Open mike 17/09/2022

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 17th, 2022 - 25 comments
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25 comments on “Open mike 17/09/2022 ”

  1. PsyclingLeft.Always 1

    Lee Vandervis

    He applied to the Supreme Court for leave to appeal over the finding he attempted to influence a council employee for personal interest.

    What. A. Guy. ! …or something.
    Aaron Hawkins, Dunedin Mayor. you have my utmost respect having to deal with this, near daily !

    • Robert Guyton 1.1

      At least Aaron doesn't have Michael Laws on his council (looking for the positives here 🙂

      • PsyclingLeft.Always 1.1.1

        Fark…it would be like some kinda fwit tag team . Aaron seems pretty chill..but that might well have released a rrraargh : )

      • PsyclingLeft.Always 1.1.2

        City council candidate Steve Walker was scathing.

        "Without even factoring in the impracticality, inconvenience and stupidity of the suggestion, it's quite clearly a Trump-esque attempt to tap into the disgruntled minority who believe that Dunedin should remain a 1970s backwater, giving no regard to safety, our zero-carbon ambitions and the fact that people are the economic powerhouses of the city and not cars."

        Have you any knowledge of Steve Walker ? Cause he's talkin' SENSE : )…

        • heather grimwood

          To PLA : at 1.1.2

          Steve Walker a most commendable guy!…..proven hard worker, caring and doesn't blow his own trumpet.

          • PsyclingLeft.Always

            doesn't blow his own trumpet.

            Oh thanks for that. Always good to hear someones local knowledge ! And as I first linked there is "Vandervis Guy" who blows..

            a Trump-et : )

    • Bearded Git 1.2

      Vandervis refused to get vaccinated.

    • Peter 2.1

      Great election advertising for Gilmore.

      He sounds like a famous American businessmen/politician, operating the same way and having similar personal qualities.

      He deserves prominent massive hoardings all around Wellington after the election. They could carry simply his photo ( he'd love that) and one word: 'BEWARE.'

    • Jester 2.2

      John Key was wise to jettison this guy immediately from National.

  2. Ad 3

    Rip those envelopes open people and get voting.

  3. kejo 4

    "I only make the rules.I couldn,t possibly abide by them"

  4. Bill Drees 5

    Suspension of Sanity over yet?
    When are we allowed to discuss Aotearoa having a new Head of State that does not live here, takes millions in cash as backhanders from despots, has appointed an even more corrupt brother his deputy, married a 19yr old for breeding purposes only, a Head of State that no one here elected?

    How did we end up with not just a foreign king as HoS and a crock of a human being?

    This adds insult on top of insult.

    Is there any platform in Aotearoa up to having this debate?

  5. joe90 6

    But no sex with locals or livestock, m'kay…

    One foreign volunteer fighting for Ukraine, speaking anonymously, told MEE that many Wagner mercenaries have been taken prisoner recently, and about 30 of them were Russians who used to be inmates.

    The source said in total around 400 Russians have been captured in recent weeks, and as their interrogations were conducted by Ukrainian officials, available information on the captives was limited.

    “The majority of the former Russian prisoners fighting in Ukraine have been convicted of military crimes, or [were] involved in military crimes, or [are] those who did not obey orders,” the source added.

    The source also said his unit, which is participating in the steamrolling Ukrainian counteroffensive around Kherson and Kharkiv, has in recent days come across Russian troops with no military experience.

    A second source familiar with the issue told MEE that Wagner has given its worst equipment to the prisoners it brought to fight in Ukraine.

    "They usually drive these people to the front as bait,” the second source said. “We know that 500 to 600 prisoners were collected and brought from Russia in this way in the last months."

    The source added that the Russian prisoners claiming to be freed inmates are mostly troops seized after being left behind by their forces, and appear to have no combat experience.

    • Gabby 6.1

      Doesn't seem like a super promising recruiting method. Corral a bunch of guys who don't like being told what to do and throw them into a war they don't want to fight, for a regime that threw them in prison.

      • Robert Guyton 6.1.1

        The strategy is to cause the Ukranians to capture, then be obliged to contain, Russian prisoners, thus soaking up resources and keeping a dangerous brood of thugs on their soil.