Now on WordPress 5

Written By: - Date published: 12:59 am, December 30th, 2018 - 12 comments
Categories: admin, notices, The Standard - Tags:

Just upgraded to WordPress 5.02. There were a couple of minor tweaks required on our site for old posts, but nothing earth shattering.

The Gutenberg editor is off until I have a look at the effects on the theme and the old posts. However it is likely that I’ll rejig the theme to support more types of presentation.

I have to say that creating The Standard as a very conformant site with very selective and simple plugins really pays off. The upgrades are essentially painless.

However we have been running with this theme since 2010, with the only significiant changes being to shift the width from 1024 pixels to 1280 and to shift some of the display from pixel images to CSS3.

But meanwhile the screens have gotten wider, the effects a lot more effective and the load speeds faster. I’m looking at this on a 4k screen that 3840 pixels wide and that has a graphic processing unit that has enough grunt to mine digital currencies.

So the theme is going to get enhanced slowly. Currently I have no long projects in the pipeline nor long periods offshore doing installations and onsite testing – pretty much all that I have been doing for the last 6 years. Time to upgrade. However I’m not planning on making the look and feel shift too much. It will be an evolution rather than a revolution.

Really the only planned distraction this year is likely to be this cable chewer called Mort who has now been dewormed, vaccinated, and shortly to be microchipped.


Let me know if you notice anything that isn’t working.

12 comments on “Now on WordPress 5 ”

  1. Jenny - How to get there? 1

    Edit function

  2. Sacha 2


    “The Gutenberg editor is off until I have a look at the effects on the theme and the old posts” – am with you in that sentiment. A 2019 task.

  3. lprent 3

    Test comment for the re-edit.

    Ok. That looks like the whole thing is off.

    • lprent 3.1

      Ok – this is odd. It works on the test system. Fails on the real system.

      The plugin is present and active…

      Ummm. I will need to add some debugging or put this on the debugger. But first I’ll uninstall and install this a bit later after the heat goes down.

  4. Jenny - How to get there? 4

    If you could give me a clue into how to operate the search function. That would be a big time saver.

  5. ropata 5

    Fingers crossed for a better mobile theme that works with the comments

    • lprent 5.1

      What specifically are you after?

      I’m using it on a Samsung S8+ and it works fine. Ditto on an old HTC one. Haven’t tried it recently on iOS – simply because I don’t have an iphone readily accessible.

      There are some obvious difficulties with screen size and resolution, but generally the wp-touch seems to handle most of them.

      The only known problem is with the local mobile providers being a bit of a nuisance because they expect that the site is running on SPDY when I’m telling them that we only support HTML2. But I think I have a fix for that to apply shortly. (there is no mod_spdy for apache 2.4).

  6. lprent 6

    Pushed theme into a remote git repo from a local svn.
    Cleaned out the old junk left-over files from the current them.
    Cleaned out almost all of the remaining line gif files.
    Fixed a couple of minor screen issues in CSS.

  7. The new gutenberg editor is tricky thing to get a hang of. Hoping to get used to it like the earlier classic editor. But gutenberg sure makes life easy because I don’t have to buy a premium page builder now.