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notices and features - Date published:
6:00 am, May 2nd, 2017 - 50 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike ...
Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
I see the Stuff business headlines have “Former prime minister John Key to become an Air NZ director “.
Reading the company announcement there is a board meeting on the first of Sept (the date of his appointment) so I imagine that the shareholders are going to be asked to vote him in as a director on that day and they may choose not too. Fake news or just a misleading headline?? There may well be shareholders from major kiwisaver funds etc whose members aren’t too keen on the idea at all. Another case of the old boy’s network looking after it’s own??
And where are Air NZ’s corporate ethics? Isn’t it time the shareholders passed some resolutions requiring the Board to observe stand down periods between public office & commercial activity before we get the USA revolving door syndrome.
Perhaps also some limits on the number of other appointments board members can have.
I’d look forward to the board promoting that. It would also help to break down the pale male stale board compositions
Instead of thrashing your keyboard, go and become a major shareholder so you can influence the board on how they base their ethics.
We are major shareholders but it’s through the government which will act for their ex-leader rather than for the opinions of the actual shareholders.
Leaving aside the unwarranted assumption about keyboards (I am aware that shareholders go to meetings to vote for the board and anything else they want to discuss) I’d be more interested if there was some more discussion around the points raised:
If the shareholders put a motion to the board for a stand down period between public & private office would the crown shareholding have to stand aside from the voting because of a conflict of interest.
Why doesn’t the chairman of the board promote a range on candidates for the empty seat? Perhaps David Cunliffe for one?
Has the board considered the baggage that Key potentially brings with him, Pike River, afghan villages, offshore tax laundering, ponytail pulling. This kind of baggage can bring a truckload of poor PR when it blows up (ask Pepsi & United) and that is expensive = not good for shareholders. At the very least Key is a divisive candidate.
Quite apart from the crown shareholding individuals also own shares through the various kiwi saver investments and they may well not be keen on Key.
Yep. That’s definitely what it looks like from here. He doesn’t have a friggen clue about airlines and so simply isn’t qualified for that position.
Why do you need a clue about airlines, Ken Douglas used to be a board member – who appointed him if you are so concerned about an old boys club?
It would seem to be a good idea to have some experience in how an industry functions before getting to direct it.
And that changes my position how?
Please note: I hold that the upper echelon of our present major business model is an old boys club and thus is totally corrupt.
Total ignorance of the industry concerned, seems to be an essential qualification for Managers and Directors, these days.
Never mind that the evidence shows companies that promote from within, do better.
His reward for selling out on the employment contracts act.
I was hoping that Key would leave the country with a role in some bank job taking money and assets from the third world, but nope, even they don’t want him these days.
Now we’re still stuck with him. Like Shipley and Mainzeal, time to sell those shares right wingers and Kiwisavers.
Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit
Steven W Thrasher
Trevor Noah had an interesting response to that:
I think the author was hoping for something more community focused from Obama, not just a Politician for hire to the highest bidder, clone.
What, like an international charity fund? Yeah, because that would make everyone happy /sarc
Give the guy a few months off before he figures out what to do in the long run.
He’s not taking time off he’s earning $400,000 per hour for a speech to wall street.
He’s hitting the post political gravy train at full speed. Like all the other’s before him of course.
I’m not sure I could see Sander’s giving a $400,000 speech to Wall Street. Just saying….
Actually, I could, if he’d made president. And he’d probably have plonked most of the money into charity.
But we’re still talking one speech in three months after moving house. Get back to me in five years and tell me if Obama’s made no effort to use his rep to make the world a better place.
I thought the highly subsidised politicians pension was to prevent the sort of corruption, where they are paid off like this after politics.
Of course this is standard operating procedure for right wing politicians.
A lucrative directorship in one of the companies whose hands they have washed while in power is so normal, many do not even see it for the political corruption, that it is.
With friends like this do we need enemies?
Trotter has a valid point. And we could do with more left wing think tanks. However, his solution (a three-year inquiry) leaves a lot to be desired.
The server has simply stopped twice in two days, which is kind of annoying. Neither occasion threw up anything in the logs to indicate what the issue is. In both cases a hard reset was required.
Unfortunately I’m also pushing to get the code for a project out the door and the hardware into the ovens for tempature testing and then off to EMC testing. So I’m already doing 12-14 hour work days.
So any fix will have to wait until I either have working code on the last version of the hardware, or a weekend. Please be patient. It takes time to either head home or to get someone to press the button.
Looks like TDB has been having problems as well.
Tried to leave this comment on a post about HDCA. But the site was a slow as listening to Nick Smith try to explain his water criteria, and about as productive. I’ll post it here in case it never shows up. Bomber appears to have a limited understanding of the HDCA.
Red Barron I’d say it was a good point you make here,
A case could be made that a conflict of interest is there if it can be found the past PM has a monetary gain (conflict of interest amongst these plans as he did when he had undisclosed shares in Tranz Rail?
Has anyone lost connect to TDB? My server comes up with “Bad gateway 502”?
Re TDB. Had that happen yesterday a couple of times Cleangreen (4). Seems to be OK today though. Natzsafe doing its rotten thing perhaps?
Brian Easton has an interesting take on Bolger’s years as PM. Hoodwinked like Lange?
“The problem was more general. Bolger seems to have had only neo-liberal advisers without any leavening of sceptics. Surrounded by the true believers, Bolger became one, while gullible journalists passed the beliefs onto the public.”
Great column on how NZ lost it’s way due to the incompetence of the neo-liberal True Believers.
Easton describes almost exactly why ongoing disability policy ‘transformation’ will fail to address the most significant issues facing our community.
PS…Does Easton have a role as an ethical economics adviser to any Party standing against the incumbents in the upcoming election?
Perhaps Bolger should have listened to their critics such as Hugh Price , then,… it wasn’t as if there wasn’t enough of them at the time…
New Right Fight – Who are the New Right?
Heard of a “blood mine”? There are thousands of these unregulated mines, using children as modern day slaves to source cobalt for iphones, electric cars, and other tech gadgets …
There is a call to action with social media to attempt to pressure Congo, Trump, and key CEO’s such as Elon Musk to stop using blood cobalt in technology.
AFAIK overturning regulations restricting trade conflict minerals remains on Trump’s to do list.
The Trump administration has prepared a new executive order that would extinguish regulatory controls designed to prevent US companies profiting from and encouraging the spread of “conflict minerals” that are inflaming violence in Congo.
A draft executive order, composed last week and obtained by the Guardian, proposes a two-year suspension of a portion of the Dodd-Frank financial reforms that requires US firms to carry out due diligence to ensure that the products they sell include no minerals mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or neighbouring countries. The regulation was widely applauded as a mainstay of attempts to cut the umbilical chord between big business and violent warlords who have spread unrest throughout the Congo and caused the deaths of more than five million people since the 1990s.
As I’ve said before: If we held to the standards that we say we hold we wouldn’t trade with the US or any of its companies.
Russell Brand had a posting on the cobalt issue a few weeks ago.
When you start investigating modern-day slavery it becomes apparent how prevalent the practice is – which we, as western consumers benefit from without thought or knowledge.
As we don’t have transparency in our supply chains, even the supposed choice of an informed consumer is lost to us as a method of encouraging better practices with our consumer spending.
Republican representative outed as misogynist rape proponent ‘Red Pill’ troll:
I can’t help but think that Republicans will find it more offensive that he’s found to be an atheist.
I can’t help but think that many Republicans will be offended that he was outed.
I doubt if any of them will be offended that their representative is a misogynist arsehole.
Buffoon in chief – “I Don’t Stand by Anything”.
But in early March, Trump wrote on Twitter that Obama had illegally ordered surveillance of Trump Tower in the days and weeks leading up to last year’s election, an allegation for which neither the president nor any White House staff member has been able to offer definitive proof. Trump raised the allegation in his interview without prompting, but then appeared unwilling to discuss it further when CBS anchor John Dickerson asked him whether he stood by the accusation.
“I don’t stand by anything. I just — you can take it the way you want. I think our side’s been proven very strongly. And everybody’s talking about it. And frankly, it should be discussed,” Trump said. “That is a very big surveillance of our citizens. I think it’s a very big topic. And it’s a topic that should be No. 1. And we should find out what the hell is going on.”
When Dickerson pressed Trump for further details, the president replied that “you don’t have to ask me” because “I have my own opinions. You can have your own opinions.” Dickerson followed up that he wanted Trump’s opinion as president, prompting Trump to say “OK, it’s enough. Thank you,” and abruptly ended the interview.
Does anybody else find it interesting that while tobacco tax increases are contributing to the increase in dairy robberies, shop owners (lobby group) aren’t calling for them to end?
The shop owners lobby group want police stations reopened, the right to defend themselves and more police patrols. However, the police aren’t generally called until after the fact. Therefore, it’s interesting shop owners aren’t calling for more preventive measures such as putting an end to tobacco tax increases.
…or they can elect not to sell them and as a result would not be targeted for would be robbers who only want to smoke.
Most say the sector is to competitive, thus not selling them would put them at a disadvantage.
Moreover, they would be required to be sold somewhere as they are still a legal product. Therefore, shifting where they are sold would merely move the problem elsewhere.
Someone told me that a massive amount of tobacco purchases are impulse buys, i.e. they buy at the petrol station when purchasing petrol.
Their view wa,s with electric cars, and not stopping at petrol stations, tobacco sales will go down further.
Good for environment and good for health. Go electric cars!
Quite the wee theocracy they’re putting together.
(CNN) President Donald Trump’s pick to be secretary of the Army, former army doctor Mark Green, is a self-identified “creationist” who delivered a lecture arguing against the theory of evolution.
Green’s views and past statements are facing scrutiny ahead of his confirmation hearing, which has yet to be scheduled. If confirmed, Green wouldn’t be the only prominent doctor and member of the Trump administration to reject evolution. HUD Secretary Ben Carson has also made similar arguments and once said the theory of evolution was encouraged by Satan.
Green, a Tennessee state senator, has faced opposition from Democrats and LGBT groups over his past anti-LGBT comments. In one comment, from September, Green said, “If you poll the psychiatrists, they’re going to tell you that transgender is a disease.”
This may be a little off topic, – but STILL affects not only ‘ tourism ‘ … but our very environment. I posted regarding Pike River on The Standard regarding this article :
‘Andrew Little: Together, we will fight for justice for Pike families ‘
This comment :
The “in-ground resource value” of New Zealand’s extensive ironsand deposits could be between $1 trillion and $5 trillion, says state-owned energy company Solid Energy.
The iron ore contained in ironsands off the west coast of the North Island has been estimated to be worth a trillion dollars, but Solid Energy chief executive Don Elder said that “the industry view is increasingly that (the value) could be substantially greater than that”.
The final value would depend on the price of steel, and the availability of technology to smelt ironsands, he told Parliament’s commerce select committee yesterday.
“Resources are attracting margins or profits in the order of 20 percent of the revenue.”
Prices seen in 2008 would mean profit margins of 50 percent or “significantly higher” could be available from ironsands.
A New Zealand-based company, Trans Tasman Resources Ltd (TTR), and overseas rivals are looking at exploiting New Zealand ironsands, and TTR has suggested that a domestic steel mill could use local high-grade coking coal to refine the ironsands.
Dr Elder said Chinese companies had cheaper labour and capital and could do such projects faster, but New Zealand had an advantage in the availability of the water needed for such a refinery.
“If you could process those in New Zealand, it’s a much much better value opportunity and would certainly compete with doing the same thing in China under the right circumstances, with the right technology”.
There are many overseas company eyeing up those same resources , as well as NZ ones. Opencast mining is cheaper to conduct and – less prone to negative publicity such as the tragedy at Pike River. You will also recall when John Key first came to power, he and Brownlee were keen to exploit minerals in our national parks . However the rest of us were not and the momentum was lost.
And as an example of what I meant , I posted this directly below :
BTW :…
Pike River was ONE of the mines that was envisioned to help supply that ‘high quality coking coal’ for the NZ iron sand smelting process….
As well… the same company that owned the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia , USA , … that had a similar methane /coal dust explosion killing 29 workers with only 2 escaping ( just like Pike River) … several months before Pike River – ALSO HAD FINANCIAL INTERESTS IN PIKE RIVER.
Go figure , people !!!
There’s a lot more riding on this whole thing than meets the eye with some pretty powerful local and offshore vested interests who are working to ensure Pike River evidence never gets to see the light of day.
( Update : Bathhurst Resources was a direct investor in Pike River Coal Mine – which has DIRECT RELEVANCE to the articles in today’s news in the articles below ….)
NOW TODAY WE SEE THIS ,… in the NZ Herald – AND hot on the heels of the latest release on Pike River :
Forest & Bird says Government has secret mining plans for Denniston …
‘Secret’ coal mining plans on the West Coast alarm Forest & Bird | Stuff …
Forest & Bird says Government has secret mining plans for Denniston …
And historically , – the Forest and Bird Society know all too well how these deceptive mining operators work through Government.
Forest & Bird Magazine 352 May 2014 by Forest & Bird – issuu
[TheStandard: A moderator moved this comment to Open Mike as being off topic or irrelevant in the post it was made in. Be more careful in future.]
Scary stuff there, WILD KATIPO.
I reckon ! – second time I’ve had my posts shifted !!!
L0L ! – just kidding guys !!
Ill be a bit more careful next time !!!
Fantastic take-down of Matthew Hooton by Andrew Geddis on the Pundit. Hooton will be fuming.
Why just looks like an academic got his knickers in a twist about pretty boring topic, who cares
You obviously Red.
That said, a very funny piece by Andrew. Especially the last few paragraphs.
I’m watching Melissa Lee and Coleman making out they’re friends of poorly paid workers after the recent moves to pay equity in the aged care sector.
They’re taking a triumphant stand making out how fucking wonderful they are. Bastards.
In Other news:
Reserves for sale in NZ. Get in quick!
The took it down
Another reason to eat vegetarian on top of avoiding the damaging health and environmental effects of dairy and meat.
“A4M is focused on spreading awareness about innovative, cutting-edge science and research, in addition to treatment modalities designed to prolong the human life span”. https://www.a4m.com/our-mission.html
“Ghoto said last year that he lived “a long life because I have people that love me looking after me”. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/02/oldest-human-dies-in-indonesia-aged-146
Loving friends and relatives. Loving friends and relatives. Loving friends and relatives. Cutting edge scientists and researchers. Cutting edge scientists and researchers. Cutting edge. Scientists and researchers.