Written By:
- Date published:
12:57 pm, May 31st, 2012 - 1 comment
Categories: democratic participation, MMP -
Today is the last day for submissions to the MMP Review.
If you haven’t done so yet, make sure your have your say – it only takes 5 minutes for the short submission.
If you’re looking for ideas, I posted about my submission, and called for others ideas. I’d emphasise a much lower percentage threshold and getting rid of the (Epsom) electorate threshold. Zetetic’s ideas weren’t so different.
Over at Public Address Graeme Edgeler posted his submission, with well reasoned arguments for dropping the threshold, and thoughts on everything else.
So go on – have your say: it must be today.
Nothing will change – there are too many people with their hands remaining in their pockets, protecting their own personal interests.