Marxism, whoo!

Written By: - Date published: 2:03 pm, June 11th, 2009 - 11 comments
Categories: activism - Tags:


All going according to plan, I’ll be there. Hungover in the back row.

11 comments on “Marxism, whoo! ”

  1. Mr Magoo 1

    They are playing Duck Soup??

  2. Rich 2

    Minutes of endless fun.

    I notice the SWP gets to double-up by appearing as RAM and under their own name.

    Also Labour? And the Maori Party? Why don’t they invite the Nats as well – after all plenty of ACToids think the budget was practically Communism?

    I’m hoping they’ll set up a wrestling ring and post YouTubes. I won’t be in the country, sadly.

  3. StephenR 3

    WHOO! 😀

  4. Im Bored 4

    Zzzzzzzzzhhhh grunt WOT blimey that woke me up.

    Marxists aye, thought they were an endangerd species….only found in the Peoples Republic of the Aro Valley…and asking really good questions like “Will Labour return to social democracy?”

    Should’nt Labour have asked that very question of themselves?????…..there I go being very boring again, zzzzzzzz snore…

  5. Christopher Nimmo 5

    So the entire membership of Socialist Worker is debating?

  6. IrishBill 6

    I think it’s good to see some broad left debate. I would have liked to have seen a union presence though.

  7. Rex Widerstrom 7

    Bloody capitalist running dogs at Telecom… if they hadn’t ripped out all the phone boxes the socialists wouldn’t have needed to pay for hall hire…

  8. VT aka daVince 8

    Wot’s this — no Japanese speakers!

  9. Ag 9

    They’ll need to do more than talk. As long as the top 20% do not fear the rest of us, they won’t modify their behaviour.

    Captcha: League relived (haha!)

  10. The Baron 10

    Holy crap it is 7 HOURS long. Not into brevity eh…

    Eddie, you’ll need more than a hangover to get through that – you’ll need new booze.