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6:00 am, October 3rd, 2023 - 103 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
The site was a victim of spring cleaning. Looks like we knocked the power off at the UPS while cleaning up cables and reorganising furniture late night at about 10pm.
Fate often intervenes in life. Glad to see you on the ball in fix-it mode.
Yep. 11 hours is definitely on the ball 😈
Dashboard is looking pretty bloody weird.
I see Jack Tame has become an election issue. How much?
Yeah, but how much?
Wow! No kidding?
So no matter the election outcome we get a coalition of chaos & interesting times. Cool.
Yeah, obviously the situation will require a certain amount of head-scratching. Could wheel out a few political scientists into the mix to pontificate on the health of democracy in this scenario. Get Jack Tame to rate their comparative credibility.
Jack Tame is going well into the Lindsay Perigo scale of political importance, but he probes largely on political tactics and dynamics rather than what actual government or – dare we expect it – what kind of New Zealand each kind of coalition would deliver.
He's hardly Ian Fraser in gravitas or actual use beyond the standard beltway echo-chamber.
Ad, what is your considered opinion of Winston Peters’ behaviour during that interview?
He lacks media training. If he doesn't know the cost of something he should admit that, but then say the issue, whatever it is, is one that we should be considering, regardless of cost. That would stop Jack Tame’s silly nonsense in its tracks.
Now when I noticed this right wing puff piece by the toilet paper escaping NZ Herald I developed something of an itch in the back of my mind. The article lead with
"The wealthy businessman who gifted Act leader David Seymour his personal plane without cost to help his election campaign says he did so to allow Seymour to replicate the “whistle-stop” tours commonly seen in the United States."
Now that itch at the back of my mind was starting to piss me off and while I felt that excreable article was in the 'right' vein it wasn't what was pissing me off soo much.
My curse/blessing of a bloody good memory delivered with the association my subconscious was trying to propel me to. – and viola
"The Nazis adopted a populist sort of approach to politics, which no one had witnessed earlier in Germany. It was called a Deutschlandflug. Hitler took to the skies, flying from city to city in an airplane. He was a manvonvolk, a man from the people. They created an image of a peripatetic, all-powerful man who could be at all places at all times." (my bold)
David Seymour – perhaps the new 'Minister of Social
WelfareWarfare' in a coming NACT GovernmentNice correlation. Check out 34 below for Seymour's relevance in the collective thinking of our business elite – a blend of Nat/Lab/Greens/TMP!
Sorry, typo, I meant #4…
Stops at which to dog whistle.
Farrar has an interesting take on our business elite here: https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/
Here's the bottom 4 on that list:
33. Kelvin Davis 1.66
34. Debbie Ngarewa-Packer 1.65
35. Jan Tinetti 1.62
36. Rawiri Waititi 1.60
37. Willie Jackson 1.52
Business hotshots aren't keen on Willie but they rate the Maori radicals higher! Who don't they rate?? Failures that failed to make the list at all: Seymour & co, Winston & co. I'm intrigued Farrar didn't notice this significant failure!
Don't buy in to this bollocks Dennis.
Why not? Seems very significant that they rate leftist politicians highly. It breaks the mould that people carry around in their heads: capitalists = rightists. Shows they ain't as dumb as they seem.
Or, to put the point more elegantly, the extent to which they reward leftist politicians mentally for supporting the established economy.
Well who are numbers 1,2,3 4, 6 and 8?
Nats apart from #8 which I noted above was James. Too scared to go & see for yourself? Don't blame you. Spiritual pollution is real, and it does infect!
I zip in & out after a quick scan to avoid that – just to stay informed at this point in the campaign.
It's paywalled.
So the first 6 people with highest scores from CEO's are Nats. D'oh!
Strange, I saw it on Farrar's blog no problem, didn't encounter a paywall, but yeah, interesting that they don't rate Lux highly even though he was one of that elite group!!
Sage advice there BG. Farrar behind grannys paywall asking CEO'S was enough.
Another useful tool for the right Davey Boy.
It's not useful for anything.
NZHerald invents different Top 10 Power Brokers for this or that industry from horse racing to real estate.
What they never get to is the harder one: who are the top 20 most powerful people in New Zealand?
And what you would get to quickly is that politicians under the top 3 are now well down to the top families and billionaires, and those who Chair multiple listed companies. That is the real rank of power.
Ranking NZ power is very, very different to ranking Parliamentary power.
I take your point but hierarchical rankings always impress people en masse. Social darwinism effects in the psyche of voters.
I believe such listings work on a similar basis to imagery: they evoke feelings, form impressions. The interface tween political culture & people is at play…
Go and stretch your political mind and list the top 20 most powerful people in New Zealand.
Use every measure you can think of.
Yep. These lists are useful only anthropologically: first you see which groups the Herald deems worthy of having their opinions published; second you see the prejudices of the selected group laid out. It's boring because it's quite easy to predict both these things fairly accurately without the Herald having to do the actual survey in the first place.
please supply a direct link. Go to the post, click on the title, copy and paste from the address bar.
Yeah I didn't go into it earlier because I read it on his front page. Frank the tank wrote "Lot of corporate wokesters are CEOs now. Explains Shaw at above 3".
He was actually #8 which isn't above 3. That Frank seems to be using his inability to do simple arithmetic to demonstrate rightist solidarity.
Another, krazykiwi, notes that "the ‘result’ is a Bayesian data crime." Literary references to top 19th century mathematicians are unlikely to impress rightist readers due to them not having a clue what he's talking about.
Anyone get the irony of theNats complaining about how unfair life is because their Lead Sook is accused of running scared while they plan to slash the poorest’s income and sack up to 15,000 people before Christmas. Arseholes!.
"sack up to 15,000 people before Christmas"
What evidence do you have for your claim that the National Party plan to do this? When have they said that they plan to do so?
Any thoughts on the courage (or lack of) in the rejected idea of the deputies filling in?
After all, that is what deputies are for.
Evangelists believe that their god is all powerful.
Therefore their god would not allow a disastrous Climate change to happen.
Thus for people like Luxon they can pat the believers of Climate change on the head and leave it all to their god.
Perhaps that is why National is not active climatically but delay delay delay.
Perhaps we should also get biblical
"To burn the earth is a great sin and the wages of sin is death Mr Luxon"
(I wrote that – just now)
You ever read the story of Noah?
It's a story …and even those who hold it to be true were told it would not happen again.
The real issue with them is their belief in end time God intervention to sort out the liberals and also fix all of the CC problem.
God apparently is well on record to wipe people out through climatic events, written with Genesis in about 1400BC. So it's not some recent preserve of evangelicals.
There are plenty of telos-driven end-timers on many parts of the political spectrum. You can find them in their billionaire bunkers in Queenstown and Wanaka, in Far North communes, all across Southland from Tuatapere to Owaka, in parts of the Green Party, in the peace movement, all over the place.
National and Labour can be described as delaying our inevitable end.
Yeah. I'm optimistic enough to discount end-times as inevitable, yet realistic enough to acknowledge that addiction to neoliberalism keeps escalating their probability of happening.
Humanity evolves via catharsis experiences. System crash is a viable possibility at all times. Being locked into any particular mental state diminishes survival prospects and that logic applies to all of us. Hold your beliefs lightly to survive any testing times, shift and adapt when situations compel it.
I would be lucky to withstand reading a few lines without losing it.
perhaps I should've said
"To drown or burn the earth is a great sin and…..et cetera
Oldie but a goodie (GOP Jesus)
Well..thats a smiler for the morning : ) GOP and Evangelical Luxon Christian? Humour…does help in these (and other) times….
FYI..(just in case?) I say..Truth in Humour !
Chief Sook displaying his mendacious arrogance.
Christopher Luxon ChatGPT
The problem with Maori is they just won't accept that I know best. They don't even know Maori health outcomes did really well over the last National government.
The Hui livestream: October 02, 2023 @5:40>
Projection again. It is not Hipkins playing dirty and lying.
Should perhaps Labour offer to have the debate using only former Big Tobacco shills – oops dang thats right Labour, unlike National, is in a severe shortage of those sociopaths.
Note: Kelvin Davis is not the Deputy PM. Grant Robertson is. His opposite no. is Nicola Willis who, in the event of a Nat win would become Deputy PM.
So there's dirty politics from C Bishop for starters.
Carmel Sepuloni is deputy PM. Kelvin Davis is deputy leader.
But it should be leader versus leader. Hipkins has offered alternative dates. A woman spokesperson from The Press said that this was possible this morning on RadioNZ, but that the Chicken had refused to change his schedule. The Chicken has admitted this.
Sepuloni is Deputy PM. I think Robertson was Deputy PM under Ardern. My bad. 😳
No he isn't.
Thought so. Why, then, did Hipkins tell AM (as Anne cited above) that Labour offered Robertson instead. No faith in their deputy, obviously!
Quite right for the Nats to reject a fake leaders debate when Labour put forward a fake leader instead of a real leader! Goddam charade. Pathetic.
You are a bs artist Frank. If you are going to have a debate then you offer like with like. You have spent the past few weeks throwing rocks and Labour and "lefties" in general so don't try to fool me or most people here what you are up to.
Look Anne, there's no need to try offensive bullshit in order to avoid the reality that you don't want to face up to. Face the facts!
If you believe anything I wrote is wrong, prove it by quoting facts. If you can't, have the grace to apologise.
Speaking francisly Luxon said he was a bit pressed……….
Agree with that Anne. I think Dennis is a troll.
I'm curious. Do you see all onsite commentators here who don't agree with you as such? If not, precisely what in my commentary makes you think like that??
Don’t think he is a troll, but he does come up with bullshit (I use the full word since he did) from time to time. I note that – like me – not too many people bother to respond to it. 🙂
That's a bit purist Dennis. Since elections are so much about economic policy, it would be silly and unfair to put a non-finance minister against a finance shadow minister – just because of the accident of how the deputy-leader roles have been assigned.
Oops – sorry Dennis, my mistake. Should read: "put a non-finance minister (Sepuloni) against the leader of the opposition"
Yeah it's a valid point re parity, but the chicken thing side-steps the rules of the game: status parity. Debates must do that to seem fair to audience.
So you agreed with AB re the "parity" point but not my "like with like" @ 1132am which means exactly the same thing. Interesting.
Wasn't clear to me what you meant then. I could comment better on your position if you clarified further how you see parity being provided by Labour in their debate stance…
Debate twosomes.
Leaders Hipkin (PM) Luxon (would be PM)
Deputies Sepuloni (DPM) Willis (would be DPM)
Last but not least:
Finance Minister Robertson (former DPM) Willis (would be Finance Minister and DPM)
All of those pairs have acceptable parities or in my words 'like with like'.
Okay, I see your reasoning & have no disagreement with it. Not sure how it bears on what Labour actually did tho!
If they really did offer the debate to Robertson, why didn't they provide parity framing so the Nats could reciprocate??
They probably did Dennis Frank, or at least framed it in such a way they invited National to accordingly respond. They chose not to.
After 50 plus years of political experience as part of an inner circle and observing closely from the periphery, together with another experience not aligned to Labour, I easily detect lying, cheating and disingenuous behaviour. This is how the National Party under Luxon is operating. I would not believe anything that man says nor his deputy and certainly not his campaign manager. They are an extension of the dirty politics Nicky Hager wrote about nearly ten years ago. Nothing has changed.
Sure you do Anne
Letter from Insurance company today listing main factors for changes in house and contents policy with rise in premiums:
And here I was being made to think it was all due to Labour's 'wasteful spending'………
Yep, same here. The insurance premium increased by 50% and 30% (Content and House) for us. For me the Climate Crises and Cost-of-Living Crises are closely interlinked.
Oh, the insurance company didn't mention another important factor… greed-flation.
The 'cost of living crisis' has been leveraged to the max with price increases……..similar to throwing petrol on a fire…..
So Luxon thinks he's "in the last week of a campaign" – but isn't this the second-to-last week? Has Lux been consulting his would-be finance minister about "technical numbers"?
Chippy has already offered to turn up on next Monday and do the Press Leaders debate, live with audience questions. Luxon is scheduled to be in Ch Ch that day and if he doesn't turn up to the debate that is going to be a very very very bad look……..
Bad look in whose eyes?
The lefties who wouldn't vote National if you paid them?
For the rest, Luxon has already done what he needs to in the debates (i.e. looked reasonably competent to the online/TV audience) [as judged by the commentators – of course he won't look competent in the eyes of the left wing]
There are no further wins for him to take out of debates with Hipkins. And this particular one wasn't even going to be televised – so an audience of max 2,000.
It's a piece of basic electioneering. And National have judged he can maximise his opportunities to convince wavering voters, elsewhere.
Luxon……"looked reasonably competent to the online/TV audience…."
"…as judged by the commentators…."
Oh of course….the "commentators"…the ones that decide thinking……..
And the debate was to be livestreamed….meaning it can be watched on TV with the push of a button……
Well, who do you think does decide?
If you can't accept analysis by political commentators – then there really is little point in discussing anything with you.
It doesn't make your opinion wrong – just not widely shared….
What about the still undecideds…….the National candidates and supporters in Christchurch……
If you base your thinking on the analysis of current mainstream political commentators then no wonder you appear to have a fragile self concept.
National have made the call that the 'undecideds' won't be materially affected by the Christchurch election debate.
And are more likely to be affected by alternative electioneering strategies. National candidates and supporters in ChCh have already made their minds up (and probably already voted) – no point in preaching to the choir.
TBH – I'd tend to agree – after the first one, and absent a major debating coup ("show me the money" "this glitter is going to settle") – which is not going to come from Mr Bland and Mr Blander – the debates don't change opinion.
And, yes, I do find political analysis interesting. Those who don't are doomed to fester in their own little corner of the internet echo chamber – and will find the real world rather a shock when it comes calling.
While I could make some response to your personalization of the discussion. I’ll leave it at the fact that those without a coherent argument, degenerate to name-calling.
And, that it takes someone with a rather tough self-concept to continue commenting as a Centrist on a left-leaning site like TS.
Ok, finding political analysis interesting is a long stretch from basing your thinking on said analysis. But hey, who am I to argue with such depth of awareness of someone so grounded in the real world…..phew! please send autograph to moderator……
Name calling….mmmmn….not that I mentioned anything but now that you have, Primadonna seems to fit……
Naming is a way of placing order on our world by helping us differentiate between things. It also helps others know what we are referring to when having a conversation…………..
If you struggle to differentiate between 'naming' (using the preferred name for a person or thing, or the commonly used term) and 'name calling' (using a pejorative term or phrase, designed to slur to denigrate) – then I'm sorry for you.
Here's a song for you, I am sure you will enjoy it……
Well, Lux was the guy who spells "Cat"…. : )
Maybe a sentence might have helped?
The fat cat sat, on the mat…….
Luxon is the man who opposes the clean-car discount but took it himself.
Clearly he is entirely trustworthy.
Gee why on earth would they do this (mixed rooms) Surely they they should be all gender specific ?
– Could it perhaps have something to do with maximising the use of available facilities to provide treatment? If you insist on gender specific rooms you are going to have more empty beds that won't be allowed to be used and you will have less health care delivered.
Where is the budget coming from to build more treatment facilities so that you can manage a lower utilisation rate? You may get more comfortable patients but you bloody well aren't going to be able to treat as many.
ED,s separated by curtains, Acute medicat assessment units separated by curtains, Recovery separated by curtains, whats the problem ?.
If they have separate areas for males and females in the UK, that would explain the concern about gender ID in their health system then …
Twyford announces foreign policy decision by Labour, Minto freaks out:
Presumably GR is doing pr for Labour on the basis that finance ministers are the right people inform the public about foreign policy. A leftist thought process.
However I can't fault the excellent exposition of the Grant. I'm tempted to suggest that Minto is doing grumpy old man syndrome on the topic.
They're establishment politicians, what do you expect?? A moon-walk?
Good point but it could be valid to dispose of them by assigning them to the category flakey. I'm inclined to be agnostic on this one. Wearing my Green hat I'd assert the relevant principle: any political group with a tradition of national identity in their collective reality – even if merely aspirational – has an inherent right to collective recognition of their common identity.
Meanwhile Israel is no longer recognising some of those converting to Judaism and becoming Rabbi's as eligible to for migration to Israel for this years sukkoth.
It appears to be the beginning of a gambit (with the change to the basic law) to question the eligibility of those with a Jewish grandfather to become citizens.
All the Palestinians got from Oslo was KFC in Ramallah.
No, they got an offer of land for peace (most of the West Bank and Gaza) in 2000, with East Jerusalem as a capital. And Arafat rejected it because he also wanted right of return to Israel for the 1948 refugees.
A mistake.
Then his successor allowed Hamas to compete in PA elections, despite the fact they did not accept the Oslo Accords setting up the PA. Then Hamas won and there have been no elections since – soon to be a multiple decade thing.
What they were offered was one thing, but they definitely got KFC.
And when Israel and Saudi Arabia sign their full security and diplomatic pact, they both do a full end-run around Jordan's historic claims which could have supported Palestine.
House of Saud may as well be the Harkkonens for the play they are doing to bind US, Israel and Saudi Arabia together.
The mere suggestion of SA going with an alternative to the US dollar/swift axis towards China …. and a full guarantee of US security ... tied to a SA-Israel deal to ensure that the GOP is enraptured to full accord.
I doubt they will touch on the Jordan role as to Temple regime co-operation (remnant of the international city concept of 1947).
Nor on any peace outcome between Israelis and Palestinians, not when the Israeli right has eretz Israel (permanent occupation without West Bank Arab citizens) with a united Jerusalem capital aspiration and SA will still officially support a two state outcome with East Jerusalem as a capital for a new one.
So what is the Israeli-SA angle that would allow the GOP to accept this .(make it bi-partisan)?
First SA recognition of Israel. Second SA aid to the PA that comes with strings as to how the PA operates (no reward to families of those who do bad things, but welfare to all families in need)(end to anti Jewish Semite propaganda in education)(one control of the gun)(WB PA elections)(PA regards all 1948 refugees as Palestinian citizens and no longer refugees and gets the AL to go along with this and allow them rights of residency, allowed to leave the camps).
In return Israel will have to promise to play nice (…..
The consequences of this going wrong – Jordan left with the Palestinian baby – Hashemite dynasty and PLO 1970's state away from state discord. The Temple run by Zionists for Zionists and invasion plans from the east via Iraq.
The presumption is allowing the representative to present their credentials is formal recognition, Labour have managed to make it a process, showing all the innovation required to be seen as a sophisticated player in the international community.
Fair point there. Funny how Minto doesn't see it eh? Doing the 2-step with Oz as interim measure is genuine lateral thinking.
Good reporting as it provides essential context, thus meaning relevant to any observer. Wonder why Albo is so hesitant to proceed.
That bit at the end of the Guardian report about Israel's stance being peace will only come via agreement between Palestine & Israel is rather disingenuous. True on the face of it yet it masks the role of peacemakers as brokers of a deal.
Biden lacks the ambition to go down in history as the magical transformer of the status quo, seemingly. Same for the UN head. Sad.
Brilliant exposition on the meanings of Te Tiriti: https://pointofordernz.wordpress.com/2023/10/03/elizabeth-rata-two-treaties-of-waitangi-the-articles-treaty-and-the-principles-treaty/
She presents a strategic triad used to drive novelty into our traditional stasis, then:
The interface between the sacred and politics is a mental shared space where politicos rarely go, yet salient to the issues. She extends triad to tetrad:
Ethos usually emerges from mythos, morality generates in consequences of like-minded ethos, then you get articulated laws. Co-governance as a principle is mired in deep context. No clear common ground in legislative application of the principle thus far!
This in the Herald is not paywalled and a must read.
The bold headline at the end stating "Labour needs honest soul-searching about its defeat" at this stage of the election cycle proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the fear mongering, manipulation and orchestration of disinformation, misinformation and general sycophantic editorials amount to nothing less than 'quid pro quo' by the big end of town.
If there is ever a bloody civil uprising in this country as many predict, I fear for the likes of Bryce Edwards head……..
It's on his own site.
Bracing but sound.
Gee whiz, that sure as hell is a stunning indictment of Labour's track record in govt! I await various feeble attempts to prove it flawed!
I recommend you gush your praises of Bryce Edwards "honest" analysis and remarkable foresight on his Substack.
He's more likely to see them that way.
A director ahead of his interesting times – doesn't get much clearer than this, imho.
The Judge of Trumps trial has declared that 80% of the charges are outside the Statute of Limitations. Therefore he will evade accountability.
I think you'll find it's Trump's team that have asserted that, not a ruling from the judge.
Yes Ad. That was a quote from Trump outside the Court. And by the looks on the faces on faces of his team they were aghast. Sorry that I was ill informed.
nationals are a gang of clowns just this side of the freak show and not up to government.