated sense of. LOL
First dictat: Big Trucks , stonking great big trucks.
Actually, that should just be “Unsafe, stonking great big trucks.” He’s cut off all the safety requirements. and:
He’s made it so that it’s national. Bet the trucking forum’s over-joyed.
Yeah, but he doesn’t have any powers to over-rule the laws of physics. Stonking great big trucks will overload bridges and make them unusable pretty quickly.