National releases 3 more lines of policy – Scoop

Written By: - Date published: 6:24 am, July 2nd, 2008 - 17 comments
Categories: national, slippery - Tags:

A classic headline that says it all.

Here’s the three lines: ‘Give schools additional resources over time to ensure more students can take part in extra-curricula organised sport. Ensure more of the government’s sport spending gets through to the front line.’

Stop it, John. It’s great knowing exactly what you would do, how much it would cost, and how you would fund it but all this policy wonkery and detailed planning for government is boring! Show us your smile, instead!

More seriously, it turns out Key’s accusations of ‘waste’ in SPARC are dead wrong. From Radio NZ yesterday:

Key: ‘Obviously some administration is necessary but in our view that’s just too much, nearly a third of their budget’
Peter MisKimmin (CEo, SPARC): ‘At the moment our internal costs are actually 12% of our costs.’

Hmm, a hollow hit and run attack: accusation of ‘waste’ with no actual solution offered but a promise to ‘fix things’. Classic Crosby/Textor from Brand Key.

17 comments on “National releases 3 more lines of policy – Scoop ”

  1. expat 1

    Desperate times call for an appalling attack strategy from Labour.

    National use a PR company – Labour use a PR company.

    Labour use a PR company to spread propoganda, or would if they had any cash, shame its all tied up in depreciating property.

  2. expat 2

    Are you still having problems with your website chaps?

  3. infused 4

    Keep beating the Crosby/Textor drum…

    Is anyone listening?

  4. T-rex 5

    Yup, I am.

    Insightful post there, expat. Whatever the hell the message was you were trying to convey…

    The typical “more resources” with the implicit cost delightfully offset with some bullshit about the “front line” suggesting that spending is presently all tied up elsewhere. Which, as evidenced in this post, it’s not.

    Good work National, you bunch of clown shoes.

  5. Dilip 6

    Is there nothing else going on in New Zealand so you write the last eleven of fourteen messages about crosby textor? Is there nothing nice to write about the labour party that this is all you obsess about?

  6. rjs131 7

    Yes where are the glowing posts citing the outstanding work of Lynne Pillay, Sue Maroney and Dave Hoeroa. Where is teh analysis of why Rick Barker and Russel Fairbrother will win back the Hawkes Bay seats in massive landslides.

    Do you reallly think people are more concerned about who Nationals spin doctors are as opposed to teh slowing economy, job lossess and price rises…

  7. Dilip. You must really want to hear something good about Labour. You know, you could always start your own blog and write stuff about Labour there. But tell you what – we’ll have a post today on the work rights improvements that have come in, and, if someone recorded the footage a bit on Russel Norman criticising the Government from the Left on public transport.

  8. T-rex 9

    Dilip – There is a problem with writing something good about Labour. It’s very easy to find evidence of good Labour has done, and good Labour policy for the future, but at present National will just say “We’ll offer that too, but with less waste and no Helen Clark and Lower Taxes and waffle waffle waffle”.

    Quite frankly, I’m in favour of ripping their public address platform to shreds. If we can get it into peoples heads that JK is just telling them what an entire company full of psychologists, hell-bent on deceiving them, has decided they want to hear then it might encourage a little more critical review. Which is what’s sorely missing if the polls are any indication.

    Although once again – was it 70% who are witholding their judgement? Maybe I should give them a little more credit…

  9. Matthew Pilott 10

    Do you reallly think people are more concerned about who Nationals spin doctors are as opposed to teh slowing economy, job lossess and price rises

    rjs131, Given it’s National’s spin doctors that are stopping this country from having a meaningful debate about these very issues, and resorting to hit and run attacks without prompting the need for solutions, I don’t see what you’re whinging about.

    It’s pretty funny, I can guarantee that if you wrote the post three weeks ago you’d be talking about security of energy supply, and you’d be talking about the budget giving you a block of cheese if you wrote the post three weeks before that. Three weeks before that, you’d be talking about migration.

    It’s funny because when you bring up these ‘serious issues’ you only bring up the ones they want you to. Next week your big issues will be exactly what you’re told they are.

    So, rjs131, help us out – what will National do to bring down internatinal prices and single-handedly inflate the economy in a global down-turn? What do you even mean by job losses, man, you’re a hit and run all by yourself (that could mean any one of quite a few issues)! Did you make that one up? It’s a bit off-message, stick to their script will you.

    Would you like to have a go at telling us why Key is so inept he can’t get a handle on SPARC’s funding, and would you like to tell us how Key will get kids on the sports field? Do you think it’s as easy as dumping money on a few clubs, or do you think a strategy for spending this money would be useful? Why is Key suddenly against accountability in sports funding?

    C’mon, you hate this C/T stuff right? Quit following their own tactics then, and nut some of this stuff out for us.

  10. Draco TB 11


    Do you reallly think people are more concerned about who Nationals spin doctors are as opposed to teh slowing economy, job lossess and price rises

    Deputy leader Bill English tried to turn the focus on to Labour.

    “Labour is obsessed with who gives advice to National. The public I would have to say is much more concerned with an economy that’s turning down interest rates that are still too high and law and order that’s out of control,” he said on National Radio.

    Hook, line and sinker…

    Labour certainly isn’t obsessed by Nationals’ employment of C/T but they will spin it to their advantage. People probably are more concerned with the slowing economy but the difference is that Labour has done something about it and National are all hot air.

  11. ants 12

    “People probably are more concerned with the slowing economy but the difference is that Labour has done something about it and National are all hot air.”

    The difference is that Labour’s failed social policies are to blame for most of the issues we have at the moment. Rampant inflation, productivity issues, crime escalating, hospital waiting lists etc etc.

    Keeps those blinders on chaps, and lets pretend everythings going sweet – we have low unemployment, and billions of dollars a year extra is being spent on health and education! Minimum wage has risen 6 times since Labour went in! Greedy homeowners are to blame for inflation!

    You guys all say that you are voting for the common good and for a “purpose”. The problem with this is that the party you’re voting for does not believe that and is not at all interested in that.

  12. ants 13

    “So, rjs131, help us out – what will National do to bring down internatinal prices and single-handedly inflate the economy in a global down-turn?”

    A good start is to stop the rampant government spending on rubbish. See the overpaid muppet/representative of the MoE on Close Up last night for the first 200k.

    43% of GDP spent on what? Hospital waiting lists? Raw sewerage to put in schools playgrounds? Transmission gully? Interest rates?

    Your “la la la la – I can’t hear you” approach to the chronic problems this government has bought upon this country is nothing more than parrotting exactly what the Labour ministers do. Tell me, does it feel good when you bash Mr Strawman down?

    I’ve got some great names that are far more appropriate for this site:

  13. r0b 14

    The difference is that Labour’s failed social policies are to blame for most of the issues we have at the moment. Rampant inflation, productivity issues, crime escalating, hospital waiting lists etc etc.

    Ants – that doesn’t even make sense internally. Social policies are responsible for inflation? “Rampant inflation” – are you like 19 years old or something? Do you even remember what rampant inflation was like in this country?

    lets pretend everythings going sweet – we have low unemployment, and billions of dollars a year extra is being spent on health and education! Minimum wage has risen 6 times since Labour went in!

    Lots of things are going sweet. Some things aren’t. There’s a shocking surprise eh!

    the party you’re voting for does not believe that and is not at all interested in that

    Kindly don’t speak on the beliefs of parties you clearly know nothing about.

  14. Matthew Pilott 15

    A good start is to stop the rampant government spending on rubbish. See the overpaid muppet/representative of the MoE on Close Up last night for the first 200k.

    Just quietly, those actions, even if there was some value in them, would do nothing for international commodity prices or to affect a global downturn.

    If you come back, ants, feel free to have a shot at explaining what ‘failed social policies’ Labour has implemented, how they have ‘failed’ specifically, and what you think voting for a change of government would do to help? Do you think lying about SPARC will help?

    It’s not a fingers in the ear approach when the opposition’s givng nothing to listen to – what exactly have you been hearing that I’ve missed? I doubt it’s anything along the lines of solutions to your percieved problems…

  15. expat 16

    T-Rex: >>>The typical “more resources’ with the implicit cost delightfully offset with some bullshit about the “front line’ suggesting that spending is presently all tied up elsewhere. Which, as evidenced in this post, it’s not.<<<

    Yesssss. Oooo-kay. Cant see much evidence here?

    EFA got your budget?

    [lprent: Since I pay for the site – you are attacking me. That isn’t the wisest of ideas. Take a week off. If you want to argue then I’ll ban you permanently.]

  16. expat 17

    Oooookay, that makes no sense either.