Open Mike 22/03/2018

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, March 22nd, 2018 - 134 comments
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134 comments on “Open Mike 22/03/2018 ”

  1. Jenny 2

    And so it begins.

    The business community are getting stuck into Jacinda Ardern.

    Claiming they are suffering from “uncertainty”.

    In their view expressing wanting to do something positive about climate change is creating uncertainty which is bad for the economy. The implication being that the Labour led Government is bad for the economy.

    Dredging up all their old stupid talking points, and attack lines.

    Their viciousness shouldn’t be surprising, it is one of the reasons that we as a society cannot make the necessary changes to save ourselves and protect future generations.

    Jacinda Ardern’s decision to take a walk down the steps of Parliament on Monday was well intentioned, but is symbolic of the Government’s confusion around managing an economy.

    In what may be a first, the prime minister personally went to greet representatives of Greenpeace and receive a petition calling for the end of oil exploration.

    Few seriously doubt that oil and gas is a sunset industry. But there still is genuine debate about whether New Zealand has the gas reserves in operational fields to manage the transition away from fossil fuels.

    Personally speaking, I am one of the “few” that think that the oil and gas industry is a “sunset industry”.

    And am doing my damnedest to make sure it becomes so.

    We need to confront these tired old attack lines.

    The smoking industry did it. To continue with their deadly but profitable busisness Instead of confronting the science head on, they deliberately set out to create uncertainty.

    They want certainty, let’s give them certainty.

    Let’s make it our job as activists to remove all uncertainty. And without compromise,make these greedy, self centred wreckers know, in no uncertain terms, that the age of fossil fuels will, and must end, and as soon as possible. No more delaying tactics, no more fudging and avoiding the issue. The time has come to take a stand.

    • Jenny, while I agree completely with your sentiments, I despair for the future of the human race!

      JohnSelway’s posting above yours is suggesting that the EPA shouldn’t rely on verifiable science for decisions on protecting the environment, which effectively means doing nothing.

      Ask the people of New Zealand to give up their cars for the sake of the world and you’ll get a look of blank amazement, followed probably by abuse.

      We shall remain re-active when we should be being pro-active! We won’t seriously begin to do anything about mitigating climate change until it’s far too late to do anything effective.

      But hey, we have to try. If it takes getting in the face of oil exploration companies to make people realise how damned serious the problem is, count me in!

      • mikes 2.1.1

        “Ask the people of New Zealand to give up their cars for the sake of the world and you’ll get a look of blank amazement, followed probably by abuse.”

        Of course you will unless you provide clear evidence that giving up their cars will save the world. First of course you would have to provide clear evidence that the world is somehow in imminent danger from something.

        • Pat

          so youre saying there is no need to reduce green house gas emissions?

          • mikes

            “so youre saying there is no need to reduce green house gas emissions?”


            This is what I said…

            “Of course you will unless you provide clear evidence that giving up their cars will save the world. First of course you would have to provide clear evidence that the world is somehow in imminent danger from something.”

            • Pat

              “First of course you would have to provide clear evidence that the world is somehow in imminent danger from something.”

              Repeating it dosn’t clarify it….that reads that you dont think there is evidence the world is in imminent danger but perhaps thats not what you mean to say…it would be surprising if it was.

              • mikes

                In your first reply you stated “so you’re saying there is no need to reduce green house gas emissions?”

                That’s not what I said at all, I didn’t even mention greenhouse gas emissions. So I repeated what I stated so that you could read it again.

        • Tony Veitch (not etc)

          OMG a climate change denier! I didn’t think the species still existed!

          • soddenleaf

            When we do see indisputable evidence for climate change….

            …northern rich countries will look to feed then house their populations at lower latitudes. As that’s were former deserts are getting increased rain, and former first world cities are under snow… …glaciers…

            So you’d expect say Russia invading any port to its south, Crimea say, and be heavily invested in airports and regimes to the south, aka Turkey, Syria.

            Oh, done, and done. Russia believes in climate change.

            Eu, France heavily engaged in western Africa…

            Only the US thinks climate change is joke, but hey aside from Mexico, where have they got to go…. …Australia.

            • soddenleaf

              Oh, and getting a idiot elected in the US.. Russia keeps its goals off the world agenda.

          • mikes

            Not sure how you get from my comment to yours but I’m certainly not a climate change denier at all, sorry to disappoint.

            There’s plenty of evidence for climate change everywhere. The climate has always changed and always will. The climate has never been stable for any real amount of time.

            I was simply stating that if you are going to ask everyone to give up their cars to save the world then unless you provide clear evidence that giving up their cars will save the world then of course they aren’t going to do it. Obviously if everyone in NZ gave up their cars tomorrow, it wouldn’t affect the world’s climate at all and it certainly wouldn’t stop the climate from changing. (Unless you’ve got evidence that it would, in which case I’ll be happy to change my viewpoint)

            If you’re wanting to make peoples lives more difficult and cost them money then you need to be pretty specific else why would they do what you want them too?

    • Tuppence Shrewsbury 2.2

      good. Do it. Give us some certainty. At least then we know whats going and can plan and implement for it.

      The problem isn’t expressing something positive about the reaction to climate change, it’s that Jacinda has done that and then gone and given a speech about Business as usual. Which Jacinda is the right Jacinda?

      • McFlock 2.2.1

        what are you uncertain about? That you should be getting out of the fossil fuel market?

      • AB 2.2.2

        Nah – in business speak, ‘certainty’ doesn’t just mean the absence of uncertainty. It means a guarantee that policy options they are particularly opposed to are ruled out. It is a deeply coded word and contains an implicit threat – “rule out the options we don’t like, or else!”

    • Pat 2.3

      There should be no uncertainty… has been clearly signalled…carbon neutral by 2050….all journeys begin with a first step and this is it.

      If we dont take it then obviously the journey has been cancelled.

    • Tuppence Shrewsbury 2.4

      It’s pretty funny how you think that someones behaviour, actions and stated intenions creating uncertainty is an “attack” line.

      It’s also funny how you think that you are one of the ” “few” that think that the oil and gas industry is a “sunset industry”. when the states that “Few seriously doubt that oil and gas is sunset industry”

      Did you just read the headline and go into full white knight outrage mode that someone had been mildly critical of the prime minister?

    • Ad 2.5

      All of this post-oil Zero Carbon Economy stuff should be falling on James Shaw.

      He is working assiduously behind the scenes, but he needs to come out of the shadows. Particularly about the oil and gas industry.

      It’s the first time in a while that we have seen a peak of what economic transition from oil might feel like for our regions.

      It looked yesterday like the PM was covering for a Green issue. Which is fine, it’s her job as head of the government.

      But its well time for the Greens to step into the mainstream media on the effects of their signature piece of legislation and its intended effects.

      • veutoviper 2.5.1

        Oh but Shaw did step up yesterday, Ad.

        Two (pre-prepared?*) questions to Ardern right at the end of Question 5, Bridges to Ardern on “Does she stand by her reported statement when personally receiving a petition from Greenpeace on Monday to end oil and gas exploration that the Government was “actively considering” the issue?”

        Shaw comes in at about 4.18 min – less than a minute from the end of 5.12 mins.

        Here is the Hansard –

        And an extract with Shaw’s two questions. * I have left in the preceding question from Bridges and Ardern’s answer as Shaw’s first question seems to partly ignore the first sentence of Ardern’s answer re Fonterra. This pretty much indicates that Shaw’s questions were pre-prepared and not reactive to the realtime flow of the discussion – and he reads both questions from a paper in the video.

        Hon Simon Bridges: Speaking of the environment, what would be the cost to the climate if Fonterra were no longer able to use natural gas for most of their processing plants and had to revert back to coal in order to continue production and safeguard international food security?

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Even Fonterra has acknowledged that they need to tackle this issue head on, even if the Opposition hasn’t. I’m sure I don’t need to educate that member that there are already gas reserves that can run as far as 2046 and that the decisions around exploration permits this year would run for 14 years plus an extra 20 on top of that. This is about decisions that will affect the next 30 years. This is a Government willing to have that debate even if that last one wasn’t.

        Hon James Shaw: Is the Prime Minister aware of Fonterra’s plan to be carbon neutral by 2050 and to phase out coal use entirely?

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Yes. They share our ambition to be carbon neutral by 2050—again, something that the Opposition clearly does not.

        Hon James Shaw: Is looking for new fossil fuels the same thing as shutting down existing operations, and what year are the existing operations currently scheduled to wind down?

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: As I acknowledged, we’ve not said that we would be altering current operations, and a number of those fields actually have a shelf life that goes out as far as, potentially, 2046.

        • Ad

          Questions in the House are lovely but don’t confuse them for the media.

          Shaw needs to break cover, even moreso than Jones.

          • veutoviper

            I agree Ad – and I don’t confuse Qs with the media. Just been rather in the news since Shaw’s announcement last Sunday.

            In fact one of the few subjects of the five Press Releases issued by the Greens in the last week, and 23 PRs in the last month since 23 Feb that have got any traction in the media. Figures from Greens website.

    • AB 2.6

      Interesting how business can demand ‘certainty’ but the rest of us are completely exposed to market discipline. No certainty that our jobs won’t be downsized or outsourced to India or China. No certainty that the tax base will support a public healthcare system that can treat us in a timely, clinically up-to-date manner if we get osteoarthritis or cancer (better cripple yourself financially with that private health insurance), if you are young no certainty of ever owning a house….
      An interesting vignette of privilege in action.

    • patricia bremner 2.7

      I agree. They are worried, that is why they say they are “uncertain”.
      Jacinda has sent a message. Like all big issues, this won’t be settled easily, or without a fight. The big money is talking scheming and targeting any apparent weakness.

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 3

    There is a FB “destructometer” and as of last night our time it stood at $50 billion USD and counting….

    • savenz 4.1

      Time to get your submission in – even David Parker – says the current agreement ‘is not perfect’ and is a ‘7 out of 10’.

      New Zealand deserves their politicians to get 10 out of 10 so make a submission! (link below)

      US will almost certainly join, as was always predicted and that is why there is only suspension of some of the most toxic rules not deletion.

      The agreement is already toxic, and delivering nothing but worsening conditions to most Kiwis!

      Those with vineyards will benefit however so apparently all worth it!

    • adam 4.2

      As I said, by the end of March the USA will be back in.

  3. savenz 5

    In spite of losing in Supreme Court, NZ bureaucrats are up to it again, denying Greenpeace charitable status.

    We all thought things would get better under a Labour/Green/NZ First government…

    “Greenpeace Executive Director, Dr Russel Norman, says the Charities Board decision not to grant the environmental organisation charity status is unsurprising given that the Board has resolutely opposed Greenpeace’s application all along, in spite of previously losing the battle in the Supreme Court.”

    • One Anonymous Bloke 5.1

      All the current board members are National Party appointments. Peeni Henare is the responsible minister.

      • savenz 5.1.1

        Good to know, but unfortunately our entire country is now plagued with half witted bureaucrats who spend their budgets on lawyers to defend their poor decisions and try to take others down.

        Get rid of the rot in the public service!

        TPPA is another example, what normal person thinks that lawyers can solve all their problems???

        A, too many lawyers in parliament making bad decisions and thinking other lawyers will save them at great costs to the country which the country can’t afford to constantly defend a poor agreement from lazy bureaucrats who wouldn’t have an original or practical thought if their life depended on it.

  4. Pete 6

    The world is going to end. I’m blaming Shane Jones. You see I’ve been on MikeWatch – in the ward seeing whether Hosking will survive.

    “The government doesn’t have the bank balance to bluster their way into financial catastrophe in a company they own 51 per cent of.”

    If Air New Zealand “goes pear-shaped, airlines don’t lose a few million, they lose a few hundred million. The margins are tiny, the risk is huge.” We only have money for SCF, eh Mike?

    Anyone’d think Jones had started World War 3 or the outspew was about his beloved Warriors – ‘Jones is a dangerous man, attack dog, Machiavellian, threatening people, thuggish, wage war, loutish assault …’

    • ianmac 6.1

      For those of us who live in the provinces, we applaud Jones’ words. We pay far more to fly Air NZ Blenheim to Wellington that it costs to fly Christchurch to Auckland. We subsidise the bigger urban flights.

    • savenz 6.2

      Have to agree with Shane Jones on this (a first!), the NZ taxpayers owns 1/2 the airline and they should not be price gouging and cutting off domestic travel so they can spend money on sponsoring dinners for Obama for example.

      Too much of corporations time is being spent brown nosing and networking for themselves to get better job offers and photo opportunities, rather than actually looking after their long term company prospects.

      Air NZ should not be an airline that rips people off. Too many companies in this country are a NZ company when it suits them for marketing, but they do little to support everyone in NZ and have become used to ripping Kiwi’s off.

      Fonterra is another one, I think overseas people are paying less for NZ milk and cheese than locals! It’s disgraceful! Then they wonder why Kiwis are going off milk, butter and cheese! I wonder??????? and a lot of Kiwi’s think dairy is an evil polluter – well if the company has little social conscience and is polluting while pretending they are not, of course people are not going to support the corporation!

      (If the dimwits in corporate marketing have not worked this out, people are onto fake news. So maybe have substance behind any claims and actually become a good corporate citizen instead of fat cats say on 8 million posting loses, pretending they care about NZ and Kiwis.)

  5. Cinny 7

    Yesterday some religious group was hanging around the tuck shop at Miss 13s High School handing out bibles.

    Question please….. is this common in other NZ High Schools?

    I’m really not down with religious propaganda being preached at school unless it’s Social Studies and they are covering and discussing all denominations.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Barfly 7.1

      🙂 not particularly relevant but your comment took me back 45 years to my Fourth form English teacher he told a fellow pupil to categorise the Bible – when the student defined it as a “Historical Novel” I learned firsthand what apoplexy looks like.

      • Cinny 7.1.1

        LMAO !!! Thanks Barfly, that was funny. It’s the little things I love about TS, like the beautiful vocab commentators use, well said 🙂

      • veutoviper 7.1.2

        Wonderful anecdote, Barfly!

        And isn’t apoplexy a wonderful word. I think I first found it in one of Jane Austin’s books – “Mansfield Park” ?

        Anyway, I wondered what it was like and found out with a vengeance when I told my father at age 12 or 13 that I was not going to go through with “confirmation” at Bible class at our Presbyterian Church as I did not believe in Christ as my saviour and it would be hypocritical to do so.

        Father was an elder in the Church and Head of Sunday School, Bible Class etc at the time – embarassing much! I thought he was going to explode. He was bright red and puffed up – and I immediately thought so this is apoplexy! LOL.

        He asked me to leave him for 10 minutes to think about it. We remet at the appointed time when he had calmed down and said that it was obviously my decision to make but he wanted me to write up the reasons for my decision.

        I presented him with an essay with my reasons etc, and having read it, he asked me if he could give it to the meeting of Elders of the Church (Session?). I agreed and offered to present it to them in person, which duly happened.

        On the Sunday that all the rest of my age group took confirmation, I was there in the back by myself – at my own volition as parents had given me the option. At the end of the ceremony the Minister referred to the fact that I was the only one who had declined to take confirmation and summarised my essay to the whole meeting. He said that he and the other Elders were extremely impressed with the thought I had put into my decision and essay; and that they accepted my decision with respect.

        My parents later told me that while they had hoped I would go through with confirmation, they were so proud of me that I was prepared to stand up and go against the flow for my own well thought out decision.

      • patricia bremner 7.1.3

        Great!! LOL

      • UncookedSelachimorpha 7.1.4

        What was the expected answer?

        It isn’t much of a novel – plot, structure and story is hard to follow.

    • veutoviper 7.2

      Don’t know, Cinny, re whether it is common at other schools, but giving away bibles is usually a tactic of the Gideons or Bible Society here in NZ.

      Here is a Google search re their activities in NZ

      I also tried “handing out bibles schools nz” and there are a few interesting links in that search…47629.50922.0.53820.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.3.838…0i7i30k1j33i22i29i30k1j33i160k1.0.bKuczrhGtc8

      But have you asked the school itself?

      I will be interested what you find out.

    • patricia bremner 7.3

      Cinny you are correct. The insidious ways they get religion into secular areas is an ongoing battle. My personal experience was a “homework group” Which turned out to be evangelical bible studies. When they changed the name to Bible Studies, their number went from 18 down to 3.

      This has to be watched, as I found some Board members thought through personal bias that this was fine, and I was doing the devil’s work!! When confronted with the Education Act 1964 many were amazed. I would get told we are a Christian country.

      The decision to be secular was to avoid religious confrontations. Schools are supposed to be closed for religious instruction, and parents can opt their children into or out of the programme offered, but they need to know!!

      So ask your Principal who in the school makes decisions regarding religious instruction? When? Where? How often? Format and content of lessons? Who will lead these sessions? What happens to the children opted out by parents? What about religious texts bibles etc.?

      • Draco T Bastard 7.3.1

        The insidious ways they get religion into secular areas is an ongoing battle. My personal experience was a “homework group” Which turned out to be evangelical bible studies. When they changed the name to Bible Studies, their number went from 18 down to 3.

        I’ve heard of other cases like this. It seems that these religious people are more than prepared to lie to get their indoctrination into schools (and in pretty much everything else for that matter).

      • JohnSelway 7.3.2

        My young daughter has yet to ask me about God and Jesus etc but one day I’m going to have to explain to her why some people believe such silly things

        • gsays

          Hi John, maybeI replace God with words like love, consciousness, unity .

          Not using the ‘G’ word (and all the personal baggage that inevitably comes with it), can free up a dialogue.

          • JohnSelway

            I’ll start her with comparative religion i.e. many people believe in different things and different gods but your dad doesn’t believe in any of those.

            We do good and treat people well not because we have to but because we want to. We don’t lie, cheat or steal because it makes others feel bad.

            Something like that anyway – she’s only fucking 4 and she is still having trouble with the whole “Where do babies come from” so I might sort that out before introducing her to abstruse concepts like religion and god

      • Enough is Enough 7.3.3

        “When confronted with the Education Act 1964 many were amazed.”

        So would I be considering it was repealed in 1989.

        • veutoviper

          LOL. But I believe that PB was a teacher quite a long time ago from comments she has made here on TS re her age and former profession.

        • patricia bremner

          Enough is enough,
          I was teaching then!! From 1961 through to 2001 with time off for my family 35 years The law was altered but basically the same in the remaining Intermediates through till 2001.Cheers.

    • Bill 7.4


      Not in NZ, but that reminded me of some bible or other getting passed out at my High School. I think they might have been those ones that hang around (or used to hang around) hotel rooms or whatever.

      Anyway. One kid ripped his up. And got suspended if my memory serves me right. And this was in a non-denominational school of some 2000 pupils

      That said, for a whole host of reasons, I can’t quite see that bibles would be successfully passed out in schools these days.

    • Draco T Bastard 7.5

      Your best bet would probably to speak to these people.

      As far as I’m concerned handing out bibles like that at school should be illegal with a very, very large fine for the church thrown in when they do it.

  6. Anne 8

    An on-line news site yesterday (can’t find it now) was reporting a broad break-down of the guest list to tonight’s Obama dinner. Of particular interest to me was the fact 27 National Party MPs have been invited and only 13 Labour MPs.

    Jacinda Ardern (of course) was one of the invitees but isn’t attending due to a prior engagement. David Parker – the government’s power house – is not invited yet Alfred Ngaro – the dim bulb from National – is invited. Strange.

    The dinner has been arranged by the NZ/US Society who I imagine are made up of predominantly Republican orientated individuals, especially now we have a Republican backed US Ambassador. Perhaps that accounts for the disparity.

    • Ad 8.1

      The US Democratic Party would comfortably span all New Zealand parties – except maybe Act.

      Their churches are necessarily far broader than ours.

      • savenz 8.1.1

        Maybe that is why the democrats are not trusted anymore, too many right wing decisions not in the interests of most American’s. (Food for thought for NZ Labour).

        Remember post US financial Crisis Obama bailed out the banks, but failed to stipulate any part of the company or the money being paid back, or the executive fees being lowered.

        So the banks who caused it, got bailed out, became richer and many American’s lost their job, house, savings.

        Doesn’t sound like a trustworthy decision. But Obama and Key hit it off, and enjoy their golf games with so much in common.

      • mac1 8.1.2

        Yes, Ad, and that is why I see the media which is commenting on the Key/Obama relationship to the detriment of PM Ardern is mischief-making.

        I’d also ask who is former President Obama now when people say he is still one of the most powerful men in the world? Surely he is an elder statesman now and wise, but in terms of power beyond that accorded by respect, persuasion and reason, what has he?

        Certainly the current President is disdainful, the Democrats do not have an ascendancy and corporate America is still that.

      • Anne 8.1.3

        Am well aware of that Ad @ 8.1, but at a NZ level the participants in the US/NZ society probably regard themselves as having more in common with National. In other words, if they were able to vote in NZ elections they would vote National – hence the reason double the no. of Nats over Lab. invited to their little party.

        • Tracey

          His trip is funded by Banks which will explain the guest list

        • Ankerrawshark

          Also noted Anne the cheesy little pic of bridges talking to Obama on his JOHN the pony tail pullers cellphone. What really is the purpose of Obama’s visit.? How much is it costing us? Bet it was arranged before the change of govt.

          I wish JOHN key would piss off

          • Anne

            Key has been posting photos of himself and the son (forgotten his name) on Facebook knowing they will be picked up and plastered all over the media. No coincidence imo.

            Another example of the attempts to belittle Jacinda (aided and abetted by the Nat media) and cut her out of the general picture… make her look like she doesn’t count… she’s not up to the job so best ignored kind of thing.

  7. adam 9

    Reality for activists on the ground in Russia. This is quite depressing reading so I’m going to call for some caution for readers. The FSB is in my eyes a criminal organization hell bent on crushing any dissent, and bolstering Putan at any cost. The reality is that is at the cost of ordinary women and men right across Russia. Here are but two examples.

    If you think starting a trade war with Russia will help these people. Then your deeply deluded. Governments like this, love external threats, it helps them crush the people at home.

    • Bill 9.1

      We’re not meant to think of anything in terms of those people (ie – people just like us).

      The only time we get any media exposure is when a dairy is robbed, some-one is shot or something stupid or banal can be ridden off our backs for some “human interest” story/headline.

      In other words, we are meant to actively discount ourselves and are encouraged to do that at every turn.

      “Big Boys”* count. Only “Big Boys” count. And we’re given endless helpful tips on discerning who the “Big Boys” are – through headlines and lead stories endlessly informing us of just how important, smart and influential those “Big Boys” are.

      And so while we are discounted, marginalised and disappeared, we can nevertheless get to share in a sense of power and importance by lending our voice or support to some agenda of some “Big Boy” or other.

      It’s been working a treat for quite a while now…we keep on disappearing ourselves while simultaneously lifting up those who can only survive by way of our invisibility.

      The fact those stories are from sites on the margins of the internet, and the fact they represent the merest tip of what is heaped on our heads and shoveled into our lives every day by these “Big Boys” and their configurations of power – surely that shows us all we need to see, no?

      *inclusive of women, but seeing as how we’re talking about systems of patriarchal power, I thought the term “Big Boy” was appropriate enough.

  8. mac1 10

    Waikato Hospital Board processes.

    They spend $150,000 on a CEO selection process then get slammed for not asking an opinion of the eventual appointee’s former employee.

    The former Chairman, who resigned over the matter, should also bear some of he responsibility for misappropriation of funds by that CEO in that he gave authorisation for expenditure held in large part to be unable to be authorised as legitimate business.

    I hope the Serious Fraud Office will truly perform its duties here.

    • savenz 10.1

      One of the things that is why NZ (and a lot of western countries) going down the toilet. They can not even do the most practical thing in relation to their job and nobody in the executive team does any due diligence anymore as they employ a range of ‘consultants’ to do their thinking or lack of it, for them.

      As for spending $150k on one person’s recruitment – it’s not just the applicant they chose that are the crooks!!!

      No wonder the health system is in trouble with these lazy dimwits at the helm paying gold for other incompetents.

      C level execs employing D level execs… the rout continues

    • Tracey 10.2

      Johnathan Coleman has resigned. More sacarine BS about his great service blah blah blah but our health and hospital systems degraded under his watch

      • Bill 10.2.1

        Yeah. Something about this churn/renewal in the National caucus. It stands in stark contrast to what the NZ Labour caucus did.

        Sure, a few moved on, but far too many hung on in there. And in spite of leadership contests not going their way, they achieved, through a fair amount of monkey wrenching to secure a bit of fiefdom for themselves.

        And I think it’s worth remembering back a few years when the suggestion that too many in the NZ Labour caucus would rather be big fish in a pond or puddle of opposition than give way to change, wasn’t by any means a marginal opinion.

        All those years spent securing power instead of allowing NZ Labour to prepare for it…

        And well, are we now looking at a one term government that merely hankers for the days and policies and strategies of a pre-2008 NZ Labour Party that we, the voting public, have already rejected once?

        As a side bar.

        What’s happened to that process of internal democratisation that was begun a few years back, but never seen through to a conclusion? Can we take it that since Ardern’s leadership hasn’t been endorsed (rubber stamped) by any membership vote yet, that it’s being viewed as “best forgotten”?

        • tracey

          He has only been in parliament since 2005.

          Where have resigned Labour MPs gone I wonder versus post parliament for Nats? How many keep pursuing forms of public service versus going to work in the private sector? Might be an interrsting analysis?

          • Bill

            I think traditionally, the “revolving door” serves ex-National mps better than it does ex-NZ Labour mps.

            Cullen went to Kiwi Bank, yes? (But now he’s back….along with Simpson). Clark went to the UN and is now…who knows? Goff stayed…and stayed…and stayed. (and is still in politics).

            King wouldn’t let go. (What’s she up to now?)

            The big names of NZ Labour are (and after an entire decade!) still very much associated with NZ Labour. All but dead ducks and their carefully managed proteges flapping…slowly and slower.

        • patricia bremner

          I don’t agree about a “one term government” Bill.
          Jacinda and her coalition partner and supply and support group will have worked out how to appeal to the electorate in 20 20. National not so much.

    • David Mac 10.3

      Prior to his appointment as head of the Waikato DHB Dr Murray was dismissed from Fraser Health in Canada. A British Colombia government ordered review established that Fraser Health was the worst performing medical entity in all of Canada. It took 12 months to clean the outfit up after Dr Murray was shown the door.

      Naturally it was going to be a disaster. I feel Dr Murray’s best defense is to point out that of course we were robbed blind, we got what we asked for. We paid $150,000 to establish that of all the available medical executives in the world, Dr Murray was the best choice. We got what we deserved.

      Even with the justified expenses: The executive medical fraternity travel first class around the world on luxury holidays masquerading as conferences while the dedicated and honest nurses doing the hard yards struggle to make ends meet.

      Ground these high flying chooks. Their job is running hospitals not testing the world’s Hilton suites and jet-ski facilities.

      • mac1 10.3.1

        Ah, so it was in Canada. Well, you can’t go wasting money on ringing all the way to Canada, can you. After all, it was only $150,000 wasted.

        I believe the protocol is to put /sarc after such a comment………..

        Some years ago, I outed a con man from a position where he could have done a lot of damage. In his case, the phone number to a referee was to his own phone, which eventually got him caught, when he used the same number for his work.

        It seems that he had been a con artist in business firms but instead of prosecuting
        him for fraud, these firms just let him go for some other entity to pick up. We prosecuted him, and the firm that he went to work for was advised of his criminal record.

        Fear of being seen to employ conmen, fear of looking stupid because firms were conned by these men, overcame their sense of responsibility to the community.

  9. patricia bremner 11

    I am pleased to see the Minister of Education has the make up of the “Teacher’s Council” Bill to have 7 teachers nominated by teachers and 6 by the department.
    This recognises teachers, and values their opinions.

    Further steps to limit who gets the title “Teacher” according to educational qualifications. Yes Yes!! Others are coaches, instructors, teacher aides, etc.
    Well done Chris.

    • savenz 11.1

      One thing Labour and NZ First is doing well in, is primary and secondary education decisions. If only they could be more consistent with forward thinking, in other areas of policy.

  10. dv 12

    See Colemans resigned, which will spark a by election.

    • tracey 12.1

      Very safe Nat seat

      • savenz 12.1.1

        Weren’t the Greens keen for Northcote? What about a “northland’ effort by NZ First, Labour and Greens to defeat the Natz in another ‘safe’ seat?

  11. joe90 13

    But he was a nice white boy….

    BREAKING: Austin terrorist identified as Mark Conditt.Conditt was home schooled, a devout Christian, & contemplated a Mission trip.My questions:•Is this suicide bomber a “Radical Christian terrorist?”•Why is WH silent?•#WhereWasHeRadicalized?— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@MuslimIQ) March 21, 2018

    The quiet, home-schooled son


    Neighbors said the Conditt family, who live in a neat white house with a blue picket fence around the front porch,


    “They are a really nice, calm family,” said retiree Jeff Reeb, who lives next door. “They have always been extremely nice.”

    • Heather Grimwood 13.1

      to Joe90 at 13 ; Yes, knocks the particular threads of prejudice somewhat!
      Let’s hope it causes their widespread questioning.

  12. Bearded Git 14

    Jonathan Coleman has resigned from parliament. In 2017 his so-called safe National seat had the following party votes:

    Nat 18005
    Act 261
    Total 18266

    Lab 12639
    Gr 2496
    Nzf 2221
    Total 17356

    TOP 845

    Only 910 between the 2 blocs. Have excluded TOP. Will be interesting to see what happens in the by-election.

  13. Whispering Kate 15

    Well what do you know, another rat leaving the opposition. Jonathan Colman has resigned and first thing that came to mind was “what a coincidence”.

    This morning on Morning Report there was a damning report on the rotting wall linings of a Middlemore Hospital, it is contained in the wall linings as we speak but it will be dangerous to health if it works its way through to the wall surfaces. It is a bad situation for the hospital and has been left unattended for years. It has been known since 2012 or thereabouts and I thought to myself, what the hell was the last Minister of Health doing about it sitting on his behind doing sweet all.

    Then, lo and behold he has quit, do these people have inside knowledge of the shit going to hit the fan or is it just their skilled way of escaping responsibility that allows this to happen. Shame on all ministers of the crown who do absolutely jack shit about their portfolios when in office.

    • savenz 15.1

      Apparently even the hospital boilers are blowing up nearly killing people. The CFO’s just go to another DHB, and advance their careers leaving a dangerous trail of unmaintained destruction in their wake.

      • Whispering Kate 15.1.1

        Apparently he is going into a role with the private sector – why would anybody want to employ such an incompetent minister, he had a high opinion of himself and was arrogant and that sums it up for him – plus his love of cigars – go figure.

        • Chris T

          I don’t know……Cunliffe got another job

        • Venezia

          Coleman is going to a job running a private sector health company. Acurity health group. There should be a period of time where his right to use the intellectual property, resources & networks built up as Ministered the Crown is restricted. Mind you’ve was no shining light as Minister so good luck to them.

  14. ianmac 17

    “Former US President Barack Obama is questioning Sir John Key’s counting skills in the golfing match that Team NZ won yesterday.”

    Remember Key said the other day that “Obama was a stickler for the golf rules.”
    This implies that Key is not such a man and Obama knows it.

  15. Ad 18

    Auckland Regional Fuel Tax by 1 July.

    Bill introduced this afternoon.

    Auckland LTP counts as consultation I presume.

    Fast work Minister Twyford.

  16. joe90 19

    This is getting interesting.

    Nearly a year before Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired senior FBI official Andrew McCabe for what Sessions called a “lack of candor,” McCabe oversaw a federal criminal investigation into whether Sessions lacked candor when testifying before Congress about contacts with Russian operatives, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

  17. mac1 20

    More good moves from a caring government.

    The government has introduced legislation to ban letting fees for tenants. Also it is said that greater security of tenure and a 12 month period before rents can be raised will also be introduced before the end of the year.

    Stumping up with a four week bond, a two week rental deposit and another week’s rent as a ‘letting fee’ must be very difficult for some, with moving costs on top.

  18. mac1 21

    And more happy news.

    ” In just 10 days, the minimum wage will be increased to $16.50 per hour. This raise was one of the Government’s top priorities. It will benefit approximately 164,000 workers and their families, and will increase wages throughout the economy by $129 million per year.

    We are further committed to raising the minimum wage for working New Zealanders to $20 by 2021.”

    And us pensioners will have warmer homes courtesy of the winter warmth grant Starting in 2018, the Winter Energy Payment will begin from 1 July to 30 September and from 2019 for five months from 1 May to 30 September.

    Who need worry so much about the coal-man, or the Coleman for that matter………..

    • savenz 21.1

      Of Course they could have installed solar panels on the oldies houses to help them all year around, but of course that would be cutting down corporate profits and that is why in the age of carbon neutrality power companies have inexplicably been allowed to charge more for people who use solar panels. Go figure. Of course that was under a Natz government, but haven’t seen the Labour government trying to kill two birds with one stone, aka save money and save environment.

      • Firepig 21.1.1

        Please note – not every house, situation or season is suitable for solar panels. The energy payment will be gratefully received in this household (although we do have solar panels) as the house has to be kept extra warm for my husband who has Alzheimers and feels the cold.

        • patricia bremner

          Pleased you are going to get the winter payment Firepig. Keep well.

      • Gabby 21.1.2

        That would’ve been lovely for the solar panel manufacturing corporates savey.

        • savenz

          Yep don’t want to reward a company manufacturing something that is sustainable and will reduce carbon footprint when the oil and gas industry need the corporate welfare so much. Coal is also popular and not too much fuss after Pike River, I see.

          • Gabby

            Yup how far into a solar panel’s lifespan does it exceed in output the energy expended in its manufacture savey?

      • mac1 21.1.3

        If I want to, I could use the payments for the next two years and pay for a sixth PV panel.

        That would provide enough PV generation to run a 1 kw heater during the middle of the day for 18 minutes every hour the sun shone.

        A solar panel is not the best way to provide heat in the middle of a winter’s night.

        Of course they help with the overall power bill, but you still have to have enough money to heat the house. That is what the money is for.

        The individual owner decides how to use it. Rather clever idea, that- let the citizen consumer decide.

        Do I install another panel? Or use the $30 to buy power to heat the house, all day and night? Or wood? Or gas? Or whisky?


  19. eco maori 22

    Newshub jonathan coleman Good ridence OUR health system are in a shambles it all about te tangata te tangata not one’s own agenda.
    Wow Facebook is getting served for letting Cambridge analytics abuse the data of 50 million Americans.
    The problem is its not just Facebook that has breach te tangata the people trust there are other companies that have done that as well one has to hold all the offenders to account to stop this cheating the people the 99.9 % of Common people of there democract voice Ka pai Ka kite ano

    • eco maori 22.1

      There you go Newhub works are losing there share of the money pie many thanks for reporting this I say it would be at least 10% from jobs I have worked the wages haven’t changed in 20 years rents are just about one person wage to pay per week I know things were much easier 20 years ago Ka pai Ka kite ano P.S. Anthony Joshua is sceared

      • eco maori 22.1.1

        The project you gave it your best Paddy good on you I heard that Obama called shonky a bad golf cheat lol The sandflys have been going hard for the last few days idiots you won’t even be able to fathom what they get up to. Your a Naki man Paddy that explains it Ka pai Ka kite ano

        • eco maori

          The project I never ever have a face book page I new it’s to open to minupulation.
          Profits Of Rage one of my favourite bands they are onto it Jesse and Kanoe Ka pai Ka kite ano there song UN___THE WORLD is excerlint the video is tops to ka kite ano

  20. Jenny 23

    For those with a serious or even passing interest in what is happening in Syria and Eastern Ghouta in particular.

    It would be hard to go past this essay.

    “Ghouta: Issues Behind the Apocalypse: Armed and civil rebellion, Class and Islam”

    By Michael Karadjis

    There is a a hell of lot to unpack here.

    Maybe it would be best if you just scrolled down to the headline article that you are most interested in. And take the time to read the attached links, and footnotes.

    “The Assad-Putin Armageddon”

    “Attacks out of Ghouta”

    ““Terrorists” in Ghouta?”

    “Who are the rebels?”

    “The question of arms and alleged foreign support”

    “Class and the uprising in the Damascus ‘suburbs’”

    “Islam, Class and Revolution”

    “The question of Jaysh al-Islam’s sectarianism”

    “Jaysh al-Islam, repression and civil resistance”

    “Elected Local Councils and Civil Opposition in Ghouta”

    “A momentary aside in Idlib …”

    “The loss of Ghouta: A huge loss to democratic prospects”

    ”What can we do?”

  21. eco maori 24

    Newshub I could not have our morning talk the Tokoroa red neck sandflys allways block my phone and another phone on the cell tower from getting the standard website disprit exclusive brethren lol we got a good sports weekend coming up Kia kaha people Duncan hope you had a good time at the Obama dinner I wish I was there he is brilliant. The health system are stressed because of shonky and his m8.
    Some people should realise that they are ways we can both be winners. When Eco Maori is determined he gets his way fulls top. Stop listening to the sandflys and think of a way we both WIN I’M not the bad guy your adviser are leading you in the wrong direction there only objective is to try and damage my Mana not your wellbeing. Ka kite ano