thanks …interesting! ( I have a friend who is writing a book on Joan of Arc….Joan of Arc was really a very great feminist )….and good point that there have been feminists throughout the ages
i want to see an International Feminist Party …like the Green party ….now that would really change the world!
The latest El Niño prediction comes from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which is considered one the most reliable of the 15 or so prediction centres around the world. “It is very much odds-on for an event,” said Tim Stockdale, principal scientist at ECMWF, who said 90% of their scenarios now deliver an El Niño. “The amount of warm water in the Pacific is now significant, perhaps the biggest since the 1997-98 event.” That El Niño was the biggest in a century, producing the hottest year on record at the time and major global impacts, including a mass die-off of corals.
If it hits, and India is already 40% down on expected monsoon rains, then we can expect another year of record temperatures.
Yep and farmers crying drought, when it will be just another cyclical movement in weather patterns and not a drought at all – except relative to their unnatural expectations.
Will be a glorious summer in the Hauraki Gulf though so get the boat ready ….
Yeah, looks like a significiant el nino this year, next year, and possibly on to the year afterwards. Looks to me like the idiot deniers with their predilection for selective timescales will have to start a new base line.
Large el ninos tend to occur (counter intuitively) when solar forcing is minimal,or perturbed due to large volcanic excursions ie it has a chemistry mechanism by a decrease in stratospheric O3.
This in turn creates enhanced polar vortex ( north and south pole) which decreases heat transport to the poles due to the jetstreams being transport barriers.
Yeah but there are many effects influencing its triggering and a lot of it is still in the “to be proven” basket because of lack of data.
Effectively it is a shift in the positioning of winter storms and its effect on the winds powering the movement of surface warm ocean water in the pacific. The effect is that a burst of heat comes from the oceans into the atmosphere with the inevitable downstream effects on weather.
But the interesting factor (to me anyway) is so much the triggering as the reasons for the severity and duration. Since the 1970s, there has been the increasing severity and durations of the el nino/la nina events. That is a factor may be driven largely by how warm or cold the surface ocean water gets when these events happen.
Most of the climate models indicate that having more energy buffered in the oceans from overall global warming is likely to make them much more severe and longer. The general weather data over the last 50 years tends to agree with those models. The problem is that at present is that there wasn’t much data stored about surface water temperatures and thermoclines before the last couple of decades. So while prediction of the onset of the events is pretty predictable, the degree of the effect isn’t.
In the usual issue with much of climate science there really isn’t a particularly good baseline of data to draw on to isolate the noise of natural variation from the effect of climate change at a level of significance that would allow that effect to be unconditional. But the energy physics and theoretical climatology is pretty damn compelling.
There is more (but still readable) detail in this April post on Skeptical Science, especially as to the amount of warm water.
It is going to be really interesting this year and next to see if we get the same kind of massive heat pulse as happened in 1998. That’d go a long way to indicating that the increased volumes of warm water are a good predictor for a strong el nino (and the inevitable excessive weather for NZ and aussie).
The tories are highly likely–as in definitely–going to sacrifice several of their lower profile bum boys (aka candidates) to try and secure a third term.
So what are Standard readers going to do about it? At the very least assist some people to enrol and then vote.
last night on teavee I heard Tracey Martin from NZFirst tell how Rodny Hide unsuccesfully tried to prosecute her mother who was at that time secretary of that party for filing false electoral returns. It would appear that ACT has just had its comeuppance!
‘A Favourable Reference: Why John Key’s biggest enemy is the Left’s friend.’
By Chris Trotter / June 9, 2014
“For those on the Left with a keen historical sense, the demonization of Dotcom should have raised a whole forest of warning flags. Individuals and institutions are only demonized in this fashion after they’ve been identified as clear and present dangers to the Right’s political hegemony….
I suggest that you – and others – also read this post also on The Daily Blog on KDC and the Internet/Mana alliance for a different (and in my opinion, far more balanced) perspective.
This article by Mike Treen, a prominent long time Lefty and unionist , is a very good and detailed examination and summary of the issues of why the Left should support the Internet /Mana alliance….and answers all the possible objections…. thankyou for drawing my attention to it!
‘Why the Mana-Internet alliance is a potential game breaker’
By Mike Treen / June 12, 2014
“Friends of mine, including some pretty staunch left wingers, have questioned the wisdom of Laila Harre taking up the position of Internet Party leader and of the Mana Movement forming an electoral arrangement with the Internet Party for this election………
The establishment political centre has always poured scorn on the real left wing, usually along the lines that the left wing are impractical radicals and extremists who are not trustworthy.
In many ways then the job of the political centre is to limit the political discourse of the nation – to suggest what policies and parties are allowed and not allowed to be taken seriously in nationwide political discussions.
Sometimes those that come within the category of ‘identity politics’ can receive the hard word imo – you know, “don’t scare the horses” sort of thing. Do the right do that?
No wonder Key is so down on Dotcom. He is a real threat. Most people with brains and initiative brush the law at odd times. I have no doubt that Key’s trading broke ethical laws is not legal laws but hey. Too big to bust.
I do hope that IMP does do well. Brains and initiative! Good luck chaps.
I’m looking forward to the IMP’s campaign. I hope they use lots of the kind of graphics like there is in their ad at the top of TS homepage with key as a puppet etc. There are so many things the left could expose in really innovative ways that I often wonder why it hasn’t already happened – things that the centre-left haven’t got the guts to do. We should start brainstorming ideas here.
I thought that if the centre-left didn’t have the guts to tell the truth about right-wing politics it’d go without saying the centre-centre wouldn’t, either. BTW – who are the centre-centre?
Both Labour and NZ First are quite close to the centre-centre.
NZ First has a more nationalistic streak that sometimes sounds quite left wing but is more a throwback to their old fashioned conservative nation-building roots. As a minor party it can be more radical and less establishment in its positions, however.
Labour still knows how to sound left given its early 20th century left wing origins but it is now largely pro conventional market capitalism. It is a party of the establishment. Labour will tend to moderate market capitalism from exploiting workers and the environment too much but is quite happy keeping the majority of beneficiaries and the under class at a day to day subsistence level.
i agree that nzf nationalism is not 50’s conservatism. Nzf is a good example of why boxes dont work for politics. Almost no party is all left or all right… Having some left and some right gets a party the description of centre…
Despite my complete and utter disdain for Labour I still find myself automatically putting them in the centre-left basket. Of course they’re not, they’re neo-liberal filth merchants and we mustn’t forget the truth otherwise all will be lost.
Labour under the present leadership is the ONLY vehicle for change. That is because, a party HAS to be in a mostly left wing/slightly centrist GOVERNMENT to get elected and achieve justice and fair play for all. To form such a government, MORE than 50% of the voters need to vote for it. Labour NEEDS to attract ex Labour voters who shifted to National in the last 6 years or abstained from voting.
That is not easy to achieve by entirely left Labour alone or Greenies or the far left parties like Mana, as there simply isn’t enough electoral support for them. Without Labour, that is next to impossible to achieve. That IS the reality.
The thing to do is for more people to join Labour and influence the leaders and the there membership so that Labour has a better representation of social, environmental and economic policies in parliament.
Ah you don’t know? I’d have thought that was completely obvious.
According to Pete George he is it. Also the centre of the universe.
It is hard to find anyone else who thinks either of these propositions are true. But he never ceases in this comfortable delusion. Reminds me of dad4justice or redbaiter without the personal self-awareness.
Note to self. I really shouldn’t provoke him. He might write another post about how terrible TS and I are and encourage people to investigate us.
But it really is hard to resist stirring such humourless pomposity.
My question was kind of rhetoric, but it is interesting how some of us view or might categorise a particular party. The opinions of many on TS that Labour is a left party “through and through” never cease to amuse me. My guess is that they’re the same people who think that most of the poverty we see is caused by laziness or that at least welfare is something we can only have if we can “afford it”, which is ironically of course why Labour is not a left party. The times we live in…
For my part, i respect what laila harre has achieved. Some seem to be objecting on the basis harre has sold out her principles for dotcom’s money. I think that is people projecting. THEY would drop their principles in a heartbeat for money, so they assume she has.
I dont think she would. I have seen no proof she has.
Mass media live in the moment. Clarifications that bring in history or future prospects harm the ability of big media to shock and thus remain in contention for the next news cycle.
It should have been obvious to any analyst on The Nation, NR or Q&A, that Mana/internet is going after the non-voter, whether poor or internet citizen.
Whereas Labour goes after the middle ground. And Greens after the progressive vote.
Goff lost because some idiot decided to out do the Greens over selling off our dams.
I’ve been amused by National’s on-going (and relatively successful) attempts to convince the MSM that a significant proportion of South Auckland and Porirua Pasifika voters are about to defect to the Tories this election.
Particularly amusing was Farrar’s contention (April 2, Kiwiblog) that such a suggestion “…is basically unheard of”. Either Farrar’s being disingenuous or he has a remarkably poor memory. The reality is that National seed this story in the MSM on a regular basis. Back in 2008, National’s Mangere Electorate Secretary was on television news proclaiming the end of the Pasifika community’s historically overwhelming support for Labour. Apparently, a huge swing was about to occur – not to Field’s Pacific Party, but to the Nats. And she lined-up a couple of prominent Pasifika “leaders” to prove it. The 08 election results suggested no swing to National whatsoever.
You would hope the MSM would have learnt, but unfortunately not. Come the 2010 Mana By-Election and precisely the same sort of claims were being made. The Dom Post, The Nation current affairs programme and various other media outlets reported Porirua “Samoan Community leaders”, Paula Masoe and Liz Tanielu, backing Parata and prophesying a significant split in the Pasifika vote in Mana. Many, it seems, were about to swing to National. (A few days later Masoe and Tanielu appeared on the front page of the Dom Post facing serious allegations over the disappearance of more than $100,000, grossly-inflated expense claims and various other questionable financial activities associated with their Trust – see Here ). So what was the Mana By-Election result ? Did a whole swathe of the Pasifika community desert Labour in a truly historic electoral earthquake ? – Nah, the polar opposite: an actual swing to Labour in the Eastern Porirua Pasifika stronghold. See my comment on Pundit here (scroll down to swordfish, point (3)). (I was replying to David Beatson’s post-By-Election claim that “Parata had done her groundwork with the influential Pacific Islands church leaders in Mana …Two traditional support bases that Labour should have been able to depend on last weekend had been undermined long before Fa’afoi’s feet hit the street.”.
And I then prophesised on Bowalley Road a few days later: “Will the MSM ever learn ? I doubt it. Expect similar Shock-Horror claims next year. Well, I was almost right. Didn’t happen in 2011 – perhaps the Nats were too embarrassed. But fast-forward to 2014 and it’s Deja Vu all over a-friggin-gain !!!
I rather thought they were being eyed up by the Conservatives. The Cons have considerable appeal to the god botherers among the PI community, which is a rather worrying thought
These two were sucked in and fooled by Key and English and said they wanted their people “not just to work in car yards but to own them, and not just to fly in the planes but to drive them” That is why they were voting National! I wonder how many of “their people” are now owning the car yards and how many are driving planes.
They just forgot how much effort the Labour party put in over the years to help the pacific Island people in health, education, child care, welfare, housing and career opportunities. Two ungrateful sorts.
Supportive comments from Brian Fallow this in the Herald regarding IMF warning on overvalued NZD and Labours policies to combat it.He also pointed out how they have taken a swipe at National head in the sand approach.
Goes to show National have no idea in how to manage the economy, apart from making a few of their mates rich.
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand raised the official cash rate for a third time while keeping its track for interest rates broadly in line with its March projections, suggesting the bank sees no need to pause in removing stimulus in an accelerating economy. The New Zealand dollar jumped three quarters of a cent against the US dollar following the announcement.
Interview with Dr Marilyn Waring has this to say about the flaw in Government policies: One of the problems with governments and policies is this silo thinking. You can justify anything as long as it’s not connected. You can justify building the Huntly Power Station, which happened under my watch, because you don’t count the externalities – the pollutants, the burning of coal, the effect on the Waikato River. Of course it looks good, as long as you stay narrowly focused and see one thing in isolation.
So true. Every action is connected with other actions. Connectivity should be part of everyone’s automatic thinking. Think of a cup of tea whether it was David Lange or John Key. Connections?
Connectivity should be part of everyone’s automatic thinking.
And that is why I think people actually need a broad education outside of their specialisation. Knowing even a little bit about something else helps you to make the connections between what you do and what someone else is doing. Make it broad enough and you can start to see how the entire community actually works and why neo-liberalism, and capitalism in general, don’t.
marilyn waring is a great nzer. She was way ahead of her time in her economic thinking. Rethinking GDP measures, measuring unpaid work. It took the Canadians to make a documentary about her.
If she would do it, i would love listening to her doing a weekly spot on nine to noon.
I never understood before why Waring was in National, but look at this explanation,
I was studying politics at Vic Uni and the day Norman Kirk said he would not support the homosexual law reform bill I got up, walked out of the library and walked down to National Party headquarters and joined.
“Were you always just in the wrong party?”
It was the only one that had a constitution that meant I could cross the floor. I knew I didn’t want to be in the Labour Party because why would I put myself in a position where you were constitutionally overruled and not be able to vote how you wanted. I’m a free spirit and knew I wouldn’t agree with everything.
Would that still be true of Labour now i.e. could Waring cross the floor in a similar situation? What about NACT?
Interested in football with Brazil about to hit the screens?
Go to google touch the logo and the games will be shown in NZ time. The first seems to be Brazil and Croatia at 8am Friday.13/6.
NZ Herald editorial supports Labour’s policy of reintroducing Community Education Night Classes.
“The axing of four-fifths of the funding to night schools in 2009 made little sense. The saving was just $54 million, a drop in the tertiary education bucket. The then Education Minister, Anne Tolley, made much of taxpayers not being liable for the funding of hobby and recreational courses such as Moroccan cooking and twilight golf. The subsequent outcry, however, made it clear that many people valued adult education, and that it served a social and economic purpose which was easy to underestimate. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the Labour Party has promised to restore the funding for night classes.
Its policy is welcome. For every retired person who had been studying the type of subject cited by the minister, there was someone learning a potentially employable skill in a short and sharp course. Better still, they were learning this at a school that was otherwise unused at night, and from tutors who were practical and hands-on. For that reason, and notwithstanding the dubious nature of some of the courses, the saving extracted by the Government seemed hardly worthwhile.
Its cuts resulted in the number of schools offering a wide array of courses falling from 212 to 23. What remains are largely English language and literacy and numeracy courses, for which the Government wisely retained funding. Labour says it will reinvigorate adult and community education by doubling the current funding. That will involve $13 million in the first two years and a further $9 million in following years.”
Unsure about how correct that statement about literacy classes being kept is though, I know someone whose literacy classes were stopped due to government funding being cut back….
rosemary mcleod going to bat for banksie in this mornings dompost. but re my earlier post about the NZF MP whose mother was sued by rodney hide then why did the media never mention this during banksies trial?
the media in NZ is stunted and lacking any ethical or moral standards. they are convinced of their own rectitude and probity when at every turn they are exposed for being weak as piss kiss arses and suckups.
We need to make a few allowances for wee Rosie …. she’s been like that her entire life. Starting from her desperado attempts to attach herself to a liberal left she perceived as ‘trendy’ at an early age – but never really fitted into, to her current disposition of comfort – resulting from various ‘attachments’.
Noone I’ve ever come across actually LIKES her (except maybe Jim Mora, and maybe Josie Pagani since they’re of similar ilk), rather they tolerate her and make all the right signals and pleasantries.
Gorgeous Darling!
Ah yea well @ grey. Let’s not get started on the disingenuous Dearbra!.
Remind me tho’ @ Grey – It was that supercilious holier than thou bitch that published the names of all those ‘crims’ (just so we could all protect ourselves from them with combination locks and fences).
Rosie IS left of Dearbra for sure (she has a conscience) as well as a lavatory that’s full of ‘try hards’, and no doubt she has a greater affinity with Jim M.
I think she probably drives a better car as well – it looks quite flash.
(Once was Tim < in training to be a bitch :p Where’s that Pop btw? I need his advice).
I tried to read Claire Trevett’s piece in the Herald this morning…
And all I can say is wow. It reads like an emo 7th former who just necked a sixpack of Woodstock while just watching GoT then realised he had to write a piece for the school paper before he passed out.
look dude that is the default position in the media these days. employ some teenager who might become adult in time and let them go. they dont have to know anything, done anything or been anywhere. they get shoulder tapped in j-school becausethey wash between their ears or their father was an endocrinologist or some other mind boggling criteria and nek minnit they opining on the world as if they are somebodies. nup. they just kids and the owners know it.
FYI – in case you missed it, plus an update about my position:
(This has now been sent already to all MPs, mainstream media and widely circulated on social media and some blogs.
Grace Haden is a fellow ‘anti-corruption whistleblower’ with whom I have worked closely over the last 10 years.
Grace will stand in Epsom on a clear anti-corruption platform, as I shall do in Helensville against Prime Minister John Key. – Penny Bright)
PS: It is my considered opinion that if an Epsom by-election is held, which would help keep a huge public spotlight on CORRUPTION, then the dark shadow arising therefrom will spread over the rest of NZ.
Given that PM John Key is seen as National’s main ‘asset’ – then anything that detracts from his ‘personal popularity’ – will directly affect support for National.
Which is why I’m standing against John Key in Helensville – to help keep that public spotlight on CORRUPTION, including HIS!
Remember this?
My 2008 (pre-election) complaint to the Police and SFO about John Key’s corrupt ‘insider trading’ over TranzRail, and my subsequent private prosecution – not ONE sentence of which was ever reported in the NZ Herald …
Those who might attempt to write off this bold plan , may care to remember that John Banks was not expected to be committed to trial – then to be found guilty for electoral fraud?
Calling on ALL Labour MPs to please support the work of we anti-corruption ‘whistleblowers’ who have helped to get John Banks removed from Parliament and to NOT support any move by National to prevent the Epsom by-election!
“I have decided to stand as an ‘Independent’ candidate in my home electorate of Epsom. I am seeking accountability from government and to achieve this I will be campaigning for an Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Ratification of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)”), says ‘anti-Corruption whistle-blower’ Grace Haden. (
“I believe that a by-election in Epsom is essential to keep the public spotlight on the corrupt practices surrounding the resignation of ACT MP John Banks, but also shine it on the reality of the widespread corruption which is becoming more and more evident in New Zealand.
“The harsh reality is that New Zealand’s “least corrupt country in the world “tag line is not reality but a perception and as such ,the perception is a false illusion a façade . The perception index ( is frequently misquoted and does not correlate with the fact that we are one of a small handful of countries which have not ratified the United Nations convention against corruption.
“Despite New Zealand claiming to be “the least corrupt “ , I , a former long-serving Police officer, (and Police prosecutor), now a licensed Private Investigator, have found it impossible to get corruption investigated in New Zealand by any of the so called public watch dogs. I have discovered that we do not have corruption because we do not define it and turn a wilful blind eye to it, as occurred in the John Banks case. “
“8 years ago, I questioned serious public corruption, provided facts and evidence to support my allegations, but so far, to no avail. I have discovered that Corruption does ruin lives – It tore my family apart.”
“Enough is enough. No one else should have to go through what I have had to endure. Lessons need to be learned from the past and solutions found for the future. Cancer cannot be treated without a diagnosis and this is also true with corruption. Ignore corruption and like cancer it will consume us.
“New Zealand desperately needs an Independent Commission Against Corruption, and I am pleased to report that I now have an MP who will present a petition which I initiated, seeking
“That the House legislate to set up an independent Commission against Corruption, tasked with the prevention, education, detection and prosecution of corruption in New Zealand.”
8 years ago she began tearing her own world apart and didnt care which innocent people she took with her. One was my partner. If it was between grace hayden and unclecousins boy, i would vote for unclecousins boy, thats how strongly i feel about ms haden
+100…great you are on the case Penny Bright and now Grace Haden, who is standing as an INdependent in Epsom:
….“Despite New Zealand claiming to be “the least corrupt “ , I , a former long-serving Police officer, (and Police prosecutor), now a licensed Private Investigator, have found it impossible to get corruption investigated in New Zealand by any of the so called public watch dogs. I have discovered that we do not have corruption because we do not define it and turn a wilfull blind eye to it, as occurred in the John Banks case. “
……“New Zealand desperately needs an Independent Commission Against Corruption, and I am pleased to report that I now have an MP who will present a petition which I initiated, seeking..“That the House legislate to set up an independent Commission against Corruption, tasked with the prevention, education, detection and prosecution of corruption in New Zealand.” ”
Actually Tracey – when Grace Haden stood in Eden-Albert during the 2013 Auckland Council elections, as an Independent, campaigning against corruption, with no billboards, leaflets or election ‘team’ she polled over 4021 votes:
Actually Tracey – when Grace Haden stood in Eden-Albert during the 2013 Auckland Council elections, as an Independent, campaigning against corruption, with no billboards, leaflets or election ‘team’ she polled 4021 votes:
No disrespect Chooky – but you’re missing the point.
The point being that National and John Key in particular are VERY vulnerable on corruption.
John Key is National’s main asset – so if the voting public are put off John Key when the TRUTH (at last) gets into the public domain, instead of being effectively censored, then National will plummet in the polls (in my considered opinion).
My personal goal in standing against John Key in Helensville is to help slice 20 points off his ‘preferred status’ as Prime Minister.
Imagine if National went down 10 points in the polls?
In my considered opinion, concentrating on corruption is the way to do this, because
a lot of New Zealanders know diddley squat about corruption, and believe the load of hogwash that New Zealand is ‘perceived’ to be ‘the least corrupt country in the world’.
Who knows of these two forms of ‘grand’ corruption which are endemic in NZ?
Try looking these up for yourself on google if you don’t know – then it will sink in more ….
In my view, some folks are fixated on Epsom, and may be forgetting that indeed, EVERYTHING is connected, and the issue of corruption applies all over NZ.
ie: A real focus on corruption during an Epsom by-election, will create a large ripple all over NZ.
A tiny handful of us have been VERY focused on whistleblowing against corruption for the last six years – now it seems a lot more folk are ‘getting it’?
(I polled 4th in the recent Auckland Mayoralty with nearly 12,000 votes, campaigning against corrupt corporate control of the Auckland region, and ‘potting’ who really runs the show – the unelected, (invitation-only) highly powerful and secretive
Tracey, I take people as I find them, and primarily judge them on how they treat, and have treated me.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, good points and bad points.
In my view, the fair thing to do is to try and make a reasoned and balanced assessment, and try and have some understanding of the underlying circumstances that may contribute to behaviour or actions that you may find untoward or unacceptable.
(As you might want folks to do with you – given that nobody is perfect – and we all make mistakes?)
My experience of Grace Haden is that she is a very capable woman, has helped me when times were tough, and I regard her as a friend and fellow anti-corruption ‘Public Watchdog’.
Grace has been fighting corruption for the last 8 years, and it has had a devastating effect on her life and personal circumstances. It has been extremely stressful, but Grace has NOT ‘dropped the ball’, and at last – the tide seems to be turning …..
Your view and experience may be different Tracey – but that’s mine.
I just received this invite by email from Mr Cunliffe:
Inviting you to my Congress 2014 speech
I’d like to invite you to my speech at the Labour Party’s 2014 Congress. I’ll be speaking at 1.00pm at the Michael Fowler Centre on Sunday, July 6.
Congress is where our party comes together to plan our campaign to change the Government and deliver the positive change New Zealand deserves.
In my speech I’ll lay out a major policy announcement that will help make New Zealand the fairer, more decent society we know it can be.
If you’d like to join hundreds of other Labour members and supporters at my Congress speech please RSVP by clicking the button/link below and claiming your ticket.
PS. We are saving special seats for Labour Party members. If you are a party member or a member of an affiliated union, just bring proof of membership along and we will make sure you get the best seats!
“We are saving special seats for Labour Party members. If you are a party member or a member of an affiliated union, just bring proof of membership along and we will make sure you get the best seats!’
Good to see Labour’s still in touch with its target group.
A revealing quote from the article that speaks volumes about the writer’s sense of moral outrage….
“The U.S. spent upwards of $1 trillion in Iraq between 2003 and 2011, and 4,486 American men and women in uniform died there. All that blood and treasure: For what?”
Of course, the human and material cost to Iraq is completely discounted from consideration.
Mark Mitchell, the current butt of the political joke among the Thorndon Vagrants and Vagabonds is being quoted as saying ”No Way” in capitals over the game of Eeeny meany miney mo doing the rounds at the moment in the rarified air down there,
Discussions surrounding the possible ”gift” to Colon the Conservative have largely gone round and round ”Will Paula move aside”, ”Will Murray retire to the list”, and then there is that well known National MP, insert rap beat with elongated scratch, Mark something, Mark Who, now there’s a generous bloke full of kindness and light only to willing to ”take one” on the chin or any other part of the anatomy for the team,
Not according to Mitchell, He will be contesting His election and there will be no moving from that position, well not until Slippery the Prime Minister in the form of the Party henchmen tell Mark exactly how it is,
The blood on the National Party Caucus room floor is already spilling to such an extent that its leaking out under the door, i am starting to doubt that the PM can survive the fall out even in the unlikely event that he does lead National to victory in September…
Is New Zealand’s notorious IPCA the most embarrassing public body in the world?
Imagine if the punishment for Anders Breivik had been “extra rifle training”. If the wise men of New Zealand’s hilariously mis-titled Independent Police Conduct Authority had been involved in the sentencing, that might well have been the penalty handed out….
Back in 2011, a Whakatane police officer attempted to arrest a man who had fled from a traffic stop. When he resisted, he was pepper sprayed and beaten, after which the officer retrieved a taser from his vehicle and tasered him twice while he was lying on the ground.
Today, the Independent Police Conduct Authority released its report into the incident, finding that the police officer used excessive force by beating and tasering the man. Despite this, they recommend that merely that he face disciplinary proceedings. If you or I had done the same, we’d be looking at prosecution, and five years imprisonment for assault with a weapon.
But what really takes the cake is the police’s response to the report: basically a “fuck you”. They are “satisfied his actions were not the result of any ill will or malicious intent” and claim that they “initiated remedial action through the employment process some time ago” and as a result they can’t do anything more. That “remedial action”? Extra taser training. Break the law, bring the police into disrepute, and they protect you and teach you how to do it better.
Once again, its clear that the police cannot hold their own to account, and that the IPCA won’t do it either. Which means that if we want justice and equality under the law, we’re left with Graham McCready’s solution: private prosecution.
The Law surrounding the powers of the Independent Police Complaints Authority obviously need be changed to include prosecutors along with the investigators,
It would then become the role of the Authority to both investigate and prosecuted complaints against Police, and the role of all remedies surrounding the fate of police where a complaint has been upheld need be moved into the jurisdiction of the Authority across the whole spectrum from prosecution, to retraining, to the cessation of employment as remedy…
Well no, you don’t want the investigating body to be the same as the prosecuting body to be the same as the executing body. There’s good reasons why they are separate. Police management need to be doing much better than this.
Nice little business as usual solution CV, which will simply ensure that the song remains the same, and the power devolved down to Police Management in the provinces will trump whatever the Authority thinks should be the remedy every time they so wish…
Not really sure Populuxe why Every comment of yours seems to emanate from deep within your rectum, this particular one is simply a snivel of abuse with no contextual basis for anyone to ascertain why it is you seem to talk in a language best described as Wah Wah Wah,
Thus the comment far from being a point of debate is simply a snippet of the abuse that is the sum total of what i consider your mind, albeit genetically enfeebled,is capable of producing…
Graham Wheeler the esteemed Governor of the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance ‘Gypsy Bill English’,(now a confirmed member of the Thorndon Vagrants and Vagabonds) have now finished their mid term papers discussing exactly who is in ultimate control of the New Zealand economy,
Rumor has it that those allocating the marks for the dissertation on the subject submitted as a joint paper by Wheeler and English will mark the paper AAA+++,
Those who have been privy to what is being described as a stunningly insightful academic dissertation of such a clarity as to have caused more than one member of the marking panel to swoon, have also been heavily swayed by the brevity of both Wheeler and English’s conclusions which are said to simply say:
The sole (unadmitted) purpose of the Reserve Bank Act 1989 is to hold down wages, conditions, and social spending.
Those people who live in that shithole caravan park in Ranui. They are the ones who have made the greatest sacrifice to ensure we dont have to pay an over exorbitant price for that flat screen TV.
Yes @ the WC! Less than 24 hrs to go until kick off!
for those interested, my friend and my football WC blog will have new posts up at 7am tomorrow, a little earlier than usual so as to be ready to read pre-game.
My friend has touched on the other issues facing brazil around the WC, including the fact that the multinationals are basically using stereotypes to boost sales and not care about what Brazil is really like
From June 20, Labour’s caucus has a three-month window to change the leader without having to go through the party’s new primary-style process giving its membership a vote.
Roll up Roll up. Barbecues a burning.
Are you disagreeing with my reading of the rules? The Cunliffe would lose a caucus vote but who would accept the hospital pass. The numbers are being counted.
Fuck off.
I’m questioning your motives, your knowledge of Labour caucus members, and your sanity. All questioned looooooong before I’d bother looking up the party rules.
sigh. That is because you aren’t looking at the tabs. Have you just noticed this? I changed it at the start of the year.
It seems pretty clear to me that “Daily Blog” contains the feed from “The Daily Blog”, just as “Parties” contains the press releases from the left parties and “Scoop” contains the political feed from scoop. I didn’t put the “The” in because it causes problems with the available text space.
Like the other two tabs the reason why the Daily Blog contains its own tab is because of the number of items in its daily feed. Most of the volume are in fact reposts of some of the press statements from the parties. This overwhelmed the posts from the unions and other smaller blogs, especially in the morning dump that Bomber favours.
I’d happily have left TDB in the main feed for the much smaller volume of actual posts written by their authors. However there is nothing in the RSS feed that splits the press releases from everything else. Eventually I moved it into its own tab because the TDB feed was pushing all of the other sites off the limited list of feed posts (50?). The trade off was that TDB gets the full amount of past posts but in its own tab.
But the feed is there to provide a diversity of left opinion which it does by having 73 (and ever growing) feed sources that it picks up every 10? minutes at the file server.
Perhaps you should observe more clearly first rather than developing a instant conspiracy theory?
Thanks Lynn for this kind pointing out of the obvious, to a struggling hopeless techno luddite like myself. (born in the 50s, when the sliderule was the king of everyday computing).
Of all the headline-making, world-reshaping actions of the second Trump administration thus far, perhaps the most defining is the United States’ vote against the resolution condemning Moscow’s invasion and supporting Ukraine’s territorial authority. The US has used its security council veto and superpower heft in questionable ways before, but this ...
Open access notables Snow Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet Fueled by Intense Atmospheric River, Bailey & Hubbard, Geophysical Research Letters:Atmospheric rivers (ARs) have been linked with extreme rainfall and melt events across the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), accelerating its mass loss. However, the impact of AR-fueled snowfall has ...
Donald Trump’s description of himself during last week’s excruciating Oval Office meeting as a ‘mediator’ between Russia and Ukraine was revealing even by the standards of the past six weeks. It showed an indifference to ...
In April 1941, Charles Lindbergh, the America First Committee’s most prominent leader, outlined his position that Nazi Germany’s victory was inevitable, that the United States should stay neutral and that Britain was ‘a belligerent nation’ ...
National Business Review has this scoop todayLet’s not belabour it.He wants all NZME directors to be replaced by himself, three new nominees, and one existing NZME Director.Grenon’s link to publications such as Centrist and News Essentials are note worthy.Those publications for all intensive purposes present a very alt-right view of ...
Anyone involved in Australia’s critical minerals industry would be rolling their eyes at the transaction still reported to be under consideration between Ukraine and the United States. US President Donald Trump was initially asking for ...
Collins Unveils Very Special FrigateJudith Collins today announced a bold plan to address the navy’s billion dollar headaches.We’re so short of sailors that we’ve had to tie up half the fleet, and as if that wasn’t enough, our allies have been heavying us to upgrade the boats. Well, that would ...
ANALYSIS / OPINION -Why Central Bankers MatterI remember the day that Lehman Brothers fell. LB was a global financial services behemoth. Fourth largest investment bank in the world. Founded in 1850. The brand smelt of prestige and calibre.But their demise in 2018 - caused by shoddy risk management practices and ...
Australia has no room for complacency as it watches the second Trump Administration upend the US Intelligence Community (USIC). The evident mutual advantages of the US-Australian intelligence partnership and of the Five Eyes alliance more ...
Port workers in Lyttleton are warning that a proposal to cut jobs at the port will lead to more workplace deaths. The Government is doubling the number of nurse practitioners able to train in GP clinics, to 120 every year. They have also announced plans to lower the age for ...
Indonesia has recognised that security affairs in its region are no longer business as usual, though it hasn’t completely given up its commitment to strategic autonomy. Its biggest step was a Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) ...
The StrategistBy Benedicta Nathania and Aisha Kusumasomantri
What a world we live in. It sounds like a satire piece, or perhaps a headline for some alternative universe where Stuart Little was a documentary. Source: TransVitaeSadly, it’s not. It’s a stunning indictment that the leader of the free world either can’t, or doesn’t, read. Yesterday in Congress, Donald ...
I hate to break it to you babe, but I'm not drowningThere's no one here to saveWho cares if you disagree?You are not meWho made you king of anything?So you dare tell me who to be?Who died and made you king of anything?Songwriters: Sara Beth Bareilles.It’s hard to be surprised ...
Britain’s decision to cut foreign aid to fund defence spending overlooks the preventive role of foreign aid. It follows the pause and review of USAID activities and is an approach to foreign aid that Australia ...
I’d been thinking last week of writing a post looking ahead to the end of Adrian Orr’s term (due to have run until March 2028) and offering some thoughts on structural changes the government should be looking to make, to complete and refine the Reserve Bank reform programme kicked off ...
The ongoing Salt Typhoon cyberattack, affecting some of the United States’ largest telecoms companies, has galvanised a trend toward more assertive US engagement in the cyber domain. This is the wrong lesson to take. Instead, ...
On Tuesday the long awaited Land Transport Management (Time of Use Charging) Amendment Bill passed its first reading in parliament and now heads off to select committee for public submissions. This is the legislation that enables Time of Use charging schemes – what’s typically known as congestion pricing – to ...
RBNZ governor Orr is now gone and using up his leave before the formal end of his employment, but does this mean we might see a new 2004-style ‘unbeatable’ mortgage war and another credit-fuelled housing price boom? Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong story short:Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr ...
In a week when PM Christopher Luxon and Health Minister Simeon Brown have been blowing their own trumpets about how supportive they are of GPs, and how they are offering “all New Zealanders” more “choice” in how they access primary health care blah blah blah…. Can we please have some ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy and climate communicator Becky Hoag. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). In just a few weeks President Donald Trump has done everything he can ...
US President Donald Trump has cast serious doubts on the future of the postwar international order. In recent speeches and UN votes, his administration has sided with Russia, an aggressor that launched a war of ...
China’s economic importance cannot be allowed to supersede all other Australian interests. For the past couple of decades, trade has dominated Australia’s relations with China. This cannot continue. Australia needs to prioritise its security interests ...
Troubling times, surreal times. So many of us seem to be pacing our exposure to it all to preserve our sanity. I know I am.A generous dose of history podcasts and five seasons in a row of The Last Kingdom have been a big help. Good will hand evil a ...
Although I do not usually write about NZ politics, I do follow them. I find that with the exception of a few commentators, coverage of domestic issues tends to be dominated by a fixation on personalities, scandals, “gotcha” questioning, “he said, she said” accusations, nitpicking about the daily minutia of ...
That’s the title of a 2024 book by a couple of Australian academic economists, Steven Hamilton (based in US) and Richard Holden (a professor at the University of New South Wales). The subtitle of the book is “How we crushed the curve but lost the race”. It is easy ...
Australian companies operating overseas are navigating an increasingly volatile geopolitical landscape where economic coercion, regulatory uncertainty and security risks are becoming the norm. Our growing global investment footprint is nationally important, and the Australian government ...
You're like MarmiteFickle to meMixed receptionNo one can agreeStill so saltyDarkest energyThink you're specialBut you're no match for meSong by Porij.Morena, let’s not beat about the bush this morning, shall we? You and I both know we’re not here to discuss cornflakes, poached eggs, or buttered toast. We’re here for ...
Unlike other leaders, Luxon chose to say he trusted Donald Trump and saw the United States as a reliable partner, just as Trump upended 80 years of US-led stability in trade and security. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāIn summary today: PM Christopher Luxon is increasingly at odds with leaders ...
Australians need to understand the cyber threat from China. US President Donald Trump described the launch of Chinese artificial intelligence chatbot, DeepSeek, as a wake-up call for the US tech industry. The Australian government moved ...
This Webworm deals with religious trauma. Please take care when reading and listening. I will note that the audio portion is handled gently by my guests Michael and Shane. Hi,I usually like to have my thoughts a little more organised before I send out a Webworm, but this is sort ...
..From: Frank MacskasySent: Tuesday, 25 February 2025 12:37 PMTo: Brooke van Velden <>Subject: Destiny Church/GangKia Ora Ms Van Velden,Not sure if you're checking this email account, but on the off-chance you are, please add my voice to removing Destiny Church/Gang's charity status.I've enquired about what charities do, and harassing and ...
The Australian government’s underreaction to China’s ongoing naval circumnavigation of Australia is a bigger problem than any perceived overreaction in public commentary. Some politicisation of the issue before a general election is natural in a ...
Oh hi, Chris Luxon here, just touching base to cover off an issue about Marie Antoinette.Let me be clear. I never said she ate Marmite sandwiches and I honestly don’t know how people get hold of some of these ideas. I’m here to do one thing and one thing only: ...
Artificial intelligence is becoming commonplace in electoral campaigns and politics across Southeast Asia, but the region is struggling to regulate it. Indonesia’s 2024 general election exposed actual harms of AI-driven politics and overhyped concerns that ...
The StrategistBy Karryl Kim Sagun Trajano and Adhi Priamarizki
The Commerce Commission is investigating Wellington Water after damning reports into its procurement processes. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says parents who are dissatisfied with the new school lunch programme should “make a marmite sandwich and put an apple in a bag”. Health Minister Simeon Brown says overseas clinicians may be ...
Ruled Out:The AfD, (Alternative für Deutschland) branded “Far Right” by Germany’s political mainstream, has been ostracised politically. The Christian Democrats (many of whose voters support the AfD’s tough anti-immigration stance) have ruled out any possibility of entering into a coalition with the radical-nationalist party.THAT THERE HAS BEEN A SHIFT towards the ...
School lunches plagued with issues as Luxon continues to defend Seymour Today, futher reports on “an array of issues” with school lunches as the “collective nightmare” for schools continues. An investigation is underway from the Ministries of Primary Industries after melted plastic was consumed by kids in Friday’s school lunches ...
Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis tour a factory. Photo: NZMEMountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Last week, New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told Mike Hoskings that nurses could easily replace general practitioners (GPs) - a ...
When National cancelled the iRex ferry contract out of the blue in a desperate effort to make short-term savings to pay for their landlord tax cuts, we knew there would be a cost. Not just one to society, in terms of shitter ferries later, but one to the government, which ...
The risk of China spiralling into an unprecedentedly prolonged recession is increasing. Its economy is experiencing deflation, with the price level falling for a second consecutive year in 2024, according to recent data from the ...
You know he got the cureYou know he went astrayHe used to stay awakeTo drive the dreams he had awayHe wanted to believeIn the hands of loveHands of loveSongwriters: Paul David Hewson / Adam Clayton / Larry Mullen / Dave Evans.Last night, I saw a Labour clip that looked awfully ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob Henson One month into the new Trump administration, firings of scientists and freezes to U.S. research funding have caused an unprecedented elimination of scientific expertise from the federal government. Proposed and ongoing cuts to agencies like the National ...
Counter-productive cost shifting: The Government’s drive to reduce public borrowing and costs has led to increases in rates, fees and prices (such as Metlink’s 43% increase for off-peak fares) that in turn feed into consumer price inflation. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, my top six news items ...
China’s not-so-subtle attempt at gunboat diplomacy over the past two weeks has encountered various levels of indignation in Australia and throughout the region. Many have pointed out that the passage of a three-ship naval task ...
The left — or the center left, in more fragmented multi-party systems like New Zealand — are faced with what they feel is an impossible choice: how to run a campaign that is both popular enough to be voted on, while also addressing the problems we face? The answer, like ...
Are we feeling the country is in such capable hands, that we can afford to take a longer break between elections? Outside the parliamentary bubble and a few corporate boardrooms, surely there are not very many people who think that voters have too much power over politicians, and exert it ...
Like everyone else outside Russia, I watched Saturday morning's shitshow between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky in horror. Sure, the US had already thrown Ukraine under the bus, demanding that it accept Russia's theft of land - but there's a difference between that, and berating someone in front of the ...
With Donald Trump back in the White House, Washington is operating under a hard-nosed, transactional framework in which immediate returns rather than shared values measure alliances. For Australia, this signals a need to rethink its ...
Poor Bangladesh. Life is not easy there. One in five of its people live below the poverty line. Poor Bangladesh. Things would surely be even tougher for them if one billion dollars were disappear from their government’s bank deposits.In 2016, it very nearly happened. Perhaps you've heard of the Lazarus ...
Welcome to the January/February 2025 Economic Bulletin. In the feature article Craig surveys the backwards steps New Zealand has been making on child poverty reduction. In our main data updates, we cover wage growth, employment, social welfare, consumer inflation, household living costs, and retail trade. We also provide analysis of ...
Forty years ago, in a seminal masterpiece titled Amusing Ourselves to Death, US author Neil Postman warned that we had entered a brave new world in which people were enslaved by television and other technology-driven ...
Last month I dug into the appointment of fossil-fuel lobbyist John Carnegie to the board of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority. Carnegie was rejected as a candidate in two appointment rounds, being specifically not recommended because he was "likely to relitigate board decisions, or undermine decisions that have been ...
James “Jim“ Grenon, a Canadian private equity investor based in Auckland, dropped ~$10 million on Friday to acquire 9.321% of NZME.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Grenon owns one of the most expensive properties in New ...
Donald Trump and JD Vance’s verbal assault on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office will mark 28 February 2025 as an infamous moment in US and world history. The United States is rapidly ...
Following Our Example: Not even the presence of Chinese warships in the Tasman Sea will generate the sort of diplomatic breach the anti-China lobby has been working so assiduously for a decade to provoke. Too many New Zealanders recall the occasions when a New Zealand frigate has tagged along behind ...
Well you can't get what you wantBut you can get meSo let's set out to sea, love'Cause you are my medicineWhen you're close to meWhen you're close to meSongwriters: Damon Albarn / Jamie Hewlett.Morena, I’m a little out of the loop when it comes to current news stories, which is ...
“Time has come for a four-year term of govt”, or so declared the editorial in yesterday’s Sunday Star-Times. I voted against the idea in the 1990 referendum, and would do so in any conceivable future referendum. If history is anything to go by, a four-year parliamentary term seems a ...
Northern Australia’s liquid fuel infrastructure is the backbone of defence capability, national resilience, and economic prosperity. Yet, it faces mounting pressure from increasing demand, supply chain vulnerabilities and logistical fragilities. Fuel security is not just ...
A new survey of health staff released by the PSA outlines the “immeasurable pain” of restructuring and cost cutting at Health New Zealand, including cancelled surgeries, exploding wait lists and psychologists working reception. Treasury Secretary Iain Rennie has issued a stark warning: New Zealand needs to get its public finances in ...
Democracies and authoritarian states are battling over the future of the internet in a little-known UN process. The United Nations is conducting a 20-year review of its World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), a ...
Last week, Auckland Transport released the list and map showing which streets and roads must have their speed limits increased due to the new Setting of Speed Limits 2024 rule from central government. As things currently stand, none of these changes will be consulted with the communities they impact. And ...
There is an ongoing standoff between sellers who don’t want to take less than top dollar and buyers cautious about overpaying, while at the same time rental property investor demand is sliding. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, my top six news items in Aotearoa’s political economy around ...
A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 23, 2025 thru Sat, March 1, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Now the sun's gone to hellAnd the moon riding highLet me bid you farewellEvery man has to dieBut it's written in the starlightAnd every line in your palmWe're fools to make warOn our brothers-in-armsWritten by Mark Knopfler.“Where are the adults when you need them?” I thought. “Shouldn’t there be adults?”It ...
The Electricity Authority has proposed forcing the big four gentailers to offer the same hedging contracts and prices for wholesale electricity to their smaller competitors as they offer their own retailing arms internally. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things that stood out to me ...
What America Can Teach Us Here Yesterday Trump and his Peter Thiel affiliated Vice President, J.D Vance, berated Ukrainian President Zelensky in the White House.This came weeks after lying about Zelensky - claiming among other lies, that Ukraine started the war with Russia. It did not.Zelensky lamented that Trump was ...
The great problem you’re facing this month is very often not the one you’ll be worrying about a year from now.I find this notion reassuring. I lean upon it. But lately, given what the hell has been going on in the world, not so much.Perversely yesterday’s White House spectacle reinstated ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are high CO2 levels harmless because they also occurred in the past? While the Earth adapted to high carbon dioxide levels in the ...
Completed reads for February: He Who Shrank, by Henry Hasse The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus The Maracot Deep, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Poseidon’s Paradise: The Romance of Atlantis, by Elizabeth Birkmaier The Hairy Monster, by Neil Miller The Spider, by Arthur Edward Chapman The Canterville Ghost, by ...
Last year there was interesting new book out made up of 29 collected short papers by (more or less) prominent economists given at a 2023 conference to mark Floating Exchange Rates at Fifty. The fifty years related to the transition back to generalised floating of the major developed world currencies ...
Quick update here on the ferries cancellation saga, now led by Winston Peters.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.RNZ:The giant Korean ship builder Hyundai could be back in the running to build two new Cook Strait ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
The Green Party is appalled by the Government’s plan to disestablish Resource Teachers of Māori (RTM) roles, a move that takes another swing at kaupapa Māori education. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
After months of mana whenua protecting their wāhi tapu, the Green Party welcomes the pause of works at Lake Rotokākahi and calls for the Rotorua Lakes Council to work constructively with Tūhourangi and Ngāti Tumatawera on the pathway forward. ...
New Zealand First continues to bring balance, experience, and commonsense to Government. This week we've made progress on many of our promises to New Zealand.Winston representing New ZealandWinston Peters is overseas this week, with stops across the Middle East and North Asia. Winston's stops include Saudi Arabia, the ...
Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
At this year's State of the Planet address, Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
The Government has spent $3.6 million dollars on a retail crime advisory group, including paying its chair $920 a day, to come up with ideas already dismissed as dangerous by police. ...
The Green Party supports the peaceful occupation at Lake Rotokākahi and are calling for the controversial sewerage project on the lake to be stopped until the Environment Court has made a decision. ...
ActionStation’s Oral Healthcare report, released today, paints a dire picture of unmet need and inequality across the country, highlighting the urgency of free dental care for all New Zealanders. ...
The Golden Age There has been long-standing recognition that New Zealand First has an unrivalled reputation for delivering for our older New Zealanders. This remains true, and is reflected in our coalition agreement. While we know there is much that we can and will do in this space, it is ...
Labour Te Atatū MP Phil Twyford has written to the charities regulator asking that Destiny Church charities be struck off in the wake of last weekend’s violence by Destiny followers in his electorate. ...
Bills by Labour MPs to remove rules around sale of alcohol on public holidays, and for Crown entities to adopt Māori names have been drawn from the Members’ Bill Ballot. ...
The Government is falling even further behind its promised target of 500 new police officers, now with 72 fewer police officers than when National took office. ...
This morning’s Stats NZ child poverty statistics should act as a wake-up call for the government: with no movement in child poverty rates since June 2023, it’s time to make the wellbeing of our tamariki a political priority. ...
Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson’s Consumer Guarantees Right to Repair Amendment Bill has passed its first reading in Parliament this evening. ...
“The ACT Party can’t be bothered putting an MP on one of the Justice subcommittees hearing submissions on their own Treaty Principles Bill,” Labour Justice Spokesperson Duncan Webb said. ...
The Government’s newly announced funding for biodiversity and tourism of $30-million over three years is a small fraction of what is required for conservation in this country. ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
As the world marks three years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced additional sanctions on Russian entities and support for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. “Russia’s illegal invasion has brought three years of devastation to Ukraine’s people, environment, and infrastructure,” Mr Peters says. “These additional sanctions target 52 ...
Associate Finance Minister David Seymour has today announced the Government’s plan to reform the Overseas Investment Act and make it easier for New Zealand businesses to receive new investment, grow and pay higher wages. “New Zealand is one of the hardest countries in the developed world for overseas people to ...
Associate Health Minister Hon Casey Costello is traveling to Australia for meetings with the aged care sector in Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney next week. “Australia is our closest partner, so as we consider the changes necessary to make our system more effective and sustainable it makes sense to learn from ...
The Government is boosting investment in the QEII National Trust to reinforce the protection of Aotearoa New Zealand's biodiversity on private land, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. The Government today announced an additional $4.5 million for conservation body QEII National Trust over three years. QEII Trust works with farmers and ...
The closure of the Ava Bridge walkway will be delayed so Hutt City Council have more time to develop options for a new footbridge, says Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Mayor of Lower Hutt, Campbell Barry. “The Hutt River paths are one of the Hutt’s most beloved features. Hutt locals ...
Good afternoon. Can I acknowledge Ngāti Whātua for their warm welcome, Simpson Grierson for hosting us here today, and of course the Committee for Auckland for putting on today’s event. I suspect some of you are sitting there wondering what a boy from the Hutt would know about Auckland, our ...
The Government will invest funding to remove the level crossings in Takanini and Glen Innes and replace them with grade-separated crossings, to maximise the City Rail Link’s ability to speed up journey times by rail and road and boost Auckland’s productivity, Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Auckland Minister Simeon Brown ...
The Government has made key decisions on a Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) framework to enable businesses to benefit from storing carbon underground, which will support New Zealand’s businesses to continue operating while reducing net carbon emissions, Energy and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. “Economic growth is a ...
Minister for Regulation David Seymour says that outdated and burdensome regulations surrounding industrial hemp (iHemp) production are set to be reviewed by the Ministry for Regulation. Industrial hemp is currently classified as a Class C controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, despite containing minimal THC and posing little ...
The Ministerial Advisory Group on transnational and serious organised crime was appointed by Cabinet on Monday and met for the first time today, Associate Police Minister Casey Costello announced. “The group will provide independent advice to ensure we have a better cross-government response to fighting the increasing threat posed to ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will travel to Viet Nam next week, visiting both Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, accompanied by a delegation of senior New Zealand business leaders. “Viet Nam is a rising star of Southeast Asia with one of the fastest growing economies in the region. This ...
The coalition Government has passed legislation to support overseas investment in the Build-to-Rent housing sector, Associate Minister of Finance Chris Bishop says. “The Overseas Investment (Facilitating Build-to-Rent Developments) Amendment Bill has completed its third reading in Parliament, fulfilling another step in the Government’s plan to support an increase in New ...
The new Police marketing campaign starting today, recreating the ‘He Ain’t Heavy’ ad from the 1990s, has been welcomed by Associate Police Minister Casey Costello. “This isn’t just a great way to get the attention of more potential recruits, it’s a reminder to everyone about what policing is and the ...
No significant change to child poverty rates under successive governments reinforces that lifting children out of material hardship will be an ongoing challenge, Child Poverty Reduction Minister Louise Upston says. Figures released by Stats NZ today show no change in child poverty rates for the year ended June 2024, reflecting ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the most common family names given to newborns in 2024. “For the seventh consecutive year, Singh is the most common registered family name, with over 680 babies given this name. Kaur follows closely in second place with 630 babies, while ...
A new $3 million fund from the International Conservation and Tourism Visitor Levy will be used to attract more international visitors to regional destinations this autumn and winter, Tourism and Hospitality Minister Louise Upston says. “The Government has a clear priority to unleash economic growth and getting our visitor numbers ...
Good Evening Let us begin by acknowledging Professor David Capie and the PIPSA team for convening this important conference over the next few days. Whenever the Pacific Islands region comes together, we have a precious opportunity to share perspectives and learn from each other. That is especially true in our ...
The Reserve Bank’s positive outlook indicates the economy is growing and people can look forward to more jobs and opportunities, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. The Bank today reduced the Official Cash Rate by 50 basis points. It said it expected further reductions this year and employment to pick up ...
Agriculture Minister, Todd McClay and Minister for Māori Development, Tama Potaka today congratulated the finalists for this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy, celebrating excellence in Māori sheep and beef farming. The two finalists for 2025 are Whangaroa Ngaiotonga Trust and Tawapata South Māori Incorporation Onenui Station. "The Ahuwhenua Trophy is a prestigious ...
The Government is continuing to respond to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care by establishing a fund to honour those who died in care and are buried in unmarked graves, and strengthen survivor-led initiatives that support those in need. “The $2 million dual purpose fund will be ...
A busy intersection on SH5 will be made safer with the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of SH28/Harwoods Road, as we deliver on our commitment to help improve road safety through building safer infrastructure, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Safety is one of the Government’s strategic priorities ...
The Government is turbo charging growth to return confidence to the primary sector through common sense policies that are driving productivity and farm-gate returns, Agriculture Minister Todd McClay announced today. “The latest Federated Farmers Farm Confidence Survey highlights strong momentum across the sector and the Government’s firm commitment to back ...
Improving people’s experience with the Justice system is at the heart of a package of Bills which passed its first reading today Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says. “The 63 changes in these Bills will deliver real impacts for everyday New Zealanders. The changes will improve court timeliness and efficiency, ...
Returning the Ō-Rākau battle site to tūpuna ownership will help to recognise the past and safeguard their stories for the benefit of future generations, Minister for Māori Crown Relations Tama Potaka says. The Te Pire mō Ō-Rākau, Te Pae o Maumahara / Ō-Rākau Remembrance Bill passed its third reading at ...
A new university programme will help prepare PhD students for world-class careers in science by building stronger connections between research and industry, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Dr Shane Reti says. “Our Government is laser focused on growing New Zealand’s economy and to do that, we must realise the potential ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown has today announced funding of more than $14 million to replace the main water supply and ring mains in the main building of Auckland City Hospital. “Addressing the domestic hot water system at the country’s largest hospital, which opened in 2003, is vitally important to ensure ...
The Government is investing $30 million from the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy to fund more than a dozen projects to boost biodiversity and the tourist economy, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. “Tourism is a key economic driver, and nature is our biggest draw card for international tourists,” says ...
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters will travel to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, China, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea later this week. “New Zealand enjoys long-standing and valued relationships with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, both highly influential actors in their region. The visit will focus on building ...
Minister for Rail Winston Peters has announced director appointments for Ferry Holdings Limited – the schedule 4a company charged with negotiating ferry procurement contracts for two new inter-island ferries. Mr Peters says Ferry Holdings Limited will be responsible for negotiating long-term port agreements on either side of the Cook Strait ...
Ophthalmology patients in Kaitaia are benefiting from being able to access the complete cataract care pathway closer to home, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. “Ensuring New Zealanders have access to timely, quality healthcare is a priority for the Government. “Since 30 September 2024, Kaitaia Hospital has been providing cataract care ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Tim Johnson, Professor, Geology, Curtin University Shatter cones formed by the impact in the Pilbara.Tim Johnson We have discovered the oldest meteorite impact crater on Earth, in the very heart of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The crater formed more ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Issues sometimes “come at you”, Anthony Albanese declared on Thursday at the end of a news conference, held at Canberra’s National Situation Room, about Cyclone Alfred. The cyclone is a disaster for millions of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ben Wellings, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations, Monash University There’s been some “great television” this past week for those who like to watch the end of the West. The US president and vice-president effectively sided with Russia in an attempt ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Yetta Gurtner, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Centre for Disaster Studies, James Cook University Cyclone Alfred is due to cross the coast of southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales late on Friday night or early Saturday morning. Millions of people may wake to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kirk Dodd, Lecturer in English and Writing, University of Sydney Brett Boardman/Bell Shakespeare Shakespeare’s Henry V (stylised by Bell Shakespeare as Henry 5) is famous for many things. Henry’s rousing speeches. Its chorus directly addressing the audience. Its critical treatment ...
By Susan Edmunds, RNZ News money correspondent The Aotearoa New Zealand union representing many of NZME’s journalists says it is “deeply worried” by a billionaire’s plans to take over its board. Auckland-based Canadian billionaire Jim Grenon is leading a move to dump the board of media company NZME, owners of ...
A top government minister personally added a fossil fuel lobbyist to the shortlist of candidates to help govern the country's main energy-saving agency. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava, Associate Professor of Geospatial Analysis, University of the Sunshine Coast Tropical Cyclone Alfred is now expected to make landfall early on Saturday morning – later than initial estimates that suggested it would strike southeast Queensland and northern New South ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Liz Ritchie-Tyo, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Monash University Cyclone Alfred has now been delayed, as the slow-moving system stalls in warm seas off southeast Queensland. Unfortunately, the expected slow pace of the cyclone will bring even more rain to affected communities. This ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Stephen Harrington, Associate Professor, School of Communication, Queensland University of Technology It’s hard to keep track of US President Donald Trump’s many notable acts since returning to the White House. His recent pro-Russia stance on the war in Ukraine has, rightly, received ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Liz Ritchie-Tyo, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Monash University Cyclone Alfred has now been delayed, as the slow-moving system stalls in warm seas off southeast Queensland. Unfortunately, the expected slow pace of the cyclone will bring even more rain to affected communities. This ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Emily Roycroft, Research Group Leader & ARC DECRA Fellow, Monash University Colossal Biosciences US company Colossal Biosciences has announced the creation of a “woolly mouse” — a laboratory mouse with a series of genetic modifications that lead to a woolly coat. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Evangeline Mantzioris, Program Director of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Accredited Practising Dietitian, University of South Australia RobsPhoto/Shutterstock Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who oversees the health of more than 340 million Americans, says vitamin A can prevent the worst effects of measles ...
Must everyone really go? A contagion of big-name departures has swept New Zealand across 24 heady hours. It began with Adrian Orr, whose resignation as governor of the Reserve Bank came yesterday afternoon, and remains shrouded in mystery with a spooky soundtrack. Speculated reasons for the sudden farewell range from ...
In the letter, we raise concerns about the Prime Minister's comment about "marmite sandwiches and an apple" regarding the litany of problems with the Ka Ora Ka Ako school lunch programme. ...
Members across the country will take part in the total withdrawal of labour, including social workers and members working in care and protection residences, youth justice residences, residential homes, and the national contact centre. ...
It’s driven by a Canadian billionaire with seemingly strong views on trans rights, vaccines and te Tiriti.A couple of weeks ago NZME – a media company that counts the NZ Herald, Newstalk ZB, BusinessDesk, ZM and a host of radio and entertainment brands among its holdings – held its ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Joshua Pate, Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy, University of Technology Sydney altanaka/Shutterstock “It’s really sore,” my (Josh’s) five-year-old daughter said, cradling her broken arm in the emergency department. “But on a scale of zero to ten, how do you rate your ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jo Caust, Associate Professor and Principal Fellow (Hon), School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne For the past three weeks the arts have been dominated by a recent decision made by the board of Creative Australia. On February 7 it ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra The Trump presidency is turning much of the world order on its head. Tne United States president is arm-twisting Ukraine, playing nice with Russia, and using protection as an economic and political weapon. The ...
SPECIAL REPORT:By Markela Panegyres and Jonathan Strauss in Sydney The new Universities Australia (UA) definition of antisemitism, endorsed last month for adoption by 39 Australian universities, is an ugly attempt to quash the pro-Palestine solidarity movement on campuses and to silence academics, university workers and students who critique Israel ...
Opinion/Analysis by Keith Rankin. Keith Rankin, trained as an economic historian, is a retired lecturer in Economics and Statistics. He lives in Auckland, New Zealand. Germany’s important election last week struggled to make the news cycle, even on Germany’s own Deutsche Welle(DW), Germany’s equivalent of Britain’s BBC. Especially (but not ...
The open letter is part of the Christians United for Refuge Aotearoa Campaign, and calls on the New Zealand government to help reunite families and bring them to safety. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Matt Nichol, Lecturer in Law, CQUniversity Australia Not-for-profit organisations support a range of needs and activities, such as financial disadvantage, health and education. Governments support these entities through various measures, notably exemption from income tax and other taxes. Some of Australia’s major ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Himadri Saini, Research Associate at Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney Deborah Wallace Tasmanian/Shutterstock Europe is warmed by heat from ocean currents, which move water from the warm tropics to the colder North Atlantic. Once the warm, salty water from the ...
Nicola Griggs, was invited to empathise with the life of a dairy cow, given that very soon after giving birth calves are taken from those mothers, and humans drink the milk instead. Newborn calves are either killed if male, or many will join the ...
Aligned with this year's theme, "For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment," CID members are demonstrating their unwavering commitment to gender equality through a diverse range of initiatives. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Chris Ogden, Associate Professor in Global Studies, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau Getty Images When Donald Trump’s benefactor and cost-cutter-in-chief Elon Musk recently supported a call for the United States to quit NATO and the United Nations, it should perhaps ...
The age for free screenings will go from 60 to 58, but using money previously set aside to give Māori and Pacific access to tests from 50. A cancer network is calling it "institutionalised racism". ...
During the two-day meeting, members of the network will meet with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, Foreign Minister Winston Peters (who is also chair of the network) and a range of New Zealand’s top public and private sector leaders. ...
The January results are reported against forecasts based on the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2024 (HYEFU 2024), published on 17 December 2024, and the results for the same period for the previous year. ...
(just found this one..)
“..The top 10 feminist books..”
..Eleanor Marx’s biographer Rachel Holmes –
thanks …interesting! ( I have a friend who is writing a book on Joan of Arc….Joan of Arc was really a very great feminist )….and good point that there have been feminists throughout the ages
i want to see an International Feminist Party …like the Green party ….now that would really change the world!
(a major breakthrough in america..)
“..Attorney General Holder Just Took a Big Step To Help Prisoners of America’s War on Drugs..”
Posted on 12/6/2014 by admin
“..The Attorney General is urging the U.S. Sentencing Commission to let some people serving excessive sentences for nonviolent drug crimes –
Looks like it’s going to be a warm year with El Nino predicted:
If it hits, and India is already 40% down on expected monsoon rains, then we can expect another year of record temperatures.
Yep and farmers crying drought, when it will be just another cyclical movement in weather patterns and not a drought at all – except relative to their unnatural expectations.
Will be a glorious summer in the Hauraki Gulf though so get the boat ready ….
Yeah, looks like a significiant el nino this year, next year, and possibly on to the year afterwards. Looks to me like the idiot deniers with their predilection for selective timescales will have to start a new base line.
The image is the link to a explanation.
Large el ninos tend to occur (counter intuitively) when solar forcing is minimal,or perturbed due to large volcanic excursions ie it has a chemistry mechanism by a decrease in stratospheric O3.
This in turn creates enhanced polar vortex ( north and south pole) which decreases heat transport to the poles due to the jetstreams being transport barriers.
Yeah but there are many effects influencing its triggering and a lot of it is still in the “to be proven” basket because of lack of data.
Effectively it is a shift in the positioning of winter storms and its effect on the winds powering the movement of surface warm ocean water in the pacific. The effect is that a burst of heat comes from the oceans into the atmosphere with the inevitable downstream effects on weather.
But the interesting factor (to me anyway) is so much the triggering as the reasons for the severity and duration. Since the 1970s, there has been the increasing severity and durations of the el nino/la nina events. That is a factor may be driven largely by how warm or cold the surface ocean water gets when these events happen.
Most of the climate models indicate that having more energy buffered in the oceans from overall global warming is likely to make them much more severe and longer. The general weather data over the last 50 years tends to agree with those models. The problem is that at present is that there wasn’t much data stored about surface water temperatures and thermoclines before the last couple of decades. So while prediction of the onset of the events is pretty predictable, the degree of the effect isn’t.
In the usual issue with much of climate science there really isn’t a particularly good baseline of data to draw on to isolate the noise of natural variation from the effect of climate change at a level of significance that would allow that effect to be unconditional. But the energy physics and theoretical climatology is pretty damn compelling.
There is a reasonably accessible summary here.
There is more (but still readable) detail in this April post on Skeptical Science, especially as to the amount of warm water.
It is going to be really interesting this year and next to see if we get the same kind of massive heat pulse as happened in 1998. That’d go a long way to indicating that the increased volumes of warm water are a good predictor for a strong el nino (and the inevitable excessive weather for NZ and aussie).
Not a lot unlike how they view poverty, inequality and general social malaise. (see other recent threads).
The tories are highly likely–as in definitely–going to sacrifice several of their lower profile bum boys (aka candidates) to try and secure a third term.
So what are Standard readers going to do about it? At the very least assist some people to enrol and then vote.
last night on teavee I heard Tracey Martin from NZFirst tell how Rodny Hide unsuccesfully tried to prosecute her mother who was at that time secretary of that party for filing false electoral returns. It would appear that ACT has just had its comeuppance!
Yes. What comes around…
Tough on crime eh. Tough on crime.
Act is tough on crime.
….except when it is one of their own committing fraud or stealing baby’s identities …..
shysters is what Act is – shysters and wide boys
‘A Favourable Reference: Why John Key’s biggest enemy is the Left’s friend.’
By Chris Trotter / June 9, 2014
“For those on the Left with a keen historical sense, the demonization of Dotcom should have raised a whole forest of warning flags. Individuals and institutions are only demonized in this fashion after they’ve been identified as clear and present dangers to the Right’s political hegemony….
– See more at:
I suggest that you – and others – also read this post also on The Daily Blog on KDC and the Internet/Mana alliance for a different (and in my opinion, far more balanced) perspective.
This article by Mike Treen, a prominent long time Lefty and unionist , is a very good and detailed examination and summary of the issues of why the Left should support the Internet /Mana alliance….and answers all the possible objections…. thankyou for drawing my attention to it!
‘Why the Mana-Internet alliance is a potential game breaker’
By Mike Treen / June 12, 2014
“Friends of mine, including some pretty staunch left wingers, have questioned the wisdom of Laila Harre taking up the position of Internet Party leader and of the Mana Movement forming an electoral arrangement with the Internet Party for this election………
I am glad you read it, chooky, and hope that others also read it.
IMO it provides an excellent examination of the issues as you say.
The establishment political centre has always poured scorn on the real left wing, usually along the lines that the left wing are impractical radicals and extremists who are not trustworthy.
In many ways then the job of the political centre is to limit the political discourse of the nation – to suggest what policies and parties are allowed and not allowed to be taken seriously in nationwide political discussions.
Hmmm we also see that limiting of discourse on the left too. Do the right do that?
What kind of discourse is limited on the Left?
Sometimes those that come within the category of ‘identity politics’ can receive the hard word imo – you know, “don’t scare the horses” sort of thing. Do the right do that?
No wonder Key is so down on Dotcom. He is a real threat. Most people with brains and initiative brush the law at odd times. I have no doubt that Key’s trading broke ethical laws is not legal laws but hey. Too big to bust.
I do hope that IMP does do well. Brains and initiative! Good luck chaps.
I’m looking forward to the IMP’s campaign. I hope they use lots of the kind of graphics like there is in their ad at the top of TS homepage with key as a puppet etc. There are so many things the left could expose in really innovative ways that I often wonder why it hasn’t already happened – things that the centre-left haven’t got the guts to do. We should start brainstorming ideas here.
Or the centre-centre, for that matter.
I thought that if the centre-left didn’t have the guts to tell the truth about right-wing politics it’d go without saying the centre-centre wouldn’t, either. BTW – who are the centre-centre?
Both Labour and NZ First are quite close to the centre-centre.
NZ First has a more nationalistic streak that sometimes sounds quite left wing but is more a throwback to their old fashioned conservative nation-building roots. As a minor party it can be more radical and less establishment in its positions, however.
Labour still knows how to sound left given its early 20th century left wing origins but it is now largely pro conventional market capitalism. It is a party of the establishment. Labour will tend to moderate market capitalism from exploiting workers and the environment too much but is quite happy keeping the majority of beneficiaries and the under class at a day to day subsistence level.
i agree that nzf nationalism is not 50’s conservatism. Nzf is a good example of why boxes dont work for politics. Almost no party is all left or all right… Having some left and some right gets a party the description of centre…
“..but is quite happy keeping the majority of beneficiaries and the under class at a day to day subsistence level…”
that is what makes me so angry at them..
..they just don’t fucken care…
..nine years of that uncaring/demonising shit from clark..
..(‘working for (some/’worthy’-only) families’..
..being the ultimate grinding the faces of the poorest into the gutters..
..and labour just promising more of the same..?
..and they reckon that’ll get the the missing/disenfranchised-million pouring into the ballot-box..
..their votes ticked for labour..?
..dream on sunshines..! really are so disconnected you don’t know how loathed you are.. so many..
(for those fuck-the-poor!/clark years..) ya..?
to overcome that you are going to have to come up with some serious poverty-busting policies..
..over to you…
Despite my complete and utter disdain for Labour I still find myself automatically putting them in the centre-left basket. Of course they’re not, they’re neo-liberal filth merchants and we mustn’t forget the truth otherwise all will be lost.
Oh, Mary,
You are so wrong about Labour.
Labour under the present leadership is the ONLY vehicle for change. That is because, a party HAS to be in a mostly left wing/slightly centrist GOVERNMENT to get elected and achieve justice and fair play for all. To form such a government, MORE than 50% of the voters need to vote for it. Labour NEEDS to attract ex Labour voters who shifted to National in the last 6 years or abstained from voting.
That is not easy to achieve by entirely left Labour alone or Greenies or the far left parties like Mana, as there simply isn’t enough electoral support for them. Without Labour, that is next to impossible to achieve. That IS the reality.
The thing to do is for more people to join Labour and influence the leaders and the there membership so that Labour has a better representation of social, environmental and economic policies in parliament.
Ah you don’t know? I’d have thought that was completely obvious.
According to Pete George he is it. Also the centre of the universe.
It is hard to find anyone else who thinks either of these propositions are true. But he never ceases in this comfortable delusion. Reminds me of dad4justice or redbaiter without the personal self-awareness.
Note to self. I really shouldn’t provoke him. He might write another post about how terrible TS and I are and encourage people to investigate us.
But it really is hard to resist stirring such humourless pomposity.
My question was kind of rhetoric, but it is interesting how some of us view or might categorise a particular party. The opinions of many on TS that Labour is a left party “through and through” never cease to amuse me. My guess is that they’re the same people who think that most of the poverty we see is caused by laziness or that at least welfare is something we can only have if we can “afford it”, which is ironically of course why Labour is not a left party. The times we live in…
I agree Mary – I hope we see those types of graphics, with lots of humour too – that will cut through the noise and help the message be heard.
i have no problem with how that is laid out.
For my part, i respect what laila harre has achieved. Some seem to be objecting on the basis harre has sold out her principles for dotcom’s money. I think that is people projecting. THEY would drop their principles in a heartbeat for money, so they assume she has.
I dont think she would. I have seen no proof she has.
Mass media live in the moment. Clarifications that bring in history or future prospects harm the ability of big media to shock and thus remain in contention for the next news cycle.
It should have been obvious to any analyst on The Nation, NR or Q&A, that Mana/internet is going after the non-voter, whether poor or internet citizen.
Whereas Labour goes after the middle ground. And Greens after the progressive vote.
Goff lost because some idiot decided to out do the Greens over selling off our dams.
When in fact, it appears to me that she has acquired Dotcom’s money in order to pursue her principles.
Quite different altogether.
“..When in fact, it appears to me that she has acquired Dotcom’s money in order to pursue her principles..”
..+ 1..
some in political realms struggle with the concept of principles so that could explain the teeth grinding
Pasifika Deja Vu – Old Wine in New Bottles
I’ve been amused by National’s on-going (and relatively successful) attempts to convince the MSM that a significant proportion of South Auckland and Porirua Pasifika voters are about to defect to the Tories this election.
Particularly amusing was Farrar’s contention (April 2, Kiwiblog) that such a suggestion “…is basically unheard of”. Either Farrar’s being disingenuous or he has a remarkably poor memory. The reality is that National seed this story in the MSM on a regular basis. Back in 2008, National’s Mangere Electorate Secretary was on television news proclaiming the end of the Pasifika community’s historically overwhelming support for Labour. Apparently, a huge swing was about to occur – not to Field’s Pacific Party, but to the Nats. And she lined-up a couple of prominent Pasifika “leaders” to prove it. The 08 election results suggested no swing to National whatsoever.
You would hope the MSM would have learnt, but unfortunately not. Come the 2010 Mana By-Election and precisely the same sort of claims were being made. The Dom Post, The Nation current affairs programme and various other media outlets reported Porirua “Samoan Community leaders”, Paula Masoe and Liz Tanielu, backing Parata and prophesying a significant split in the Pasifika vote in Mana. Many, it seems, were about to swing to National. (A few days later Masoe and Tanielu appeared on the front page of the Dom Post facing serious allegations over the disappearance of more than $100,000, grossly-inflated expense claims and various other questionable financial activities associated with their Trust – see Here ). So what was the Mana By-Election result ? Did a whole swathe of the Pasifika community desert Labour in a truly historic electoral earthquake ? – Nah, the polar opposite: an actual swing to Labour in the Eastern Porirua Pasifika stronghold. See my comment on Pundit here (scroll down to swordfish, point (3)). (I was replying to David Beatson’s post-By-Election claim that “Parata had done her groundwork with the influential Pacific Islands church leaders in Mana …Two traditional support bases that Labour should have been able to depend on last weekend had been undermined long before Fa’afoi’s feet hit the street.”.
And I then prophesised on Bowalley Road a few days later: “Will the MSM ever learn ? I doubt it. Expect similar Shock-Horror claims next year. Well, I was almost right. Didn’t happen in 2011 – perhaps the Nats were too embarrassed. But fast-forward to 2014 and it’s Deja Vu all over a-friggin-gain !!!
what happened to the nats great brown hopes in michael jones and inga tuigamala? Werent they going to save the people of south auckland from labour?
I rather thought they were being eyed up by the Conservatives. The Cons have considerable appeal to the god botherers among the PI community, which is a rather worrying thought
Yes, the two of them came out in support of Key in 2008.
These two were sucked in and fooled by Key and English and said they wanted their people “not just to work in car yards but to own them, and not just to fly in the planes but to drive them” That is why they were voting National! I wonder how many of “their people” are now owning the car yards and how many are driving planes.
They just forgot how much effort the Labour party put in over the years to help the pacific Island people in health, education, child care, welfare, housing and career opportunities. Two ungrateful sorts.
I think RedFred meant to post this on today’s OpenPhil rather than an earlier one (
Supportive comments from Brian Fallow this in the Herald regarding IMF warning on overvalued NZD and Labours policies to combat it.He also pointed out how they have taken a swipe at National head in the sand approach.
Goes to show National have no idea in how to manage the economy, apart from making a few of their mates rich.
Oh yeah and Reserve bank Governor… current account deficit widening, interest rates up….
(For mine, I’d suggest making a few of their mates rich counts as managing the economy brilliantly in Tory terms.)
and so the dollar jumped…
So it does:
Interview with Dr Marilyn Waring has this to say about the flaw in Government policies:
One of the problems with governments and policies is this silo thinking. You can justify anything as long as it’s not connected. You can justify building the Huntly Power Station, which happened under my watch, because you don’t count the externalities – the pollutants, the burning of coal, the effect on the Waikato River. Of course it looks good, as long as you stay narrowly focused and see one thing in isolation.
So true. Every action is connected with other actions. Connectivity should be part of everyone’s automatic thinking. Think of a cup of tea whether it was David Lange or John Key. Connections?
And that is why I think people actually need a broad education outside of their specialisation. Knowing even a little bit about something else helps you to make the connections between what you do and what someone else is doing. Make it broad enough and you can start to see how the entire community actually works and why neo-liberalism, and capitalism in general, don’t.
marilyn waring is a great nzer. She was way ahead of her time in her economic thinking. Rethinking GDP measures, measuring unpaid work. It took the Canadians to make a documentary about her.
If she would do it, i would love listening to her doing a weekly spot on nine to noon.
richard griffin won’t let that happen..
..she’s too ‘left’ for where he is taking national radio..
waring has a big-brain..
Thanks for that Tracey. Quick google search came up with an online streaming of the doc from the Canadian producers.
Have bookmarked for later viewing.
Great interview, thanks ianmac.
I never understood before why Waring was in National, but look at this explanation,
Would that still be true of Labour now i.e. could Waring cross the floor in a similar situation? What about NACT?
Interested in football with Brazil about to hit the screens?
Go to google touch the logo and the games will be shown in NZ time. The first seems to be Brazil and Croatia at 8am Friday.13/6.
Nothing you see could beat the football and fame tragic story of the Colombian two Escobars.
Here are links that might work on your computer.
or 100 mins
or – shorter
NZ Herald editorial supports Labour’s policy of reintroducing Community Education Night Classes.
“The axing of four-fifths of the funding to night schools in 2009 made little sense. The saving was just $54 million, a drop in the tertiary education bucket. The then Education Minister, Anne Tolley, made much of taxpayers not being liable for the funding of hobby and recreational courses such as Moroccan cooking and twilight golf. The subsequent outcry, however, made it clear that many people valued adult education, and that it served a social and economic purpose which was easy to underestimate. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the Labour Party has promised to restore the funding for night classes.
Its policy is welcome. For every retired person who had been studying the type of subject cited by the minister, there was someone learning a potentially employable skill in a short and sharp course. Better still, they were learning this at a school that was otherwise unused at night, and from tutors who were practical and hands-on. For that reason, and notwithstanding the dubious nature of some of the courses, the saving extracted by the Government seemed hardly worthwhile.
Its cuts resulted in the number of schools offering a wide array of courses falling from 212 to 23. What remains are largely English language and literacy and numeracy courses, for which the Government wisely retained funding. Labour says it will reinvigorate adult and community education by doubling the current funding. That will involve $13 million in the first two years and a further $9 million in following years.”
Read full editorial here:
Am very pleased about these being re-introduced.
Unsure about how correct that statement about literacy classes being kept is though, I know someone whose literacy classes were stopped due to government funding being cut back….
rosemary mcleod going to bat for banksie in this mornings dompost. but re my earlier post about the NZF MP whose mother was sued by rodney hide then why did the media never mention this during banksies trial?
the media in NZ is stunted and lacking any ethical or moral standards. they are convinced of their own rectitude and probity when at every turn they are exposed for being weak as piss kiss arses and suckups.
rosemary mcleod needs to learn what fraud is. bloody dingbat.
We need to make a few allowances for wee Rosie …. she’s been like that her entire life. Starting from her desperado attempts to attach herself to a liberal left she perceived as ‘trendy’ at an early age – but never really fitted into, to her current disposition of comfort – resulting from various ‘attachments’.
Noone I’ve ever come across actually LIKES her (except maybe Jim Mora, and maybe Josie Pagani since they’re of similar ilk), rather they tolerate her and make all the right signals and pleasantries.
Gorgeous Darling!
I think Rosemary Mc is on the left side of Deborah Coddington though.
Ah yea well @ grey. Let’s not get started on the disingenuous Dearbra!.
Remind me tho’ @ Grey – It was that supercilious holier than thou bitch that published the names of all those ‘crims’ (just so we could all protect ourselves from them with combination locks and fences).
Rosie IS left of Dearbra for sure (she has a conscience) as well as a lavatory that’s full of ‘try hards’, and no doubt she has a greater affinity with Jim M.
I think she probably drives a better car as well – it looks quite flash.
(Once was Tim < in training to be a bitch :p Where’s that Pop btw? I need his advice).
They just make me feel like puking!
she said months ago he is very honest and full of integrity, when on the panel.
I tried to read Claire Trevett’s piece in the Herald this morning…
And all I can say is wow. It reads like an emo 7th former who just necked a sixpack of Woodstock while just watching GoT then realised he had to write a piece for the school paper before he passed out.
look dude that is the default position in the media these days. employ some teenager who might become adult in time and let them go. they dont have to know anything, done anything or been anywhere. they get shoulder tapped in j-school becausethey wash between their ears or their father was an endocrinologist or some other mind boggling criteria and nek minnit they opining on the world as if they are somebodies. nup. they just kids and the owners know it.
“… or their father was an endocrinologist …”
Grandma Audrey Young, Brooke Sabin and Kate Bradford, I am pretty sure they all got to be political journalists purely on their own merits….
yeah right………..
FYI – in case you missed it, plus an update about my position:
(This has now been sent already to all MPs, mainstream media and widely circulated on social media and some blogs.
Grace Haden is a fellow ‘anti-corruption whistleblower’ with whom I have worked closely over the last 10 years.
Grace will stand in Epsom on a clear anti-corruption platform, as I shall do in Helensville against Prime Minister John Key. – Penny Bright)
PS: It is my considered opinion that if an Epsom by-election is held, which would help keep a huge public spotlight on CORRUPTION, then the dark shadow arising therefrom will spread over the rest of NZ.
Given that PM John Key is seen as National’s main ‘asset’ – then anything that detracts from his ‘personal popularity’ – will directly affect support for National.
Which is why I’m standing against John Key in Helensville – to help keep that public spotlight on CORRUPTION, including HIS!
Remember this?
My 2008 (pre-election) complaint to the Police and SFO about John Key’s corrupt ‘insider trading’ over TranzRail, and my subsequent private prosecution – not ONE sentence of which was ever reported in the NZ Herald …
Those who might attempt to write off this bold plan , may care to remember that John Banks was not expected to be committed to trial – then to be found guilty for electoral fraud?
Calling on ALL Labour MPs to please support the work of we anti-corruption ‘whistleblowers’ who have helped to get John Banks removed from Parliament and to NOT support any move by National to prevent the Epsom by-election!
PRESS RELEASE: Epsom Independent candidate ‘anti-corruption whistle-blower’ Grace Haden
“I have decided to stand as an ‘Independent’ candidate in my home electorate of Epsom. I am seeking accountability from government and to achieve this I will be campaigning for an Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Ratification of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)”), says ‘anti-Corruption whistle-blower’ Grace Haden. (
“I believe that a by-election in Epsom is essential to keep the public spotlight on the corrupt practices surrounding the resignation of ACT MP John Banks, but also shine it on the reality of the widespread corruption which is becoming more and more evident in New Zealand.
“The harsh reality is that New Zealand’s “least corrupt country in the world “tag line is not reality but a perception and as such ,the perception is a false illusion a façade . The perception index ( is frequently misquoted and does not correlate with the fact that we are one of a small handful of countries which have not ratified the United Nations convention against corruption.
“Despite New Zealand claiming to be “the least corrupt “ , I , a former long-serving Police officer, (and Police prosecutor), now a licensed Private Investigator, have found it impossible to get corruption investigated in New Zealand by any of the so called public watch dogs. I have discovered that we do not have corruption because we do not define it and turn a wilful blind eye to it, as occurred in the John Banks case. “
“8 years ago, I questioned serious public corruption, provided facts and evidence to support my allegations, but so far, to no avail. I have discovered that Corruption does ruin lives – It tore my family apart.”
“Enough is enough. No one else should have to go through what I have had to endure. Lessons need to be learned from the past and solutions found for the future. Cancer cannot be treated without a diagnosis and this is also true with corruption. Ignore corruption and like cancer it will consume us.
“New Zealand desperately needs an Independent Commission Against Corruption, and I am pleased to report that I now have an MP who will present a petition which I initiated, seeking
“That the House legislate to set up an independent Commission against Corruption, tasked with the prevention, education, detection and prosecution of corruption in New Zealand.”
I have a well-established background in fighting and exposing corruption in New Zealand, these are documented on the following web sites,,
Grace Haden
visit us at
8 years ago she began tearing her own world apart and didnt care which innocent people she took with her. One was my partner. If it was between grace hayden and unclecousins boy, i would vote for unclecousins boy, thats how strongly i feel about ms haden
hmmm not good!…why is Penny Bright advocating for her?
Voting Goldsmith in Epsom is the only real option if serious about destabilising National.
+100…great you are on the case Penny Bright and now Grace Haden, who is standing as an INdependent in Epsom:
….“Despite New Zealand claiming to be “the least corrupt “ , I , a former long-serving Police officer, (and Police prosecutor), now a licensed Private Investigator, have found it impossible to get corruption investigated in New Zealand by any of the so called public watch dogs. I have discovered that we do not have corruption because we do not define it and turn a wilfull blind eye to it, as occurred in the John Banks case. “
……“New Zealand desperately needs an Independent Commission Against Corruption, and I am pleased to report that I now have an MP who will present a petition which I initiated, seeking..“That the House legislate to set up an independent Commission against Corruption, tasked with the prevention, education, detection and prosecution of corruption in New Zealand.” ”
Question: Will this split the vote and help or hinder ACT?
Answer: she will get less than 100 votes imo
Actually Tracey – when Grace Haden stood in Eden-Albert during the 2013 Auckland Council elections, as an Independent, campaigning against corruption, with no billboards, leaflets or election ‘team’ she polled over 4021 votes:
Penny Bright
Actually Tracey – when Grace Haden stood in Eden-Albert during the 2013 Auckland Council elections, as an Independent, campaigning against corruption, with no billboards, leaflets or election ‘team’ she polled 4021 votes:
Penny Bright
No disrespect Chooky – but you’re missing the point.
The point being that National and John Key in particular are VERY vulnerable on corruption.
John Key is National’s main asset – so if the voting public are put off John Key when the TRUTH (at last) gets into the public domain, instead of being effectively censored, then National will plummet in the polls (in my considered opinion).
My personal goal in standing against John Key in Helensville is to help slice 20 points off his ‘preferred status’ as Prime Minister.
Imagine if National went down 10 points in the polls?
In my considered opinion, concentrating on corruption is the way to do this, because
a lot of New Zealanders know diddley squat about corruption, and believe the load of hogwash that New Zealand is ‘perceived’ to be ‘the least corrupt country in the world’.
For a corruption reality check – try this:
eg: A little test:
Who knows of these two forms of ‘grand’ corruption which are endemic in NZ?
Try looking these up for yourself on google if you don’t know – then it will sink in more ….
In my view, some folks are fixated on Epsom, and may be forgetting that indeed, EVERYTHING is connected, and the issue of corruption applies all over NZ.
ie: A real focus on corruption during an Epsom by-election, will create a large ripple all over NZ.
A tiny handful of us have been VERY focused on whistleblowing against corruption for the last six years – now it seems a lot more folk are ‘getting it’?
(I polled 4th in the recent Auckland Mayoralty with nearly 12,000 votes, campaigning against corrupt corporate control of the Auckland region, and ‘potting’ who really runs the show – the unelected, (invitation-only) highly powerful and secretive
Tracey, I take people as I find them, and primarily judge them on how they treat, and have treated me.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, good points and bad points.
In my view, the fair thing to do is to try and make a reasoned and balanced assessment, and try and have some understanding of the underlying circumstances that may contribute to behaviour or actions that you may find untoward or unacceptable.
(As you might want folks to do with you – given that nobody is perfect – and we all make mistakes?)
My experience of Grace Haden is that she is a very capable woman, has helped me when times were tough, and I regard her as a friend and fellow anti-corruption ‘Public Watchdog’.
Grace has been fighting corruption for the last 8 years, and it has had a devastating effect on her life and personal circumstances. It has been extremely stressful, but Grace has NOT ‘dropped the ball’, and at last – the tide seems to be turning …..
Your view and experience may be different Tracey – but that’s mine.
goddam chemtrail planes are now pulling barrel rolls
Pretty, but pity Saddle Hill missed out – still nice to see the hometown is still attracting weird stuff like those ‘clouds’.
I love space, sci fi and all that stuff but jeepers this is pollution in orbit.
Wow that is amazing on screen ..especially at night …but what pollution!
Wow, that’s a rather large gap in geostationary satellites over the Pacific. Not unexpected though I suppose – there’s no one there.
Do not despair Lefties.
You can all get jobs and a brighter future.
I just received this invite by email from Mr Cunliffe:
Inviting you to my Congress 2014 speech
I’d like to invite you to my speech at the Labour Party’s 2014 Congress. I’ll be speaking at 1.00pm at the Michael Fowler Centre on Sunday, July 6.
Congress is where our party comes together to plan our campaign to change the Government and deliver the positive change New Zealand deserves.
In my speech I’ll lay out a major policy announcement that will help make New Zealand the fairer, more decent society we know it can be.
If you’d like to join hundreds of other Labour members and supporters at my Congress speech please RSVP by clicking the button/link below and claiming your ticket.
I look forward to seeing you there.
David Cunliffe
Labour Leader
PS. We are saving special seats for Labour Party members. If you are a party member or a member of an affiliated union, just bring proof of membership along and we will make sure you get the best seats!
“We are saving special seats for Labour Party members. If you are a party member or a member of an affiliated union, just bring proof of membership along and we will make sure you get the best seats!’
Good to see Labour’s still in touch with its target group.
ABC News: Iraq on the Brink as Islamists Have Own Surge
A revealing quote from the article that speaks volumes about the writer’s sense of moral outrage….
“The U.S. spent upwards of $1 trillion in Iraq between 2003 and 2011, and 4,486 American men and women in uniform died there. All that blood and treasure: For what?”
Of course, the human and material cost to Iraq is completely discounted from consideration.
Mark Mitchell, the current butt of the political joke among the Thorndon Vagrants and Vagabonds is being quoted as saying ”No Way” in capitals over the game of Eeeny meany miney mo doing the rounds at the moment in the rarified air down there,
Discussions surrounding the possible ”gift” to Colon the Conservative have largely gone round and round ”Will Paula move aside”, ”Will Murray retire to the list”, and then there is that well known National MP, insert rap beat with elongated scratch, Mark something, Mark Who, now there’s a generous bloke full of kindness and light only to willing to ”take one” on the chin or any other part of the anatomy for the team,
Not according to Mitchell, He will be contesting His election and there will be no moving from that position, well not until Slippery the Prime Minister in the form of the Party henchmen tell Mark exactly how it is,
The blood on the National Party Caucus room floor is already spilling to such an extent that its leaking out under the door, i am starting to doubt that the PM can survive the fall out even in the unlikely event that he does lead National to victory in September…
Is New Zealand’s notorious IPCA the most embarrassing public body in the world?
Imagine if the punishment for Anders Breivik had been “extra rifle training”. If the wise men of New Zealand’s hilariously mis-titled Independent Police Conduct Authority had been involved in the sentencing, that might well have been the penalty handed out….
Another case for Graham McCready
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Back in 2011, a Whakatane police officer attempted to arrest a man who had fled from a traffic stop. When he resisted, he was pepper sprayed and beaten, after which the officer retrieved a taser from his vehicle and tasered him twice while he was lying on the ground.
Today, the Independent Police Conduct Authority released its report into the incident, finding that the police officer used excessive force by beating and tasering the man. Despite this, they recommend that merely that he face disciplinary proceedings. If you or I had done the same, we’d be looking at prosecution, and five years imprisonment for assault with a weapon.
But what really takes the cake is the police’s response to the report: basically a “fuck you”. They are “satisfied his actions were not the result of any ill will or malicious intent” and claim that they “initiated remedial action through the employment process some time ago” and as a result they can’t do anything more. That “remedial action”? Extra taser training. Break the law, bring the police into disrepute, and they protect you and teach you how to do it better.
Once again, its clear that the police cannot hold their own to account, and that the IPCA won’t do it either. Which means that if we want justice and equality under the law, we’re left with Graham McCready’s solution: private prosecution.
The Law surrounding the powers of the Independent Police Complaints Authority obviously need be changed to include prosecutors along with the investigators,
It would then become the role of the Authority to both investigate and prosecuted complaints against Police, and the role of all remedies surrounding the fate of police where a complaint has been upheld need be moved into the jurisdiction of the Authority across the whole spectrum from prosecution, to retraining, to the cessation of employment as remedy…
Well no, you don’t want the investigating body to be the same as the prosecuting body to be the same as the executing body. There’s good reasons why they are separate. Police management need to be doing much better than this.
Nice little business as usual solution CV, which will simply ensure that the song remains the same, and the power devolved down to Police Management in the provinces will trump whatever the Authority thinks should be the remedy every time they so wish…
Not quite sure why every second comment of yours seems to be advocating for fascism
Not really sure Populuxe why Every comment of yours seems to emanate from deep within your rectum, this particular one is simply a snivel of abuse with no contextual basis for anyone to ascertain why it is you seem to talk in a language best described as Wah Wah Wah,
Thus the comment far from being a point of debate is simply a snippet of the abuse that is the sum total of what i consider your mind, albeit genetically enfeebled,is capable of producing…
Graham Wheeler the esteemed Governor of the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance ‘Gypsy Bill English’,(now a confirmed member of the Thorndon Vagrants and Vagabonds) have now finished their mid term papers discussing exactly who is in ultimate control of the New Zealand economy,
Rumor has it that those allocating the marks for the dissertation on the subject submitted as a joint paper by Wheeler and English will mark the paper AAA+++,
Those who have been privy to what is being described as a stunningly insightful academic dissertation of such a clarity as to have caused more than one member of the marking panel to swoon, have also been heavily swayed by the brevity of both Wheeler and English’s conclusions which are said to simply say:
”Not us, the Banking Cartels run the show”…
the press went to john key for commentary on todays announcement. high interest rate and high dollar great news. move along please.
Said Slippery the Prime Minister the head New Zealand Rep representing the Banking Cartels…
The sole (unadmitted) purpose of the Reserve Bank Act 1989 is to hold down wages, conditions, and social spending.
Those people who live in that shithole caravan park in Ranui. They are the ones who have made the greatest sacrifice to ensure we dont have to pay an over exorbitant price for that flat screen TV.
Correct. Capitalism demands both its human sacrifices and its provincial sacrifice zones.
yeah baby. Cannibals all.
Yes @ the WC! Less than 24 hrs to go until kick off!
for those interested, my friend and my football WC blog will have new posts up at 7am tomorrow, a little earlier than usual so as to be ready to read pre-game.
My friend has touched on the other issues facing brazil around the WC, including the fact that the multinationals are basically using stereotypes to boost sales and not care about what Brazil is really like
From June 20, Labour’s caucus has a three-month window to change the leader without having to go through the party’s new primary-style process giving its membership a vote.
Roll up Roll up. Barbecues a burning.
You’re as transparent as you are delusional
Are you just an evil idiot or is it hereditary?
Are you disagreeing with my reading of the rules? The Cunliffe would lose a caucus vote but who would accept the hospital pass. The numbers are being counted.
Fuck off.
I’m questioning your motives, your knowledge of Labour caucus members, and your sanity. All questioned looooooong before I’d bother looking up the party rules.
A post we are unlikely to see in the feeds column of the Centre Left TS any time soon.
Actually looking at the feeds now, I couldn’t see even one link to openly Left website TDB
Is the TS becoming more partisan and sectarian closer to the election?
sigh. That is because you aren’t looking at the tabs. Have you just noticed this? I changed it at the start of the year.
It seems pretty clear to me that “Daily Blog” contains the feed from “The Daily Blog”, just as “Parties” contains the press releases from the left parties and “Scoop” contains the political feed from scoop. I didn’t put the “The” in because it causes problems with the available text space.
Like the other two tabs the reason why the Daily Blog contains its own tab is because of the number of items in its daily feed. Most of the volume are in fact reposts of some of the press statements from the parties. This overwhelmed the posts from the unions and other smaller blogs, especially in the morning dump that Bomber favours.
I’d happily have left TDB in the main feed for the much smaller volume of actual posts written by their authors. However there is nothing in the RSS feed that splits the press releases from everything else. Eventually I moved it into its own tab because the TDB feed was pushing all of the other sites off the limited list of feed posts (50?). The trade off was that TDB gets the full amount of past posts but in its own tab.
But the feed is there to provide a diversity of left opinion which it does by having 73 (and ever growing) feed sources that it picks up every 10? minutes at the file server.
Perhaps you should observe more clearly first rather than developing a instant conspiracy theory?
Thanks Lynn for this kind pointing out of the obvious, to a struggling hopeless techno luddite like myself. (born in the 50s, when the sliderule was the king of everyday computing).
Hey I was born in the 1950s as well. 1959