Written By:
weka - Date published:
10:47 am, April 8th, 2018 - 208 comments
Categories: greens -
Tags: green party co-leader, julie anne genter, marama davidson.
The Green Party are announcing their new co-leader this morning.
The Greens on Twitter.
Green Party website.
This is how the Green Party do leadership changes. After Metiria Turei’s resignation last year, Marama Davidson was chosen through a process of nomination, campaigning to the party, and then each branch went through a consensus process to arrive at a decision. Branch delegates then met (online), debated and then voted for the candidate their members had chosen.
Now, when Davidson starts her speech she early on thanks co-candidate Julie Anne Genter with genuine aroha and words of acknowledgement, giving mana to Genter that is her due. You can’t fake that stuff, and this speaks strongly to Green Party kaupapa of relationship and working together being a high priority. This doesn’t mean there is no conflict or dissent in the party, it means that how conflict is handled is different than we are used to in parliamentary politics. How decisions are made is core to Green politics and is written into their Charter.
The next thing that stands out in Davidson’s speech is that she speaks about social justice. If anyone still doubts that the Greens have a commitment to the Social Responsibility principle in their Charter, there it is. The new co-leader of the party just put it to the forefront. This affirms what James Shaw and others in the party have been repeatedly saying since the resignation of Metiria Turei last year.
For those that think the focus on social justice casts shade on the environmental issues, listen to the whole of the speech. This is how indigenous people do change. There is no separation of environment and people. They are part of the same dynamics and both need to be addressed as part of the same strategies. To focus on one or the other fails both. The new politics is to integrate both and Marama Davidson with her background in social justice and Te Ao Māori brings huge experience and connection into the party’s solid environmental work.
Davidson is also talking about challenging the dominant economic paradigms. Take notice lefties, because here is someone who is saying the Greens need to go hard on this.
I am very happy with the Green Party’s choice and see Davidson as now picking up the mantle that Metiria Turei handed over during the election campaign. The party was too long without a female co-leader, and there was a real risk of the MSM and too many NZers seeing James Shaw as the business-suited, white dude figurehead of the party and thus reinforcing so many misperceptions of the party. Davidson is a perfect counter-part to Shaw, and the party can now get back to being grounded in its wholeness that includes the flax-roots. Anyone who wants to frame the Greens as middle class and white needs to look at not just Davidson, but the mahi she has been doing. Pay attention, because important things are going on there and they are endorsed by the party as a whole.
Shout out to Julie Anne Genter. I am so proud of the party to have two such outstanding candidates and I am truly excited to have Davidson as co-leader and Genter as Minister. We get the best of both worlds now.
Also massive shout out to Metiria Turei. All our love Metiria, we haven’t forgotten what you did for us.
Transcript of Marama Davidson’s acceptance speech is here.
Direct link to livestream, now that it’s up: https://www.facebook.com/nzgreenparty/videos/10155176173911372/
Not sure if the link above is correct but: https://www.facebook.com/nzgreenparty/videos/vb.10779081371/10155176173911372/?type=3&theater
Yay! Marama!
Marama Davidson has won. 🙂
Yay! Dancing in my chair!
I actually cried
Very good comment added to our post after the announcement, weka.
+ 1
Yes, very good comment, thank you.
cheers everyone. It just kind of fell out of me while I was listening to the speech.
(Incog, I sent you an email re the post).
I have replied to your e-mail, thanks.
Good choice.
Good, the best candidate won.
Stand by for fits of rage from the right wing.
As someone tweeted – there will be outrage from people who would never have voted for the Green Party whoever is leader.
Yeah, Bryce Edwards was IMMEDIATELY out the gate wondering if that meant we were abandoning the “centrists, mainstream, and Pākehā,” to which I basically said “hi, remember James?” (and also pointed out that JAG isn’t actually a centrist)
Lol, bet he had that one prepared.
What he doesn’t yet understand is that the Greens intend to pull centrist, mainstream, Pākehā into a more progressive position 😉
This is a very good comment 🙂
Matt J. Whitehead
Replying to @ModernTamerlane @bryce_edwards
Actually most of our branch accepted the argument that both candidates for co-leader would pull the debate to the left, Julie Anne just does so by pulling right-wing thinking to a more sensible place, Marama does it by energizing the base. Both are valid strategies.
Quite. Julie Anne will still be critical to that job, especially given the level of respect she commands from Nats and Labourites who acknowledge that the Green Party actually does have some very sensible policies despite a difference in political values.
I am stoked we have two such awesome women in leadership positions in the Greens. It’s like even with Genter losing to MD, we win
I see it as win win. Genter is getting Green views in front of people and Davidson is being a great Leader already.
Great news.
Am heartily sick of the faux outrage from non green voters about them caring about people not being a core value.
People and Environment, twin pillars have always been foundation for Greens. Given National doesnt have either of these high up the list it is good to have clear counterpoint.
Good points there Tracey. 100%
We hope the greens don’t go soft on National.
It is only Nats, some of their voters and the media, all of whom blissfully ignore Green history and policy who think they will be coalition partners in 2020 without significant changes from Nats
I would have thought Marama was the obvious choice – a Maori woman and someone who will fight to the end for her people – and others who have been so badly marginalised. A good contrast to James Shaw, and the two of them have the potential to appeal across a wide range of voters.
But yes I am annoyed. It seems to me that some people in her own party condemn Julie Anne Genter as right wing. She’s not the least bit right wing and I hope the guilty parties whoever they are have the courtesy to apologise to her.
Totally agree. I’m not suggesting the right wing will be disappointed because ‘their’ candidate didn’t win it, but that they viewed her as less vocal against their interests.
This isn’t the same thing as Genter being right wing, just that her strengths and focus is in areas that Nat voters don’t have as much fear of.
And we can be sure the Nats will be very scared of Davidson who represents the trifecta of their greatest fears as a brown, socially-conscious woman.
I misread your intentions Muttonbird. Thought it was out of character. 🙂
I’m really happy for the Greens. I think they’ve “done right”. Now we can sit back and watch the MSM hacks pick them pieces because they’ve supposedly gone
Oh gosh its already happened – even before the announcement:
My bold.
I can feel the ‘death wish’ in the tone of her words.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. This is why I am perpetually telling people to listen to what the Greens say themselves. HDPA is a RW spinner and is going to always try and undermine the party. She’s worthy of ignoring or mockery.
It’s the people closer to home that are more of a worry. Still too many people that don’t understand how the GP works.
No, I’m not worried weka. Just finding it all so predictably amusing. 🙂
I’d also just say that a ‘green’ National party would have large scale ideological warfare divisions. Environmental protection, sustainability, and better public planning being interpreted by them as damaging to business and against the concept of individual freedom.
They’d be enough to make HDHP’s made-up divisions of the Greens leadership contest look like small fry.
just seen your edit. Wow she really is a nasty piece of work. That’s the real challenge for NZ. Far too many people like her in positions of power.
Ae to all of that. But we shouldn’t judge her too harshly considering who she’s hooked up with. Now there really is a nasty piece of work (out of the public gaze of course).
Let’s all just be thankful the GP has made a good choice from two bloody good candidates, and that JAG is as gracious and realistic as she is.
And I agree that those in the MSM that have been at pains to portray JAG as right wing really do need to be crow barred out of their bubble. I’m hopeful that’ll become evident soon.
You can tell how right wing she is by how thrilled the right are about her transport ideas. Oh wait….
It’s the era of fake news where a commercial media in decline increasingly resorts to saying what the punter wants to hear. In short, fake news is really post journalism.
This one a ZB talk radio show host … has said that the Labour government has lost the 2020 election (her listeners voted National) because it increased the petrol levy – made a new tax.
3 cents pa over 3 years on petrol. Just as National did in Oct 2009 and 2010 (as well as increasing GST after saying no new taxes in the 2008 election) before being re-elected in 2011. It announced the same for 3 more years in 2012 (for 2013-2015) but was re-elected in 2014 and no one is blaming this for their defeat in 2017.
Yes! In the same way the fuel tax increase means Labour hates farmers but Nats fuel increase dont mean they hate farmers or the poor.
A bit rich HDPA pointing the bone at young mum ( at the time) when she committed a fraud to buy a firearm online.
I always find it amazing that du Plessis-Allan continues to be so right wing when she has had a personal experience of the police raiding her home after after she purchased a fire arm over the Internet at part of an investigative journalism story.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Anybody working for newstalk ZB has to have their right wing views
In her previous work she seemed centre left- moderate outlook.
Maybe its a throwback to her years as white privilege in South Africa.
And its was full bore WP, with ‘people doing the garden, people doing the housework’, as she once quaintly described it.
To “go green” just shows how poorly understood the Green Party and its Charter are.
As with beauty, being ‘green’ comes from (the) inside. A neoliberal with green lipstick is still a neoliberal. A neoliberal with a ‘social conscience’ is still a neoliberal in their bones. To “go green” is a misnomer; you either are or become green or not …
To “go green” smacks of political pragmatism and expediency. It is a hollow empty statement like the Emperor with no clothes on saying I “go commando”. No wonder it is a popular phrase in some corners 😉
People’s values & principles are not set in stone but they do tend to be very ‘sticky’. They most definitely are not like disco lights that frequently change colours to spice up the show.
What’s patchy green on the outside and deep blue on the inside?
I haven’t read HDPA’s piece, but I’m seeing the same tired old tropes e.g. the GP will be put of parliament as the other parties adopt green policies. Lol, that’s part of the process, the Greens are dragging NZ into a green future, it’s win if other parties adopt green policies. It just opens up the way for the Greens to go deeper into their kaupapa.
I refuse to click. It only encourages them 😉
Almost no Green policies in Lab or Nat in the 1990s. Now look at them. And Greens still in parliament.
1000% no click for HDA
Someone should tell her about Baden Wurttemburg, where the Greens are the major party and the CDU the minor partner in the state government. There were interesting reasons why that came about ( their previous minor partner was the SPD) and that may not apply here.
She has a degree in political science but I would wonder if she ‘knows stuff’ at all.
But learns fast from Hosking : Kiss upwards Kick downwards
Interesting to hear the “greens will be irrelevant soon” meme being repeated now. Apparently all otger parties now care about the environment. Miles Davis repeating this drivel on tvnz this morning.
Er National has no evidence it cares about tge environment… ACT? NZF?
And then the annoying repetition that the greens have moved away from being an environment party…
Leaving aside they have not and always had people alongside the environment how can they be both irrelevant cos everyone does the environment now AND losing votes cos they dont focus only on the environment
If other parties implemented all the Green policies and developed progressive thinking – probably the Greens would be happy to disappear (job done!).
They aren’t there for the purpose of merely existing or winning, which is something HDPA can’t comprehend.
Not just HDPA. Many of Labour and Nat leanings do not get this either.
Nats are “green” if it keeps or gains them votes. We know this because of how they behaved in govt. We know they only began to “care” about poverty and acknowledge a housing crisis when they saw Labour going up in the polls and Labour was talking about caring for those things.
It is transparent but it works. They lie and lie and get caught and still they get the votes. The number of votes they get is no disincentive to lie and fake sincerity.
The state of the hospitals alone shoukd shock many Nat voters and make them reconsider to hat they have been a party.
I’m afraid I don’t share your expectation.
Any true-blue voter would sing from the same song sheet as Dr Jonathon Coleman and Gerry Brownlee. They would consider the problems with the hospitals ‘unfortunate’ and likely due to poor design, shoddy workmanship, lazy building inspectors, poor reporting, poor management, etc. They would not hold (the) National MPs responsible for any of these; passing the buck is their MO and daily mantra. And above all, the economy & surplus was more important because without a healthy economy there would never be enough money to fix all the problems. You and I know that this is a circular argument and that the longer they wait to fix these issues the worse and more expensive it gets.
Wasnt an expectstion but an admonishment. Wait til the boomers see what private insurance cost from age 60+. Many might want decent public health
I hope you are right there Muttonbird please let the National party be scared shitless after Mamama got the ticket.
I must watch parliament next time. Fireworks i hope there will be.
Julie Anne Genter provides some excellent expertise to the senior GP MPs, and she will, I’m sure continue to do excellent work in her portfolio areas, and for the GP.
I see her as the brains behind the operation. Absolutely critical, and probably better off working away behind the scenes.
I think now that the result has been announced, I can safely reveal here that this was also my assumption, too.
I thought Marama was more likely to bring back not only the soft support we had lost to Jacinda, but also the people who had flocked to the party briefly before Metiria Turei’s story turned, and who wanted a genuinely progressive economic policy with compassion and power for those on benefits or in working poverty. I’m really excited that we once again voted a woman with intimate understanding of those issues into our leadership team, and look forward to hearing her bring those stories to mainstream media, who will hopefully be looking to interview her soon! 🙂
Also agree 100% that calling Julie Anne either right-wing or even centrist is grossly misrepresenting her. While her particular focus has largely been around issues that impress people aligned more with the liberal bent in the Green Party, she has authentic left-wing credentials and would have also acted as a counter-balance to James (whose conciliatory approach makes him seem very centrist) in the leadership role, even if she wouldn’t have done so in as radical or populist a way as Marama proposes to.
Marama countering Shaw (opposed to Genter) will help appease those calling for Shaw’s head. And will gain back some of their support.
One only hopes Marama raises above Shaw rather than bowing to him.
It would be a good signal if she turned around the gifting away of their questions.
I’m interested to see what she is going to do to secure beneficiaries more money?
When the Greens use any of those questions (as they have the right to do any time they want), whatever they ask has far more chance of making news headlines, because the media will want to spin it as a rift between coalition partners.
I’m confident you’ll white-ant them whatever they do though.
“When the Greens use any of those questions (as they have the right to do any time they want), whatever they ask has far more chance of making news headlines, because the media will want to spin it as a rift between coalition partners.”
With some of the things Labour are doing the Greens better start using those questions to hold Labour to account .
Green supporters don’t want the Greens to be exactly the same as Labour, so of course there will be differences. And if the Greens fail to highlight them from time to time and show their supporters they are willing to fight for them, they will lose their support base.
You seem to be falling for the right wing fear narrative that the Greens should fear holding Labour to account because the media will paint it as a rift and voters will turn on them.
When it comes to coalitions, voters know and expect there will be disagreements and compromise made by all from time to time. Hence, don’t fall for and panic over the right wing narrative of fear.
I wonder how much you really know about the Green Party
Why is that? Do you disagree with something? Speak up if you do.
It would be a good signal if she turned around the gifting away of their questions.
You still seem to be deliberately misunderstanding how the Party works. This was, as you know, a decision made by Caucus not by Shaw.
Whoever made the decision it was f#@ing stupid.
Then at least six of the eight MPs are “stupid” in your opinion. I disagree.
I think also that this was a great move for highlighting who the old and crusty lefties are who can’t view politics in any other way than a class warfare to the death. While people favour power over process there will not be better process.
It’s what the general public make of the decision that matters, and they will get to hear even more of the Nats opinions on pretty much everything, them owning the media and being given more questions in parliament and all.
the solution to that is for Labour to up its game.
If you want politics to be a war, carry on. If you want it to change, then look more broadly at what the Greens have done here.
The greens need to stay in parliament to enact change
“I think also that this was a great move for highlighting who the old and crusty lefties are who can’t view politics in any other way than a class warfare to the death. While people favour power over process there will not be better process.”
This (although I think there is a range of people confused by the move and by the GP kaupapa around process)/
I disagree on a couple of these points. And I agree with Sue Bradford as she stated it on RNZ this morning:
Firstly I disagree with the formulation of putting process above power. They are equally important. And Bradford is an old crusty leftie who also seems to deeply understand the importance of the GP processes of consensus-building.
I suspect the “process above power” formulation is a reference to parliamentary power. And I would agree that gaining the treasury benches is not as important as people power in a broader sense.
However, power in a broader sense is important because, no matter how much people on the left practice consensus decision-making, many on the right will never accept it. They are driven by getting and maintaining power in whatever way they can. And there are things that can be learnt about this from some “old crusty lefties”.
Bradford is very critical of the GP giving away many of their QT questions. She says these questions can be used constructively and not in a nasty way. She says it gives valuable experience to backbenchers in asking such questions. And it is an opportunity to foreground GP differences from Labour.
So basically, Bradford seems to me to be talking about working positively with Labour, while being constructively critical when necessary. And she seems to me to be integrating the need to be staunch in the face of Nat and right wing relentless power-hunger, but also to use consensus- building within GP and among supporters, and with other political allies.
Bradford seems to be in the same camp as me.
While the neoliberal attack continues, it will always be a class-war.
The gifting of questions to the opposition limits Labour being held to account from the left while increasing National’s opportunity to preach their narrative, asking more questions with a right wing framing. So it’s not a great move for the left. Thus, shouldn’t be too hard to turn around.
The gifting of questions to the opposition limits Labour being held to account from the left
No it doesn’t. The Greens can take questions back at any time and with a moments notice. The Green Caucus see that they have more questions than they will need to be critical of Labour on those points in which they differ. Most questions then if used would be patsy questions which are just a waste of time. Patsy questions apparently cost half a day of staff time.
Yes, it does. While the Greens can take back questions, the gifting of them reduces the Greens use of them, hence limiting their overall use by the Greens.
Patsy questions serve a purpose, nevertheless, the Greens don’t have many questions, thus can never have enough to hold Labour to account.
Moreover, why would the Greens want to give the opposition the mike to further boost their narrative?
I think the left/right paradigm is increasingly too simplistic.
For example elements of the far left have very liberal views on migration and share common ground with the far right globalists. Other elements of the right are protectionist nationalists.
If I’m meant to be the crusty old lefty here I’d point out I think personal freedoms are very important ( is that a righty thing?), I’m also somewhat of a nationalist ( righty thing?) and somewhat socialist (left?), and environmentally (left?) focused.
In the case of parliamentary questions, left right or centre, giving your opponent a stick to beat you with is a fucking stupid thing to do.
“This was, as you know, a decision made by Caucus not by Shaw.”
I wasn’t implying otherwise. Merely stating it would send a good signal if she could get them to turn that around. Considering the blow-back, it shouldn’t be too hard.
Appease those calling for Shaw’s head…thinking Davidson will go against the recent question policy suggests she was against it. I have seen no proof of that. The Greens are already speaking out. It seems you ignore that.
I wasn’t suggesting she was against it, tracey. In fact, I haven’t seen her comment on it at all.
Are you suggesting she supported it? And if so, do you have a link to that?
I was merely suggesting it would be a good signal to supporters if she was seen as having some input in getting the gifting of questions turned around. Which would also help appease those calling for Shaw’s head.
Sowing the seeds of mistrust are you Chairman?
No. Why do you say that?
Excellent, because it shows something of the values of the majority of the GP members.
They DO want a co-leader who can speak up for those doing it very tough in NZ today – someone who engages with such people at the flax roots and listens to them.
And someone who will campaign strongly against some of the prevailing neoliberal values on society, communities, the economy and the environment..
I am so happy for this result. A good strong Wahine from South Auckland too.
Brings balance to the ticket.
I admire both these women – and the result gives JAG a chance to focus on being a Minister and doing the hard data-crunching evidence-based work I think she will be good at. (That and have the baby too which is really important)
Best thing is the vote, 110-34, is definitive.
Genter will continue to be excellent in her current roles but it really had to be Davidson for balance.
Excellent. Marama is an activist and isn’t afraid to speak out. Her presence up front will give some positive balance to the leadership now.
I believe she will lead very much in the style of Meteria Turei, bringing strong focus to social justice issues.
Congratulations Marama. Well done Julie Anne. Both very good politicians in their own right.
And much thanks to Metiria Turei for building the GP in a slightly new direction. I think she must have been responsible for bringing candidates like Davidson, and Jack McDonald into the GP – and for her strong focus on child poverty.
I think Metiria just popularized and opened rhetorical space for the values she’s been preaching on our behalf for ages, and finally got cut-through where they were truly LISTENED to for a brief, shining moment. IMO it was a courageous act of desperation that deserves to be honoured in the spirit it was committed to, despite how it ended up in the media.
MT paid a high price, so did the Greens, but it was still the right thing to do.
Totally agree with that. This was the impetus for me to join the Green Party and so excited to see Marama elected co leader
100% Mary-A
If Marama Davidson can resist and reverse James Shaw’s apparent intent to have the Green Party operate as something of an adjunct to the NZ Labour Party (or as some weird subsumed part of it), then good.
If not, then not so good.
Heard Mary Robinson speak in Wanaka yesterday Bill-she was very complimentary about our Climate Change minister James Shaw with whom she had attended conferences.
She was also excited by Jacinda as PM (they shared the stage together in Wanaka the evening before) and the way the perception of NZ had changed in the world since her election as PM.
That changing perception is what scares National and the neolibs. I hope Marama Davidson has a few spare questions tucked away.
I’m sure she has Kat (15.1.1). Marama will give the Opposition a good run for its dirty money, without holding back. Her questions and responses will have a spark to them.
If you mean Parliamentary questions, as she has no ministerial duties, she won’t be asked any questions, so there’ll be nothing for her to respond to. If she’a asking questions, they’ll be of the responsible minister, not the opposition.
I meant parliamentary questions OAB, I don’t think Marama Davidson does “patsy”.
My comment was a reply to Mary_a.
What the ………… who let that happen?
Who let the Greens ask questions of ministers? Basic Parliamentary procedure. They give some of them to the opposition on a week-by-week basis too. It’s because Shaw wears a suit and tie, I tell you!
Having listened to James Shaw speak at a public event on climate change I was left far from impressed. But that’s another conversation for another day.
I hope Marama Davidson lives up to peoples’ expectations.
I don’t think Marama is a natural orator and if she came up in a debate with say the other Marama that used to be parliament she would be in trouble.
John Key was never a natural orator. He struggled in parliament when he first became leader.
Davidson is way better than that, and, with experience will probably improve – unlike Key who continued to sound like a 6th former reading a speech when it came to serious speeches.
I think Davidson is more of a community leader than Genter would be, and probably better as an orator.
“apparent” in your mind perhaps.
Well, of course it’s “in my mind” if I share that perceived intent. And equally obvious, is the fact that the perception is subjective.
But when I hear the same or similar from disparate quarters, then it can acquire an air of credibility. And I’ve been hearing a fair amount of comment along similar lines, over a period of time and from a number of people (including members of the Green Party). One ex-political insider whose views I rate, went so far as to characterise Shaw as (quote) “A right wing cunt”.
And it’s perfectly possible that each and every person who’s voice is within that ball park of opinion is perceiving things incorrectly – just as it’s possible that they’re right enough.
Tamihere once decried the gays and front bottoms running Labour.
Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one.
“A right wing cunt”.
Nearly pissed my pants.
Every one that I personally know in the Green Party was hoping for this result, they will be celebrating today. This result bodes well for the future of the Green Party marking them out as truly inclusive and representative political party. I wish the Green Party all the very best, and especially the new Leadership team. Congratulations on a well ordered leadership campaign.
And to JAG good on you, I am sure your contribution will still be valued. May you too enjoy the very best in your political campaigns to change the direction of this nation and the world away from climate collapse.
I like that she’s a New Zealander, and also wanting to target the significantly large population that doesn’t vote in the elections – as the vast bulk of those will be generational New Zealanders.
Also seems to recognise in a way that when it really counted for the Green party, it was the Rod Donald sector or traditional legacy of it’s support that stuck with it and got it over the finish line.
On the other hand she has seemed abit impulsive at times, how much of a factor chaotic internal green party politics has contributed to that no idea.
Genter is a New Zealander. Do you dislike all MPs not born in NZ?
I didn’t dislike Genter, but if the New Zealand experience of what quality of life has to offer has been thrown away for many of it’s population, then that means the New Zealand experience has been thrown away.
There’s an authenticity or level of understanding to that, which a MP like Genter simply can not have even if so inclined, which she may be to a great degree.
How long has she lived here?
Since about 2006:
So, been here about 12 years – since she was about 26 years old.
sounds a reasonable length of time to have gotten the gist of the place.
Yes. And that matches with my experiences living overseas.
As a teacher, I often knew much more about the history and culture of the overseas countries I lived in than did some locally born students. And it got to be the case that I had lived in England longer than some young students I taught who were born there.
Yes. And that matches with my experiences living overseas.
Authenticity means little without commitment, dedication and passion. I think people define themselves better by their actions instead of ‘depending on’ their ancestry & ethnicity, sex, age, education, wealth & income, or some other ‘pedigree’, for example.
There are many people who could stake some claim to some kind of ‘authenticity’ who do SFA.
Similarly, there are a few people who are deeply committed to a ‘cause’ and their commitment is as authentic as it gets.
I realise this may not have been exactly what you had in mind but I felt compelled nevertheless to make my comment; not intended as a personal criticism 😉
‘Genter is a New Zealander’
A bloody good one too I say.
Better than a few MPs who were born here
“Ms Davidson also referred to her upbringing, having grown up in south Auckland and the rural communities of Hokianga and the East Coast in the 1980s.
“I witnessed first-hand the devastating effect the introduction of that [broken] economic model had on communities and what followed; intergenerational poverty and the tragic, direct legacy of suffering and suicide in our regions and urban centres,” she said.
“We are still feeling that impact, here, now. Parliament needs to turn our faces to the streets, to communities right up and down this country, and understand the hardship and struggle that so many of our people are facing.”
She is of Ngāti Porou, Te Rarawa, and Ngāpuhi descent.
She is a graduate of the University of Auckland, and of Te Whare Wanaga o Awauiarangi, worked for 10 years at the Human Rights Commission, and was chief panelist for the Glenn Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Child Abuse.
She lives in Manurewa and has six tamariki.”
A Long way from, Rochester …
But…. ka pai
She is doing a pretty awesome job as Minister in the actual government.
From a set of small Ministerial delegations, she is already delivering the highest profile politics of any of the other Green MPs in Parliament. Others have far higher responsibility and are near-invisible.
So she knows what the actual job of running New Zealand is, which is what she got into politics for.
I’ve heard reports in the media a few people were threatening to leave if she didn’t get the job, so kind of not surprising.
Good on her.
She seems like a cool person
Yes the media reported 10 young members were going to leave. Quel horreur! That woukd have collapsed the GP. 😣
the right choice. Well done the Greens. This old cynic is even vaguely hopeful the Greens will claw back much of their lost support.
On behalf of the RWNjs, we are thrilled
As thrilled as you are about Coleman’s destruction of our hospitals?
Obviously thrilled Alwyn always is.
And no doubt you can tell me where I made any comment at all on this matter?
Or do you rely on esp to be able to determine what I think?
Or can you just not read and think that “alwyn” is written “Alan”?
It is a very easy mistake to make; Alan is a RWNJ and you are a JNRW and your names read almost the same 😉
Don’t do it, Alwyn!
I suppose I can do the same sort of thing
“in” not or non
“cognition” thinking
Actually that works pretty well. It certainly fits you very well.
You are totally incapable of rational thought.
Phew! You didn’t do it!
I am one chaotropic mess of simmering emotions; for rational thought & analysis I read your comments 😉
Alan clearly said “we are thrilled” on your behalf, Alwyn. Can’t you read? Or are you going to be such a worm as to pretend that you are not among the RWNJs? (You obviously are, by the way.)
I don’t know whether you can read or not. You certainly don’t show any understanding.
If you don’t understand indentation I will explain it to you.
If you look carefully Alan’s comment is numbered 21.
Cleangreen’s is numbered 21.1.1.
Mine is labelled
Clear so far?
If you had even half a brain you would see that I was replying to Cleangreen not to Alan.
But you really don’t understand such simple things do you?
Poor little fellow.
I don’t know what else to say about you. An imbecile you are. An imbecile you will remain. How sad. Quit drinking. It may help a little.
That’s so magnanimous of you, Alan; someone from the opposite pole, expressing the same joy we feel, making a point of saying it publicly and clearly meaning what you’ve said. I’m beginning to feel we may have been too harsh on you chaps, despite your warped world-view and apparent lack of soul! Cheers, Alan, we share your thrilled-ness!
You mean you’ve got the shakes & goosebumps too? It feels good, doesn’t it?
I assume you are talking about St Vitus Dance.
It really doesn’t sound a very pleasant sensation at all.
No, I was thinking more like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphoria 😉
Hm. “Certain drugs, many of which are addictive, can cause euphoria”.
What are you on? Please don’t let it be fentanyl. That really isn’t good for you and I would suggest you get treatment for such a dreadful addiction
I make my own drugs, Alwyn. They’re called endorphins and they are completely legal (as opposed to “pretty legal”).
Every time I read & reply to your comments I over-produce endorphins in a Pavlovian reaction, and I do feel euphoric, because I need to suppress the pain 😉
Please don’t tell me you feel the same …
Been a Green Party Member for 15 years.
Been to a fair few meetings and conferences over the years,
And know the party very well.
I feel strongly electing Marama as co leader is a huge mistake.
I am very very disappointed.
I can’t imagine caucus is stoked either.
Its going to make door knocking really really hard.
Oh well the membership has spoken.
A triumph of heart over head again,
When will they learn?
It is going to be a bumpy ride.
Just go to National then. You’ll be happier there.
Why would a long term GP member go to National? That doesn’t make any sense. And why would you want them to?
another Natz troll here called muttonbird.
I’ve never got the sense that Davidson was a natural leader, although people grow in the job so you never know. Here’s hoping she proves me wrong.
Someone like a Lucy Lawless does seem a much more natural leader though, and has that engaging nature that the front of a party should have. The Greens desperately need someone like that to turn around their fortunes is my feeling.
I certainly look up to her. Leads by example.
I certainly look up to her.
Davidson or Lawless?
Davidson. Lawless’ political activity is admirable too.
Agreed on both.
Lawless is an actress. Most of what you like about her is acting.
She also won the 1989 Mrs New Zealand competition 😉
I couldn’t care less about the Green Parties leadership. But having worked with Lucy and known her on a personal level I can tell you she is a formidable person. None of her passion for the environment is acting I can assure you. She has shown herself more than willing to put her liberty and sometimes safety in jeopardy to stand up for her beliefs, not many can say that.
She is really good to argue with as well as she always listens with an open mind and is quite happy to learn about differing perspectives whilst putting forward well thought out and fact driven arguments of her own.
She doesn’t do ‘celebrity’.
Marama attempted to breach a naval blockade of Gaza. People get shot and killed attempting that.
Celebrity leaders fit with the mainstream neoliberal values, and are not great for developing left wing values so they become more widely accepted.
I’ve seen Davidson talking live in Sth Aucland. She does a really good speech, and seems to have a strong following at the flax roots.
My point was not so much around her celebrity value but personality traits. I see Lawless as a Leader personality like Marama Fox is, while I see Marama Davidson as more a Nurturer personality. I think it’s important to have the right person in the right role especially for leader.
Hope she does well, another mother in power, however will the rwnj’s cope??!?
I’m just hoping it sparks a discussion about economics.
me too. That both Genter and MD are critical of the BRR is a good sign.
“Hope she does well, another mother in power”.
Do you really accept that a woman who is a mother makes a better politician that one who has no kids?
The evidence, at least with New Zealand leaders would suggest you are right of course.
Jenny Shipley, who has two children was certainly a better PM than her successor who had none, wasn’t she?
That isn’t a very large sample though. Perhaps there is more to it than your rather simple minded conclusion. I certainly think so.
Jenny who? What did she do again, can’t think of one thing she did for NZ. Really struggling to find anything online like a legacy or anything.
Seems like just another tory MP, not much to remember, even less of value to society in the long run.
They only say drivel about a leader having children when it suits them.
Not a word about Merkel or May
“They only say drivel about a leader having children when it suits them”.
Yes, you are no doubt correct. The problem adam had, when he highlighted Davidson’s brood, was that the only other thing anyone knows about her was her taking part in the farcical grandma’s crusade to Gaza. She prattled on as they approached the coast about the tall bronzed, muscular (and so devilishly handsome) Israeli soldiers and how she expected that they would be (swoon) incarcerated by them.
Instead she was treated as if she was someone’s silly old granny, taken to a hotel and then had a flight arranged to send her home.
adam had to say something about Marama and the problem was that she had nothing of any moment in her history except that trip and the size of her family. So it suited him to talk about her being a mother.
edit. Some slight exaggeration about her comments added.
Alwyn telling lies about the Greens again, and adam by the looks of things, what a surprise.
You really are the stupidest troll we have here currently.
What are the lies Weka? Are you telling me she didn’t head for Gaza on a woman’s crusade or that she doesn’t have half a dozen children?
Just seen your edit, lol, that’s actually quite funny.
Yeah, well.
That last line was meant to be in the original but I accidentally hit the submit before I typed that final qualification.
I can’t really imagine her swooning.
Your whole comment is smeary trolling shit, trying to undermine both MD and adam /shrug. You adding that bit at the end is funny because we already know that you are trying to besmirch two people so putting some extra spin on it doesn’t really do anything other than confirm that.
Troll attack here, with you Alwyn,
Do you really think that Jenny Shipley was a better PM than her ‘successor’ (meaning helen Clark)?
Well we don’t so you can take your false “presumptions” with you and take a walk.
Beware of a false trash blog here.
“Do you really think that Jenny Shipley was a better PM than her ‘successor’ (meaning helen Clark)?”
Clark was alright for her first five years or so. At the end of her second term and throughout her third term she was much, much worse than Shipley.
You are entitled to your opinion about Clark, but telling me to go away because I say things that differ from your views is not within your power.
If what I say upsets you I suggest you simply stop reading the comments and go back to your dreams of a train to Gisborne.
All you do is throw dirt do you,
So you don’t think that clark in her third term buying our rail back was a worthwhile achievement ?
Of course not you are right wing and want to sell everything off that the opubic owns don’t you; oh silly me.
Spending $665 million on a virtually worthless train set was absolutely crazy It was among the most stupid things any New Zealand Government has done.
Is that clear enough?
On the other hand your last statement “Of course not you are right wing and want to sell everything off that the opubic owns don’t you; oh silly me.” may be much shorter but equally foolish. Only the last three words are accurate.
You betta shine on em baby, you a star. You betta
Be exactly who you are-Forever
Cuz they gon try and change your heart. Don’t let up
Cuz You so damn fine, just the way you are
You betta shine on em baby, you a star. You betta
Be exactly who you are-Forever
Cuz they gon try and change your heart. Don’t let up
Cuz You so damn fine, just the way you are
Make it rain girl, Make it rain
Marama Davidson is the best way for the Green Party to differentiate themselves electorally from Labour at the next election. On the previous elections’ trend close to polling day, that is what they need. She could potentially pull in some otherwise homeless Maori Party and Mana Party voters. Potentially.
I hope that the Green Party becomes electorally stronger as a result of this selection, because it is very hard to see a second term of good government without them.
Yup. Shortly after last year’s election I was at a local board rider’s do and chewing over the fat about the obliteration of the MP, Marama Davidson and the Greens were talked about as alternatives to the MP/M
Agreed Ad.
They have (greens) chosen their path already it seems.
So be it.
“Each branch went through a consensus process to arrive at a decision. Branch delegates then met (online), debated and then voted for the candidate their members had chosen.”
Our branch delegates reported back to our branch meeting after the online debates with a decision then made on the night.
We live in an age when politicians must become activists and activists must become politicians.
Congratulations to Marama Davidson on becoming Co-Leader of the Green Party
The Zionists and the Assadists will have nowhere to hide.
Women’s Boat to Gaza
“From the moment that Syrian government forces first opened fire on peaceful protesters, brutality and civilian suffering have been the tragic hallmarks of this crisis.
Deniers of Syria revolt ‘cannot be seen as left’: Syria socialist
A true leader who speaks up for the oppressed everywhere.
And after the rubbish from HDPA, we now have more ‘impartial’ commentary on the Green Party from another National Party shill:
Why does a senior ministerial adviser for John Key’s National-led government get such a platform?
Thats what they used to “do” when working as an Political Advisor, write talking points for Ministers.
Nothings changed really, but as they dont have a paid job to do this, they offer it free to RNZ.
of course they are still talking with their colleagues who still work for national on these matters.
As they now are free lance, its a form of advertising for them selves as well
Marama, how many houses would New Zealand need to build if every family had 6 children?
Was having 6 children a selfish act?
The New Zealand birth rate has been at replacement level since 1968 so there is no issue with some families being larger.
It’s well below replacement at present.
Speaking of “a new low”, Robert Atack going after Marama’s family.
Better to take the average over time than just one year, unless you have a compelling argument as to why the 2017 number is the new normal 😉
Ok ok, from the graph, the average has been below replacement level since 1994 🙂
Population has been increasing since 1994 too.
The idea that we need a ‘replacement population’ at all is a throwback to a xenophobic/racist past.
You can see it used in Israel , where they complain about the ‘wrong sort of replacement population.’
I didn’t say we “need” the birth rate to be at replacement level, just that the fact that it isn’t makes the size of Marama’s family a moot point.
Huh, the graph you posted yesterday left me with they impression that we have been just above and just below replacement level for a number of decades.
In that Stuff graph, why is replacement level above two?
Because replacement level is 2.1.
Looking at the graph – the time it’s been above replacement since 1994 (2008-2011) has been much less than the time it’s been below. I’m figuring that leaves the average as below.
The “replacement level” on the graph shows what the “fertility rate” needed to maintain a stable population number. The rate shown is 2.1 with the extra 0.1 needed to cover those who die in childhood.
“Speaking of “a new low”, Robert Atack going after Marama’s family.”
Not new for RA unfortunately.
OAB ? WTF I am attacking the breeder not her kids, i’m actually pro kids, as non breeders we are the victims.
Breeder? That’s a pejorative term for straight people used by some in the gay community if I’m not mistaken.
You’re on dangerous ground using it here I would have thought.
Robert, your questions are ridiculous: firstly, there’s no connection between the first and second question; not all New Zealand family consists of 6 kids and secondly, creating/having children is never a selfish act; can’t be done alone, as you probably know, it’s a shared activity.
Sorry Robert – 2 selfish acts, or 6 acts performed by 2 ignorant/in denial people who clearly don’t give a flying … about the environment, or there children’s future.
The reason we are all screwed is because there are over 7.5 billion of us on a rock that can at best support only millions.
The commons are stressed to the max, to produce more than they can support is taking food/etc from everyone else, therefore it is selfish to expect others to go without so you can have way way more children than society can support.
Hence my question how would the housing situation look if everyone followed one of our ‘leaders’ examples and started acting like rodents.
How many kids are living under the poverty line @ 2.1 children per ‘breeders’ ? Multiply that by 6 and what do you get? – Bangladesh.
Oh and MB – I don’t care what the ‘gay’ – homosexual community use a word for, I will stick to the old meaning thanks. And homosexuality is another indicator of population stress and imminent downfall, as pointed out last week in a recent study of mice, sorry don’t have the link, RNZ maybe?
“And homosexuality is another indicator of population stress and imminent downfall,”
Lol, are you serious?
Did you read the posts above about the NZ Fertility Rate?
Initially, the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days. The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly, doubling only every 145 days. The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice, even though the experiment setup allowed for as many as 3840 mice in terms of nesting space. This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against.[2]
After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed “the beautiful ones.” Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
The conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
Death by a 1000 cuts …. 996 to go or will it be at the 2020 election? Which will come first?
Massive congrats to you Marama 🙂 Julie-Anne….. love love love your work. How lucky are we to have both of you in the house. Awesomesauce.
Here here us too.
Plus 1
“If I’m going to be labelled radical, I’m fine with that”
Marama Davidson, April 9, 2018
Well done Marama i think her vote by the party members should see the end of any nonsense about a ” deal ” with the nasty Nats.
Julie Ann Genter i have huge respect for and her decision to enter the race was good for the party and she can be proud of her efforts.
Who cares about the so called media onslaught, the party and its policies are more important than the screaming me me’s of the right wing.