If your mobile is with Vodafone, you’ll get a further discount on the bundle. Haven’t dealt with Slingshot, but I believe they are pretty popular, so I guess they must be providing a decent service.
Lesser of 2 evils would be slingshot Vodafone are simply the worst and still declining.
Ultimately with mobile though it’s either on Spark or Voda regardless of who bills you as 2 degree only have CBD coverage with Spark having the better network which doesn’t say much for our brighter future.
I’m with Slingshot and they are good (pity about the Global roaming back down) Burt if you want to move mobile as well you can get a new phone on a 2 year contract. I get Unlimited Internet, 2 Cell Phones, and a Landline, with line insurance for a little under $40 a week. (Oh and their call centre is in NZ as well. Dunno about Vodafone But I hear they are getting worse.
Just switched from Vodafone to Spark for landline, fibre internet, and free landline national. $30 per month cheaper @ $69pm. Call service for Vodafone appalling. Long, long, long waits @1 hour plus.
That will get worse, Voda appear to be holding out for a grand sale, rumoured to be in the pipeline and further consolidating and already concentrated market.
Stanners has presided over nearly a decade of under investment in the network and back end systems while dividends derived off NZ consumers flowed offshore.
Spark now look pristine and effective up against them….that’s how bad it is.
isn’t vodafone the company that had a market share of very close percentage to the proportion of NSA penetration into NZ traffic that the Snowden files revealed?
@just saying – I have used both and neither worth recommending. Not consumer friendly at all. Among other things, Slingshot signed me up to their toll account, without my knowledge or consent and had the audacity to try to charge me for it! So it soon got the heave ho. Got no responses at all to issues with Vodafone, so that also got the push!
Been with 2 Degrees for four years and no issues or complaints at all – well so far that is! Service seems to be customer friendly, not that I’ve had to use it much, because it has been all plain sailing to date. Web page easy to navigate too.
FYI – apologies for the length – but this is REALLY important!
20 July 2015
MEDIA Alert! TPPA – Walk Away!
Protest outside Auckland Uni – Monday 20 July 2015 1-5pm
WHEN: Monday 20 July
TIME: 1 -5 PM
WHERE: Symonds St / Grafton Rd intersection – directly outside Auckland Uni.
WHY? Because Auckland students are back and there are THOUSANDS of them!
The FOCUS – NZ PM John Key is a shareholder in the Bank of America!
(These Bank of America shares are NOT in a ‘blind trust’!)
“Register of Pecuniary and Other Specified Interests of Members of Parliament:
Summary of annual returns as at 31 January 2015
(Page 29)
Rt Hon John Key (National, Helensville)
2 Other companies and business entities
Little Nell – property investment (Aspen, Colorado)
Bank of America – banking ..”
A LOT of people don’t know this, and it is, in my view, as an anti-corruption ‘Public Watchdog’ an arguably significant corrupt ‘conflict of interest’.
Especially when the TPPA is closely tied together with TISA (Trade In Services Agreement), of which New Zealand is a member State, which has a particularly ‘scary’, secret agenda – “… because it aims to extend the model of liberalised and deregulated financial markets that brought us the global financial crisis…”
“The story of the past week in terms of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was not Prime Minister John Key’s visit to the White House.
The more startling news is that our Government, with almost 50 other countries, is negotiating another secret deal in the shadows of the World Trade Organisation.
They are calling to negotiate a Trade in Services Agreement (Tisa).
It is part of a troika: along with the TPP and the deal the US is negotiating with the European Union, it aims to create a new set of global rules that are designed exclusively to serve commercial interests.
This is no exaggeration. Last week US corporates held a launch for what they call Team Tisa. The co-chairs are Citigroup, Liberty Mutual, IBM, MetLife, UPS and Walmart.
Leading members of Congress and the US Trade Representative were invited to speak.
If we thought the TPP was secretive – background documents remain secret for four years after any deal is done – Tisa proponents want to keep their documents secret for five years.
They aim to create an unrestricted global market for services, just as TPP is aimed at the Asia-Pacific. That means locking open the door to foreign corporations that dominate the world’s media, IT, finance, tourism, transport, healthcare, education sectors and more.
They also want to make light-handed regulation the global norm. A standstill rule aims to freeze the existing level of regulation as the new bottom line.
What Wikileaks posted was the draft chapter on financial services. We can assume it will be very similar to the TPP’s financial services chapter.
This is especially scary, because it aims to extend the model of liberalised and deregulated financial markets that brought us the global financial crisis…”
“….He was born in Auckland, New Zealand but moved to Christchurch, New Zealand when he was a child. He was educated at Burnside High School in Christchurch and then gained a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Canterbury.
Mr Key launched his investment banking career in New Zealand in the mid-1980s.
After 10 years in the New Zealand market he headed offshore, working in Singapore, London, and Sydney for US investment banking firm Merrill Lynch.
During that time he was in charge of a number of business units, including global foreign exchange and European bond and derivative trading.
In 1999, he was invited to join the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and on two occasions undertook management studies at Harvard University in Boston.
In 2001, he headed back to New Zealand to fulfil a long held ambition to stand for Parliament for the National Party. He first won the Helensville seat in 2002. Mr Key quickly rose through the ranks and was elected leader of the National Party on 27 November 2006. …”
NZX’s Dairy Derivatives business continued its rapid growth trajectory in 2014 with the number of lots traded up 175% to 101,010.
In recognition of the continued efforts to grow market participation and confidence, in September 2014 NZX’s Dairy Futures Market won Best New Agricultural Contract at the Futures & Options World (FOW) Awards for Asia.
NZX CEO Tim Bennett commented: “Once they are established and liquid, derivatives markets are a very high revenue, low marginal cost businesses, generating significant upside over sustained periods.
While development takes time, the long-term payback far exceeds the initial investment.
We still have a long way to go.
Mature derivatives contracts notionally trade a multiple of the related underlying commodity and NZX dairy derivatives only constitute notional trade of around 4% of the related physical market, highlighting the future potential.”
Building on its success in milk powders, NZX launched a butter futures contract in December 2014, a global risk management tool that trades off the underlying price for unsalted butter on the GlobalDairyTrade auction platform. ..”
Is John Key working for the New Zealand people, New Zealand business – or foreign bankers?
Time is short.
TPPA: Chief Negotiators meet 24 -27 July
TPPA: Ministers 28 – 31 July
Parliament sits Tues 21 July.
National are dropping in the polls…..
In my view – it was FOCUSED and timely protest vs John Key in the 2 days before the Northland by-election that helped National lose that seat.
This is a video clip of the recent protest to that was held outside the office of Minister of Trade Time Groser on Thursday 16 July 2015.
You really have little idea about what derivatives actually are. Please tell me how a Futures contract for a Dairy product is somehow more dangerous than trading in the raw commodity itself?
It’s an abstraction that increases trading volume and activity, which leads to greater chaotic volatility without a corresponding increase in the benefits of actually producing those goods.
A bit like how global warming produces more extreme weather events (hurricanes, snowstorms, droughts), rather than just making Southland a nice subtropical climate. More activity in a chaotic system increases the chaos.
Public sentiment relies on the public not knowing any of the facts or looking for simple answers pointing the finger ‘out there’. A $300K house in Auckland from 2000 is not $1.1M now *mainly* because of foreign Chinese money. (Although it may be, in small part)
I don’t think CV is that far off, Lanth. The average Ak price was just over $300k in 2000 and sits well above $800k today and heading toward $900k within a couple of months. Even if it’s not $1.1 million today, it’s looking like it will be at some point this year or early next year. Plus, I understand there are now more than 30 Ak suburbs that average over a million so it’s entirely possible that some individual houses that were sold for $300k fifteen years ago are worth more than a million now. Location, location, location!
Agree we bought our house in Glenfield for $360K in 2005 and two years ago we had a valuation of just under $600K. It will have gone up a bit since then.
Of course that value is worth nothing unless you want to move out of Auckland. I would much rather see my house value drop back to closer to what we bought at and have a larger more diverse group of people buying houses then sit on massive capital gain that is in real terms worth very little. No I am not interested in using equity to become a landlord.
My point is that CV just arbitrarily picked numbers out of the air and intimated as if it would be a majority, or at least very sizable portion of all houses that fit that particular profile.
I suspect it’d be less than 5% of Auckland houses that went from $300k to $1.1M (or thereabouts).
One thing to realise with averages is that they have a very long tail on the upside; an average of $800k for a house will be pulled up strongly by houses in the $2M+ price bracket; and same goes for the ~$300k average back at the start of the millennium.
If CV had said $300k -> $700-800k I wouldn’t have said anything.
Barfoot said in March that 1/4 of its sales were for over $1M. I would say that a fair number of those would have been what were $300,000 houses in what used to be considered very middle of the road suburbs, 15 years ago.
But happy to accept that my numbers relay a common case 5% to 10% of sales, but not the majority of cases.
in 1999 to build a single level 195m2 house was about $750m2 (with building rebates from suppliers being kept by the building coy and not traded), on a 720m2 section cost $120k with a fall of 1.3m from front to back, total cost approx $275k including driveway, patio, fencing and grassed.
Building now in Auckland would be INXS of $2k/m2 add on water connection fee of $15k (in 1999 this was $750). and to buy such a section would cost in excessive of $600k(if you could locate one). Total cost well exceeding $1m. On such a section the building would be 2 level,3 car garaging, 4-5 bedrooms multi en-suit and exceeding 260m2. With a min asking price $1.6m.
Lanthaide in my local area developed over the 1990’s to early 2000’s all family homes would qualify as cost $300k-$400k to buy and now worth over $1m.
That’s not wholly accurate either CV. We do know that most of the inflation between at least 2000 and 2009 occurred mainly because of excess bank credit in the local market.
But while undersupply and inward migration back from Aus have been creating some pressure on the market in the past few years – we are in the middle of the most insane bubble of all time. And the RB to it’s horror has realised that all the simple levers at it’s command like interest rates, LVR ratios and bank reserves were not working.
Why? Because a large portion of the cashed up buyers in the Auckland market are immune to them.
IMO people have recently realised that it is an insane bubble because we have finally after 15 years or so got to the “vertical wall” stage of the exponential curve. That is, most people tolerated houses doubling in price from $250K to $500K (people could still pretend that was affordable)…but the next doubling from $800K to $1.6M takes away all such pretense.
As for the RB…yep, they have been left to try and cope with what has been going on as the neolib politicians of all colours have gone completely hands off laissez faire.
I can’t see key being worried as the high ground has been ceded now and as you say a large chunk of the public still trust him – somehow after all the bullshit he has spun over the years.
VTO my point exactly. How can you contradict an assertion without contrary data? To say we will be collecting data is to pre-judge the conclusion and Mr Tyford is just “inferring” the rates of purchasing.
Yeah I heard Key in a pasty interview with Paul Henry this morning trying to fudge their new data collection changes will give the required details. He was quick to point out that “most overseas buyer will be Kiwi’s living abroad and it will be hard to capture.
Actually John if you made changes that give a detailed analysis of when, who are buying and where they are from shouldn’t be hard. So stop the smoke and mirrors and get on with it.
They are terrified of the reality true date would show…
You only need a small swing in the number of buyers in a market to make a big difference. A change in the order of 5% is more than enough to swing things between rising and falling markjets
Maybe the PM needs to check in with the Minister, or vice versa
A spokesperson for Land Information Minister Louise Upston said last week no decisions had been taken about whether or when to release it and the information might not show what people wanted to know.
“It’s worth bearing in mind that the information gathered for this new law change is going to be tax information. It will be the tax residence [of the buyer] as opposed to the country of residence of the buyer,” the spokesperson said.
“It’s not a foreign buyers register at all. It will give us information but we don’t know if it will be made public.”
Well it sure does smell like that. When you have NZF saying they had the data and decided there was no solid data there to release it, then it does seem desperate.
The difference here is that Labour used some smart analytics (with 95% confidence) to tease out the 40% Chinese figure vs 9% from the census, using the information they were given.
Doesn’t sound like NZFirst had the skills or idea to perform this analysis, and the data without this analysis is rather useless.
Ok, just watched the video and the PM does feature in it sporadically, almost as if it’s on purpose? That shows to me he endorses the video and I wonder if his son is being paid to make something like this…
The motive seems pretty clear, play on our materialistic desires and show you can get the girl, get to go to Hawaii and have the lifestyle. All on one condition, you’ve got to do what the PM and son does and vote National.
Wow just wow, the Herald were complicit in this dirty politics attack yet just a couple of days later they’re distancing themselves and cr**ping on Labour at the same time, the Herald really is quite a pice of work
Grant Robertson is bidding his time before the next run for leader. The pundits, political commentators and press gallery are aflutter. It seems to be only a strong rumour at this time.
Bullshit. Little is doing fine, there are no signs whatsoever of dissent in caucus and the party is generally happy with his leadership (and the marked improvement in the polls). If you want to troll, do it somewhere else.
As many have said already the popularity of the opposition leader doesn’t really matter at this stage, it’s the party percentage that does. Personally I would love to have seen Cunliffe still there, with the economy under a bit of stress like it is now I think he would do great job of putting hits on National. His passion and smarts are great attributes infront of the camera.
The Cunliffe was found wanting so we’ll see if Little Andy can do any better (though to be fair hes not the only one thats been soundly thrashed by John Key)
What Claire’s copy and paste recap shows is she is a lite weight political reporter. The heading makes her look incompetent and rather cynical “Labour’s Gamble Doesn’t Pay Off In Polls.”
Obviously not everyone would have been surveyed after the release, if anything probably prior, add plenty of people wouldn’t have been aware of the release, let alone formed an opinion as Andrew Little points out.
Go sit in the media’s ‘clown seat’ till the next poll comes out Claire. Or better still take a permanent holiday.
Whats of more interest to me is not Labours dog whistling but that the Herald worked in conjunction with Labour to attempt to embarrass the govt (and fair enough thats Labours job) yet within the space of a few days the Herald are trying to sink Labour on this
That’s supposedly the media’s role isn’t it or traditionally was, to keep the Government honest. Maybe the herald decided they would do some actual journalism by using a source from inside the industry about a regional problem that was given to them by the Opposition. Now they’re just defaulting back to attack the opposition party that doesn’t align with the interests of their advertisers.
Well what gets me is the speed in which they’re willing to go into bat with Labour then turn around and dump on them, like it was only a couple of days
LOL . Nice concern trolling. Or maybe you’re just a conspiracy theorist.
Remember that time John Armstrong called for Cunliffe to resign over the 11-year-old letter, and O’Sullivan the very next day said that was over-excited nonsense?
The Trevett article is mild anyway, and seems a pretty standard kind of line for her to take.
You’d have a better chance of getting a single editorial line out of Fairfax, by default because it’s so formulaic. Prefer the Herald any day to the Stakhanovite content creator mill.
It’s laughable that the property editor at the NZH takes up her political sub editors role by scribing an article today with a headline of “No Stamp Duty, Or Capital Gains Tax.” This being pitched to Hong Kong & Mainland Chinese investors. Also as you would expect, actively promoting Auckland property therd is one of the National Party’s property magnate donators, Mr Barfoot of B & T reale state.
I guess when you donate 20 K to a political party in Government you can reasonably expect a return on that investment.
Quote: Families could have two “decent salaries” but still struggle due to living costs and child care costs.
“People have to have two jobs to survive,” she said.
“The only way you can do that is to have extended whanau helping you out because you can’t afford child care.”
The high cost of living needed to be reduced and it was up to the Government to make changes, she said.
“We need to get our housing, power and food costs down.
“Everyone deserves to have a roof over their head, a job to go to, food on the table and enough money to take the family out once a month. That’s all people want.”
According to the report, older couples, one or both being at least 50 years old, did well overall, rating highly on most indicators of wellbeing with 88 per cent satisfied with their standard of living.
Though solo parents with children under 18 represented only 4.5 per cent of the familial population in Canterbury, nationally they are the most under pressure.
This family type scored the lowest in adequate income, affordable housing, mental health and satisfaction at pay and work hours.
About 75 per cent reported affordable housing problems.
as long as they tighten their budget (maybe not feeding the cows? or the kids? or something) and they should make it. And if not, oh well that is just the market correcting itself
Quote: “Falling dairy prices mean it will be a tight year for many farmers and they will need to budget carefully,” he said.
Mr Guy said prices fluctuate every year and the fall in the exchange rate – the kiwi is now down to a six-year low of around US65 cents – was giving exporters confidence.
“Farmers are in it for the long term, not just one year,” he said.
“Other sectors like beef and horticulture are having record years which will help soften the impact in rural areas.”
He says the longer term outlook for dairy is strong.
Can someone please explain why Fonterra is not supplying dairy product to the Russian market ?
There is demand – and NZ is not on the exclusion list. At $4.20 all bets are “on” – so why not ?
Probably have something to do with all the other restrictions that have been put in place on Russia and I doubt if NZ would do anything to upset the USA.
I see the largest NZ dairy operation is comprised of 58 South Island farms, covering 18,000ha of land and 43,400 milking cows.
The single Zhongding Dairy Farming and Russia’s Severny Bur enterprise is twice this size – and will supply 30% of the Russian cheese demand – exceeding the previous EU contribution of 25%.
$ kg/mf is depressed – oversupply cos the Russian market is excluded from those others who offended Russia.
Well, Murray from Waitui shouldn’t have to sell Gina’s heir-jewels cos Vicky Nuland had a cake moment.
In the year ending May 2015, 2.977 million international visitors arrived in this country, an increase of 7 per cent on the previous year with forecasts for this number to grow to 3.8 million by 2021.
China and India will be the two drivers of this international growth. According to Tourism New Zealand, 309,792 visitors arrived from China in the year to May 2015, an increase of 29.3 per cent on the year previous, while India’s figures grew 28.9 per cent to 42,880.
The future looks bright with two extra airlines (Air China and China Eastern) establishing year-round services, and while India does not have a direct service at present, it is only a matter of time. The World Tourism Organisation predicts that India will account for 50 million outbound tourists by 2020. There are currently only 28 million passport holders in India.
New Zealand’s lack of overseas investment regulation is being promoted in Shanghai and Hong Kong to help sell apartments rising on the site of the country’s best-known record store.
“NO stamp duties and property purchase tax, NO capital gains tax on residential property if sold after two years of holding,” Colliers International says advertising Queens Square, a 226-unit block promoted as on “the Nanjing Road of Auckland” and to rise on Real Groovy’s Queen St site near Karangahape Rd.
This country’s liberal regime, unusual internationally, is being promoted in that ad for the block by New Zealand developer Robert Holden’s Conrad Properties.
The new L-shaped block, to have 24 carparks and ground-level shops, is to rise at 438 Queen St and was designed by architect Colin Leuschke who says in a promotional video it will be on Auckland’s golden mile.
Events to promote the sale of units in the block were held this month at Shanghai’s New World Tower and at 300 Huaihai Rd in Hong Kong. The ad says the block could be completed by January 2018.
Barfoot & Thompson is also marketing units as being in the Auckland Grammar zone, priced from $386,000.
Agent Alastair Brown said top-priced larger units with carparks were going for $1.2 million. The block would have 226 units, 14 carparks and construction was yet to start.
A spokesperson for Land Information Minister Louise Upston said last week no decisions had been taken about whether or when to release it and the information might not show what people wanted to know.
“It’s worth bearing in mind that the information gathered for this new law change is going to be tax information. It will be the tax residence [of the buyer] as opposed to the country of residence of the buyer,” the spokesperson said.
“It’s not a foreign buyers register at all. It will give us information but we don’t know if it will be made public.”
Guess we can look forwards to Bill English saying in 2018 that in retrospect, they shouldn’t have cut taxes, and if they hadn’t, they may not have had a record 9 deficits in a row.
Yeah, like when Bill English admitted in 2008 that actually Labour managed the crown accounts very well and they had saved for the rainy day that was the GFC. He left unspoken what a disaster it would have been if Brash had won 2005 and implemented the tax cuts he was campaigning on.
Pity he went and blew all Labour’s careful work on tax cuts, eh?
Yeah, Working For Families didn’t “[help anyone] in need”.
Kiwisaver didn’t “[help anyone] in need” either. Nor did interest free student loans, or free doctor’s visits for under 5 year olds. Raising the minimum wage mustn’t have helped anyone either, unless you consider business owners “in need” of help?
So it helped people in need, just not enough of them. You’re sliding again.
Of course some people on here – even many or most – would suggest that raising the benefit would have helped more people (at least more people in greater need) than WFF did. But then many people here would be saying that from honest convictions that the government should help people, rather than your transparent desire to just stir shit here when you couldn’t care less about people in any level of need (except your own self interest).
The difference is though that i want each and every single person in NZ to as well as I have (or rather about to) or better whereas most on here want those that have done well to be brought down to an “acceptable” level
I don’t think you do. Your behaviour here strongly indicates that you don’t give a damn about anyone other than yourself, and that politics for you is merely a “game” in which strong leaders get your fearspect and genuine concern for others is a weakness to be exploited.
Your professed concern for the welfare of “each and every single person in NZ” is at odds with the rest of your commenting history.
Except that it isn’t actually going to help anyone in need. The $25/week is a nice headline figure but it’s not what anyone’s going to get and there’s several claw backs that are actually going to make people worse off.
In terms of overall benefit to individuals in the bottom half of society, Labour’s package of policies, a few of which I outlined above, are greater than anything National’s done.
So useless Michael Cullen has come out and agreed that there is a problem and that the Labour government he was part of should have done something …..
f@&k Michael Cullen…
I personally wrote to him early on in his time in office and put this exact issue to him. We exchanged a couple of communications on it.
Bottom line: Cullen refused to acknowledge the problem, despite evidence I put to him that locals were being outbid by foreign speculators (American ones these were mostly).
Cullen did exactly what Key English and Smith are doing now – being deceptive and avoiding the question.
Cullen’s little credibility on this just got sacked imo
bloody deceptive politicians – goes on even when they are retired it seems. Cullen is a Wanker on this
Why is a prepay plan going to require a monthly fee? Are telcos taxing the poor by removing low cost no monthly fee mobiles, and if they are why can they call a monthly plan prepay. Thats wrong.
On the importance of getting in first with the framing…and burying the facts, driving the political issues and ‘morality’ and skewing political advantage against your adversaries:
“Investigations into the downing of flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine are still inconclusive or incomplete a year on from the tragedy. However, this has not stopped the West and their media from apportioning blames, without facts and figures to back up their claims. The search for justice for the families of those killed on MH17 continues.
CrossTalking with Ray McGovern, Alexander Mercouris, and Patrick Henningsen.”
That is what it feels like to be a solo parent. One size fits all.
I have an acquaintance who was surprised that my car had a rego and warrant because I’m a solo mum on the benefit. Another person assumes I sit around at home all day watching movies. Another assumes that the kids go to their father’s every second weekend so I can go out and party.
People are confused that I don’t spend my benefit money on drugs and the pokies. People refuse to believe that I study full time to get a degree so I can make a better future for me and my children.
Solo mothers on benefits are stigmatised, labelled, looked down upon. But not one size fits all, and Work and Income need to recognise this.
Of course, it’s not that WINZ that needs to recognise that but our psychopathic government that’s out to punish people for being poor.
I’d like it a lot more if that solo mum, or anyone else didn’t have to justify their existence to fellate the egos of greedy sociopathic m’fuckers: Even if she didn’t have a car with Wof or rego, even if she wasn’t talented enough to study at a high level to become a lawyer or accountant, even if she eased her troubles by smoking or partying on alternate weekends, even if she was trying her best and failing at most things, she’s still a woman and a mother and a human being. So if the system allows no other choice but to buy in to the ass-pirant dream or be scapegoated and demonised by fat brainless cowards, then fuck the system and all who support it. It’s not like she impregnated herself.
And having a child is not an unnatural function for a woman. It should not have to be vouched for by a bloke. Give her the tools to raise the child well, then assistance to get training so she can have an individual skill in society when the child is old enough, and she can have the part-time hours needed. It is not hard to understand except for the religious-value-laden and the individualists who want to suck from society but not fuel it.
A comment on Ireland’s situation circa 1924 from Countess Markievicz.
All the small businesses here are heading for ruin, and the farmers are in a bad way. The list of bankrupts is something appalling. The list of highly paid officials for whom jobs are made by those at present in power, is daily increasing. To meet these expenses the old age pensioners have been docked 1/- per week of their pensions, as well as their bag of coal per fortnight. Taxes are awful, and food prices are daily rising and rents are wicked.
Thanks for the flattery, but I was very critical of Labour intentions and I thought I was bloody clear about it.
I said that Phil Twyford was knowingly “straight-up scapegoating” Chinese New Zealanders and offshore Chinese alike and “fueling racial division in this country”. I said it was “cynical, reckless dogwhistling”.
What part of this was ambiguous for you??? Did you think I meant “cynical, reckless, but ultimately well-intentioned dogwhistling”?
Even after a week where Labour has been trying to take the “reverse racism” highground, trying to pretend that we didn’t blame Labour is a new delusional high, Rob.
It’s also at least the fifth major news organisation to post Max Key’s hawaiian holiday video on their website. Even Richie McCaw or Dan Carter would struggle to do that. There is no such thing as bad publicity I would think is the strategy.
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Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Over the last year, I’ve been warning about Luxon’s pitch to privatise our public assets.He had told reporters in October that nothing was off the cards:Schools, hospitals, prisons, and ...
When ASPI’s Cyclone Tracy: 50 Years On was published last year, it wasn’t just a historical reflection; it was a warning. Just months later, we are already watching history repeat itself. We need to bake ...
1. Why was school lunch provider The Libelle Group in the news this week?a. Grand Winner in Pie of The Yearb. Scored a record 108% on YELP c. Bought by Oravida d. Went into liquidation2. What did our Prime Minister offer prospective investors at his infrastructure investment jamboree?a. The Libelle ...
South Korea has suspended new downloads of DeepSeek, and it was were right to do so. Chinese tech firms operate under the shadow of state influence, misusing data for surveillance and geopolitical advantage. Any country ...
Previous big infrastructure PPPs such as Transmission Gully were fiendishly complicated to negotiate, generated massive litigation and were eventually rewritten anyway. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / Getty ImagesLong stories shortest: The Government’s international investment conference ignores the facts that PPPs cost twice as much as vanilla debt-funded public infrastructure, often take ...
Woolworths has proposed a major restructure of its New Zealand store operating model, leaving workers worried their hours and pay could be cut. Public servants are being asked how productive their office is, how much they use AI, and whether they’re overloaded with meetings as part of a “census”. An ...
Robert Kaplan’s book Waste Land: A World in Permanent Crisis paints a portrait of civilisation in flux. Drawing insights from history, literature and art, he examines the effect of modern technology, globalisation and urbanisation on ...
Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and freeSexuality - Your laws do not apply to meSexuality - Don't threaten me with miserySexuality - I demand equalitySong: Billy Bragg.First, thank you to everyone who took part in yesterday’s survey. Some questions worked better than others, but I found them interesting, ...
Hi,I just got back from a week in Japan thanks to the power of cheap flights and years of accumulated credit card points.The last time I was in Japan the government held a press conference saying they might take legal action against me and Netflix, so there was a little ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: on the week in geopolitics, including Donald Trump’s wrecking of the post-WW II political landscape; andHealth Coalition Aotearoa co-chair Lisa ...
Hi,I just got back from a short trip to Japan, mostly spending time in Tokyo.I haven’t been there since we shot Dark Tourist back in 2017 — and that landed us in a bit of hot water with the Japanese government.I am glad to report I was not thrown into ...
I’ve been on Substack for almost 8 months now.It’s been good in terms of the many great individuals that populate its space. So much variety and intelligence and humour and depth.I joined because someone suggested I should ‘start a Substack,’ whatever that meant.So I did.Turning on payments seemed like the ...
Open access notables Would Adding the Anthropocene to the Geologic Time Scale Matter?, McCarthy et al., AGU Advances:The extraordinary fossil fuel-driven outburst of consumption and production since the mid-twentieth century has fundamentally altered the way the Earth System works. Although humans have impacted their environment for millennia, justification for ...
Australia should buy equipment to cheaply and temporarily convert military transport aircraft into waterbombers. On current planning, the Australian Defence Force will have a total of 34 Chinook helicopters and Hercules airlifters. They should be ...
Indonesia’s government has slashed its counterterrorism (CT) budgets, despite the persistent and evolving threat of violent extremism. Australia can support regional CT efforts by filling this funding void. Reducing funding to the National Counterterrorism Agency ...
A ballot for a single Member's Bill was held today, and the following bill was drawn: Resource Management (Prohibition on Extraction of Freshwater for On-selling) Amendment Bill (Debbie Ngarewa-Packer) The bill does exactly what it says on the label, and would effectively end the rapacious water-bottling industry ...
Twilight Time Lighthouse Cuba, Wigan Street, Wellington, Sunday 6 April, 5:30pm for 6pm start. Twilight Time looks at the life and work of Desmond Ball, (1947-2016), a barefooted academic from ‘down under’ who was hailed by Jimmy Carter as “the man who saved the world”, as he proved the fallacy ...
Foreign aid is being slashed across the Global North, nowhere more so than in the United States. Within his first month back in the White House, President Donald Trump dismantled the US Agency for International ...
Nicola Willis has proposed new procurement rules that unions say will lead to pay cuts for already low-paid workers in cleaning, catering and security services that are contracted by government. The Crimes (Theft by Employer) Amendment Bill passed its third reading with support from all the opposition parties and NZ ...
Most KP readers will not know that I was a jazz DJ in Chicago and Washington DC while in grad school in the early and mid 1980s. In DC I joined WPFW as a grave shift host, then a morning drive show host (a show called Sui Generis, both for ...
Long stories shortest: The IMF says a capital gains tax or land tax would improve real economic growth and fix the budget. GDP is set to be smaller by 2026 than it was in 2023. Compass is flying in school lunches from Australia. 53% of National voters say the new ...
Last year in October I wrote “Where’s The Opposition?”. I was exasperated at the relative quiet of the Green Party, Labour and Te Pati Māori (TPM), as the National led Coalition ticked off a full bingo card of the Atlas Network playbook.1To be fair, TPM helped to energise one of ...
This is a re-post from The Climate BrinkGood data visualizations can help make climate change more visceral and understandable. Back in 2016 Ed Hawkins published a “climate spiral” graph that ended up being pretty iconic – it was shown at the opening ceremony of the Olympics that year – and ...
An agreement to end the war in Ukraine could transform Russia’s relations with North Korea. Moscow is unlikely to reduce its cooperation with Pyongyang to pre-2022 levels, but it may become more selective about areas ...
This week, the Government is hosting a grand event aimed at trying to interest big foreign capital players in financing capital works in New Zealand, particularly its big rural motorway programme. Financing vs funding: a quick explainer The key word in the sentence above is financing. It is important ...
In a month’s time, the Right Honourable Winston Peters will be celebrating his 80th birthday. Good for him. On the evidence though, his current war on “wokeness” looks like an old man’s cranky complaint that the ancient virtues of grit and know-how are sadly lacking in the youth of today. ...
As noted, early March has been about moving house, and I have had little chance to partake in all things internet. But now that everything is more or less sorted, I can finally give a belated report on my visit to the annual Regent Booksale (28th February and 1st March). ...
Information operations Australia has banned cybersecurity software Kaspersky from government use because of risks of espionage, foreign interference and sabotage. The Department of Home Affairs said use of Kaspersky products posed an unacceptable security ...
The StrategistBy Linus Cohen, Astrid Young and Alice Wai
One of the best understood tropes of screen drama is the scene where the beloved family dog is barking incessantly and cannot be calmed. Finally, somebody asks: What is it, girl? Has someone fallen down a well? Is there trouble at the old John Key place?One is reminded of this ...
The ’ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia, plays a significant role in the global cocaine trade and is deeply entrenched in Australia, influencing the cocaine trade and engaging in a variety of illicit activities. A range of ...
In the US, the Trump regime is busy imposing tariffs on its neighbours and allies, then revoking them, then reimposing them, permanently poisoning relations with Canada and Mexico. Trump has also threatened to impose tariffs on agricultural goods, which will affect Aotearoa's exports. National's response? To grovel for an exemption, ...
Troy Bowker’s Caniwi Capital’s Desmond Gittings, former TradeMe and Warehouse executive Simon West, former anonymous right wing blogger / Labour attacker & now NZ On Air Board member / Waitangi Tribunal member Philip Crump, Canadian billionaire Jim Grenon who used to run vaccine critical, Treaty of Waitangi critical, and trans-rights ...
The free school lunch program was one of Labour's few actual achievements in government. Decent food, made locally, providing local employment. So naturally, National had to get rid of it. Their replacement - run by Compass, a multinational which had already been thrown out of our hospitals for producing inedible ...
New draft government procurement guidelines will remove living wage protections for thousands of low-paid workers in Aotearoa New Zealand, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. “The Minister of Finance Nicola Willis has proposed a new rule saying that the Living Wage no longer needs to be paid in ...
The Trump administration’s effort to divide Russia from China is doomed to fail. This means that the United States is destroying security relationships based on a delusion. To succeed, Russia would need to overcome more ...
Māori workers now hold more high-skilled jobs than low-skilled jobs with 46 percent in high-skilled jobs, 14 percent in skilled jobs, and 40 percent in low-skilled jobs. Resource teachers of literacy and Te Reo Māori are “devastated” by a proposal from the Education Minister to stop funding 174 roles from ...
Knowing what is going on in orbit is getting harder—yet hardly less necessary. But new technologies are emerging to cope with the challenge, including some that have come from Australian civilian research. One example is ...
This is a guest post by Malcolm McCracken. It previously appeared on his blog Better Things Are Possible and is shared by kind permission. New Zealand’s largest infrastructure project, the City Rail Link (CRL), is expected to open in 2026. This will be an exciting step forward for Auckland, delivering better ...
“The reality is I'm just saying to you I'm proud of the work we're doing. We're doing a great job”, said Luxon, pushing back at Auckland Council’s reports of rising homelessness and pleas for help. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories shortest:Christopher Luxon denies his Government caused a ...
Should I stay, or should I go now?Should I stay, or should I go now?If I go, there will be troubleAnd if I stay, it will be doubleSo come on and let me knowSongwriters: Topper Headon, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, Joe Strummer.Christopher,Tomorrow marks seventeen months since the last election. We’re ...
Homelessness in Auckland has risen by 53% in 4 months - that’s 653 peopleliving in cars, on streets and in parks.The city’s emergency housing numbers have fallen by about 650 under National too - now at record lows.Housing First Auckland is on the frontlines: There is “more and more ...
A growing consensus holds that the future of airpower, and of defense technology in general, involves the interplay of crewed and uncrewed vehicles. Such teaming means that more-numerous, less-costly, even expendable uncrewed vehicles can bring ...
Only two more sleeps to the Government’s Jamboree Investor Extravaganza! As a proud New Zealander I’m very much hoping for the best: Off-shore wind farms! Solar power! Sustainable industry powered by the abundant energy we could be producing!I wonder, will they have a deal already lined up, something to announce ...
After decades of gradual decline, Australia’s manufacturing capability is no longer mission-fit to meet national security needs. Any whole-of-nation effort to arrest this trend needs to start by making the industrial operating environment more conducive ...
Back in October 2022, Restore Passenger Rail hung banners across roads in Wellington to protest against the then-Labour government's weak climate change policy. The police responded by charging them not with the usual public order offences, but with "endangering transport", a crime with a maximum sentence of 14 years in ...
Luxon’s popularity continues to fall, and a new survey shows voters rank fixing the health system as the top priority. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / Getty ImagesLong stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy this morning: National’s pollster finds Christopher Luxon has fallen behind Chris Hipkins as preferred PM for the first ...
The CTU is calling for an apology from Nicola Willis after her office made a false characterisation of CTU statements, which ultimately saw him blocked from future Treasury briefings. New data shows that Māori make up 83% of those charged under new gang laws. Financial incentives are being offered to ...
Australia’s cyber capabilities have evolved rapidly, but they are still largely reactive, not preventative. Rather than responding to cyber incidents, Australian law enforcement agencies should focus on dismantling underlying criminal networks. On 11 December, Europol ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters Finally, there’s some good news to report from NOAA, the parent organization of the National Hurricane Center, or NHC: During the highly active 2o24 Atlantic hurricane season, the NHC made record-accurate track forecasts at every time interval (12-, ...
The Australian government has prioritised enhancing Australia’s national resilience for many years now, whether against natural disasters, economic coercion or hostile armed forces. However, the public and media response to the presence of Chinese naval ...
It appears that Auckland Transport is finally set to improve Auckland’s busiest non-frequent bus route, the 120. As highlighted in my post a month ago on Auckland’s busiest bus routes, the 120 is the busiest route that doesn’t already run frequently all day/week and carries more passengers than many other ...
Economists have earned their reputation for jargon and tunnel vision, but sometimes, it takes an someone as perceptive as Simplicity economist Shamubeel Eaqub to identify something simple and devastating. As he pointed out recently, the coalition government is trying to attract foreign investment here to generate economic growth, while – ...
Opinion & AnalysisSimeon Brown, left, and Deloitte partner David LovattIn September 2024, Deloitte Partner David Lovatt, was contracted by the National Government to help National ostensibly understand “the drivers behind HNZ’s worsening financial performance”.1 i.e. deficit.The report shows the last version was dated December 2024.It was formally released this week ...
This cobbled-together government was altogether more the beneficiary of Labour getting turfed out than anything it managed to do itself. Even the worthless cheques they were writing didn't buy all that much favour.How’s it all looking now?Shall we take a look at a Horizon poll?The Government’s performance is making only ...
There's horrible news from the US today, with the Trump regime disappearing Mahmoud Khalil, a former Columbia University student, for protesting against genocide in Gaza. Its another significant decline in US human rights, and puts them in the same class as the authoritarian dictatorships they used to sponsor in South ...
Yesterday National announced plans to amend the Public Works Act to "speed up" land acquisition for public works. Which sounds boring and bureaucratic - except its not. Because what "land acquisition" means is people's homes being compulsorily acquired by the state - which is inherently controversial, and fairly high up ...
Contenders: The next question after “Will Luxon really go?” is, of course, “Will that work?” The answer to that question lies not so much in the efficacy of Luxon’s successor as it does in the perceived strength of the Centre-Left alternative.AT LEAST TWO prominent political commentators are alluding publicly to the ...
Ice will melt, water will boilYou and I can shake off this mortal coilIt's bigger than usYou don't have to worry about itIt's circumstantialIt's nothing written in the skyAnd we don't even have to trySongwriters: Neil Finn / Tim Finn.Preparing for the future.Many of you will be familiar with the ...
In my post last Thursday I offered some thoughts on changes that should be initiated by the government in the wake of the Governor’s surprise resignation. (Days on we still have no real explanation as to why he just resigned with no notice, disappearing out the door and (eg) leaving ...
In late February a Chinese navy flotilla including a cruiser, a frigate and a replenishment ship began to circle Australia, conducting a live fire exercise in the Tasman Sea along the way. The Strategist featured ...
Shane Jones’ display on Q&A showed how out of touch he and this Government are with our communities and how in sync they are with companies with little concern for people and planet. ...
Labour does not support the private ownership of core infrastructure like schools, hospitals and prisons, which will only see worse outcomes for Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is disappointed the Government voted down Hūhana Lyndon’s member’s Bill, which would have prevented further alienation of Māori land through the Public Works Act. ...
The Labour Party will support Chloe Swarbrick’s member’s bill which would allow sanctions against Israel for its illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. ...
The Government’s new procurement rules are a blatant attack on workers and the environment, showing once again that National’s priorities are completely out of touch with everyday Kiwis. ...
With Labour and Te Pāti Māori’s official support, Opposition parties are officially aligned to progress Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in Palestine. ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
This morning’s announcement by the Health Minister regarding a major overhaul of the public health sector levels yet another blow to the country’s essential services. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will ensure employment decisions in the public service are based on merit and not on forced woke ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ targets. “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
The Green Party is appalled by the Government’s plan to disestablish Resource Teachers of Māori (RTM) roles, a move that takes another swing at kaupapa Māori education. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
After months of mana whenua protecting their wāhi tapu, the Green Party welcomes the pause of works at Lake Rotokākahi and calls for the Rotorua Lakes Council to work constructively with Tūhourangi and Ngāti Tumatawera on the pathway forward. ...
New Zealand First continues to bring balance, experience, and commonsense to Government. This week we've made progress on many of our promises to New Zealand.Winston representing New ZealandWinston Peters is overseas this week, with stops across the Middle East and North Asia. Winston's stops include Saudi Arabia, the ...
Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
At this year's State of the Planet address, Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
The Government has spent $3.6 million dollars on a retail crime advisory group, including paying its chair $920 a day, to come up with ideas already dismissed as dangerous by police. ...
The Green Party supports the peaceful occupation at Lake Rotokākahi and are calling for the controversial sewerage project on the lake to be stopped until the Environment Court has made a decision. ...
ActionStation’s Oral Healthcare report, released today, paints a dire picture of unmet need and inequality across the country, highlighting the urgency of free dental care for all New Zealanders. ...
Analysis: Not many saw it.But when applause built at a Unity Week hui on the anniversary of the Christchurch terror attack, and Prime Minister Chistopher Luxon joined in, it seemed photo-worthy.Abdur Razzaq, of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ), introduced Luxon to the hui by noting the ...
Do BetterKing Luxon saddled his mighty war steed TitanicAnd rode out to inspect his realm.The King passed by the Mayoress of King’s LandingSitting on a burst water pipe.“Lame-O”, scoffed the King.The King passed by a pile of burning offalSurrounded by weeping school urchins.“Get a Marmite sandwich,” snorted the King.The King ...
Report by Dr David Robie – Café Pacific. – In Bislama, they say, “Wan nambanga i foldaon“. A great tree has fallen. The nambanga, or banyan tree, is the centrepiece of many a Vanuatu village. Its massive network of boughs provides shade, shelter and strength. I’ve only ever seen ...
COMMENTARY:By Greg Barns When it comes to antisemitism, politicians in Australia are often quick to jump on the claim without waiting for evidence. With notable and laudable exceptions like the Greens and independents such as Tasmanian federal MP Andrew Wilkie, it seems any allegation will do when it comes ...
By Emma Andrews, RNZ Henare te Ua Māori journalism intern Māori contributions to the Aotearoa New Zealand economy have far surpassed the projected goal of “$100 billion by 2030”, a new report has revealed. The report conducted by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) and Te Puni Kōkiri, ...
A global renewable energy developer backing one of New Zealand’s last standing offshore wind farm proposals says it would be “difficult” to cohabit with seabed mining.Danish developer Michael Hannibal, a partner in Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, is visiting New Zealand for the Government’s infrastructure investment summit. His firm and the NZ ...
A wide-ranging conversation with the opposition spokesperson on foreign affairs. Even before the second Trump term began, the world was a volatile place. But since January 20, across eight whiplash weeks, the pace of change has been astonishing. Donald Trump’s America First geopolitics, melding expansionist and isolationist instincts, has created ...
Surviving terror can be isolating, trauma expert Jo Dover says.Dover – a Brit who is in New Zealand to hold resilience workshops with the Muslim community, speak publicly, and meet government officials – has supported people affected by terrorism, conflict and war for almost three decades. She arrived in Christchurch ...
Two trade experts based in Delhi expressed some mild optimism about Luxon's chances, but with a major caveat: NZ would have to abandon hope of including dairy in any deal.. ...
MONDAYAt precisely 0300 hours I gave last-minute instructions to a team of crack troops who had sworn their allegiance in the war against woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. They assembled in the basement bunker at the Beehive. It was built to withstand nuclear radiation. ...
It’s been six years since a lone gunman opened fire at two mosques in Christchurch, killing 51 people, shattering the country’s innocence and changing lives forever.Now a young Afghan-Kiwi couple, who were praying in another mosque in the Garden City that fateful day, is releasing a film in remembrance of ...
Gabi Lardies for now, Mad Chapman next week. Despite allegations they’re filled with shit books, I cannot pass by a little library without having a peek inside. Two weeks ago, stretching my legs from a hard morning sitting on my non-ergonomic wheely chair, I spied two curious spines in the ...
Poet Kate Camp learned to swim late in life. Now it’s a defining component of her identity. But why won’t she write about it? I learned to swim in a 15 metre pool in the backyard of Mandi’s place in Paraparaumu. That’s not true. I learned to swim in a ...
The highs, lows and silver linings of single-parenting a toddler. He lay there prone, unmoving, his dark eyes glassy and fixed on the ceiling above. My daughter looked at him, then at me. “Is that… Daddy?” I sighed. “No, darling, that’s not Daddy.” I grabbed the man to whom her ...
The star of Secrets at Red Rocks takes us through his life in television, including being duped by the Goodnight Kiwi and botching a song on Shortland Street. Whether he’s musing over a murder mystery as a cop in One Lane Bridge or in the midst of a surprise tandem ...
With five regular season games remaining, the Wellington Phoenix women are still in with a great chance of finishing in the top six of the A-League and making the business end of this season’s competition.This Saturday night, they travel across the Tasman to face bottom of the table Sydney FC, ...
With the passenger seat withdrawn like this, for extra leg room, it occurs to Llew that someone has been having sex in this car. He and Nancy haven’t had sex since Waiheke. Barely even a kiss. Nancy shields her nipples with a forearm now out of the shower and Llew’s ...
SPECIAL REPORT:By Giff Johnson, editor of the Marshall Islands Journal and RNZ Pacific correspondent in Majuro The late Member of Parliament Jeton Anjain and the people of the nuclear test-affected Rongelap Atoll changed the course of the history of the Marshall Islands by using Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior ship to ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown rejected advice from officials to lower the bowel screening age to 58 for the general population and 56 for Māori and Pacific people, just-released documents show. ...
Much was made in the build-up about the bipartisan spirit of the summit, with both government and opposition aware of the need to see through projects beyond election cycles. ...
COMMENTARY:By Gavin Ellis New Zealand-based Canadian billionaire James Grenon owes the people of this country an immediate explanation of his intentions regarding media conglomerate NZME. This cannot wait until a shareholders’ meeting at the end of April. Is his investment in the owner of The New Zealand Herald and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Carolina Quintero Rodriguez, Senior Lecturer and Program Manager, Bachelor of Fashion (Enterprise) program, RMIT University Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock When you come home from a run or a sweaty gym session, do you immediately fling your clothes into the washing machine for a hot ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexis Vassiley, Lecturer, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University Aussie Family Living/Shutterstock A battle is underway on the mine sites in Western Australia’s remote Pilbara region. Unions are keen to get back into the iron ore industry after decades ...
"It will be a chance, really, for an update as to the different lines of diplomatic efforts that are going in across securing peace in Ukraine," Luxon said. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Pat McConville, Lecturer in Ethics, Law, and Professionalism, School of Medicine, Deakin University Master1305/Shutterstock This week, doctors announced that an Australian man with severe heart failure had left hospital with an artificial heart that had kept him alive until he could ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Tanya Latty, Associate Professor, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney Mircea Costina/Shutterstock About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimise reproduction, making pollination one of nature’s most important processes. Bees are usually ...
A first step of good faith would be the reinstatement of a Social Sector Budget lockup for Budget 2025, inviting a cross-section of organisations representing the diversity of our population to hear key Budget messages firsthand. ...
The great thing about living on a rotating planet with an orbiting rocky satellite is that opportunities for orbs to align, well, come around. Here’s how to enjoy tonight’s lunar eclipse. In May 2024, Aotearoa was blessed with the celestial phenomenon of an exceptionally strong solar storm, causing the aurora ...
A new poem by Ted Greensmith-West. My grief is like a never-ending anticipation of impending dooms The dark hand that lurks behind the curtain is like Dorothy in photonegative with snarled teeth and pigtails… and acts as the constant reminder that Cole is dead forever now, like dust. // The ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Fourth Estate, $38) Dream Count is the first novel in ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Gillespie, Professor of Law, University of Waikato Shutterstock Nearly 30 years before the Christchurch terror attacks of March 15 2019, New Zealand had to grapple with the horrors of another mass shooting. The Aramoana massacre on November 13 1990 left ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alice Nason, Research Associate, Foreign Policy and Defence, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney Shutterstock Following the recent imposition of steel and aluminium tariffs, the Australian government is coming to terms with the reality of engaging with a US ally ...
“Go back to bed America.”
Bill Hicks quote is more relevant than ever when you what the media focus on.
Just replace the words America for NZ.
If you have the time – worth watching. Kurdish Women soldiers in training. Lots of little bits of information slip through – some great reporting.
P.S you can’t support them – because that would make you a terrorist.
Which is less bad for phone and broadband – Vodaphone or Slingshot?
Or something else.
I’ve got to make the changeover today.
If your mobile is with Vodafone, you’ll get a further discount on the bundle. Haven’t dealt with Slingshot, but I believe they are pretty popular, so I guess they must be providing a decent service.
Lesser of 2 evils would be slingshot Vodafone are simply the worst and still declining.
Ultimately with mobile though it’s either on Spark or Voda regardless of who bills you as 2 degree only have CBD coverage with Spark having the better network which doesn’t say much for our brighter future.
I’m with Slingshot and they are good (pity about the Global roaming back down) Burt if you want to move mobile as well you can get a new phone on a 2 year contract. I get Unlimited Internet, 2 Cell Phones, and a Landline, with line insurance for a little under $40 a week. (Oh and their call centre is in NZ as well. Dunno about Vodafone But I hear they are getting worse.
Just switched from Vodafone to Spark for landline, fibre internet, and free landline national. $30 per month cheaper @ $69pm. Call service for Vodafone appalling. Long, long, long waits @1 hour plus.
That will get worse, Voda appear to be holding out for a grand sale, rumoured to be in the pipeline and further consolidating and already concentrated market.
Stanners has presided over nearly a decade of under investment in the network and back end systems while dividends derived off NZ consumers flowed offshore.
Spark now look pristine and effective up against them….that’s how bad it is.
yeah, voda is in bad shape. the merge from tcl was bad. They still have 5 different backend systems shit needs to be checked in.
No new hardware/projects have been done since the merger.
My cut off from Vodafone was 4 June. Their paper system does not match their technical system. Thus Vodafone thinks I am still their customer.
From VF’s POV an acceptable price for snaring the old NZR fibre network (that TC owned) as well as some other prime bits of telecomms infrastructure.
Vodafone by miles. Slightshot is ass.
isn’t vodafone the company that had a market share of very close percentage to the proportion of NSA penetration into NZ traffic that the Snowden files revealed?
lol just another thing to consider…
@just saying – I have used both and neither worth recommending. Not consumer friendly at all. Among other things, Slingshot signed me up to their toll account, without my knowledge or consent and had the audacity to try to charge me for it! So it soon got the heave ho. Got no responses at all to issues with Vodafone, so that also got the push!
Been with 2 Degrees for four years and no issues or complaints at all – well so far that is! Service seems to be customer friendly, not that I’ve had to use it much, because it has been all plain sailing to date. Web page easy to navigate too.
Well if you don’t give a shit about customer service (I mean how many times do you really need to call them?) performance wise, voda is far better.
FYI – apologies for the length – but this is REALLY important!
20 July 2015
MEDIA Alert! TPPA – Walk Away!
Protest outside Auckland Uni – Monday 20 July 2015 1-5pm
WHEN: Monday 20 July
TIME: 1 -5 PM
WHERE: Symonds St / Grafton Rd intersection – directly outside Auckland Uni.
WHY? Because Auckland students are back and there are THOUSANDS of them!
The FOCUS – NZ PM John Key is a shareholder in the Bank of America!
(These Bank of America shares are NOT in a ‘blind trust’!)
Whose ‘national interest’ is PM John Key serving?
Is John Key working for US or the U$??
“Register of Pecuniary and Other Specified Interests of Members of Parliament:
Summary of annual returns as at 31 January 2015
(Page 29)
Rt Hon John Key (National, Helensville)
2 Other companies and business entities
Little Nell – property investment (Aspen, Colorado)
Bank of America – banking ..”
A LOT of people don’t know this, and it is, in my view, as an anti-corruption ‘Public Watchdog’ an arguably significant corrupt ‘conflict of interest’.
Especially when the TPPA is closely tied together with TISA (Trade In Services Agreement), of which New Zealand is a member State, which has a particularly ‘scary’, secret agenda – “… because it aims to extend the model of liberalised and deregulated financial markets that brought us the global financial crisis…”
(NZ Herald 25 June 2014)
“The story of the past week in terms of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was not Prime Minister John Key’s visit to the White House.
The more startling news is that our Government, with almost 50 other countries, is negotiating another secret deal in the shadows of the World Trade Organisation.
They are calling to negotiate a Trade in Services Agreement (Tisa).
It is part of a troika: along with the TPP and the deal the US is negotiating with the European Union, it aims to create a new set of global rules that are designed exclusively to serve commercial interests.
This is no exaggeration. Last week US corporates held a launch for what they call Team Tisa. The co-chairs are Citigroup, Liberty Mutual, IBM, MetLife, UPS and Walmart.
Leading members of Congress and the US Trade Representative were invited to speak.
If we thought the TPP was secretive – background documents remain secret for four years after any deal is done – Tisa proponents want to keep their documents secret for five years.
They aim to create an unrestricted global market for services, just as TPP is aimed at the Asia-Pacific. That means locking open the door to foreign corporations that dominate the world’s media, IT, finance, tourism, transport, healthcare, education sectors and more.
They also want to make light-handed regulation the global norm. A standstill rule aims to freeze the existing level of regulation as the new bottom line.
What Wikileaks posted was the draft chapter on financial services. We can assume it will be very similar to the TPP’s financial services chapter.
This is especially scary, because it aims to extend the model of liberalised and deregulated financial markets that brought us the global financial crisis…”
Remember Prime Minister John Key’s background?
“….He was born in Auckland, New Zealand but moved to Christchurch, New Zealand when he was a child. He was educated at Burnside High School in Christchurch and then gained a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Canterbury.
Mr Key launched his investment banking career in New Zealand in the mid-1980s.
After 10 years in the New Zealand market he headed offshore, working in Singapore, London, and Sydney for US investment banking firm Merrill Lynch.
During that time he was in charge of a number of business units, including global foreign exchange and European bond and derivative trading.
In 1999, he was invited to join the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and on two occasions undertook management studies at Harvard University in Boston.
In 2001, he headed back to New Zealand to fulfil a long held ambition to stand for Parliament for the National Party. He first won the Helensville seat in 2002. Mr Key quickly rose through the ranks and was elected leader of the National Party on 27 November 2006. …”
How ‘dodgy’ are derivatives?
Seems dairy derivatives are doing well – pity about the real thing?
“Soft commodities
NZX’s Dairy Derivatives business continued its rapid growth trajectory in 2014 with the number of lots traded up 175% to 101,010.
In recognition of the continued efforts to grow market participation and confidence, in September 2014 NZX’s Dairy Futures Market won Best New Agricultural Contract at the Futures & Options World (FOW) Awards for Asia.
NZX CEO Tim Bennett commented: “Once they are established and liquid, derivatives markets are a very high revenue, low marginal cost businesses, generating significant upside over sustained periods.
While development takes time, the long-term payback far exceeds the initial investment.
We still have a long way to go.
Mature derivatives contracts notionally trade a multiple of the related underlying commodity and NZX dairy derivatives only constitute notional trade of around 4% of the related physical market, highlighting the future potential.”
Building on its success in milk powders, NZX launched a butter futures contract in December 2014, a global risk management tool that trades off the underlying price for unsalted butter on the GlobalDairyTrade auction platform. ..”
Is John Key working for the New Zealand people, New Zealand business – or foreign bankers?
Time is short.
TPPA: Chief Negotiators meet 24 -27 July
TPPA: Ministers 28 – 31 July
Parliament sits Tues 21 July.
National are dropping in the polls…..
In my view – it was FOCUSED and timely protest vs John Key in the 2 days before the Northland by-election that helped National lose that seat.
This is a video clip of the recent protest to that was held outside the office of Minister of Trade Time Groser on Thursday 16 July 2015.
(You Tube clip – 5 minutes)
Penny Bright
You really have little idea about what derivatives actually are. Please tell me how a Futures contract for a Dairy product is somehow more dangerous than trading in the raw commodity itself?
It’s an abstraction that increases trading volume and activity, which leads to greater chaotic volatility without a corresponding increase in the benefits of actually producing those goods.
A bit like how global warming produces more extreme weather events (hurricanes, snowstorms, droughts), rather than just making Southland a nice subtropical climate. More activity in a chaotic system increases the chaos.
Imagine if all the energy of those money-traders actually got put into something useful…
The world may have actually advanced somewhere the last few decades…… instead of going around in circles sniffing its own arsehole
So Key and his cronies like to talk about “no one owns water.” Well I do feel for the local Hapu who get tapped by an Auckland firm;
The focus group results are in. Labour isn’t “racist”, they’re “desperate”: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/70361175/auckland-housing-data-using-surnames-a-desperate-measure–john-key
How does Key know the data is wrong when Key’s government doesn’t collect data?
The lying slithering deceptive switch-eye snake that is john key ……..
He’s constructing the narrative for the large chunk of the public that still inexplicably trust him.
I think this little line will cost him some trust and capital though; public sentiment is that Labour is right.
Public sentiment relies on the public not knowing any of the facts or looking for simple answers pointing the finger ‘out there’. A $300K house in Auckland from 2000 is not $1.1M now *mainly* because of foreign Chinese money. (Although it may be, in small part)
Got any evidence of any houses that in 2000 were worth $300k now being worth $1.1M?
I suspect it’s more like houses in 2000 that were worth $700k are now worth $1.1M, and houses that were $300k in 2000 are now worth $600k.
there are charts of stratfied CPI adjusted housing prices out there.
So you don’t have evidence of a house that cost $300k in 2000 now costing $1.1M in 2015.
I don’t think CV is that far off, Lanth. The average Ak price was just over $300k in 2000 and sits well above $800k today and heading toward $900k within a couple of months. Even if it’s not $1.1 million today, it’s looking like it will be at some point this year or early next year. Plus, I understand there are now more than 30 Ak suburbs that average over a million so it’s entirely possible that some individual houses that were sold for $300k fifteen years ago are worth more than a million now. Location, location, location!
Agree we bought our house in Glenfield for $360K in 2005 and two years ago we had a valuation of just under $600K. It will have gone up a bit since then.
Of course that value is worth nothing unless you want to move out of Auckland. I would much rather see my house value drop back to closer to what we bought at and have a larger more diverse group of people buying houses then sit on massive capital gain that is in real terms worth very little. No I am not interested in using equity to become a landlord.
My point is that CV just arbitrarily picked numbers out of the air and intimated as if it would be a majority, or at least very sizable portion of all houses that fit that particular profile.
I suspect it’d be less than 5% of Auckland houses that went from $300k to $1.1M (or thereabouts).
One thing to realise with averages is that they have a very long tail on the upside; an average of $800k for a house will be pulled up strongly by houses in the $2M+ price bracket; and same goes for the ~$300k average back at the start of the millennium.
If CV had said $300k -> $700-800k I wouldn’t have said anything.
Yep, fair points.
Barfoot said in March that 1/4 of its sales were for over $1M. I would say that a fair number of those would have been what were $300,000 houses in what used to be considered very middle of the road suburbs, 15 years ago.
But happy to accept that my numbers relay a common case 5% to 10% of sales, but not the majority of cases.
in 1999 to build a single level 195m2 house was about $750m2 (with building rebates from suppliers being kept by the building coy and not traded), on a 720m2 section cost $120k with a fall of 1.3m from front to back, total cost approx $275k including driveway, patio, fencing and grassed.
Building now in Auckland would be INXS of $2k/m2 add on water connection fee of $15k (in 1999 this was $750). and to buy such a section would cost in excessive of $600k(if you could locate one). Total cost well exceeding $1m. On such a section the building would be 2 level,3 car garaging, 4-5 bedrooms multi en-suit and exceeding 260m2. With a min asking price $1.6m.
Lanthaide in my local area developed over the 1990’s to early 2000’s all family homes would qualify as cost $300k-$400k to buy and now worth over $1m.
That’s not wholly accurate either CV. We do know that most of the inflation between at least 2000 and 2009 occurred mainly because of excess bank credit in the local market.
But while undersupply and inward migration back from Aus have been creating some pressure on the market in the past few years – we are in the middle of the most insane bubble of all time. And the RB to it’s horror has realised that all the simple levers at it’s command like interest rates, LVR ratios and bank reserves were not working.
Why? Because a large portion of the cashed up buyers in the Auckland market are immune to them.
IMO people have recently realised that it is an insane bubble because we have finally after 15 years or so got to the “vertical wall” stage of the exponential curve. That is, most people tolerated houses doubling in price from $250K to $500K (people could still pretend that was affordable)…but the next doubling from $800K to $1.6M takes away all such pretense.
As for the RB…yep, they have been left to try and cope with what has been going on as the neolib politicians of all colours have gone completely hands off laissez faire.
I can’t see key being worried as the high ground has been ceded now and as you say a large chunk of the public still trust him – somehow after all the bullshit he has spun over the years.
VTO my point exactly. How can you contradict an assertion without contrary data? To say we will be collecting data is to pre-judge the conclusion and Mr Tyford is just “inferring” the rates of purchasing.
Yeah I heard Key in a pasty interview with Paul Henry this morning trying to fudge their new data collection changes will give the required details. He was quick to point out that “most overseas buyer will be Kiwi’s living abroad and it will be hard to capture.
Actually John if you made changes that give a detailed analysis of when, who are buying and where they are from shouldn’t be hard. So stop the smoke and mirrors and get on with it.
They are terrified of the reality true date would show…
You only need a small swing in the number of buyers in a market to make a big difference. A change in the order of 5% is more than enough to swing things between rising and falling markjets
Maybe the PM needs to check in with the Minister, or vice versa
Well it sure does smell like that. When you have NZF saying they had the data and decided there was no solid data there to release it, then it does seem desperate.
Can you link to that statement please, I hadn’t heard that.
Was on NBR, interview with Winston. Think it’s pay walled, but you can see it on mobile for free.
Thanks to PR below.
The difference here is that Labour used some smart analytics (with 95% confidence) to tease out the 40% Chinese figure vs 9% from the census, using the information they were given.
Doesn’t sound like NZFirst had the skills or idea to perform this analysis, and the data without this analysis is rather useless.
Here you go
Prime Minister’s son caught in sex tryst on Hawaiian beach. Prison likely.
I must say, the Key family is brave in the way it steps out into the public spotlight on the back of their old man’s fame……….
I bet Max told his girlfriend “hey babe remember no wearing a ponytail around the old man…you know he has that umm problem.”
” Yeah like sure thing Maxi I know it’s not your fault ya dads a bit creepy.”
Ok, just watched the video and the PM does feature in it sporadically, almost as if it’s on purpose? That shows to me he endorses the video and I wonder if his son is being paid to make something like this…
The motive seems pretty clear, play on our materialistic desires and show you can get the girl, get to go to Hawaii and have the lifestyle. All on one condition, you’ve got to do what the PM and son does and vote National.
Fuck’s sake this trashy, non-story is now not only on stuff, but nzherald, tvnz and tv3 websites too. Could you want better coverage??
That young lady looks as though she would benefit from a pie or two.
You’re probably just use to seeing everyone overweight.
She could do with a deadlift or two.
Seems max has better PR than Little.
Wow just wow, the Herald were complicit in this dirty politics attack yet just a couple of days later they’re distancing themselves and cr**ping on Labour at the same time, the Herald really is quite a pice of work
Grant Robertson is bidding his time before the next run for leader. The pundits, political commentators and press gallery are aflutter. It seems to be only a strong rumour at this time.
Bullshit. Little is doing fine, there are no signs whatsoever of dissent in caucus and the party is generally happy with his leadership (and the marked improvement in the polls). If you want to troll, do it somewhere else.
Yep, makes total sense.. Your party has just surged 6% in the latest poll so time for a new leader.
and your leader is less popular than The Cunliffe
As many have said already the popularity of the opposition leader doesn’t really matter at this stage, it’s the party percentage that does. Personally I would love to have seen Cunliffe still there, with the economy under a bit of stress like it is now I think he would do great job of putting hits on National. His passion and smarts are great attributes infront of the camera.
Agree 100%
The Cunliffe was found wanting so we’ll see if Little Andy can do any better (though to be fair hes not the only one thats been soundly thrashed by John Key)
Agree 110 percent about David Cunliffe!
What Claire’s copy and paste recap shows is she is a lite weight political reporter. The heading makes her look incompetent and rather cynical “Labour’s Gamble Doesn’t Pay Off In Polls.”
Obviously not everyone would have been surveyed after the release, if anything probably prior, add plenty of people wouldn’t have been aware of the release, let alone formed an opinion as Andrew Little points out.
Go sit in the media’s ‘clown seat’ till the next poll comes out Claire. Or better still take a permanent holiday.
Right on the button Skinny, I have sent her an email about the headline being out of order and misleading.
Whats of more interest to me is not Labours dog whistling but that the Herald worked in conjunction with Labour to attempt to embarrass the govt (and fair enough thats Labours job) yet within the space of a few days the Herald are trying to sink Labour on this
Its a real bob each way kind of thing
That’s supposedly the media’s role isn’t it or traditionally was, to keep the Government honest. Maybe the herald decided they would do some actual journalism by using a source from inside the industry about a regional problem that was given to them by the Opposition. Now they’re just defaulting back to attack the opposition party that doesn’t align with the interests of their advertisers.
Well what gets me is the speed in which they’re willing to go into bat with Labour then turn around and dump on them, like it was only a couple of days
LOL . Nice concern trolling. Or maybe you’re just a conspiracy theorist.
Remember that time John Armstrong called for Cunliffe to resign over the 11-year-old letter, and O’Sullivan the very next day said that was over-excited nonsense?
The Trevett article is mild anyway, and seems a pretty standard kind of line for her to take.
You’d have a better chance of getting a single editorial line out of Fairfax, by default because it’s so formulaic. Prefer the Herald any day to the Stakhanovite content creator mill.
It’s laughable that the property editor at the NZH takes up her political sub editors role by scribing an article today with a headline of “No Stamp Duty, Or Capital Gains Tax.” This being pitched to Hong Kong & Mainland Chinese investors. Also as you would expect, actively promoting Auckland property therd is one of the National Party’s property magnate donators, Mr Barfoot of B & T reale state.
I guess when you donate 20 K to a political party in Government you can reasonably expect a return on that investment.
nothing to see here, life is good,
better living for all
rock star economy n such
Quote: Families could have two “decent salaries” but still struggle due to living costs and child care costs.
“People have to have two jobs to survive,” she said.
“The only way you can do that is to have extended whanau helping you out because you can’t afford child care.”
The high cost of living needed to be reduced and it was up to the Government to make changes, she said.
“We need to get our housing, power and food costs down.
“Everyone deserves to have a roof over their head, a job to go to, food on the table and enough money to take the family out once a month. That’s all people want.”
According to the report, older couples, one or both being at least 50 years old, did well overall, rating highly on most indicators of wellbeing with 88 per cent satisfied with their standard of living.
Though solo parents with children under 18 represented only 4.5 per cent of the familial population in Canterbury, nationally they are the most under pressure.
This family type scored the lowest in adequate income, affordable housing, mental health and satisfaction at pay and work hours.
About 75 per cent reported affordable housing problems.
and nothing can be done about this either
as long as they tighten their budget (maybe not feeding the cows? or the kids? or something) and they should make it. And if not, oh well that is just the market correcting itself
Quote: “Falling dairy prices mean it will be a tight year for many farmers and they will need to budget carefully,” he said.
Mr Guy said prices fluctuate every year and the fall in the exchange rate – the kiwi is now down to a six-year low of around US65 cents – was giving exporters confidence.
“Farmers are in it for the long term, not just one year,” he said.
“Other sectors like beef and horticulture are having record years which will help soften the impact in rural areas.”
He says the longer term outlook for dairy is strong.
The longer term outlook for dairy export is, essentially, non-existent. Every country in the world can produce their own dairy and will do so.
This is actually true of all products which means that, as the world develops, trade will decrease.
We forget how tiny we are sometimes,
And if that works they’ll do it again. Chances are, it’ll work.
Can someone please explain why Fonterra is not supplying dairy product to the Russian market ?
There is demand – and NZ is not on the exclusion list. At $4.20 all bets are “on” – so why not ?
Probably have something to do with all the other restrictions that have been put in place on Russia and I doubt if NZ would do anything to upset the USA.
I see the largest NZ dairy operation is comprised of 58 South Island farms, covering 18,000ha of land and 43,400 milking cows.
The single Zhongding Dairy Farming and Russia’s Severny Bur enterprise is twice this size – and will supply 30% of the Russian cheese demand – exceeding the previous EU contribution of 25%.
$ kg/mf is depressed – oversupply cos the Russian market is excluded from those others who offended Russia.
Well, Murray from Waitui shouldn’t have to sell Gina’s heir-jewels cos Vicky Nuland had a cake moment.
and if we view the world through the eyes of his customers, than we too will understand that all is well in the world.
In the year ending May 2015, 2.977 million international visitors arrived in this country, an increase of 7 per cent on the previous year with forecasts for this number to grow to 3.8 million by 2021.
China and India will be the two drivers of this international growth. According to Tourism New Zealand, 309,792 visitors arrived from China in the year to May 2015, an increase of 29.3 per cent on the year previous, while India’s figures grew 28.9 per cent to 42,880.
The future looks bright with two extra airlines (Air China and China Eastern) establishing year-round services, and while India does not have a direct service at present, it is only a matter of time. The World Tourism Organisation predicts that India will account for 50 million outbound tourists by 2020. There are currently only 28 million passport holders in India.
even more Chinese visiting – perhaps some might be interested in buying a holiday home or two here?
They can make me an offer, its all good
and then this……
New Zealand’s lack of overseas investment regulation is being promoted in Shanghai and Hong Kong to help sell apartments rising on the site of the country’s best-known record store.
“NO stamp duties and property purchase tax, NO capital gains tax on residential property if sold after two years of holding,” Colliers International says advertising Queens Square, a 226-unit block promoted as on “the Nanjing Road of Auckland” and to rise on Real Groovy’s Queen St site near Karangahape Rd.
This country’s liberal regime, unusual internationally, is being promoted in that ad for the block by New Zealand developer Robert Holden’s Conrad Properties.
The new L-shaped block, to have 24 carparks and ground-level shops, is to rise at 438 Queen St and was designed by architect Colin Leuschke who says in a promotional video it will be on Auckland’s golden mile.
Events to promote the sale of units in the block were held this month at Shanghai’s New World Tower and at 300 Huaihai Rd in Hong Kong. The ad says the block could be completed by January 2018.
Barfoot & Thompson is also marketing units as being in the Auckland Grammar zone, priced from $386,000.
Agent Alastair Brown said top-priced larger units with carparks were going for $1.2 million. The block would have 226 units, 14 carparks and construction was yet to start.
A spokesperson for Land Information Minister Louise Upston said last week no decisions had been taken about whether or when to release it and the information might not show what people wanted to know.
“It’s worth bearing in mind that the information gathered for this new law change is going to be tax information. It will be the tax residence [of the buyer] as opposed to the country of residence of the buyer,” the spokesperson said.
“It’s not a foreign buyers register at all. It will give us information but we don’t know if it will be made public.”
Why do politicians wait until they’re out of parliament before they start being sensible
Guess we can look forwards to Bill English saying in 2018 that in retrospect, they shouldn’t have cut taxes, and if they hadn’t, they may not have had a record 9 deficits in a row.
Stranger things have happened
Yeah, like when Bill English admitted in 2008 that actually Labour managed the crown accounts very well and they had saved for the rainy day that was the GFC. He left unspoken what a disaster it would have been if Brash had won 2005 and implemented the tax cuts he was campaigning on.
Pity he went and blew all Labour’s careful work on tax cuts, eh?
Shame Labour didn’t do anything about helping people in need when they had the opportunity instead leaving it to National to do
National aren’t helping people in need – they’re gifting NZ to the rich.
Yeah, Working For Families didn’t “[help anyone] in need”.
Kiwisaver didn’t “[help anyone] in need” either. Nor did interest free student loans, or free doctor’s visits for under 5 year olds. Raising the minimum wage mustn’t have helped anyone either, unless you consider business owners “in need” of help?
Better luck next time, PR?
I’m sure some on here would suggest that raising the benefit would have helped a lot more people in need than helping out the middle class
So it helped people in need, just not enough of them. You’re sliding again.
Of course some people on here – even many or most – would suggest that raising the benefit would have helped more people (at least more people in greater need) than WFF did. But then many people here would be saying that from honest convictions that the government should help people, rather than your transparent desire to just stir shit here when you couldn’t care less about people in any level of need (except your own self interest).
The difference is though that i want each and every single person in NZ to as well as I have (or rather about to) or better whereas most on here want those that have done well to be brought down to an “acceptable” level
I don’t think you do. Your behaviour here strongly indicates that you don’t give a damn about anyone other than yourself, and that politics for you is merely a “game” in which strong leaders get your fearspect and genuine concern for others is a weakness to be exploited.
Your professed concern for the welfare of “each and every single person in NZ” is at odds with the rest of your commenting history.
Except that it isn’t actually going to help anyone in need. The $25/week is a nice headline figure but it’s not what anyone’s going to get and there’s several claw backs that are actually going to make people worse off.
Still better then what any other government has done
“any” other government?
Lab1 and Lab3 come to mind…
In terms of overall benefit to individuals in the bottom half of society, Labour’s package of policies, a few of which I outlined above, are greater than anything National’s done.
You’re deluding yourself.
At least Sir Michael Cullen is honest.
@ 13
Too many blinkered supporters like you, foppish one.
So useless Michael Cullen has come out and agreed that there is a problem and that the Labour government he was part of should have done something …..
f@&k Michael Cullen…
I personally wrote to him early on in his time in office and put this exact issue to him. We exchanged a couple of communications on it.
Bottom line: Cullen refused to acknowledge the problem, despite evidence I put to him that locals were being outbid by foreign speculators (American ones these were mostly).
Cullen did exactly what Key English and Smith are doing now – being deceptive and avoiding the question.
Cullen’s little credibility on this just got sacked imo
bloody deceptive politicians – goes on even when they are retired it seems. Cullen is a Wanker on this
Why is a prepay plan going to require a monthly fee? Are telcos taxing the poor by removing low cost no monthly fee mobiles, and if they are why can they call a monthly plan prepay. Thats wrong.
On the importance of getting in first with the framing…and burying the facts, driving the political issues and ‘morality’ and skewing political advantage against your adversaries:
‘Remembering MH17′
“Investigations into the downing of flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine are still inconclusive or incomplete a year on from the tragedy. However, this has not stopped the West and their media from apportioning blames, without facts and figures to back up their claims. The search for justice for the families of those killed on MH17 continues.
CrossTalking with Ray McGovern, Alexander Mercouris, and Patrick Henningsen.”
Curbs favoured on marketing unhealthy food to children
But we can pretty much guarantee that National will do absolutely nothing about this. Listening to the populace isn’t what National does.
IMO, due to how manipulative advertising is it should be banned outright.
This is a must read:
Of course, it’s not that WINZ that needs to recognise that but our psychopathic government that’s out to punish people for being poor.
I’d like it a lot more if that solo mum, or anyone else didn’t have to justify their existence to fellate the egos of greedy sociopathic m’fuckers: Even if she didn’t have a car with Wof or rego, even if she wasn’t talented enough to study at a high level to become a lawyer or accountant, even if she eased her troubles by smoking or partying on alternate weekends, even if she was trying her best and failing at most things, she’s still a woman and a mother and a human being. So if the system allows no other choice but to buy in to the ass-pirant dream or be scapegoated and demonised by fat brainless cowards, then fuck the system and all who support it. It’s not like she impregnated herself.
And having a child is not an unnatural function for a woman. It should not have to be vouched for by a bloke. Give her the tools to raise the child well, then assistance to get training so she can have an individual skill in society when the child is old enough, and she can have the part-time hours needed. It is not hard to understand except for the religious-value-laden and the individualists who want to suck from society but not fuel it.
A comment on Ireland’s situation circa 1924 from Countess Markievicz.
All the small businesses here are heading for ruin, and the farmers are in a bad way. The list of bankrupts is something appalling. The list of highly paid officials for whom jobs are made by those at present in power, is daily increasing. To meet these expenses the old age pensioners have been docked 1/- per week of their pensions, as well as their bag of coal per fortnight. Taxes are awful, and food prices are daily rising and rents are wicked.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Jeepers no holds barred in this
This debate is robust and necessary – onya Keith
Excellent piece. Excellent comments in there too. Thanks for the link.
(and my opinion of Rob Salmond falls another notch).
you haters you – lol
Yep it is hard to go past Keith and his analysis – in fact I don’t think I will go past it, I agree with it from whoa to go.
Amateur old journalist Soper getting a hiding for his piece on Key’son
He’s usually a Key sycophant so quite a step for him, speaking his truth for a change, nice one Soper!
It’s also at least the fifth major news organisation to post Max Key’s hawaiian holiday video on their website. Even Richie McCaw or Dan Carter would struggle to do that. There is no such thing as bad publicity I would think is the strategy.