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6:49 am, December 4th, 2013 - 199 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step right up to the mike …
For the WTF column: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/9472548/Trek-to-stop-benefit-cut-off. Time Paula Beneficiary-Basher had a bit of the same treatment.
Such nastiness will not be confined to just the small South Waikato town of Putaruru either, beneficiaries all over the country will be suffering the same ‘punishment’ and it should be the duty of WINZ to send a case worker to these towns where there is no permanent office on one or two days a week so as to enable those in such towns to be able to fulfill their ‘obligations’ in a manner befitting human beings in the year 2014…
Yep, nasty nasty nasty
what a horrible nasty Minister.
horrible and nasty
welcome to New Zealand, National Party style…….. no thanks
Thanks Slippery — good ole pure new zealand under your ‘leadership’.
So you are telling me 20yrs of welfare bludging should be applauded and Winz officers should now be runing to the welfare dependants, maybe they should pick up their ciggies,booze and groceries while they are at it
To poor to afford the bus was she must be Paula Bennets fault as well
I’m sure nobody could tell you a damned thing.
Well, nothing that will get through the armour of stereotyping stupidity that you have placed between yourself and reality, anyway.
So she hasnt been on the dole for 20years and no buses run to Tokoroa,has no friends that own a car a bike etc, this is a bullshit media beatup, putting me down just shows you for the insulting idiot you are instead of contributing or debating you abuse me, my “reality” is based on the facts given to us btw
Look just stick to what you are good at. Picking up the garbage – and that is an important job and an admirable one. But don’t wear yourself out trying to think about social matters. You haven’t got a caring bone in your body or a real brain that can understand and assess a problem. So go with your strengths and go and lift something that isn’t living and therefore can’t get hurt.
no your reality is based on your ignorance, prejudice and hypocrisy
1) everyone, including the winz staff memebrs in tokoroa would know theres no bus service
2) its the punitive one size fits all policy set by the govt that created this situation.
3) perhaps she had other means of transport available to her, just not on the exact same day and time winz demanded she trun up
4) you complain about people putting you down and abusing you – yet thats exactly what you opened with.
maybe get over your hatred and holier than thou stance and understand that this woman was doing what was demanded of her – and it was a situation that could have easily been rectified with a bit of common sense and mutual organising. Thats the point
Your disgusting attitude is “putting you down” plenty enough. There are beneficiaries isolated simply because they live on social security. You sound like the type to ditch friends should they become welfare dependant, although I wouldn’t be surprised if you have none except for some of those clones of you commenting on that Stuff article. ‘Garbage’, ‘Rubbish’, ‘Trash’.. certainly….’.Man’… not so much.
more of a man than you will ever be Fondler you just stick to slapping people on the back that agree with you and attacking people personally that dont agree with you, i have noticed its an ongoing theme on this site, try attacking the issue for a change, more than likely another dole bludger must be if you are happy to be paying taxes for 20 years to any welfare recipient it is supposed to be used for a helping hand to future employment not a lifestyle
The woman from that article doesn’t need garbage dump loiterers throwing trash at her, making judgements about her imagined habits and sobriety; she looked perfectly sober on the news. I applaud her for raising four children alone, that’s an admirable feat and something you seem unable to comprehend.
Love the way you attacked her then advocate only attacking the issue when your refuse gets returned, your wheelie-bin is overflowing.
perhaps you should stop attacking people first
you little whine about people being totes mean to you rings rather hollow, its neither accurate or original
And you obviously havent noticed that the issues do get debated back and forth quite readily – just not with fools who think that manners is a one way street
You say ‘ try attacking the issue for a change,’ because we criticise you. But you are part of the issue. You don’t see bringing children up as a job? You don’t think that children and teenagers are important and need good caring support as they grow up? Because you don’t appreciate or value what parenting you had, which may have been little, it doesn’t mean that others shouldn’t have better.
Good on you for walking 40 minutes to your job. I hope when you get home you don’t have to do the housework, cook, and get the children to do their homework and to bed ready to get up and go to school another day. Also pay the bills out of small resources, and try to find some work that fits in with the children’s needs. And the constant jobs, mending their clothes, trying to get second hand school uniforms, finding shoes they can wear for sports again because the last pair got stolen from their school locker, it goes on and on.
You apparently imagine that a good fairy does all that, or you never had that sort of care and have no memories of what is involved in doing a good job as a parent. You just like hating and criticising, and want to kick someone because your life is unhappy, so look enviously on someone who, in your imagine, is getting a better deal.
Well said GW, plenty for Garbage man to think about there, if he’s able to.
Could you walk that far in the time she does? I’m impressed by the effort she puts in to meet some stupid bureaucratic requirement. I’m not impressed by your repetition of the same shit garbage that you fools come out with all the time. Garbage is right.
Actually i walk 40 mins to and from work every day,so you are impressed thats nice i personally would be more impressed if this lady put as much effort over the last 20 years into getting a job and yes Garbage is right thanks
I’d be impressed if your 20 minutes each way amounted to a marathon distance. However it was more like what? 2-3kms
Actually its 40 mins each way every day to work which i guess isnt really relevant just clearing that up thanks
so you cant do 25k down a main highway? – what a patheitc wimp! There i was thinking you were a randian superman – im somewhat disappointed
LOL actually i would jump in my car or on my bike maybe get the bus if i had to or cadge a ride from someone and to show im not the heartless prick you lot seem to be trying to make me out to be im very happy she has had many offers of support and rides if needed but like i said initially its still just a bullshit media beat up
You arent her – your abilities, resources and opportunities (as well as mine) are irrelevant to the issue of someone with out any form of transport at that time, (other than walking) being required to travel a round trip of 25k over a state highway to get to an appointment that could have been rescheduled!
i would believe your not a heartless prick if you went back to your previous heartless comments, apologised for them and comprehended exactly why you got the reaction you did.
Few here would actually know each other in real life – so all anyone has to go on is what is written.
You started by attacking the person, spouted a whole lot of ignorant stereotypes, complained about people being mean right back at you and ignored the actual substance of any reply to you that attempted to examine or refute your claims
now youve got what?, Bragging about how far you walk to work and “LOL”?!
He should be able to make the road as he walks on it, and all without slowing down.
Did anyone hear Simon Mercep’s weak interview with Hekia Parata over declining international standing of NZ in education?
I felt he failed to ask her any of the key tricky questions?
Deliberate or incompetent?
We cannot blame National Standards for this one.
However, the next report will almost certainly show a further decline for which the Standards should be implicated. It’s the paperwork, paperwork, …
Teachers have had to change their focus to produce a heap of “irrelevant” paper in the last decade to satisfy the statisticians at the expense of focusing on the children in front of them.
There has also been a significant increase in the number of children arriving at the school gates, tired and under-nourished – hardly in a fit state to learn.
Deliberate or incompetent?
Timid and incompetent.
Unlike your good self. You could be a good guy on a panel. There could be a guest spot available on Radio Live or wherever JT and WJ usually hang out. You could get people going for sure. With the right amount of irritation to produce some lively talk.
Thank you, greywarbler, but I’d be a dud. I’m absolutely sure I’d end up bending over backwards to be polite to the likes of Hekia Parata. I excoriate Simon Mercep for it, but I know I wouldn’t be any better than he is.
Good point. Striking the right balance – neither sycophantic (which makes the rest feel sick) or incisive and attacking (which results in drawn knives and cries of foul from the other side) is a hard thing. I didn’t realise that Maggie Barry was such a right wing gal till after she had left – she covered up so well from my perspective.
But don’t talk yourself down, you could have a role in stirring what can be a festering murky brew on some talkback, to mix some sunlight in. Or even add different colours to change the hue, some spilt blood red for instance. Then a touch of blue blood. Spin that colour wheel like a pizza cutter. wheee!
Blood and pizza. I LIKE the sound of that!
‘Mr Dunn is a serial leaker’ Winston Peters, RNZ.
Pot and Kettle.
If you were still thinking that GMO was a good idea then think again:
I never thought these thoughts would occur to me but today when I eat virtually anything I wonder if it has been over-modified, over-processed and whether it has been comprehensively tested for any potential effects from those overs-.
Clearly there will be a very rapidly growing market for non-modified and non-processed foods. It is already underway but I suspects it is about to go nuts….
… which of course will send the US corporates like Monsanto nuts, and their paid lobbyists in the TPPA and other corrals under construction will ramp it all up too.
Grow your own. The only way. With non-modified seeds.
the only way
walk away
from the supermarche
“Grow your own. The only way. With non-modified seeds. ”
That’s good for you but the vast majority of the world actually can’t grow there own.
Doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea mate.
As below the overwhelming consensus is that they are safe for human consumption.
Don’t care. Mine are better.
Which word are you having trouble with?
Your what are better?
What they, TC?
My non-modified, non-processed foods.
Do you not even read the comments you reply to? Just lurch in? It won’t save you any time in the long run.
Which foods are you eating that are non-modified?
Which foods are you eating that are non-modified?
In the context of the discussion above (yeah I know it’s really hard) lots of them.
In the context of the meaninglessness you’re trying to move the discussion to (everything is just molecules and it doesn’t matter how they’re arranged, man) none.
I was asking for specifics.
No you weren’t. You were attempting to demonstrate that everything is “modified” from something else in some way or other and then extrapolate that every modification is equally stable and worthwhile, and hope no-one noticed the massive leap in between.
Many of them could if their colonial masters hadn’t forced them to grow our fucking coffee.
What does that have to do with the safety of GMO?
I don’t know. But it has a great deal to do with your assertion that “the vast majority of the world actually can’t grow there own.”
Which I imagine is why it was placed as a reply to that assertion. But then I do have a very active imagination which even allows me to follow straightforward conversations without ending up like you.
GMO is a good idea, is supported in roughly the same overwhelming consensus of scientists as global warming and has been shown to safe for human consumption and study after study has shown it.
As to your specific link:
Thanks for that. Always good to hear both sides.
How many generations of humans have been studied with regards to GMO food?
First you need to define GMO food because humans have been changing the genetics of food for 100s if not 1000s of years.
selective breeding isnt the same thing as genetic modification though is it
Rubbish. They haven’t been around long enough to test properly for long term effects on animals and humans. And all the published research is funded by the patent owners. Yes, you are really thinking this through, I can tell !
National Academy of Sciences owns GMO patents?
FUNDED by patent owners ..
doesn’t matter who does the research .. cherchez le holy dollars !!!
“GMO’s for dinner .. fine menu selection, sir.
Would you like a side-order of tumours with that ??”
What tumours? Got a link?
Also got a link to support the studies done by the National Academy of Sciences was funded by the patent owners?
What tumours? Got a link?
Also got a link to support the studies done by the National Academy of Sciences was funded by the patent owners?
“GMO is a good idea, is supported in roughly the same overwhelming consensus of scientists as global warming and has been shown to safe for human consumption and study after study has shown it.”
It may be supported by an overwhelming consensus of Monsanto lobbyists working for the FDA, but my impression of the wider science community is that the jury is out and we should proceed with caution. Many more scientists oppose GMO because they see the damage that corporate monoculture does to agriculture. The soy in South America is about as good for the natural and social environment as Fonterra is for Aotearoa, but on a much larger scale. Do you have a source for your overwhelming consensus?
“It may be supported by an overwhelming consensus of Monsanto lobbyists working for the FDA, but my impression of the wider science community is that the jury is out and we should proceed with caution.”
Are these organisations lobbyists with the FDA? They are the same organisations that speak on the efficiency of vaccines and the truth of man-made global warming.
“It may be supported by an overwhelming consensus of Monsanto lobbyists working for the FDA, but my impression of the wider science community is that the jury is out and we should proceed with caution.”
These are some of the global, preeminent science organisations. Monsanto lobbyists they are not.
“It may be supported by an overwhelming consensus of Monsanto lobbyists working for the FDA, but my impression of the wider science community is that the jury is out and we should proceed with caution.”
These are some of the global, preeminent science organisations. Monsanto lobbyists they are not.
“It may be supported by an overwhelming consensus of Monsanto lobbyists working for the FDA, but my impression of the wider science community is that the jury is out and we should proceed with caution.”
These are some of the global, preeminent science organisations. Monsanto lobbyists they are not.
Errr, not sure why the above repetition happened. Kept getting errors….
Errr, not sure why the above repetition happened. Kept getting errors….
Errr, not sure why the above repetition happened. Kept getting errors….
Because you submitted again after getting the error.
There may have been some repeated submitting…
Oh well, I keep getting put in moderation, and I thought I’d been behaving myself lately…
You usually behave yourself (apart from your taste in music of course). The site or rather the spam checker we use is having loading issues. So comments are winding up in moderation because they can’t get spam checked.
You have it easy. I’m cleaning up 500+ spam comments per day that are getting through the spam checker for me to examine.
Working on fixing it now.
Your hard work is very much appreciated lprent, I have much respect and gratitude for all that you do here. This end is certainly the easy part compared to your workload, I can only dream of having your skills and commitment.
Split in Destiny church.
god will be really upset about this.
Just another person following the advice that, supposedly, L. Ron Hubbard got: If you want to become rich, start your own church. And why not? It obviously worked for Hubbard and for Brian Tamaki.
…and Henry VIII. However the Tudors had the smarts to make their under-lords rich also. Brian is failing to share out the filthy lucre that his gang is pilfering from the poor.
what I love about the destiny church and brian tamaki thingy is the illustration it is of the extent to which humans can self-justify.
most amusing, we humans …..
Schisms occur in big business too you know.
especially when flagship projects start to stall, like the Tamaki Jonestown.
Jonestown – “Love is the only weapon. Martin Luther King died for love…” @2:07
Religion is Big Business didn’t you know. The growth industry.
We hear that chartered accountants are attracted to all sort of figures but at the end of the day they don’t add up to much.
We hear that chartered accountants are attracted to all sorts of figures but at the end of the day they don’t add up to much.
“This is where I STOP being a liberal!”
“After a comedy show, one is often mobbed by the ladies…”
Mediocrity Watch No. 9: ANDREW CLAY
On yesterday’s Open Mike, our friend and colleague Murray Olsen asked: “Who is Andrew Clay and should I be worried?”…
Well, Murray, have a gander at an appearance he made on Jim Mora’s show earlier this year…
“After a comedy show, one is often mobbed by the ladies”
Angry boyfriends target Tall Poppy Andrew Clay
The Panel, Radio NZ National, Thursday 28 April 2013
Jim Mora, Andrew Clay, Lisa Scott
Andrew Clay is a comedian, who a couple of years ago was paid to go to Afghanistan, ostensibly to entertain New Zealand’s occupation troops, but in fact to ensure he never again uttered a critical word about government policy. His comedic comrade MIKE KING was similarly co-opted, and even made a ridiculous television program about his trip. Clay likes to say he is a liberal, but every time he appears on The Panel he manages to froth and rave against such irritating trivialities as prisoners’ rights, or even human rights in general. Maybe he’s been out drinking with soldiers too often….
JIM MORA: We start with the very sad story of Jesse Ryder, who is in an induced coma after a very bad assault in Christchurch early this morning.
ANDREW CLAY: This is where I STOP being a liberal! I don’t CARE about the human rights of people who do this! Part of me just wants to HURT the people who did this to Jesse Ryder! Now I know I shouldn’t say that, but that’s the way I feel.
MORA: Mmmm, mmmm.
ANDREW CLAY: We shouldn’t talk like that about people but….
LISA SCOTT: It’s okay for scum.
JIM MORA: Hmmmmmm…. We have this ugly thing in the New Zealand male psyche that makes us pick fights with sports stars, don’t we.
LISA SCOTT: It’s the Tall Poppy syndrome isn’t it.
ANDREW CLAY: It sure is. I’ve experienced it myself. After a comedy show, one is often mobbed by the ladies, and I have more than once felt the angry looks of male punters. Although I’ve never actually been assaulted, I’ve felt in imminent danger on several occasions and had to walk away. It’s the Tall Poppy syndrome.
JIM MORA: [politely dubious] Hmmmmmm….
LISA SCOTT: [skeptical] Mmmmmmm…
Read more about Andrew Clay, including an extraordinarily embarrassing overshare about his ignorance of the Khmer Rouge….
Mediocrity Watch aims to keep you informed of—or, to quote the epically mediocre Simon Dallow, to be “right across”—the shoddiest, least professional, most insulting journalism and taxpayer-subsidised-sensitive-singer-songwriting from all over the world, but especially New Zealand. It is produced by DeakerWatch®, a division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.
More mediocrities….
No. 8: Ed Sheeran “I See Dire”
No. 7: Paul Little: [Russell Brand] is “petulant, ungracious and unfunny” and a “cut-rate Chomsky”.
No. 6: David Farrar: “Things were generally very relaxed in this area.”
No. 5: Jordan Williams: ““Capping rents seems like a recipe for disaster.”
No. 4: Prof. Robert Patman: “Hezbollah is totally a creature of the Iranian regime.”
No. 3: Jeremy Wells: “What evidence is there that secondhand smoking does any harm? Where is the evidence? WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?”
No. 2: Gavin Gray: “…never been any problems associated with the name King George.”
No. 1: Susie Ferguson: “If, as you say, this has all been done before, why do it all again?”
I remember seeing Mike King in Timor Leste, teaching young kids to say “Aussie wanker”. It was cringeworthy stuff.
on my rounds this morn..i found this tasty musical-treat..
“..Everyone knows Police and Thieves – but there was more to Junior Murvin than that one song.
Here’s the proof..”
(hope that rocks yr morn..
phillip ure..
My experience with ts this morning. I wrote a comment and submitted with an involuntary double click and got duplicate message. Went back to my comment and it was back in editing mode, so I did that, and submitted again and got the closed sign. Then I went back and refreshed with Home and there it was in the Comments list.
on my rounds this morn..i found this tasty musical-treat..
“..Everyone knows Police and Thieves – but there was more to Junior Murvin than that one song.
Here’s the proof..”
(hope that rocks yr morn..)
phillip ure..
My experience with ts this morning. I wrote a comment and submitted with an involuntary double click and got duplicate message. Went back to my comment and it was back in editing mode, so I did that, and submitted again and got the Connection closed by remote server page. Then I checked if I was still under submitting control. Then I went back and refreshed with Home and there it was in the Comments list.
Now I have double comments in moderation about the moves I had to make to get on ts this morning. Sigh. Bye for now. I’ll get on with my day.
Re Simon Merceps interview of Parata. Simon’s first question was, paraphrasing, “isn’t Labour just as much to blame?” He repeated this point in the same interview. It would appear he could be an apologist for the governments line. I have noticed Geof Robinson do the same thing when a government minister declined to be interviewed and he, by default, found himself taking the government line. Bizarre really.
..if you accept..as i seem to be hearing..that much of this rankings-slump is down to poverty/inequality..
..that it is an outcome/symptom from the dickensian-horrors that is a life of grinding/abject-poverty..
..with no end in sight..
..then the rogernomics/clark labour govts most certainly are ‘as much to blame’..
..as the current band of tory opportunists/class-warriors/asset-looters..
..how can they not be..?
..(‘working for (some) families’..?..anyone..?..)
..phillip ure..
Chomsky not impressed by Bob Dylan’s incoherent rambling
June, 1994
Just the other day I was sitting in a radio studio waiting for a satellite arrangement abroad to be set up. The engineers were putting together interviews with Bob Dylan from about 1966-7 or so (judging by the references), and I was listening (I’d never heard him talk before — if you can call that talking). He sounded as though he was so drugged he was barely coherent, but the message got through clearly enough through the haze. He said over and over that he’d been through all of this protest thing, realized it was nonsense, and that the only thing that was important was to live his own life happily and freely, not to “mess around with other people’s lives” by working for civil and human rights, ending war and poverty, etc. He was asked what he thought about the Berkeley “free speech movement” and said that he didn’t understand it. He said something like: “I have free speech, I can do what I want, so it has nothing to do with me. Period.” If the capitalist PR machine wanted to invent someone for their purposes, they couldn’t have made a better choice.
ok..a stoned-rant in/from 1966..
..got anything else..?
phillip ure..
a stoned rant from 2013 suffice?
Stoned or not, Dylan’s political naïveté and the lack of intelligence is a sad fact of life for too many pampered American musicians. Here’s another fool who doesn’t seem to have much idea about anything….
certainly not The Ghost of Tom Joad and a long way back to The River .
It’s true that the wonderful word play, various interpretations/ meanings of a Dylan song outshine his ability to make sense with his spoken word more often than not. Many artists are better off letting their art do the talking.
Talk Talk
You could have a valid point there. Perhaps Shakespeare was an indolent thinker and an incoherent dolt in his everyday discourse. Certainly Martin Amis is. As was his father Kingsley. And Bruce Springsteen.
In fact, it’s hard to think of a singer or a writer who does have the ability to express him/herself coherently, and who has actually done some serious reading and thinking.
It’s true that the wonderful word play, various interpretations/ meanings of a Dylan song outshine his ability to make sense with his spoken word more often than not.
Dylan made perfect sense, even though, as Chomsky observed, he was clearly under the influence of drugs at the time. The problem is not that his thinking was so muddled; the problem is that it is so threadbare, so irresponsible, and so contemptuous of people who did actually care about something other than themselves. Dylan was not stupid, he was indolent. Judging by some of his recent utterances, nothing has changed in forty-seven years.
He seemingly hasn’t moved on from trying to shock and offend the way he did in the ’60’s when he wanted to shake off the “voice of a generation”, “prophet” etc. labels people tried to pigeonhole him with. He’s the quintessential troubadour and would be best to keep to that field of expertise. i.e. Blind Willie McTell
Bob and John incoherent, – pissed or stoned.
edit: Bob’s been busy too.
Stoned immaculate joe; Wonderful footage. 😀
I cannot figure what strategy Colin Craig has in mind in making non-committal statements about science. Attention seeking? Is he simply reflecting his constituency?
I hope there are not too many people out there which the education system has failed given that we live in a democracy.
Maybe it is all part of a master plan to not educate people well so the powers that be can rule with impunity.
Don’t! Ask Colin
-he’s still “looking into it”. -“…Here’s a truck-stop instead of St Peter’s , yeah yeah yeah yeah”
“…Asked again, Mr Craig said he had “no idea” whether man had walked on the moon…’
Wow. Just…wow.
I don’t understand how he can claim to not hold a position because it’s not worth his time to think about.
The questions would go away if he stopped umming and arrrring – instead, it appears he has thought about it enough to be aware of conspiracy theories.
the Minimum We Can Do
More research coming out showing that raising the minimum wage has no effect upon employment.
Banks has called a press conference for 11am. Boscowan in attendance.
The Prime Minister happily looks forward to the press conference …
(Photo: NZ Herald, today)
Dr Doom (no, not Victor) -Nouriel Roubini
on NZ and other international Housing Bubbles:
“policy-makers will not have the tools of 2008 to cushion the fall”. (just a little pin-prick…there will be some aaargh ) 😎
i will claim to have possibly been the first in nz to predict the g.f.c…and the reasons for it..(in sept ’06 @ whoar..)
..and i was relying on the words/predictions of roubini..in making that call..
..so..if roubini sez we have an about to burst housing bubble..
..i’d tend to believe him..
..he has quite the record for being accurate..
phillip ure..
whoar! 🙂
Parliamentary Select Committee piloting live streaming now. Serious Fraud Office Review.
Thanks Karol. Wonder if that will be constant?
Cunliffe on Radio Live with Plunket just now: 10.20-10.30 (audio on their website 1 hour later).
Really strong and clear. And Plunket is no pussy cat.
Tweet – owns it, no waffle, no BS.
Craig – will not be a coalition partner, period. And asked the same Qs (moon landings, chem trails etc) Cunliffe’s answers are unequivocal and – thank goodness – sane.
Banks – toast.
Anyone who has any lingering doubts about Cunliffe vs Key (or Shearer, or whoever) should listen.
And Radio live headlines the audio with David Cunliffe admits Christchurch East tweet error”
For analysis that puts the whole thing in perspective Imperator Fish’s latest is right on the money
Heh. Armed with a smart phone and dangerous!
And now his latest latest: A statement from Colin Craig
Very good performance from Cunners, even allowing for Plunket being such a persistently annoying dickhead over the tweet issue and talking over him at times.
Cunliffe tweet referred to the police by Electoral Commission
Seriously? A police investigation for this, a tweet which was deleted after a few seconds?
“Cunliffe on Radio Live with Plunket just now: 10.20-10.30 (audio on their website 1 hour later).
Really strong and clear. And Plunket is no pussy cat.
Tweet – owns it, no waffle, no BS.”
There was BS- Cunliffe claimed he has only a couple of thousand twitter followers- https://twitter.com/DavidCunliffeMP shows three times that amount.
Because “a couple” is only ever literally used to mean “2”. 🙄
Yes- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/couple
I can understand it being up near three thousand and saying a couple, but it is more accurate for me to say nearly ten thousand people could have seen that tweet than Cunliffe saying only a couple of thousand of people could have seen that tweet.
How dare a politician be circumspect! They must always resort to hyperbole, name calling, hair pulling and mud slinging – 100% of the time, 24/7, round the clock, yadda yadda yadda
RedRobin you’re a fucking moron.
Audio here: http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Audio.aspx Wednesday 10:15 am segment.
Cunliffe says “a few thousand”.
He probably doesn’t look at the number of followers he has and doesn’t normally know the number at all.
Banks to hold Press conference at 11am this morning.
Travellerev may have to vote for Colin Craig, if he keeps this up.
funny, yet unlikely.Craig would be more supportive of the AQ thesis
I hear Colin Craig is not sure if gravity exists, although he is inclined to believe it.
He has not investigated whether electricity is real, either.
shocking revelation as credibility plummets to Hades;
Styx and stones may break our bones, yet fools leave us in stitches. 😉
those two are rather good 🙂 – have you taken up a post at the civilian?
maybe someone could provide him with a chair (ok, that’s two ‘contexts’ for the price of one) 🙂
“funny, yet unlikely.Craig would be more supportive of the AQ thesis”
He was asked about this just the other day by Sean Plunket. He reckons “probably terrorists but who knows” or words to that effect.
Ho Ho! Mr Banks will not seek re-election in 2014. Wow! Surprise. But it seems he will not resign. So he will continue to be a thorn in Key’s side?
Ho Ho! Mr Banks will not seek re-election in 2014. Wow! Surprise. But it seems he will not resign. So he will continue to be a thorn in Key’s side?
Crikey. Reply getting carried away – twice- again!
Read this link. It’s why we are in the state we are because almost all out pollies try to do the opposite
And as long as we continue with representative democracy we will have politicians continuing to try and prevent the people from having a say in their own governance. First they will continue to ensure that the people don’t have enough information (TPPA) and then they’ll ignore what the people say anyway (Asset sales).
Bring on an informed participatory citizen democracy.
I’m wondering if we could cut out some of the middlemen and put our names down to be on a panel for our locality interviewing the operational head of a department who would travel the country to be interviewed by a stratified random panel, with others in as observers. They would then have to follow a job description made up by we the peeps with input from them.
The politicians don’t seem to be interested in their electors and they don’t want to have any control over their workers, saying to any queries ‘Oh I couldn’t comment, it is an operational matter’. They are worse than useless because they will take a functioning system and discard it, or replace it. So something better is required.
As far as running things by referendum is concerned as another way, I don’t really like the It becomes another tax evasion system where people will go for the cheapest option unless it’s urgently necessary to have something done in their own neighbourhood.
They missed the word “owning” before “the people”.
Testing comment bouncer.
That worked…
Test it again..
Ok, due to a neat little trick in .htaccess, I’m now reflecting any attempt to leave comments without a referrer back to the Ip that it is calling from.
The effect is to block stupid spambots.
A few more of those and the current deluge of spam might stop clogging the servers.
Back to being slow and getting lost when commenting.
Working on it now. Unfortunately I really have to do this stuff when the number of users online is low..
Ok. Partially a problem with akismet, and it looks like a routing problem on a server to the database.
I’m going to try a more passive anti-spam system that doesn’t involve squirting message data around the world.
Off to bed.
Colin Craig provides further evidence for falling educational standards
Colon Craig provides evidence people can succeed in business with only their brain stem functioning.
ah ah lol
Bouncer? You getting heavy lprent?
This site is awfully slow to load lately, why?
You could try searching for lprent and all the things that are being done to the site and for it will come up. Which helps to keep up with the latest. Lynn said recently that there was a lot of spam coming through and overwhelming the system. I’m having some problems and think it possible that its partly my phone connections and/or my hardware.
Mr C!
hosted overseas
by attentive ears.
I’m still laughing: Colin Craig said he had “no idea” whether moa are still alive in remote parts of New Zealand but some people might believe that.
Key trying to prove that his potential coalition partner is not just a joke.
Key is getting more desperate for Crazy’s support.
So, coming to you all next – Key providing cover, excuses and apologies for Crazy.
Its possible but extremely unlikely, the Takahe was also thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in the late 40s, but it seems to me his big problem seems to be with answering questions too honestly
I wouldn’t mind betting that some (most?) of the MPs we have now probably have some extremely bat-shit crazy views but are smart enough to keep them to themselves
Although it seems to me that those with religious views almost seem to want to be ridiculed as it reinforces their views…almost like they’re martyrs or something so they’re probably cheering CC on
(I apologize to those on here who are religious but arn’t bat-shit crazy for lumping them all in together)
Nah mate, the bat-shit crazy lot in power at present have been turning their warped views into law/policy, ffs .
Nah, it’s deliberate and there’s nothing honest about it. Craig is targeting his secondary market, plain and simple.
Piss73. “Batshit” was never a word. Please.
Referendum – now 1,008,600 votes
I think we need to set a target which crosses 1.5M votes. Let’s push for it.
Even that writer moi, knows you dont campaign on a election day. Perhaps Cunliffe can share a cell with Banks.
– While I don’t think what he did is all that bad but it really does just illustrate politicians lax views towards electoral rules (left and right), surely hes telling fibs that he didn’t know yet he knows he can quite clearly get away with doing it because the police probably won’t do anything about it
Thanks for an insight into the way you think.
Well theres not going to be any repercussions for him are their so theres no need for him or anyone else to be bothered with the electoral commission
surely hes telling fibs that he didn’t know yet he knows he can quite clearly get away with doing it
Fair enough trying make a deal out of it, but honestly, doesn’t the fact he deleted it quick enough that hardly anyone even got a screen grab, and then informed on himself about it, kind of indicate that it was more cock up than intent to ‘get away with it’?
What was the plan? I’ll tweet something, delete it real quick so hardly anyone sees it, turn myself in, aah, win?
Its more concerning that he and everyone else involved apparently didn’t know it wasn’t allowed, I mean its pretty basic stuff that isn’t it?
Curious to see the desperation of some righties – a 10 second tweet is all you’ve got?
“Refreshing” is such a nicer term then got out telling porkies isn’t it
“Mr Cunliffe alleged Ms Adams went to “great lengths” to keep the information from the public, telling Parliament there was a “very low” risk of a large scale oil spill occurring.”
– Turned out the report was on-line the whole time
Anytime Cunliffe pledged support to Goff or Shearer and the exaggeration over the extent of his work on the formation of Fonterra
Yeah, that’s the sort of thing karol was talking about I guess.
Jesus complex from the righties, Pb. Trying to turn water into wine; a few loaves and fishes into food for the thousands.
They seem to think if they endlessly repeat trivia, with or without embellishments, it’ll somehow become a major crime against humanity.
Painful to keep reading such desperation.
When did Cunliffe break his promise to support Goff or Shearer?
CV embellishment – if you are soooo concerned about such things, when/if Hooton announces he’s standing for parliament, I expect to see your full outrage against the CV embellishment that has long been in his work website. (after Bradbury tweeted about Hooton potentially standing for ACT leader, Hooton tweeted a couple of hours ago,
Now that point about Adams report is just extreme total desperation.
Very concerning yes. Deeply, terribly concerning. #concerned
There’s a difference between purposefully breaking the law and trying to get away with it and making a mistake and owning up to it within minutes.
What was the plan?
Oh, it’s a dastardly one, PB. He’s going to convince us all that he’s upfront and trustworthy, even when he makes mistakes, by acting in an upfront and trustworthy way after he makes a mistake. Fuckin’ Machiavellian, that.
Piss73 – they (the upper echelons of the Police) actually might prosecute Cunliffe……..having learned their lesson about playing sucky politics – right wing sucky as it happens. McCready humiliated them. Ups to him.
Let’s suppose they do prosecute Pisso. An artful law student could probably word up a diversion submission before second appearance. Botox is headed for a jury Piss. That’s the diff’.
Piss attempt at painting moral equivalence there Piss.
Banks is on trial for electoral fraud. The other fellow tweeted a straightforward message, and didn’t try to lie about it.
Yet another lamentable lapse of judgement by you.
Perhaps Cunliffe can share a cell with Banks.
Cunliffe’s “crime” would only get a fine – up to $20,000.
I am starting to believe that the RWNJs are seeing the act in this light because even they are not blind to the writing on the wall for John Key. With their beloved hero, back against the wall, appealing to NZ not to vote him out next year and to vote in his only chances for electoral victory in the forms of Colin “Chemtrails” Craig and an as yet unnamed ACT representative (showing just how likely *that* is) – their only hope is that Cunliffe is removed.
Expect to see every single misstep from him represented in these preposterous terms all the way until election day – and the more they repeat it, the less the electorate will listen because it will become a continuing narrative of irrelevance from the Right as they focus on non-issues.
Yeah, there are so many things to focus on … e.g. GCSB, Chorus, SkyCity, Christchurch rebuild, deep sea oil drilling, and the big one today about MRP share prices continuing to drop and the slump in sale proceeds:
When I saw that Key called Banks a thoroughly honest guy I are you freaking serious thought do you believe what you are saying he’s got to go
both of them have to go.
Radio Live is now broadcasting The Conspiracy Hour. No, I am not making this up!
Callers are invited to outline their conspiracy theory in 90 seconds. There’s a prize for the “best” (craziest).
First up – 9/11.
Second caller – Johnny, says by 2024 there will be a One World Government. Something to do with UFB and digital TV. “Connect the dots” says Johnny.
More soon.
Billy says something about a rocket going to Venus, but he may have been taking the piss (or on it).
Next. Tracey, she believes in lots of them … Twin Towers, something about the Titanic not really sinking, a couple more, but – she emphasises – she does like Colin Craig.
Next guy also lists all of them. Must be heavy sarcasm. Well, maybe.
Mike says all the victims of 9/11 were paid to destroy the buildings from the inside. Plus something about Marilyn Monroe.
Who needs Rush Limbaugh, we got Radio Live!
More conspiracies …
The next caller links the Christchurch earthquake(s) and Israel. Because Bob Parker went to Israel. Obviously.
Mark – 6,000 years ago there were the floods of Noah. The dinosaurs were killed off. Dragons survived in Wales and Loch Ness, but most were killed. The Bible is right, basically.
Next one – not enough fuel to get to Moon and back. So there.
Tim has a law degree. Believe in the Bible, Jesus is Lord, and a whole lot more.
OK, now they’re coming thick and fast. Illuminati, the anti-Christ is behind everything bad.
Common theme so far: God.
Is Radio Live helping compile a long list of candidates for Crazy’s party list as well as assisting with policy development for the Crazy party?