As an automation engineer I’m totally pissed to see workers STILL being killed and maimed by machines lacking essential safety technology features.
In the past 5- 10 years the tech needed to virtually eliminate these kinds of accidents has become far cheaper, accessible and easier to integrate into virtually any machine. Yet I’m still seeing employers reluctant to upgrade or retrofit older equipment to the current standards.
It’s just damn not good enough and they need some legislative teeth to compel them into it.
PS: I agree that ANZCO are indeed one of the better operators; which makes this story even more annoying. If these guys are good – then WTF are the rest like?
It’s just damn not good enough and they need some legislative teeth to compel them into it.
What sort of legislation would you suggest?
I can see two points here:
1. The guy was wearing a headset when he probably shouldn’t have been
2. The door didn’t detect an object it its way and so still came down with full force
Legislation for this is pretty easy. Require all commercially operated manufacturing plant and equipment to have a current certificate of safety (or whatever proof of safety you like).
Any plant/equipment found not to hold certificates during routine/random inspections will result in very large penalties to the owners, regardless of whether the machine is actually safe or not. The fine is then doubled if the machine is found to be unsafe.
200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo, when the Iron Duke dealt old Boney the one-two. In fine old European fashion the French are huffily pretending it never happened, the Belgians are celebrating it, the British are divided about how to celebrate it but secretly still hate the French, and the Germans are pretending Prussia never existed.
“Napoleon’s dream died at Waterloo – and so did that of British democrats”
From Martin Kettle:
The second thing that Waterloo means is the victory of the feudal crowned heads of Europe over the forces of the French revolution. This Waterloo ushered in the repressive united Europe of the Vienna settlement: … [the] … anti-liberal anti-democratic reactionaries set on consigning the Europe of republics and peoples to the history books.
In one conversation on St Helena, Napoleon was asked by his doctor what he would have done if he had managed to invade southern England in 1805. Napoleon’s reply was an absolute cracker:
“I would have hastened over my flotilla with two hundred thousand men, landed as near Chatham as possible and proceeded direct to London, where I calculated to arrive in four days from the time of my landing. I would have proclaimed a republic and the abolition of the nobility and the House of Peers, the distribution of the property of such of the latter as opposed me amongst my partisans, liberty, equality and the sovereignty of the people.”
Nope, not surprised. This government obviously believes that ministers need to have the latest, greatest and most expensive cars to be driven around in. If they didn’t then they’d still have the original BMWs and be looking at replacing them now rather than ones just 3 years old.
No, it wasn’t. Sure, the first purchase of cars was by the labour government but it had a couple of options available to it one of which did not require the replacement of the cars three years ago. The decision to replace the cars three years ago was entirely the decision of this government. If they hadn’t have done that then I wouldn’t bat an eyelid about replacing them now as at 5+ years old the cars really should be replaced and recycled.
Your car has probably been used as per the normal usage rates for personal cars – 96% of the time it’s just been sitting there doing nothing. The government cars, just like taxies, get used a hell of a lot more and thus have a hell of a lot more wear and tear on them. That extra wear and tear is going to result in higher running costs and maintenance bills. This would not have been such a concern when they were 3 years old.
I’m not sure the wear and tear on 5 year old BMW that is used to get around the city is going to be much more than that of a 3 year old BMW. Keeping them running is a hell of a lot cheaper than changing them every 5 years.
Shit you could have them for 10 years before having to do much to them in the way of maintenance.
My car is a 1997 toyota with just under 250k on it. Looks like crap. Drives like a dream.
Had to replace the leads a few years ago. And some previous owner pulled the heater out (apparently they leak). Aircond works well in summer. In winter I wear more clothes. But I do live in Auckland.
Don’t know why I’d buy a new car. I’ve had two. They really aren’t worth the effort for the amount I drive and when they go into the shop, they tend to be charged like they were made out of gold.
Shit my dad has a Nissian Cefiro that has done something along the lines of 330K up and down Central Otago (we are talking metal roads etc) and it runs perfectly.
But Im proud of my recycled 60+ years old Chevy Pickup daily driver.
It may not be as economical as a Prius, and not as flash as a BMW, and tho it has no airbags, we have fitted seat belts for driver and passenger safety. And got some brakes, suspension and steering recycled from an old XJ6 Jag, and an overdrive autmatic to improve fuel economy.
And with some much recycled stuff on the truck, I can buy parts to fix it from SuperCheap.
This “new car thing” is just consumerism gone bad. Next thing you know, some poxy muppets in the homeowners assn will want “age of car” covenants in the subdivisions around here.
I discussed cars with Harry Duynhoven (Minister of Transport safety at the time) one evening. Hes a VW/Porsche fanatic and it was shortly after the first batch of BMWs were bought.
Being a VW fan as he is, he was keen on the Government buying the VW Phaeton diesel limos. Way cheaper than the BMWs and he reckoned they would be good for at least around 500,000kms of solid service – For some in the fleet that would have been about ten years use.
Given his Government mates rejected his call for the upmarket “Peoples Car” and bought the even more upmarket BMW diesel, I can think of no good reason for the Crown not to hand onto them for ten year type timeframes.
I dont think the average punter who may (our increasingly may not) watch the 6pm news would know the difference in shape from the 2006 BMW 730D to the current model equivalent.
New limos in this situation is simply a vanity project for the incumbent government.
Hell even Prince Chuck who would be King still keeps a 50 year old Aston in his garage. Old cars do not necessarily need to be scrapped.
“I dont think the average punter who may (our increasingly may not) watch the 6pm news would know the difference in shape from the 2006 BMW 730D to the current model equivalent.”
Hehe. Ministerial limos aren’t for the average punter to look at, or use. You want to impress foreign dignitaries and visitors – some of whom *would* notice the old body shape, which would (at least) subconsciously shape their impression of NZ and it’s government.
Has anyone seen comment from Dame Tariana Turia or/and Sir Pita Sharples re the Iwi dispute over RFR to Crown land in Auckland?
Both were incredibly vocal over the Labour Party problems with the seabed and foreshore legislation.
Irony anyone ?
Not that I’d want to make apologies for people quite capable in themselves, but I imagine if you’d just been integrated into the pakeha system (via honors) you wouldn’t have to speak so loudly (that others would hear your conversations) to the people who were now, metaphorically, standing right next to you.
Yep, though the statement is “old” by current media standards, the classic stern understatement is/was there. The conflict isn’t going to go away by itself anytime soon – a “Check” situation, if it were chess.
John Key has on several occasions said that he thought the collapse of the Derivatives trade was entirely predictable. In fact he confesses to his part in the fraud on NZ breakfast TV. Yet he burdened this country with more than $90 Billion in debt and more than $112 Billion of Derivatives off the books. If this does not make our debt an odious one I don’t know what will.
Greece just declared their debt an odious one and well they should! Their demise was entirely planned and executed by the Bankers from Goldman Sachs.
And just in case you want to see John Key talk about the crimes he and his bankster mates perpetrated here is a link to that post
Yeah infusd, nothing to do with a economic theory that does not work, or the criminals who keep it in place for their own personal gain. Greece is isolated from global ideology trends, markets, and the interests of the criminal rich. Thanks for the clarification, here me thinking they were part of the global village – what a silly idea.
How so? Yanis Varoufakis, the Syriza Finance Minister, has been saying for months now that Greece is essentially bankrupt and cannot repay its loans under current conditions.
Yet despite this the IMF, Eurozone and ECB want to for Greece to take even more money, and to put Greece in even deeper debt. But Greece is already verging on insolvency!
So surely irresponsible lending (to a borrower – Greece – who has already admitted in plain language that they cannot make the required repayments) plays a big role, infused?
Greece needs to take a leaf from top US lawyer on Chapter 11’s book
““To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management…Atlantic City lawyer Viscount doesn’t believe Donald Trump himself should be held accountable for any of his company’s bankruptcies — his creditors, he said, knew what they were getting themselves into when they lent Trump money over and over again. “They’re all big boys and girls,” he said. “They’ve all played this game before, in the insolvency space. The company that possessed his name filed bankruptcy because it was overleveraged. What does that tell you? People want to lend him money. He does grandiose things with it.”
Oh boy, having told myself I wouldn’t even glance at the Herald today, to preserve a sensible blood pressure, I instead made the error of reading Chris Trotter’s newest opinion on The Daily Blog. Someone take that man’s spade away. Please.
So I take too dim a view of things… must be my habit of wearing dark glasses, “the future’s so bright”…
Neil Young’s response to Donald Trump’s use of his music to announce his candidacy:
Yesterday my song “Rockin in the Free World” was used in a announcement for a U.S. presidential candidate without my permission.
A picture of me with this candidate was also circulated in conjunction with this announcement but It was a photograph taken during a meeting when I was trying to raise funds for Pono, my online high resolution music service.
Music is a universal language. so I am glad that so many people with varying beliefs get enjoyment from my music, even if they don’t share my beliefs.
But had I been asked to allow my music to be used for a candidate – I would have said no.
I am Canadian and I don’t vote in the United States, but more importantly I don’t like the current political system in the USA and some other countries. Increasingly Democracy has been hijacked by corporate interests. The money needed to run for office, the money spent on lobbying by special interests, the ever increasing economic disparity and the well funded legislative decisions all favor corporate interests over the people’s.
The Citizens United Supreme Court ruling is proof of this corruption as well as are the proposed trade deals which would further compromise our rights.
These Corporations were originally created to serve us but if we don’t appropriately prioritize they will destroy us. Corporations don’t have children. They don’t have feelings or soul. They don’t depend on uncontaminated water, clean air or healthy food to survive. They are beholden to one thing – the bottom line.
I choose to speak Truth to this Economic Power. When I speak out on corporations hurting the common man or the environment or other species, I expect a well financed disinformation campaign to be aimed my way.
Such is the case with the reaction to my new album The Monsanto Years, which covers many of these issues. I support those bringing these issues to light and those who fight for their rights like Freedom of Choice.
But Freedom of Choice is meaningless without knowledge.
Thats why its crucial we all get engaged and get informed.
That’s why GMO labeling matters. Mothers need to know what they are feeding their children. They need freedom to make educated choices at the market. When the people have voted for labeling, as they have in Vermont, they need our support when they are fighting these corporate interests trying to reverse the laws they have voted for and passed in the democratic process.
I do not trust self serving misinformation coming from corporations and their media trolls. I do not trust politicians who are taking millions from those corporations either. I trust people. So I make my music for people not for candidates.
gee what a surprise a promoter of the american dream and recompense for one’s own effort, stole something someone else created to promote himself…
“First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially…
…He did take a personal hit the first time around: he’d financed the construction of the Trump Taj Mahal with junk bonds and was unable to pay the high interest. His business was in the red, and so was he, to the tune of about $900 million in personal debt. By the mid-90s, he’d reduced most of that debt, selling his Trump Princess yacht, his Trump Shuttle airline, and his stake in a handful of other businesses. More importantly, he stopped guaranteeing debt with his own wealth. “The first bankruptcy was the only time his personal fortune was at stake,” said Ted Connolly, a Boston bankruptcy lawyer who used Trump as model for getting out of debt in his book The Road Out Of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solutions to Your Financial Problems. “He learned from it. He’s insulated.”
“The first bankruptcy was the only time his personal fortune was at stake,” said Ted Connolly, a Boston bankruptcy lawyer who used Trump as model for getting out of debt in his book The Road Out Of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solutions to Your Financial Problems. “He learned from it. He’s insulated.”
Typical RWNJ, claim all the rewards of risk taking while taking none. All personal responsibility removed.
In his disdain of big government, however, Trump glances over an expensive irony: He built his empire in part through government largesse and connections.
From his first high-profile project in New York City in the 1970s to his recent campaigns to reduce taxes on property he owns around the country, Trump has displayed a consistent pattern. He courted public officials, sought their backing for government tax breaks under extraordinarily beneficial terms and fought any resistance to deals he negotiated.
He has boasted of manipulating government agencies, misleading officials in one case into believing he had an exclusive agreement to develop a property and then retroactively changing the development’s accounting practices to shrink his tax bill. In New York, Trump was the first developer to receive a public subsidy for commercial projects under programs initially reserved for improving slum neighborhoods. Such incentives have now become the norm in the powerful New York real estate community.
Interesting. I did not even realise that!
The amazing thing is that the Back Caps did put on a great perfomance! Must have been a very exciting match all round!
crazy series so far… we do something and win, then they do that to us in next game… has happened twice now… all on for the decider Clem. I don’t like the english chances against Starc though Clem..
Personally, I enjoy well played games, irrespective of which team wins!
And I like good players irrespective of which country they are from.
But my interest in sport for the last few years has been just fleeting and cursory because of the HUGE amounts of big cash business involved, millions of dollars paid to the players, world wide curse of gambling, corrosive corruption and dirty match fixing that is happening rampantly everywhere, seen and unseen. One never knows if a game has actually been played honestly or not anymore.
So, I have lost faith in the integrity of sports, sport officials and players and now I don’t care too much as to who wins, who loses….not a big deal for me anymore for any of the sports.
A number of years ago I read Lords of the Rings by Andrew Jennings, it changed forever how I viewed sport. Blatter learned his corruption from the Master, Juan Antonion Samaranch. It was only a matter of time before it was exposed.
Sadly I think the six month delay until the new President of FIFA is appointed is only so Blatter can line up a stooge. He won’t stop until he is dead… that’s what stopped Samaranch (He quickly returned to Nationalist Spain under Francisco Franco and enrolled in the Spanish fascist movement Falange.),
Ok everyone, there is a way to stop me from trolling here at The Standard.
For my sins, I’m running next year’s London Marathon for the NZ Cancer Society in exchange for doing fundraising for them.
The NBR and some friends and family have kicked off the fundraising with very generous $1000 donations, for which I am very grateful.
Please follow suit. Amounts other than $1000 are welcome. The money goes straight to the Cancer Society not to me and I pay all costs associated with getting to and running the marathon.
It’s a good cause and a good deal for you. There’s a good chance I’ll drop dead outside the Tower of London and you can have The Standard comments section all to your own again.
Best of luck training Matthew. I have a friend who ran it a few years ago and won a spot prize to run the New York Marathon. It’s pretty hard to get an entry, did you manage it cos you are running for a charity?
I won’t be donating but not because it is you but cos the cancer society is not one of the household’s selected charities. Best of luck though.
Yep, got guaranteed entry from NZCS in exchange for raising $15k for them. They get the cash and I have an incentive to get up at 4.30am on a rainy morning and run 15kms!
Best of luck raising the $15k. I’m with Tracey, not on my list of things I help with. Otherwise I’d happily give you money to see you out of the country. 😉
I hope you have brought some decent running shoes, and do your warm up stretches, especially in this cold weather.
NZ$ today at US$69c and 44 pence. Hope you have already bought your flatscreens.
This does have serious implications for the “rockstar” economy in terms of expensive travel overseas, expensive consumer and manufactured goods, increased debt levels denominated in $US, inflation etc etc etc.
One of the main reasons the election went to the Nats last year was the “feel good” factor because the economy seemed to be doing well. Lets see the government explain this away now. To date it has been head in the sand stuff from Blinglish.
A good article which shows what awful arse holes and dirty crooks are our so called journalists, political media commentators and the MSM have really become in our country.
More on the Travis County relocated home issue, where residents are blocking the arrival of a second house with their cars. The relocating firm is bringing the police when it does the shift.
I’m glad to see that councils aren’t responsible for ensuring compliance with convenants on private subdivisions. Also glad to catch a bit on The Panel yesterday that implied that most breaches of such covenants don’t get dealt with legally. Having said that, I wonder if that applies to things like QE2 covenants.
It would be better if convenants were either regulated via council and/or went through a public consent process. Some make sense (no tall trees on boundaries), but others are daft, like the relocated home one, esp in a place like Chch.
“It would be better if convenants were either regulated via council and/or went through a public consent process.”
Nah these fools can have whatever covenants they like and then they can pay their own legal costs to enforce them. Don’t see any reason why a bunch of nongy people who want to live in a place where much of your environment has to be determined by some arbitrary developer/resident nongy set of rules should have to be considered at all by any council or the police for any sort of enforcement.
Ahh the right – making their own rules and wanting the coercive power of the state to enforce them since forever.
Is it Travis County or Travis Country? Either way it’s a lame name.
What is wrong with these people? Why are they so down right vicious and territorial, like rabid rotweilers? Aren’t they embarrassed by their behaviour? When did we get to be such elitist arseholes in NZ? I know, I know, I know the short answer to that, but this is extreme behaviour, and nothing excuses it
They will get high blood pressure getting so shrill and worked up on their hatred and their screeching about their precious covenants.
Imagine being the poor people moving the house on to the site, having curtain twitching haters for neighbours.
Most days I struggle with the direction our society has gone in. Unpleasant personality traits are nothing new, but this has been a very ugly demonstration of some of the worst aspects of personality; vanity, selfishness and hatred, magnified by its collective nature.
This is one of those examples of how divided our society has become. These residents make the jerks on The Development where I live look like charity volunteers.
I had a look on google maps too. Apparently there is a Travis Rd, and a Travis Country Rd that is a loop off that. But yeah, not a lot of thought in that one.
Some of the comments after the article are amusing, varying from “It’s an expensive swamp!” to “oh but we worked hard to be superior and if we can’t be better than you scum what will we ever doo?”. It might be a bit of like-attracts-like: I don’t remember reading anything that suggested the owners of the relocated house were hard-up kiwi battlers just tryin to make it in the cheapest way possible, with a smile and plate of gingernuts. Could be some absent landlord, trying for a bob-each-way inflated dollar, renting in the flash swampy part of town.
The property the houses are on is understood to be owned by Anne Mackenzie, director of engineering consulting firm Build Green Ltd, which specialises in environmentally-sustainable buildings. She did not respond to requests for comment.
Was curious about the covenants. I’ve seen some quite silly ones over the years.
Some of the covenants there apparently caused problems with rebuilding after the earthquake eg no wooden floors which given the risk of liquefaction in the future seems to make wooden floors as the most sensible solution to raising the house above the ground.
There might have been a 10 year sunset clause on them as well which may be up.
Doesn’t sound like there’s a group to enforce and maintain them now either.
The whole concept of unnecessary covenants in new housing areas seem to me to be a bit of a developer scam to try and get better prices – buy here cause no-one will be allowed to mow their lawn before 10 o’clock on Sunday, no-one is allowed a broken down car on their front lawn, all the fences must be made of x material type nonsense.
So many of the people I know who live in these areas moan about government rules and freedom of choice but then willingly welcome the imposition of such nonsense.
thanks for the link, interesting. We should be encouraging people to rennovate and move houses. Am thinking of what’s going to happen in South Dunedin too, where they will need to eventually relocate 10,000 people.
State Department visa system down due to hardware fault – leading to US growers hurt by lack of Mexican crop pickers. I guess employing American workers would be too far a leap.
post of the day by Stuart Munro-NZ Herald..response to Hoskings TPP article….’The TPP has more to do with foreign control than trade. We are better off out of it – the US agricultural lobby will keep NZ products out for decades anyway. Best trick’d be to export to Mexico & slip stuff in under NAFTA.
Your worship of the economic traitor Roger Douglas does you no credit. New Zealand would be immeasurably better off if both of you had been drowned at birth..’
Cellphone being developed in the UK, designed around fair trade, workers’ rights, resiliency, ability to be repaired (including home repairs), longevity etc
Bring back alpha-numeric pagers… and red phone boxes on every corner, that run on five cent pieces!
I don’t think those pagers ever made it here did they? It was message service pagers, then cellphones (like phillips isis), then much later, text capable phones. YAY Phillips Isis (P.o.S ahaha)
Aside from the fact that its unwise to use terms like “lefties” to describe large amounts of people (implicitly assuming that they all have the same views), I feel like there is some sorta “gotcha” hidden in that question, can you elaborate please?
Your instincts serve you well! I’m just having a wee dig at the peeps who think the only valid religion is scientism, while all other religions are obsolescent oddities good for a bit of cultural diversity but nothing more.
to clarify i dont see science as a religion at all but there are those wanting to teach the idea of a superior unknown being creating the earth in 6 days as science to children.
I loved Sunday School. They were such exciting stories and kept my imagination working overtime. Moses in the bulrushes and God appearing on the Mount with the tablets were my favourites. They were up there with Enid Blyton’s Famous Five and The Enchanted Tree. Have to admit wasn’t too keen on God. A scary bugger. 🙂
Readers may find the book “Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans” by John Gray interesting. He advances a very similar argument to “Colonial Rawshark” on this issue.
Given that “faith in science” means “‘faith’ in something that requires dropping all obsolete claims and methodologies if something demonstrably better comes along”, your comment is meaningless.
I’d hope so Colonial Rawshark. I see nothing apart from predicious, that religion, or science, nor socialism are incompatible. Indeed I argue that to truly feel as a whole human being – then we must embrace socialism, science and religion.
Spirituality can be quite separate from organised religion – I like to imagine things too but once you start trying to force those views on other people in the public domain or teaching it to kids it ticks me off a bit
Sorry you were offended by what I said Tracey. That was not what I meant by what I wrote. My belief is that many people are quick to decide that religion is anti science, or is inherently conservative. My argument, poorly worded was meant to say Religion, Science and Socialism are better together as a set of ideas – rather than Religion, Science (more often, anti-science) and Capitalism.
Many christians I argue with seem to think socialism and science are the enemy of religion. Mind you, they generally are the same christians who get their nose put out of joint – when I pull them up for not protecting the poor. Or a similar group who waste time and energy to defended their own homophobia – via the bible. Then refuse to acknowledge the liberating mission Jesus lays out, makes their homophobic arguments look at best weak, at worst – very far from what it means to be a christian.
For me, as a personal opinion, religion is a key component to change society. Atheism just can’t pull people together like religion. Please before atheists go off ranting in a huff – I’m talking about making people feel they belong to something larger – by your own definition you deny that. That’s fine too, I think Atheists offer something valuable. But togetherness – mmmm I’m not convinced you can cover that one.
Some of the most caring, community minded, giving of their time to others, people I know have no affiliation or sense of belonging to an organised religion.
Thanks for taking the time to clarify your position. I don’t mind people having their religious beliefs until they want to impose them on others, such as through schooling or war or legislation.
The Board of Management have classified the Dress Rules by defining those items that are NOT acceptable within this Club.
A reasonable standard of dress is required at all times.
The following are not acceptable at any time:Dirty, torn or offensive
Gumboots or work boots
Dirty footwear
Singlets, tank tops or sportswear with numbers
Overalls or dustcoats
Shirts with offensive printing or logos
Brief running, football or beach wear
Subject to Management approval only, the following items of headwear may be worn within the Club:-
(a) Headwear required for medical reasons
(b) Headwear for special Club events
The following are not acceptable after 7:00pm on Entertainment Nights or in the Restaurant on any day: Thongs, socks without footwear and tracksuits
Your co-operation would be appreciated to ensure a standard of dress in keeping with the high standard of facilities available.
I’m curious now what they were trying to discourage when they wrote those rules about headwear. The club was established in 1964, but no idea when the dress code was written.
Farmers’ leader warns dairying’s in dire straits
Farmers also wanting to send the government a message.
Theo Spierings expertise is in mergers, and by wrecking the co operative model he is opening up Fonterra to be destroyed and the NZ farmer along with it. Look at the food scandals and job losses that have come with his reign. Worse things still to come, part of the asset sale agenda.
i got the joke at!
i chuckled.
countries that have taken on worshipping the financial market god have vast numbers of their people suffering the consequences accordingly.
I got it too but but teaching maths and biology isn’t the same as teaching creationism or thanking god before each day starts by way of organised prayer at school.
On Monday (June 15) the NZ Herald published the latest figures on CEO salaries. The paper noted, “The bosses of New Zealand’s biggest companies enjoyed an average pay rise of 10 per cent last year, their biggest bump since 2010.” By contrast, the average wage and salary earner gained an average increase of only 3 percent and many workers have not had a pay rise at all. Moreover, as Council of Trade Unions secretary Sam Huggard noted the same day, “Half of New Zealand’s households receive no more income, in real terms, than a generation ago” . . .
Btw, one of the interesting things is the graph on the growth of the wealth of super-rich NZers. Fairly flat under National in the 1990s and then zooms up under Labour.
and in the last 10 years many have gone up by over 300%… that suggests their companies have performed well. So, what were the workers wage increases over the same time given we are told when companies do well wages will go up?
the average wage and salary earner gained an average increase of only 3 percent
hah. and how much the increase would really be for the many (excluding the CEOs), if the CEOs’ significant increase did not pull up that “average” wage/salary earner’s increase to “only 3 percent”?
The comments section is interesting. It seems that people overwhelmingly agree. Negative comments massively voted down. They get that prohibition of something that is safe, and that people want, creates worse problems than those it doesn’t solve.
Comment ftw: “Whaaaaaat? Is he seriously suggesting classifying drugs based on their relative harm/safety to create a legal framework whereby safer drugs are legal and less safe drugs are less so? That’s crazy talk. Lets keep the status quo where morals and misinformation are used to classify them into a framework where some safer drugs are illegal and some relatively less safe drugs are legal. That makes far more sense.”
Safer doesn’t mean safe. Decriminalising is probably a good idea, but as a culture we’re a long way from being good at managing recreational drugs, so I think it’s better to be honest about the risks rather than pretend they don’t exist. There’s been some interesting hazards from the legalising of cannabis in the US eg kids eating cannabis sold in candy bars, people having serious adverse reactions etc.
Safer means safer. Safer is good no? I should have said ‘relatively safe’. Of course all drugs have risks of some kind, but gosh it would be nice to have the chance to making up my own mind, like a grown up, and being able to chose to enjoy a safer, (much safer), better, positive consciousness altering experience than stupid old wife-beater alcohol. It would almost be like I was able to think for myself and make my own decisions about how I lived my life.
And if we were honest and well informed about the risks of cannabis and MDMA, they would be legal. Plus we would be a whole lot better at self-moderating use in general.
Decriminalization would be a positive step, but it would not solve the genuine and serious problems that prohibition causes. Such as the ones that make emergency room specialists call for legalization.
Sure there’s fair reason to have concerns about kids getting edibles. Personally I’d like to see edibles being made so that they are unappealing to kids in appearance and taste. Or allow it only to be made in a kind of pill form. There’s always going to be speed-bumps when there are new laws like this. I’m confident that they will sort it out somehow.
I note that in the vast majority of cases, (at least), the parents and kids are a bit freaked out, but, sleep it off, and are fine. This stuff is one of the least toxic substances around. It is generally considered to be impossible to overdose. Compare that to the warnings on the side of over the counter medicines. Let me know more about the serious adverse effects you found from kids ingesting cannabis.
And as for adults, there have been a couple well publicized cases of newbie journalists failing to listen to instructions and eating far too much. They have a horrible time, and are fine the next day. There have also been the usual scare mongering, ‘thought they could fly and jumped out of a window’, ‘went crazy and done horrible murder’ oh so reminiscent of anti-cannabis propaganda of reefer madness yester-yore. In such rare cases no clear causal link has been found. Meanwhile alcohol causes serious and fatal accidents by the truckload, and in the murder case the wife had been afraid of her violent husband for a while. The ‘it was the drugs what made me do it’ murder defense is not exactly unprecedented. It didn’t work for this guy.
Every year plenty of underage kids are admitted to emergency rooms for alcohol. That toxic stuff can kill you, and sometimes does. Is that reason enough to ban alcohol? Nope.
I tend to agree with a lot of what you say there, but I think you missed my point and would appreciate it if you reread what I wrote. I wasn’t making an argument against legalisation. I was making an argument for more honesty in the legalisation debate.
Of course all drugs have risks of some kind, but gosh it would be nice to have the chance to making up my own mind, like a grown up, and being able to chose to enjoy a safer, (much safer), better, positive consciousness altering experience than stupid old wife-beater alcohol. It would almost be like I was able to think for myself and make my own decisions about how I lived my life.
Sure, but the issue I raised isn’t about experienced users, it’s about what happens when you give easy access to drugs to the wider population which includes inexperienced users and people who shouldn’t be using at all. Let’s be honest about the risks of that. I’m not saying that to block legalisation, I’m saying if we want to legalise, we need to not gloss over those issues but instead face them front on. That way we can avoid some of the daft stuff that happened in the US with cannabis (making cannabis edibles look like children’s lollies, ffs, that would have to be the best case I’ve seen for not letting potheads make decisions for the whole of society).
For every dismissal of scare stories, there are stories that are real. Yeah, there’s the journo one (true), and the one about the man who got stoned and killed his family and himself (very unclear). But I’ve had my own experiences with cannabis that suggest caution and I’ve talked to others too. I agree that we need much better education alongside legalisation, but how good are we at that with alcohol? We’re a culture that lowered the drinking age, allowed alcopops, and generally raises children to binge drink. Would we be better off raising kids to be potheads? Probably. Not sure about freely available ecstacy.
We’re also the culture that fucked up on legal highs, both in letting them onto the market, and then trying to get them off the market. I’m not sure I trust us as a society to manage currently illegal drugs better. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, but I’ll say again, let’s be more honest about what we are talking about. eg Writing off concerns about children’s access is not going to further the cause. Being honest about them will.
I reread what you wrote as requested. You said you would probably favour decriminalization. (Probably? You think we should probably stop ruining peoples lives for smoking a relatively safe drug and bothering no one?) You reckoned that we are not doing well at managing recreational drugs (agreed), you reckoned that some people were pretending that unspecified risks did not exist. (You mean me because I called it ‘safe’? I was using common usage, would call skydiving safe, but it’s not risk free. Is descending a flight of stairs ‘not safe’? I’m happy not fall back to ‘relatively safe’, but to imply I was trying be misleading is going too far.) You said that legalizing in the US had caused problems in both kids and adults. Is this about right?
Decriminalization is not legalization. Not even close. I thus assumed that you were not in favour of legalization, and that the problems in the US you mentioned as support for your position. Maybe you could make it clear, are you saying you would consider legalization if certain concerns of yours are satisfied? Or that you are not in favour because you don’t think those concerns can or will be satisfied?
So after 80 years of lies and propaganda against cannabis, you’re complaining that the pro-legalizers are not being being honest enough? Pushing past that irony, can you let me know who these people are that are claiming that the things you are talking about don’t exist?
Maybe you could reread what I wrote. I didn’t dismiss concerns about kids’ access, I suggested ideas for solutions. I then suggested that where such incidents have occurred, the consequences have been, relatively, not serious. Again, if you know otherwise, let me know.
As for the real stories of violent reactions, these are very rare, but naturally the media loves them. I don’t know what kind of system you’d like to see put in place to prevent them from ever happening, but I note that every weekend in this country people get drunk and do violence. I’m not trying to ‘gloss’ I’m asking for some perspective. Three million violent crimes a year in the US involve alcohol, but a handful of people go nuts on weed and it’s scary stuff.
Inexperienced users? What’s the concern there? That they take too much? What will happen if they do? They will get uncomfortably high, not have a good time, sleep it off, and feel fine. They either will lose interest in weed, or learn a lesson about dosage. Chances of physical or psychological harm: very, very low. I gloss you not.
In states with legal weed it was been noted that alcohol use has dropped. This is a plus for society in my book. If we could replace alcohol usage with an objectively less harmful drug, and shift the mood from aggressive to relaxed, that’s a win.
I’m all for improving the way we deal with drugs, and yes I too don’t find “we’ve sucked so far” to be a good reason for giving up. I would love to see some honesty around cannabis, did you know that’s what NORML has been campaigning for for more than 40 years? Honesty. And now you too. Back to that irony. If you still think I’m being dishonest about something here, do let me know.
Would we be better off raising kids to be potheads?
Well the Green party would be in for a start, so yes. Seriously, I’m not at all convinced that that would be the inevitable outcome of legalization in NZ. Weed is not the same drug as alcohol. I don’t think we will be down the pub cheering on the All Blacks with a bong somehow.
Honesty, yes please, some of us are sick of the marijuana bogeyman.
“(Probably? You think we should probably stop ruining peoples lives for smoking a relatively safe drug and bothering no one?)”
No. I think ideally we should legalise, but we need to grow up a bit in order to do that. In this conversation I’m arguing for a more realistic process than cannabis is safer than alcohol so all good. Or quality E is safe so let’s legalise it. That’s not an argument against legalisation, it’s an argument for being more thoughtful in how we legalise.
“You reckoned that we are not doing well at managing recreational drugs (agreed), you reckoned that some people were pretending that unspecified risks did not exist.”
No. I don’t think people are pretending, I think some people are ignorant of the risks, others don’t believe in them, others think they are the lesser of evils, and others think they’re not big deal.
“(You mean me because I called it ‘safe’? I was using common usage, would call skydiving safe, but it’s not risk free. Is descending a flight of stairs ‘not safe’? I’m happy not fall back to ‘relatively safe’, but to imply I was trying be misleading is going too far.)”
Interest choice of comparison, because sky diving either needs a lot of training, or you need to do it with someone who’s had a lot of training and experience.
Descending a flight of stairs is safe or not depending on many things. Just like taking drugs.
“You said that legalizing in the US had caused problems in both kids and adults. Is this about right?”
Not really. I pointed out that the way the process was done had caused problems.
“As for the real stories of violent reactions, these are very rare, but naturally the media loves them. I don’t know what kind of system you’d like to see put in place to prevent them from ever happening, but I note that every weekend in this country people get drunk and do violence.”
I already gave an example, not selling cannabis edibles as lollies. These are not difficult things. It’s not about removing all risk, it’s about minimising risk where it’s easy to do so.
That’s about as far as I’m going to respond to your points. Every step of the way you seem intent on misinterpreting what I am saying and trying to make out I am anti-drug or anti-legalisation. I don’t know why you are doing that, but I’m asking you to stop.
Thanks for clarifying. But I feel you’re talking about some broadly defined strawman.
“In this conversation I’m arguing for a more realistic process than cannabis is safer than alcohol so all good. Or quality E is safe so let’s legalise it. That’s not an argument against legalisation, it’s an argument for being more thoughtful in how we legalise.”
Who on Earth is your opponent here? Who is saying that we don’t need to bother trying to mitigate risks or learn from Colorado’s mistakes? Who is writing off concerns or being dishonest about them? Don’t you think that deciding to legalize at all comes before we get into regulatory details about how we legalize?
“Interest choice of comparison, because sky diving either needs a lot of training, or you need to do it with someone who’s had a lot of training and experience.”
And I’m all for comprehensive education and preparation for a novice user regarding effects, safe use, and risks. So I’m not sure why it’s so interesting. As for experience, I think there’s only one way to get that.
Plus, rephrasing to clarify is fine, but please, give me a break:
“You said that legalizing in the US had caused problems in both kids and adults. Is this about right?”
“Not really. I pointed out that the way the process was done had caused problems.”
There’s been some interesting hazards from the legalising of cannabis in the US eg kids eating cannabis sold in candy bars, people having serious adverse reactions etc.
“…you reckoned that some people were pretending that unspecified risks did not exist.”
“No. I don’t think people are pretending,…”
…so I think it’s better to be honest about the risks rather than pretend they don’t exist.
Maybe if you could be a bit more coherent, people wouldn’t misinterpret. And no weka, just so you know, there was no such intent.
Hopefully one day, we’ll live in a society capable of deciding not to put weed in lollies. Let’s dare to dream. In the meantime, I guess we’re stuck with our favourite class 1 carcinogen as our only allowed option for mind-altering modern life relief.
…. i feeel…. philip ure… channelling himself through me….
… eh?
making cannabis edibles look like children’s lollies, ffs, that would have to be the best case I’ve seen for not letting potheads make decisions for the whole of society
Can we at least drop the reefer madness lines? The repeated use of “potheads” betrays a certain amount of close-mindedness in your viewpoint.
I think the people calling for wholesale legalisation are far more honest than those calling for a half-way house measure (medicinal cannabis) that ends up being a backdoor measure for legalisation (take a walk down Venice Beach sometime and admire the guys touting for “Dr. Kush” etc.), let alone the scummies like Dunne who pretend alcohol is less harmful than cannabis.
I support cannabis being legal. Do a search on ts and you’ll find that I’m much more radical than many others here. For instance, I think that cannabis should no be commercialised by regulation and that it should be left to potheads to grow and distribute.
There’s nothing reefer madness about my comments. All I’m doing is pointing out two things. One is that we live in a society that is pretty bad at managing drug use (regulation, users, education etc), and so if we are going to legalise/decriminalise various drugs we need to figure out how to change that. The other is that pro-legalisation people too often minimise risk and this minimisation is slowing down legalisation.
I think that you too are misreading and misinterpreting what I am saying. Try to not get hung up on one word in a long post and try engaging with the points I am saying. (seriously, you think my use of ‘pothead’ means I am anti-legalisation?).
I think saying “potheads” shouldn’t make decisions for the whole of society is incredibly phobic and close-minded. Alcoholics do the same thing every day.
This is not the first time we’ve disagreed about the clear semiotic implications of language as I recall :p So perhaps we could use less loaded terms, like “cannabis users”?
Anyway, it’s good to know where (some) standardistas sit on drug law reform since I feel it’s a subject that is massively overlooked in this internet community (and NZ politics generally).
I don’t think potheads are drug addicts, so the comparison with alcoholics fails. Potheads are just people that smoke a lot of weed or smoke all the time. My comment, when read in context, is clearly a point about how the push for legalisation from experienced users outstripped public safety and ethical concerns. I see the same thing happening in NZ, where pro-legalisation people often minimise risk.
And no, ‘cannabis users’ is not a substitute for potheads, I would have thought that was obvious. It’s also not inherently a pejorative, at least not where I come from. I don’t want to get into semantics. You could have asked for clarification about what I meant, and you didn’t, and instead you are trying to misuse my comments to make out I’m something I’m not and completely ignore the points I am making in response to the original comment.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was obliged to prepare a point-by-point rebuttal to everything you say. However, since emergency mike is doing perfectly well on that score above, just take it as a big fat +1 to everything he has said in response to you.
What you appear to be arguing for is something just as, if not more conservative than Dunne’s current unworkable testing regime under the PSA, whereby it will cost millions to get products through the various hoops to get them on shelves. And you have a massive hypocrisy where more harmful psychoactive substances are already legal or (because of other pharmaceutical legislation) things like antidepressants and benzodiazepine which are obviously “psychoactive” aren’t held to the same standards harm-wise.
Who will have the kind of money to jump the regulatory hoops? Only “Big Weed” like the giant cartels that are currently forming across the US. Not so different to Big Pharma (or Big Booze) in its objectives (to make a lot of money).
The expression “pothead” is pejorative, moreso than “stoner” I’d suggest (will take a straw poll of other cannabis enthusiasts if they care to chip in), and the stories about stoned dude killing whole fam/self-harm while stoned are just that, anecdotes, not evidence of anything.
“I don’t think potheads are drug addicts, so the comparison with alcoholics fails. Potheads are just people that smoke a lot of weed or smoke all the time.
This logic is all jacked up too. Are alcoholics (people who drink a lot of alcohol or drink all the time) drug addicts? How is there no valid comparison to be made?
And an apology weka, you might think I’m just trolling you, but the truth is I’m much more inclined to post when there’s something you say I disagree with, than when there’s something you say that I agree with. (That is to say, most of the time I broadly agree with you – clearly not on cannabis law reform.)
To be fair, I don’t think weka is arguing for “something just as, if not more conservative than Dunne’s current unworkable testing regime under the PSA.” I think her main point here is that some legalization advocates are ignoring or dismissing risks and hazards to the detriment of their own cause.
My response is that that is not happening from people who are seriously involved and working to this end. She also seems to be saying that we need to ‘grow up’ about drugs before we legalize. I think that legalizing would help us grow up a lot. We all want it done in a careful and considered way and I think we are perfectly capable of doing so. I think such fears are unreasonable and ill-informed. Our history of drug legislation has been negatively influenced by vested interests from alcohol, tobacco, and legal highs for a long time. Pro-legalization campaigners are trying to pull this situation back to a better place, not add another layer of bad like some would have you think.
I think no small part of my frustration here comes from encountering the ‘harmless’ straw man a few too many times. I get annoyed by online commenters saying things like, “people claim it’s harmless but it’s not look!” when no one has claimed any such thing. That’s not what weka said, but it’s related.
On ‘pothead’, “I don’t think potheads are drug addicts” is also ill-informed, (and ironically, ignoring a risk). It is possible to be seriously addicted to weed. Addiction rates are lower than other drugs, including alcohol, and the withdrawal symptoms are not as bad, but they do exist for heavy users who quit.
As for derogatory or not, I don’t know about weka’s pot smoking community, but I’ve only heard it used with a negative, derogatory connotation. Smokers might be happy to call themselves and others ‘stoners’, but ‘pothead’ implies someone who is smoking too much, such that it significantly interferes with their ability to function in other aspects of their life.
Of course, it all depends on context of use. “I love you all my fellow potheads!” isn’t derogatory. But “let’s not let potheads make decisions for the whole of society” yep, that’s clearly derogatory no matter what weka’s bigger point might have been. And no that doesn’t nullify or ignore her point; your request to avoid derogatory language in the furtherance of a reasoned discussion is simply valid.
‘Create a crisis – so people see the need for reform’
Where is the Auckland ‘housing crisis’ – when the mantra of ‘an extra million people coming to Auckland over the next 30 years’ was effectively ‘made up’ by the Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown. and the (former) Auckland Council Chief Planning Officer Dr Roger Blakeley choosing to use the Department of Statistics ‘high’ population growth projection – instead of their recommended ‘medium’ population growth projection of an extra 700,000 people?
This ‘extra million people’ mantra – has then been used to drive the ‘Special Housing Areas’ legislation – which has been used to try and ‘economically cleanse’ State tenants off prime real estate, particularly in Tamaki, and push the privatisation of State housing by ‘social housing’ – for which there is no electoral mandate.
Combine that with the ‘ghost City’ of 22,000 EMPTY private sector houses in the Auckland region?
Let’s get real!
To what extent is the Auckland real estate market being used for MONEY LAUNDERING?
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A Tai Rāwhiti mill that ran for 30 years before it was shut down in late 2023 is set to re-open in the coming months, which will eventually see nearly 300 new jobs in the region. A new report from Massey University shows that pensioners are struggling with rising costs. ...
As support continues to fall, Luxon also now faces his biggest internal ructions within the coalition since the election, with David Seymour reacting badly to being criticised by the PM. File photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Not since 1988 when Richard Prebble openly criticised David Lange have we seen such a challenge to a Prime Minister as that of David Seymour to Christopher Luxon last night. Prebble suggested Lange had mental health issues during a TV interview and was almost immediately fired. Seymour hasn’t gone quite ...
Three weeks in, and the 24/7 news cycle is not helping anyone feel calm and informed about the second Trump presidency. One day, the US is threatening 25% trade tariffs on its friends and neighbours. The reasons offered by the White House are absurd, such as stopping fentanyl coming in ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). Wherever you look, you'll hear headlines claiming we've passed 1.5 degrees of global warming. And while 2024 saw ...
Photo by Heather M. Edwards on UnsplashHere’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s politics and economy in the week to Feb 10 below. That’s ahead of live chats on the Substack App and The Kākā’s front page on Substack at 5pm with: on his column in The ...
Is there anyone in the world the National Party loves more than a campaign donor? Why yes, there is! They will always have the warmest hello and would you like to slip into something more comfortable for that great god of our age, the High Net Worth Individual.The words the ...
Waste and fraud certainly exist in foreign aid programs, but rightwing celebration of USAID’s dismantling shows profound ignorance of the value of soft power (as opposed to hard power) in projecting US influence and interests abroad by non-military/coercive means (think of “hearts and minds,” “hugs, not bullets,” “honey versus vinegar,” ...
Health New Zealand is proposing to cut almost half of its data and digital positions – more than 1000 of them. The PSA has called on the Privacy Commissioner to urgently investigate the cuts due to the potential for serious consequences for patients. NZNO is calling for an urgent increase ...
We may see a few more luxury cars on Queen Street, but a loosening of rules to entice rich foreigners to invest more here is unlikely to “turbocharge our economic growth”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Let us not dance daintily around the elephant in the room. Our politicians who serve us in the present are not honest, certainly not as honest as they should be, and while the right are taking out most of the trophies for warping narratives and literally redefining “facts”, the kiwi ...
A few weeks ago I took a look at public transport ridership in 2024. In today’s post I’m going to be looking a bit deeper at bus ridership. Buses make up the vast majority of ridership in Auckland with 70 million boardings last year out of a total of 89.4 ...
Oh, you know I did itIt's over and I feel fineNothing you could say is gonna change my mindWaited and I waited the longest nightNothing like the taste of sweet declineSongwriters: Chris Shiflett / David Eric Grohl / Nate Mendel / Taylor Hawkins.Hindsight is good, eh?The clarity when the pieces ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 16 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 10The Kākā’s weekly wrap-up of news about politics and the economy is due at midday, followed by webinar for paying subscribers in Substack’s ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 2, 2025 thru Sat, February 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Today, I stumbled across a Twitter Meme: the ending of The Lord of the Rings as a Chess scenario: It gets across the basic gist. Aragorn and Gandalf offering up ‘material’ at the Morannon allows Frodo and Samwise to catch Sauron unawares – fair enough. But there are a ...
Last week, Kieran McAnulty called out Chris Bishop and Nicola Willis for their claims that Kāinga Ora’s costs were too high.They had claimed Kāinga Ora’s cost were 12% higher than market i.e. private devlopersBut Kāinga Ora’s Chair had already explained why last year:"We're not building to sell, so we'll be ...
Stuff’s Political Editor Luke Malpass - A Fellow at New Zealand IniativeLast week I half-joked that Stuff / The Post’s Luke Malpass1 always sounded like he was auditioning for a job at the New Zealand Initiative.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. For a limited time, subscriptions are 20% off. Thanks ...
At a funeral on Friday, there were A4-sized photos covering every wall of the Dil’s reception lounge. There must have been 200 of them, telling the story in the usual way of the video reel but also, by enlargement, making it more possible to linger and step in.Our friend Nicky ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is methane the ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Adrian Beaumont, Election Analyst (Psephologist) at The Conversation; and Honorary Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne A national Newspoll, conducted February 10–14 from a sample of 1,244, gave the Coalition a 51–49 lead, unchanged from the previous Newspoll, ...
We round up everything coming to streaming services this week, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Apple TV+, ThreeNow, Neon and TVNZ+. If you enjoy whip-smart satire: The White Lotus (Neon, February 17) HBO’s award-winning The White Lotus is back for what critics are calling “an absolutely exquisite third ...
NZPF called for a slowdown of the curriculum change, asking for one subject at a time, so that teachers and principals could be fully trained and feel confident and competent to implement the changes, New Zealand Principals’ Federation (NZPF) President ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By T.J. Thomson, Senior Lecturer in Visual Communication & Digital Media, RMIT University Indonesia’s TVOne launched an AI news presenter in 2023.T.J. Thomson Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has taken off at lightning speed in the past couple of years, creating disruption in ...
Many of the young vapers interviewed by a team of public health researchers said they felt unable to resist the pro-vaping environment that surrounded them. New Zealand’s smokefree law was hailed around the world for creating a smokefree generation that would have lifelong protection from smoking’s harms. The smokefree ...
Analysis: While most Wellingtonians enjoyed a rare but unbeatable sunny day on Saturday, some New Zealand diplomats will have been briefly shocked by a screenshot making the rounds on social media showing US President Donald Trump calling us a “third world country”.The image, it appears, was a fake – certainly a ...
ActionStation Director, Kassie Hartendorp says that the Treaty Principles Bill has galvanised the biggest movement in support of Te Tiriti in modern history. ...
While it is in the interests of Wellington ratepayers to sell off this subsidy for the rich, it is unfortunate that it has come to this point. The council should have never spent a penny on this programme, and the $3.4 million spent is a flagrant abuse ...
A search for the person behind a social media account ridiculing Māori.Last week, while scrolling Facebook, I came across a post shared to the New Zealand Centre for Political Research group. The post began, “From Matua Kahurangi on X”, before pasting his critique of iwi leadership – particularly Ngāpuhi ...
On the heels of The White Lotus season three, Tara Ward travels to Koh Samui, Thailand, to live her best life as a five-star wannabe. I’ve never been one for luxury travel. Despite religiously watching TV shows like Luxury Escapes: World’s Best Holidays and harbouring grand dreams of one day ...
The Treaty Principles Bill submission hearings continue at Parliament today with a range of submitters expected including councils, iwi, community organisations and individuals. ...
It’s become of one of Christchurch’s most famous landmarks online, but why? Alex Casey steps through the portal of the brutalist Timezone. Ask anyone what Christchurch’s most iconic building is and you might expect to hear some of the dusty old classics like the Cathedral, or the Town Hall, or ...
New Zealand’s alignment with the White House is further underscored by its refusal to oppose Trump’s sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC). ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Amin Saikal, Emeritus Professor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, Australian National University The dismantling of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is a serious blow to the soft power of the United States and disastrous for many poor countries ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Janet Hoek, Professor in Public Health, University of Otago Shutterstock/Aliaksandr Barouski New Zealand’s smokefree law was hailed around the world for creating a smokefree generation that would have lifelong protection from smoking’s harms. The smokefree generation would have ended sales of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By George Disney, Research Fellow, Social Epidemiology, The University of Melbourne Edwin Tan/Getty Images When the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was established in 2013, one of its driving aims was to make disability services and support systems fairer. However, our new ...
The resignation of the director general of health is the latest departure in what Labour is calling a ‘purge’ of health leadership. Another day, another health resignation It’s a dangerous time to be a top health executive. On Friday, Dr Diana Sarfati announced her resignation as director general of health ...
Labour and the Greens say the government should focus spending on tourism infrastructure like tracks, toilets and protection of nature instead of more advertising. ...
Hundreds of people called the former prime minister vile and dehumanising things online. Internet safety agencies did nothing - then called in the lawyers. ...
Hundreds of people called the former prime minister vile and dehumanising things online. Internet safety agencies did nothing - then called in the lawyers. ...
After a morning spent calf marking, Flock Hill Station manager Richard Hill headed up Bridge Hill – about 100km from Christchurch on the way to the West Coast – to check on a fire near the station’s boundary.It was December 5 last year, and the Craigieburn area had experienced three ...
It can’t be much of a surprise that a relatively inexperienced Act MP, handed the workplace relations portfolio, doesn’t want to entertain the country’s biggest union in her office.But it still astonishes the head of that union, the CTU’s president, Richard Wagstaff.After all, he’s met regularly with ministers of all ...
Late 21st century Christchurch will be unrecognisable when compared with Christchurch today.Flooding will prompt retreat from all eastern and many northern suburbs. These areas, together with land near the Heathcote and Avon Rivers, are in a fifty-year flood zone. Fifty-year floods can happen more than once every fifty years; there ...
Is humanising a mountain the path to real transformation, or does it signal the need for a cultural paradigm shift in the operating system? Recently, a family member shared their delight at the news of Taranaki Maunga becoming a legal person.Of course, I was pleased for the eight Taranaki ...
Why New Zealanders donate money and who they give it to – and how tools like Givealittle are changing the giving landscape.Is New Zealand really a generous country? It’s difficult to quantify. Giving to registered charities can be counted through tax returns, but giving to overseas causes, giving money ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Monday 17 February appeared first on Newsroom. ...
As the four Findlay siblings run out on the hockey turf, dressed in black with the silver fern, they take the drive and determination of their late mum with them.Emma Findlay is a Black Stick defender, on her way to Chile on Monday to play for the New Zealand women ...
COMMENTARY:By Paul G Buchanan Here is a scenario, but first a broad brush-painted historical parallel. Hitler and the Nazis could well have accomplished everything that they wanted to do within German borders, including exterminating Jews, so long as they confined their ambitious to Germany itself. After all, the world ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra With the unembarrassed audacity parties show as an election nears, the government has stolen the opposition’s policy to ban foreign investors buying established homes. Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Housing Minister Clare O’Neil have announced ...
The Jewish Council’s proposals are divisive, contrary to New Zealand’s human rights framework, and ignore the rights of other ethnic minorities in Aotearoa. ...
This is just shameful:
As an automation engineer I’m totally pissed to see workers STILL being killed and maimed by machines lacking essential safety technology features.
In the past 5- 10 years the tech needed to virtually eliminate these kinds of accidents has become far cheaper, accessible and easier to integrate into virtually any machine. Yet I’m still seeing employers reluctant to upgrade or retrofit older equipment to the current standards.
It’s just damn not good enough and they need some legislative teeth to compel them into it.
PS: I agree that ANZCO are indeed one of the better operators; which makes this story even more annoying. If these guys are good – then WTF are the rest like?
At what point (noise-wise) are earmuffs mandatory)?
If you’re around even moderately noisy machinery daily for more than brief periods, you should use them.
What sort of legislation would you suggest?
I can see two points here:
1. The guy was wearing a headset when he probably shouldn’t have been
2. The door didn’t detect an object it its way and so still came down with full force
Legislation for this is pretty easy. Require all commercially operated manufacturing plant and equipment to have a current certificate of safety (or whatever proof of safety you like).
Any plant/equipment found not to hold certificates during routine/random inspections will result in very large penalties to the owners, regardless of whether the machine is actually safe or not. The fine is then doubled if the machine is found to be unsafe.
200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo, when the Iron Duke dealt old Boney the one-two. In fine old European fashion the French are huffily pretending it never happened, the Belgians are celebrating it, the British are divided about how to celebrate it but secretly still hate the French, and the Germans are pretending Prussia never existed.
“Napoleon’s dream died at Waterloo – and so did that of British democrats”
From Martin Kettle:
The second thing that Waterloo means is the victory of the feudal crowned heads of Europe over the forces of the French revolution. This Waterloo ushered in the repressive united Europe of the Vienna settlement: … [the] … anti-liberal anti-democratic reactionaries set on consigning the Europe of republics and peoples to the history books.
In one conversation on St Helena, Napoleon was asked by his doctor what he would have done if he had managed to invade southern England in 1805. Napoleon’s reply was an absolute cracker:
“I would have hastened over my flotilla with two hundred thousand men, landed as near Chatham as possible and proceeded direct to London, where I calculated to arrive in four days from the time of my landing. I would have proclaimed a republic and the abolition of the nobility and the House of Peers, the distribution of the property of such of the latter as opposed me amongst my partisans, liberty, equality and the sovereignty of the people.”
Throw away phones, now throw away limo’s…whatever’s next?
Nope, not surprised. This government obviously believes that ministers need to have the latest, greatest and most expensive cars to be driven around in. If they didn’t then they’d still have the original BMWs and be looking at replacing them now rather than ones just 3 years old.
Austerity is for the commoners, not for them
Might need to ask the Labour govt about this then. It was all signed and sealed under them.
No, it wasn’t. Sure, the first purchase of cars was by the labour government but it had a couple of options available to it one of which did not require the replacement of the cars three years ago. The decision to replace the cars three years ago was entirely the decision of this government. If they hadn’t have done that then I wouldn’t bat an eyelid about replacing them now as at 5+ years old the cars really should be replaced and recycled.
Why at 5+ years?
My car is 8 years old and there is nothing wrong with it whatsoever.
Your car has probably been used as per the normal usage rates for personal cars – 96% of the time it’s just been sitting there doing nothing. The government cars, just like taxies, get used a hell of a lot more and thus have a hell of a lot more wear and tear on them. That extra wear and tear is going to result in higher running costs and maintenance bills. This would not have been such a concern when they were 3 years old.
I’m not sure the wear and tear on 5 year old BMW that is used to get around the city is going to be much more than that of a 3 year old BMW. Keeping them running is a hell of a lot cheaper than changing them every 5 years.
Shit you could have them for 10 years before having to do much to them in the way of maintenance.
My car is a 1997 toyota with just under 250k on it. Looks like crap. Drives like a dream.
Had to replace the leads a few years ago. And some previous owner pulled the heater out (apparently they leak). Aircond works well in summer. In winter I wear more clothes. But I do live in Auckland.
Don’t know why I’d buy a new car. I’ve had two. They really aren’t worth the effort for the amount I drive and when they go into the shop, they tend to be charged like they were made out of gold.
Shit my dad has a Nissian Cefiro that has done something along the lines of 330K up and down Central Otago (we are talking metal roads etc) and it runs perfectly.
He is going for 500K
But Im proud of my recycled 60+ years old Chevy Pickup daily driver.
It may not be as economical as a Prius, and not as flash as a BMW, and tho it has no airbags, we have fitted seat belts for driver and passenger safety. And got some brakes, suspension and steering recycled from an old XJ6 Jag, and an overdrive autmatic to improve fuel economy.
And with some much recycled stuff on the truck, I can buy parts to fix it from SuperCheap.
This “new car thing” is just consumerism gone bad. Next thing you know, some poxy muppets in the homeowners assn will want “age of car” covenants in the subdivisions around here.
As I’ve said before: If we had an economic system nobody would own personal cars.
This is because personal cars aren’t used enough to warrant the resources used to produce and maintain them.
I discussed cars with Harry Duynhoven (Minister of Transport safety at the time) one evening. Hes a VW/Porsche fanatic and it was shortly after the first batch of BMWs were bought.
Being a VW fan as he is, he was keen on the Government buying the VW Phaeton diesel limos. Way cheaper than the BMWs and he reckoned they would be good for at least around 500,000kms of solid service – For some in the fleet that would have been about ten years use.
Given his Government mates rejected his call for the upmarket “Peoples Car” and bought the even more upmarket BMW diesel, I can think of no good reason for the Crown not to hand onto them for ten year type timeframes.
Ministerial Limos should be replaced whenever there is a major change of model/shape. For 7 series beamers this would be every 6 to 7 years.
Not a good look for Ministerial cars to be clearly out of date; but otherwise who would know.
I dont think the average punter who may (our increasingly may not) watch the 6pm news would know the difference in shape from the 2006 BMW 730D to the current model equivalent.
New limos in this situation is simply a vanity project for the incumbent government.
Hell even Prince Chuck who would be King still keeps a 50 year old Aston in his garage. Old cars do not necessarily need to be scrapped.
“I dont think the average punter who may (our increasingly may not) watch the 6pm news would know the difference in shape from the 2006 BMW 730D to the current model equivalent.”
Hehe. Ministerial limos aren’t for the average punter to look at, or use. You want to impress foreign dignitaries and visitors – some of whom *would* notice the old body shape, which would (at least) subconsciously shape their impression of NZ and it’s government.
BMW dealers often happen to be National Party friendly too.
BMW dealers Nat P friends?
I think the ones they got the Crown Beemers through definitely are.
with the heated seated that Labour didn’t make them buy?
They’ll be upset that they didn’t get their gong this year. Must be in the running for one next year.
My, what short term memories you all have. This was a contract done under the Labour party which has expired.
Has anyone seen comment from Dame Tariana Turia or/and Sir Pita Sharples re the Iwi dispute over RFR to Crown land in Auckland?
Both were incredibly vocal over the Labour Party problems with the seabed and foreshore legislation.
Irony anyone ?
The Maori Party has been almost silent since the election.
THIS is one issue I would have expected, based on past issues (as you point out) they would be particularly vocal.
Not that I’d want to make apologies for people quite capable in themselves, but I imagine if you’d just been integrated into the pakeha system (via honors) you wouldn’t have to speak so loudly (that others would hear your conversations) to the people who were now, metaphorically, standing right next to you.
on 3 June
““We have already asked the Government for a ‘please explain’”, says Māori Party Co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell.
“If the Crown is able to use other legislation to override the RFR this will potentially have significant implications for all settlements.
“Ngāti Whātua has offered up a number of options to the Crown and we expect the Crown to deal with them in good faith,” says Mr Flavell.
The Māori Party will continue to keep the pressure on the Government to ensure Treaty settlements are honoured.”
I think the pressure is telling… the Government had a conceptual bus tour since the warning.
Yep, though the statement is “old” by current media standards, the classic stern understatement is/was there. The conflict isn’t going to go away by itself anytime soon – a “Check” situation, if it were chess.
which might make Peter Dunne’s view interesting, should he ever express it or be asked to express it (in unequivocal terms)
Isn’t Naida Glavish, MP President Ngati Whatua?
Kia ora Tracey
Naida Glavish is the current Chairperson of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua.
Thanks Adele, and President of the Maori Party. It would be odd for the Maori Party to not express some views on this topic then.
keeping their snouts & lips close to Key’s tipiwhenua has been O-4-Orsome 4 them
John Key has on several occasions said that he thought the collapse of the Derivatives trade was entirely predictable. In fact he confesses to his part in the fraud on NZ breakfast TV. Yet he burdened this country with more than $90 Billion in debt and more than $112 Billion of Derivatives off the books. If this does not make our debt an odious one I don’t know what will.
Greece just declared their debt an odious one and well they should! Their demise was entirely planned and executed by the Bankers from Goldman Sachs.
And just in case you want to see John Key talk about the crimes he and his bankster mates perpetrated here is a link to that post
Jesus. Get off the crack.
Greece’s demise was all their own doing.
Crack cocaine?
Won’t be able to start on that until it trickles down from you.
Spiegel reported Goldman Sachs cooked the books to get Greece into EZ.
Yeah infusd, nothing to do with a economic theory that does not work, or the criminals who keep it in place for their own personal gain. Greece is isolated from global ideology trends, markets, and the interests of the criminal rich. Thanks for the clarification, here me thinking they were part of the global village – what a silly idea.
How so? Yanis Varoufakis, the Syriza Finance Minister, has been saying for months now that Greece is essentially bankrupt and cannot repay its loans under current conditions.
Yet despite this the IMF, Eurozone and ECB want to for Greece to take even more money, and to put Greece in even deeper debt. But Greece is already verging on insolvency!
So surely irresponsible lending (to a borrower – Greece – who has already admitted in plain language that they cannot make the required repayments) plays a big role, infused?
Greece needs to take a leaf from top US lawyer on Chapter 11’s book
““To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management…Atlantic City lawyer Viscount doesn’t believe Donald Trump himself should be held accountable for any of his company’s bankruptcies — his creditors, he said, knew what they were getting themselves into when they lent Trump money over and over again. “They’re all big boys and girls,” he said. “They’ve all played this game before, in the insolvency space. The company that possessed his name filed bankruptcy because it was overleveraged. What does that tell you? People want to lend him money. He does grandiose things with it.”
Oh boy, having told myself I wouldn’t even glance at the Herald today, to preserve a sensible blood pressure, I instead made the error of reading Chris Trotter’s newest opinion on The Daily Blog. Someone take that man’s spade away. Please.
So I take too dim a view of things… must be my habit of wearing dark glasses, “the future’s so bright”…
What do you get when you mix sarcasm with irony? Probably the above video.
Found in the comments on a TDB post, courtesy of Jennifer G:
Neil Young’s response to Donald Trump’s use of his music to announce his candidacy:
gee what a surprise a promoter of the american dream and recompense for one’s own effort, stole something someone else created to promote himself…
“First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially…
…He did take a personal hit the first time around: he’d financed the construction of the Trump Taj Mahal with junk bonds and was unable to pay the high interest. His business was in the red, and so was he, to the tune of about $900 million in personal debt. By the mid-90s, he’d reduced most of that debt, selling his Trump Princess yacht, his Trump Shuttle airline, and his stake in a handful of other businesses. More importantly, he stopped guaranteeing debt with his own wealth. “The first bankruptcy was the only time his personal fortune was at stake,” said Ted Connolly, a Boston bankruptcy lawyer who used Trump as model for getting out of debt in his book The Road Out Of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solutions to Your Financial Problems. “He learned from it. He’s insulated.”
Typical RWNJ, claim all the rewards of risk taking while taking none. All personal responsibility removed.
and look how Greece is derided for doing what Mr Trump has done
The double standards do seem to be normal for RWNJs.
Corporate welfare king.
In his disdain of big government, however, Trump glances over an expensive irony: He built his empire in part through government largesse and connections.
From his first high-profile project in New York City in the 1970s to his recent campaigns to reduce taxes on property he owns around the country, Trump has displayed a consistent pattern. He courted public officials, sought their backing for government tax breaks under extraordinarily beneficial terms and fought any resistance to deals he negotiated.
He has boasted of manipulating government agencies, misleading officials in one case into believing he had an exclusive agreement to develop a property and then retroactively changing the development’s accounting practices to shrink his tax bill. In New York, Trump was the first developer to receive a public subsidy for commercial projects under programs initially reserved for improving slum neighborhoods. Such incentives have now become the norm in the powerful New York real estate community.
Great letter! Needs to be in everyone’s email to read and think about.
I just had to add this.
The Black Caps batted very well. However, the English were extraordinary and remarkable. Read the score board to see why.–match-four-engvnz.html
and without some of their most experienced players including Broad and Anderson.
Interesting. I did not even realise that!
The amazing thing is that the Back Caps did put on a great perfomance! Must have been a very exciting match all round!
crazy series so far… we do something and win, then they do that to us in next game… has happened twice now… all on for the decider Clem. I don’t like the english chances against Starc though Clem..
True, Tracey.
Personally, I enjoy well played games, irrespective of which team wins!
And I like good players irrespective of which country they are from.
But my interest in sport for the last few years has been just fleeting and cursory because of the HUGE amounts of big cash business involved, millions of dollars paid to the players, world wide curse of gambling, corrosive corruption and dirty match fixing that is happening rampantly everywhere, seen and unseen. One never knows if a game has actually been played honestly or not anymore.
So, I have lost faith in the integrity of sports, sport officials and players and now I don’t care too much as to who wins, who loses….not a big deal for me anymore for any of the sports.
A number of years ago I read Lords of the Rings by Andrew Jennings, it changed forever how I viewed sport. Blatter learned his corruption from the Master, Juan Antonion Samaranch. It was only a matter of time before it was exposed.
Sadly I think the six month delay until the new President of FIFA is appointed is only so Blatter can line up a stooge. He won’t stop until he is dead… that’s what stopped Samaranch (He quickly returned to Nationalist Spain under Francisco Franco and enrolled in the Spanish fascist movement Falange.),
James Anderson, Stuart Broad, Ian Bell, Moeen Ali and Gary Ballance.
Support Cancer Society
Ok everyone, there is a way to stop me from trolling here at The Standard.
For my sins, I’m running next year’s London Marathon for the NZ Cancer Society in exchange for doing fundraising for them.
The NBR and some friends and family have kicked off the fundraising with very generous $1000 donations, for which I am very grateful.
Please follow suit. Amounts other than $1000 are welcome. The money goes straight to the Cancer Society not to me and I pay all costs associated with getting to and running the marathon.
It’s a good cause and a good deal for you. There’s a good chance I’ll drop dead outside the Tower of London and you can have The Standard comments section all to your own again.
The fundraising page is here:
Many thanks for any support for the Cancer Society you are able to give.
It is quite ok, Matthew.
I will transmit my donation through internet banking to the Cancer Society directly.
Ok, fair enough, please do.
Such shabby treatment is unwarranted Hooton, taking the piss news boy Wells-Hosking style. Turn the other cheek cobbah!
Good work in advance Matthew Hooton. (finally at last she spells the surname correctly). I think Skinny has misinterpreted your response.
Best of luck training Matthew. I have a friend who ran it a few years ago and won a spot prize to run the New York Marathon. It’s pretty hard to get an entry, did you manage it cos you are running for a charity?
I won’t be donating but not because it is you but cos the cancer society is not one of the household’s selected charities. Best of luck though.
Yep, got guaranteed entry from NZCS in exchange for raising $15k for them. They get the cash and I have an incentive to get up at 4.30am on a rainy morning and run 15kms!
Best of luck raising the $15k. I’m with Tracey, not on my list of things I help with. Otherwise I’d happily give you money to see you out of the country. 😉
I hope you have brought some decent running shoes, and do your warm up stretches, especially in this cold weather.
NZ$ today at US$69c and 44 pence. Hope you have already bought your flatscreens.
This does have serious implications for the “rockstar” economy in terms of expensive travel overseas, expensive consumer and manufactured goods, increased debt levels denominated in $US, inflation etc etc etc.
One of the main reasons the election went to the Nats last year was the “feel good” factor because the economy seemed to be doing well. Lets see the government explain this away now. To date it has been head in the sand stuff from Blinglish.
petrol/diesel is the big one
But a banker from hbc told me on the news this morn that we where still living the rock star dream, 3% growth is great he said . /sarc
A good article which shows what awful arse holes and dirty crooks are our so called journalists, political media commentators and the MSM have really become in our country.
o this is going to end in tears 😛
that’s quite old news, I wonder why it is being revisited today?
More on the Travis County relocated home issue, where residents are blocking the arrival of a second house with their cars. The relocating firm is bringing the police when it does the shift.
I’m glad to see that councils aren’t responsible for ensuring compliance with convenants on private subdivisions. Also glad to catch a bit on The Panel yesterday that implied that most breaches of such covenants don’t get dealt with legally. Having said that, I wonder if that applies to things like QE2 covenants.
It would be better if convenants were either regulated via council and/or went through a public consent process. Some make sense (no tall trees on boundaries), but others are daft, like the relocated home one, esp in a place like Chch.
It used to be, my home is my castle, now it is my home value is my castle.
“It would be better if convenants were either regulated via council and/or went through a public consent process.”
Nah these fools can have whatever covenants they like and then they can pay their own legal costs to enforce them. Don’t see any reason why a bunch of nongy people who want to live in a place where much of your environment has to be determined by some arbitrary developer/resident nongy set of rules should have to be considered at all by any council or the police for any sort of enforcement.
Ahh the right – making their own rules and wanting the coercive power of the state to enforce them since forever.
Is it Travis County or Travis Country? Either way it’s a lame name.
What is wrong with these people? Why are they so down right vicious and territorial, like rabid rotweilers? Aren’t they embarrassed by their behaviour? When did we get to be such elitist arseholes in NZ? I know, I know, I know the short answer to that, but this is extreme behaviour, and nothing excuses it
They will get high blood pressure getting so shrill and worked up on their hatred and their screeching about their precious covenants.
Imagine being the poor people moving the house on to the site, having curtain twitching haters for neighbours.
Most days I struggle with the direction our society has gone in. Unpleasant personality traits are nothing new, but this has been a very ugly demonstration of some of the worst aspects of personality; vanity, selfishness and hatred, magnified by its collective nature.
This is one of those examples of how divided our society has become. These residents make the jerks on The Development where I live look like charity volunteers.
lolz the name. I couldn’t remember it exactly except it sounds like something out of a US tv show. The Dukes of Travis County?
I checked their facebook page. It’s ‘country’. It still sounds like a US TV show though.
It has the whiff of a developer inspired name. They come up with the dopiest names.
I had a look on google maps too. Apparently there is a Travis Rd, and a Travis Country Rd that is a loop off that. But yeah, not a lot of thought in that one.
Some of the comments after the article are amusing, varying from “It’s an expensive swamp!” to “oh but we worked hard to be superior and if we can’t be better than you scum what will we ever doo?”. It might be a bit of like-attracts-like: I don’t remember reading anything that suggested the owners of the relocated house were hard-up kiwi battlers just tryin to make it in the cheapest way possible, with a smile and plate of gingernuts. Could be some absent landlord, trying for a bob-each-way inflated dollar, renting in the flash swampy part of town.
The property the houses are on is understood to be owned by Anne Mackenzie, director of engineering consulting firm Build Green Ltd, which specialises in environmentally-sustainable buildings. She did not respond to requests for comment.
Was curious about the covenants. I’ve seen some quite silly ones over the years.
Some of the covenants there apparently caused problems with rebuilding after the earthquake eg no wooden floors which given the risk of liquefaction in the future seems to make wooden floors as the most sensible solution to raising the house above the ground.
There might have been a 10 year sunset clause on them as well which may be up.
Doesn’t sound like there’s a group to enforce and maintain them now either.
Anyhoo they have their own Facebook page.
The whole concept of unnecessary covenants in new housing areas seem to me to be a bit of a developer scam to try and get better prices – buy here cause no-one will be allowed to mow their lawn before 10 o’clock on Sunday, no-one is allowed a broken down car on their front lawn, all the fences must be made of x material type nonsense.
So many of the people I know who live in these areas moan about government rules and freedom of choice but then willingly welcome the imposition of such nonsense.
The owners of the property sound ligit, with their hearts in the right place:
Not sure whether the company director will reside in the house or onsell it.
Don ‘t think the neigb’s will be turning up with a plate of gingernuts and a smile though. Shame.
I’ve got a tune for the residents of Travis Country. Swamp Thing (with banjo’s!)
thanks for the link, interesting. We should be encouraging people to rennovate and move houses. Am thinking of what’s going to happen in South Dunedin too, where they will need to eventually relocate 10,000 people.
State Department visa system down due to hardware fault – leading to US growers hurt by lack of Mexican crop pickers. I guess employing American workers would be too far a leap.
post of the day by Stuart Munro-NZ Herald..response to Hoskings TPP article….’The TPP has more to do with foreign control than trade. We are better off out of it – the US agricultural lobby will keep NZ products out for decades anyway. Best trick’d be to export to Mexico & slip stuff in under NAFTA.
Your worship of the economic traitor Roger Douglas does you no credit. New Zealand would be immeasurably better off if both of you had been drowned at birth..’
Cellphone being developed in the UK, designed around fair trade, workers’ rights, resiliency, ability to be repaired (including home repairs), longevity etc
Cool web interface as well.
About time – Phones and them breaking is the number one legal con in the market. The price of repair is a joke. I hope this takes off.
About time – Phones and them breaking is the number one legal con in the market. The price of repair is a joke. I hope this takes off.
Bring back alpha-numeric pagers… and red phone boxes on every corner, that run on five cent pieces!
I don’t think those pagers ever made it here did they? It was message service pagers, then cellphones (like phillips isis), then much later, text capable phones. YAY Phillips Isis (P.o.S ahaha)
I see they are B-corporation certified, quite a stringent test I believe to ensure they meet social and environmental targets as well.
Two thirds of polled herald readers support religious discrimination.
Do lefties support the practice of religious beliefs, in general?
Aside from the fact that its unwise to use terms like “lefties” to describe large amounts of people (implicitly assuming that they all have the same views), I feel like there is some sorta “gotcha” hidden in that question, can you elaborate please?
Your instincts serve you well! I’m just having a wee dig at the peeps who think the only valid religion is scientism, while all other religions are obsolescent oddities good for a bit of cultural diversity but nothing more.
science = religion.
bishop tamaki will be pleased
science isn’t religion, but trusting and adhering to faith in science starts coming pretty close
a statement used by some to justify their religious notions when most scientists do not treat their practices like religion at all
to clarify i dont see science as a religion at all but there are those wanting to teach the idea of a superior unknown being creating the earth in 6 days as science to children.
we used to call that sunday school..
I loved Sunday School. They were such exciting stories and kept my imagination working overtime. Moses in the bulrushes and God appearing on the Mount with the tablets were my favourites. They were up there with Enid Blyton’s Famous Five and The Enchanted Tree. Have to admit wasn’t too keen on God. A scary bugger. 🙂
Readers may find the book “Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans” by John Gray interesting. He advances a very similar argument to “Colonial Rawshark” on this issue.
Given that “faith in science” means “‘faith’ in something that requires dropping all obsolete claims and methodologies if something demonstrably better comes along”, your comment is meaningless.
And just like that, with the crack of the doctrinal whip, the heretic is cast out by the believer.
… or the fantasist is called out for speaking nonsensical gibberish.
I’d hope so Colonial Rawshark. I see nothing apart from predicious, that religion, or science, nor socialism are incompatible. Indeed I argue that to truly feel as a whole human being – then we must embrace socialism, science and religion.
Aye, this mirrors my personal belief about what being ‘left’ truly means.
the notion that you have to believe in a superior being to be truly left or a whole human being is insulting and patronising
People do choose to cut themselves off from spirituality, belief, faith and a wider universe, all the time. Even atheism requires faith to maintain.
Spirituality can be quite separate from organised religion – I like to imagine things too but once you start trying to force those views on other people in the public domain or teaching it to kids it ticks me off a bit
Sorry you were offended by what I said Tracey. That was not what I meant by what I wrote. My belief is that many people are quick to decide that religion is anti science, or is inherently conservative. My argument, poorly worded was meant to say Religion, Science and Socialism are better together as a set of ideas – rather than Religion, Science (more often, anti-science) and Capitalism.
Many christians I argue with seem to think socialism and science are the enemy of religion. Mind you, they generally are the same christians who get their nose put out of joint – when I pull them up for not protecting the poor. Or a similar group who waste time and energy to defended their own homophobia – via the bible. Then refuse to acknowledge the liberating mission Jesus lays out, makes their homophobic arguments look at best weak, at worst – very far from what it means to be a christian.
For me, as a personal opinion, religion is a key component to change society. Atheism just can’t pull people together like religion. Please before atheists go off ranting in a huff – I’m talking about making people feel they belong to something larger – by your own definition you deny that. That’s fine too, I think Atheists offer something valuable. But togetherness – mmmm I’m not convinced you can cover that one.
Some of the most caring, community minded, giving of their time to others, people I know have no affiliation or sense of belonging to an organised religion.
Thanks for taking the time to clarify your position. I don’t mind people having their religious beliefs until they want to impose them on others, such as through schooling or war or legislation.
What religious/cultural basis for the no head gear/hats rule?
ok Herald, you create a whole new article to report on a survey of 103 readers? wtf?
68 – Yes
35 – No
voting is still open standardistas.
edit, ah, so you have to make a comment to be able to vote. Jonolism at its finest.
I’m curious now what they were trying to discourage when they wrote those rules about headwear. The club was established in 1964, but no idea when the dress code was written.
Farmers’ leader warns dairying’s in dire straits
Farmers also wanting to send the government a message.
Theo Spierings expertise is in mergers, and by wrecking the co operative model he is opening up Fonterra to be destroyed and the NZ farmer along with it. Look at the food scandals and job losses that have come with his reign. Worse things still to come, part of the asset sale agenda.
Oh dear looks like in future Fonterra may have to be “merged” (i.e. taken over) by a trans-national outfit like Nestle, in order to survive…
Yep, run the companies into the ground, and then sell them to mates in a fire sale.
I object to any taxpayer money going into any religious school.
Then why does the government fund economics, business and commerce schools in our universities.
you are being deliberately obtuse
just a wee joke really on where the blind faith and ideological doctrine running our society actually resides
i got the joke at!
i chuckled.
countries that have taken on worshipping the financial market god have vast numbers of their people suffering the consequences accordingly.
I got it too but but teaching maths and biology isn’t the same as teaching creationism or thanking god before each day starts by way of organised prayer at school.
Oops … hired a hatchet man who hatches the plan.
Sayonara, Fonterra!
And yet farmers still vote for the nats , turkeys and Christmas springs to mind.
On Monday (June 15) the NZ Herald published the latest figures on CEO salaries. The paper noted, “The bosses of New Zealand’s biggest companies enjoyed an average pay rise of 10 per cent last year, their biggest bump since 2010.” By contrast, the average wage and salary earner gained an average increase of only 3 percent and many workers have not had a pay rise at all. Moreover, as Council of Trade Unions secretary Sam Huggard noted the same day, “Half of New Zealand’s households receive no more income, in real terms, than a generation ago” . . .
full at:
Btw, one of the interesting things is the graph on the growth of the wealth of super-rich NZers. Fairly flat under National in the 1990s and then zooms up under Labour.
and in the last 10 years many have gone up by over 300%… that suggests their companies have performed well. So, what were the workers wage increases over the same time given we are told when companies do well wages will go up?
the average wage and salary earner gained an average increase of only 3 percent
hah. and how much the increase would really be for the many (excluding the CEOs), if the CEOs’ significant increase did not pull up that “average” wage/salary earner’s increase to “only 3 percent”?
Anyone familiar with “roman candle” and is that common usage in NZ ?
only as a fire cracker
What are the 5 Chinese investments in NZ worth over US$100M?
They are listed here as deals completed in just the last few years. Anyone know what they bought up?
Curious. Looking at the colour chart, Agriculture is the smaller of the investments (that’s the dairy then), but brown/’other’ is the larger.
Anyway, I got distracted by a link trail, and discovered that Fonterra is rally secretly owned by a Cuban,
“The purest form of ecstasy is safer than alcohol and should be legalised, an emergency department specialist at Wellington Hospital says.”
The comments section is interesting. It seems that people overwhelmingly agree. Negative comments massively voted down. They get that prohibition of something that is safe, and that people want, creates worse problems than those it doesn’t solve.
Comment ftw: “Whaaaaaat? Is he seriously suggesting classifying drugs based on their relative harm/safety to create a legal framework whereby safer drugs are legal and less safe drugs are less so? That’s crazy talk. Lets keep the status quo where morals and misinformation are used to classify them into a framework where some safer drugs are illegal and some relatively less safe drugs are legal. That makes far more sense.”
Safer doesn’t mean safe. Decriminalising is probably a good idea, but as a culture we’re a long way from being good at managing recreational drugs, so I think it’s better to be honest about the risks rather than pretend they don’t exist. There’s been some interesting hazards from the legalising of cannabis in the US eg kids eating cannabis sold in candy bars, people having serious adverse reactions etc.
Safer means safer. Safer is good no? I should have said ‘relatively safe’. Of course all drugs have risks of some kind, but gosh it would be nice to have the chance to making up my own mind, like a grown up, and being able to chose to enjoy a safer, (much safer), better, positive consciousness altering experience than stupid old wife-beater alcohol. It would almost be like I was able to think for myself and make my own decisions about how I lived my life.
And if we were honest and well informed about the risks of cannabis and MDMA, they would be legal. Plus we would be a whole lot better at self-moderating use in general.
Decriminalization would be a positive step, but it would not solve the genuine and serious problems that prohibition causes. Such as the ones that make emergency room specialists call for legalization.
Sure there’s fair reason to have concerns about kids getting edibles. Personally I’d like to see edibles being made so that they are unappealing to kids in appearance and taste. Or allow it only to be made in a kind of pill form. There’s always going to be speed-bumps when there are new laws like this. I’m confident that they will sort it out somehow.
I note that in the vast majority of cases, (at least), the parents and kids are a bit freaked out, but, sleep it off, and are fine. This stuff is one of the least toxic substances around. It is generally considered to be impossible to overdose. Compare that to the warnings on the side of over the counter medicines. Let me know more about the serious adverse effects you found from kids ingesting cannabis.
And as for adults, there have been a couple well publicized cases of newbie journalists failing to listen to instructions and eating far too much. They have a horrible time, and are fine the next day. There have also been the usual scare mongering, ‘thought they could fly and jumped out of a window’, ‘went crazy and done horrible murder’ oh so reminiscent of anti-cannabis propaganda of reefer madness yester-yore. In such rare cases no clear causal link has been found. Meanwhile alcohol causes serious and fatal accidents by the truckload, and in the murder case the wife had been afraid of her violent husband for a while. The ‘it was the drugs what made me do it’ murder defense is not exactly unprecedented. It didn’t work for this guy.
Every year plenty of underage kids are admitted to emergency rooms for alcohol. That toxic stuff can kill you, and sometimes does. Is that reason enough to ban alcohol? Nope.
‘Think of the children’ is the last refuge of the pearl clutching prohibitionists. Sure you don’t want kids eating this stuff, but as an argument against legalization for adults? It’s weak.
I tend to agree with a lot of what you say there, but I think you missed my point and would appreciate it if you reread what I wrote. I wasn’t making an argument against legalisation. I was making an argument for more honesty in the legalisation debate.
Of course all drugs have risks of some kind, but gosh it would be nice to have the chance to making up my own mind, like a grown up, and being able to chose to enjoy a safer, (much safer), better, positive consciousness altering experience than stupid old wife-beater alcohol. It would almost be like I was able to think for myself and make my own decisions about how I lived my life.
Sure, but the issue I raised isn’t about experienced users, it’s about what happens when you give easy access to drugs to the wider population which includes inexperienced users and people who shouldn’t be using at all. Let’s be honest about the risks of that. I’m not saying that to block legalisation, I’m saying if we want to legalise, we need to not gloss over those issues but instead face them front on. That way we can avoid some of the daft stuff that happened in the US with cannabis (making cannabis edibles look like children’s lollies, ffs, that would have to be the best case I’ve seen for not letting potheads make decisions for the whole of society).
For every dismissal of scare stories, there are stories that are real. Yeah, there’s the journo one (true), and the one about the man who got stoned and killed his family and himself (very unclear). But I’ve had my own experiences with cannabis that suggest caution and I’ve talked to others too. I agree that we need much better education alongside legalisation, but how good are we at that with alcohol? We’re a culture that lowered the drinking age, allowed alcopops, and generally raises children to binge drink. Would we be better off raising kids to be potheads? Probably. Not sure about freely available ecstacy.
We’re also the culture that fucked up on legal highs, both in letting them onto the market, and then trying to get them off the market. I’m not sure I trust us as a society to manage currently illegal drugs better. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, but I’ll say again, let’s be more honest about what we are talking about. eg Writing off concerns about children’s access is not going to further the cause. Being honest about them will.
I reread what you wrote as requested. You said you would probably favour decriminalization. (Probably? You think we should probably stop ruining peoples lives for smoking a relatively safe drug and bothering no one?) You reckoned that we are not doing well at managing recreational drugs (agreed), you reckoned that some people were pretending that unspecified risks did not exist. (You mean me because I called it ‘safe’? I was using common usage, would call skydiving safe, but it’s not risk free. Is descending a flight of stairs ‘not safe’? I’m happy not fall back to ‘relatively safe’, but to imply I was trying be misleading is going too far.) You said that legalizing in the US had caused problems in both kids and adults. Is this about right?
Decriminalization is not legalization. Not even close. I thus assumed that you were not in favour of legalization, and that the problems in the US you mentioned as support for your position. Maybe you could make it clear, are you saying you would consider legalization if certain concerns of yours are satisfied? Or that you are not in favour because you don’t think those concerns can or will be satisfied?
So after 80 years of lies and propaganda against cannabis, you’re complaining that the pro-legalizers are not being being honest enough? Pushing past that irony, can you let me know who these people are that are claiming that the things you are talking about don’t exist?
Maybe you could reread what I wrote. I didn’t dismiss concerns about kids’ access, I suggested ideas for solutions. I then suggested that where such incidents have occurred, the consequences have been, relatively, not serious. Again, if you know otherwise, let me know.
As for the real stories of violent reactions, these are very rare, but naturally the media loves them. I don’t know what kind of system you’d like to see put in place to prevent them from ever happening, but I note that every weekend in this country people get drunk and do violence. I’m not trying to ‘gloss’ I’m asking for some perspective. Three million violent crimes a year in the US involve alcohol, but a handful of people go nuts on weed and it’s scary stuff.
Inexperienced users? What’s the concern there? That they take too much? What will happen if they do? They will get uncomfortably high, not have a good time, sleep it off, and feel fine. They either will lose interest in weed, or learn a lesson about dosage. Chances of physical or psychological harm: very, very low. I gloss you not.
In states with legal weed it was been noted that alcohol use has dropped. This is a plus for society in my book. If we could replace alcohol usage with an objectively less harmful drug, and shift the mood from aggressive to relaxed, that’s a win.
I’m all for improving the way we deal with drugs, and yes I too don’t find “we’ve sucked so far” to be a good reason for giving up. I would love to see some honesty around cannabis, did you know that’s what NORML has been campaigning for for more than 40 years? Honesty. And now you too. Back to that irony. If you still think I’m being dishonest about something here, do let me know.
Would we be better off raising kids to be potheads?
Well the Green party would be in for a start, so yes. Seriously, I’m not at all convinced that that would be the inevitable outcome of legalization in NZ. Weed is not the same drug as alcohol. I don’t think we will be down the pub cheering on the All Blacks with a bong somehow.
Honesty, yes please, some of us are sick of the marijuana bogeyman.
“(Probably? You think we should probably stop ruining peoples lives for smoking a relatively safe drug and bothering no one?)”
No. I think ideally we should legalise, but we need to grow up a bit in order to do that. In this conversation I’m arguing for a more realistic process than cannabis is safer than alcohol so all good. Or quality E is safe so let’s legalise it. That’s not an argument against legalisation, it’s an argument for being more thoughtful in how we legalise.
“You reckoned that we are not doing well at managing recreational drugs (agreed), you reckoned that some people were pretending that unspecified risks did not exist.”
No. I don’t think people are pretending, I think some people are ignorant of the risks, others don’t believe in them, others think they are the lesser of evils, and others think they’re not big deal.
“(You mean me because I called it ‘safe’? I was using common usage, would call skydiving safe, but it’s not risk free. Is descending a flight of stairs ‘not safe’? I’m happy not fall back to ‘relatively safe’, but to imply I was trying be misleading is going too far.)”
Interest choice of comparison, because sky diving either needs a lot of training, or you need to do it with someone who’s had a lot of training and experience.
Descending a flight of stairs is safe or not depending on many things. Just like taking drugs.
“You said that legalizing in the US had caused problems in both kids and adults. Is this about right?”
Not really. I pointed out that the way the process was done had caused problems.
“As for the real stories of violent reactions, these are very rare, but naturally the media loves them. I don’t know what kind of system you’d like to see put in place to prevent them from ever happening, but I note that every weekend in this country people get drunk and do violence.”
I already gave an example, not selling cannabis edibles as lollies. These are not difficult things. It’s not about removing all risk, it’s about minimising risk where it’s easy to do so.
That’s about as far as I’m going to respond to your points. Every step of the way you seem intent on misinterpreting what I am saying and trying to make out I am anti-drug or anti-legalisation. I don’t know why you are doing that, but I’m asking you to stop.
Thanks for clarifying. But I feel you’re talking about some broadly defined strawman.
“In this conversation I’m arguing for a more realistic process than cannabis is safer than alcohol so all good. Or quality E is safe so let’s legalise it. That’s not an argument against legalisation, it’s an argument for being more thoughtful in how we legalise.”
Who on Earth is your opponent here? Who is saying that we don’t need to bother trying to mitigate risks or learn from Colorado’s mistakes? Who is writing off concerns or being dishonest about them? Don’t you think that deciding to legalize at all comes before we get into regulatory details about how we legalize?
“Interest choice of comparison, because sky diving either needs a lot of training, or you need to do it with someone who’s had a lot of training and experience.”
And I’m all for comprehensive education and preparation for a novice user regarding effects, safe use, and risks. So I’m not sure why it’s so interesting. As for experience, I think there’s only one way to get that.
Plus, rephrasing to clarify is fine, but please, give me a break:
“You said that legalizing in the US had caused problems in both kids and adults. Is this about right?”
“Not really. I pointed out that the way the process was done had caused problems.”
There’s been some interesting hazards from the legalising of cannabis in the US eg kids eating cannabis sold in candy bars, people having serious adverse reactions etc.
“…you reckoned that some people were pretending that unspecified risks did not exist.”
“No. I don’t think people are pretending,…”
…so I think it’s better to be honest about the risks rather than pretend they don’t exist.
Maybe if you could be a bit more coherent, people wouldn’t misinterpret. And no weka, just so you know, there was no such intent.
Hopefully one day, we’ll live in a society capable of deciding not to put weed in lollies. Let’s dare to dream. In the meantime, I guess we’re stuck with our favourite class 1 carcinogen as our only allowed option for mind-altering modern life relief.
…. i feeel…. philip ure… channelling himself through me….
… eh?
Can we at least drop the reefer madness lines? The repeated use of “potheads” betrays a certain amount of close-mindedness in your viewpoint.
I think the people calling for wholesale legalisation are far more honest than those calling for a half-way house measure (medicinal cannabis) that ends up being a backdoor measure for legalisation (take a walk down Venice Beach sometime and admire the guys touting for “Dr. Kush” etc.), let alone the scummies like Dunne who pretend alcohol is less harmful than cannabis.
It’s not.
I support cannabis being legal. Do a search on ts and you’ll find that I’m much more radical than many others here. For instance, I think that cannabis should no be commercialised by regulation and that it should be left to potheads to grow and distribute.
There’s nothing reefer madness about my comments. All I’m doing is pointing out two things. One is that we live in a society that is pretty bad at managing drug use (regulation, users, education etc), and so if we are going to legalise/decriminalise various drugs we need to figure out how to change that. The other is that pro-legalisation people too often minimise risk and this minimisation is slowing down legalisation.
I think that you too are misreading and misinterpreting what I am saying. Try to not get hung up on one word in a long post and try engaging with the points I am saying. (seriously, you think my use of ‘pothead’ means I am anti-legalisation?).
I think saying “potheads” shouldn’t make decisions for the whole of society is incredibly phobic and close-minded. Alcoholics do the same thing every day.
This is not the first time we’ve disagreed about the clear semiotic implications of language as I recall :p So perhaps we could use less loaded terms, like “cannabis users”?
Anyway, it’s good to know where (some) standardistas sit on drug law reform since I feel it’s a subject that is massively overlooked in this internet community (and NZ politics generally).
I don’t think potheads are drug addicts, so the comparison with alcoholics fails. Potheads are just people that smoke a lot of weed or smoke all the time. My comment, when read in context, is clearly a point about how the push for legalisation from experienced users outstripped public safety and ethical concerns. I see the same thing happening in NZ, where pro-legalisation people often minimise risk.
And no, ‘cannabis users’ is not a substitute for potheads, I would have thought that was obvious. It’s also not inherently a pejorative, at least not where I come from. I don’t want to get into semantics. You could have asked for clarification about what I meant, and you didn’t, and instead you are trying to misuse my comments to make out I’m something I’m not and completely ignore the points I am making in response to the original comment.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was obliged to prepare a point-by-point rebuttal to everything you say. However, since emergency mike is doing perfectly well on that score above, just take it as a big fat +1 to everything he has said in response to you.
What you appear to be arguing for is something just as, if not more conservative than Dunne’s current unworkable testing regime under the PSA, whereby it will cost millions to get products through the various hoops to get them on shelves. And you have a massive hypocrisy where more harmful psychoactive substances are already legal or (because of other pharmaceutical legislation) things like antidepressants and benzodiazepine which are obviously “psychoactive” aren’t held to the same standards harm-wise.
Who will have the kind of money to jump the regulatory hoops? Only “Big Weed” like the giant cartels that are currently forming across the US. Not so different to Big Pharma (or Big Booze) in its objectives (to make a lot of money).
The expression “pothead” is pejorative, moreso than “stoner” I’d suggest (will take a straw poll of other cannabis enthusiasts if they care to chip in), and the stories about stoned dude killing whole fam/self-harm while stoned are just that, anecdotes, not evidence of anything.
This logic is all jacked up too. Are alcoholics (people who drink a lot of alcohol or drink all the time) drug addicts? How is there no valid comparison to be made?
And an apology weka, you might think I’m just trolling you, but the truth is I’m much more inclined to post when there’s something you say I disagree with, than when there’s something you say that I agree with. (That is to say, most of the time I broadly agree with you – clearly not on cannabis law reform.)
Cheers pigman.
To be fair, I don’t think weka is arguing for “something just as, if not more conservative than Dunne’s current unworkable testing regime under the PSA.” I think her main point here is that some legalization advocates are ignoring or dismissing risks and hazards to the detriment of their own cause.
My response is that that is not happening from people who are seriously involved and working to this end. She also seems to be saying that we need to ‘grow up’ about drugs before we legalize. I think that legalizing would help us grow up a lot. We all want it done in a careful and considered way and I think we are perfectly capable of doing so. I think such fears are unreasonable and ill-informed. Our history of drug legislation has been negatively influenced by vested interests from alcohol, tobacco, and legal highs for a long time. Pro-legalization campaigners are trying to pull this situation back to a better place, not add another layer of bad like some would have you think.
I think no small part of my frustration here comes from encountering the ‘harmless’ straw man a few too many times. I get annoyed by online commenters saying things like, “people claim it’s harmless but it’s not look!” when no one has claimed any such thing. That’s not what weka said, but it’s related.
On ‘pothead’, “I don’t think potheads are drug addicts” is also ill-informed, (and ironically, ignoring a risk). It is possible to be seriously addicted to weed. Addiction rates are lower than other drugs, including alcohol, and the withdrawal symptoms are not as bad, but they do exist for heavy users who quit.
As for derogatory or not, I don’t know about weka’s pot smoking community, but I’ve only heard it used with a negative, derogatory connotation. Smokers might be happy to call themselves and others ‘stoners’, but ‘pothead’ implies someone who is smoking too much, such that it significantly interferes with their ability to function in other aspects of their life.
Of course, it all depends on context of use. “I love you all my fellow potheads!” isn’t derogatory. But “let’s not let potheads make decisions for the whole of society” yep, that’s clearly derogatory no matter what weka’s bigger point might have been. And no that doesn’t nullify or ignore her point; your request to avoid derogatory language in the furtherance of a reasoned discussion is simply valid.
Mmmmm I remember that stuff fondly . if they legalized that and weed nz would be a very different and better place IMO.
‘Create a crisis – so people see the need for reform’
Where is the Auckland ‘housing crisis’ – when the mantra of ‘an extra million people coming to Auckland over the next 30 years’ was effectively ‘made up’ by the Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown. and the (former) Auckland Council Chief Planning Officer Dr Roger Blakeley choosing to use the Department of Statistics ‘high’ population growth projection – instead of their recommended ‘medium’ population growth projection of an extra 700,000 people?
This ‘extra million people’ mantra – has then been used to drive the ‘Special Housing Areas’ legislation – which has been used to try and ‘economically cleanse’ State tenants off prime real estate, particularly in Tamaki, and push the privatisation of State housing by ‘social housing’ – for which there is no electoral mandate.
Combine that with the ‘ghost City’ of 22,000 EMPTY private sector houses in the Auckland region?
Let’s get real!
To what extent is the Auckland real estate market being used for MONEY LAUNDERING?
Who is checking?
Who else is even asking?
Penny Bright
2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate
Evidence to support my post about the – in my opinion – BOGUS Auckland ‘housing crisis’.
(Supplementary) EVIDENCE that I provided in support of this Petition 2011/64
Date: 14 June 2013
SUBMITTER: Penelope Bright
Penny Bright
2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate
How about gathering some ideas on how this flag referendum bullshit can be hijacked?
Maybe a social media campaign to vote for the worst design in the first referendum?
So, as chairman of NZ Inc and thus an “executive” of the State owned airline, why would you be smiling so gleefully at Jetstar’s announcement of expanding its New Zealand operations?