Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
8:09 pm, March 4th, 2009 - 44 comments
Categories: health, national -
Tags: ambition, key, ryall, tobacco
Last month Anne Tolley ditched the requirement that schools sell healthy food to kids.
Not to be outdone, minister for tobacco Tony Ryall now wants to make cigarettes more accessible to them too.
Ryall has rejected the health select committee recommendation that cigarettes and tobacco be kept out of sight in shops, choosing to favour the health of the tobacco industry over the health of Kiwi kids.
National, focussed on the issues that matter to you *
* unless they’re heart disease and lung cancer
Smokers coff at the end and she is only 7!
Pity they didn’t have say a 12 months trial for tobacco out of sight.
I wish that I smoked so that I could give it up and save a huge amount of munny.
Tony Ryall said on the news that international studies showed having cigarettes on display had no measurable effect on people buying cigarettes, but then shop keepers said sales dropped when they didn’t have them on display which one would think contradicts Ryalls statement ?
And think of the dough those fag companies would save.. from following Tone’s top advice..
I have read the ACC report on finances, one major reason costs have increased so dramatically in the last few years is obesity.
Obese people require more money to treat, to operate on and get injured much easier. Ciggy advertising is a big concern but I find the inaction on obesity criminal. Sadly the steps needed to be taken, that is more food regulation and better education seem to be lost on this government.
fuck off nanny state is the message. Labour wanted to own our children. Telling me how to raise my kids even. How would barren polis like Clark know what was needed for our kids? Whats wrong with a pie once or twice a week? Breaks up having tofu & lettuce sandwhiches all of the time.
The state still tells you how to raise your kids, you fucking idiot. No party will be changing that. Good thing too.
how folks ‘raise’; their kids is likely why the state does what it does.. yep, even and including yo’self
mmm I miss the good old tofu & lettuce days under Clark. They were the golden days.
Yep, and when those kids start to smoke and in their thirties and fourties start to get cancer and other smoke related illnesses you will be the first to say that it’s their own fault for falling for all those slick adds and they brought it on themselves and fuck healthcare. You’re a real piece of work JR, you really are.
And your remark about Helen’s perceived barrenness is way past what I can bear. I am one of those “barren” polis, I had four IVF treatments and finally had to give up trying.
If Helen is “barren” you will never know how painful that is and
your callous remarks dig into a my soul. For that alone I would ban you if this was my blog.
You sad sack of shit.
Could we see the smoking in pubs ban reversed, nothing would surprise me with National.
Fuck I hope so. I’m gasping for a fag.
I’m with Billy. How about you give us back the pubs and you can do whatever the fuck you want with the dairies.
Wouldn’t that just be dreamy. Oh, i’m getting all nostalgic now.
The display behind the counter is known as “the power wall”, and is heavily researched. Contrary to Ryall’s unsubstantiated bullshit, there is a clear relationship between this wall and the likelihood of purchase. There is also very strong evidence showing how it affects children.
Tobacco companies are desperate to retain this key site. They have a friend in Ryall.
we aint mature enough to read, interpret and understand ciggie ads ourselves. we are too thick to understand most stuff – don’t know how to provide for our later years, don’t know how to raise our children, don’t know what food to eat or give to our precious children, don’t know when not buy a plasma tv, don’t know when to buy a plasma tv.
ffs, the politicians that keep telling us this shit must all be quite rich by now, not to mention fit and healthy well balanced individuals, have the perfect families, not smoke, never get violent or behave in a disorderly manner, and own half a plasma tv. Shall we go through the last govt’s mps and do an evaluation?
I would suggest that the average manwoman in the street has their life much more sorted than the average extremity in Parliament. But there they are telling us what to do..
Thought the message would have come through loud and clear after the election.
Can’t keep a good nosybody down. Aint that the truth.
If you take seriously the idea that advertising works you might still think that limiting the amount to which kids are exposed to tobacco advertising is a good thing, no vto?
George Darroch
For sure it’s prime retail real estate. However I do wonder at about the wisdom of Labour’s previous idea of banning pies in schools without considering the fact that therefore every pie that a young person buys will see them face to face with the power wall rather than checking out the cute guy/girl in the school tuck-shop.
Every good intention has unintended consequences – we can deny it because we believe that our intentions are good but we only fool ourselves when we do that.
Smoking eh… The slowest and most expensive form of suicide.
“Smoking eh The slowest and most expensive form of suicide.”
Which is fine, since it’s their own life, as long as they pick up the tab of course…..
Perhaps we could follow the Dutch model where smoking cigarettes is banned in bars and cafe’s but smoking joints is OK (as long as the dope isn’t mixed with tobacco).
Ooops I forgot, like transmission gully we only talk about decriminalisation of marijuana in the few months prior to an election then the issue is put back into the bottom drawer for three years.
“The state still tells you how to raise your kids, you fucking idiot”
Shit no PB, you are missing the difference between “tell” and “advise”.( about 20 odd % of voters) Nannies gone and she aint com’n back for a while.
Bugger. I was hoping you might use the edit function to make that intelligible.
I’m not sure what it is you are disputing. Care to try again?
Perhaps some examples would help, of things the Labour led gov’t did, that this gov’t has repealed. The pies in schools business isn’t one; ’cause that’s about schools not selling pies, rather than the gov’t stopping parents feeding their kids pies. See the difference?
If you think that the state doesn’t have lots of rules about child-rearing that parents have to follow, at risk of losing their kids, and even doing time behind bars, then you just aren’t thinking about it properly. eg, the state most certainly ‘tells’ parents that their children must be educated. It’s not ‘advice’.
AYB, they’re not making smokes more accessible – they’re making them no less accessible. Please don’t try to argue that makes them more accessible in real terms.
Captcha: `payments lungs’.
Damn, this thing is psychic. I’m glad I never bothered to start smoking that horrible stuff. Our household just took a 50% pay cut and things are still pretty sweet.
More accessible than they would have been if the select committee advice (and that of Plunket, the Medical Association, Barnardos, and the Nurses’ and Dental association) were being followed…
[homophobia, deleted. take it to Kiwiblog. SP]
Hello Edna4Justice!
Gawd! You’re transparent.
The only regulation required to moderate obesity is self-regulation. If you’re a fat loser then address the problem yourself. L Jae is an idiot!
Coaster, try drying out.
Edna (March 5, 2009 at 6:06 am) – that’s the second homophobic comment this week from you! Go back to Whaleoil. Can someone give this person a holiday – or ban him/her completely?
The more things change the more they stay the same:
I guess BAT got their moneys worth in the long run.
That secret list of words that Tony Ryall has outlawed in the Ministry of Health was read out on Morning Report this morning. No more social justice or reducing inequalities – it’s all public private partnerships now. Which means more money for drug, alcohol, tobacco and junk food companies.
If you take seriously the idea that advertising works, Labour would be in power now.
Doug – thats why if you if you had taken any notice of the areas that National targetted during the elections, they had twice as many signs out as labour.
I drive the Akld area extensively and it became immediately apparent with the Akld results that
advertising works.
Why don’t they just put all fags in plain packaging, no branding, with big pics of diseased parts of the body (smoking related of course) on both sides?
And then force them to advertise, using only those images. Nice big A1 laminated posters behind the counter showing a rotten lung or rooted eyeball.
Now THAT would sow seeds of doubt in smokers minds.
And they would still smoke – virtually all smokers in NZ, apart from the immeasurably dense, know that it’s bad for them – yet they still do it.
I’d be quite happy if they were phased out over a 10-15 year period – won’t happen though.
Why not let people get fat and smoke lots, and ban them from public healthcare?
More than 5 smokes a week on average, and anyone classified as ‘obese’ or ‘morbidly obese’ can have their B & H, molly reds, maccas and a fist full of ‘sort your own sh*t out’.
If you choose to kill yourself, pay your own bloody tab. Or let the private sector pay for its own externalities.
I suspect you don’t believe that Mat – it is depressing though the number of repeat offenders one sees coming back through the doors of the hospital or finishing their appointment at the diabetes or cardiology clinic and then lighting up on the way back to the car.
Anyone else think its ironic that Ryall thinks fags should be visible to everyone given his personal life?
By that, of course, I mean the fact that he has children and ergo should be concerned about the wellbeing of our younger citizens…
[careful. SP]
[lprent: VERY careful – this is one area that we are not going to get into. After watching the prurient little wankers on the right exercising their rights to be pathetic small-minded fools for the last 12 years over virtually every labour or green MP, this is one area I’m determined that we are not going to allow any major discussion here. We’ll leave that for all of the sanctimonious pricks over in the sewer]
I don’t support malicious outing, and that’s what you’re trying to do there. Not cool.
Okay, so how about this outing? Could National Party MPs please reveal which of them have been guests of tobacco companies in the previous three years? Mr Coleman is known. Others, please stand up and be counted.
You seem to have some bizarre sexual fixation with the Nat MPs ??
This is about as creepy and out of order as the fixation some had with HC and her husband…. when all’s said and done who really cares.
Um, this might seem a bit pedantic, but I think you mean he has a fixation with their sexuality, not a sexual fixation with them (which would be another matter entirely and even more concerning).
Sorry, but I have to pass the time somehow.
[lprent: if it is – then he worded it as poorly as whaleoil being a pious defender of equal rights for women]
I’ve already been rapped over the knuckles for my ‘outing’ remark so hs you’re late to that party. My only fixation is with hypocrisy – but I’ve been told off and changed the subject.
Serious question – Nat MPs and tobacco companies – we know Coleman was the guest of American Tobacco in the past three years. Anyone else we know about or should know about?
Don’t know, the incident in question occurred some time ago and the justifiable reaction it caused would suggest to me that MPs on all sides will be keeping away from the purveyors of death sticks.