Written By:
- Date published:
8:06 am, October 9th, 2014 - 33 comments
Categories: journalism, law -
Tags: nicky hager, stifling dissent
The legal defense fund for Nicky Hager is approaching $20,000 $25,000 $35,000 $40,000. Why not help it over the line?
How come Nicky needs a ‘defense’ fund when he hasn’t been charged with any crime? Surely this is a ‘legal expenses’ fund. They aren’t necessarily the same thing.
because it’s all about the semantics đ
And its not like the reasons have been clear and discussed every day since the story broke…
Just fuck off music. Why do so many who say they dont care, care so much…
Because his home was broken into and some of his property seized by the police. What is being defended is his personal privacy and the more general right of journalists to work free from police and political harassment.
yes, I see this as a defense fund for all our rights, not just his
Great to see so many names associated with The Standard having contributed to Hager’s cause.
Mr Hager is a lucky guy and must be loving it. Thousands of dollars coming his way.
New Zealanders are lucky to have an investigative journalist of the calibre of Nicky Hager
…….it is a pity more New Zealand journalists don’t have the same guts to dig for the truth…. and tell the truth …..in order to defend New Zealanders from corruption and defend democracy
…it is a pity the msm do not encourage New Zealand journalists to do this
( maybe there needs to be an academic inquiry into the state of New Zealand journalism and the msm)
maybe change your name to “VerybiasedObserver”?
Of course he’s loving it, the fact that despite the attacks on his character by the government, the people of New Zealand are standing behind him.
Not only in word but in hard currency.
I’d say that’s a reason to celebrate, don’t you?
Yeah, I’m not so grumpy today..
Over $35,000. This might be causing a few queasy stomachs among the police and in the Prime Minister’s office. They may not have anticipated a real fight through the courts. All sorts of things might come to light there. Oh, dear.
Ye can take oor elections … but ye cannae take oor LITIGATION!
GiveaLittle owners make a statement in response to complaints about the fundraiser.
Some more comment on NBR (and weird RWNJ comments with the same boring shit from weeks ago about receiving stolen goods. Can they not read?)
I can’t quite figure out on what basis the complaints might have been made, except that the Givea Little people point out that there is nothing illegal about fundraising for legal costs, so does that mean people though the fundraiser was illegal??!?
Amazing. Utterly amazing. Nothing is safe from online attack …
yes, I read that, time to give a little more ….
and that NBR comments thread is littered with yet more idiots banging the stolen goods drum
how many weeks will they keep saying the same thing, fail to advance the argument beyond that basic premise, while ignoring that according to the law theyre wrong to start with?
And this lot think theyre the beacons of experience, knowledge and all things NZ?
jesus wept
The comments are pathetic. Whalespew’s mates are not exactly overly blessed with grey matter.
âŠâŠ”.it is a pity more New Zealand journalists donât have the same guts to dig for the truthâŠ. and tell the truth âŠ..in order to defend New Zealanders from corruption and defend democracy”
Its about how one goes about getting the truth thats concerning !!
It’s more concerning about how and why the truth is being deliberately kept secret than how the truth was revealed by hacking.
Its about how we’re all getting fed lies that’s concerning
for once cameron slater has nothing to say. Well done Fisher from the Herald
I like this quote in Tracey’s link to the herald. The police answer to a request for an explanation of the procedural position of the police action after two years, on behalf of Mr Blomfield and the breaking of his privacy protections and the obtaining of his, up to 30,000, emails.
A spokeswoman for Waitemata police said Mr Blomfield’s case was being reviewed by a detective senior sergeant who was currently on holiday. She didn’t know how long the review had been going on, or when it was likely to be complete.
Have these people no shame??
They don’t even seem to know how long the holiday had been going on for or when it was likely to end . Is the guy still on the payroll?? If the letter went on the 28th of august looks like he may have been gone a month + if he didn’t bother to reply.
Now $40,456. Keep it up. The legal profession is costly, and then there are the expenses.
And the civil cases against the individual Police who issued and followed the orders, and whoever signed the warrant.
Yes must be terrible having you’re private emails in someone else’s hands eh tricky nicky? Why are you morons giving money to support a very wealthy fiction writer.? He didn’t investigate anything he took stolen emails from a thief and published them.
Tricky Nicky? Tricky is how you find the English language, moran. Are these the new orders from Whalespew, to describe Nicky Hager as very wealthy? Why would a fiction writer publish non-fictional emails? Moran.
I gave him money because I support what he is doing 100%. Not just him: I support what Rawshark did 100%. Hacking Cameron Slater’s death-threats factory was a great service to New Zealand, if only for exposing the monumental hatred that explains everything right wingers say and do.
how on earth can we have a weeks of comments on this topic only to have drop kicks like you pop up with the same damn idiotic fucking crap again!
the law doesnt see NH as having commited a crime – get that through your thick skull and stop wasting peoples time with this repetitive bullshit
The RW have set up automatic email generators? That would be the efficient way of doing things. However I shouldn’t encourage such tricky maneouvres by giving them ideas.
Yes, keep donating. Keep making Mr Hager happy.
…and get the added bonus of watching you froth and whine in impotence and rage đ
Pissed off as a newt!
No thanks, Ill keep it for a worthy cause.