John Key’s Porirua market adventure

Written By: - Date published: 11:08 pm, September 24th, 2007 - 9 comments
Categories: john key - Tags:

Presumably the Nats are packing themselves about the proposed extension of the campaign spending period and are trying to jam their costs into this year. Evidently, someone at National Party HQ (David Farrar?) thought it might be a good idea to send John Key to visit Porirua market recently with a TV production crew.

Perhaps in anticipation of a possible characterisation of Key as a wealthy, out of touch, caviar-gobbling money-trader they appear to have taken it upon themselves to collect footage of him out amongst “ordinary” New Zealanders. Problem is that it doesn’t seem to have gone quite as smoothly as they might have hoped… he does look lonely – and check out that vege-sniff, do you think that’s a sound effect or the real deal?

Hat tip: HMP

9 comments on “John Key’s Porirua market adventure ”

  1. Sam Dixon 1

    hilarious, and worrying. The way he reacts when he finds a woman who will actually talk to him: his eyes glaze over as she talk about housing problems in her community, he gives a bored look to the camera, and wanders off in search of a more scripted encounter.

    He shows up with an expensive camera crew to film himself as a man of the people and then can’t be bothered listening to someone who wants to talk real issues with him. Is this the conversation he’s inviting us to join?

  2. Z K Muggletonspofin 2

    Here is a man who is already clearly in the grip of the ‘backroom boys’. The Hollow Men exposed National’s obsession with ‘packaging and framing’ messages so that a broad electorate will believe that they support the interests of the majority of people. Voters are not so stupid because none of this ‘man-of-the-people’ stuff rings true when one considers their true agenda.

    Standing around a Porirua market sniffing veggies for the camera is nuts and would anyone imagine that that is where John Key would want to be on a Saturday morning, other than the fact that a video and brochure of the event can be turned into something outrageously phony.

    The test for National is not far away when questions will need to be answered about privatisation, state housing, quality state funded education, etc, etc. Watch them head for the divisive and distracting issues of law and order and immigration!

  3. Sam Dixon 3

    I agree, although they can’t really go for immigration because business wants more net immigration, leaving the old stalwarts crime and tax, expect a lot of emotion and no substance on the first and ‘starve the beast’ disguised as ‘rewarding the battlers’ on the latter.

  4. Tst, tst, tst…John Keys, what ashame! He talked of growing up in hardship and living in a housing corp home etc and he didn’t give Taima Fagaloa (Poririua Council Candidate) the time of day when she was addressing housing issues. He picked the wrong market – he should have gone to Coastlands, Kapiti is more his range of voters – pensioners and caucasion.

  5. all_your_base 5

    Sounds a bit like the woman he ended up accosting Constantia R…

  6. Jennifer 6

    “He picked the wrong market – he should have gone to Coastlands, Kapiti is more his range of voters – pensioners and caucasion”….

    Hey! No need to insult Kapiti! Some of us arent pensioners OR even caucasian you know. Still it would be fun to see The Key gamely trying on a $20 pair of gumboots at the warehouse with a full camera crew. they also have plants he can sniff.

  7. all_your_base 7

    Jennifer, I think he only sniffs veges. Houseplants he licks.

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