It’s turtles all the way down

Written By: - Date published: 6:14 am, April 19th, 2012 - 8 comments
Categories: disaster, public services - Tags: ,

Anyone else see the irony in the ‘bureaucracy-slashing National Government‘TM reacting to delays in the Christchurch rebuilding – partly caused by lack of coordination between the local bureaucracy, the existing central government bureaucracy, and the bureaucracy National created especially to deal with the rebuild – by adding another layer of back-room bureaucracy?

8 comments on “It’s turtles all the way down ”

  1. tc 1

    Incompetance being addressed by another layer of mates, cronies and Nat party lackeys to have meetings and waste more time and money with the existing ones.

    This earthquake is the gift that keeps on giving if you’re on the Nat gravy train, every time I see Shipley she can hardly contain the smirk.

  2. ad 2

    Hopefully the citizens of Christchurch who poured all their ideas and projected a new built future in their thousands into the rebuild plan that Christchurch Council carried out so well, will turn against Brownlee as he shelves the entire regulatory and transport sections of it.

    Having gone throught he Auckland Plan here and its 5000 + submissions, failing to deliver on a plan with public assent has the capacity to set your political hair on fire. The public can now redirect any hint of failure away from the Council, to Brownlee.

  3. vto 3

    I have had various at times heavy involvement around Chch CBD for some years and have glanced through all the waffle that has spilled out since yesterday afternoon and I can’t work anything out about it.

    It is claimed that they need to create a blueprint. But I understood that the draft plan was the blue print. Now it seems we need another blueprint. It all seems like doubling up to me and nobody prepared to come down with a decision and say “yes, this is the plan and these are the rules to achieve it” (and it is Brownlee who is the decision-maker).

    They have had enough bloody time to do this. Poor decision making is what I think it is. Just bloody kicking for touch. Bloody useless.

    Though I note that business likes it, as well as all previous high-rise property owners as they gleefully eye an easing of height restrictions and a restoration of their land values. Not that anybody works above about level 2 much in Chch anymore which means those land values will not return….

  4. spratwax 4

    Surely the people of Christchurch should have seen it coming before last November? Mon dieu je regrette……..

    • vto 4.1

      Last November was driven by two factors imo – an empty eastside population, a left stronghold, and a desire for stability above all else (i.e. no change of govt).

  5. Get Lianne in as Mayor asap
    She will be in vry strong position to take Brownlee on in this, and other local matters.