Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
5:21 pm, February 27th, 2009 - 60 comments
Categories: john key, national/act government -
Tags: jobs summit, key, national, sexism
Sure I saw David Blain in there.
Yeah I saw him too – cunningly disguised in a charcoal suit but he’s not fooling me.
I think John Key took the wrong message from his time at the Big Gay Out. The idea of that event was inclusiveness not that you should spend all your time surrounded by men.
Is that Swiss Tony in the grey suit?
Must be a Promise Keepers rally.
i know there’s this sort of “emperors clothing” attitude that lurks on gender issues
(that we’ve been there, done that and it’s all fine now thank you) but seeing this video really does bring home the fact that in terms of private industry the gender gap is alive and well. perhaps questions over how to engage the female portion of the workforce could be one of the aims for the future….
I hope that nice My Key remembered to take his autograph book.
It beats looking at the deadbeats we see at the UN, when will we have a white male as head of the UN again, useless PC org always has a corrupt wog/black these days.
BTW, these people are probably wealth creators, your enemy.
I am proud to be a white middle class male, do you at all? Or is the PC in you making you feel guilty.
I have been in USA for 2 work weeks now, not one customer/potential customer voted for Obama and he is now showing he is a right numpty, approval rating has fallen in 4 weeks from 70% to 60%. Taxing the rich and shielding the poor in houses they can’t afford. USA is heading for a basket case, we will follow 6-12 months later I am afraid.
I’m sorry, did you just say the U.N. is always run by “a corrupt wog/black these days.”?
Can’t say I’ll be missing you.
I get the feeling that peeps at and around the standard are a wee bit pissed off the jobs summit wasn’t the fuck up they might have hoped it to be.
perhaps it indicates which gender does all the work in the country
jobs summit wasn’t the fuck up they might have hoped it to be.
Looks more like a limp one than anything else. Still must look on the sunny side; at least some of those white wealthy males will probably doing their effective, practical, mucking-in, sleeves rolled-up, best to boost employment prospects for Auckland’s working girls tonight.
Very funny.
I am also a white male and I think that we have stuffed things up enough. We need to hand the power over and let the rest of the population have a go.
They cannot do worse than us. Just look at Wall Street and wonder if we should not trust dark skinned female lesbians with the world’s economic system. They cannot do any worse than us …
30 Anti-Capitalists cut through horrendous rush hour traffic to slap up a boisterous and humourous picket of John Key’s Job summit today. There were some angry exchanges between the protestors and Rodney Hide, some of NZ’s 200 top CEOs and leading bankers, whilst John Key was spirited away without running the red flagged gauntlet.
The crisis has seen the emergence of a new movement in countries such as Ireland, Iceland and France. New Zealand is not immune from the effects of a Global crisis, and as 70,000 jobs are lost this year, Socialist Aotearoa and other anti-capitalists will be urging confrontation, not co-operation with this 200 strong tiny elite that run this society in the interest of profits, not people.
One of the glaring realities this summit exposed was that his country lacks a combative opposition at the moment- one of the reasons why John Key scores high in media popularity polls. Unfortunately, there are those in the Trade Union bureacucracy and on the Cappuchino Left would rather sneer at those willing to stand up for radical alternative outside the front door of this Capitalist summit than organise a fightback. A boycott of this conference by Union leaders would have sent a clearer signal than what amounted to nothing more than their pacification and incorporation by a hegemonically astute Key. Whilst the now invisible Labour Party leadership licks it wounds and talks of capacity building, workers in Fisher and Paykel, TVNZ and Irwin Industrial Tools face redundancy.
And the redundancies will snowball as the international crisis deepens. Mass unemployment and the drying up of the easy credit safety valve for the working poor who suffer low pay will have a massive polarising effect on class society.
We’ll oppose the cutbacks of Public Services. We’ll be supporting the workers when they strike. We’ll leaflet the factories facing redundancy with information about successful factory occupations in Chicago and Waterford. We’ll be on the Rat Patrol hunting down Rat bosses who use the 90 Day Fire at Will Law against workers.
Now is the time to prepare and build our networks of struggle.
Yep you do that socialist Aotearoa, screw the fact that the majority of voters chose the government. However you know best, the “general will” of the popular masses will prevail as they are not represented by such bourgeoisie concepts as “parliamentary parties”. Say hi to Kim Jong Il and Castro while you’re at it.
“I am proud to be a white middle class male”
chest bump 🙂 wooooooo bundy
Liberty Scott- we oppose the State Capitalist dictatorships of Cuba, China, Vietnam and North Korea, unlike most capitalists like you who want to do business with these police states.
and yes, we’ll see how many people support your government next year, when we’re neck deep in unemployment and poverty. we won’t be hanging around waiting for an election before we fight you and your class.
“we won’t be hanging around waiting for an election before we fight you and your class.”
What all thirty of you and your mates
Feck – and I though Rave was a bit loopy.
My word, I didn’t fully understand how much New Zealand had sold its soul to the lefty creeps. We deserve what’s coming. The red army is only 600 million men.Raindrops keep falling on my head man.
IrishBill: Dad, you’ve been banned.
He just makes it so easy doesn’t he! Hi Dad!
Ohhh, big bad white men, run for the hills, run for the hills, we are all going to die!!!
What the hell are you talking about, Brett?
The video is clearly making the point that there are mostly white men at the conference and that that does not represent our society very accurately, yet they are making important decisions which will affect ALL of our society, not just the white men parts of it.
In the terms I would use for a slow-witted child:
It doesn’t mean white men are all BAD people, it means people who aren’t white men are ALSO not all bad people – so why is the conference almost entirely made up of white men? Why are there almost NO OTHER PEOPLE THERE?
Of course, Brett, if you think that white men are somehow better at making decisions than everyone else, just say so.
Well done SA and supporters, sleep well and sound, knowing that history will reward your courage.
We folded disgracefully as a proud progressive nation 20 years ago: utterly seduced by the insane Thatcher/Reagan/Douglas “give to the rich to help the poor” lunacy that meets its inevitable, catastrophic nemesis as we speak, our gullible generation is doomed to hang its drug-addled and timorous head as quislings to the failed neoconservative Dark Age.
Helen tried valiantly to tread the conciliatory, reconstructive path – and was crucified too by the boorish barbarians.
Again the mob chose a money trader kid (with a new bike – and the very best his mates can suggest is a track to ride it on!)
But who gives a rat’s about Keyville: where it matters, the fabulous land of the free is both potential driver and tinderbox: just as Nice ole Goober ticks the 100-day populist-points and pleads desperately for ideas, our real leaders slam the historical rapists with increased top- and capital gain- taxes and succour for the poor on an opening gambit.
Take strength from this SA – this socialism from the good ole US is only the beginning : the only thing missing from those pale, worried, white, male faces at our “jobs summit” is their own clammy, despairing and blood-stained hands in a gesture of despair and impotence (and possibly guilt: but I suspect that the total absence of the latter is the usual pre-requisite to such gatherings of the pufferati)
Onya SA: don’t be fooled again. Joe Public/Kiwi/plumber/world citizen is now literate, informed and angry.
Bodies on the street. Paper in our boxes, leaflets in our inboxes.
Hammer these pretentious, selfish arseholes who gorge on millions while babies die for want of cents….
who push relentlessly the continuous transfer of wealth from poor to rich….
UNITE. (eg with SA, Laila and Matt)
But above all: FIGHT!!!! – and embrace the world.
Get fucken angry…
and know that you’re firmly in the right….
affirm your right to exist and think…
Throw these stinking Money Changers out….
Or forever regret and mop up.
Socialist Aotearoa:
30 Protesters?
The socialist/communist movement in New Zealand is bigger than i thought.
Oh well at least you are getting more people to your protests than Steve and Minto are.
If the conference had a large percentage of woman or Maori, you wouldn’t complain.
So why complain about whitey getting invited in large numbers.
Brett you retard, did you even read what I wrote? I tried to make it really simple for you to grasp too.
“If the conference had a large percentage of woman or Maori, you wouldn’t complain.”
I was discussing the actual conference, the one where almost everyone is white, male and rich, but sure – I’m happy to discuss an imaginary one if you prefer.
In which case my question to you is: do you think a conference made up almost entirely of unemployed Maori women would make decisions in the interest of the whole of society? Would you be happy with the govt only inviting unemployed Maori women?
How about a straight answer for once in your life Brett?
Socialist Aotearoa:
Out of interest, which Socialist countries do you support?
The result of the John Key Summit appears to be from the Herald:
“A nine-day working fortnight,
an investment fund worth hundreds of millions of dollars and – the surprise item – a cycleway the length of New Zealand”
The cost involved in running this conference must be huge. More than $250,000? Was it a good cost-effective use of taxpayers money to get so little?
The summit cost $65k. That’s still a lot considering it was one day and had no big end of day dinner.
Coincidentally that’s the same as the cost for a two day housing new zealand conference which included accommodation, travel and food but was beaten up into a massive whine about Labour’s out of control spending.
It’s also more than double what Key said it would cost “at the most” just a few weeks ago.
As he says, it’s just venue hire, a simple lunch of sandwiches and a bit of a sound system.
So I wonder how he managed to blow out the cost by over 100%? Did he need the crusts cut off or something?
Not that I really care how much it cost (it’s bugger all anyway), I’m more concerned that the PM is happy to go on the radio and on the record and tell whopping great lies about it.
ak love your work. good comment.
Good on you Socialist Aotearoa also.
Felix, we’ve been making similar attempts to explain to Brett over at The Hand Mirror, but he seems to have given up and come here to plague you instead.
Yes, he’s a testing wee soul, isn’t he?
Since wimmen were given the vote they’ve more or less disgraced themselves by voting left in way disproportionate numbers. Apparently only a very few of them have the brains to appreciate anything about politics other than the infantile knee jerk feel good ego stroking rhetoric of the left.
Take the vote away from wimmen and the left would never ever be in government again. So who damn well cares if they’re only at the talk fest in small numbers? Be thankful for small mercies is what I say.
Thanks for once again posting a post with personal insults.
I believe we are all people, and I don’t see gender or colour in anyone.
I couldn’t care less if there was a conference full of people of one sex or race, as long as they were the best minds avaiable.
Simple enough answer for you?
Don’t be so precious Brett.
Are “the best minds available” mostly white rich men?
(Most people can answer this with a yes or a no).
Please explain to me , where I have gone wrong at the hand mirror?
You are a man.
Once again felix, I dont judge people by their gender or colour, I just want the best minds to be invited.
Come on lad, answer the question, you know you can do it.
And once again, Brett, is that what happened?
You see, either the best minds are all white men
they haven’t actually invited people on the basis of being the best minds.
Those are the two possible scenarios that your answers so far have left you with.
So which is it, Brett?
Didn’t they invite people with the hope that they would have the most impact on current and future employment ?
As the great Michael Moore says, “I dont talk in soundbites”
That was irony, Brett. Very good.
Now prove that you don’t talk in soundbites and answer the question, in as many words as it takes.
You still have to actually answer it though. Breaking free of the limitations of the soundbite means you can use plenty of words to explain your answer, but it doesn’t mean you can just ignore the question which is what you’ve been doing so far.
If you don’t understand the question, just say so and I’ll keep rephrasing it until you get it. I want to be very clear about this.
I need to know some facts and hard data, like what degrees the people at the conference had?, what they had achieved in business? What companies they were from if any?
These are questions that have to be asked, if you can show another me a list of people with degrees who have achieved a lot in business that weren’t at the conference, I would like to know so I can compare them.
No fun sleeping with you mate, you’re such a little wriggler.
Ok I see you still don’t understand the question.
You don’t actually need to analyse any one group of rich white men to be able to determine that rich white men in general don’t have better minds than everyone else.
So here’s the question again. I’ll do it in three parts so you don’t get confused:
1. Is society mostly made up of rich white men?
2. Were the conference attendees mostly rich white men?
3. Are “the best minds” in society likely to be spread across ethnicities and genders?
Hint: the correct answers are No, Yes, and Yes.
I’m still not sure if he’ll get it Felix.
Stop being so mean.
Well I have to do something with my Saturday nights. Party on.
Well done Felix, now can you please tell me the degrees of the people who attended and what they have achieved.
Also tell me, who should of gotton invited, and their degrees and what they have achieved.
Your questions are so simplistic and borders on being racist.
You’re welcome to address the questions anytime you like.
Until you do, I’ll just have to assume that your unwillingness to do so indicates a desire to keep your answers secret.
Bit sad, mate.
Felix: Ive totally fortgotten what the question was.
Well it’s a good thing that you know how to read then, isn’t it?
Oh yeah, like that comment won’t go over his head too?
SA, any regimes you do support? I never wanted to do business with Police states, but i don’t ever see you burning flags of Police states or protesting against them.
My government? I didn’t vote for it. However, I do respect the democratic process. You prefer mob rule, so I’ll use whatever means necessary to defend myself, my property and my loved ones if you want to be brutal thugs. Shows you up for what you really are. Always fun to notice the blood curdling words of the socialists who will kill if given half the chance, will put everyone in a category to determine who lives and dies, and then say they are anti-fascist.
However, yet to see the leftwing answer to the recession, beyond borrow from your children and spend it on consumption.
I think the question was something racial on the lines of you don’t think the best business minds are all white guys.
I dont see race, thats my answer.
Do you think the organisers ‘see race’, Brett, since there were only white people there, or do you think that all the best minds New Zealand has to offer reside in the skulls of white men?
Seeing as you can’t ‘see race’, let me assure you that there was an over-representation of white men, in proportion to New Zealand population.
The question is therefore also asking whether you think that women, or other races, are mentally inferior to white men. Since you are avoiding answering, you clearly think that woment and people wo aren’t ‘white’ are mentally inferior – despite saying that you can’t ‘see race’.