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12:05 pm, August 7th, 2016 - 11 comments
Categories: uncategorized -
Tags: history, open-source, tim berners lee, web
Posted on Slashdot today:
An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: Twenty-five years ago, the first public website went live. It was a helpful guide to this new thing called the World Wide Web. The minimalist design featured black text with blue links on a white background. It’s still online today if you’d like to click around and check out the frequently asked questions or geek out over the technical protocols.
Its original URL was info.cern.ch, where CERN is now also offering a line-mode browser simulator and more information about the birth of the web. CNN is also hosting screenshots of nine web “pioneers”, including the Darwin Awards site, the original Yahoo, and the San Francisco FogCam, which claims to be the oldest webcam still in operation.What are some of the first web sites that you remember reading? (Any greybeards remember when the Internet Movie Database was just a Usenet newsgroup where readers collaborated on a giant home-made list of movie credits?)
I first started “browsing” (we didn’t “surf” back then) circa 1993 with an early version of Mosaic for Unix. I remember that first web page, and how at the time CERN was still maintaining an index of web pages, and highlighted new pages as they appeared. Thanks to the visionary Tim Berners Lee and team, the web is a triumph of the free / open / cooperative philosophy.
Despite being an early adopter I completely failed to spot the potential of the web. (Same with the first time I saw a WIMP computer, one of the first Macs in early 1985, I’m a terrible technology pundit!) What an amazing 25 years it has been. Just hope it doesn’t all go bad in the next 25.
I first started using the web in 1995 when I got my first IBM PC Compatible running Windows 95. Prior to then I had an Amiga and used that for browsing BBSs.
I first started with email then discovered newsgroups. The www was pretty lame back then but the amount of content grew exponentially. Some of the sites I used to read (when i was a student in the bowels of the auckland uni science dept)
worst of the web : http://www.worstoftheweb.com/classic/november1996.html
wwwf grudge match : http://www.grudge-match.com/current.html
alt.religion.kibology : http://www.lunabase.org/~faber/Kibology/top_ten.html
kuro5hin.org (defunct but bits of the old community are here) : https://www.reddit.com/r/kuro5hit/
I used to use usenet and gopher. The web was a hell of a lot easier, but really didn’t get a lot of content until early 95 after netscape got released. By then I was addicted to finding programming information from the web rather than the tedium of manuals, books, and poring over usenet feeds and finding gopher locations.
🙂 remember this…
Huh – Yes I do. I stuck with Mosaic for a long time, but Netscape gradually won me over. And I’m mostly Firefox these days.
I used to play chess on something called …….fuck what was it ….forgotten .. anyway there were lots of different games and you could go into a private “room”I met many and various personalities including and this person i will never forget whose nic was Tie Me Up TIGHT .I fell in love with this person i loved her game she played like no one id ever played before and her style was as her name suggested she would simply stimie you over and over again not for her the horrid accumulation of “points “she saccrificed she blocked she parried in short she extended and teased … Until i understood the power of the bnd kick.. God i wanted her and we talked about her maybe cming to nz the weird thing was when i happened to mention that in the actual world i had received a visit from an old girlfriend it was all ova rova and in the virtual world she avoided me like the plauge If i live to be a hundred i doubt iil ever meet a better player.alas
Makings of a good novel there I reckon.
I was working on a university computer help desk back then. Interesting times as more and more students and lecturers discovered (aka experimented with the limits of) newsgroups, ftp and then Netscape on computers and networks that were so not designed for that. Staff were also learning on the job.
I so enjoyed making up explanations on the spot and info sheets post-problems.
BOFH fan?
Hah. That’s stuff is like therapy!
I, of course, was as nice as pie …
I never doubted you. (No >clickety click< for me!)
Mediawatch on the impact of the Net on news.
Guardian Editor Katharine Viner