Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
8:08 am, March 20th, 2017 - 160 comments
Categories: Deep stuff, Dirty Politics, Media -
Tags: nicky hager
Nicky Hager’s new book release is imminent. The book is said to not be a sequel to Dirty Politics nor related to the election.
The Government will be pleased if this is the case. The sight of the former Prime Minister standing up during the last election campaign and continuously denying the allegations contained in Dirty Politics which have been verified on every occasion there has been a formal investigation will not be repeated. It has been said to me that the reporters at the time knew that Key was fibbing and he knew that they knew that he was fibbing.
Hager’s previous books include analysis of the GCSB, the anatomy of an anti environmental PR campaign, genetic modification and the Government cover up of an accidental release, Exclusive Brethren secret funding of National Party election advertising during the 2005 general election, New Zealand’s actual role in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq compared to what we were told, and Dirty Politics.
What will this book cover? I have no idea although I wonder if a review of the GCSB is the subject.
The launch is at 5:00 pm at Unity Books in Wellington. Hopefully there will be a video link.
Dirty Politics; political activism, enabled by crime, a book most commonly seen in the $2 bin.
Dirty Politics went through about 3 reprints didn’t it ? In spite of the number of Nat Disciples who refused to read it fearing disenchantment.
Really? I see it regularly, but mostly on people’s bookshelves
You should get out more, can’t be much fun eating sawdust sausages or drinking wheat germ cocktails with misguided Greens or Labour supporters.
Non-evidence-based smears by Nat supporters on a left wing blog?
Surely not?
Surely Hager cannot have been correct about the Nats’ two track politics?
Sawdust is one of the ingredients used to make the cellulose casing for sausages, and Tory’s amygdala.
I’ll take sawdust over the traditional alternative for sausage casing 🙂
Looks at humongous cast on my left foot – yes I should get out more – the surgeon says I have to keep it elevated – I guess I could walk on my hands ….
If I did get out more I would obviously see it on other people’s bookshelves more often, I’m not sure exactly what your point was, other than to point out my obvious disability
What exactly about the book is misguided? Have the nats been able to falsify anything said in the book? If so, why aren’t they suing Hager for defamation?
I’ll tell you why, because then he would be entitled to discovery of evidence that would confirm the leaked information, and they like the deniability of simply attacking him personally.
Hager is an internationally recognised investigative journalist, Tory. He is in fact literally the only one in NZ. (https://www.icij.org/journalists/nicky-hager) I’ve also met him personally, and it’s hard to imagine a more down-to-earth guy. He’s a bit of a lib, like I am, sure, but he’s no conspiracy theorist.
Is why the NZ mainstream media are very quick to report Hager has a new book out.
I did get the impression, as stated by Micky in the post, that journalists new Hager’s Dirty Politics book was accurate – and Duncan Garner said at the time, he already had worked out there were smear campaigns coming from the PMs office, and then via WO.
Hagaer was the first to provide evidence of 5 Eyes (Eschelon). Journos know if Hager is writing about an undisclosed topic, there’ll most certainly be something significant in the book.
Indeed he did, and also showed how unethical influence has soured NZ politics to the extent that it now rivals Aussie for bottom place in the “robust” politics stakes with “Hollow Men” – although that was mainly about how Brash got suckered. Dirty Politics was more about “orchestrated litanies of lies” by Nat supporters trying desperately to imitate US Tea Partyists – and failing dismally. I’m looking forward to Nicky’s next book. For any Pols student – past and present – with an interest in the reality of NZ Politics, he’s a must!
Duncan Garners a strange fish, that sort of carry on didn’t exactly dent his belief in National Policies. Just last week on TV he was banging on about there being 50 000 fewer solo parents on benefits, but then maybe he’s just a Paula Bennett fan, I mean whats not to like…
I’ve never actually seen it in the $2 bin. In fact, I had to purchase an electronic copy because whenever I tried to purchase a physical one, I was told they’d all sold out and there were none available. But I understand your desperate need to perpetuate the narrative that Hager’s an irrelevant conspiracy theorist, if only to preserve the myth of Key the Messiah.
just remind me again of the effects of the ‘Dirty Politics’ attacks against John Key by Hager and Dot com?, thats right, a successive 3rd National Government. and so the juggernaut shall roll on….
Whatever happened to Whaleoil? When did it last feed a story to the mainstreamm media?
What happened to the two track smear machine run from key’s office?
Where is Jason Ede?
Exactly. Dirty Politics had more of an effect than we think.
Yep, it’s just been well glossed over by the corrupt National Party.
The oil beef hooked just like his pet pollies key and collins – a lot of that was the light shone on the scuttling rats by Nicky’s books. The hollow men is such a great read on the vacuous right and their pathetic agendas.
“Where is Jason Ede” – I love that phrase, it has become part of the NZ vernacular like “Bring Back Buck” although not in a positive vein like the latter.
You are so correct – where is he and what slime is he crawling in now.
Where is he? He went to work for Teamtalk, who have fallen on hard times, (lol) and look like being acquired by Spark.
And where is Cacky Kate?
“just remind me again of the effects of the ‘Dirty Politics’ attacks against John Key by Hager and Dot com?, thats right, a successive 3rd National Government. and so the juggernaut shall roll on….”
From what I remember the election was close. My own perspective is that Labour lost the election because they didn’t have their shit sorted out (esp the still obvious conflict over their leader) and swing voters in particular are looking for competency above most other things. I doubt that Dirty Politics gave NACT any votes, but by all means see if you can make an argument for that beyond the trolling you have done so far in this thread.
Clearly your “rose tinted glasses” are smeared
You know what Tory, just 5 photo’s to back your claim would be all you need.
As for rose tinted, yours seem to be that ugly type of yellow brown.
“Clearly your “rose tinted glasses” are smeared”
Well thanks for confirming that you are just here to troll. Or perhaps you are just incapable of mounting an actual argument.
Tory: If you are just here to troll, then I suspect I will give you a pass direct to post-election when I see it while moderating.
You know the rules.just reading down your comments so far in this post, I have seen you do 3 or 4 diversion or near diversio comments.
I’d suggest you that start writing rational comments rather than acting like a dumb dickhead.
It’s quite clear he’s a troll – a nasty one at that.
I wonder when he’ll get banned.
If he had an ounce of common sense he’d stick to his own kind – but then just like a dog pissing on a lamppost isn’t being a vandal – he’s being a dog – so to with Tory troll. We’ve all been at this long enough to smell the stench a mile off.
And this time Hager & dotcom are going to win big time this is there turn
Dirty Politics …
‘Four days after release, it had sold about 10,000 copies, in addition to 1,000 e-book sales.
Robbie Burton, executive director of Craig Potton Publishing, said: “I’ve never seen anything like this before, in terms of the speed at which it’s happening.”
A week after release, sales had reached approximately 15,000, and by mid September, sales were at almost 20,000. The first two chapters are available free on-line’
One of my favourite reference books, the handy dandy index in the back, love that.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
Tarquin: A fool and his money are easily parted.
I don’t think Hager’s latest book will be about Cabinet Club.
Indeed Tarquin, which is why I’ve been waiting for some time to add a new book to my collection.
Often I purchase books second hand, but Hagar books are impossible to find second hand or on sale.
Haven’t purchased a brand new book for a couple of years, however I was given a new book for Christmas, Wilbur Smith is my fav fiction writer.
Informative non fiction books are always my preferred choice, and that is what Hagar writes 😀
Heading to the local book store to see if I can pre-order. Teleporter is still not up and running so I won’t be able to make it to the book launch.
I’m excited, one of my favourite authors is releasing a new book. ONE MORE SLEEP! It’s cool, if you’re not excited, I’m happy to be excited for you 😀
Good on you Cinny. It’s our differences that make the world a better place. Good luck with the teleporter!
Onya Nicky – funny Tory – you can get 5 copies of keys seminal work ‘what John Key believes in and how he made a difference’ for a dollar – great for lighting the fire or lining the longdrop.
I am looking forward to Nicky’s new book.
Sounds like you put all the right wings denials and attack lines into one sentence. Well done.
Did you ever see a bookcover that boasts 2000 000 sales @ $x ? No it is always sold 2000 000 copies and that is all that counts.
Current lowest “buy now” price on Trademe: $42.54.
Amazon has it at $20.02 for digital edition.
By comparison, Cultural Amnesia by Clive James is ~$15 for digital.
You were saying?
I was saying, a book’s price does not dictate it’s popularity . It doesn’t matter if a book sells at $2 or $42.50.
For instance the bible ( the planets most circulated book,) has 100 million+ copies world wide and it is given away.
You too OAB? I mean really, you edited that post after my reply and did not even make note of it. If you can’t stand by your original post at least make an edit note!
Now irregardless your edited statement is a case of apples and oranges.
In this case the test of popularity is Tory’s crude measure: the bargain bin.
My examples merely prove that should you see a copy of Dirty Politics in a bargain bin, you can turn a profit.
As for editing, obviously this is something you feel strongly about, from an ethical perspective that is. Ethics, eh. A nice to have. Where is Jason Ede?
WTF has Jason Ede to do with this other than serve as a diversion from your piss poor ability to relate a position? At no time did you mention profit… If that were your platform you’d have replied to Tory and not I.
My point being is that to judge a book by it’s price may be a little erroneous. Simple huh?
As for the editing. just be fair and note it in the future if you will, I know ethics are challenge you.
I’ll keep your high ethical standards in mind.
[you’re straying into obscure soundbite verging on trolling there OAB, please don’t go down that path – weka]
To me, you arguing that making a simple courteous note in regard to your low act edit would be a tax on your ethics and in turn using that as a point of ridicule for me, is about as low brow, tittle tattle as you can get. I’ll talk to you again when you reach puberty.
There are 10 minutes to edit specifically to allow changes in comments.
Live with it. And please read the site policy on trying to tell us how to run our site. It is listed under self-martyrdom.
Sorry Lyn I fail to see where I attempted to tell you how to run your site.
Of course you are. You are trying to tell someone else how they should operate on our site.
Moderators can do that. You cannot.
You may whine or complain about it. You may not in anyway state what someone else should do. If you do then the moderators will express their viewpoint on Mrs Grundy behavior.
We really couldn’t be clearer about how we feel about this particular freeloader behaviour.
From the about..
From the policy
oh whatever lyn. I have no interest in posting on your site any longer as it is. I did not ever say, ” You must…” You’re just another idiot trying to place words in my mouth, something that is common in attacks on this site. A poster cannot stand on an argument so they attack the personage not the substance of the posts. I have posted on 3 topics in particular over the last few weeks, my posts may have been substandard, but I was never once taken to task on the posts but rather tagged as a conformist, a liar and aspersions cast on myself due to ethics. I see now why people are hesitant to post here along with the exodus for the door, which I am happy to follow.
You sir can take your blog and shove it!
Yeah right…
In fact if the OP knew anything about hardcopy books, (which I do as I would like to publish some of my fiction one day) they’d know that it’s actually normally more economical to print too many books to sell at full price, because that way you make a better margin on the full-price books than you do by selling out at any point. If you sell out, your publisher actually failed to print enough books in the first place and potentially missed out on some profit. You don’t want to sell out until your book is already in the bargain bin.
So any well-managed publication of a hardcopy should end up on discount months or years after its first publication. In fact, if it’s still available in bargain bins for years afterwards, that means the tail end of its run is still selling, which can be a very good thing.
Why is it that you guys paint Cameron Slater a victim of hacking because someone got access to his emails by finding a security flaw yet say he did nothing wrong when Slater himself hacked into a server through a back door security flaw and took confidential information?
Then there is the case of the Police raiding Nicky Hager to try and find out the source of his information yet not raiding Cameron Slater to find out who gave him a hard drive and a set of files from an actual physical office break-in and not even charging him for receiving stolen property. Property, I might mention that he used to print paid for attack pieces on the person the hard-drive and files got stolen from.
The police just brushed all that under the rug because of who his friends and father are.
You mean the slater who paid money to hack this site, then got hit with a wet bus ticket. No wait he did not even get that, he got away Scott free in his attempt to get our information, and use it nefariously.
That slater, the scum sucker who abuses the dead, the racist, and low life.
Who ever thinks that the Tory scum don’t look after their own, is kidding themselves.
Yep, the one that has broken a number of laws with his most popular one to break being naming people under name suppression and being given far more leniency than people who have committed similar crimes. Leniency for a first offense I can understand, but when you keep deliberately breaking the same law showing your destain for the New Zealand legal system, how come they keep treating him like it is his first time committing that crime?
My theory is that people feel sorry for him because he clearly has issues.
Let’s not forget his own rampant hypocrisy of applying for name suppression himself
There was talk/mention I think from Nicky maybe a year ago or so, that he was doing something on the Police. It was hinted that that might have influenced the way that he was treated. My vague memory doesn’t matter really as all will be clear on Tuesday.
I remember it too ianmac. He talked of being approached by police officers or former officers with information. So, there might be a link into police practices including the Dotcom case in the new book.
Notice on the Daily Blog says it will be live streaming the launch.
Bomber still seems to think it’ll be about the election, lol.
at last! the REAL reason shonkey quit! (fingers-crossed)
~ Tui
Calling MS – Pedant here
Last sentence should read 5.00pm not 5.30pm
I will get my coat and show myself out!
[No need thanks for that. Would be terrible to show up half an hour late – MS]
Fixed, ta.
Pedants are a necessary evil. I’m a recovering one so should know. 🙂
“Pedant eh? Can’t say I approve but I admire your honesty.”
Tim nice-but-dim.
It seemed to me that the combination of Nicky Hagar’s book and Kim Dotcom political party, both intended to influence the election, actually boosted support for National.
The response of the MSM during the campaign, using weeks of time asking about the book, infuriated many National supporters, and people inclined to vote National. It seemed that the MSM was totally obsessed about their concerns and could not care less about the issues that actually affected peoples lives.
The book was certainly seen as dirty politics, but not in the way that Standardnistas think.
As a consequence voter turnout increased in 2014 from 2011, and mostly in favour of National.
It is surely evident in recent years, both here and overseas, that many in the MSM elite are tone deaf to the issues that affect many voters. That is why they miss voting trends because they are ignoring many of the voters. Their concerns are not those of the MSM, and therefore must be ignored or denied.
But the one thing the voters have is their vote. which is why National did better than anticipated in 2014, why Brexit occurred and why Trump is president.
Of course the new book may not be as politically/electorally focussed.
And, of course, the current National-led government have been doing so much to ease the housing affordability crisis, the poverty gap, under-employment, etc.
BTW, throughout most of John key’s tenure, the concern of the MSM tended to be to show what a great guy Key is.
Meanwhile, more and more Kiwis have been struggling to get by.
+ 1 and also + 1 for PM below and a lol
Did I really just see a wealthy lawyer and ex-National Party cabinet minister dismissing jounalists as an elite who are out of touch with ordinary people? I can’t have, can I?
Yes national have a pathological dislike of accountability.
Spray and walk away.
Wayne, regardless of whether or not Dirty Politics influenced the outcome the election result, I would be interested in your opinion of Jason Ede, right there in the Prime Minister’s own personal office, carrying out his nasty scurrilous role on behalf of your former colleagues. Do you have any respect for him? Would you like someone like him to be a friend knowing what his role was?
Jason Eade “walked through the open back door of a web site” and Nick Hager used stolen material from a website…
So if I find an open back door and take your telly, it’s not stealing? Good to know.
You forgot to take the credit card details McFlock.
They’re buried, along with the tv, under a pile of double standards.
What Labour did was akin to leaving the telly on the footpath and wondering why it went missing. No-one broke in anywhere, no-one needed any extraordinary talents to access it, and anyone who found it could legitimately think it was free to a good home.
That clearly wasn’t the intentions of whoever found it, but the fact that Labour left it on the sidewalk meant they were in the wrong not the person that came across the information
[lprent: That is completely wrong. Read the relevant sections of the crimes act. Merely knowingly accessing a system without the authority and permission of the operators and owners is a crime. It doesn’t matter if the access was left open. It is exactly the same as entering a house without authority to do so.
Simply to have done it is the criminal act. That the police decided not to prosecute Ede, Slater and others who accessed the Labour party site was largely because the NZLP chose initially not lay a complaint. When that (finally) happened retroactively, they could have but chose not to prosecute.
To conspire to hire someone else to do it (as Cameron Slater found out with this site) is a criminal act. In that case we put enough pressure on the police to prosecute. Cameron Slater had to plead guilty to get a diversion.
And yes rawshark will almost certainly be prosecuted if the police can find enough evidence to tie him to the crime.
So stop deliberately lying – you have been told this before (including I suspect by me). I am really tired of this particular lie. If you’d like the law changed, then state this as an opinion. Do not assert wishful thinking as a fact.
Banned 2 weeks and if I see you do this again, then you will be banned for a LONG time. ]
Labour were in the wrong, yes. They should have taken better care of my TV, rather than leave it on the footpath.
But also wrong the slimy little tory fucks who stole the data, because if someone leaves a TV on the footpath, it still doesn’t mean that it’s anyone’s to take.
The only reason the slimy little fucks recorded themselves wandering around the website backend was because they knew they shouldn’t be looking at that info in the first place.
If someone else has acquired your emails they aren’t considered “stolen material” or “stolen property” under law. They’re digital conversations that involve you as a person and that’s about all the ownership you’ve got over them.
Not correct. It depends how they were acquired and what jurisdiction you are in.
In NZ under the Crimes Act:
If you went into a computer that you didn’t have permission and authority to be on, then you’d have committed a criminal act.
If you hired someone to do the above then you have committed a criminal act.
If you paid for stolen property, then you’d have almost certainly have committed a criminal act (as far as I am aware that hasn’t be tested in NZ).
If they were given to you, then you may be liable for an expensive civil suit if you inflict harm using them. It is unlikely that it would be viewed as a criminal act. However whoever got the emails in the first place would still be on the hook for criminal charges and I suspect that the harm would be a factor in additional charges and sentencing.
If you figure that through, you’ll see that there is a consistent legal thread joining them.
That’s an argument for how the MSM influenced elections, not that the book Dirty Politics made some people vote National.
The last election was close. I think many factors affect voting and I would guess that there were people who didn’t vote based on the mess that happened before the last election. You can assert that the book boosted NACT’s vote, but there is no actual evidence to support that one way or other. We’re all just guessing.
Personally, I think Labour still being a mess cost them the election (I subscribe to the theory that swing voters in particular vote according to perceived competency).
I agree. Polling consistently shows that Labour policies are popular, but the party is not. Perceived competence to govern is a prime concern for most voters and Labour was a very public shambles. Idiots like Goff and Robertson must have been congratulating themselves on their cleverness by leaking and undermining their leadership but they made it abundantly clear by their actions that Labour as an entity was completely unfit to govern. I’m amazed those clowns actually got as many votes as they did.
I also have a theory, not based on terribly much, that some people vote for the party they think is going to win because they want to be on the winning side. So if the MSM are trumpeting that National will win, then that will garner them votes. Not so much last election but there has been at least one where the MSM all but declared in the week before. Not doubt that ups the non-vote too. We have a poor version of democracy given the structures in place.
Yes, I think that’s a feature of human nature – voting is often at least partially a statement of solidarity and aspiration.
I think it hurts parties like the Greens who are seen as junior coalition partners at best and hence a party vote for Green is perceived as being worth ‘less’ than a vote for one of the two major parties.
in that sense we really screwed MMP up. So much wasted potential. I guess it takes time for such a big cultural change.
The Greens reckon their internal polling shows that something like 28% of people want to vote for them.
The book was certainly seen as dirty politics, but not in the way that Standardnistas think.
You seem to be very one-eyed about ” Standardnistas”. To begin with, the people who write posts and comment here are a diverse grouping extending from the so-called Far Left through to the Centre. Using the word Standardnistas in an attempt to gather them together under one political roof is a misnomer.
John Key succeeded in convincing a majority of people he was telling the truth. None of these people read “Dirty Politics” so, whilst they helped give him another term in office, their conclusions were/are irrelevant because they were based on lies and innuendo.
You can analyse and argue to the contrary as much as you like Wayne, but John Key is a consummate liar and its my hope that is what Nicky’s latest book is going to prove beyond a shadow of doubt.
Obviously Standardnistas does not cover all posters on this site.
It is intended to cover all those who start their economic and social critique with something like “The neo-liberal experiment of the last thirty years has wreaked havoc on New Zealand…”
I am sure you know the derivation of the term, so it is obviously aimed at leftists, but a little bit tongue in cheek!
The World Bank, IMF et al wouldn’t use those terms, Dr. Mapp.
Obviously you prefer to discuss the subject as though the only people concerned about the damage you helped do, were New Zealand citizens.
I am sure you know the truth of these matters, whether your tongue is in your cheek or somewhere else entirely.
” all those who start their economic and social critique with something like “The neo-liberal experiment of the last thirty years has wreaked havoc on New Zealand…”
If the cap fits , – wear it , son.
Good to see that pang of conscience there as well… some would call it a Freudian slip ,… others are compelled to tell the truth… like you just admitted to.
It is intended to cover all those who start their economic and social critique with something like “The neo-liberal experiment of the last thirty years has wreaked havoc on New Zealand…”
Guilty …
I seem to recall that the sharp analysis of the last election was that after Dirty Politics was released Labour/Greens polling showed a significant boost. It was the later shenanigans for the Mana/Dotcom Party that both split the left vote and turned a lot of ordinary non-political people either off voting or switching to NZ First. I may be wrong – if so I stand corrected.
Either way the timing of Nicky’s latest should be better coming a good six month’s out from the election – gives people time to read AND digest in an unhurried fashion.
Nicky’s latest should be better coming a good six month’s out from the election – gives people time to read AND digest in an unhurried fashion.
It used to be said that the length of time it takes for the majority of people to catch up with a big story or major policy announcements is at least two months. When the 2014 election day arrived, the D.P. book had only been launched one month sooner – not nearly long enough for most people to digest the reported contents. Once the election was over people shrugged their shoulders… oh well, the election’s over now so won’t bother to find out what all that Dirty Politics stuff was about.
“It seemed to me that the combination of Nicky Hagar’s book and Kim Dotcom political party, both intended to influence the election”
It seemed to me the dirty politics crew & the people who chose to be involved with them intended to influence the election, Hagar’s book just shone some sunlight on their underhand and manipulative behaviour, and their lack of integrity.
And peoples lives WERE affected by dirty politics. Maybe not National supporters sure, but all the people who were targeted by that toxic crew in order to intimidate them into silence were negatively affected, their reputations falsley smeared. That should be a concern to you.
Yeah – too true – us armchair critics tend to forget that real people got hurt in that rather nasty fight. A lot more suffered indirectly because of the result. Just imagine how the Housing crisis might have played out if Key lost the last one? Or a Livable wage policy? Would that make a great “alternative facts” fiction novel?
” But the one thing the voters have is their vote. which is why National did better than anticipated in 2014, why Brexit occurred and why Trump is president.”
There’s no way globalists such as yourself can claim Brexit or Trump. That was riding on a wave of Nationalism and the peoples disgust at classic neo liberalism and its vulgar unpopularity .
And one of the things that sank Keys boat was the mass mobilization against Grosser and Key – both sell outs to American economic and military hegemony.
He knew it, we knew it , and the National party knows it.
And last time we had a look at the 2002 election results ? ,- we can pretty much guess the Double Dipper from Dipton is going to do it all over again.
His viciousness is in full glare for all to see… Key the second hand used car salesman isn’t holding his hand anymore to help him push through his hideous little globalistic plans.
Have you noticed the popular contempt for both English and Bennett recently?
Or is Key’s leaving still filling you with denial ?
And one of the things that sank Keys boat was the mass mobilization against Grosser and Key – both sell outs to American economic and military hegemony.
Edit for those who were not paying attention over Key being the poor loser hes always been :
” And one of the things that sank Keys boat was the mass mobilization against Grosser and Key over the TTPA – both sell outs to American economic and military hegemony.”
Too much to live down…. never mind… we got a bicycle track… maybe the homeless and their family’s can park up on that if Bunning’s run out of space…
National spun the stories to paint themselves as victims and used it as a cover to hide the fact that yet again they had no real meaningful policies. They also had the help of the MSM not calling them out on their lies and continued broken promises.
When you look about what John Key talked about fixing in his maiden speech as the National Party leader in parliament you have to then wonder why under his leadership they all actually got far worse.
As with a lot of the jobs he has had in the past he has got out just before the brown stuff hit the fan.
Your efforts to downplay and discredit Nicky Hager pales into significance with regards to the seething mass of obvious corruption of core members of the National party under John Key – off which English was the but the skulking instigator and failed PM of 2002.
This is why Key was brought in.
Because English was never popular, isn’t now or never will be.
For that they needed a liar and a confidence trickster.
Hence Key.
1 ) March 8th 2011 – Jerry Mateparae is stepped down as head of the GCSB.
2 ) March 15th 2011 – Top NSA spook, James Clapper, flies to NZ to meet with Key to discuss ‘synchronicity’ between the NSA and GCSB.
3 ) March 22nd 2011 – High level intelligence meetings
4 ) May 2011 – McCully visits Washington
5 ) June 17th 2011 – Key meets with Ian Fletcher for breakfast at Stamford Plaza.
6 ) July 22nd 2011 – Key is invited to Washington as pay back for this new ‘synchronicity’.
7 ) July 26th 2011 – Key side steps normal protocols and appoints his old school friend Ian Fletcher to take over at the GCSB.
8 ) October 2011 – John Key, the head of the SIS and NZDF join Ian Fletcher, the MFAT Head, and the DPMC boss for a secret dinner at the British High Commissioner’s home
9 ) December 8th 2011 – A letter states that Key is going to meet Ian Fletcher on 12th December
10 ) December 12th 2011 – Key meets with Ian Fletcher.
11 ) December 14th 2011 – The Police boss responsible for spying on Dotcom meets John Key with other intelligence agencies present.
12 ) December 16th 2011 – Kim Dotcom starts to be illegally spied upon.
13 ) January 2012 – Raid on Kim Dotcom.
Campbell Live Review: Extraordinary new GCSB … – The Daily Blog
And something I wrote about Dotcom at one time a few years back.
Most relevant to the work Nicky Hager has written or else these National party criminals would have gotten away scot free.
They didn’t.
It would be wise to remember we are dealing with two issues here.
One …the political issue and that of the IMP , and two…the appalling and illegal treatment of a person in this country.
Of the former…it is easily divided into two areas of govt and media attack.
1) The obvious ideology of the neo liberals in action in order to derail any chance of social democratic traction and reform. This was borne out in the Kelvin Davis saga whereby the National PM even advised his own National supporters to vote for their arch enemies Labour to destroy Hone Hawiras seat of Te Tai Tokerau.
Totally unheard of and unprecedented.
Had the IMP gained seats in parliament , we could very well have been looking at a govt of the Left. With people such as Laila Harre ,John Minto ,Hone Hawira among others.
The neo liberals knew this was incredibly dangerous to Keys implementation of the TTPA and USA hegemony.
2) The media harassment and negative reporting on Dotcom and the IMP.
Graphically displayed by Brook Sabin and the reporter from TV1 who colluded in a devious set up of the IMP launch . Their goal was not to report on policy at all but use it as an opportunity to smear Dotcom in particular.
Many of the photo shots were in fact staged and didn’t represent what actually took place at all. The manner in which the reporting- if one could call it that – was conducted resembled more the European Paparazzi than any semblance of responsible journalism.
Brook Sabins father at that time was Mike Sabin. Mike Sabin was the MP for Northland. Hone Hawira held the Te Tai Tokerau seat.
And now the for the ever deeper level of skulduggery carried out under the auspices of the John Key govt by which John Key himself played an important role.
1) Under instruction from the Minster of Immigration the SIS was told to reverse its decision to deny Kim Dotcom entry into NZ.
2) This was done around the time when the chief of the American NSA arrived into this country in the early hours of the morning to meet with high ranking NZ officials . John Campbell ran a programme that clearly demonstrated that the timing and the issue almost certainly was in regard to entrapping Kim Dotcom in NZ for the purposes of extradition to the USA.
3) John Key from a shortlist chose Ian Fletcher for the job of head of the GSCB. Despite more qualified submitter’s for that job , Fletcher was chosen by Key. Key deny’s he even knew Ian Fletcher… yet later admitted they were boyhood friends and that a few hours before Fletcher was chosen they actually had breakfast together. After the police raid on Kim Dotcoms home it was found to have been an illegal operation and Fletcher resigned from the GSCB . To this day Fletcher refuses to discuss details about his role while head of the GSCB.
4) Incidentally …the Hollywood Motion Picture Industry has had an important part in drafting up the foundations of the TTPA deal , which is then submitted to Congress before it was ratified. It was the Hollywood Motion Picture Industry that used the FBI to charge Dotcom with copyright , – and if that wouldn’t pass the criteria for extradition – trumped up charges of criminal money laundering and conspiracy to commit a crime was added. It was the Hollywood Motion Picture Industry that used the copyright law change of 2010 so that copyright infringement became an issue of ‘national security’ … however copyright laws are different in each country and as it is a civil case not a criminal case …and as New Zealand is a sovereign nation …there are no grounds for extradition.
5) It has been established that at the time prior to Dotcoms raid by the NZ police , that 88 people had been illegally spied on by the GSCB. Dotcom was one of them.
6) Because of this fact … John Key moved to have laws amended after the fact. Both in the SIS and the GSCB. One can see quite clearly that it is simply shifting the goal posts to hold the advantage against Dotcom , – whilst still using an illegal former situation to carry out the campaign against Dotcom on behest of the USA’s FBI – who lack jurisdiction in this sovereign nation.
7) At the time of the raid … advise given to the Police Commissioner was that it was legal. It was later found that the warrant for the whole raid was invalid – thus making the raid illegal – as was the surveillance carried out against Dotcom.
8) Breaches of legal protocol and entitlements were denied Dotcom . An example was he was denied access to a phone to contact his lawyers . Later it was found many of the police actions such as impounding his vehicles , freezing his assets and finances and other items was illegal.
This is but a small list of the abuses leveled against Kim Dotcom and his colleagues . In this incidence , it is not a criminal case at all but a civil case brought against people by a foreign power in collusion with this govt for geopolitical purposes. In this case , the ultimate motive for this geopolitical co operation was to safeguard the dubious interests of the very group that drafted up the conditions for the TTPA – the Hollywood Movie Industry. And ,- being a civil case – hardly grounds for extradition at all.
Another related set of issues is the manner in which John Key lied to the NZ public about the XKEYSCORE programme.
It was not until it was exposed by The Moment of Truth meeting at the town hall that we learnt that in fact , being part of the 5 eyes spy network , we had indeed been part of the international spy rings surveillance programme.
We leant that there was the XKEYSCORE programme in operation from Edward Snowden – and it was this very data that Glen Greenwald used to not only prove but bring the NSA of America to court – a matter which found that the NSA had indeed been indulging in illegal spying and data collation of the American public.
Before this became public …. John Key labelled Glen Greenwald merely as one of ‘Dotcoms little henchman ‘… a desperate rear guard action to mask and obfuscate the existence of the XKEYSCORE programme. We further learnt that in fact this country has 3 servers dedicated to the 5 eyes spy networks in this country.
After this was made public… John Key even threatened national security by dragging out irrelevant data against the wishes of the SIS to try and validate his lies about there being no mass surveillance… which , – not only were they irrelevant and failed to have the desired effect – only served to force him to admit that yes , – indeed the programme does exist.
Furthermore…that not only do they exist ….but several months later there was a political storm with China and several Pacific Island nation over New Zealand’s role on spying on foreign govt’s . It turns out that this country is used to spy on country’s that others such as the USA cannot gain access to. And this includes our biggest Free Trade Agreement partner …..China.
So in conclusion… if this sham of a a circus of extraditing several individuals on bogus trumped up charges – charges that were ramped up for political purposes and originating in a foreign nation which has no natural jurisdiction on these shores – goes ahead …. it will demonstrate that not only our democratic sovereignty has been affected by this subversive political activity but also our very legal system as well…..particularly when viewed against the backdrop of the type of political dark tactics that have been used in the Dotcom affair.
What we are witnessing now playing out in our courts is not about just one individual’s plight …
But is in fact all about we as a sovereign nation , – in that it is more about us and our legal and democratic system in all its totality being put on trial before our very own courts , – and infinitely less about Kim Dotcom.
What we are witnessing today is the slide into the loss of national sovereignty and the subservience to foreign rule. What happens to Kim Dotcom has now become the litmus test of that loss of national sovereignty and the gauge informing us of just how far down that road we have let ourselves travel.
Oh… should read… ‘ pales into insignificance’…
Just letting you know, WAYNSEY.
Old chum.
Pretty good summary WK – I like the linkage. I might just – but only a tad disagree slightly on your conclusions, in that I don’t think we’re past the point of no return just yet. Agree totally about loss of sovereignty and unethical overseas influence, but there always has been that in NZ politics to a greater or lesser degree – either from the US, Aussie, UK or EU. I’d tend to think Nixon’s troll – Milton Freedman and his ideological neo-con/neo-lib Chicago School of Economics misread for Adam Smith, had more to do with the destruction of NZ equitable society that I grew up in, than anyone else. But that’s just a personal opinion.
Its a lot easier now the conman has taken flight, and perhaps it will be easier in future happier times to reclaim the ground taken by that immoral liar. But the fact remains this scenario needs addressing. It wouldn’t have come to light if Nicky Hager had remained silent.
Even the recent Dotcom issue should not be left for right wing manipulators to contain the narrative.
They have proven their vested interests time and again to the detriment of the beguiled and unawares NZ public.
They cannot be trusted.
So when guys like ‘ Dr ‘ ,… Wayne Mapp try to go into bat for the indefensible,…
It all ends up looking like someones got something to hide.
And it certainly doesn’t look like its Dotcom.
So that just leaves the other camp.
Hopefully ,… Labour will learn from this. This is NOT 1876 and Custer isn’t fighting the Sioux.. this is 2017 … and if you’re a liar, if you’re a corrupt politician… the cards are stacked against you.
Liars and apologists like ‘ D r ‘ … Wayne Mapp have increasingly less and less ground in which to manoeuvre , all they can do is evade… hopefully they will realize that fact and upskill.
This is the age of the internet. And word travels fast and is up there for all time for all to see.
Hey cheers wild katipo, thanx for the potted history.
Seems to be the big $, the old models of media entertainment (music and film) were used to, are under threat from modern technology.
Tis surprising to see prime minister jumping so enthusiastically to their tune.
THANK YOU wild kat !
All that needed to be said and you did so very clearly
Re : point 3
No, it was not Ian F that Key had been a school friend of, it was his younger brother Alistair. This is true.
No ex-spy heads ever talk about their job, whether during or after, so no surprises there.
Disclaimer: I do not know Ian Fletcher or John Key.
But you know as well as I do that if your friends with one sibling you are more often than not at least knowledgeable of the others. Particularly if you have spent any time around at their family home.
Another way of putting it is that Key was splitting hairs when he denied he knew Fletcher.
In other words he was twisting the truth .
Otherwise known as lying.
Wild Katipo
Just to take one item of your conspiracy list, which is the reason why conservative Maori voted for Kelvin. Given I know many on the conservative side of Maori politics, I know it wasn’t like that.
The people I know were infuriated that Hone had lined up with KDC and voted accordingly, that is strategically. That meant Kelvin, since he was the only candidate who could beat Hone. They did not need instruction, they did it themselves.
Remember many of them had previously voted for Hone, either in the Maori Party or in Mana, so they felt that he had betrayed them.
So your accusing Maori as being fickle as the wind.
Great move, mate.
You know as well as I do that was a case of collusion . So do the rest of us.
As for the rest on the ‘conspiracy’ list , I notice you too , like JAMESEY WAMSEY fail completely in being able to present a case for any of the other points. Thus proving that Nicky Hagers ‘Dirty Politics’ has had a massive impact on the NZ political scene in exposing unethical practices particularly within the National party and more particularly the then PM ( John Keys ) office.
Wayne, I’m sure that’s true to an extent (others with Northland connections say similarly). But it would be ridiculous to also claim that the actions of Labour and National had no effect on the TTT vote.
And let’s not forget that Harawira lost by a relatively small margin and that Mana’s overall party vote increased.
It failed to deliver a knockout punch to Key, sure.
But remember, the polls were significantly more friendly to National pre-election than the election result was. Now, they could all have been off by more than the margin of error, I suppose, or it could be that there was some political effect from late-breaking debate around the issues, which might possibly include Dirty Politics.
The thing is, I don’t think it moved very many Nats, and a lot of centrists heard the general subject matter and thought it wasn’t going to be as nasty as the actual content of the book indicates it was. There’s been studies in the US (such as this one: http://www.cjr.org/analysis/breitbart-media-trump-harvard-study.php) suggesting that right-leaning (and don’t kid yourselves, a lot of centrists lean in a particular direction) people are more politically polarised than left-leaning ones, and thus more likely to ignore legitimate criticism if it comes from a source they dislike. I suspect it moved a few more left-leaning voters who were part of the Nats’ soft support away from voting for the government, and prevented them from governing outright.
There’s not much Nicky can do about that polarisation trend on his own. The stories still need to be told, and I hope as they come to him he continues to cover them, and given he’s probably not being paid to do much investigative journalism by news outlets anymore, that pretty much necessitates selling books.
There was a significant body of work done covering political polls,media and influences done in the late 1980s and early 1990s that I saw in the late 90s, but I can’t for the life on me remember where. All of what you say here and considerably more besides is quite true – especially about distrust of sources when they expose truths contrary to conditioned political persuasion. It all has to do with the body of work and studies about”Group Think” and how it influences ordinary people who are unaware of being manipulated. Your comment Matt, is right on the money with an up to date example of how this phenomenon works.
How exciting like a bomb waiting to go off and shonky is getting out of dodge
Arguably Hager is a flop. Given he’s supposed to be taking on systemic power, the govt. And every govt surviveso go on and win the election forewarned. An opposition would us a crisis to slowing push the knife in, Hager just dumps it all out and like the good capitalist takes the book profits. English will use all the distractiin, like Key and Clark before him.
Silly, ignorant talk.
1) Hager writes for a living. It’s his only source of income. Is that a crime? He doesn’t make a huge heap of money out of it but that’s not his motivation anyway.
2) He’s been internationally acclaimed by investigative journalists from around the world. Some years ago he received a prestigious journalist award for his work “Secret Power” – an exposé of the then highly secret Echelon surveillance system and the hitherto unknown Five Eyes network operation. Quite the coup of the day.
And while we’re at it, the spelling is
(not Hagar)
Thanks for spelling it correctly this time round, everyone – the persistent misspelling makes you despair for NZers’ eyesight, reading and comprehension skills.
People should think of ‘lager’ and they will get the spelling and pronunciation correct 😉
Quite so. Thank you.
Oh dear Mrs Brillo. You spoke too soon. See below. 🙁
Then I’ll just have to go on repeating myself.
Will you join me?
We will thcream and thcream till we’re thick.
It takes time to write a book. Parliament does not have to fact check, its got protected. speech. So my point stands, Hagar obviously a writer, and a good one, still does the job of dumping a issue into the public and has never undone the govt in power. This is because there is a vacuum that Hagar, dotcom, can fill. As i have said before our parliament is more senate that commons, its filled with long serving senator types, who are practice in the art of boring people from the ballot box. Hagar parasiticism is highly commendable at supporting the status quo, like those sterilized moz they are now using to castrate the whole press gang of mozzies out there.
WHY … did Judith Collins get sent to the backbenches for a period on the naughty seat ?
Why , aerobubble?
Was it because she was just so darn cute and fluffy little bunnies to everyone she meets ?
Or did it have more to do with MILK POWDER, SWAMP KAURI AND NOW , – BOTTLED WATER?…
Or was John Key just jealous of Judiths special little relationship with Slater?
And BTW …. WHERE is Jason Eade?
I guess its pretty much the same flawed argument made by Tory and Wayne – Hager publishes book presenting technicolor evidence of the dishonest and dirty politics practiced by National and supporters -> yet National still wins election -> therefore Hager is a flop.
Yes it was a tragedy for NZ that National won the election, but at least we are all, thanks to Dirty Politics, aware about the unethical standards of the current Government.
If you choose to vote for them again in the future, you will do so knowing that you are fully supporting such standards with the hope that they be replicated throughout this wonderful country of ours. You will have this to thank Hager for.
What a crock of crap! Hager is a respected investigative author, both here and overseas, with several well researched, impeccably sourced and soundly referenced material for his books. His works – plural – have significantly influenced NZ Politics – especially for Gen X and today’s “babes in arms”. For people who’d vote a blue painted postbox (or a red one), he’s not read, but for serious Pols people, he’s a must.
Do you see anyone advertising jobs for investigative journalists nowadays, Aerobubble? Because I don’t. It would be great if Hager could make a living publishing things for the public good in newspapers or online. But media orgs aren’t paying for that. So it’s books or bust, and books have worked out pretty well for him.
I had trouble with trying to buy a copy of the Hollow men in 2005 in Whangarei.
When my wife tried at Whitcoulls the manager told her that nobody would want to read it so it was not ordered for sale.
Dirty Politics was the same although it was available to buy but limited copies were ordered, yet John Keys book was nominated by Whitcoulls as one of its must reads and plenty were available if you are interested in a good fiction novel.
The good thing is that Whitcoulls have at least been open about their political preferences and sympathies.
I am sure Nicky will have another well researched book that can shed light and expose the corruption and secret agenda’s of the subject he has chosen and there are plenty to choose from.
Experienced the same Mosa, at Paper Plus when D.P came out.
Went down there this morning asking when they would have Hagers book in, they’re going to give me a call.
Might be easy to just order through the publisher, wonder if he will use Potton & Burton for this book?
We were quite amused at the time to watch the so-called New Zealand Book Blog (Grahame Beattie’s) perform arabesques and cartwheels and all sorts of acrobatics trying not to mention the fastest selling NZ book and biggest local publishing story of the year.
A certain amount of self censorship going on in the NZ book publishing and bookselling industries, then. Wonder if matters will have improved with Hager’s latest book?
When his home was raided post-DP, didn’t people say that the book he was working on at the time concerned NZ police corruption?
That rings a bell. There was def something about material for a new book, can’t remember the topic though. Just having a look back through the DP site to see if it was mentioned.
Whistleblowers are a threat to the establishment, and always get a hard time from them. The louder the put downs the more effective the whistleblowing.
I hope there’s a book in future about THIS :
The Rise and Rise of Daddy State: MSD blackmails NGOs for private …
And THIS :
Shocking new revelations about CIA breaking 1951 Union Waterfront …
Funny if it turns out to be about butterflies or something
National party butterflies…. yes… that would be funny ,… however I would say they’ve displayed that over Jacina Adern , recently… and if I was roped in with such a corrupt crew… I too would start getting butterflies…
Well, Got to give it to him – he plays the media well.
Hes getting in the news all for writing a book that nobody knows what its about – so good on him for that – he’s smart.
As for the book – Meh. The fact that he dosnt print ‘everything’ but just keeps to his ‘targets’ makes him a lot less credible imho (which I know a lot of you couldn’t care less about). But the fact of the matter is that he is not balanced. Not even close.
Using the hacked / stolen material was disgusting – but hey – its all OK until it happens to you? Would have held more weight if he released the all – hell then I might have purchased a copy (or downloaded off Kim Dotcoms website 😉 .
End of the day – its a book that will target the right, will sell quite well (for a NZ book) but will generally only be of interest to beltway types.
Will it change an election – I think he would like to think it would – but it wont.
An author chooses to write about their subject. In researching the material, they will come across much that is irrelevant to the subject or repetitious. That’s what editing is for.
If Hager says the coming book isn’t related to the election, you’d be a fool not to believe him.
The police use “hacked and stolen” material all the time: they call it “evidence, which may be used against you”.
True – to a point.
If for example he found two people doing exactly the same thing, but only mentioned one, then its more bias and targeting than editing. Not necessarily irrelevant or repetitious.
“The police use “hacked and stolen” material all the time: they call it “evidence, which may be used against you”.”
LOL – indeed this is true – but they get warrants etc and are subject to oversight. Somewhat different if a criminal enterprise or individual did it.
Unless that individual is a journalist exposing wrongdoing or other items of public interest.
That’s the law, James, no matter how inconvenient for you.
Refer my comments 6.9
Refute it if you can.
Do you LIKE liars and corrupt individuals running our country?
I don’t.
Are you a foreign operative?…. or do you just have a few vested interests of your own you don’t want brought into the light?…
I went and had a look – but Jesus – its written like a Penny Bright spam post – so sorry – cannot be bothered with it.
“Are you a foreign operative?…. or do you just have a few vested interests of your own you don’t want brought into the light?…”
Oh so…you dont like Penny Bright.
Poor you.
Then again… I notice you haven’t ONCE tried to refute a thing in that post.
Scared perhaps?… lacking in anything of worth to say on the issue?… no follow up?
That is precisely WHY I posted to set the record straight on those such as yourself who would try to twist the truth / are too lazy to to do your own research and be honest / or lack the social conscience to know when your beaten.
The facts remain , son.
Refute history if you can.
Deny the internet and the facts revealed and recorded for all time at your own publicly noted stupidity.
So come on… refute the facts.
If you can.
And we all know the answer.
You cant.
Resort to deflections and veiled insults , – no one cares , – we can all see your opinion on this matter is worthless.
And worth a laugh.
I was commenting on his book launch. You dont get to tell me what to reply to and I owe you nothing – least of all a reply to a rambling post.
I didnt refute anything, because I wasn’t commenting on it.
As for calling me son, thats just condescending.
Your vested interests include your political affiliations, James. You don’t want Dear Leader dragged into the light.
I’m still waiting, JAMSEY WAMSEY …
Going to try and dig up research that refutes the post of 6.9 ?
No .
Didn’t think so.
That all you got?
Not a lot , then really ,… is it.
I think you better retire , then , sonny boy.
Failed troll.
Big time.
you know that your post at 6.9 – far from being a masterpiece of investigating journalism isn’t worth the bits and bytes.
Sonny boy? really?
“its a book that will target the right”
Nope – the right make targets of themselves by subscribing to a sociopathic ideology and generally behaving badly
He “played the media” exactly this same way when Dirty Politics was announced, announced he was releasing at Unity Books an hour before the 6pm TV news, wouldn’t tell anyone what it was about. It worked well then, I’m not surprised he’s repeating what has been a successful way of getting publicity for his new book – more power to him
Oh …and perhaps you or others at The Standard would care to dig this up from TV3’s John Campbell… funny how after the Key / Joyce team got rid of John Campbell and put in their own failed idiots it was strangely hard to find the original interview Campbell did…
Funny that,… eh.
If you live in a glass house JAMSEY WAMSEY … learn not to throw stones… just learn to keep your head down instead , son , until you know what you’re talking about.
Still waiting ,… JAMSEY WAMSEY…
That’s OK ,….
We can understand there’s a lengthy process and time lag between you’re liaising with your ‘ HQ’ David Farrar focus groups and receiving word for the latest slant, … but really…
How about some intelligent word from either you or ‘ Dr ‘… Wayne Mapp on answering post 6.9 ?
All we are getting is a Roaring silence.
Little bit gutless for such an important issue as Dotcom , don’t you think?
It looks like you’ve got nothing to say. Speak up , boy.
Well I suppose if you were a Key supporter and watched his arse getting kicked over the TTPA, you’d be a little bit shy in answering as well,… still, … you were bold enough to try and lead the charge with ‘ Dr Wayne Mapp about the veracity of Nicky Hager…
Why the big silences , son?
With all the “Jamesey Wamsey” comments and “speak up boy” type comments along with your demanding I comment on a rambling comment of yours that really dosn’t have anything to do with this post is getting boring.
Your behaviour is out of order, condescending, and just plain rude
It has all the hallmarks of starting a flamewar – and I know thats something the policy and mods dont like – so Im out.
Yes… spoken like a true loser… deflect and defer to mercy from the mods…
Typical gutless neo liberal supporter when they know their on the losing side.
Braveheart – The mad irishman – YouTube
I’m personally hoping this book has nothing to do with parliamentary elections at all.
Instead I hope it has a good go at the relationship between the NZ Police and Westpac.
And from there does some analysis about the value of secrecy, and hopefully some discussion about the difference between secrecy under law, and confidentiality under law.
That would be worth reading.
I dont think that will be it, too smaller subject for a book I think.
Answer the fuckin question, failed troll.
Pointless abuse gets you nowhere.
I wasn’t replying to a question.
You are pointless abuse. All youve ever done here.
***Thinks*** tomorrow Nicky Hager releases his new book, tomorrow John Key gives valedictory speech in parliament ***thinks again*** could this be more than just coincidence?
Time will tell, but I wouldn’t bet against that guess.
Expect it’s about how Murdoch Stephens and others run astroturf campaigns but ultimately work for the SIS.
Lol lol conspiracies abound!
Fuck you all, PC policeman. We know your game!
Bye bye fake leftists!
Does Daddy know you are on his computer?
Today is the day, today is the day, WOOO HOOOOOO. Roll on 5pm, just a little bit excited 😀