An article by Soper about National’s obsession with and hatred of Winston.
Soper has now written at least two articles critical of English.
As a true Nat boy, I wonder which right clique he supports
“Their elephant’s Winston Peters and they should be discussing why they failed to convince him that running the show is their natural habitat.
That’s part of their problem of course, they like Hillary Clinton, couldn’t see themselves losing, it wasn’t part of their thinking.
…….To do that though surely they’ll have to understand what went wrong and there are so many obvious things that they’d do well to consider.
For starters they set out to destroy the very man they had to sit down with to try and do business with.
English urged voters to cut out the middle man, during the campaign, and said he was a difficult character to deal with.’
Good morning breakfast people I say it ok to us a phone were ever you want I’ve spent 1hour at a jym .But I would ban them when one has children as the mokos are missing out on quality family time because there mum’s and dad’s have there faces stuck in there phones I rub my children out because of this Tec effect. 4 of my mokos have thrown parents phones In the toilet when they were in there terrible TWO’s I laughed when I was told and said to there parents put the phone down and pay more attention to my mokos. Lucky they always have phone insurance. Ka kite ano
Good story on kiwi saver there needs to be a inquiry into this industry as shonky would change the regulation to line his pocket and his m8 pocket at the expense of the PEOPLE. Most people don’t pay attention to there kiwis saver so there saving end up in a default fund who knows what these players do with it then. One can get %40 more by learning how the fund works and when the time is right move it into high risk high return fund that could be 10 of thousands more at retirement.
The interview on our power industries was excellent to ECO MAORI all the organization of our electricity industry that are not floated on shonkys m8 stock exchange are highly regulated. This leaves the companies that are floated on the stock exchange un regulated .This situation lets these companies be in a situation to cream ally the profits at the expence of the regulated lines companies ETC and THE PEOPLE. We wonder why our transmissions network needed to have huge investments by the Government the profits are all flowing up to the 1% .
Now it’s STUPID NOT TO HAVE POLICIES that make sure that all OUR transmission lines have NO TREES or any thing that could compermise OUR vital supply of eletrisity to the PEOPLE .This ignorance is costing NZ millions of dallors having the ambulance at the bottom of the hill once again. WTF come on let’s clean this mess up .Sorry
Ka kite ano
No fertility problems with ECO MAORI offspring my problem is getting them to slow down lol but I feel for all the people in a position were the opposite is the fact of there lives .Ka kite ano P.S. yes Jack I have the same problem of people recording me and my Whano on there phones it a phenomenon that goes with FAME some one should invent a device that jams any devices within 50 mtrs I would give one to my mokos so they will get more quality time lol
I can see that the morning Rumble Rock radio show is awesome I was going to say something else but I don’t want you good people get a bit of heat from my comments Ka pai
Here is how we treasured OUR mokos and then the bad apples infected our people the neolibrals try and tar us MAORI cultured people with the brush they created here is a link that opens my eyes I have ignored paul moons words as suppression of Maori MANA
You can oppose factory farming because it is smelly.
And the farm is certainly big.There will be over 1 million sentient beings existing inside it.
And it will be ugly on the outside. Large Industrial buildings are not usually attractive with a rural backdrop.
There is a much bigger reason to oppose Tegels factory farming plan.
Animal cruelty.
Because the real ugliness will be on the inside of that building.
Hidden from sight.
I bet you Tegel won’t be building their factory with glass walls.
Because if they did, people would not buy their chicken.
For the last few years I’ve only bought free range chicken, pork and eggs, its a little more expensive but I’ve noticed that there are more free range eggs available and a greater selection of free range meat at the supermarket
If more people buy free range then there’ll be less battery farming going on, hopefully
How nice of all you lovely people to be able to afford the choice of free range or organically farmed, an option not on the agenda of probably three quarters of the population.
You are, of course, right but hell’s bells stop talking about it as if it is a real option for most.
This tends to be the problem thinking of those who are blind to the bleeding obvious – there is no real equity or even equality in this country. However, the born to rule don’t or won’t understand that.
Doogs makes a completely uncontroversial observation – that many people can’t afford organic/free range food – and is accused of having “a chip on his shoulder”.
Doogs’ concern about this inequality is then mocked by likening it to a kids’ song about free stuff popping out of the ground or growing on trees. The implication being that any dissatisfaction with the way things are is just childish fantasy.
Nasty RWNJ stuff.
“How nice of all you lovely people to be able to afford the choice of free range or organically farmed, an option not on the agenda of probably three quarters of the population.”
I personally found that this was quite condescending
“You are, of course, right but hell’s bells stop talking about it as if it is a real option for most.”
I wasn’t saying its an option for most (even though it is) I was saying what I do and making the observation that if more people did as well then the prices for free range will probably come down over time
“This tends to be the problem thinking of those who are blind to the bleeding obvious – there is no real equity or even equality in this country. However, the born to rule don’t or won’t understand that.”
I acknowledged that some can’t afford it but I can (for which I do not and will not apologise) and for those who also can afford it they should eat free range as well
So yeah I mocked Doog because I get a bit bloody sick and tired of the perpetually outraged actively looking for things to be outraged about
But for what its worth I’ve given Doog something else to be outraged about so Doogs probably happy
I’m afraid you’re right PR – about one thing – I am perpetually outraged – about one thing – the fucking last 9 years of pretend government.
We gave them a go for 3 years, and they did nothing and lied.
We gave them another go, for another 3 years . . . and guess what?
Then they sleep-walked into another 3 years thanks to John boy the flexible man who had an opinion about everything and stood for nothing in particular.
Yep, you’re right, I am purple with incandescence about what that useless lying bunch did to this country for 9 long years.
Otherwise, I’m pretty relaxed and quite a nice bloke . . . really.
It’s not just a cost issue. Plenty of people in poverty smoke tobacco even though it is extremely expensive, because they are addicted. I don’t buy the idea we have to be cruel for cost purposes. People have priorities and they run their lives to what makes them feel the best or if they don’t know any different.
I’d like bad products (like soft drinks for example) to be taxed more as they are less expensive than bottled water in many cases.
Cheap eggs and chicken with antibiotics and growth hormones as well as inhumane living conditions are like soft drink, they are so bad they have to make them cheap or else nobody would buy them.
Yep, the rise of bottled water – another pollutant. Yep good for emergencies like floods but yes agree a problem in itself and should not be ‘the better’ choice than tap water.
I guess my point is, why should poorer people be expected to buy worse and less healthy products and the poor buying them blamed for the unhealthy or cruel products existence and prosperity.
If the government really wanted the poor to have cheap eggs how about co operatives in deprived places operating as an alternative.
It’s just another way for poor business practise and ‘the markets’ to oppress people (and animals) and the environment when there is plenty of other alternatives.
The free range movement is well intended, yet there are some problems:
1) intensively farmed chickens can be healthier ( parasites etc)
2) free range isn’t necessarily, laws around labelling/ claims should be better
This is not intended as a defence of the industry.
3) Unfortunately too at our house we shop on price and don’t have ability to choose the more expensive free range option as many of us in this low wage economy must.
The illusion of choice is relative to the size of your wallet ( wage and union busting laws) and the handful of corporations who control our food.
3) Unfortunately too at our house we shop on price and don’t have ability to choose the more expensive free range option as many of us in this low wage economy must.
Yeah I accept some can’t always go the free range route but, maybe, if most farms go free range then the free range prices will drop, never drop as low as battery farming but it might help
Free range chicken, you can use more. In economic terms, buying a free range chicken makes more sense Keepcalmcarryon. Not only do you get healthy liver – the bones are better for stock and soup.
Seeing at this time of year soup is really not on the cards, as stock bones, free range is way better. One chicken will get you a good stock, whereas for budget chickens it can be two, three, or more to get a good stock.
1. [Citation Needed]
2. True. There are many people who like the extra profits but not the extra work. Another great example of the profit motive bringing about poor outcomes.
3. That is true for the majority of people.
The illusion of choice is relative to the size of your wallet ( wage and union busting laws) and the handful of corporations who control our food.
Here you go DTB re factory confined hens ( at least sometimes) showing better health outcomes. , quality of life must come in to it too and surely that is better where hens can get outside.
The authors emphasize that, because of the change in housing systems that occurred between 2001 and 2004, many of the farmers caring for these flocks lacked the experience and knowledge that would have prevented the higher mortality and disease rates. According to Fossum, “birds kept in indoor litter-based and free-range housing are more prone to disease but measures can be taken to counter this.” Fossum adds,“the health of Swedish laying hens kept in these systems has improved as the farmers have become more experienced in managing the new housing systems.”
For sure, the point is there have been some health benefits noted to caging birds if we are examining all the facts. Note the conclusion does not say things have improved to the point of equivalence.
Again, not defending the industry, our handful of chooks get to scratch around outside, but we should keep both eyes open eh
Actually looks like the farm under discussion IS considered freerange as birds have access to outside ( whatever that means).
Also 32 jobs, is this all bad Ed (yes you don’t agree with any farming)?
There is no making ed happy on this matter. Free range or not he only accepts the “vegan way”.
I raise and have home kill my own beef and lamb – yet ed still finds this disgusting and went on about it – despite the animals being well treated and cared for.
If you like the nicer taste of free range – you will love home kill. It taste soooo much better again.
There is truth in better meat quality in an unstressed animal killed instantly as per home kill, however much the thought annoys those who don’t eat meat.
Long story short, the more stressed the animal the tougher the meat so treating animals better is not only morally the right thing to but also means a better meal
Yes we could force them to be humane.
And part of this would be to control the language used.
I note below that many people still think that ‘free range’ chickens mean cruelty free chickens.
You don’t really have to do much to get the label free range in New Zealand.
You certainly don’t need to care about their welfare.
The only requirements free-range farmers must meet are set out in the code of welfare for layer hens, developed under the Animal Welfare Act. The code states hens should have access to an outdoor range area.
Access can be a small hole at the end of a very large barn.
What’s Wrong with Free-Range?
Commercial free range farms are often large-scale operations involving many thousands of animals. Due to the sheer scale of production, the welfare and individual treatment of the animals is compromised. The animals, especially chickens, are kept in unnaturally large groups that can cause stress and fighting. Free range animals are still killed at a very young age and suffer trauma both on the journey to the slaughterhouse and during the killing process.
For many of us the term ‘free-range’ means that chickens are raised in much the same manner as you would imagine if you were to raise your own chickens at home (much like the two images above). Access to large fields roaming about free looking for worms amongst the grass. Well you find that this association is almost entirely untrue, despite what pictures on egg cartons and chicken wrappers will indicate. This is for the very simple reason of economics. Large scale, cheap eggs and chicken even if it is free-range needs to adhere to certain constraints of economics which revolve around the cost of land and the cost of chicken feed.
I think this is really bad. They say they can’t get enough local workers and that the imports will be paid the “NZ market rate”. But of course this is directly suppressing nz wages, because the local rate is obviously too low because it won’t attract enough workers.
Why are we developing things like this hotel again? Neoliberals only support markets when they can be used to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich – otherwise they want to intervene.
New Zealand has become a slave state.
Thanks Roger Douglas, Ruth Richardson and John Key.
We know why you were given your knighthoods.
Jail for treason would be a more fitting prize.
Look BM, things laid down by Douglas et al have been so fundamental and life changing that it will in fact take decades to undo them. Their policies have put tentacles into so many places and affected so many aspects of society that it will take many doses of worm tablets to clean out the parasites from the gut of our nation. Remember also that we, as part of the world fabric, are also inter-twined with cancerous elements of other nations.
This government has had 3 months to begin the process of reversing 30 years of harm.
FTA with China, she won’t be changing anything, especially with Clarkula pulling all the strings.
If anything I’m expecting to see a massive increase in Chinese workers coming to NZ to build houses and apartment blocks.
How will that make you feel, thousands upon thousands of Chinese workers flooding into the country keeping locals out of work and it will be done under a Labour government!
If I was a moderator repeating that lie and that abuse would get you banned.
How will that make you feel, thousands upon thousands of Chinese workers flooding into the country keeping locals out of work and it will be done under a Labour government!
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t surprise me. I’ll continue to vote Green and, hopefully, many others will also lose their fanboi admiration of Labour and vote Green.
No – I wouldn’t like that to happen, but in fact they are already talking about 200 Chinese workers coming in to finish a large building. Bad move.
However, my statement about it taking a long time to fix deep-seated and systemic problems still stands. It will likely take at least as long as the Key/English tribe were in power to even make a dent in the edifice.
To answer your thing about the Chinese workers – it will take a large, complex and determined gear-up to provide training of our own resident workers to obviate the imbalance in the work force. That takes time, among other things.
Yea that’s one of the problems with these so called free trade agreements, it isn’t a level playing field. For example the average wage in China is $3 an hour so how can any NZ company possibly compete? There should be allowances within the FTA’s for these sorts of disparities I’m all for free trade if it’s fair free trade.
Yep it seems our government loves/fears China so much but I’m less sure that the Kiwi public wants NZ to be part of Asia with a $3 an hour, factory farmed workers, extreme pollution, corruption and no democracy. So why are we still going in that direction?
What’s not gonna happen mikes? They won’t be given a chance?
Oh yes they will. How many followers they have in November 2020 will depend entirely on how they handle it. And I for one am prepared to give them space and rope to operate in exactly the way they intend and have started with already.
This must be one of the first times i’ve agreed with you Ed…yay!… Roger Douglas and his cronies should have been charged with treason. There’s probably a reason the Labour party abolished the death penalty for treason in 1989.
(Not that i agree with the death penalty, although there’s always an exception)
I feel there should be a limit on temporary exemptions to NZ labour laws. If you bring in a technician for a few days work perhaps that can be controlled by the rules of where you hired him. But if he’s here for longer than that his employer should meet NZ minimums in terms of wages and conditions.
At 4.5% headline unemployment and falling, people with any specialist skills in the construction industry are working about as much as they can.
Definitely need more specialist construction staff, but they aren’t trained, and there are not even enough coming through the tertiary education centres.
There are multiple five star hotels in Auckland and Queenstown either underway now or consented and ready to go. Much of this is leading up to APEC and Americas Cup, but we’ve had a five-star room shortage for a while now.
So in that absence we have to go and get them from overseas.
There are none left, unless you steal them from another company. Sometimes they do that. Other times it’s faster just to wholesale import.
There’s no racism in it.
If you are asking me the broader question: why aren’t there enough highly skilled stonemasons trained up and ready to go here, I would say after the earthquakes there is no excuse for it. So yes, this is a National-caused capacity problem.
Plus weak unions from anti-union legislation that has kept wages low while productivity in construction continues to be high. Again, caused by National.
The trouble with your rational assessment Ad is that again, it is only the discarded sector of the population- the untrained unemployed and under-employed- that must suffer the burden of 30years of cheaper options. let industry and its various hangers-on suffer the consequences of their actions over this same 30 years.
‘So in that absence’- they can reflect on the failure of their plan to undermine and supplant appropriate local trades training with cheap imported labour.
Fuck the developers. Where were they when successive governments destroyed the institutions that would have prevented this situation occurring in the first place?
That’s because of the move to tertiary training with expensive courses rather than the on the job training apprentices for trades people. Everyone’s been told they need to be an accountant or lawyer and get a degree in that.
I’m all for having people qualified but whatever the hell they came up with, migrant workers and some hybrid apprentice/training scheme, clearly isn’t working.
And having so many migrants coming in then takes away the opportunities for local people to learn to do the work while keeping the wages and conditions suppressed which then leads to nobody wanting to go into that trade.
Hey in the old days, there were plenty of houses and plenty of builders. Under the last 30 years all that has changed and I’m not sure we are better off with the leaky buildings and constant remedial work we have under the new system of all these ‘trained’ overseas workers and tradies with student loans.
The overseas visas and residencies are a rout for developers to make more money and we now know that some migrants are paying the employer (often unwillingly and certainly outside of NZ law) to get into NZ not the other way around. It’s a scam.
Also don’t worry if anything goes wrong in that luxury hotel, guess what, the ratepayers will pay for the remedial work due to the council signing it off. Seen it again and again. The developers will be working next door under a different name to avoid liability.
The education thing is a classic example of why education should be free. Back in the day, professional courses had much more restricted entry. Yes, lawyers and doctors made more cash, but they also paid higher taxes.
Snobbery over the trades was part of the problem, too, but also I suspect that a lot of trades are now more technical – navvies don’t dig trenches, they operate heavy machinery. Plumbers don’t just do pipes and brazing, they use air compressors and cameras and pump trucks. Builders use laser levels and nailguns. Mechanics work around engine management computer systems.
But in the 1990s “bums on seats” became the norm for education and things became tougher for people, so there was a rush to the better-paying and newly opened up “professions”.
As a mate of mine put it, when his local factory closed down he was offered relocation and training to work in another factory. He turned it down to get an education.
Ten years later, he was getting his masters (which ain’t worth what it used to be) and his mate who took the forklift job had earned a few hundred thousand more than he had. Fortunately, he took the education for it’s own sake, but it’s interesting how time change.
Lots of people “took a chance” to raise themselves up – the flipside is that if you lose the bet, you don’t get an inspirational movie made about you. And the house always wins
I accept the correct labour might not be immediately available locally, but if causing delay to this project and others is what is needed to create pressure to lift wages and investment in training in NZ, then that is what should happen.
The problem with low training and wages in nz is hugely important.
While his reply included that investment in skills was not done by the previous government, he also said that he had asked for a urgent report from the appropriate ministries. It seems that the applications were being done as individual ones rather than a block one. Although a fairly light response, Lees-Galloway had contacted RNZ re their initial report of his own accord, rather than failing to front up.
The first thing the government should do is to remove the overseas work permits and residency paths. Then guess what, everything will change. Wages will go up not just for Maori, Pakeha but also the 15% of migrants already here! Then the taxpayers will get more revenue and less money going out in top ups. Then training will start to happen as after throwing out all their toys, the developers, food outlets, petrol stations and farmers will knuckle down with local labour and get it done. Hey they might have to import Australians if worst comes to worst. But I doubt it.
There was a statement made by the MD of the firm Building Recruitment in this first interview at 6.10am that was removed from the repeat broadcast at 7.17am.
He said that “The people letting us down most are the locals we employ. They’re the ones not turning up on jobs”.
RNZ cut it out later in the program when they only played the first part of what was, after all, a very short clip (less than a minute).
They also left it out of the report linked to at comment 4.
That comment of the MD of course backs up the things that Bill English said he was being told about New Zealand workers.
Am I being unduly paranoid when I think first of the probability that someone in the PMs Office, monitoring Morning Report, immediately rang the RNZ news people and demanded that this particular piece of the interview must not be repeated? It didn’t match the line that this Government are spinning. New Zealand workers are wonderful and only the evil Bill English is telling lies about them. Red Radio would of course oblige and the line will never be repeated on their news service.
The problem is they are both right. Loads of Kiwis have got terrible work practises and don’t get to work on time or take it seriously. But we used to have an excellent work reputation for Kiwi workers overseas, so what’s changed?
In my view, the last 30 years and in particular the last decade have robbed people the chance to have continual work at decent wages. In addition decisions like 180,000 work permits a year have robbed locals the ability to start part time work at an early age (aka part time time work as teenagers or students). This has mean’t more and more Kiwi’s were never given opportunities and have not been able to understand the process of work. If they can be fired after 30 days, made redundant after 30 years with little compensation the relationship has become adversarial.
Bring in cheap workers bribed by the cost of a residency and citizenship is making the situation worse. We are cannibalising our own work force and replacing it with one that is often less skilled and educated but more able to be exploited. Our productivity shows this is not a workable situation of thinking overseas labour will help us.
It’s pretty much like asset sales but with labour. The government has sold out our local labour force saying that the market will decide, but then the wages money just goes overseas while the locals have to be paid to be unemployed, imprisioned, going through the courts, drug and alcohol rehab etc etc. It’s a VERY expensive option and social experiment and why everything needs to be looked at as a whole, not just individual silos.
Couln’t agree more @savenz, alongside ur 7 and 8 comments on openmike 1/1/2018.
The bullshit continues! I see it daily here with false promises being made by consultants that should be monitored properly by IAA.
INZ AND ASSOCIATED agencies under MBIE have been no care no responsibility-whether thru under resourcing or whatever. BOTH the immigrant AND The Kiwi workforce have been royally ripped. The gNats had no long term plan other than cheap labour with churn to keep it all propped up. It is actually a matter of record. The case today of the Philipinos being ripped is the tip of the iceberg.
The starting point is as you say in 4.5.1 above. We need a starting point AND for those wh’ve ALREADY been lied and cheated to and who are already here, for say 5,6,7 years, allow them to stay in order to pass on their skills and train Kiwi labour – many I know are anxious to do so in various sectors.
I’m still of the view that MBIE has the wrong organisational culture to be involved in immigration matters…..’the business of immigration” takes little account of any other imperative than the economic.
That’s one reason, as you suggest, things have become particularly bad over the past ten years.
As I travel around atm, I’m gathering more and more info of immigrants having been shafted by the NZ experience over and above the many I met 18 months ago.
People trafficking is not too strong a fescription, however they have cared to dress it up.!!!! AND at the expense of Kiwi labour and education standards. It’s been all about the money
Out of nowhere, Finance Minister Grant Robertson has made a significant U-turn, reversing what seemed to be a core Labour position.
After years of criticising National for a significant growth in Crown debt to more than $60 billion over the last decade, Robertson now seems to think the state of public debt is the best thing about the New Zealand economy.
Yeah, this is the idiot that has just lifted rents by $50 per week low & mid income families so he can get a few 1000 more young people into Sociology 101 courses.
This Govt will (if not already) go down as the most incompetent in NZ History.
But babies, & feelz, & conversations, & “we care more”…
Sociology a la NZ Tertiary Institutions – an uncritical (and unhinged) love of Socialism & Marxism conveniently leaving out the 100% failure rate, the 100’s of million of deaths due to murder or starvation.
Mao was much worse of course. Estimates of the number of deaths in the 1959-1962 famine his policies caused were probably in the region of 45 million.
That only counts the 2 major figures of course. It doesn’t count minor figures like Pol Pot and his monsters for example.
Even so there were less than 100 million deaths so faroutdude is exaggerating, isn’t he? Nothing wrong with killing of less than 100 million people is there?
Actually Mao probably saved more lives than any other political figure in history – the most rapid and stunning mortality declines and consequential increases in life expectancy perhaps in world history happened in China under his watch.
From 1966 to 1976 (the years of the cultural revolution), life expectancy rose by over ten years, from 51 to 64 years!
Other researchers point out: “Despite China’s relatively low level of economic development at the time and that a large part of the population still lived in poverty, China’s mortality decline was faster than many countries with similar or markedly higher socio-economic development levels. This together with the successful experience of some other countries, such as Sri Lanka and Costa Rica, were widely regarded as “routes to low mortality in poor countries”
Dikotter (the source of your linked article), gets his 45 million kill count by simply calculating excess deaths over 10 per thousand – essentially the same as the advanced industrialized nations of the time – which is patently ridiculous. As the renowned famine expert Cormac O’Grada points out (emphases are mine) “much hinges on what ”normal” mortality rates are assumed, since the archives do not distinguish between normal and crisis mortality. The crude death rate in china in the wake of the revolution was probably about 25 per thousand. It is highly unlikely that the communists could have reduced it within less than a decade to the implausibly low 10 per thousand adopted here (p. 331). Had they done so, they would have ”saved” over 30 million lives in the interim! One can hardly have it both ways.”
I think Your being dishonest Alwyn …. or is there another reason you leave out important story changing facts ???
Things like Scorched earth ecocide and Infrastructure destruction, war crimes and extermination policy practiced on your population, support and recruitment of Nazis for sabotage, proxy fighters, economic warfare, bombings, overt and covert warfare … and every other means of dirty tricks combined with constant state aggression …all these things things …. were used by ‘the free west’ against russian and chineese people.
Pol Pots millions of dead can go on the usa death ledger though … seeing as they armed and supported them … as a extra gift to the people of Cambodia from uncle sam … after years of bombing. Pol Pot is in the following video
William Blum provides books worth of information and details that help get a better more truthful record of the past.
Korea: “The two sides had been clashing across the Parallel for several years. What happened on that fateful day in June could thus be regarded as no more than the escalation of an ongoing civil war.
The North Korean Government has claimed that in
1949 alone, the South Korean army or police perpetrated 2,617armed incursions into the North to carry out murder, kidnapping, pillage and arson for the purpose of causing
social disorder and unrest …”,
…. “A State Department official, Ambassador-at-large Philip C. Jessup, speaking in April 1950, put it this way: There is constant fighting between the South Korean Army and bands that infiltrate the country from the North. There are very real battles, involving perhaps one or two thousand men. When you go to this boundary, as I did … yo usee troop movements, fortifications, and prisoners of war. Seen in this context, the question of who fired the first shot on 25 June 1950 takes on a much reduced air of significance. ”
Chinas food growing conditions :” By 1949, United States aid to the Nationalists since the war amounted to almost$2 billion in cash and $1 billion worth of military hardware; 39 Nationalist army divisions had been trained and equipped.”
“Yet the Chiang dynasty was collapsing all around in bits and pieces. It had not been only the onslaught of Chiang’s communist foes, but the hostility of the Chinese people at large to his tyranny, his wanton cruelty, and the extraordinary corruption and decadence of his entire bureaucratic and social system.”
“American political and military leaders had no illusions about the
nature and quality of Chiang’s rule. The Nationalist forces, said General David Barr, head of the US Military Mission in China, were under “the world’s worst leadership”.
The Generalissimo, his cohorts and soldiers fled to the offshore island of Taiwan (Formosa). They had prepared their entry two years earlier by terrorizing the islanders into submission—a massacre which took the lives of as many as 28,000 people.
Prior to the Nationalists’ escape to the island, the US government entertained no doubts that Taiwan was a part of China.”
The actions to make Russians suffer have gone on the longest.
World War One did not end until 1920 for them .. British and usa forces invaded them, blockaded them, mined their harbours …. and fought against them, on the side of the czar … for the continuation of serfdom … which was much like slavery for the poor.
As bad as the russian ‘communist’ economy was …. and it was really bad in many ways when they abandoned it under Glasnost ….
The following right wing free market economic ‘reforms’ with its privatization of state assets … plunged tens of millions into abject poverty……. Living standards collapsed for most …. Mortality soared.
Poverty, corruption ….. and a criminal Oligarch class of Billionaires and Millionaires have grown.
Mao is called a mass murderer because of an elevated mortality rate during the Great Leap Forward. But this is compared to the stunning decline in mortality otherwise achieved in the first decade of the PRC.
Anti-communist critics (most of them completely innumerate) forget to mention that the mortality rates during that 2 or 3 year period (around 25 to 30 per thousand per year) were in fact quite typical for other developing countries of the time, and were in fact lower than the mortality rates China had endured for decade after decade up to the success of the 1949 revolution.
The Maoist era was by and large was defined by a huge decline in mortality —-with a reversal during the years of the Great Leap Forward (caused by the tragic convergence of a number of factors —most of them out of the control of the Chinese communists, and none of them intended to result in deaths, much less so murder).
You’ll have no trouble pointing out exactly which bits are wrong, and how, then.
Unless of course you are one of the fools who swallowed all this bullshit and parrot it out at every opportunity.
Oh, hang on – that’s exactly what you do…
I don’t think he is going to answer you.
I can’t comment on whatever is taught in a Sociology course but I really don’t think he is going to try and defend the argument that it was only about one hundred rather than multiple hundreds
He’s probably just losing the will to live when considering Faroutdude’s ability to dump irrelevant bullshit onto a thread as though it were some kind of response to a person’s comment. And your own admission that you have no idea what’s taught in sociology papers hardly makes yours a persuasive endorsement of his bullshit.
You’ll have no trouble pointing out exactly which bits are wrong, and how, then.
All of it was wrong.
Sociology doesn’t teach Marxism. It teaches about society and how people interact.
Modern economics doesn’t teach about the 100% failure rate of capitalism that’s caused even more deaths throughout history than can be counted.
BTW, what Mao and Stalin wasn’t socialist either. It wasn’t even communist for that matter. It was dictatorial which more closely resembles capitalism and the dictatorial actions of the owners.
Your a liar far-out-in-the-middle-fool … a fact free idiot.
Which I will quickly prove …. as you fail to produce any free market country … to match the socialist example I’m putting forward.
We’ll ignore the capitalist free market mass starvation ….. inflicted by choice …. upon the people of Ireland and India …. killing millions.
We’ll also ignore the reversal of human rights, mass murders, torture, rape and imprisonment …..all the dramatic declines of living standards for millions ….
When Miltons free markets were inflicted by the barrel of a gun and destruction of democracy ….Resulting in the very worst of fascist police states… and vast suffering for the people…Over most of Latin America …. and many many other counties
Instead I simply challenge you to put up or shut up…. in a direct comparison of real world statistics and facts….
Or are you all piss and wind …. ??
The socialist country and economy I’m using as an example …..
“Is a country which went from one of the poorest nations in its continent into the richest nation….it also gained the highest Human Development Index, the lowest infant mortality and the highest life expectancy.”
“Health care is [was] available to all citizens free of charge by the public sector.
infant mortality rates had decreased from 105 per 1000 live births in 1970 to an Infant mortality rate of 14.0
Confirmed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), undernourishment was less than 5 %,
Took literacy from 25% up to 87% with 25% going on and earning university degrees.
University education was free.
Gross primary school enrolment ratio was 97% for boys and 97% for girls (2009) .
(see UNESCO tables
The pupil teacher ratio in primary schools was of the order of 17 (1983 UNESCO data)
It Went from a country beset with cholera and unsafe water problems …. to a very low percentage of people without access to safe water (3 percent), health services (0 percent) and sanitation (2 percent)
With regard to Women’s Rights, World Bank data point to significant achievements, “In a relative short period of time … passed in 1970 was an equal pay for equal work law… In secondary and tertiary education, girls outnumbered boys by 10%.” (World Bank Country Brief,
From the early 1980’s until 2003 it was placed under crippling sanctions by the US and UN.
The Government [was] substantially increasing the development budget for health services.
Its name is Libya ….. its socialist achievements as recorded by WHO, world bank , the UN etc, show a country which had the greatest improvements for its people in the shortest period of time ….
I hope you attempt to compete and produce a example faroutdud …. before running off and changing your user name yet again…. like the sad arsed serial loser you present yourself as on the internet …
I do not mind if you get some help, from a better rw troll than your own sorry self…. as your always faroutclassed
A short time into their tenure and this Govt already down as the most incompetent in NZ History? I can understand pique and being pissed-off seeding anger and silliness but this is at Gold Medal level.
The incompetence started at the Election of the Speaker, and it’s all gone downhill from there.
But when you have the failed & discredited idiots from the last Labour Govt (Clarke, Cullen etc) pulling the strings it’s hardly surprising.
Yep accountancy degrees are MUCH better, learn how to avoid taxes, become a day trader and you too like John Key can become PM and put in 0% taxes non resident no questions asked tax havens. What gift duty, what gift duty? gift duty gone quicker than Don Brash’s nuclear free moment so handy to move all that money around for money laundering purposes.
Yep, we certainly need more accountants for society… and lawyers too of course! Social workers are for society and as Thatcher said, ‘Theres no such thing as society’ in the brave new world of the high worth sociopath.
Partially agree with the opinion. He was a bit too quick off the mark to praise our public debt position.
Would have been more balanced for the Minister of Finance to say that, while compared to overseas OECD countries our public position is fine, the private debt position is still grossly overreached, so there are always vulnerabilities to attend to …
…. which get pretty stark when a major stockmarket shake occurs.
Given that Hamish Rutherford is a happy disciple of neo-liberal economics, I’m not overly surprised that he casually threw the “evil” prospect of higher wages into the mix. Robertson seemed desperate to avoid that wee detail. By Robertson’s account, interest rate changes come out of no-where.
It’s ye olde class war, and Robertson’s on the side of capital. That’s kind of all we need to know, realise or understand really.
Levels of public debt are of little consequence except when understood through the lens of liberal economic orthodoxy. And it’s been what might be termed “30 odd years of criminality” that has seen successive governments transfer a more or less meaningless ledger book entry onto citizens where it assumes a potentially crippling reality.
Now, about those wage increases “everyone” will be being denied because (it says in the bible of liberalism) higher wages will reduce profit, which will lead to profit seeking entities increasing prices to protect profit margins (inflation), which will entail (supposedly) independent central or reserve banks to bring in higher interest rates in a bid to maintain “economic stability”, meaning assets founded on debt lose value, which in turn means lower returns for those glorious investors as some of “their” future monies goes into servicing debt…and they will run, or cream it off the back of ‘selling short’ or whatever the casino speak is for making like a bandit off of others’ financial misfortune.
I’m sure I’ve missed some steps/details, or not quite got some of that right. But the basics of the rationale are close enough.
And you and me and who-ever else might be servicing any personal debt? Well, we’s fucked.
But that’s okay. Importantly, we have to understand that’s okay. We need to understand and accept that those accruing money from playing with money; those who treat real things and people merely as “means to their profitable ends” – it’s important we keep them in the pink, because, y’know, we simply couldn’t survive in a world where they weren’t successful.
Maybe one day a government will press medals and award them to dutiful citizens who have made appropriate sacrifices in times of need.
Yep, it’s so obvious Clark’s people are running the show, Ardern is just her mouthpiece, so much for the end of neo-liberalism, not that I’m complaining.
If you can’t have National in charge, National lite is better than nothing
Must be quite disappointing for left-wingers though, I can see the Greens doing quite well especially if they pick Davidson.
It’s almost as though both major parties were based around centrist policies rather than wholesale upheaval. But whoah, hold on – that’s just crazy talk!
Ardern is leading a change government, one that will and is already making good and useful changes to fix the crap work done by the last one. But it’s not a revolutionary government out to overthrow the liberal consensus and destroy capitalism (nice misleading “capitalism has failed” misquote there, by the way). For that reason, Robertson’s comments are unsurprising.
“If you have hundreds of thousands of children living in homes without enough to survive, that’s a blatant failure. What else could you describe it as?”
Because she will not increase popularity of the Greens for voters and therefore your beloved National party will prosper by default. Probably the right wingers have been polling whose worst for the Greens popularity.
The fact she will no doubt clash with Labour and NZ First is irrelevant, she’s there to represent Green voters not prop up the labour/NZ First government.
Maori, Female, Activist, Feminist, SJW, – yep so representative of society (sarcasm) – how many now living in NZ can identify with that – under 5% perhaps?
The Green Party was founded by Jeanette Fitzsimons, Rod Donald and Mike Ward… so the current idea of a narrow focus of identity politics and the cheerleading of that approach by right-wingers is not for the benefit of the Green Party survival but the survival of the National party.
NZ, as a general rule, doesn’t want upheaval. It wants Clarks and Keys government, sure make some changes around the edges but keep the government in the centre.
Look at all the issues caused by Douglas and Richardson, NZ doesn’t want radicalism it wants, for lack of a better word, conservatism
The top 1%, having grabbed everything they wanted, sure.
The lower 60%, having lost access to their traditional resources – housing, jobs, a future – they’d’ve liked a bit of conservatism back when government was practicing radical dishonesty.
Now they need change, if only to pay their (grossly inflated) rents.
I have to agree with you there Puckish, I think many voters are tired of the radical economic approaches like Rogernomics by Labour, laissez-faire capitalism by National. They just want a bit of a break from it all.
BM doesn’t realize, due to his hate for Labour, that the implementation of change takes time, planning starting with the removal of roadblocks set up by 9 years of National legislation.
National took over and radically “raped and pillaged our public assets and sold all our forests to the Chinese mainly so they have set us up for failure but all those national trolls will ignore this fact and carry on as if they are doing the right thing for us all, ha ha ha, they are a ship of fools and traitors keen to sell NZ.
Robertson, a long with the majority of Labour’s caucus, is a neo-liberal and, no, we won’t break free of the damaging chains of neo-liberalism while they’re in charge.
Totally agree. I have a lot of respect for our Prime Minister and I think on a personal level she would like to undertake some radical changes to the ‘system’. Don’t know that, its’ just a feeling I get whilst observing her as she works. Sadly, her cabinet will have other ideas (Such as keeping their jobs or keeping the globalists happy) and it will be same as same as with a few little changes here and there.
For example..Is Labour going to repeal the employment contracts act? Of course not, they’ll tinker round the edges of bits and pieces of legislation to appease some voters but the overall agenda will remain the same as it has been since the 80’s.
Whatever you thought of David Cunliffe, he would have been an infinitely better finance minister than Robertson in my opinion.
Hope to hear this means they clean up their banks, kill austerity, and does it with sufficient style that SPD doesn’t get completely annihilated in the next election.
Down this way we call it a ‘voluntary donation’ I refuse to pay it, instead I do volunteer work for the school from teaching the kids how to grow vege’s in the school garden, to making all the costumes for their school productions.
But $500 donation is off the charts, I suggest you take it to the board of trustees, maybe the school is not managing their finances very well. I understand schools have been underfunded for so very long but I’m absolutely gobsmacked at them asking you for a $500 donation. Do parents not get together and organise fund raising at your kids school Herodotus?
I am fortunate to be in a position to pay, and I value what the school delivers and my partner teachers there so I am well aware of the situation, and how over time schools have been underfunded and have to rely on outside funding eg donations. At least those who pay can get 33% back in a tax refund. Tip to claim as soon as you can in April.
Also the decile system of funding assumes “We use deciles to target funding, for state and state-integrated schools, to help them overcome any barriers to learning that students from lower socio-economic communities might face.”
The major implication will be the amount of funding given to the school by the government. As a general overview, more money per child will be provided to Decile 1 schools, than to Decile 10 schools. As a result, you will often find that parents of children at higher decile schools will be asked to contribute more in terms of fees, donations, time and equipment.
Unfortunately whose on the board, what was the PTA committee are also the ones who pay. There are some who don’t contribute anything (gala etc) in time or $$
Excluding the decile system (which is a bit of a sham), I wonder what the difference is between both of our schools?
I’m in Motueka, the school my youngest attends has a roll of around 250, Yrs1 – Yrs8. Just wondering if smaller communities are more supportive of schools/involvement/funding raising etc than larger ones? As the locals here turn out in droves for any galas that any of the schools put on, either by helping/volunteering or by attending. Also the teachers keep stationary costs for the kids as low as possible, stationary for Miss Ten cost less than $20 this year for everything.
Sounds like some on the board at yours should not be there, one would have thought that those on the board would be the biggest supporters of the school and drivers of fundraising re effort and time.
Looking forward to your reply, enjoying this discussion.
All our local schools range from Decile 8-10 . Of the 4 primary schools in the area the lowest roll is 550. Galas up here are for a specific need .eg playing field drainage (That IMO should have been installed when the school was established). All 7 of the local schools has had to do this at their own expense, and should shame those in the MOE for their lack of foresight.
Board is not the problem(and I salute all those who volunteer for this) most can afford the “fees”, the school benefits and so do the students.
here is what 1 local school has on its web page re Donations
While this has many advantages such as a vibrant learning community, positive student attitudes, and strong work ethics. It’s biggest difficulty is that annually we receive only a fraction of the Ministry of Education funding that is given to low decile schools.
This has a huge impact on what we can offer our students.
Thanks for that Herodotus, really interesting. The school deciles here are around a 5, the lowest is a 3, and the highest an 8, most are a 5 or 6.
Maybe it does have something to do with smaller communities as well as decile, most schools here are small, compared with your area, rolls vary from 100 – 250 kids.
Galas here are annually, some schools use the money to provide all of the stationary requirements for students for the following year. Others to cut down on school camp fee’s, or provide sports equipment etc. Locals are generous with their time, working bee’s, supportive local businesses and horticulture growers etc.
Decile funding aside, maybe wealthier people are not as resourceful, because they don’t have to be. A decile 6 school in our region has fires in every class room for winter heating, fire wood is gathered by locals, utilising donated wind felled tree’s from local farms that type of thing, community efforts, not just the parents of school children, everyone helps.
All that aside, every school in the country should be adequately funded, and they should all have solar panels.
It’s all rather complex, thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. Good topic, kids come first around here 🙂 Much respect to you and your partner, I’m massively supportive of educators and hold them in very high regard.
Personally I’m thrilled with our new governments education team, looking forward to some real progress in this sector over the next couple of years.
Agreed, but when sectors of our education system are being consciously under funded, how else are schools/kindys to secure these needed funds?
Some have reverted to paying overseas students, others fund raising – But only a few volunteer and they work damn hard for what they achieve eg Galas etc.
Like housing we all know there is an issue but … Solutions are lacking (I note that IMO housing issues are so great that we have gone well beyond any real solutions- no answers- only means to attack peripheral issues)
And a “free” education system is about as true as “100% pure”- Just PR spin
You mentioned the core problem IMO “housing issues” driven by the greed of Aussie banks and the property industry. It’s sucking the life out of the economy. Kiwis may be more “productive” but we have more people working longer hours for lower wages than ever.
Netanyahu is going down and I’m going to enjoy every freaking minute of it.
News reports for this corrupt piece of shite are just coming through, police chiefs have decided to recommend indicting him for corruption.
Will post some links as soon as more info becomes available.
“The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that police chiefs, including the general commissioner of Israel’s police force, were in “unanimous agreement” that Netanyahu should be indicted for allegedly accepting bribes and receiving lavish gifts from wealthy benefactors, including Israeli-born Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan.”
IKR, they are saying he shouldn’t stand for next election. Bibi says the attorney general will not take action, wouldn’t surprise me if he is bribing him as well, they are quite close. Bibi is such a dodgy bugger and media controller
“The case for the defence M’Lud, is that although my client took bribes, someone else did a bad thing somewhere else, and after all, personal responsibility is for other people, not right wingers.”
The big PICTURE is that there is a direct link to the way the neoliberals who run the CROWN and the same type of neoliberals who ran the CROWN in the 1840 .
That is in the way they are behaving and treating ME with propaganda lies and deceit .
They weave a VALE over the common people eyes to justify there malicious ways they are treating me If the common people new how these neoliberals were treating MAORI
during THE NEWZEALAND WARS they would have been up in arms over there behavior and put a stop to that ever happening . The NEWZALAND settlers were coned that all the LAND transactions were being carried out in a fair and Just way this was a Fallacy .
It was a small % who benefited the most from this the neoliberal 1% this is how they gained so much control of the western society this is how shonky managed to cheat and change OUR society in the last 9 years to benefit the 1% .
Give the police all they want to get there cooperation in his goal of the 1% dominance of OUR society. They will dispose of people who call them out on there real actions against the 99% of common people this is what they are trying to do to ECO MAORI but I have the internet and a brain that will beat them into submission in the END .
They used Te kooti OWN people against him as they are doing that to me I know every single one of YOU I will forgive most of you but not all will be forgiven .
MAORI have a lot to thank my Te puna Ropata Wahawaha and his advisers for saving us from total dominance from these neoliberals animals is to good a word to describe the un humane people .
Ropata worked out that the CROWN was deceiving him he worked with the CROWN till he got well armed gave them a BROWN EYE lol retreated to his strong hold
Te tairawhiti Ngati Porou .
The neoliberals were not happy when they figured out Ropata had made fools of them as I am. They thought of taking OUR land by force they changed there minds when reality hit them that Ropata was to well armed so they tried other dirty tactics to under mine Ngati Porou as they are still doing to this day.
Ropata Wahawaha move to counter there moves to dominate Maori was the nurturing and education of OUR GREAT leader my Te puna Sir Api Ana Ngata.
Ngata and his helpers saved Maori from total dominance from these neoliberals .
This is one of the reason that Ngati Porou have such High regards from all the Maori ELDERS the other is OUR Te puna we have a strong lineage so to those neoliberals ECO Maori gives you a BROWN EYE this is a major insult to MAORI .
Ana To Kai Ka kite ano P.S can all my clients pay me as I provide a honorable service thanks Why is the book east coast myths and legends missing
I doubt there will be any ructions. Greens should have as many people standing as possible to say their special strengths and hopefully make the type of decision that changed Labour’s fortunes by electing someone that people can relate to and feel they can trust with policy that is meaningful to enough voters who will vote for them.
I am not a mind reader so would not presume to say why. I am also not a Green Party member, so it is not for me to speak for her or the Party. (I am certainly not anti-Greens at all; far from it.)
There are plenty of interviews etc going on with her today that you could find for yourself to see what she herself says as to her reasons.
Who knows, maybe she has thrown her hat into the ring because yesterday Mike Hosking endorsed her as his choice of co-leader if the Greens really think they need one. LOL. ( /sarc)
Genter is easy to respect in government already. She’s been such a consistent and wise transport and urban form advocate, a natural as Minister, and solid in central Auckland.
Key (and Bridges comes to mind) didn’t spar, even when journos came after them (which was rare enough).
Bridges just got shouty and yelled over the interviewer, whereas Key would just shrug and maintain bullshit, saying things that sounded reasonable but were actually conflicting and inconsistent bullshit, like trump. Closest key got was the Hardtalk interview, and even then all he did was say he could pay other experts to agree with him.
Whereas Jackson and Espiner actually debated a commonly-agreed reality.
Emperor (lets face it a knighthood simply isn’t enough for a man of his stature) John Key took John Campbell to the woodshed and vigorously spanked him for over a quarter of an hour on live TV
To be an Emperor the shithead would have required a foreign possession, so I guess we’re seeing an instance of Fontaine’s “flatterer living at someone else’s expense” – though it’s certainly true that the vile satrap had no democratic mandate whatsoever. Your craven style of submission is however more suited to Saudi society, where the blade is never very far from the miscreant’s neck.
No doubt the COL will solve this. How much training will be needed to get those 100,000,000 trees planted this year? Oh, hang on – that’s another back track isn’t it..
Well, at least those 100,000 houses will suck up 1000’s of the unemployed – oops, see above, & it’s only a few more than existing plans isn’t it?
It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic.
“Backtrack” must be one of those irregular words: National makes promises it doesn’t follow through on, they’re “savvy”. LabNZ1Grn make promises that take more than 100 days to reach capacity, they “backtrack”.
Yeah, seen it yesterday while I was reading the morning paper over a coffee down at the local cafe and I wasn’t really surprised at what I was reading, but somehow I still managed to choke on my coffee.
Further to a comment I made a week or so ago on the effect airbnb is having on the rental market with respect to the recent stats released by real estate and property management companies showing an up to 50% drop in the number of rental listings in the past year – here is what this trend looks like in practise:
I think there is very poor information available on the numbers of multiple property owners who have taken their houses off the rental market and listed them as tourist accomodation but without that information it is easy to conclude it’s having a dramatic effect.
Some councils are moving to regulate airbnb as has happened all over the world where there is housing issues and/or pressure from traditional tourist accomodation providers.
Imo this information is pretty crucial nationwide. I imagine it’ll only eventuate when the bite really starts to come on employers not being able to get staff because there’s nowhere for them to live…
This is a fine example of research commissioned by the public service of our universities and technical institutes.
Whether or not this is also an example of Bill English’s big data/social investment approach I’m not sure because how that works in practise has never been explained.
Regardless if it is, there’s no point in collecting valuable social data which says vulnerable transience is damaging and that is increasing while at the same time you’re pulling down state houses, the very thing that fights vulnerable transience at the coal face.
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I’m trying a new way to do a more regular and timely daily Dawn Choruses for paying subscribers through a live video chat about the day’s key six things @ 6.30 am lasting about 10 minues. This email is the invite to that chat on the substack app on your ...
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Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed that inflation remains unchanged at 2.2%, defying expectations of further declines, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “While inflation holding steady might sound like good news, the reality is that prices for the basics—like rent, energy, and insurance—are still rising. ...
I never mentioned anythingAbout the songs that I would singOver the summer, when we'd go on tourAnd sleep on floors and drink the bad beerI think I left it unclearSong: Bad Beer.Songwriter: Jacob Starnes Ewald.Last night, I was watching a movie with Fi and the kids when I glanced ...
Last night I spoke about the second inauguration of Donald Trump with in a ‘pop-up’ Hoon live video chat on the Substack app on phones.Here’s the summary of the lightly edited video above:Trump's actions signify a shift away from international law.The imposition of tariffs could lead to increased inflation ...
An interesting article in Stuff a few weeks ago asked a couple of interesting questions in it’s headline, “How big can Auckland get? And how big is too big?“. Unfortunately, the article doesn’t really answer those questions, instead focusing on current growth projections, but there were a few aspects to ...
Today is Donald J Trump’s second inauguration ceremony.I try not to follow too much US news, and yet these developments are noteworthy and somehow relevant to us here.Only hours in, parts of their Project 2025 ‘think/junk tank’ policies — long planned and signalled — are already live:And Elon Musk, who ...
How long is it going to take for the MAGA faithful to realise that those titans of Big Tech and venture capital sitting up close to Donald Trump this week are not their allies, but The Enemy? After all, the MAGA crowd are the angry victims left behind by the ...
California Burning: The veteran firefighters of California and Los Angeles called it “a perfect storm”. The hillsides and canyons were full of “fuel”. The LA Fire Department was underfunded, below-strength, and inadequately-equipped. A key reservoir was empty, leaving fire-hydrants without the water pressure needed for fire hoses. The power companies had ...
The Waitangi Tribunal has been one of the most effective critics of the government, pointing out repeatedly that its racist, colonialist policies breach te Tiriti o Waitangi. While it has no powers beyond those of recommendation, its truth-telling has clearly gotten under the government's skin. They had already begun to ...
I don't mind where you come fromAs long as you come to meBut I don't like illusionsI can't see them clearlyI don't care, no I wouldn't dareTo fix the twist in youYou've shown me eventually what you'll doSong: Shimon Moore, Emma Anzai, Antonina Armato, and Tim James.National Hugging Day.Today, January ...
Is Rwanda turning into a country that seeks regional dominance and exterminates its rivals? This is a contention examined by Dr Michela Wrong, and Dr Maria Armoudian. Dr Wrong is a journalist who has written best-selling books on Africa. Her latest, Do Not Disturb. The story of a political murder ...
The economy isn’t cooperating with the Government’s bet that lower interest rates will solve everything, with most metrics indicating per-capita GDP is still contracting faster and further than at any time since the 1990-96 series of government spending and welfare cuts. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short in ...
Hi,Today is the day sexual assaulter and alleged rapist Donald Trump officially became president (again).I was in a meeting for three hours this morning, so I am going to summarise what happened by sharing my friend’s text messages:So there you go.Welcome to American hell — which includes all of America’s ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkI have a new paper out today in the journal Dialogues on Climate Change exploring both the range of end-of-century climate outcomes in the literature under current policies and the broader move away from high-end emissions scenarios. Current policies are defined broadly as policies in ...
Long story short: I chatted last night with ’s on the substack app about the appointment of Chris Bishop to replace Simeon Brown as Transport Minister. We talked through their different approaches and whether there’s much room for Bishop to reverse many of the anti-cycling measures Brown adopted.Our chat ...
Last night I chatted with Northland emergency doctor on the substack app for subscribers about whether the appointment of Simeon Brown to replace Shane Reti as Health Minister. We discussed whether the new minister can turn around decades of under-funding in real and per-capita terms. Our chat followed his ...
Christopher Luxon is every dismal boss who ever made you wince, or roll your eyes, or think to yourself I have absolutely got to get the hell out of this place.Get a load of what he shared with us at his cabinet reshuffle, trying to be all sensitive and gracious.Dr ...
The text of my submission to the Ministry of Health's unnecessary and politicised review of the use of puberty blockers for young trans and nonbinary people in Aotearoa. ...
Hi,Last night one of the world’s biggest social media platforms, TikTok, became inaccessible in the United States.Then, today, it came back online.Why should we care about a social network that deals in dance trends and cute babies? Well — TikTok represents a lot more than that.And its ban and subsequent ...
Sometimes I wake in the middle of the nightAnd rub my achin' old eyesIs that a voice from inside-a my headOr does it come down from the skies?"There's a time to laugh butThere's a time to weepAnd a time to make a big change"Wake-up you-bum-the-time has-comeTo arrange and re-arrange and ...
Former Health Minister Shane Reti was the main target of Luxon’s reshuffle. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short to start the year in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, poverty and climate: Christopher Luxon fired Shane Reti as Health Minister and replaced him with Simeon Brown, who Luxon sees ...
Yesterday, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced a cabinet reshuffle, which saw Simeon Brown picking up the Health portfolio as it’s been taken off Dr Shane Reti, and Transport has been given to Chris Bishop. Additionally, Simeon’s energy and local government portfolios now sit with Simon Watts. This is very good ...
The sacking of Health Minister Shane Reti yesterday had an air of panic about it. A media advisory inviting journalists to a Sunday afternoon press conference at Premier House went out on Saturday night. Caucus members did not learn that even that was happening until yesterday morning. Reti’s fate was ...
Yesterday’s demotion of Shane Reti was inevitable. Reti’s attempt at a re-assuring bedside manner always did have a limited shelf life, and he would have been a poor and apologetic salesman on the campaign trail next year. As a trained doctor, he had every reason to be looking embarrassed about ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 12, 2025 thru Sat, January 18, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
After another substantial hiatus from online Chess, I’ve been taking it up again. I am genuinely terrible at five-minute Blitz, what with the tight time constraints, though I periodically con myself into thinking that I have been improving. But seeing as my past foray into Chess led to me having ...
Rise up o children wont you dance with meRise up little children come and set me freeRise little ones riseNo shame no fearDon't you know who I amSongwriter: Rebecca Laurel FountainI’m sure you know the go with this format. Some memories, some questions, letsss go…2015A decade ago, I made the ...
In 2017, when Ghahraman was elected to Parliament as a Green MP, she recounted both the highlights and challenges of her role -There was love, support, and encouragement.And on the flipside, there was intense, visceral and unchecked hate.That came with violent threats - many of them. More on that later.People ...
It gives me the biggest kick to learn that something I’ve enthused about has been enough to make you say Go on then, I'm going to do it. The e-bikes, the hearing aids, the prostate health, the cheese puffs. And now the solar power. Yes! Happy to share the details.We ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Can CO2 be ...
The old bastard left his ties and his suitA brown box, mothballs and bowling shoesAnd his opinion so you'd never have to choosePretty soon, you'll be an old bastard tooYou get smaller as the world gets bigThe more you know you know you don't know shit"The whiz man" will never ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Numbers2024 could easily have been National’s “Annus Horribilis” and 2025 shows no signs of a reprieve for our Landlord PM Chris Luxon and his inept Finance Minister Nikki “Noboats” Willis.Several polls last year ...
This Friday afternoon, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka announced an overhaul of the Waitangi Tribunal.The government has effectively cleared house - appointing 8 new members - and combined with October’s appointment of former ACT leader Richard Prebble, that’s 9 appointees.[I am not certain, but can only presume, Prebble went in ...
The state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017.In December, a couple of days after the Treasury released its 2024 Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HEYFU24), Statistics New Zealand reported its estimate for volume GDP for the previous September 24 quarter. Instead ...
So what becomes of you, my love?When they have finally stripped you ofThe handbags and the gladragsThat your poor old granddadHad to sweat to buy you, babySongwriter: Mike D'aboIn yesterday’s newsletter, I expressed sadness at seeing Golriz Ghahraman back on the front pages for shoplifting. As someone who is no ...
It’s Friday and time for another roundup of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers and fans. If you’d like to support our work, you can join ...
Note: This Webworm discusses sexual assault and rape. Please read with care.Hi,A few weeks ago I reported on how one of New Zealand’s richest men, Nick Mowbray (he and his brother own Zuru and are worth an estimated $20 billion), had taken to sharing posts by a British man called ...
The final Atlas Network playbook puzzle piece is here, and it slipped in to Aotearoa New Zealand with little fan fare or attention. The implications are stark.Today, writes Dr Bex, the submission for the Crimes (Countering Foreign Interference) Amendment Bill closes: 11:59pm January 16, 2025.As usual, the language of the ...
Excitement in the seaside village! Look what might be coming! 400 million dollars worth of investment! In the very beating heart of the village! Are we excited and eager to see this happen, what with every last bank branch gone and shops sitting forlornly quiet awaiting a customer?Yes please, apply ...
Much discussion has been held over the Regulatory Standards Bill (RSB), the latest in a series of rightwing attempts to enshrine into law pro-market precepts such as the primacy of private property ownership. Underneath the good governance and economic efficiency gobbledegook language of the Bill is an interest to strip ...
We are concerned that the Amendment Bill, as proposed, could impair the operations and legitimate interests of the NZ Trade Union movement. It is also likely to negatively impact the ability of other civil society actors to conduct their affairs without the threat of criminal sanctions. We ask that ...
I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?And I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?Song: The Lonely Biscuits.“A bit nippy”, I thought when I woke this morning, and then, soon after that, I wondered whether hell had frozen over. Dear friends, ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has announced three new diplomatic appointments. “Our diplomats play an important role in ensuring New Zealand’s interests are maintained and enhanced across the world,” Mr Peters says. “It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of these senior diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ...
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka ngaro te Iwi – without a vision, the people will perish. The Government has achieved its target to reduce the number of households in emergency housing motels by 75 per cent five years early, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. The number of households ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the new membership of the Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control (PACDAC), who will serve for a three-year term. “The Committee brings together wide-ranging expertise relevant to disarmament. We have made six new appointments to the Committee and reappointed two existing members ...
Ka nui te mihi kia koutou. Kia ora, good morning, talofa, malo e lelei, bula vinaka, da jia hao, namaste, sat sri akal, assalamu alaikum. It’s so great to be here and I’m ready and pumped for 2025. Can I start by acknowledging: Simon Bridges – CEO of the Auckland ...
The Government has unveiled a bold new initiative to position New Zealand as a premier destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) that will create higher paying jobs and grow the economy. “Invest New Zealand will streamline the investment process and provide tailored support to foreign investors, to increase capital investment ...
Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced the largest reset of the New Zealand science system in more than 30 years with reforms which will boost the economy and benefit the sector. “The reforms will maximise the value of the $1.2 billion in government funding that goes into ...
Turbocharging New Zealand’s economic growth is the key to brighter days ahead for all Kiwis, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says. In the Prime Minister’s State of the Nation Speech in Auckland today, Christopher Luxon laid out the path to the prosperity that will affect all aspects of New Zealanders’ lives. ...
The latest set of accounts show the Government has successfully checked the runaway growth of public spending, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. “In the previous government’s final five months in office, public spending was almost 10 per cent higher than for the same period the previous year. “That is completely ...
The Government’s welfare reforms are delivering results with the number of people moving off benefits into work increasing year-on-year for six straight months. “There are positive signs that our welfare reset and the return consequences for job seekers who don't fulfil their obligations to prepare for or find a job ...
Jon Kroll and Aimee McCammon have been appointed to the New Zealand Film Commission Board, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “I am delighted to appoint these two new board members who will bring a wealth of industry, governance, and commercial experience to the Film Commission. “Jon Kroll has been an ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has hailed a drop in the domestic component of inflation, saying it increases the prospect of mortgage rate reductions and a lower cost of living for Kiwi households. Stats NZ reported today that inflation was 2.2 per cent in the year to December, the second consecutive ...
Two new appointed members and one reappointed member of the Employment Relations Authority have been announced by Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden today. “I’m pleased to announce the new appointed members Helen van Druten and Matthew Piper to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) and welcome them to ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has delivered a refreshed team focused on unleashing economic growth to make people better off, create more opportunities for business and help us afford the world-class health and education Kiwis deserve. “Last year, we made solid progress on the economy. Inflation has fallen significantly and now ...
Veterans’ Affairs and a pan-iwi charitable trust have teamed up to extend the reach and range of support available to veterans in the Bay of Plenty, Veterans Minister Chris Penk says. “A major issue we face is identifying veterans who are eligible for support,” Mr Penk says. “Incredibly, we do ...
A host of new appointments will strengthen the Waitangi Tribunal and help ensure it remains fit for purpose, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka says. “As the Tribunal nears its fiftieth anniversary, the appointments coming on board will give it the right balance of skills to continue its important mahi hearing ...
Almost 22,000 FamilyBoost claims have been paid in the first 15 days of the year, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. The ability to claim for FamilyBoost’s second quarter opened on January 1, and since then 21,936 claims have been paid. “I’m delighted people have made claiming FamilyBoost a priority on ...
The Government has delivered a funding boost to upgrade critical communication networks for Maritime New Zealand and Coastguard New Zealand, ensuring frontline search and rescue services can save lives and keep Kiwis safe on the water, Transport Minister Simeon Brown and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand has ...
Mahi has begun that will see dozens of affordable rental homes developed in Gisborne - a sign the Government’s partnership with Iwi is enabling more homes where they’re needed most, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. Mr Potaka attended a sod-turning ceremony to mark the start of earthworks for 48 ...
New Zealand welcomes the ceasefire deal to end hostilities in Gaza, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. “Over the past 15 months, this conflict has caused incomprehensible human suffering. We acknowledge the efforts of all those involved in the negotiations to bring an end to the misery, particularly the US, Qatar ...
The Associate Minster of Transport has this week told the community that work is progressing to ensure they have a secure and suitable shipping solution in place to give the Island certainty for its future. “I was pleased with the level of engagement the Request for Information process the Ministry ...
Associate Health Minister David Seymour says he is proud of the Government’s commitment to increasing medicines access for New Zealanders, resulting in a big uptick in the number of medicines being funded. “The Government is putting patients first. In the first half of the current financial year there were more ...
New Zealand's first-class free trade deal and investment treaty with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been signed. In Abu Dhabi, together with UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, New Zealand Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, witnessed the signing of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) and accompanying investment treaty ...
The latest NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion, which shows the highest level of general business confidence since 2021, is a sign the economy is moving in the right direction, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. “When businesses have the confidence to invest and grow, it means more jobs and higher ...
Events over the last few weeks have highlighted the importance of strong biosecurity to New Zealand. Our staff at the border are increasingly vigilant after German authorities confirmed the country's first outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in nearly 40 years on Friday in a herd of water buffalo ...
Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee reminds the public that they now have an opportunity to have their say on the rewrite of the Arms Act 1983. “As flagged prior to Christmas, the consultation period for the Arms Act rewrite has opened today and will run through until 28 February 2025,” ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Asia Pacific Report The Fijians for Palestine Solidarity Network (FPSN) and its allies have called for “justice and accountability” over Israel’s 15 months of genocide and war crimes. The Pacific-based network met in a solidarity gathering last night in the capital Suva hosted by the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre and ...
Analysis - There needs to be recognition of the significant risks associated with focusing on mining and tourism, Glenn Banks and Regina Scheyvens write. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Mark Patrick Taylor, Chief Environmental Scientist, EPA Victoria; Honorary Professor, School of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University Andriana Syvanych/Shutterstock Most of us are fortunate that, when we turn on the tap, clean, safe and high-quality water comes out. But a senate inquiry ...
Analysis: Try as they might, Christopher Luxon and his partners in NZ First have been unable to distance themselves from the division caused by the Treaty Principles Bill, hampering the potential for further progress in areas where the Prime Minister believes the Crown and tangata whenua can collaborate.While the celebration ...
The Treaty Principles Bill continues to dog the National Party despite Luxon's repeated efforts to communicate the legislation will not go beyond second reading. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Julia Richardson, Professor of Human Resource Management, Head of School of Management, Curtin University Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock US President Donald Trump has called time on working from home. An executive order signed on the first day of his presidency this week requires all ...
The prime minister says he can mend the relationship with Māori after the bill is voted down, and he would refuse a future referendum in the next election's coalition negotiations. ...
Forest & Bird will continue to support New Zealanders to oppose these destructive activities and reminds the Prime Minister that in 2010, 40,000 people marched down Queen Street, demanding that high-value conservation land be protected from mining. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Glenn Banks, Professor of Geography, School of People, Environment and Planning, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University Getty Images Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s state-of-the-nation address yesterday focused on growth above all else. We shouldn’t rush to judgement, but at least ...
RNZ Pacific Fiji’s Minister for Health and Medical Services has declared an HIV outbreak. Dr Ratu Atonio Rabici Lalabalavu announced 1093 new HIV cases from the period of January to September 2024. “This declaration reflects the alarming reality that HIV is evolving faster than our current services can cater for,” ...
Acting PSA National Secretary Fleur Fitzsimons says the ACT proposals would take money from public services and funnel it towards private providers. Privatisation will inevitably mean syphoning money off from providing services for all to pay profits ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Claudio Bozzi, Lecturer in Law, Deakin University Shutterstock On his way to the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro in November, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Peruvian President Dina Boluarte to officially open a new US$3.6 billion (A$5.8 billion) deepwater ...
A new poem by Zoë Deans. Fleeced just call me Hemingway because I’m earnest get it? I’m always falling for it, always saying “really?” mammal-eyed me, begging for the next epiphany, gagging for the magic, hot for sweetness and spring. tell me the stories of the world bounding along all ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros (Piatkus, $38) “Get your leathers, we have dragons to ride,” goes ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Toby Murray, Professor of Cybersecurity, School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne Before the end of its first full day of operations, the new Trump administration gutted all advisory panels for the Department of Homeland Security. Among these was ...
Pacific Media Watch The Al Jazeera Network has condemned the arrest of its occupied West Bank correspondent by Palestinian security services as a bid by the Israeli occupation to “block media coverage” of the military attack on Jenin. Israeli soldiers have killed at least 12 Palestinians in the three-day military ...
An A-to-Z cheat sheet to help you keep up with the awards chat this year.It’s hard to stay on top of awards buzz here in Aotearoa, especially when all the announcements tend to happen when we’re all off the grid and at the beach. The Golden Globes, for example, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By David Lowe, Chair in Contemporary History, Deakin University After many years of heated debate over whether January 26 is an appropriate date to celebrate Australia Day – with some councils and other groups shifting away from it – the tide appears to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nick Whiterod, Science Program Manager, Goyder Institute for Water Research Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Centre, University of Adelaide Nick Whiterod Murray crayfish once thrived in the southern Murray-Darling Basin. The species was found everywhere from the headwaters of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Wendy Hargreaves, Senior Learning Advisor, University of Southern Queensland There are two verses to Advance Australia Fair, but do you know the second? Probably not. It’s in our citizenship booklet, Our Common Bond, suggesting Aussies know it and new citizens could be ...
We round up the best of the homegrown content coming to your screens this year. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here. 2025 is a brand new year, and with it comes a brand new year of television and films. While the local ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Peter Bridgewater, Adjunct Professor in Conservation, University of Canberra Getty Images/Servais Mont Existing policies to tackle environmental challenges fail to take into account that biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution are intertwined crises and produce compounding and intensifying impacts. Policy ...
Following the obscene spectacle of Trump’s inauguration, in which he enunciated his far-right agenda including mass deportations and imperialist expansionism, New Zealand’s politicians are pitching to “work with” Washington as closely as ...
As part of our series exploring how New Zealanders live and our relationship with money, a 50-year-old who volunteers at an op shop explains her approach to spending and saving. Want to be part of The Cost of Being? Fill out the questionnaire here.Gender: Female. Age: 50. Ethnicity: NZ European. ...
The country can’t afford to lose any more skilled workers - the reforms Minister Reti will now drive will only succeed if the Government properly respects and values the existing workforce who now face more uncertainty on top of a year of restructuring. ...
Minister Nicola Willis and the Commerce Commission are set to put big retailers, not just supermarkets, under scrutiny The post Govt to crack down on retail monopolies appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Kelsey Teneti is blossoming in the Black Ferns Sevens. Contracted since 2020 she hardly got a look in until after the Paris Olympics in July 2024. In the first two tournaments of the 2024-25 SVNS series, Teneti ran amok as New Zealand made the final in Dubai and captured the title ...
An article by Soper about National’s obsession with and hatred of Winston.
Soper has now written at least two articles critical of English.
As a true Nat boy, I wonder which right clique he supports
“Their elephant’s Winston Peters and they should be discussing why they failed to convince him that running the show is their natural habitat.
That’s part of their problem of course, they like Hillary Clinton, couldn’t see themselves losing, it wasn’t part of their thinking.
…….To do that though surely they’ll have to understand what went wrong and there are so many obvious things that they’d do well to consider.
For starters they set out to destroy the very man they had to sit down with to try and do business with.
English urged voters to cut out the middle man, during the campaign, and said he was a difficult character to deal with.’
Good morning breakfast people I say it ok to us a phone were ever you want I’ve spent 1hour at a jym .But I would ban them when one has children as the mokos are missing out on quality family time because there mum’s and dad’s have there faces stuck in there phones I rub my children out because of this Tec effect. 4 of my mokos have thrown parents phones In the toilet when they were in there terrible TWO’s I laughed when I was told and said to there parents put the phone down and pay more attention to my mokos. Lucky they always have phone insurance. Ka kite ano
Good story on kiwi saver there needs to be a inquiry into this industry as shonky would change the regulation to line his pocket and his m8 pocket at the expense of the PEOPLE. Most people don’t pay attention to there kiwis saver so there saving end up in a default fund who knows what these players do with it then. One can get %40 more by learning how the fund works and when the time is right move it into high risk high return fund that could be 10 of thousands more at retirement.
The interview on our power industries was excellent to ECO MAORI all the organization of our electricity industry that are not floated on shonkys m8 stock exchange are highly regulated. This leaves the companies that are floated on the stock exchange un regulated .This situation lets these companies be in a situation to cream ally the profits at the expence of the regulated lines companies ETC and THE PEOPLE. We wonder why our transmissions network needed to have huge investments by the Government the profits are all flowing up to the 1% .
Now it’s STUPID NOT TO HAVE POLICIES that make sure that all OUR transmission lines have NO TREES or any thing that could compermise OUR vital supply of eletrisity to the PEOPLE .This ignorance is costing NZ millions of dallors having the ambulance at the bottom of the hill once again. WTF come on let’s clean this mess up .Sorry
Ka kite ano
No fertility problems with ECO MAORI offspring my problem is getting them to slow down lol but I feel for all the people in a position were the opposite is the fact of there lives .Ka kite ano P.S. yes Jack I have the same problem of people recording me and my Whano on there phones it a phenomenon that goes with FAME some one should invent a device that jams any devices within 50 mtrs I would give one to my mokos so they will get more quality time lol
Ka pai
I can see that the morning Rumble Rock radio show is awesome I was going to say something else but I don’t want you good people get a bit of heat from my comments Ka pai
Here is how we treasured OUR mokos and then the bad apples infected our people the neolibrals try and tar us MAORI cultured people with the brush they created here is a link that opens my eyes I have ignored paul moons words as suppression of Maori MANA
Ka kite ano
You can oppose factory farming because it is smelly.
And the farm is certainly big.There will be over 1 million sentient beings existing inside it.
And it will be ugly on the outside. Large Industrial buildings are not usually attractive with a rural backdrop.
There is a much bigger reason to oppose Tegels factory farming plan.
Animal cruelty.
Because the real ugliness will be on the inside of that building.
Hidden from sight.
I bet you Tegel won’t be building their factory with glass walls.
Because if they did, people would not buy their chicken.
Can we just legally force the meat industry to be humane* already? I like eating chicken :(.
(*no, I don’t consider slaughter inhumane simply because it’s taking life.)
For the last few years I’ve only bought free range chicken, pork and eggs, its a little more expensive but I’ve noticed that there are more free range eggs available and a greater selection of free range meat at the supermarket
If more people buy free range then there’ll be less battery farming going on, hopefully
I find free range tastes better – in particular the bacon. Maybe psychosomatic/placebo but that’s my opinion
Yeah I think theres a whole (free :-)) range of reasons to buy free range, taste, morally etc etc
I do think the free range bacon frys up better and shrinks less, maybe less water?
How nice of all you lovely people to be able to afford the choice of free range or organically farmed, an option not on the agenda of probably three quarters of the population.
You are, of course, right but hell’s bells stop talking about it as if it is a real option for most.
This tends to be the problem thinking of those who are blind to the bleeding obvious – there is no real equity or even equality in this country. However, the born to rule don’t or won’t understand that.
True, however I also think that for people that can afford it, buying only free range can be a political act.
(whether what one is buying is actually free range is another matter).
For me its more a moral act in that i feel if we raise animals for slaughter we should at the least give the animal some sort of quality of life
Hugh explains it lot better than i do in this:
That is how it is for me too PR, and that’s a political act underpinned by a core value 🙂 That’s a value we share, nice.
Yes it is more expensive so I reduce my consumption. If I am going to eat pig at all I will only buy free range and budget accordingly.
Don’t worry about Doogs you’ll never be hungry when you’ve got that massive chip on your shoulder
I wasn’t saying its an option for everyone, I’m saying its what I do but heres a song that might help you feel better
It’s just that my concept base seems to be a lot wider than yours, oh comfortable one.
Doogs makes a completely uncontroversial observation – that many people can’t afford organic/free range food – and is accused of having “a chip on his shoulder”.
Doogs’ concern about this inequality is then mocked by likening it to a kids’ song about free stuff popping out of the ground or growing on trees. The implication being that any dissatisfaction with the way things are is just childish fantasy.
Nasty RWNJ stuff.
“How nice of all you lovely people to be able to afford the choice of free range or organically farmed, an option not on the agenda of probably three quarters of the population.”
I personally found that this was quite condescending
“You are, of course, right but hell’s bells stop talking about it as if it is a real option for most.”
I wasn’t saying its an option for most (even though it is) I was saying what I do and making the observation that if more people did as well then the prices for free range will probably come down over time
“This tends to be the problem thinking of those who are blind to the bleeding obvious – there is no real equity or even equality in this country. However, the born to rule don’t or won’t understand that.”
I acknowledged that some can’t afford it but I can (for which I do not and will not apologise) and for those who also can afford it they should eat free range as well
So yeah I mocked Doog because I get a bit bloody sick and tired of the perpetually outraged actively looking for things to be outraged about
But for what its worth I’ve given Doog something else to be outraged about so Doogs probably happy
I’m afraid you’re right PR – about one thing – I am perpetually outraged – about one thing – the fucking last 9 years of pretend government.
We gave them a go for 3 years, and they did nothing and lied.
We gave them another go, for another 3 years . . . and guess what?
Then they sleep-walked into another 3 years thanks to John boy the flexible man who had an opinion about everything and stood for nothing in particular.
Yep, you’re right, I am purple with incandescence about what that useless lying bunch did to this country for 9 long years.
Otherwise, I’m pretty relaxed and quite a nice bloke . . . really.
It’s not just a cost issue. Plenty of people in poverty smoke tobacco even though it is extremely expensive, because they are addicted. I don’t buy the idea we have to be cruel for cost purposes. People have priorities and they run their lives to what makes them feel the best or if they don’t know any different.
I’d like bad products (like soft drinks for example) to be taxed more as they are less expensive than bottled water in many cases.
Cheap eggs and chicken with antibiotics and growth hormones as well as inhumane living conditions are like soft drink, they are so bad they have to make them cheap or else nobody would buy them.
True but, considering the damage that it does to the environment, should bottled water be available at all?
Yep, the rise of bottled water – another pollutant. Yep good for emergencies like floods but yes agree a problem in itself and should not be ‘the better’ choice than tap water.
I guess my point is, why should poorer people be expected to buy worse and less healthy products and the poor buying them blamed for the unhealthy or cruel products existence and prosperity.
If the government really wanted the poor to have cheap eggs how about co operatives in deprived places operating as an alternative.
It’s just another way for poor business practise and ‘the markets’ to oppress people (and animals) and the environment when there is plenty of other alternatives.
The free range movement is well intended, yet there are some problems:
1) intensively farmed chickens can be healthier ( parasites etc)
2) free range isn’t necessarily, laws around labelling/ claims should be better
This is not intended as a defence of the industry.
3) Unfortunately too at our house we shop on price and don’t have ability to choose the more expensive free range option as many of us in this low wage economy must.
The illusion of choice is relative to the size of your wallet ( wage and union busting laws) and the handful of corporations who control our food.
3) Unfortunately too at our house we shop on price and don’t have ability to choose the more expensive free range option as many of us in this low wage economy must.
Yeah I accept some can’t always go the free range route but, maybe, if most farms go free range then the free range prices will drop, never drop as low as battery farming but it might help
This, this is the other reason to force humane practice.
+100 – to keepcalm not PR
Free range chicken, you can use more. In economic terms, buying a free range chicken makes more sense Keepcalmcarryon. Not only do you get healthy liver – the bones are better for stock and soup.
Seeing at this time of year soup is really not on the cards, as stock bones, free range is way better. One chicken will get you a good stock, whereas for budget chickens it can be two, three, or more to get a good stock.
1. [Citation Needed]
2. True. There are many people who like the extra profits but not the extra work. Another great example of the profit motive bringing about poor outcomes.
3. That is true for the majority of people.
Here you go DTB re factory confined hens ( at least sometimes) showing better health outcomes. , quality of life must come in to it too and surely that is better where hens can get outside.
You should probably read the conclusion:
My bold.
For sure, the point is there have been some health benefits noted to caging birds if we are examining all the facts. Note the conclusion does not say things have improved to the point of equivalence.
Again, not defending the industry, our handful of chooks get to scratch around outside, but we should keep both eyes open eh
Actually looks like the farm under discussion IS considered freerange as birds have access to outside ( whatever that means).
Also 32 jobs, is this all bad Ed (yes you don’t agree with any farming)?
There is no making ed happy on this matter. Free range or not he only accepts the “vegan way”.
I raise and have home kill my own beef and lamb – yet ed still finds this disgusting and went on about it – despite the animals being well treated and cared for.
If you like the nicer taste of free range – you will love home kill. It taste soooo much better again.
Later this year I’ll be looking at going halves with my sil about doing something like this in regards to a cattle beast
There is truth in better meat quality in an unstressed animal killed instantly as per home kill, however much the thought annoys those who don’t eat meat.
Sure does
Long story short, the more stressed the animal the tougher the meat so treating animals better is not only morally the right thing to but also means a better meal
Yes we could force them to be humane.
And part of this would be to control the language used.
I note below that many people still think that ‘free range’ chickens mean cruelty free chickens.
You don’t really have to do much to get the label free range in New Zealand.
You certainly don’t need to care about their welfare.
Access can be a small hole at the end of a very large barn.
Developer brings in 200 temporary Chinese workers to construct luxury hotel
I think this is really bad. They say they can’t get enough local workers and that the imports will be paid the “NZ market rate”. But of course this is directly suppressing nz wages, because the local rate is obviously too low because it won’t attract enough workers.
Why are we developing things like this hotel again? Neoliberals only support markets when they can be used to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich – otherwise they want to intervene.
New Zealand has become a slave state.
Thanks Roger Douglas, Ruth Richardson and John Key.
We know why you were given your knighthoods.
Jail for treason would be a more fitting prize.
Labour is in charge now you ding-bat, Ardern’s the one who’s allowing this to happen.
Look BM, things laid down by Douglas et al have been so fundamental and life changing that it will in fact take decades to undo them. Their policies have put tentacles into so many places and affected so many aspects of society that it will take many doses of worm tablets to clean out the parasites from the gut of our nation. Remember also that we, as part of the world fabric, are also inter-twined with cancerous elements of other nations.
This government has had 3 months to begin the process of reversing 30 years of harm.
Give. Them. A. Chance!!!
FTA with China, she won’t be changing anything, especially with Clarkula pulling all the strings.
If anything I’m expecting to see a massive increase in Chinese workers coming to NZ to build houses and apartment blocks.
How will that make you feel, thousands upon thousands of Chinese workers flooding into the country keeping locals out of work and it will be done under a Labour government!
If I was a moderator repeating that lie and that abuse would get you banned.
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t surprise me. I’ll continue to vote Green and, hopefully, many others will also lose their fanboi admiration of Labour and vote Green.
100% Draco
BM is a long bad mouthed individual that is toxic to fairness, and civility.
That wasn’t my point, and you know it.
No – I wouldn’t like that to happen, but in fact they are already talking about 200 Chinese workers coming in to finish a large building. Bad move.
However, my statement about it taking a long time to fix deep-seated and systemic problems still stands. It will likely take at least as long as the Key/English tribe were in power to even make a dent in the edifice.
To answer your thing about the Chinese workers – it will take a large, complex and determined gear-up to provide training of our own resident workers to obviate the imbalance in the work force. That takes time, among other things.
I say again – give them a chance!
Yea that’s one of the problems with these so called free trade agreements, it isn’t a level playing field. For example the average wage in China is $3 an hour so how can any NZ company possibly compete? There should be allowances within the FTA’s for these sorts of disparities I’m all for free trade if it’s fair free trade.
Yep it seems our government loves/fears China so much but I’m less sure that the Kiwi public wants NZ to be part of Asia with a $3 an hour, factory farmed workers, extreme pollution, corruption and no democracy. So why are we still going in that direction?
Spot on
Not gonna happen Doogs. This government are globalists just like Douglas and his treacherous mates.
What’s not gonna happen mikes? They won’t be given a chance?
Oh yes they will. How many followers they have in November 2020 will depend entirely on how they handle it. And I for one am prepared to give them space and rope to operate in exactly the way they intend and have started with already.
Agree, BM, but also with Doogs’ comment.
yeah right – she can undo 40 years in 100 days.
These laws were set up previously nd not just by National governments either. This government hasn’t had time to change them yet.
Admittedly, I’d be surprised if they did.
This must be one of the first times i’ve agreed with you Ed…yay!… Roger Douglas and his cronies should have been charged with treason. There’s probably a reason the Labour party abolished the death penalty for treason in 1989.
(Not that i agree with the death penalty, although there’s always an exception)
I feel there should be a limit on temporary exemptions to NZ labour laws. If you bring in a technician for a few days work perhaps that can be controlled by the rules of where you hired him. But if he’s here for longer than that his employer should meet NZ minimums in terms of wages and conditions.
Should meet the industry-wide salaries they’re going to calculate
Everyone keeps calling them tradies but does anyone actually know if these people are actually certified in any way?
At 4.5% headline unemployment and falling, people with any specialist skills in the construction industry are working about as much as they can.
Definitely need more specialist construction staff, but they aren’t trained, and there are not even enough coming through the tertiary education centres.
There are multiple five star hotels in Auckland and Queenstown either underway now or consented and ready to go. Much of this is leading up to APEC and Americas Cup, but we’ve had a five-star room shortage for a while now.
So in that absence we have to go and get them from overseas.
Make the company pay NZ wages and accommodation and see if he still wants to pay the airfares.
Better yet charge him with racism. No NZ hires? None at all? That would be because he never even tried to hire New Zealanders.
They do.
There are none left, unless you steal them from another company. Sometimes they do that. Other times it’s faster just to wholesale import.
There’s no racism in it.
If you are asking me the broader question: why aren’t there enough highly skilled stonemasons trained up and ready to go here, I would say after the earthquakes there is no excuse for it. So yes, this is a National-caused capacity problem.
Plus weak unions from anti-union legislation that has kept wages low while productivity in construction continues to be high. Again, caused by National.
The trouble with your rational assessment Ad is that again, it is only the discarded sector of the population- the untrained unemployed and under-employed- that must suffer the burden of 30years of cheaper options. let industry and its various hangers-on suffer the consequences of their actions over this same 30 years.
‘So in that absence’- they can reflect on the failure of their plan to undermine and supplant appropriate local trades training with cheap imported labour.
Contrary to what you capitalists believe, the workers don’t actually belong to the company.
And it’s always cheaper as it won’t raise wages.
Also fails to train up people in NZ with skills.
“There are none left”
Impose a requirement of 5% of the workforce and the employer would fill that by lunchtime. Make it 10% and they’d have them by tomorrow.
You’ve been listening to employer lies so long you’re starting to believe them.
Fuck the developers. Where were they when successive governments destroyed the institutions that would have prevented this situation occurring in the first place?
The market forces have come home to roost.
That’s because of the move to tertiary training with expensive courses rather than the on the job training apprentices for trades people. Everyone’s been told they need to be an accountant or lawyer and get a degree in that.
I’m all for having people qualified but whatever the hell they came up with, migrant workers and some hybrid apprentice/training scheme, clearly isn’t working.
And having so many migrants coming in then takes away the opportunities for local people to learn to do the work while keeping the wages and conditions suppressed which then leads to nobody wanting to go into that trade.
Hey in the old days, there were plenty of houses and plenty of builders. Under the last 30 years all that has changed and I’m not sure we are better off with the leaky buildings and constant remedial work we have under the new system of all these ‘trained’ overseas workers and tradies with student loans.
The overseas visas and residencies are a rout for developers to make more money and we now know that some migrants are paying the employer (often unwillingly and certainly outside of NZ law) to get into NZ not the other way around. It’s a scam.
Also don’t worry if anything goes wrong in that luxury hotel, guess what, the ratepayers will pay for the remedial work due to the council signing it off. Seen it again and again. The developers will be working next door under a different name to avoid liability.
Recall that, according to Bill English, having trained people in NZ is less important than having people working at McDs.
This is companies and government fighting against the market.
The education thing is a classic example of why education should be free. Back in the day, professional courses had much more restricted entry. Yes, lawyers and doctors made more cash, but they also paid higher taxes.
Snobbery over the trades was part of the problem, too, but also I suspect that a lot of trades are now more technical – navvies don’t dig trenches, they operate heavy machinery. Plumbers don’t just do pipes and brazing, they use air compressors and cameras and pump trucks. Builders use laser levels and nailguns. Mechanics work around engine management computer systems.
But in the 1990s “bums on seats” became the norm for education and things became tougher for people, so there was a rush to the better-paying and newly opened up “professions”.
As a mate of mine put it, when his local factory closed down he was offered relocation and training to work in another factory. He turned it down to get an education.
Ten years later, he was getting his masters (which ain’t worth what it used to be) and his mate who took the forklift job had earned a few hundred thousand more than he had. Fortunately, he took the education for it’s own sake, but it’s interesting how time change.
Lots of people “took a chance” to raise themselves up – the flipside is that if you lose the bet, you don’t get an inspirational movie made about you. And the house always wins
Spot on savenz.
I accept the correct labour might not be immediately available locally, but if causing delay to this project and others is what is needed to create pressure to lift wages and investment in training in NZ, then that is what should happen.
The problem with low training and wages in nz is hugely important.
I wonder if they’ll be ‘pooling their wages’ to pay for their accommodation and ‘other expenses’.
Initial report on Morning Report at 6.10am
Ian Lees-Galloway, Minister of Workplace Relations and Immigration, was interviewed by Guyon Espiner later in the programme
While his reply included that investment in skills was not done by the previous government, he also said that he had asked for a urgent report from the appropriate ministries. It seems that the applications were being done as individual ones rather than a block one. Although a fairly light response, Lees-Galloway had contacted RNZ re their initial report of his own accord, rather than failing to front up.
The first thing the government should do is to remove the overseas work permits and residency paths. Then guess what, everything will change. Wages will go up not just for Maori, Pakeha but also the 15% of migrants already here! Then the taxpayers will get more revenue and less money going out in top ups. Then training will start to happen as after throwing out all their toys, the developers, food outlets, petrol stations and farmers will knuckle down with local labour and get it done. Hey they might have to import Australians if worst comes to worst. But I doubt it.
There was a statement made by the MD of the firm Building Recruitment in this first interview at 6.10am that was removed from the repeat broadcast at 7.17am.
He said that “The people letting us down most are the locals we employ. They’re the ones not turning up on jobs”.
RNZ cut it out later in the program when they only played the first part of what was, after all, a very short clip (less than a minute).
They also left it out of the report linked to at comment 4.
That comment of the MD of course backs up the things that Bill English said he was being told about New Zealand workers.
Am I being unduly paranoid when I think first of the probability that someone in the PMs Office, monitoring Morning Report, immediately rang the RNZ news people and demanded that this particular piece of the interview must not be repeated? It didn’t match the line that this Government are spinning. New Zealand workers are wonderful and only the evil Bill English is telling lies about them. Red Radio would of course oblige and the line will never be repeated on their news service.
The problem is they are both right. Loads of Kiwis have got terrible work practises and don’t get to work on time or take it seriously. But we used to have an excellent work reputation for Kiwi workers overseas, so what’s changed?
In my view, the last 30 years and in particular the last decade have robbed people the chance to have continual work at decent wages. In addition decisions like 180,000 work permits a year have robbed locals the ability to start part time work at an early age (aka part time time work as teenagers or students). This has mean’t more and more Kiwi’s were never given opportunities and have not been able to understand the process of work. If they can be fired after 30 days, made redundant after 30 years with little compensation the relationship has become adversarial.
Bring in cheap workers bribed by the cost of a residency and citizenship is making the situation worse. We are cannibalising our own work force and replacing it with one that is often less skilled and educated but more able to be exploited. Our productivity shows this is not a workable situation of thinking overseas labour will help us.
It’s pretty much like asset sales but with labour. The government has sold out our local labour force saying that the market will decide, but then the wages money just goes overseas while the locals have to be paid to be unemployed, imprisioned, going through the courts, drug and alcohol rehab etc etc. It’s a VERY expensive option and social experiment and why everything needs to be looked at as a whole, not just individual silos.
Couln’t agree more @savenz, alongside ur 7 and 8 comments on openmike 1/1/2018.
The bullshit continues! I see it daily here with false promises being made by consultants that should be monitored properly by IAA.
INZ AND ASSOCIATED agencies under MBIE have been no care no responsibility-whether thru under resourcing or whatever. BOTH the immigrant AND The Kiwi workforce have been royally ripped. The gNats had no long term plan other than cheap labour with churn to keep it all propped up. It is actually a matter of record. The case today of the Philipinos being ripped is the tip of the iceberg.
The starting point is as you say in 4.5.1 above. We need a starting point AND for those wh’ve ALREADY been lied and cheated to and who are already here, for say 5,6,7 years, allow them to stay in order to pass on their skills and train Kiwi labour – many I know are anxious to do so in various sectors.
I’m still of the view that MBIE has the wrong organisational culture to be involved in immigration matters…..’the business of immigration” takes little account of any other imperative than the economic.
That’s one reason, as you suggest, things have become particularly bad over the past ten years.
As I travel around atm, I’m gathering more and more info of immigrants having been shafted by the NZ experience over and above the many I met 18 months ago.
People trafficking is not too strong a fescription, however they have cared to dress it up.!!!! AND at the expense of Kiwi labour and education standards. It’s been all about the money
Out of nowhere, Finance Minister Grant Robertson has made a significant U-turn, reversing what seemed to be a core Labour position.
After years of criticising National for a significant growth in Crown debt to more than $60 billion over the last decade, Robertson now seems to think the state of public debt is the best thing about the New Zealand economy.
Yeah, this is the idiot that has just lifted rents by $50 per week low & mid income families so he can get a few 1000 more young people into Sociology 101 courses.
This Govt will (if not already) go down as the most incompetent in NZ History.
But babies, & feelz, & conversations, & “we care more”…
I wish you were right. Everybody should do Sociology 101.
Whenever I hear someone mention Sociology 101 this springs to mind:
Sociology – the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society, or the study of social problems.
What’s wrong with that?
Sociology a la NZ Tertiary Institutions – an uncritical (and unhinged) love of Socialism & Marxism conveniently leaving out the 100% failure rate, the 100’s of million of deaths due to murder or starvation.
You’re delusional. Everything you’ve said so far is simply wrong.
You are quite right. There weren’t 100’s of millions of death due to murder and starvation.
In Russia under Stalin there were only about 3 million deaths by execution, in the Gulags and in forced resettlement. There were about 6 million died in the famines his policies produced.
Mao was much worse of course. Estimates of the number of deaths in the 1959-1962 famine his policies caused were probably in the region of 45 million.
That only counts the 2 major figures of course. It doesn’t count minor figures like Pol Pot and his monsters for example.
Even so there were less than 100 million deaths so faroutdude is exaggerating, isn’t he? Nothing wrong with killing of less than 100 million people is there?
I forgot to include the source of the numbers for Mao’s madness
Actually Mao probably saved more lives than any other political figure in history – the most rapid and stunning mortality declines and consequential increases in life expectancy perhaps in world history happened in China under his watch.
Salient points as follows:
“Between 1950 and 1980, China experienced the most rapid sustained increase in life expectancy in documented global history.”
From 1966 to 1976 (the years of the cultural revolution), life expectancy rose by over ten years, from 51 to 64 years!
Other researchers point out: “Despite China’s relatively low level of economic development at the time and that a large part of the population still lived in poverty, China’s mortality decline was faster than many countries with similar or markedly higher socio-economic development levels. This together with the successful experience of some other countries, such as Sri Lanka and Costa Rica, were widely regarded as “routes to low mortality in poor countries”
Dikotter (the source of your linked article), gets his 45 million kill count by simply calculating excess deaths over 10 per thousand – essentially the same as the advanced industrialized nations of the time – which is patently ridiculous. As the renowned famine expert Cormac O’Grada points out (emphases are mine) “much hinges on what ”normal” mortality rates are assumed, since the archives do not distinguish between normal and crisis mortality. The crude death rate in china in the wake of the revolution was probably about 25 per thousand. It is highly unlikely that the communists could have reduced it within less than a decade to the implausibly low 10 per thousand adopted here (p. 331). Had they done so, they would have ”saved” over 30 million lives in the interim! One can hardly have it both ways.”
Thanks for that Wei – the ill-natured cherry picking of stats gets pretty thick here sometimes.
Communism starving hundreds of millions ??
I think Your being dishonest Alwyn …. or is there another reason you leave out important story changing facts ???
Things like Scorched earth ecocide and Infrastructure destruction, war crimes and extermination policy practiced on your population, support and recruitment of Nazis for sabotage, proxy fighters, economic warfare, bombings, overt and covert warfare … and every other means of dirty tricks combined with constant state aggression …all these things things …. were used by ‘the free west’ against russian and chineese people.
Pol Pots millions of dead can go on the usa death ledger though … seeing as they armed and supported them … as a extra gift to the people of Cambodia from uncle sam … after years of bombing. Pol Pot is in the following video
William Blum provides books worth of information and details that help get a better more truthful record of the past.
Korea: “The two sides had been clashing across the Parallel for several years. What happened on that fateful day in June could thus be regarded as no more than the escalation of an ongoing civil war.
The North Korean Government has claimed that in
1949 alone, the South Korean army or police perpetrated 2,617armed incursions into the North to carry out murder, kidnapping, pillage and arson for the purpose of causing
social disorder and unrest …”,
…. “A State Department official, Ambassador-at-large Philip C. Jessup, speaking in April 1950, put it this way: There is constant fighting between the South Korean Army and bands that infiltrate the country from the North. There are very real battles, involving perhaps one or two thousand men. When you go to this boundary, as I did … yo usee troop movements, fortifications, and prisoners of war. Seen in this context, the question of who fired the first shot on 25 June 1950 takes on a much reduced air of significance. ”
Chinas food growing conditions :” By 1949, United States aid to the Nationalists since the war amounted to almost$2 billion in cash and $1 billion worth of military hardware; 39 Nationalist army divisions had been trained and equipped.”
“Yet the Chiang dynasty was collapsing all around in bits and pieces. It had not been only the onslaught of Chiang’s communist foes, but the hostility of the Chinese people at large to his tyranny, his wanton cruelty, and the extraordinary corruption and decadence of his entire bureaucratic and social system.”
“American political and military leaders had no illusions about the
nature and quality of Chiang’s rule. The Nationalist forces, said General David Barr, head of the US Military Mission in China, were under “the world’s worst leadership”.
The Generalissimo, his cohorts and soldiers fled to the offshore island of Taiwan (Formosa). They had prepared their entry two years earlier by terrorizing the islanders into submission—a massacre which took the lives of as many as 28,000 people.
Prior to the Nationalists’ escape to the island, the US government entertained no doubts that Taiwan was a part of China.”
The actions to make Russians suffer have gone on the longest.
World War One did not end until 1920 for them .. British and usa forces invaded them, blockaded them, mined their harbours …. and fought against them, on the side of the czar … for the continuation of serfdom … which was much like slavery for the poor.
As bad as the russian ‘communist’ economy was …. and it was really bad in many ways when they abandoned it under Glasnost ….
The following right wing free market economic ‘reforms’ with its privatization of state assets … plunged tens of millions into abject poverty……. Living standards collapsed for most …. Mortality soared.
Poverty, corruption ….. and a criminal Oligarch class of Billionaires and Millionaires have grown.
Russia around 37 minute mark
Good post.
Mao is called a mass murderer because of an elevated mortality rate during the Great Leap Forward. But this is compared to the stunning decline in mortality otherwise achieved in the first decade of the PRC.
Anti-communist critics (most of them completely innumerate) forget to mention that the mortality rates during that 2 or 3 year period (around 25 to 30 per thousand per year) were in fact quite typical for other developing countries of the time, and were in fact lower than the mortality rates China had endured for decade after decade up to the success of the 1949 revolution.
The Maoist era was by and large was defined by a huge decline in mortality —-with a reversal during the years of the Great Leap Forward (caused by the tragic convergence of a number of factors —most of them out of the control of the Chinese communists, and none of them intended to result in deaths, much less so murder).
You’ll have no trouble pointing out exactly which bits are wrong, and how, then.
Unless of course you are one of the fools who swallowed all this bullshit and parrot it out at every opportunity.
Oh, hang on – that’s exactly what you do…
I don’t think he is going to answer you.
I can’t comment on whatever is taught in a Sociology course but I really don’t think he is going to try and defend the argument that it was only about one hundred rather than multiple hundreds
He’s probably just losing the will to live when considering Faroutdude’s ability to dump irrelevant bullshit onto a thread as though it were some kind of response to a person’s comment. And your own admission that you have no idea what’s taught in sociology papers hardly makes yours a persuasive endorsement of his bullshit.
All of it was wrong.
Sociology doesn’t teach Marxism. It teaches about society and how people interact.
Modern economics doesn’t teach about the 100% failure rate of capitalism that’s caused even more deaths throughout history than can be counted.
BTW, what Mao and Stalin wasn’t socialist either. It wasn’t even communist for that matter. It was dictatorial which more closely resembles capitalism and the dictatorial actions of the owners.
????? . . . . have you done the course then?
Of course. Proud to have opened the eyes of the young and impressionable students to the bullshit being fed to them.
Your a liar far-out-in-the-middle-fool … a fact free idiot.
Which I will quickly prove …. as you fail to produce any free market country … to match the socialist example I’m putting forward.
We’ll ignore the capitalist free market mass starvation ….. inflicted by choice …. upon the people of Ireland and India …. killing millions.
We’ll also ignore the reversal of human rights, mass murders, torture, rape and imprisonment …..all the dramatic declines of living standards for millions ….
When Miltons free markets were inflicted by the barrel of a gun and destruction of democracy ….Resulting in the very worst of fascist police states… and vast suffering for the people…Over most of Latin America …. and many many other counties
Instead I simply challenge you to put up or shut up…. in a direct comparison of real world statistics and facts….
Or are you all piss and wind …. ??
The socialist country and economy I’m using as an example …..
“Is a country which went from one of the poorest nations in its continent into the richest nation….it also gained the highest Human Development Index, the lowest infant mortality and the highest life expectancy.”
“Health care is [was] available to all citizens free of charge by the public sector.
infant mortality rates had decreased from 105 per 1000 live births in 1970 to an Infant mortality rate of 14.0
Confirmed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), undernourishment was less than 5 %,
Took literacy from 25% up to 87% with 25% going on and earning university degrees.
University education was free.
Gross primary school enrolment ratio was 97% for boys and 97% for girls (2009) .
(see UNESCO tables
The pupil teacher ratio in primary schools was of the order of 17 (1983 UNESCO data)
It Went from a country beset with cholera and unsafe water problems …. to a very low percentage of people without access to safe water (3 percent), health services (0 percent) and sanitation (2 percent)
With regard to Women’s Rights, World Bank data point to significant achievements, “In a relative short period of time … passed in 1970 was an equal pay for equal work law… In secondary and tertiary education, girls outnumbered boys by 10%.” (World Bank Country Brief,
From the early 1980’s until 2003 it was placed under crippling sanctions by the US and UN.
The Government [was] substantially increasing the development budget for health services.
Its name is Libya ….. its socialist achievements as recorded by WHO, world bank , the UN etc, show a country which had the greatest improvements for its people in the shortest period of time ….
I hope you attempt to compete and produce a example faroutdud …. before running off and changing your user name yet again…. like the sad arsed serial loser you present yourself as on the internet …
I do not mind if you get some help, from a better rw troll than your own sorry self…. as your always faroutclassed
Similarly Syria, Cuba. In fact any country that has improved life overall for its citizens are those practicing socialism in one form or another.
Evidently Cuba has one of the best health systems in the world.
You don’t have a clue – more like Anthony Giddens, for what little he’s worth.
A short time into their tenure and this Govt already down as the most incompetent in NZ History? I can understand pique and being pissed-off seeding anger and silliness but this is at Gold Medal level.
You guys all seem very excited about this, but buggered if I can see anything even vaguely interesting in it.
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
Liberalisms pony.
The incompetence started at the Election of the Speaker, and it’s all gone downhill from there.
But when you have the failed & discredited idiots from the last Labour Govt (Clarke, Cullen etc) pulling the strings it’s hardly surprising.
Does he require that ministers answer questions?
If so he is infinitely better than that sleazy sack of complicity Carter.
Sounds like a pretty good deal for lawyers with big kids and rentals. There wouldn’t be too many of those in and around Parlyment though.
Yep accountancy degrees are MUCH better, learn how to avoid taxes, become a day trader and you too like John Key can become PM and put in 0% taxes non resident no questions asked tax havens. What gift duty, what gift duty? gift duty gone quicker than Don Brash’s nuclear free moment so handy to move all that money around for money laundering purposes.
Yep, we certainly need more accountants for society… and lawyers too of course! Social workers are for society and as Thatcher said, ‘Theres no such thing as society’ in the brave new world of the high worth sociopath.
Partially agree with the opinion. He was a bit too quick off the mark to praise our public debt position.
Would have been more balanced for the Minister of Finance to say that, while compared to overseas OECD countries our public position is fine, the private debt position is still grossly overreached, so there are always vulnerabilities to attend to …
…. which get pretty stark when a major stockmarket shake occurs.
Given that Hamish Rutherford is a happy disciple of neo-liberal economics, I’m not overly surprised that he casually threw the “evil” prospect of higher wages into the mix. Robertson seemed desperate to avoid that wee detail. By Robertson’s account, interest rate changes come out of no-where.
It’s ye olde class war, and Robertson’s on the side of capital. That’s kind of all we need to know, realise or understand really.
Levels of public debt are of little consequence except when understood through the lens of liberal economic orthodoxy. And it’s been what might be termed “30 odd years of criminality” that has seen successive governments transfer a more or less meaningless ledger book entry onto citizens where it assumes a potentially crippling reality.
Now, about those wage increases “everyone” will be being denied because (it says in the bible of liberalism) higher wages will reduce profit, which will lead to profit seeking entities increasing prices to protect profit margins (inflation), which will entail (supposedly) independent central or reserve banks to bring in higher interest rates in a bid to maintain “economic stability”, meaning assets founded on debt lose value, which in turn means lower returns for those glorious investors as some of “their” future monies goes into servicing debt…and they will run, or cream it off the back of ‘selling short’ or whatever the casino speak is for making like a bandit off of others’ financial misfortune.
I’m sure I’ve missed some steps/details, or not quite got some of that right. But the basics of the rationale are close enough.
And you and me and who-ever else might be servicing any personal debt? Well, we’s fucked.
But that’s okay. Importantly, we have to understand that’s okay. We need to understand and accept that those accruing money from playing with money; those who treat real things and people merely as “means to their profitable ends” – it’s important we keep them in the pink, because, y’know, we simply couldn’t survive in a world where they weren’t successful.
Maybe one day a government will press medals and award them to dutiful citizens who have made appropriate sacrifices in times of need.
Argh! Robertson – doing the neoliberals (and ultimately Nats’) work for them.
We will never break from neoliberal chains while he is in charge of the finances and economy.
So much for a change government.
The number of lies and backflips are off the charts, no wonder voters have such little faith in politicians.
Its almost like nothing much has changed 🙂
Yep, it’s so obvious Clark’s people are running the show, Ardern is just her mouthpiece, so much for the end of neo-liberalism, not that I’m complaining.
If you can’t have National in charge, National lite is better than nothing
Must be quite disappointing for left-wingers though, I can see the Greens doing quite well especially if they pick Davidson.
It’s almost as though both major parties were based around centrist policies rather than wholesale upheaval. But whoah, hold on – that’s just crazy talk!
That’s not the way Ardern was pitching it during and just after the election.
You know, “this is a change government”, “Capitalism has failed”, etc
Oh LOOK, a hate in.
Ardern is leading a change government, one that will and is already making good and useful changes to fix the crap work done by the last one. But it’s not a revolutionary government out to overthrow the liberal consensus and destroy capitalism (nice misleading “capitalism has failed” misquote there, by the way). For that reason, Robertson’s comments are unsurprising.
“(nice misleading “capitalism has failed” misquote there, by the way).”
I did hear Ardern say that as well, so just checked to make sure…
“Incoming prime minister Jacinda Ardern says capitalism has been a “blatant failure” in New Zealand when measured by child poverty.”
BM did not misquote (other than paraphrasing blatant failure to failed).
Actual quote:
“If you have hundreds of thousands of children living in homes without enough to survive, that’s a blatant failure. What else could you describe it as?”
BM’s version of it:
“Capitalism has failed.”
Chuck: “BM did not misquote…”
Chuck, Psycho Milt showed BM and yourself to be Billshitting …
But quoting The Herald …. a heavy weight member of ‘Dirty Politics’ … is like quoting a serial gossip monger.
The Herald, The Dom or David Farrar have not given up dirty politics …. they prove this by continual printing of ‘ The tax payers union ‘ .
The herald should be sold with a National party symbol on their mast head ….
You can’t argue logic with a hate in Psycho Milt, that said – brave of you to try.
Yes, we all know why you want Davidson in there for the Greens, BM.
Which is what?
Because she will not increase popularity of the Greens for voters and therefore your beloved National party will prosper by default. Probably the right wingers have been polling whose worst for the Greens popularity.
Interesting I thought Davidson was the best candidate because she best reflected what the Green party membership would want in a leader.
Maori, Female, Activist, Feminist, SJW, she’s ticking all the green boxes.
The fact she will no doubt clash with Labour and NZ First is irrelevant, she’s there to represent Green voters not prop up the labour/NZ First government.
Maori, Female, Activist, Feminist, SJW, – yep so representative of society (sarcasm) – how many now living in NZ can identify with that – under 5% perhaps?
The Green Party was founded by Jeanette Fitzsimons, Rod Donald and Mike Ward… so the current idea of a narrow focus of identity politics and the cheerleading of that approach by right-wingers is not for the benefit of the Green Party survival but the survival of the National party.
weka posted yesterday on what I think is a sensible analysis of where the Greens will (maybe) start to pick up votes again from here.
Which is to get back some of the support that deserted the Greens and went into Labour.
Then hope Labour picks off some of the current National support to compensate for votes that go to the Greens.
In theory a win/win for both the Greens and Labour.
Davidson appeal is perfect for those voters the Greens would like back from Labour.
@Chuck “Davidson appeal is perfect for those voters the Greens would like back from Labour”
yep I’m sure Chuck and BM would not want to advocate for anyone that might take disgruntled voters from National…
Once again with the heroic levels of false equivalence. What hasn’t changed is you – empty and cynical as ever.
NZ, as a general rule, doesn’t want upheaval. It wants Clarks and Keys government, sure make some changes around the edges but keep the government in the centre.
Look at all the issues caused by Douglas and Richardson, NZ doesn’t want radicalism it wants, for lack of a better word, conservatism
The top 1%, having grabbed everything they wanted, sure.
The lower 60%, having lost access to their traditional resources – housing, jobs, a future – they’d’ve liked a bit of conservatism back when government was practicing radical dishonesty.
Now they need change, if only to pay their (grossly inflated) rents.
“The top 1%, having grabbed everything they wanted, sure”
Define the top 1%
I think that even you are capable of that.
I have to agree with you there Puckish, I think many voters are tired of the radical economic approaches like Rogernomics by Labour, laissez-faire capitalism by National. They just want a bit of a break from it all.
BM doesn’t realize, due to his hate for Labour, that the implementation of change takes time, planning starting with the removal of roadblocks set up by 9 years of National legislation.
100% Johan you are correct there.
National took over and radically “raped and pillaged our public assets and sold all our forests to the Chinese mainly so they have set us up for failure but all those national trolls will ignore this fact and carry on as if they are doing the right thing for us all, ha ha ha, they are a ship of fools and traitors keen to sell NZ.
You do realise what you’ve said PR? Don’t you . . . don’t you . . .?
Robertson, a long with the majority of Labour’s caucus, is a neo-liberal and, no, we won’t break free of the damaging chains of neo-liberalism while they’re in charge.
Totally agree. I have a lot of respect for our Prime Minister and I think on a personal level she would like to undertake some radical changes to the ‘system’. Don’t know that, its’ just a feeling I get whilst observing her as she works. Sadly, her cabinet will have other ideas (Such as keeping their jobs or keeping the globalists happy) and it will be same as same as with a few little changes here and there.
For example..Is Labour going to repeal the employment contracts act? Of course not, they’ll tinker round the edges of bits and pieces of legislation to appease some voters but the overall agenda will remain the same as it has been since the 80’s.
Whatever you thought of David Cunliffe, he would have been an infinitely better finance minister than Robertson in my opinion.
They will struggle to repeal the Employment Contracts Act – Lab5 repealed it in 2000.
Finally, they have a government in Germany.
Importantly, the Social Democrat Olaf Schulz has gone from mayor of Hamburg to Minister of Finaince overnight.
Hope to hear this means they clean up their banks, kill austerity, and does it with sufficient style that SPD doesn’t get completely annihilated in the next election.
When will we fund out schools adequately ?
We have this from Labour (pre election) will substitute the funding from school donations
Yet we are still waiting
BUT many schools receive donations well and above the $150/student level
As a parent that our local school asked for $500/student to cover MOE shortfalls of funding. So our local school would lose out from this ill thought out policy. How will they make the shortfall up ?
Then we have some who do not pay the donation for many reasons; some valid (cannot afford – fair enough) some Not. Yet those who have the means to pay, but for a philosophical reason or they don’t have to, do not pay, yet are willing for their children to receive the benefit paid for by others.
Down this way we call it a ‘voluntary donation’ I refuse to pay it, instead I do volunteer work for the school from teaching the kids how to grow vege’s in the school garden, to making all the costumes for their school productions.
But $500 donation is off the charts, I suggest you take it to the board of trustees, maybe the school is not managing their finances very well. I understand schools have been underfunded for so very long but I’m absolutely gobsmacked at them asking you for a $500 donation. Do parents not get together and organise fund raising at your kids school Herodotus?
I am fortunate to be in a position to pay, and I value what the school delivers and my partner teachers there so I am well aware of the situation, and how over time schools have been underfunded and have to rely on outside funding eg donations. At least those who pay can get 33% back in a tax refund. Tip to claim as soon as you can in April.
Also the decile system of funding assumes “We use deciles to target funding, for state and state-integrated schools, to help them overcome any barriers to learning that students from lower socio-economic communities might face.”
The major implication will be the amount of funding given to the school by the government. As a general overview, more money per child will be provided to Decile 1 schools, than to Decile 10 schools. As a result, you will often find that parents of children at higher decile schools will be asked to contribute more in terms of fees, donations, time and equipment.
Unfortunately whose on the board, what was the PTA committee are also the ones who pay. There are some who don’t contribute anything (gala etc) in time or $$
Excluding the decile system (which is a bit of a sham), I wonder what the difference is between both of our schools?
I’m in Motueka, the school my youngest attends has a roll of around 250, Yrs1 – Yrs8. Just wondering if smaller communities are more supportive of schools/involvement/funding raising etc than larger ones? As the locals here turn out in droves for any galas that any of the schools put on, either by helping/volunteering or by attending. Also the teachers keep stationary costs for the kids as low as possible, stationary for Miss Ten cost less than $20 this year for everything.
Sounds like some on the board at yours should not be there, one would have thought that those on the board would be the biggest supporters of the school and drivers of fundraising re effort and time.
Looking forward to your reply, enjoying this discussion.
All our local schools range from Decile 8-10 . Of the 4 primary schools in the area the lowest roll is 550. Galas up here are for a specific need .eg playing field drainage (That IMO should have been installed when the school was established). All 7 of the local schools has had to do this at their own expense, and should shame those in the MOE for their lack of foresight.
Board is not the problem(and I salute all those who volunteer for this) most can afford the “fees”, the school benefits and so do the students.
here is what 1 local school has on its web page re Donations
While this has many advantages such as a vibrant learning community, positive student attitudes, and strong work ethics. It’s biggest difficulty is that annually we receive only a fraction of the Ministry of Education funding that is given to low decile schools.
This has a huge impact on what we can offer our students.
Thanks for that Herodotus, really interesting. The school deciles here are around a 5, the lowest is a 3, and the highest an 8, most are a 5 or 6.
Maybe it does have something to do with smaller communities as well as decile, most schools here are small, compared with your area, rolls vary from 100 – 250 kids.
Galas here are annually, some schools use the money to provide all of the stationary requirements for students for the following year. Others to cut down on school camp fee’s, or provide sports equipment etc. Locals are generous with their time, working bee’s, supportive local businesses and horticulture growers etc.
Decile funding aside, maybe wealthier people are not as resourceful, because they don’t have to be. A decile 6 school in our region has fires in every class room for winter heating, fire wood is gathered by locals, utilising donated wind felled tree’s from local farms that type of thing, community efforts, not just the parents of school children, everyone helps.
All that aside, every school in the country should be adequately funded, and they should all have solar panels.
It’s all rather complex, thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. Good topic, kids come first around here 🙂 Much respect to you and your partner, I’m massively supportive of educators and hold them in very high regard.
Personally I’m thrilled with our new governments education team, looking forward to some real progress in this sector over the next couple of years.
School donations need to be banned.
Agreed, but when sectors of our education system are being consciously under funded, how else are schools/kindys to secure these needed funds?
Some have reverted to paying overseas students, others fund raising – But only a few volunteer and they work damn hard for what they achieve eg Galas etc.
Like housing we all know there is an issue but … Solutions are lacking (I note that IMO housing issues are so great that we have gone well beyond any real solutions- no answers- only means to attack peripheral issues)
And a “free” education system is about as true as “100% pure”- Just PR spin
You mentioned the core problem IMO “housing issues” driven by the greed of Aussie banks and the property industry. It’s sucking the life out of the economy. Kiwis may be more “productive” but we have more people working longer hours for lower wages than ever.
As does fund raising and charging for ambulances. Another basic service that should be provided for all by the state.
Netanyahu is going down and I’m going to enjoy every freaking minute of it.
News reports for this corrupt piece of shite are just coming through, police chiefs have decided to recommend indicting him for corruption.
Will post some links as soon as more info becomes available.
“The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that police chiefs, including the general commissioner of Israel’s police force, were in “unanimous agreement” that Netanyahu should be indicted for allegedly accepting bribes and receiving lavish gifts from wealthy benefactors, including Israeli-born Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan.”
If he makes it to the election he’ll probably survive.
Can’t stand him myself.
Big question is who would replace him. And would they be better.
IKR, they are saying he shouldn’t stand for next election. Bibi says the attorney general will not take action, wouldn’t surprise me if he is bribing him as well, they are quite close. Bibi is such a dodgy bugger and media controller
@ Add, “And would they be better.”
Who could be worse????
Got everything crossed, Cinny. Thanks for this information.
De nada 🙂 Same. same with everything crossed 🙂
When was the last time Palestine had an election?
“The case for the defence M’Lud, is that although my client took bribes, someone else did a bad thing somewhere else, and after all, personal responsibility is for other people, not right wingers.”
Way too long ago Indiana, however apparently there will be one by the end of 2018. Found this info…
I’m lstening to this very good music now
The big PICTURE is that there is a direct link to the way the neoliberals who run the CROWN and the same type of neoliberals who ran the CROWN in the 1840 .
That is in the way they are behaving and treating ME with propaganda lies and deceit .
They weave a VALE over the common people eyes to justify there malicious ways they are treating me If the common people new how these neoliberals were treating MAORI
during THE NEWZEALAND WARS they would have been up in arms over there behavior and put a stop to that ever happening . The NEWZALAND settlers were coned that all the LAND transactions were being carried out in a fair and Just way this was a Fallacy .
It was a small % who benefited the most from this the neoliberal 1% this is how they gained so much control of the western society this is how shonky managed to cheat and change OUR society in the last 9 years to benefit the 1% .
Give the police all they want to get there cooperation in his goal of the 1% dominance of OUR society. They will dispose of people who call them out on there real actions against the 99% of common people this is what they are trying to do to ECO MAORI but I have the internet and a brain that will beat them into submission in the END .
They used Te kooti OWN people against him as they are doing that to me I know every single one of YOU I will forgive most of you but not all will be forgiven .
MAORI have a lot to thank my Te puna Ropata Wahawaha and his advisers for saving us from total dominance from these neoliberals animals is to good a word to describe the un humane people .
Ropata worked out that the CROWN was deceiving him he worked with the CROWN till he got well armed gave them a BROWN EYE lol retreated to his strong hold
Te tairawhiti Ngati Porou .
The neoliberals were not happy when they figured out Ropata had made fools of them as I am. They thought of taking OUR land by force they changed there minds when reality hit them that Ropata was to well armed so they tried other dirty tactics to under mine Ngati Porou as they are still doing to this day.
Ropata Wahawaha move to counter there moves to dominate Maori was the nurturing and education of OUR GREAT leader my Te puna Sir Api Ana Ngata.
Ngata and his helpers saved Maori from total dominance from these neoliberals .
This is one of the reason that Ngati Porou have such High regards from all the Maori ELDERS the other is OUR Te puna we have a strong lineage so to those neoliberals ECO Maori gives you a BROWN EYE this is a major insult to MAORI .
Ana To Kai Ka kite ano P.S can all my clients pay me as I provide a honorable service thanks Why is the book east coast myths and legends missing
Julie Anne Genter has now thrown her hat in the ring for the Green Co-Leader position according to RNZ News at 11am.
“Julie Anne Genter has now thrown her hat in the ring for the Green Co-Leader”
Has she no confidence in Davidson? Or is she seeking to boost her résumé and of course, salary?
Will her standing be the start of ructions within?
I doubt there will be any ructions. Greens should have as many people standing as possible to say their special strengths and hopefully make the type of decision that changed Labour’s fortunes by electing someone that people can relate to and feel they can trust with policy that is meaningful to enough voters who will vote for them.
Jacinda changed Labour’s fortunes. However, Labour didn’t elect Jacinda.
Why has she thrown her hat in the ring?
I am not a mind reader so would not presume to say why. I am also not a Green Party member, so it is not for me to speak for her or the Party. (I am certainly not anti-Greens at all; far from it.)
There are plenty of interviews etc going on with her today that you could find for yourself to see what she herself says as to her reasons.
Who knows, maybe she has thrown her hat into the ring because yesterday Mike Hosking endorsed her as his choice of co-leader if the Greens really think they need one. LOL. ( /sarc)
This is interesting.
Genter said: “Under my co-leadership I want there to be no doubt the Green Party will not be pushed around or taken for granted.”
What can we take from that?
Is she implying the Greens are currently being pushed around and taken for granted?
Or is she implying that under Davidson the Greens would be pushed around and taken for granted?
Look at their last press conference together. The Green schism is upon us!
Thanks for that McFlock, needed a good giggle.
Maybe she just thinks people should have a choice. But thanks for your attempt to sow discord sorry “concern”.
There is far more chance of ructions due to her throwing her hat into the ring than me asking about it on here.
“Maybe she just thinks people should have a choice”
Rather than the party displaying a united front and getting in behind Davidson?
You only need to display a united front if your internal structure is horribly fractured.
Yet again you really don’t understand that grownups can disagree without “ructions”.
If your internal structure is horribly fractured, displaying a united front is fraudulent.
There is strength in genuine unity.
I understand grownups can disagree without ructions, what you seem to fail to understand is that disagreements can also create ructions.
And as we’ve seen in the past, the Greens aren’t immune to it.
As we’ve also seen, they’re a fuckload more mature about it than most other parties. Get a life.
McFlock said to The Chairman:
“… thanks for your attempt to sow discord sorry “concern”.”
And it bears saying again.
And as I said to McFlock. There is far more chance of ructions due to her throwing her hat into the ring than me asking about it on here.
Yet, me asking about it seems to have hit a nerve with you. Wonder why?
You’ve hammed up your act again, chairperson. Stupid questions.
Will Bill English’s standing down be the start of runctions within?
Seeing as National are polling strong and are no longer in power, a messed up leadership change is one thing that could potentially harm them.
Genter is easy to respect in government already. She’s been such a consistent and wise transport and urban form advocate, a natural as Minister, and solid in central Auckland.
Julie-Anne is freaking awesome, so is Marama, geez it would be a hard choice for me.
The exchange became heated when Jackson questioned where RNZ had got its figures from.
They were from Stats NZ, said Espiner. “As the minister I’d expect you to know that – it’s only four pars in, mate.”
Boom mic drop 🙂
The sheer competence of this Govt is breathtaking. Isn’t Jackson a Minister of something?
TBH I’m more impressed with Guyon in this instance, it showed he did his homework
faroutdude. – Isn’t Jackson a Minister of something?
He is far better than your ‘minister of everything’ and propaganda (Joyce the $11 billion dollar hole man) eh
~11% down to ~9% is a 20-odd% drop to a still unacceptable level of unemployment.
Interesting interview – bit of decent sparring 🙂
Oh yeah I mean its still to high but its just good to see journalists and politicians sparring
been a while overall – nine years or so…
Feels like approximately 18 to me… 🙂
lol corngate
Campbell did good against Clark but couldn’t handle Key…I guess Campbell couldn’t manage the step up in intensity 🙂
Key (and Bridges comes to mind) didn’t spar, even when journos came after them (which was rare enough).
Bridges just got shouty and yelled over the interviewer, whereas Key would just shrug and maintain bullshit, saying things that sounded reasonable but were actually conflicting and inconsistent bullshit, like trump. Closest key got was the Hardtalk interview, and even then all he did was say he could pay other experts to agree with him.
Whereas Jackson and Espiner actually debated a commonly-agreed reality.
And the Nats all but boycotted the national broadcaster – preferred dog whistling on commercial talkback.
Campbell didn’t get to handle Key because Key ran from him like a yellow dog.
Stephen Sackur didn’t get another crack at him either – Key bravely ran away.
“Campbell didn’t get to handle Key because Key ran from him like a yellow dog.”
Emperor (lets face it a knighthood simply isn’t enough for a man of his stature) John Key took John Campbell to the woodshed and vigorously spanked him for over a quarter of an hour on live TV
To be an Emperor the shithead would have required a foreign possession, so I guess we’re seeing an instance of Fontaine’s “flatterer living at someone else’s expense” – though it’s certainly true that the vile satrap had no democratic mandate whatsoever. Your craven style of submission is however more suited to Saudi society, where the blade is never very far from the miscreant’s neck.
Oh poor baby – not a reader? I guess it explains your uncritical preference for lousy backward governments.
PK cant count can he/she.
It’s like Key’s memory – learned disability.
Is that still based on 1 hour of work a week?
One in five Māori underutilised.
No doubt the COL will solve this. How much training will be needed to get those 100,000,000 trees planted this year? Oh, hang on – that’s another back track isn’t it..
Well, at least those 100,000 houses will suck up 1000’s of the unemployed – oops, see above, & it’s only a few more than existing plans isn’t it?
It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic.
“Backtrack” must be one of those irregular words: National makes promises it doesn’t follow through on, they’re “savvy”. LabNZ1Grn make promises that take more than 100 days to reach capacity, they “backtrack”.
If anyone is in doubt about the scale of Chinese military activity on the disputed Spratly Is reefs, take a look!
Yeah, seen it yesterday while I was reading the morning paper over a coffee down at the local cafe and I wasn’t really surprised at what I was reading, but somehow I still managed to choke on my coffee.
Further to a comment I made a week or so ago on the effect airbnb is having on the rental market with respect to the recent stats released by real estate and property management companies showing an up to 50% drop in the number of rental listings in the past year – here is what this trend looks like in practise:–boost-from-joining-airbnb
I think there is very poor information available on the numbers of multiple property owners who have taken their houses off the rental market and listed them as tourist accomodation but without that information it is easy to conclude it’s having a dramatic effect.
Some councils are moving to regulate airbnb as has happened all over the world where there is housing issues and/or pressure from traditional tourist accomodation providers.
Imo this information is pretty crucial nationwide. I imagine it’ll only eventuate when the bite really starts to come on employers not being able to get staff because there’s nowhere for them to live…
This is a fine example of research commissioned by the public service of our universities and technical institutes.
Whether or not this is also an example of Bill English’s big data/social investment approach I’m not sure because how that works in practise has never been explained.
Regardless if it is, there’s no point in collecting valuable social data which says vulnerable transience is damaging and that is increasing while at the same time you’re pulling down state houses, the very thing that fights vulnerable transience at the coal face.
I don’t know why you bother Wayne – the double standards on this site are a thing to behold.
[TheStandard: A moderator moved this comment to Open Mike as being off topic or irrelevant in the post it was made in. Be more careful in future.]
Yeah, Boob mones
[TheStandard: A moderator moved this comment to Open Mike as being off topic or irrelevant in the post it was made in. Be more careful in future.]
am hoping that if I look I don’t see a pattern of you harassing another commenter, esp as I seem to recall you being warned about that already.
Feeling a bit of colonist oppression here weka.
‘Colon’ ist? Haha, maybe your comment was a bit shitty! Maybe you were being a bit of an arsehole!
Lol, I’m sure you’ll manage.
Here, have a suck on the corner of blankie and put on these love-beads.