Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 am, March 9th, 2024 - 36 comments
Categories: open mike -
Open mike is your post.
For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose.
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Step up to the mike …
Surely the time is right for a workers co-op/not for profit media beast to be created..?
We have the available talent…
The old paradigm is broken..
Time/opportunity to create a new one…
Geez the health targets look really good don't they.
BUT are there any indications about time scale AND HOW?
"Look good" are the operative words.
Everything the NACTZ government does is designed to look good, because their conspiracy theory prop supporters and the shallow MSM lack the intelligence and foresight to delve further from the surface.
I've said it many time before – National are full of s…..t. They were formed not to do things but oppose things. I can't see how opposing things in itself makes a credible government.
The cancer plan implies that previously nobody cared about the failures, yet everyone in the Health sector cared muchly but lacked the resources to act quickly. Wonder where the new Government will get the expert people from to enact their bold plan?
I can't see how opposing things in itself makes a credible government.
It doesn't. Which is one reason Labour came such a cropper last October, defining themselves in effect as opponents of the party that opposes things.
The cancer target is bullshit as far as I can tell.
I haven't read the detail, but it seems focused on after diagnosis care instead of pre diagnosis screening.
These are two seperate issues, and it's been my personal experience that if there is a chance of cancer being present after a possible detection the entire intervention process kicks in pretty quickly once your referral has been accepted.
However, the time from visiting a GP to actually being screened is very slow.
So, from my perspective, it seems like an easy target to reach and then be able to turn around and claim a political point scored. Bit like taking the credit for roads opening that were started under the last government, or claiming to have facilitated cell phone coverage that was also started under the previous government which is what my local MP here in Whanganui seems to be doing..
Young students are having their say, re: Aukus
I do wonder if the Centre for Strategic Studies , who invited this US diplomat will also be inviting the equivalent from say , China, or the Solomon Islands, or India?.So the students can have a balanced view
How many of those involved were students?
Having their say by silencing someone else – a bit like at Albert Park?
A balanced view would require the silencing of everyone invited to speak, if that is the precedent.
If you had read my comment under Mike's post , you would see that I regretted that Jenkins could not speak
If you had read the links you would have read exactly what their points were and why they were opposed-minus the yelling, which unfortunately seems to be se rigeur these days, on the left as well as the right
I read what the people who spoke said (not on your links) – but have no evidence that any of them were students, or wanted to hear the invited guest to speak (Mike Smith excepted).
Mike Smith did not claim that those who spoke were students.
Student Justice for Palestine members appear to have been outside the venue protesting.
The links would have shown you among those protesters were student justice for palestine (SJP)
What is your point exactly ? Did you read what the SJP member and PhD candidate at VUW had to say about Aukus and Gaza?
China, a balanced view? You do know that China is an authoritarian dictatorship with a ruler in Xi Jinping who has essentially made himself absolute ruler for life?
Not sure how you could provide balance against that. Maybe the anti AUKUS, anti Israel, anti US, anti anything 'West' protestors could arrange their own event with speakers presenting whatever it is they want presented?
No different from Trump, then!
You seem to have missed the fact that Trump has not been president of the US for the last 3+ years.
Do try to keep up.
Snarky B (imho), but at least you're not "blinded by political ideology"
On TS, a respectful centrist's work is never done – debating those pesky lefties.
Toot toot
So glad that you find yourself so free of other cares, that you can trawl through the TS archives to find these gems.
And glad that you acknowledge that I'm not blinded by political ideology.
Really, with you around as a booster, I have no need to blow my own trumpet.
Glad you appeciate the boost B, and it's really no trouble at all – a simple search of the last two weeks found those revealing (snarky) gems, and more.
Do you understand my reasons for doubting your self-declared "respectful centrist" persona? I would be happy to provide bi-monthly 'boosts', although their quality is up to you – hope my perspective isn't too "difficult to take".
Carry on
No. And I'm finding your obsession with me a bit creepy.
You might want to dial back on the personal interest, and try engaging on the actual topics under discussion.
Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised by this answer, but it's disappointing.
I'm interested only in your comments, and how consistent/inconsistent they are with a self-declared "respectful centrist" persona.
Do you understand the purpose and principle of an immune system?
The Standard is a 'left-leaning' blog; imho it’s moderators could be likened to components of a virtual immune system (not their only role, to be sure), as are authors and (in their own small ways) many commenters. Challenges to ‘lefty’ values, views and principles are welcome, but expect an immune response.
I’d rather not flog a dead horse, but you and others here are helping me mature into a B-cell. So, please accept my apologies for poorly constructed/targeted and/or otherwise flawed comments/antibodies – I'm still learning
Not really interested in your self-justification.
'Apologizing' for behaviour that you declare that you intend to continue – is frankly unbelievable.
If your eagle-eyed lens was equally focused on some of the other contributors (some of whom are rather further away from advocating for your Marxist utopia than I am) – you might at least be consistent. But, AFAICS, you reserve your analysis of 'persona' (whatever you mean by that) for me.
You are really starting to come across as borderline obsessive, and creepy.
If you actually have anything to contribute to the debate – that's one thing… But this exchange illustrates that you mostly don't.
Was by way of explanation, not "self-justification", but fair enough.
I intend to continue commenting here, believe it or not. Feels like home.
Just how close are you to advocating for a Marxist uptopia?
One meaning of 'persona'. I'm not the only one who has wondered about the authenticity of personae on TS, notably "The Chairman", who claimed to be "more left than most", while slagging off pesky lefty politicians and policies far more often than not.
Message received ("creepy" x2; "personal interest"; "borderline obsessive") – is it the content of my replies, the tone (I try to avoid 'snarky'), or something else that has led to these evaluations? Please be precise, and I will endeavour to make adjustments.
I've replied to maybe 1 in 8 of your comments in the last month – when someone comments on TS as often as you do (that not a criticism), their comments are bound to receive some critical responses.
Do you mean contributions like this?
"Mostly" – so there's hope?
Sad to see the departure from this life of Rt, Hon. Jonathan Hunt. He was a true gentleman in the old fashioned sense of the word. I had some involvement with his electorate last Century, and with the fine people who supported him in his Electorate Committee.
If he had been born a couple of decades later he may have been able to be more of what he actually was, but he was a good friend to a lot of people. He has been in sad decline over the last few years but he is now released from that struggle.
We will have a gin and tonic (or two) in his memory.
The first Speaker to do away with that silly business of feigned reluctance to take on the role. Good for you, Jon.
A young friend used to wait on him upstairs at the Boulcott Bistro .Very kind, interested in her studies , supportive.Chatted with her in a very personable way , unlike some of the entitled pollies.
Rest in Peace.
I was introduced to Jonathan Hunt at a press/poli party somewhere in the bowels of Bowen House, back in the day. He was gentle, gentlemanly and jovial; I liked him.
Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt probably deserves his own post, but I'll stick down a few moments.
He emerged from being a History, English and Latin teacher at Kelston Boys High School, then went pretty much into being selected as the New Lynn Labour candidate and romped home. Back in that era Kelston was surrounded by vast fields of orchards, and New Lynn was a hive of heavy manufacturing.
He served the people of New Lynn for 10 electoral terms. He turned that LEC into one of the strongest around. Stalwarts like Don and Noreen Clark. That's because he was both kind and effective with people and their issues.
He and his electorate team really knew how to run a fully professional and effective electorate office, going into bat for citizens against so many government departments. A really great electorate MP.
He was probably the best Speaker of the House we've ever had, and was invaluable to enabling Helen Clark and Michael Cullen to get so much reforming legislation through.
In the Cunliffe years he was always on hand to help out with the big fundraisers. I sure always appreciated good discussions about the Holyoake and Kirk years within him at the New Lynn Friendship Club over so many years.
In the early 2000s it was the combination of Jonathan Hunt as MP and Bob Harvey as Mayor that gave west Auckland the highest political recognition and success it's ever had. It's never had a political moment that good since.
I was glad to know him and am very happy that Jonathan Hunt gave pretty much his life to public service to Labour, to New Lynn, and to New Zealand.
Yes, he had a great LEC team. The Clarks, Susanne Sinclair (who went on to be an MP in her own right), Lorraine Wilson and Mike Daly among others. They were all well connected in their communities and very supportive of Jonathan.
I was involved in the meeting that put the new electorates out there together after MMP. Jonathan's team and Phil Goff's team worked really well together to reshuffle the people and assets for the new boundaries.
(yes, this is from the GOP rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU address)
here you go
A Gates/Soros big pharma bat mutant who roosts in 5G towers?
After 217 Covid Vaccines, Man Had No Side Effects and Robust Immunity
Media accounts of a German man’s extreme vaccination history spurred researchers to analyze his immune responses.
The man had seemingly never been infected with the coronavirus. He reported no vaccine side effects. And, most interestingly to the researchers, his repertoire of antibodies and immune cells was considerably larger than that of a typical vaccinated person, even if the precision of those immune responses remained effectively unchanged.
The researchers found that even the 217th shot boosted the man’s immune response. And while they were carefully looking for signs of a progressive weakening in his immune reactions over time — an unwelcome type of immune tolerance that sometimes develops during long-term viral infections — they reported seeing no such drop-off in responses.
“This indicates really how robust the immune system’s response is to such repetitive immunization,” Dr. Schober said. “Even 200 vaccinations are not nearly as much of a challenge to the immune system as a chronic infection.”
https://archive.li/hEzhY (nyt)
The half fare for those under 25 becomes half fare only for those on Student Allowance – they get a CSC.
And otherwise where councils subsidise half fares – Christchurch.
In this interview, Seymour is presented with strong evidence on the positive benefits of free school lunches but as he often does when he's losing a particular point, he pivots to say "New Zealand needs a "higher standard of debate".
This is classic Seymour, and what makes him so slippery and convincing to his supporters.
YES thats true, BUT its Seymour that fails at the debate.
Yes that's the point I clumsily made.