Open Mike 17/06/2018

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, June 17th, 2018 - 69 comments
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69 comments on “Open Mike 17/06/2018 ”

  1. AsleepWhileWalking 1

    Awapuni (racetrack, Palmerston North) yesterday jockey Aaron Kuru became a legend. He fell
    off the horse which had itself fallen with its belly on the ground, gets his leg back up and into the saddle to win the race.

    Best view of fall at the end of video 6:28 onwards

    • Graeme 1.1

      Don’t know if that was a good display of horsemanship on Aaron Kuru’s part or a good display of ridership on the horse’s part.

      I’m sure he’s thinking “Get back on here ya muppet, we’ve got a race to win…”

    • saveNZ 1.2

      Amazing jockey and incredible determination from the horse too, that horse wasn’t giving up that race!!!

    • Robert Guyton 1.3

      I musta been looking at a different race!

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 2

    More elder abuse, this time its a Four Corners investigation into Aveo retirement villages.

    Same issues we have here with exploitative service agreements, restriction of sale of property. Also includes deliberate manipulation by Aveo to portray a resident as having dementia, falsely accusing her of indecent exposure and urination in order to justify her eviction. (Churn of residents makes more money).

    • saveNZ 2.1

      Another great link AsleepWhileWalking, on a topical subject that in NZ we don’t seem to want to address, aka retirement village exploitation!

      • JanM 2.1.1

        We have a disgraceful society that freely allows the legitimisation of profitable gain from both early childhood care and education and aged care. We need to hang our heads in shame

        • Ed

          Yes, NZ since has been designed by its traitorous 5th column in politics, business and the media as a haven for global plutocracy and kleptocracy.

      • patricia bremner 2.1.2

        Some villages are OK. The Waihi retirement village has very reasonable fees.
        That was 10 years ago mind you.

      • starboard 2.1.3

        AsleepWhileWalking..sounds like Kelvin Davis, infact most of your front bench.

    • Venezia 2.2

      Don’t have time to watch this to end, but think it was made last year. I have seen it before. While there are some differences in Australian situation, there are also many similar problems for those elderly who buy into these exploitative contracts in NZ. Privatising most aged care was the worst policy decision ever for NZ.
      I have personal experience with my Mother, who signed up to a great Trust run village, until 2 years later, a predatory company bought out half, got rid of existing staff, raised fees by $ 16.5000 per year, imposed extra charges for everyday needs & it became a nightmare. Legally she had no rights whatsoever to challenge the new owners conditions. I’m afraid to say that lawyers are hand in glove with owners in this predatory industry. The contracts are very one-sided.

  3. Jenny 3

    Is climate change a component in Kauri Dieback disease?

    The increasing death of monumental long lived trees around the globe, some that have lived for hundreds of years, has been linked to the added stress that climate change imposes on very large trees.

    Trees That Have Lived for Millennia Are Suddenly Dying
    The oldest baobabs are collapsing, and there’s only one likely explanation.

    It’s not just the baobabs, either. Around the world, the creaking deaths of ancient trees are testifying to the period of extraordinary environmental change that we are living through. “In Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, I’ve come across whole forests of trees that have died since 2001,” says Wise. “While they are not as old as the baobabs, they are 400 to 500 years old. The die-off has other immediate causes, like insects, but a 500-year-old tree has experienced a lot of insect outbreaks and lived through them. Something is pushing them over the brink this time around.

    The Atlantic – June 11, 2018

    • Jenny 3.1

      Good bye Big Trees

      From Wikipedia:

      The microorganism seems to have existed in New Zealand for centuries, possibly predating human arrival, and has only recently become a danger to kauri……

      ……Phytophthora zoospores are motile and can migrate by themselves through waterlogged soil at speeds of up to 70 centimetres per hour.[8] Since wet soil is essential for Phytophthora to spread, periods of summer drought can delay spread of the disease, and even lead to some degree of recovery in infected trees. Conversely, a particularly wet summer can exacerbate the spread as there is no recovery period before the next winter…..

      ……While feral pigs have been blamed for the spread of Kauri dieback [9] due to their tendency to gnaw on the roots of Kauri trees, more recent research suggests pigs are only a minor vector for the spread of the disease.[10] Consensus among experts is that the predominant vector for spread of the disease is human activity, though this has not been definitively proven….

      …..there is as yet no established treatment for infected trees, with the large size of mature Kauri trees and the remote location of many infected areas making any treatment challenging.

      Kauri Dieback

      • Jenny 3.1.1

        One of the first great rules of terrestrial biology is that no species is forever. The Earth has gone through five major extinction events before—from the Ordovician-Silurian, about 350 million years ago, to the Cretaceous-Paleogene, 65 million years back. The likely causes included volcanism, gamma ray bursts, and, in the case of the Cretaceous-Paleogene wipeout, an asteroid strike—the one that killed the dinosaurs. But the result of all of the extinctions was the same: death, a lot of it, for 70% to 90% of all species, depending on the event.

        As increasingly accepted theories have argued—and as the Science papers show—we are now in the midst of the sixth great extinction, the unsettlingly-named Anthropocene, or the age of the humans.

        The numbers are sobering: Over all, there has been a human-driven decline in the populations of all species by 25% over the past 500 years, but not all groups have suffered equally. Up to a third of all species of vertebrates are now considered threatened, as are 45% of most species of invertebrates. Among the vertebrates, amphibians are getting clobbered, with 41% of species in trouble, compared to just 17% of birds—at least so far. The various orders of insects suffer differently too: 35% of Lepidopteran species are in decline (goodbye butterflies), which sounds bad enough, but it’s nothing compared to the similar struggles of nearly 100% of Orthoptera species (crickets, grasshoppers and katydids, look your last).

        The Sixth Great Extinction

        Time – April 24, 2017

        As a friend of mine likes to say, “And don’t think that humanity is not on this list as well.”

        To which I would add; The species you save could be your own.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 3.2

      Entire forests? It must be accelerating.

      I understood that one component of the tree issue was the loss of ozone causing foliage to shrivel and die. Can’t handle the added UV exposure.

      One of the channels I listen to on occasion predicted massive amounts of trees would fall over as the soil loses its nutrients and roots became too weak to support the tree. Hard to believe because even dead trees can stand, but at this point in our climate catastrophe anything is possible.

  4. worried for your (grand)kids? 4

    This might not get picked up by our media. New OECD report provides new evidence on social mobility in the context of increased inequalities of income and opportunities.
    Social mobility is so frozen that it would take four generations for a poorer family in NZ to reach the mean income.
    Is this proof that if we work hard enough we can still get ahead in NZ?

    • Interesting stuff, @ worried for your (grand)kids? ,…

      I notice that the least affected are Denmark , Finland , Norway and Sweden,…

      Of which the list reads:


      Denmark = 2 generations

      Finland = 3 generations

      Norway = 3 generations

      Sweden = 3 generations

      Whereas NZ , Australia, =4 generations

      And the UK , USA = 5 generations


      Now. The point of all this is to put paid to all the far right wingers who have for years tried to use Venezuela as the bogeyman on which to build their whole false premises surrounding their narrative about Socialism.

      And that includes the type of successful economic / political system we had prior to Roger Douglas and his treasonous neo liberalism . In fact – irrespective of the weak apologist neo liberals who try to say ‘the Scandinavians are no longer truly ‘Socialist’, – all this demonstrates is the complete failures of neo liberal ideology and those exponents of it in a very stark manner.

      Thank you for that interesting data , worried for your (grand)kids?.

    • Draco T Bastard 4.2

      Action needed to tackle stalled social mobility

      And the action needed is to drop the rich down into poverty.

  5. The Liberal Agenda – free Julian Assange – Tue 19 June, Wellington ……/the-liberal-agenda-free-julian-assange-tue-19-june-wellin…

  6. mary_a 6

    Does anyone know how Penny Bright is doing after her cancer diagnoses? Penny has always come across as a woman of strong principles, regardless of whether agreeing with her or not.

    Kia Kaha Penny.

  7. Fireblade 7

    Will there be a press statement when the PM goes into Labor or will it be announced after the babies born?

    It’s a bit hush hush at the moment, but I understand several events have been planned to celerbrate the birth.

    There will be a fireworks display at the Sky Tower which will be televised live, with quest presenter Helen Clark. The All Blacks are planning a special Haka for next weekend. Trevor has written a special prayer for Parliament next week. TVNZ are having a baby bootie knitting competition and the winner will get to present the booties to the PM and kiss the baby live on TV.

    During this time, National Party members and supports may enjoy staying at an exclusive underground bunker facility hosted by John Key. (Note: A minimal charge of $5000.00 per hour will apply)

    It’s so exciting!

    • Except for two National party MP’s who will be spending their time preparing for a day or two in court…. and their two other crony’s who they embedded in our govt depts.

      When the baby arrives the clock starts ticking for them.

      And that IS exciting!

    • alwyn 7.2

      Are they going to declare it as a National Holiday?
      After all, we have one on 25 December to celebrate the birthday of someone who is not nearly so important in the history of Mankind.

    • One Two 7.3

      Why is it ‘so exciting’?

      • Stuart Munro 7.3.1

        Apart from reptilians like Key, Gnat MPs tend to reproduce asexually by budding, or regrow from severed tentacles or pseudopods. This is a refreshing change, and hopefully indicates a move away from the ectotherms that dominated the previous administration.

        • Alan

          too many afternoon gins SM?

          • Stuart Munro

            Bit early for me mate.

            Behave in an inhuman fashion & folk are going to start checking your pulse.

            • Pataua4life

              Has someone checked yours lately?

              • Stuart Munro

                Recently enough.

                But then I haven’t looted public assets, conspired with foreign insurers to disadvantage NZ homeowners, brought in illegal migrant workers, lied about P contamination to improperly obtain housing corp houses and so forth.

                • You tell em Stuart !

                  Either that of furnish them with a first year biology paper for a Dip Sc.

                  … ” too many afternoon gins SM? ”…

                  Knuckle dragger’s…

    • patricia bremner 7.4

      Fireblade , LOL LOL HEhehehe!! How about Dane? for a name?

      • alwyn 7.4.1

        I’m sure they wouldn’t deign to use a name like that.
        My money is on Cinderella Rockefeller.

  8. AsleepWhileWalking 8

    For someone in denial of the housing crisis this guy is a cool dude. What he says about Labour+National+Housing is interesting.

    I want every New Zealander to have their own home, their own lawn to mow, roof to paint and driveway to sweep. With that ownership, goals and dreams, comes a lot of pride and self-respect, and I believe that a lot of our drug, alcohol and family violence problems would disappear overnight, if we can just empower the people to realise their dream to have and own their own home we’d grow a nation of proud people, not people looking to self-medicate because they are drowning in unrealised potential.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 8.1

      Best bit He’s willing to stake his reputation on solving the crisis – and will happily stake his own hard-earned reserves on it.

      “If the Government won’t help the community achieve this, then I’ll roll my sleeves up and pay for and do the job myself.”

      • WILD KATIPO 8.1.1

        The man has the right attitude.

        You get prosperity running in the community and you get an empowered community.

        But then,… those that for 3 decades have held onto power in NZ may just not want an empowered community… they might start asking some very pertinent questions as to where all the community wealth has gone…

        • babayaga

          An interesting remark, considering Garry has achieved what he has because of the opportunities available to him over that same 3 decades. Also interesting is his hat tip to one Mr Bob Jones. I bet that sticks in the craw of the odd leftie.

    • Draco T Bastard 8.2

      I want every New Zealander to have their own home, their own lawn to mow, roof to paint and driveway to sweep.

      But I don’t want a lawn to mow, a roof to paint or a driveway.

      not people looking to self-medicate because they are drowning in unrealised potential.

      And the reason why we have that is because millionaires create poverty and actively prevent people from reaching their full potential. They really couldn’t handle the competition.

  9. One Anonymous Bloke 9

    Police re-open Pike River investigation.

    What chance they’ll go after the deregulators?

    • By Joves, OAB,… this is magnificent,… inasmuch as it could possibly mean some closure from that horrific time regarding Police and their role – and that of those in charge of Pike River.

      It could mean those responsible are finally brought to answer , from the top to the bottom and just WHY Key and English were in such an obscene hurry to use Solid Energy as a tool to plug that shaft with meters of concrete to prevent any further forensic analysis from ever being carried out.

      It has been a gut wrenching for those family’s , being bullied by the govt , trespassed, threatened and warned off just days before the govt relented, and now we have this. However , it would also be a final disclosure of Pike Rivers former CEO , was also brought back to answer questions .

      And this time no amount of blood money payout agreements between his insurers and WORKSAFE NZ should be considered.

    • Ed 9.2

      Great news.
      Now for some charges to be made.
      And some extremely stiff sentences handed out.
      Sufficiently severe to act as a deterrent to future corporates and politicians to think twice.
      I expect to see Key in jail or in exile.

      • James 9.2.1

        “I expect to see Key in jail or in exile.”

        I expect as per normal you will be wrong.

  10. Tricledrown 10

    Remember buffhead Brownlee saying in the National govts first news conferences saying this companies management wouldn’t take short cuts with safety, because they had spent $335 million on this mine.
    Yet when you look at their sharemarket reports Pike River mining had a long history of not delivering and shortages of finances to make the mine pryofitable.

    • Yes,… much like the company that had interests in Pike River and ALSO had a mining disaster with 29 killed several months before the Pike River disaster in West Virginia ;

      Upper Big Branch Mine disaster – Wikipedia

      However , the way that disaster and the ensuing inquiry was handled was totally different to the way it was under John Key and Bill English ,… as you can see for yourselves right here :

      The Law Works Special – The Upper Big Branch Coal Mine … – YouTube
      Video for big branch mining disaster inquiry the law works special you tube▶ 55:48

  11. Naki man 11

    “I expect to see Key in jail or in exile.”

    Comedy gold

    reply to 9.2

    • Well ,… who knows?… we just might end up seeing him in court as well as the looming court case for two other National party MP’s in the near future…

      Never is wise to guffaw too loudly prematurely , esp when the Police are involved..

  12. Tricledrown 12

    dtb dropping the rich down into poverty they are already suffering from emotional and empathetic poverty .
    That’s communist totalitarianism your talking about DTB.
    Every revolution that has occured in the manner you described has meant more poverty for the poor as well.
    Besides no communist revolution has lasted longer than 60 years and has ended in a fuedal society the very thing you believe communism cures.

  13. eco maori 13

    The Am Show good morning Duncan you know that humans are the guardians of Papatuanuku So I say any human activity that causes the demise /extinction of a species is unacceptable your reason for the West Coast coalmine to go ahead is so we can create a few jobs most likely to go to foreign people as our kiwi workers that are qualified are working in Australia and its not likely that they are going to hire the common person with no qualification. Ka pai to the Coalition Government for not granting a license to mine .
    Thats it the Pike river executive put profits over the safety of there workers lives .
    What other reason is there for them getting the mine blocked off with concrete to hide the bad evidence national covering there ass.
    Tauranga is a city flush with money and yet there way to solve the home less is to ban the home less people from being 5 mtr from a retail store why don’t they build home less shelters you know what happens when you hide a problem it festers and becomes a bigger problem.
    Duncan why don’t you show this positive story that the Papatuanuku business conferdince in Aotearoas is high the NZ Stock Market is performing well nice positive story Know link below.

    I say this once again Nurses and Teachers who are predominantly ladys deserve a good pay rise the reason they did not try and get a pay rise from national is they new they would be wasting there time on the blue collar crowd. Ka kite ano

    • eco maori 13.1

      The Am show Azzes there you go the national trolls are out and about I see them in your polls the comments on storys on Stuff website on The Herald you know that natianol got 2x the donations of labour and the young national party role is in sharp decline they stacked seenothing danceing with the stars rating for him with these full time payed trolls.
      With babys I have 13 mokopunas they are all well cared for .The mother in most situations go to there mothers side of the whano to learn how to care for the mokopunas its a big learning curve so when our daughters are in need of help we are there for them and our mokopunas. ka kite ano P.S artificial intelligence is something we don’t want the war mongers to get the dumb ass hands on fullstop

  14. eco maori 14

    Here we go Nick Hager has made the sandflys accountable for there unjustified actions against him and they are going to have to pay him compansation for there breach to his human rights ECT.
    The judge excuse for signing the stupid warrants was that know one told him guessing the judge was a man that Nick Hager was a journalist YEAR RIGHT or that the sandflys were trying to find Nicks confidential information source well the last statement is believable.
    You see they break all the rules and lie there ass off or any other way they can get out of the shit so they don’t get burned the link is Below. Ka kite ano

    Hager triumphs as police capitulate
    Jun 12 2018

  15. eco maori 15

    Good evening NewsHub Ruamoko has been going hard in Japan Eco Maori sends his condolences to te tangata of Japan .
    You see I said that Winston will have a safe pair of hands when Jacinda has her maternity leave of six weeks he is well educated in the running of Government.
    That was cooling towers for coal power electricity in California been demolished many thanks to them they also have laws than any new building or housing has to have solar power ka pai .
    That was the correct move by Rugby bosses to cancel the red card dished out to the French player Benjamin. There was no mention of the All-blacks French test on The Guardian web site ???????????
    To Eco Maori it looks like the Papatuanuku MSM are Trolling Elon Mus with as much negative storys they can dredge/ dream up muppets.
    Ka kite ano