can’t disagree with anything you say PU!
Can you remember when all that ‘harm minimisation/reduction’ bullshit came in (as opposed to the initial idea of putting people on the Nazi drug till ‘stable’, then gradual reduction of dose to nothing)???
Can you imagine FFS….. there are now 60, even 70 somethings [if he’s still alive] who’ve been on the bloody stuff half their lives!
…… and whilst being on it, treated like kids by power trippers justifying their existence.
An alternative might be to return to better (and much more prolific) counselling services, Hanmers, Martons, etc; doing something about diversions; and putting efforts into reducing poverty in general so that various forms of escapism are less tempting. (Apparently only the wealthy are allowed to be happy and normal).
Stop criminalising too ffs. EVERY time something has been criminalised – the result has been a far worse alternative – be it ‘homebake’, ‘P’, and now designer drugs and highs in various forms.
No doubt, like me (watching my brother’s demise), have witnessed highly intelligent, functioning ‘units’ wasting away.
No Phillip, you have no intention of having a ‘link war’ with me not because you boredom threshold is far lower than ‘that’,
You have no intention of having a link war with me because it might disturb your ability to spread utter bullshit in these pages,
As you can see by the link provided,”coz bad sez so” is also another tragic lie from you, i say so because the wikipedia which gives a very good over-view of Colorectal Cancers, with citing of various Science, ”says so”…
I’ve been posting here, on and off, for ages. Certainly since the 2008 election, if not before. If you haven’t noticed, it says a lot for your self-absorption.
If you care to vet my posting history, there is a search facility. Point yourself in its direction, instead of expecting me to do it. What are you, some sort of Victorian factory owner, to be waited on hand and foot by grovelling peons?
New Zealand has one of the highest incidences of bowel cancer in the world.
Each year about 3000 people are diagnosed with the disease and more than 1200 will die as a result.
Bowel Cancer is New Zealand’s cancer. Instead of leading the world in terms of the numbers of people affected by bowel cancer and deaths from bowel cancer, we need to lead the world in terms of finding solutions to this disease and improving outcomes for patients.
We also have the highest rate of rheumatoid arthritis in the world, in fact our health statistics are a worry. Fish seems to be the new meat in this country – it is very high in mercury and should not be eaten too often. People seem to think it is a step up from meat but as fish have many nerve endings in their mouths it is a very cruel practice, plus the mercury could well affect the mental health of those who eat it, the hatters in Victorian England who dealt with mercury in their work ended up often going mad!
There are quite a few research papers out now confirming that meat does cause cancer and heart disease. Fairly sure I read one recently put out by the British Medical Journal.
Watch Forks Over Knives, available either from your library or online. This film has convinced many to go vegan.
It is humans who cause unspeakable suffering to animals. I just dont get why empathetic and compassionate humans, especially lefties who are supposedly more empathetic and compassionate than your average rightie, can completely switch off when it comes to animals.
Personally, I’d be against eating meat if I thought they could tell us what they did on their holidays. Hence whales and gorillas would be doubtful, ethics-wise.
But I think a lot of folks simply anthropomorphise human feelings onto meatbots.
It’s quite a good example of what I’d regard as a plausible sentience test: communication, memory, abstract thoughts, sense of “self”, sense of others.
‘But I think a lot of folks simply anthropomorphise human feelings onto meatbots.’
McFlock, animals feel pain and sadness, this is an offensive statement.
One of the less fortunate legacies of the enlightenment was the devaluing of animals, which ultimately ushered in factory farming. This ugly spirit was embodied by Nicolas Malebranche, one of the nastier devotees of Descartes’ rationalism, which viewed animals as machines:
‘They eat without pleasure, cry without pain, grow without knowing it; they desire nothing, fear nothing, know nothing.’
To illustrate the point, Malebranche reportedly kicked a dog by way of illustration (quoted in Saul Frampton’s book about Montaigne, a genuinely enlightened thinker of 16th century France, entitled Montaigne and Being In Touch With Life: When I Am Playing With My Cat, How Do I Know She Is Not Playing With Me?).
But cows and chickens displaying anything approaching a persistent state of sentience much more sophisticated than stimulus:response? I’d want evidence for that.
There is evidence, McFlock, but it doesn’t suit your outdated and mechanistic prejudices so it seems you will simply refuse to acknowledge its existence. And I am talking of chickens, dogs, birds, and cows, not intellectually arrogant and cut-off human animals.
It’s too late to go trawling for evidence – there are loads of studies – but this review in 2010 in the Guardian might at least update your 16th century notion of animals as machines. In various studies, animals have been shown to display a sense of fairness, an ability to recognise human beauty, a moral awareness, and can feel pessimistic.
Well, up until that article, you hadn’t actually presented any evidence.
What I’m talking about is actual sentience, not physiology. Chickens rating faces that we find “attractive” is seeing whether they have the same physiological biases as us (maybe they associate those factors with food because pretty humans are more likely to nab the research assistant jobs, which involve feeding the animals? Who knows). Measuring baboon “grief” via stress hormones doesn’t actually mean the baboon is aware of why its body is stressed.
I’m pretty safe saying elephants are sentient, evidence being complex communication (beyond “I’m Horny!” and “Mine! Go away!” and “Danger!”), learning (not training), and the big one for me was watching film of an elephant calf stranded in a mud pool – the other elephants coordinated making a mud ramp (i.e. individuals went to different sides, some worked on the top and others pushed the calf up, without running around to check what was going on). The nabbed abstract thought, communication, sense of self, and so on.
Personally, I think sentience is a continuum – oysters at one end, higher mammals and maybe the possibility of a smart giant squid at the other. Most of the animals we eat would never have existed without us breeding them to eat. Most of them have at most a dim awareness, maybe, of existing from one moment to the next. We shouldn’t torture them, or kick them just for the hell of it. But to cry when one sees a cattle truck is displaying a whole range of intellect that, frankly, I don’t think cows can manage. I’ve met and lived with a whole bunch of farm animals. The brightest of them were not quite as smart as someone enthralled by prime-time network sitcoms.
The human animal is the most murderous, destructive, polluting creature ever to inhabit this earth. And this is what you call smart
So your concern foranimals masks your contempt for people.
Because yes, we are all of that. We are also so much more: creative, caring, curious, capable of rational heroism as well as instinctive reactions, we can build so much and (hopefully) we can walk so far. We aren’t “smart” because of our shortcomings, we’re smart because of what each of us might one day be capable of. I’ve heard stories of a cow jumping over the moon, but only a human has walked on the face of it.
Name a species that tortures and butchers its own kind en masse, and destroys its own habitat, or don’t assert manipulative and glib statements.
It’s rather ironic you accuse me of contempt when the reason I took issue with you was the contempt shown for Belladonna and her concern for defensiveness creatures.
The lovely qualities you ascribe to us are exemplified by those like Belladonna who feel things, and question why the world isn’t a different place.
Name a species that tortures and butchers its own kind en masse, and destroys its own habitat, or don’t assert manipulative and glib statements.
Well, that was concisely self-contradictory.
You do realise that a large number of species, lions for example, will kill any young of the same species that are not their own?
It’s rather ironic you accuse me of contempt when the reason I took issue with you was the contempt shown for Belladonna and her concern for defensiveness creatures.
Defenseless creatures that she would rather not exist, and upon which she purported some extremely doubtful characteristics.
The lovely qualities you ascribe to us are exemplified by those like Belladonna who feel things, and question why the world isn’t a different place.
And the regrettable human traits that you listed are frequently committed by people who choose only to project their own opinions, beliefs and feelings onto what they choose to see in the world around them, rather than recognising it for what it is.
I said ‘en masse’ for a reason, McFlock. And, also, the torture and habitat destruction? Read some of the many examples given today on Mickey’s Dotcom distraction post if you are ignorant of the pertinent history.
‘And the regrettable human traits that you listed are frequently committed by people who choose only to project their own opinions, beliefs and feelings onto what they choose to see in the world around them, rather than recognising it for what it is.’
Like most of your arguments, this is disingenuous and facile while sounding good on the surface.
It is the suppression of feeling that causes most of our problems. For instance, how would a WINZ minion inflict misery on their fellow citizens if they empathised with them?
It is no coincidence that the very people who deride the role of emotion in decision-making don’t have any time for animal rights arguments.
“En masse”?
Chimps are vicious buggers to their own, but you’d be hard pressed to find a species as populous as humans (therefore genocide is a bit difficult). Locusts are pretty good habitat destroyers, though. In fact most animals are – they expand to the level of resources (usually food), and then either migrate or population collapse.
It is the suppression of feeling that causes most of our problems. For instance, how would a WINZ minion inflict misery on their fellow citizens if they empathised with them?
It is no coincidence that the very people who deride the role of emotion in decision-making don’t have any time for animal rights arguments.
They say “a solution, to their problem as I see it, is obvious to me, therefore they are lazy or grifting”.
I’m not deriding emotion in decision-making, I’m deriding the assumption that everyone and everything is like us.
Emotion is good, with reason. Reason is good, with emotion. Either alone is insufficient: reason without emotion is sociopathic, emotion without reason is stupid.
air pollution
too much exercise
too little exercise
accidental injury
intentional injury
too much sun
too little vitamin D
too many bananas or brazil nuts
“We also have the highest rate of rheumatoid arthritis in the world”
I’m pretty sure the NZ RA rate is on par with most predominately (Northern) European populations. The highest rates are in some North American indigenous populations.
If our reported rate is high, compared with other predominately European populations I’d consider looking whether fudging diagnoses of an unspecified inflammatory arthritis as rheumatoid to meet the pharmac criteria for more effective drugs is an issue as well as looking other health triggers (e.g. infection and environmental triggers).
Miravox, I saw a graph fairly recently that showed New Zealand at the the top for RA.
Diet plays a huge part. Many have recovered completely from RA by following a vegan diet. D
“So Bowel Cancer may not be the biggest cancer killer in nz but our affliction rates are amongst the highest in the world.”
One way to seriously cut the number of NZers dying of bowel / colorectal cancer is to ensure that GPs are up to speed on current guidelines. Bowel Cancer has one of the highest survival rates (out of all cancers) when caught early / and one of the highest mortality rates when caught late.
There are 5 stages – from 0 to 4. Stage 0 = abnormal cells that haven’t evolved into cancer but are about to. Survival rate = almost 100%. Stage 4 = spread to distant parts of body. Survival rate = almost 0%. What seems to be happening quite often is that GPs are unaware of Stage 0 (which of course is precisely when oncologists and surgeons want to catch it). So GPs do the standard digital examination and if they can’t find a tumour then tell the patient that they haven’t got bowel / colorectal cancer. Which, in turn, gives the patient a false sense of security – they assume that their symptoms (dramatically changed bowel habits over an extended period) must simply be something to do with “growing old”. And so they’re virtually guaranteed to develop to a more serious – often fatal – stage.
My mother went down to her GP 4 years ago, believing she may have bowel cancer. The above happened, her symptoms got worse, but she’d been assured by her GP that she didn’t have cancer (she’d clearly been at Stage 0). Finally, she goes down again in December 2013 and, of course, is finally diagnosed with rectal cancer – has to have a major operation, complete with colostomy and is still not entirely sure if she’s Stage 2 or Stage 3. Survival chances better than 50/50 but if the GP had done their job – would have been almost 100%.
My parents have since heard that a number of middle aged and older people in their suburb have recently died of bowel cancer. Prob had same group of GPs.
GP guidelines are that patients should be sent for a scan if they’re over 50 and have experienced significantly altered bowel habits for more than 8 weeks, regardless of whether or not GP can feel any lump / tumour.
And I have to say – Wellington is far more poorly served when it comes to the number of specialist surgeons and the quality and financing of hospital treatment and related services than Auckland or Chch. But then we’re just the Capital City so what the fuck do we matter ?
Well PU, it’s become a ‘broad spectrum drench’ using a programme that’s fundamentally flawed.
Firstly …. putting people with ‘P’ addictions on Methadone FFS!!!!
Secondly …. what that ‘harm reduction’ reasoning means is that it’s easier to have long long long term “clients” that you can control and treat like kids, as opposed to cycling a greater number of addicts through a system (ensuring of course they receive adequate counselling and monitoring for a while).
[Far easier to have little morning meetings discussing meaningless bullshit over a fewer number of “clients” than it is to have to administer the cycling through of a greater number. It’s actually a cushy little number for those involved].
I’ve kept my distance for a very very long time – even as my brother went through it, for obvious reasons, but even then as a family member, one can’t help but be affected in some way or other – whether it’s being left to raise children; financial assistance to inevitable legal costs; emotional effects, paying for dental repairs, etc., etc., etc.
BUT, Having now had so many older people now on that evil programme for such a long time, it’s going to be difficult to change. Perhaps the ‘harm reduction’ long term thing is at least now only appropriate for the 40,50,60-somethings because often it’s too late.
Certainly though ‘P’ freaks that present, and those in say their 20’s and 30’s with opiate addictions shouldn’t have to have be faced with a life sentence.
Utimately there are some in the medical/counselling professions that should be bloody ashamed of themselves – and of course politicians for under-funding and repeatedly taking piss-poor advice.
Incidentally, a friend of mine, whose brother/friends also went thru’ it all (I think actually a past acquaintance of yours as well) were trying to count up the number of ‘units’ that have bitten the dust the other day. We lost count.
The ”Life Sentence” Phillip was self prescribed by the users of both ‘P’ and needle jamming Heroin users like yourself around the 3rd time such users ”Chose” to use such drugs,
You, and only You slapped those handcuffs on yourself and that was a long time in your case and any other Heroin/P users case befor they got anywhere near the Methadone which is the States remedy as a ‘maintenance dose’ to the addiction,
Your laughable demand for Morphine over Methadone only tells me that deep in your psyche you still crave that Heroin like nothing else on this Earth,
You might see such a demand as ‘reasonable’, but, that ‘reasonableness is just your Junkies mind demanding the Heroin you crave, obviously because Methadone just doesn’t ”do it” for your addicted little tortured soul,
Screaming for Morphine over Methadone is in reality a scream for more Heroin to keep the addiction raging, and, by the way, Methadone didn’t kill those other junkies, years of drug abuse done them in and Methadone was just the final straw for their abused bodies and minds, all self inflicted i might add,
indulge in enough Morphine Phillip and that will literally stop you breathing,
Btw… the only problem I have with PU at times is a kind of dogmatic, preaching approach that just serves to get everyone’s back up – like the stereotypical reformed smoker.
I’m not sure what the answer is, but it sure as hell isn’t the current methadone programme (at least for ‘P’ freaks and the younger opiate addicted). Even Australia has a far more sensible approach to it all – who’d have thunk!
Once was Tim, there’s a question to be asked here, ”does the methadone program stop ‘P’ and Heroin users using the drugs”???,
Sure we have a ‘cheap fix’ without those using the Methadone program also going through a Hamner Springs type rigorous counselling program,
The ‘bean counters’ have obviously come to the conclusion that if the ‘Done program’ removes the need for addicts to access street drugs like Heroin and ‘P’ then the financial cost of the addiction is also removed along with the crime that comes with that financial cost of the addiction,
In bean counter land it aint about ‘salvation’ of the addicts, we aint short of people, its all about managing the problem in terms of criminal harm such addictions cause,
Becoming addicted is oh so easy, i have boxes of prescribed pain killers here which during the first week of their use definitely got me ‘out of it’, to have kept up that ‘out of it feeling’ would have required me to keep upping the dose as the ‘buzz’ wore off after a week,
Knowing what addiction is, i have gone the other way and stopped using them unless i cause myself an acute bout of pain,
If i chose the other route, to chase the ‘buzz’ sooner or later these painkillers would have been of no use to me for the purpose they were prescribed and i would be back at the doctors demanding stronger for longer pain medication,
Its easy to become addicted, from Tea to Heroin, the easiest thing in the world…
In answer to the ”does the methadone program stop ‘P’ and Heroin users using the drugs”???, – not from what I’ve witnessed but then I work on a policy of not hanging round the barber’s shop because one is liable to get their hair clipped.
It is as you suggest – a bean counter approach.
It’s also at times a bit of a ‘holier than thou’ approach’ by many involved in the various professions involved in its administration, and often by policy decisions made..
If it wasn’t so sad, I’d be amused. Often the attitude by them is that they’re somehow ‘better’ than the stereotypical dirty filthy addict when in fact I know of certain Trauma Specialists, children of Science Advisors, Police officers; Counsellors themselves and many others who are in no position to hold that attitude .
Some have had the benefit of wealthy parents able to pay for private counselling services, others simply got bored and grew out of it all (probably those that don’t necessarily have a certain personality type), others just switched to so-called ‘respectable’ addictions – like the TAB or became at least borderline pissheads.
In my brother’s case, it all started by being introduced to heroin whilst a border at Christ’s College – I’ve come across certain ‘professionals’ that don’t like to be reminded of that – Eh What!
For me, the safest policy is not to hang around the barber shop.
You mention Hamner Springs – was it regarded as a help centre that worked for addicts?
It seemed to have a good name and the direftor was well thought of. What was your opinion? And should it be replicated as a major means of changing addicts lives?
I knew plenty of addicts/users that went through Hanmer Springs and other places and didn’t seem to be helped by the experience. I don’t personally know any who were “cured” by the experience. I knew a small number who stopped after stints at Odyssey House, although they all (3) went on to make careers in the addiction treatment industry, so I don’t think they were ever really cured. Given that addiction is one of the most difficult things to treat, a success rate that may be laughable in other areas of medicine may well be laudable. The other thing is that I am only speaking from experience and have no idea how well that would generalise.
With many addicts, their addiction is perceived as the most significant thing that ever happens in their lives. Even if and when they do stop, they never seem to stop talking about it, which makes me wonder about their ability to do much else. Some of us manage to hardly give it a second thought, and go on with other things, at which we can be very successful. For obvious reasons, the first category are noticed far more.
The talking about it by ‘cured’ addicts. It certainly is a powerful change in their lives, a winning leap like a high jumping athlete. Something thatt hey would remember for the rest of their life, though not talk about.
But wouldn’t talking about it echo that old joke about the person who wants to show off their war wound or their operation scar. It’s the most dramatic thing that has happened to them, they have been at the edge of losing themselves, their lives and survived. They just haven’t got round to getting a tshirt that blazons
`I survived methadone/ my aneurysm,/rheumatoid arthritis/ bi-polar attacks/grand mal/gout’ etc.
And there is that thing about one problem masking another. It may be preferable to concentrate on the drug thing rather than other troubling things from the past that want to thrust their unwelcome presence into the mind. Our minds are definitely delicate things, and to cope with life’s impacts on us, who knows what defences we will build.
And … excellent jousting. Did you smell some bacon cooking! That was a riposte and a half.
I saw getting over addiction as giving myself an opportunity to do other things, and I’ve concentrated on them. I never saw it as a great achievement in and of itself, but it has allowed me to do the odd thing that, if I were not so modest, I would give myself a little pat on the back for.
Others approach things differently, and good on them I suppose. It doesn’t mean that they can deny my experience, nor I theirs. If I were a believer in one unique truth, I’d be religious, or, if I were insane as well, I’d join ACT.
Methadone treatment had its place, and probably still does. Most of the problems with it came from not prescribing enough and forcing withdrawals when people weren’t ready. I have no idea why it would be prescribed for people using amphetamines, and have never seen any hard evidence that this happens. I don’t expect that you’ll be able to provide any, because you never do.
Yep, about what I expected. You can’t even handle the non-existent withdrawals from cannabis without displays of unprovoked aggression. Did you smell some bacon cooking or something?
Morning all. The one “left wing” possible policy that really excites me as a game hanger for the country is a UBI. On this site most people promote it as an equity policy, which it is. But it has a number of elements that would be very appealing to conservative voters also. It would reduce cost and complexity in govt. Half of ird and most of winz could be reassigned to do something more useful. We could significantly drop abatement/effective marginal taxation rates on work, encouraging more participation. We could simplify the tax system to maybe one or a max of two rates. My question is that why is labour not picking this up? Cheers
The reduction in bureaucracy is a big selling point for me. I have an inherent dislike for systems that take money out of one pocket and then put it back in the other. It seems a ridiculous waste of resource to me.
If you have a ubi for every citizen working for families can go, no need for a baby bonus scheme etc.
I would imagine that if you had a decent tax free threshold as well and then reset the tax levels in such a way that people say earning around $100000 end up with about the same amount of money after tax as they have now and those above slightly less due to a higher tax rate at the top.
It takes so much complexity out of the system and would make a massive difference to those at the lower end.
The entire tax system needs a major rework, once L/G/ and others get in power soon we can crunch the numbers etc to make radical change. CGT is a good start as is the rich coughing up to pay their share.
…UBI is simple…everyone can understand it…it is equitable….it gives everyone dignity and respect….and everyone feels part of a caring society ….essential for a healthy participatory democracy
Stanfield on Dunne: “The patron saint of money launderers and loan sharks and never so much as a squeak against his mates in the liquor, tobacco or gambling barons (sic)….”
This decision (Problem Gambling Foundation being dumped) could be the end of Dunne if used against him in his Ohariu electorate.
Gotta be a vote loser for the Nats too. (Nats 45.5% Lab Green 45.5% in latest Roy Morgan)
Better voter turnout? Better party participation? Better candidates? Better MPs? Better parties? Better political behaviour? Are these all linked?
The political arena needs to have robust debate, it needs to have keenly contested ideas and ideals, policies and personalities.
But we have a problem. Our politics often seems dominated by deception and lies, attacks and smears, attempts to destroy opponents and governments. And domination of the dirty dishonest dark arts of politics results in widespread disappointment and disillusionment, and that’s what we have.
Record numbers of people don’t vote. A number of MPs are frustrated and annoyed at the poor standards of behaviour in Parliament and in the wider political sphere. It’s difficult to attract women into politics, and advance them in politics, and keep them in politics, because of male dominated poor behaviour.
Some MPs, some party employees and some journalists seem dominate with agendas, diversions, attacks, with a sordid and sensationalist approach. Unfortunately their loud voices and over the top actions get a disproportionate amount of attention. The same applies to political forums in social media.
Can we do better? If enough people want better and don’t remain passive, pissed off and turned off, yes.
There will always be politicians and activists who think that anyone who disagrees with their aims and ideals is an enemy who should be dealt to and if possible destroyed. It’s ingrained in their nature, as if they are intoxicated by a quest for power. In a way similar to drunken thugs who think it proves their strength and dominance, or think it’s fun to smash people.
To diminish the dominance of dirty politics it needs to be confronted. And better alternatives need to be established.
Most MPs are decent people wanting to do better for New Zealand. They have different ideas on how to make things better but they want things to be better.
They need to be held to account if they make mistakes or do things they shouldn’t.
They also need the help and support of decent people who want better from our politicians and our Parliament.
I decided to become involved in politics because I wanted better politics. I’ve become involved in many things, I’ve gained useful experience. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve made friends. It seems that I’ve enemies. That’s inevitable in politics.
I now want to focus most on my original goal, doing politics and doing democracy better. I believe we can and we should. To succeed it needs a number of people with a common aim. There’s many people who wish for better out there. We need to stand up more, speak up more, act more positively.
I’m prepared to reach out to people with similar aims and work together. Some will see it as a threat to their petty, pissy and destructive way of doing things. So be it.
We can do politics better if enough of us want to, and if we make it happen.
‘Why can’t everyone be like meeeeee!1!!!1!!, only I can save you all from yourselves, look at meeeeeeeee!!!1!!, I, I’ve, I, I’m, meeeeeeeeee!!!11!!
PG the self appointed arbiter of political discourse. Yes Pete, politics would be sooo much better if we could all be as beige as you and have permanent fence marks on our butts.
“..PG the self appointed arbiter of political discourse. Yes Pete, politics would be sooo much better if we could all be as beige as you and have permanent fence marks on our butts.
PG, you make a good argument for the need for more open and democratic political debate.
Given that the original Politico-checker NZ site call for volunteers stated that the editor position required someone with a strong research background, what are your credentials for the position/
This goes to the heart of my scepticism about you in the role. I have a research background, and have mixed a lot with researchers and read many peer reviewed publications. I have yet to see any evidence that you have a strong research background.
The editor role is wide ranging. There is a research co-ordinator who will manager the research team, if you’re interested in contributing or know anyone who might be then contact Kirk, details here. It requires more than just academic research skills, it’s obviously highly political. The more input we can get from across the spectrum the better, that will give us overall balance. the more participation the better it will work.
Well the details you link to, PG, indicate you have a background in research. Good research is n=done in unis and in other organisations doing research.
i do not see how you can fulfil the stated editorial role – as final gatekeeper of “truth ratings” and what is “true and accurate”.
I remain skeptical. I have seen nothing in your way of arguing that shows you have a significant understanding of, or capability with, rigorous research and related analysis.
I do hope the others doing work for the site. The deputy editor looks to have more relevant experience and paper qualifications.
We could do ‘politics better’ if we rejuvenated the parliament by introducing parliamentary democracy where politicians were not almost always bound to boring party lines (remember when marriage equality passed, and there was genuine engagement rather than silly point scoring). We’d end up in a more honest place, in terms of where the parties really sit on the political spectrum.
This would create more interesting discussion and comment.
A well resourced, accountable, interesting, representative parliament.
Direct democracy is not the answer.
Nicky Hager (who rarely comments on party politics) touched on the malaise in his 2012 Bruce Jesson address:
‘The politician Peter Dunne, for instance, is a hard-line free market politician from the 1980s, a moral conservative and a friend of the alcohol, tobacco and gambling industries. He is called “centrist”. The New Zealand Labour Party maintained most of the 1980s free-market policies when it was in government twenty years later but was called “centre left” — making it hard for the party to understand why it’s policies are contradictory and what it needs to do to realign with its consistuency. The “centre-right” National Party is also a very confused place. Its free-market policies sit uncomfortably with its traditional conservative policies, and its big-business friendly policies clash badly with its small-to-medium sized business constituency. The label “centre right” doesn’t help understanding or progress on these issues at all.’
Yes it is. As long as we have representatives making the decisions then parties and all the negatives you point to will still exist. With participatory democracy we will get real engagement and discussion because the discussion will no longer be limited to what the caucus thinks.
Hahaha……..Petey George – the quintessential mealy mouthed, country vicar affected, while risibly disingenuous MP wannabee, aspirant to the guzzling trough.
Telling us that we should be ‘nice’ and draw a line under the patent foulness of Smile & Wave & Invoice and its hubris, entitlement and destructiveness to democracy. Get off the grass Petey !
But thank you anyway for the preview of your nightly fantasised maiden speech.
“I have a dream……..(of being a celebrated, august, ‘someody’) “.
Peter, I agree than most (all maybe) who become MPs want to make the country a better place, and that the “better place” is per their own definition.
One MP (who you guys would never actually have voted for) said that most MPs work very well together in the committees and all genuinely listened to each other and to those who came to do submissions. And that most were pretty good at compromising to try and get better legislation.
Now maybe everyone becomes a bit more beige by the experience, and perhaps thats why the middle is often called “Labour lite”, or “National lite” depending on who is in opposition and why those who cant see politics delivering the outcomes they want, dont vote.
The bloody minded reformists havent got a chance under MMP.
So we wont see any of the radical stuff of previous generations of the NZLP – from the Savage radical stuff to the Douglas radical stuff of more recent times.
So we wont see any of the radical stuff of previous generations of the NZLP – from the Savage radical stuff to the Douglas radical stuff of more recent times.
The problem being that we actually need radical policies so as to get out from under this neo-liberal rock that the governments of the last thirty years have placed us under.
BTW, taking account of reality really isn’t all that radical whereas keeping going under the present delusional policies is.
Your argument seems to be that New Zealand has, in effect, entrenched a radical socio-economic and political environment originally established in the late 1980s and early 1990s? That one group of “bloody minded reformists” have triumphed in radicalising New Zealand society?
It follows, then, that moderate, balanced policies are now impossible – or extremely difficult – to introduce. That means your conclusion – “So we won’t see any of the radical stuff of previous generations of the NZLP” – is almost exactly incorrect, since it is not ‘radical stuff’ that is disallowed – after all, one form of radicalism has been entrenched – but, instead, ‘moderate and balanced stuff’.
For example, if the NZLP decided, when it is next in government, to introduce further privatisation in the education system that would be perfectly possible and would receive a smooth ride – since it conforms to the entrenched, radical agenda. Alternatively, if it wished to reduce the amount of private sector involvement in the education sector that would not be possible – or extremely difficult to ‘sell’ – because it is too moderate for the entrenched, radical agenda.
My point is that radical change from where ever we currently are, is off the agenda under MMP.
Under MMP theres no way that the Douglas reforms would have got past Parliament.
If you recall, Lange was a power hungry PM who wanted control. He had the majority party in Parliament, and then he had a cabinet (and ministers outside cabinet) who in total numbers more than 50% of the caucus, and then had the “inner cabinet” which was more than 50% of the total cabinet.
So his little group had control over the whole parliament. And when he lost control to that group of radical socialists (Prebble Douglas & co) he was totally screwed, and his legacy would forever be of a weak PM who lost control of his team.
Im sure that Douglas and Prebble still see themselves as radical socialists trying to right the world, and that if Labour had only listened, everyone – including the workers – would be way better off now.
Now maybe very few agree with their take on things, but Im sure they both still hold those views even now
My point is that radical change from where ever we currently are, is off the agenda under MMP.
I don’t agree with that. I think if the Labour party went far more radical left than what they’re doing now then they would get more votes as the people who aren’t voting will flock to them.
Labour are too scared to do a sharp left turn as its their belief that you have to occupy the middle to occupy the treasury benches.
The only way to achieve it is to have parties to the left of them propose the radical stuff and then to coallition with them. If the radical stuff works then Labour can claim it as their own (as senior party in coalitions do) and if it doesnt, they can hang the minor out to dry. (as happens in NZs version of MMP)
The Lone H.ger
Yeah that sounds a good scheme, good thinking. Hope that Labour takes that approach which is the sensible pragmatic one for these days. That doesn’t allow Jones to go cocking his leg up at Greens posters. That’s something else Labour has to attend to.
Don’t worry Pete we are going to get rid of the current regime.
Another commitent from a previous non voter this morning. I will personally get him to the voting booth. Closing in on 100 from this group adding to swing voters coming back left and shoring up the importance of voting to the first timers, made easy by Key-National’s anti student loan policy and the youth wage policy.
I maintain it will be a huge defeat for NACT, more than what people expect.
“I maintain it will be a huge defeat for NACT, more than what people expect.”
Thank you Skinny for your positivity and enthusiasm – something we’re not hearing a lot of lately. All that is required of us is some work and effort, such as you are putting in – it will pay off. Being gloomy and giving up won’t.
Peter G the fence sitting concern troll is back for election year, yippy!
With his recipe for our political salvation, oh joy of joys, when all we really need is more transparency, more transparency and more transparency, but PG isn’t really interested in improving anything except his own public image.
An example of how PG the concern troll works:
“There will always be politicians and activists who think that anyone who disagrees with their aims and ideals is an enemy who should be dealt to and if possible destroyed. It’s ingrained in their nature, as if they are intoxicated by a quest for power. In a way similar to drunken thugs who think it proves their strength and dominance, or think it’s fun to smash people.”
And then.
Most MPs are decent people wanting to do better for New Zealand. They have different ideas on how to make things better but they want things to be better.
Too long a comment Pete George. If you can’t be brief – Felix fits more valid punch into 20 words than you do in 200, then stay away. Check yourself. There’s plenty of content.
Since Pete is having a missive regarding fair and balanced I thought id have a crack…
Using Gower as my example and the sensationalist way he likes to report seemingly trying to become a celebrity or part of the story.
Whether it’s Labour he’s after or National the man is an embarrassment either cheered or jeered depending on who his latest target is. I suspect he regards ‘balance’ as reporting both sides in the same sensationalist manner. I would argue that balance is to be found on a story by story basis not see sawing about hoping you’ll end up in the middle and thus ‘balanced’
I would encourage everyone to ignore his ‘news’ whether it is favouable to the left or indeed the right as it is only a matter of time before he shifts aim. The less oxygen given to him the better I feel much like our friend PG.
Different strokes for different folks i guess cricklewood, i am starting to enjoy Alfred E.Nuemann, (Paddy Gower), as He seems to be a little reformed,
Admittedly the lies told by Gower around the non-existent ”leadership challange” were unacceptable, but, you cannot level that same claim about the two interviews Paddy has done with Slippery the Prime Minister in the past couple of weeks,
Real Gems i would call them, shining the light of the ”truth” on the PM, No lies, No overt grandstanding, just straight questions exposing that truth,
Anyone in this life is capable of change, we all do it throughout our lives, if Gower continues in His current vein of seeking the truth using that truth then i will offer Him a modicum of applause just as i will be quick to give Him the thumbs down if He again stoops to lies…
I agree with you cricklewood. Tv3 fills a vacuum – because tvnz is not really interested in politics coverage. Tv3’s coverage is over the top and gives too much power to one person. Only a few issues get covered and many are ignored, such as the total debacle of the asset sales programme – no real heat on national over that.
Lolz, i simply refuse to read Blubber boys ‘wail’, whats He whining about, Paddy Gower interviewed Slippery the Prime Minister in China for TV3’s ‘the Nation’ this morning,
While He again asked Slippery about the ‘Charity’ involved in the rounds of golf, He, in my opinion let our Prime Minister off the hook far too lightly choosing not to question Him on the difference between todays answers given surrounding these ‘Charitable’ donations accruing to the National Party and the original answers that the PM gave,
Also let slide in a big way by Gower, with much hurled abuse at Him by me as a viewer, was the sheer hypocrisy involved in a Prime Minister hoodwinking the public and the media into the belief that these ‘Charity events’ were anything of the sort gaining Himself free publicity as the ‘good guy’ only too happy to take time out to do things for ‘Charity’ when in actual fact there was no ‘Charity’
whatsoever involved,
Its simple fraud that our PM indulges in, and, i can only hope that the kid gloves displayed this morning by Gower aint as a result of Him having His chain yanked by those above him in the food chain, forlorn my hope may be, hopefully tho, Gower is only biding His time until the PM returns to face the music in the Parliament befor He continues to expose this Fraud and the architects of this fraud for what it is…
Saw the interview too and thought Gower was very weak in questioning Key over Oravida.
It is NOT CREDIBLE that someone turns up having been bought at a charity match and fails to ask what the charity is!!!! This is one of many question Gower should have hurled at Key.
i.e.” Do you mean to tell me you do a lot of these charity gigs, you turn up, knowing that your valuable time is spent raising money for some worthy cause and you don’t even ask the very simple, obvious question, that all bar people who are cognitive challenged (my apologies to such people) would ask?”
Also note how Keys slides it on to everyone else. It’s not Key who is responsible for fund raising for National being a “charity”event, it’s the National Party. Hello!!!
Amazing! The Natzis get a couple of instances when their trad allies become so embarrassed by their blatant antics they simply have to question them (such as Collins et al), and the likes of Hooton and the Whale start squeeling like stuffed pigs.
Really, the only reason the likes of Gower and Co have done so is that they fear they may be caught on the wrong side of history – they have slightly longer vision than the extended pot bellies, ample arses and pinochio noses of those they’re VERY occasionally trying to hold to account. Journalists they’re NOT though.
“..Heart-breaking pictures have emerged of the moment a giraffe said goodbye to a terminally ill zoo worker – who had spent most of his adult life cleaning the animal’s enclosures.
Maintenance worker Mario has terminal cancer and had asked to be taken into the giraffe enclosure at Rotterdam’s Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo.
The 54-year-old was wheeled into the enclosure on his hospital bed.
Within minutes – the giraffes approached him and began to nuzzle and kiss him..”
+100 PU …thanks for that picture …it speaks a thousand words….and where humans fail ….animals often show compassion and understanding that is non verbal.
..i read a book once about an autistic or aspergers woman ( who eventually became a professor of Anthropology ) ….anyway her life was a mess until she got a job in a zoo and established a relationship with the gorrillas….she was healed by looking into their eyes and touching their hands.
That’s a poignant human animal moment. I wonder if in NZ it could be arranged? I wouldn’t think so, we seem to have lost our humanity but have fallen further than animal levels of behaviour.
I can remember reading a story about a cow who had 2 calves and hid one in a hedge to stop the inevitable. That has stayed with me a long time. If a cow has the ability to figure out such a scenario then they are obviously intelligent enough to know at a certain stage of the butchery that awaits them.
We can do better.
Yes, cows have great sensitivity and a powerful maternal drive. I’ve had some lovely interactions with cows – I’m sure they are more intelligent than we give them credit for.
I live near a beef “hobby farm”. The calves do live with their mothers for about a year it would seem but when they are taken away, for slaughter, I presume, the cows moo loudly for days and well into the night. It’s really painful to hear, it’s like they are crying.:-(
…i am going to go to hell for eating meat!….i know it!….cattle /sheep trucks are a bit like taking the peoples off to the concentration camps…i have seen a sheep standing by her dead lamb for 3 days and mourning….mind you i have seen other sheep drop their lamb and take off as if nothing had ever happened
….next incarnation i will be a vegetarian or a cow or a sheep or a piggie….and I will accept my fate but I will curse those humans ….who are very far down on the evolutionary scale
It’s never too late Chooky! I hate overtaking those cattle trucks, you can smell the fear in my opinion. I invaribly blub when I see those lovely sad brown eyes. Cows are such lovely passive creatures that never cause harm to any living being.
No such thing as hell Chooky…………….it’s your choice and it’s up to you.
On the subject of cattle trucks I will say this though. As well as living near a beef hobby farm I have to go past an abattoir on the way to town! Either on the bus or in the car my stomach lurches as I see the full trucks pull into the Taylor Preston slaughter house in the Ngauranga gorge here in Wellington. It’s a moment of real despair. It’s just as bad seeing the empty trucks pull out of the yard. You know what’s happened.
Thats lovely phillip. The emotional intelligence of animals seems to be greatly underestimated – just an observation.
One of my favourite images is John Duncan’s “Saint Columba farewells the white horse”. (1925)
The story goes that Saint Columba was dying, and horse friend knew his days were numbered and came to say goodbye. Although I don’t have a religious bone in my body I find this image really quite moving as I have a strong affinity with horses having spent many years around them and know their sensitivity for human states of being. The link is a bit random as my images search isn’t working.
Also, man of the moment is New York mayor Bill De Blasio (sp?) who believes that keeping horses stabled in the city for use as touristy carriage horses is inhumane and is planning on outlawing the industry. He has strong resistance however including “celeb” resistance from the likes of Liam Neeson, so has a bit of a fight on his hands. He talked John Stewart from the Daily Show around though!
In my considered opinion, it seems that this issue of NZ Justice Minister Judith’s Collins corrupt, corporate cronyism ain’t going away any time soon, and it IS (as I predicted) hurting National.
Justice, Minister—Visit to China and Potential Conflict of Interest
[Sitting date: 18 March 2014. Volume:697;Page:16731. Text is subject to correction.]
Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS (Leader—NZ First) to the Minister of Justice: Does she still stand by her claim that Oravida business was not discussed at her dinner in Beijing at which Oravida personnel were present as well as a senior Chinese Government Customs official?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS (Minister of Justice) : Yes, but I do need to correct the member’s question. As I have said before, guests at the dinner included a senior Chinese Government border control official and Ms Margaret Malcolm.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Can she confirm, therefore, that she and Margaret Malcolm are fluent in Mandarin, and were therefore able to understand everything that was said during the dinner?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: No. I can, however, assure the member that I am fluent in English and I can understand when someone is talking to me in English—normally.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: That being the case, can she confirm that because the senior Government customs official—or border official, as she says—did not understand English, he said nothing to anyone during the dinner and just sat there mute the whole time?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: The senior Chinese Government official did have some English, but it was limited. I did my very best to talk about what a great country New Zealand is.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Is she saying that there was a dinner meeting involving a senior New Zealand Minister, an adviser, a senior Chinese customs or border official, and business personnel from Oravida, which is having trouble with customs and entering China, and yet not one person during that dinner mentioned that subject?
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Given that she said that there were language issues at that meeting when the Prime Minister spoke to her on this matter, did he question her public assurance that Oravida business and customs entry problems were not discussed, knowing, as he did, that neither she nor Ms Malcolm speak Mandarin and therefore could not give such an assurance?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: Given that it was a very short dinner—
Hon Annette King: How short?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: —well, it was a very short dinner—and the language being spoken was English, or forms thereof, I actually can give that assurance to the Prime Minister.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Given the acknowledgment that the border customs official spoke little English at all, is it not a fact that her claim that Oravida business was not discussed was false, as is the Prime Minister’s claim of receiving such an assurance from her, which means that both she and he—the Prime Minister—are knowingly involved in a cover-up of a serious breach of the Cabinet Manual?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: I challenge that member’s assumptions, and I would have to say that since I was there and he was not, he should stop making it up.
Grant Robertson: Why will she not reveal the rank or identity of the Chinese official?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: Because I have been advised by the Prime Minister’s office that we never reveal those matters.
Recursive Fury: Conspiracist Ideation in the Blogosphere in Response to Research on Conspiracist Ideation
Conspiracist ideation has been repeatedly implicated in the rejection of scientific propositions, although empirical evidence to date has been sparse. A recent study involving visitors to climate blogs found that conspiracist ideation was associated with the rejection of climate science and the rejection of other scientific propositions such as the link between lung cancer and smoking, and between HIV and AIDS (Lewandowsky et al., in press; LOG12 from here on).
A psychology journal is said to be preparing to retract a scientific paper that found a link between conspiratorial thinking and the rejection of global warming science after climate sceptics claimed the paper was defamatory.
DeSmogBlog has learned the paper’s four authors, led by Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, the chair of cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol, have signed gagging orders preventing them from discussing the nature of the complaints about their work, carried out when Lewandowsky was a professor at the University of Western Australia.
News of an alleged pending retraction, by the Switzerland-based journal Frontiers in Psychology, has leaked onto climate sceptic blogs but the journal is yet to make a formal announcement.
But DeSmogBlog can reveal that Freedom of Information documents obtained last June but revealed here for the first time show that climate sceptics complained that the work was defamatory.
The occasion was a prayer vigil at a Roman church for relatives of innocents killed by the mafia, during which the names of 842 victims were read aloud as a somber Francis looked on.
After voicing his solidarity with the family members, Francis said he couldn’t leave the service without speaking to those not present: the “protagonists” of mafia violence.
Addressing these absentee mafiosi, Francis was unsparing:
“This life that you live now won’t give you pleasure. It won’t give you joy or happiness,” he said. “Blood-stained money, blood-stained power, you can’t bring it with you to your next life. Repent. There’s still time to not end up in hell, which is what awaits you if you continue on this path.”
On Radionz soon will be news on Sartres newspaper set up in 1973? called Liberation.
Which is having difficulties in the digital age. Wonder what they’re doing about it.
Venice’s population voted for independence from Italy. Not just few but 89% of its population. That is on a par with Crimea and while some might argue the population of Crimea did so under threat of a gun the same can’t be said of the population of Venice. What is next? Ngai Tuhoe?
However unfortunately for Venice, the days of the republic of La Serenissma are long gone and without the financial support of the Italian state that particular living museum will be tits up in a year. As for Crimea, votes don’t count when foreign forces are occupying the region with their shooty shooty bang bangs. I doubt Tuhoe is that stupid.
OPEN LETTER / OIA request – re: the alleged ‘conflict of interest’ of Minister of Justice Judith Collin’s perceived endorsement of Oravida milk.
Dear Prime Minister,
Please provide a copy of the advice purportedly provided by the Cabinet Office, upon which you are relying, which substantiates your following reported statement:
Prime Minister John Key said the Cabinet Office “unequivocally .. said no there’s no breach.”
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
‘Anti-corruption/ anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’ ”
” 21 March 2014
Why is Prime Minister John Key’s Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson still replying to Official Information Act requests addressed to Prime Minister John Key?
Why are OIA requests not going STRAIGHT to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, (DPMC) instead of apparently being effectively filtered through the ‘party political’ Office of the Prime Minister?
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti=privatisation Public Watchdog’ ”
” 21 March 2014
“Dear Ms Bright
Official Information Act Request for Information Relating to Advice on Ministerial Conflict of Interest
I refer to your Official Information Act request of 6 March 2014 for “a copy of the advice purportedly provided by the Cabinet Office [in relation to the alleged conflict of interest of Minister of Justice Judith Collin’s perceived endorsement of Oravida milk] upon which …[the Prime Minister is] relying, which substantiates … [the Prime Minister’s] following reported statement: Prime Minister John Key said the Cabinet Office ‘unequivocally …said not there’s no breach”.
The information you have requested is not held by this Office and is more closely related to the functions and responsibilities of the Cabinet Office, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Accordingly, I am transferring your request to the Cabinet Office under s 14 of the Official Information Act.
Yours sincerely,
Wayne Eagleson
Chief of Staff”
Why did this OIA not go STRAIGHT to the DPMC in the first place?
Answering OIA requests is NOT the job of the party political ‘Office of the Prime Minister’ – END OF STORY.
2.69 Ministers must ensure that any conflicts of interest are promptly addressed. The Secretary of the Cabinet (and, where appropriate, the chief executive of the department concerned) should be kept informed of conflicts of interest as they arise.
In addition, the Prime Minister should be advised in writing of conflicts that are of particular concern or that require ongoing management. If in doubt about the appropriate course of action, Ministers should consult the Prime Minister or the Secretary of the Cabinet.”
This includes preparation of replies to Parliamentary questions, and dealing with Official Information Act requests and other correspondence. A totally separate body, the Office of the Prime Minister, also advises the Prime Minister: it is the primary point of responsibility for managing political issues and relationships with other political parties and for providing administrative and media support.
DPMC formally came into existence on 1 January 1990, as a result of a report which recommended establishing structures to provide two separate streams of advice to the Prime Minister; one, a new government department to supply impartial, high quality advice and support to the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and another, a Prime Minister’s Private Office (which is not part of DPMC), to provide personal support and media services, and advice of a party political nature.”
Quite frankly – in my considered opinion, any person from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) who has given advice that Minister of Justice Judith Collins has not breached the Cabinet Manual for her ‘perceived’ endorsement of Oravida milk , is unfit for duty and should be sacked.
That is of course, if such ‘advice’ was ever given to Prime Minister John Key in the first place?
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
However, nobody likes being called a conspiracy theorist, and thus climate contrarians really didn’t appreciate Recursive Fury. Very soon after its publication, the journal Frontiers was receiving letters from contrarians threatening libel lawsuits (Graham Readfearn has some details). In late March 2013, the journal decided to “provisionally remove the link to the article while these issues are investigated.” The paper was in limbo for nearly a full year until Frontiers finally caved to these threats.
In its investigation, the journal found no academic or ethical problems with Recursive Fury. However, the fear of being sued by contrarians for libel remained. Frontiers explains (emphasis added),
“In the light of a small number of complaints received following publication of the original research article cited above, Frontiers carried out a detailed investigation of the academic, ethical and legal aspects of the work. This investigation did not identify any issues with the academic and ethical aspects of the study. It did, however, determine that the legal context is insufficiently clear and therefore Frontiers wishes to retract the published article. The authors understand this decision, while they stand by their article and regret the limitations on academic freedom which can be caused by legal factors.”
Damn because that will fuel the climate deniers legal attempts to shut down real research.
“Last year I was invited to meet with Kim Dotcom, but I declined because I didn’t want to get swamped by the Labour, Greens and NZ First pilgrimages to the mansion,” said Hone Harawira, MANA Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau.
“But when the invitation was extended again earlier this year I decided to accept, but not at Coatesville. I met with Dotcom at my mates place on the Shore where we discussed a number of issues:
· How much we both dislike the way John Key has allowed NZ’s intelligence services to be used as pawns by American big business against a New Zealand resident;
· How much we both dislike John Key’s cavalier dismissal of the rights of ordinary New Zealanders;
· How well things are going in the Bundesliga;
· How bleak NZ’s future under National will look if John Key keeps floggin’ off our key assets;
· What MANA would like to see in a positive future for Aotearoa;
· What Dotcom might want to see happen in Aotearoa; and
· What wonderful beaches we have in Aotearoa.
“We clearly have common interests, but for the record, I didn’t ask him to fund MANA, and he didn’t offer to either. I didn’t ask him to join MANA, and he didn’t ask me to join his party.”
“I haven’t spoken publicly about the meeting because I haven’t yet spoken with the MANA Exec about it. That’s set for later this week.
I’m not a Green voter (although I have been in the past). I am a Mana supporter for 2 ticks and my $ as a member.
As far as I am aware there are no vegan parties likely to stand for parliament (although I think there should be) which must leave you in a bit of a bind re your vote – how you reconcile that must be tough.
Well I suppose if kim supports Mana’s kaupapa then he’d be a useful member but apart from that I don’t see any benefits for either side – but that’s just my opinion of course and if the leaders of Mana had different ideas I’d always be open to hearing those ideas – I trust the leadership and their belief in the kaupapa and the longterm goals of the Mana Movement.
I think feeding the kids, destroying poverty, creating equality through tino rangatiratanga and the rest of Mana’s kaupapa to be more compelling than giving everyone fast internet.
I suppose in my heart I’m not convinced about Kim – I struggle with his excessive wealth and I struggle with the fact he donated to banks and I just don’t yet see him as a friendly dude wanting a better world for all – for me I can’t get over thinking that it is all about him and that doesn’t align with my political or social viewpoint. But I’d be happy to be proved wrong.
I also think it is dangerous to put too much weight in the enemy of my enemy is my friend – sometimes they are the enemy too.
Actually Phillip, i think you can take it as a given from Marty Mar’s reply to you below that you are in fact wrong,
i do tho take back what i said to you about the ”little bird”, its fucking obvious that ”all the little birdies” i see chirping in my Pohutukawa tree’s every day have a Far Far greater grip on reality than you will ever be blessed with…
’tis a weakness of mine.
In the words of the philosopher Professor Cartmenez, “they want to save the world, but all they do is smoke dope and smell bad”
That smell could be natural human scent – it’s not bad – bad is the sweet unnatural disguising artificial odors used by everyone else – that contribute to so much global suffering for humans and animals alike. Sure, you have to wash with water regularly but that’s like wiping your bum after a poo, as in pretty basic hygiene. The bad smell may also be the leeching of substance through the skin from that which has been ingested – and fair enough that can be awful. But these traits are not exclusive to those that would call themselves ‘hippie’ at least in my experience.
If it stinks, it’s a bad smell, “natural” or not.
Both rosesand horseshit smell, but only one smells good. Best you can hope for is that your nose shuts down.
Ha ha ha…what was it you said below…that’s right brainless right wingers…what a riposte from one that uses his one working braincell to plagarize a right wing loving poet to produce an astounding lack of style…
The fact that you continue the same old chant about ashtrays simply proves the one working cell is still operative..just…your bristling today Phillis…my first comment to you this morning while not having the desired effect…did produce an interesting one…we will have to refine your progam a little…it could be painful but that’s a small price we are willing for you to pay for our endeavors to drag you into the real world…
I will Phillip, offer you a large upright middle finger in lieu of any such apology having to ever be tendered in you direction,
When you are proved right on anything you choose to rave like a drug loony over you will in fact probably have ‘won’ as such a day will probably result in myself having a major coronary…
I doubt if Mana would join up with Dotcom’s non-existent Internet Party. While there are obvious areas of agreement, Dotcom’s basic political philosophy of libertarianism ends up seeing the world as a rich man’s playground. Mana are not as silly as your little bird.
More of your bullshit. Go back and hatch your egg.
I stand by my doubts. Mana is having discussions with Dotcom, but I doubt if they will amalgamate. Mana has been steadily building a movement, while Dotcom is a one man band. Amalgamation would be the death of Mana, irrespective of Phil’s dreams about being given a free server for his blog.
An intriguing mention for tomorrow’s offerings on Radionz I think in the afternoon.
From Christchurch a report on an inconvenience store offering things that money can’t buy.
But… the Herald-Digipoll!!! The sky is falling on Labour!!!
(must also be remembered that even the Roy Morgan systemically overestimates Nat support and so this is even worse for the Nats than might appear from the numbers)
Sadly, still comes down to Winston – but the greater the support for L+G, the more likely he is to deal with them first imo.
Humans and their clever and destructive toys which will turn around and bite us?
Radionz news.
Students invent tree-swinging robot
Canterbury University students have developed a robot that can swing between trees, in the hope it may one day be put to good use in forestry.
I just read this excellent advice from a poster there, Alex Coleman, on the ‘Pundit’ website regarding NZF:
It’s fun to try and guess, and come up with reasons for why he (Winston) may do
various things, but at the end of the day I think the message the other
parties should be pushing, ( a message which has the added benefit of
being true), is something like;
‘If you have a preference for
who will lead the next government, vote for that party instead of
Winston. If you don’t care who leads the government and your main
concern is having Winston in the mix, then vote for him, but be aware
that he could go either way depending on what else happens’.
This message, I think, gives voters the most honest appraisal of what sort of government their vote will help to build.
I was talked into having a flu vaccination this year, for the first time ever. A few hours later, I was aching, vomiting, feverish and shaking uncontrollably. It was worse than any flu I’ve ever had and thankfully only lasted about three hours, but my chest is still sore from vomiting. While I’m all in favour of the vaccines that allow us to live without polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, and a few other things, I doubt very much if I’ll be dosing up on the flu vaccine ever again.
Go back to Kiwibog. That’s the place for those who want to take strange creatures to bed, and for those looking for someone who will take strange creatures to bed.
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is methane the ...
The Government’s idea is that the private sector and Community Housing Providers will fund, build and operate new affordable housing to address our housing crisis. Meanwhile, the Government does not know where almost half of the 1,700 children who left emergency housing actually went. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong ...
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This transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser has not been verified.We’ve announced we are the ‘Yes Government’. Do you like it?Yes, Prime Minister.Dreamed up by the PR team. It’s about being committed to growth. Not that the PR team know anything about ...
The other day, Australian Senator Nick McKim issued a warning in the Australian Parliement about the US’s descent into fascim.And of course it’s true, but I lament - that was true as soon as Trump won.What we see is now simply the reification of the intention, planning, and forces behind ...
Among the many other problems associated with Musk/DOGE sending a fleet of teenage and twenty-something cultists to remove, copy and appropriate federal records like social security, medicaid and other supposedly protected data is the fact that the youngsters doing the data-removal, copying and security protocol and filter code over-writing have ...
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tuneBird fly high by the light of the moonOh, oh, oh, JokermanSong by Bob Dylan.Morena folks, I hope this fine morning of the 7th of February finds you well. We're still close to Paihia, just a short drive out of town. Below is the view ...
It’s been an eventful week as always, so here’s a few things that we have found interesting. We also hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Waitangi Day! This week in Greater Auckland We’re still running on summer time, but provided two chewy posts: On Tuesday, a guest ...
Queuing on Queen St: the Government is set to announce another apparently splashy growth policy on Sunday of offering residence visas to wealthy migrants. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, February 7:PM Christopher ...
The fact that Waitangi ended up being such a low-key affair may mark it out as one of the most significant Waitangi Days in recent years. A group of women draped in “Toitu Te Tiriti” banners who turned their backs on the politicians’ powhiri was about as rough as it ...
Hi,This week’s Flightless Bird episode was about “fake seizure guy” — a Melbourne man who fakes seizures in order to get members of the public to sit on him.The audio documentary (which I have included in this newsletter in case you don’t listen to Flightless Bird) built on reporting first ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The 119th Congress comes with a price tag. The oil and gas industry gave about $24 million in campaign contributions to the members of the U.S. House and Senate expected to be sworn in January 3, 2025, according to a ...
Early morning, the shadows still long, but you can already feel the warmth building. Our motel was across the road from the historic homestead where Henry Williams' family lived. The evening before, we wandered around the gardens, reading the plaques and enjoying the close proximity to the history of the ...
Thanks folks for your feedback, votes and comments this week. I’ll be making the changes soon. Appreciate all your emails, comments and subscriptions too. I know your time is valuable - muchas gracias.A lot is happening both here and around the world - so I want to provide a snippets ...
Data released today by Statistics NZ shows that unemployment rose to 5.1%, with 33,000 more people out of work than last year said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “The latest data shows that employment fell in Aotearoa at its fastest rate since the GFC. Unemployment rose in 8 ...
The December labour market statistics have been released, showing yet another increase in unemployment. There are now 156,000 unemployed - 34,000 more than when National took office. And having thrown all these people out of work, National is doubling down on cruelty. Because being vicious will somehow magically create the ...
Boarded up homes in Kilbirnie, where work on a planned development was halted. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 5 are;Housing Minister Chris Bishop yesterday announcedKāinga Ora would be stripped of ...
This week Kiwirail and Auckland Transport were celebrating the completion of the summer rail works that had the network shut or for over a month and the start of electric trains to Pukekohe. First up, here’s parts of the press release about the shutdown works. Passengers boarding trains in Auckland ...
Through its austerity measures, the coalition government has engineered a rise in unemployment in order to reduce inflation while – simultaneously – cracking down harder and harder on the people thrown out of work by its own policies. To that end, Social Development Minister Louise Upston this week added two ...
This year, we've seen a radical, white supremacist government ignoring its Tiriti obligations, refusing to consult with Māori, and even trying to legislatively abrogate te Tiriti o Waitangi. When it was criticised by the Waitangi Tribunal, the government sabotaged that body, replacing its legal and historical experts with corporate shills, ...
Poor old democracy, it really is in a sorry state. It would be easy to put all the blame on the vandals and tyrants presently trashing the White House, but this has been years in the making. It begins with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and the spirit of Gordon ...
The new school lunches came in this week, and they were absolutely scrumptious.I had some, and even though Connor said his tasted like “stodge” and gave him a sore tummy, I myself loved it!Look at the photos - I knew Mr Seymour wouldn’t lie when he told us last year:"It ...
The tighter sanctions are modelled on ones used in Britain, which did push people off ‘the dole’, but didn’t increase the number of workers, and which evidence has repeatedly shown don’t work. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, ...
Catching you up on the morning’s global news and a quick look at the parallels -GLOBALTariffs are backSharemarkets in the US, UK and Europe have “plunged” in response to Trump’s tariffs. And while Mexico has won a one month reprieve, Canada and China will see their respective 25% and 10% ...
This post by Nicolas Reid was originally published on Linked in. It is republished here with permission. Gondolas are often in the news, with manufacturers of ropeway systems proposing them as a modern option for mass transit systems in New Zealand. However, like every next big thing in transport, it’s hard ...
This is a re-post from The Climate BrinkBoth 2023 and 2024 were exceptionally warm years, at just below and above 1.5C relative to preindustrial in the WMO composite of surface temperature records, respectively. While we are still working to assess the full set of drivers of this warmth, it is clear that ...
Hi,I woke up feeling nervous this morning, realising that this weekend Flightless Bird is going to do it’s first ever live show. We’re heading to a sold out (!) show in Seattle to test the format out in front of an audience. If it works, we’ll do more. I want ...
From the United-For-Now States of America comes the thrilling news that a New Zealander may be at the very heart of the current coup. Punching above our weight on the world stage once more! Wait, you may be asking, what New Zealander? I speak of Peter Thiel, made street legal ...
Even Stevens: Over the 33 years between 1990 and 2023 (and allowing for the aberrant 2020 result) the average level of support enjoyed by the Left and Right blocs, at roughly 44.5 percent each, turns out to be, as near as dammit, identical.WORLDWIDE, THE PARTIES of the Left are presented ...
Back in 2023, a "prominent political figure" went on trial for historic sex offences. But we weren't allowed to know who they were or what political party they were "prominent" in, because it might affect the way we voted. At the time, I said that this was untenable; it was ...
I'm going, I'm goingWhere the water tastes like wineI'm going where the water tastes like wineWe can jump in the waterStay drunk all the timeI'm gonna leave this city, got to get awayI'm gonna leave this city, got to get awayAll this fussing and fighting, man, you know I sure ...
Waitangi Day is a time to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and stand together for a just and fair Aotearoa. Across the motu, communities are gathering to reflect, kōrero, and take action for a future built on equity and tino rangatiratanga. From dawn ceremonies to whānau-friendly events, there are ...
Subscribe to Mountain Tūī ! Where you too can learn about exciting things from a flying bird! Tweet.Yes - I absolutely suck at marketing. It’s a fact.But first -My question to all readers is:How should I set up the Substack model?It’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask since November ...
Here’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s political economy on politics and in the week to Feb 3:PM Christopher Luxon began 2025’s first day of Parliament last Tuesday by carrying on where left off in 2024, letting National’s junior coalition partner set the political agenda and dragging ...
The PSA have released a survey of 4000 public service workers showing that budget cuts are taking a toll on the wellbeing of public servants and risking the delivery of essential services to New Zealanders. Economists predict that figures released this week will show continued increases in unemployment, potentially reaching ...
The Prime Minister’s speech 10 days or so ago kicked off a flurry of commentary. No one much anywhere near the mainstream (ie excluding Greens supporters) questioned the rhetoric. New Zealand has done woefully poorly on productivity for a long time and we really need better outcomes, and the sorts ...
President Trump on the day he announced tariffs against Mexico, Canada and China, unleashing a shock to supply chains globally that is expected to slow economic growth and increase inflation for most large economies. Photo: Getty ImagesLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 9 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 3Politics: New Zealand Government cabinet meeting usually held early afternoon with post-cabinet news conference possible at 4 pm, although they have not been ...
Trump being Trump, it won’t come as a shock to find that he regards a strong US currency (bolstered by high tariffs on everything made by foreigners) as a sign of America’s virility, and its ability to kick sand in the face of the world. Reality is a tad more ...
A listing of 24 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 26, 2025 thru Sat, February 1, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
What seems to be the common theme in the US, NZ, Argentina and places like Italy under their respective rightwing governments is what I think of as “the politics of cruelty.” Hate-mongering, callous indifference in social policy-making, corporate toadying, political bullying, intimidation and punching down on the most vulnerable with ...
If you are confused, check with the sunCarry a compass to help you alongYour feet are going to be on the groundYour head is there to move you aroundSo, stand in the place where you liveSongwriters: Bill Berry / Michael Mills / Michael Stipe / Peter Buck.Hot in the CityYesterday, ...
Shane Jones announced today he would be contracting out his thinking to a smarter younger person.Reclining on his chaise longue with a mouth full of oysters and Kina he told reporters:Clearly I have become a has-been, a palimpsest, an epigone, a bloviating fossil. I find myself saying such things as: ...
Warning: This post contains references to sexual assaultOn Saturday, I spent far too long editing a video on Tim Jago, the ACT Party President and criminal, who has given up his fight for name suppression after 2 years. He voluntarily gave up just in time for what will be a ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is global warming ...
Our low-investment, low-wage, migration-led and housing-market-driven political economy has delivered poorer productivity growth than the rest of the OECD, and our performance since Covid has been particularly poor. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty this ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.As far as major government announcements go, a Three Ministers Event is Big. It can signify a major policy development or something has gone Very Well, or an absolute Clusterf**k. When Three Ministers assemble ...
One of those blasts from the past. Peter Dunne – originally neoliberal Labour, then leader of various parties that sought to work with both big parties (generally National) – has taken to calling ...
Completed reads for January: I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson The Black Spider, by Jeremias Gotthelf The Spider and the Fly (poem), by Mary Howitt A Noiseless Patient Spider (poem), by Walt Whitman August Heat, by W.F. Harvey Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White The Shrinking Man, by Richard Matheson ...
Do its Property Right Provisions Make Sense?Last week I pointed out that it is uninformed to argue that the New Zealand’s apparently poor economic performance can be traced only to poor regulations. Even were there evidence they had some impact, there are other factors. Of course, we should seek to ...
Richard Wagstaff It was incredibly jarring to hear the hubris from the Prime Minister during his recent state of the nation address. I had just spent close to a week working though the stories and thoughts shared with us by nearly 2000 working people as part of our annual Mood ...
Odd fact about the Broadcasting Standards Authority: for the last few years, they’ve only been upholding about 5% of complaints. Why? I think there’s a range of reasons. Generally responsible broadcasters. Dumb complaints. Complaints brought under the wrong standard. Greater adherence to broadcasters’ rights to freedom of expression in the ...
And I said, "Mama, mama, mama, why am I so alone"'Cause I can't go outside, I'm scared I might not make it homeWell I'm alive, I'm alive, but I'm sinking inIf there's anyone at home at your place, darlingWhy don't you invite me in?Don't try to feed me'Cause I've been ...
Climate Change Minister Simon Watts’ star is on the rise, having just added the Energy, Local Government and Revenue portfolios to his responsibilities - but there is nothing ambitious about the Government’s new climate targets. Photo: SuppliedLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate ...
It may have been a short week but there’s been no shortage of things that caught our attention. Here is some of the most interesting. This week in Greater Auckland On Tuesday Matt took a look at public transport ridership in 2024 On Thursday Connor asked some questions ...
The East Is Red: Journalists and commentators are referring to the sudden and disruptive arrival of DeepSeek as a second “Sputnik moment”. (Sputnik being the name given by the godless communists of the Soviet Union to the world’s first artificial satellite which, to the consternation and dismay of the Americans, ...
Hi,Back on inauguration day we launched a ridiculous RFK Jr. “brain worms” tee on the Webworm store, and I told you I’d be throwing my profits over to Mutual Aid LA and Rainbow Youth New Zealand. Just to show I am not full of shit, here are the receipts. I ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump over Gaza and Ukraine.Health expert and author David Galler ...
In an uncompromising paper Treasury has basically told the Government that its plan for a third medical school at Waikato University is a waste of money. Furthermore, the country cannot afford it. That advice was released this week by the Treasury under the Official Information Act. And it comes as ...
Back in November, He Pou a Rangi provided the government with formal advice on the domestic contribution to our next Paris target. Not what the target should be, but what we could realistically achieve, by domestic action alone, without resorting to offshore mitigation. Their answer was startling: depending on exactly ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guest David Patman and ...
I don't like to spend all my time complaining about our government, so let me complain about the media first.Senior journalistic Herald person Thomas Coughlan reported that Treasury replied yeah nah, wrong bro to Luxon's claim that our benighted little country has been in recession for three years.His excitement rose ...
Back in 2022, when the government was consulting internally about proactive release of cabinet papers, the SIS opposed it. The basis of their opposition was the "mosaic effect" - people being able to piece together individual pieces of innocuous public information in a way which supposedly harms "national security" (effectively: ...
With The Stroke Of A Pen:Populism, especially right-wing populism, invests all the power of an electoral/parliamentary majority in a single political leader because it no longer trusts the bona fides of the sprawling political class among whom power is traditionally dispersed. Populism eschews traditional politics, because, among populists, traditional politics ...
I’ve spent the last week writing a fairly substantial review of a recent book (“Australia’s Pandemic Exceptionalism: How we crushed the curve but lost the race”) by a couple of Australian academic economists on Australia’s pandemic policies and experiences. For all its limitations, there isn’t anything similar in New Zealand. ...
Mr Mojo Rising: Economic growth is possible, Christopher Luxon reassures us, but only under a government that is willing to get out of the way and let those with drive and ambition get on with it.ABOUT TWELVE KILOMETRES from the farm on the North Otago coast where I grew up stands ...
You're nearly a good laughAlmost a jokerWith your head down in the pig binSaying, 'Keep on digging.'Pig stain on your fat chinWhat do you hope to findDown in the pig mine?You're nearly a laughYou're nearly a laughBut you're really a crySongwriter: Roger Waters.NZ First - Kiwi Battlers.Say what you like ...
This is a re-post from the Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler Climate denial is dead. Renewable energy denial is here. As “alternative facts” become the norm, it’s worth looking at what actual facts tell us about how renewable energy sources like solar and wind are lowering the price of electricity. As ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
It is the first week of David Seymour’s school lunch programme and already social media reports are circulating of revolting meals, late deliveries, and mislabelled packaging. ...
The Green Party says that with no-cause evictions returning from today, the move to allow landlords to end tenancies without reason plunges renters, and particularly families who rent, into insecurity and stress. ...
The Government’s move to increase speed limits substantially on dozens of stretches of rural and often undivided highways will result in more serious harm. ...
In her first announcement as Economic Growth Minister, Nicola Willis chose to loosen restrictions for digital nomads from other countries, rather than focus on everyday Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
For the Government, 2025 will bring a relentless focus on unleashing the growth we need to lift incomes, strengthen local businesses and create opportunity. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today laid out the Government’s growth agenda in his Statement to Parliament. “Just over a year ago this Government was elected by ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour welcomes students back to school with a call to raise attendance from last year. “The Government encourages all students to attend school every day because there is a clear connection between being present at school and setting yourself up for a bright future,” says Mr ...
The Government is relaxing visitor visa requirements to allow tourists to work remotely while visiting New Zealand, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis, Immigration Minister Erica Stanford and Tourism Minister Louise Upston say. “The change is part of the Government’s plan to unlock New Zealand’s potential by shifting the country onto ...
The opening of Kāinga Ora’s development of 134 homes in Epuni, Lower Hutt will provide much-needed social housing for Hutt families, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says. “I’ve been a strong advocate for social housing on Kāinga Ora’s Epuni site ever since the old earthquake-prone housing was demolished in 2015. I ...
Trade and Investment Minister Todd McClay will travel to Australia today for meetings with Australian Trade Minister, Senator Don Farrell, and the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF). Mr McClay recently hosted Minister Farrell in Rotorua for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting, where ANZLF presented on ...
A new monthly podiatry clinic has been launched today in Wairoa and will bring a much-needed service closer to home for the Wairoa community, Health Minister Simeon Brown says.“Health New Zealand has been successful in securing a podiatrist until the end of June this year to meet the needs of ...
The Judicial Conduct Commissioner has recommended a Judicial Conduct Panel be established to inquire into and report on the alleged conduct of acting District Court Judge Ema Aitken in an incident last November, Attorney-General Judith Collins said today. “I referred the matter of Judge Aitken’s alleged conduct during an incident ...
Students who need extra help with maths are set to benefit from a targeted acceleration programme that will give them more confidence in the classroom, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “Last year, significant numbers of students did not meet the foundational literacy and numeracy level required to gain NCEA. To ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has announced three new diplomatic appointments. “Our diplomats play an important role in ensuring New Zealand’s interests are maintained and enhanced across the world,” Mr Peters says. “It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of these senior diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ...
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka ngaro te Iwi – without a vision, the people will perish. The Government has achieved its target to reduce the number of households in emergency housing motels by 75 per cent five years early, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. The number of households ...
The opening of Palmerston North’s biggest social housing development will have a significant impact for whānau in need of safe, warm, dry housing, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. The minister visited the development today at North Street where a total of 50 two, three, and four-bedroom homes plus a ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the new membership of the Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control (PACDAC), who will serve for a three-year term. “The Committee brings together wide-ranging expertise relevant to disarmament. We have made six new appointments to the Committee and reappointed two existing members ...
Ka nui te mihi kia koutou. Kia ora, good morning, talofa, malo e lelei, bula vinaka, da jia hao, namaste, sat sri akal, assalamu alaikum. It’s so great to be here and I’m ready and pumped for 2025. Can I start by acknowledging: Simon Bridges – CEO of the Auckland ...
The Government has unveiled a bold new initiative to position New Zealand as a premier destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) that will create higher paying jobs and grow the economy. “Invest New Zealand will streamline the investment process and provide tailored support to foreign investors, to increase capital investment ...
Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced the largest reset of the New Zealand science system in more than 30 years with reforms which will boost the economy and benefit the sector. “The reforms will maximise the value of the $1.2 billion in government funding that goes into ...
Turbocharging New Zealand’s economic growth is the key to brighter days ahead for all Kiwis, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says. In the Prime Minister’s State of the Nation Speech in Auckland today, Christopher Luxon laid out the path to the prosperity that will affect all aspects of New Zealanders’ lives. ...
The latest set of accounts show the Government has successfully checked the runaway growth of public spending, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. “In the previous government’s final five months in office, public spending was almost 10 per cent higher than for the same period the previous year. “That is completely ...
The Government’s welfare reforms are delivering results with the number of people moving off benefits into work increasing year-on-year for six straight months. “There are positive signs that our welfare reset and the return consequences for job seekers who don't fulfil their obligations to prepare for or find a job ...
Jon Kroll and Aimee McCammon have been appointed to the New Zealand Film Commission Board, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “I am delighted to appoint these two new board members who will bring a wealth of industry, governance, and commercial experience to the Film Commission. “Jon Kroll has been an ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has hailed a drop in the domestic component of inflation, saying it increases the prospect of mortgage rate reductions and a lower cost of living for Kiwi households. Stats NZ reported today that inflation was 2.2 per cent in the year to December, the second consecutive ...
Two new appointed members and one reappointed member of the Employment Relations Authority have been announced by Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden today. “I’m pleased to announce the new appointed members Helen van Druten and Matthew Piper to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) and welcome them to ...
Pacific Media Watch President Donald Trump has frozen billions of dollars around the world in aid projects, including more than $268 million allocated by Congress to support independent media and the free flow of information. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has denounced this decision, which has plunged NGOs, media outlets, and ...
Otago University professor of international relations Robert Patman says New Zealand should provide a robust response to Donald Trump's Gaza plan, and also "should stop tip-toeing" around Trump. ...
The new minister of transport has opened the door for public consultation on at least some of the speed limit changes the government said would be automatic. ...
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Health NZ's CEO has resigned, but frontline healthworkers are sceptical that installing new leadership will make any difference to a system grappling with problems. ...
Health NZ's CEO has resigned, but frontline healthworkers are sceptical that installing new leadership will make any difference to a system grappling with problems. ...
Gail Duncan, Chairperson of the St Peter’s on Willis Social Justice Group, one of the organisations invited to submit on the Bill, says the Government’s actions are unprecedented. ...
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Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lauren Ball, Professor of Community Health and Wellbeing, The University of Queensland Nik/Unsplash You might have heard that eating too many eggs will cause high cholesterol levels, leading to poor health. Researchers have examined the science behind this myth again, and ...
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The committee has published this list to inform the public about its work, and to give clarity to submitters who have contacted the committee asking if they will be invited to make an oral submission. ...
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Survivors can choose to have former High Court judge Paul Davison assess their individual claims to tailor payments to their personal circumstances. ...
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(and when will this madness end..?..)
( a former long-term heroin horrifies me that people presenting with opiate-dependence issues..
.are being given a life sentence to a drug that is more harmful/addictive on every level..
..a ‘cure’ that is worse than the original problem.. solution to this would be to substitute morphine-maintenance to/for those hooked on this hideous drug..methadone..
…and horror of horrors..
..some people presenting with issues with ‘p’/speed..
..are also being given this life-sentence..
..these ‘liquid-handcuffs’..
..and it is beyond black-irony that this madness is justified by these ‘medical-professionals’.. ‘harm minimisation’..
..(try and get yr head around that
..utter fucken madness..!..)
can’t disagree with anything you say PU!
Can you remember when all that ‘harm minimisation/reduction’ bullshit came in (as opposed to the initial idea of putting people on the Nazi drug till ‘stable’, then gradual reduction of dose to nothing)???
Can you imagine FFS….. there are now 60, even 70 somethings [if he’s still alive] who’ve been on the bloody stuff half their lives!
…… and whilst being on it, treated like kids by power trippers justifying their existence.
An alternative might be to return to better (and much more prolific) counselling services, Hanmers, Martons, etc; doing something about diversions; and putting efforts into reducing poverty in general so that various forms of escapism are less tempting. (Apparently only the wealthy are allowed to be happy and normal).
Stop criminalising too ffs. EVERY time something has been criminalised – the result has been a far worse alternative – be it ‘homebake’, ‘P’, and now designer drugs and highs in various forms.
No doubt, like me (watching my brother’s demise), have witnessed highly intelligent, functioning ‘units’ wasting away.
/endrant (but rant with good reason)
“..and whilst being on it, treated like kids by power trippers justifying their existence..”
..i didn’t touch on that..
..but the horrors/power-abuse around that ..
..kinda has me seeing red..
..and wanting to go and punch walls..
..(think of every ‘power-mad’ minor official you have met..
..then compound that…
(and this..)
“..At least four people have died within a year of being forcefully withdrawn from the CMP, the CDHB confirmed. .”
these evil freaks are also killing the people they are meant to help..
..we spend millions re-aligning a road..’cos 3 people died on it in the last ten yrs..
..but dead-junkies..?
..ah..!..who gives a fuck..?
..only their families will care.. political mileage in that..
Philip wants to make a correction for a piece of crap that He posted in yesterdays discussion here in ‘Open Mike’,
Bowel Cancer is the biggest cancer killer in New Zealand Phillip???, wrong as usual, although you can claim to be an also ran with such a Wrong claim,
Leading cause of cancer deaths in New Zealand,
Lung 18.2%,
Colorectal 15.3%,
Breast 8.2%,
Prostate 7.1%,
Pancreas 4.1%
Eating red meat ‘might’ be a cause of such cancers but ”there is no Evidence”
Always happy to put you on the right track as far as the ”facts” go Phillip…
yeah..right ho bad.. meat doesn’t cause cancer..
(‘cos bad said so..) ya go now..!
..go and play with yr ciggies/
..(and empty that fucken’s overflowing with butts..)
..and make sure you have a bacon-buttie smothered in cheese while you are at it..
..i have absolutely no interest in having a link-war with you.. boredom threshold is far lower than that..
No Phillip, you have no intention of having a ‘link war’ with me not because you boredom threshold is far lower than ‘that’,
You have no intention of having a link war with me because it might disturb your ability to spread utter bullshit in these pages,
As you can see by the link provided,”coz bad sez so” is also another tragic lie from you, i say so because the wikipedia which gives a very good over-view of Colorectal Cancers, with citing of various Science, ”says so”…
i reel back..
..mortally wounded..
(btw..i haven’t seen/noticed your alias b4..
..have you ever said anything even mildly interesting in this forum..
.care to link us to it.?.)
I’ve been posting here, on and off, for ages. Certainly since the 2008 election, if not before. If you haven’t noticed, it says a lot for your self-absorption.
If you care to vet my posting history, there is a search facility. Point yourself in its direction, instead of expecting me to do it. What are you, some sort of Victorian factory owner, to be waited on hand and foot by grovelling peons?
nitrates in sausages cause cancer …where is your Philip Ure Vegan Sausage?….I have been looking out for it in the supermarkets…..
So Bowel Cancer may not be the biggest cancer killer in nz but our affliction rates are amongst the highest in the world.
We also have the highest rate of rheumatoid arthritis in the world, in fact our health statistics are a worry. Fish seems to be the new meat in this country – it is very high in mercury and should not be eaten too often. People seem to think it is a step up from meat but as fish have many nerve endings in their mouths it is a very cruel practice, plus the mercury could well affect the mental health of those who eat it, the hatters in Victorian England who dealt with mercury in their work ended up often going mad!
There are quite a few research papers out now confirming that meat does cause cancer and heart disease. Fairly sure I read one recently put out by the British Medical Journal.
Watch Forks Over Knives, available either from your library or online. This film has convinced many to go vegan.
pretty much everything causes cancer and/or heart disease.
But there are a lot of things ahead in the queue of things to kill us than meat, when eaten (like everything else) in moderation.
like what..?..flock..?
It is humans who cause unspeakable suffering to animals. I just dont get why empathetic and compassionate humans, especially lefties who are supposedly more empathetic and compassionate than your average rightie, can completely switch off when it comes to animals.
Personally, I’d be against eating meat if I thought they could tell us what they did on their holidays. Hence whales and gorillas would be doubtful, ethics-wise.
But I think a lot of folks simply anthropomorphise human feelings onto meatbots.
just a bit of a ‘joke’ for flock..?
..your ignorances are as fucken deep as they are wide..
It’s quite a good example of what I’d regard as a plausible sentience test: communication, memory, abstract thoughts, sense of “self”, sense of others.
‘But I think a lot of folks simply anthropomorphise human feelings onto meatbots.’
McFlock, animals feel pain and sadness, this is an offensive statement.
One of the less fortunate legacies of the enlightenment was the devaluing of animals, which ultimately ushered in factory farming. This ugly spirit was embodied by Nicolas Malebranche, one of the nastier devotees of Descartes’ rationalism, which viewed animals as machines:
‘They eat without pleasure, cry without pain, grow without knowing it; they desire nothing, fear nothing, know nothing.’
To illustrate the point, Malebranche reportedly kicked a dog by way of illustration (quoted in Saul Frampton’s book about Montaigne, a genuinely enlightened thinker of 16th century France, entitled Montaigne and Being In Touch With Life: When I Am Playing With My Cat, How Do I Know She Is Not Playing With Me?).
Well, we’re animals.
But cows and chickens displaying anything approaching a persistent state of sentience much more sophisticated than stimulus:response? I’d want evidence for that.
There is evidence, McFlock, but it doesn’t suit your outdated and mechanistic prejudices so it seems you will simply refuse to acknowledge its existence. And I am talking of chickens, dogs, birds, and cows, not intellectually arrogant and cut-off human animals.
It’s too late to go trawling for evidence – there are loads of studies – but this review in 2010 in the Guardian might at least update your 16th century notion of animals as machines. In various studies, animals have been shown to display a sense of fairness, an ability to recognise human beauty, a moral awareness, and can feel pessimistic.
Flippant, but relevant
Doesn’t look like lions give a damn about the feelings of antelope, wildebeest and zebra.
Well, up until that article, you hadn’t actually presented any evidence.
What I’m talking about is actual sentience, not physiology. Chickens rating faces that we find “attractive” is seeing whether they have the same physiological biases as us (maybe they associate those factors with food because pretty humans are more likely to nab the research assistant jobs, which involve feeding the animals? Who knows). Measuring baboon “grief” via stress hormones doesn’t actually mean the baboon is aware of why its body is stressed.
I’m pretty safe saying elephants are sentient, evidence being complex communication (beyond “I’m Horny!” and “Mine! Go away!” and “Danger!”), learning (not training), and the big one for me was watching film of an elephant calf stranded in a mud pool – the other elephants coordinated making a mud ramp (i.e. individuals went to different sides, some worked on the top and others pushed the calf up, without running around to check what was going on). The nabbed abstract thought, communication, sense of self, and so on.
Personally, I think sentience is a continuum – oysters at one end, higher mammals and maybe the possibility of a smart giant squid at the other. Most of the animals we eat would never have existed without us breeding them to eat. Most of them have at most a dim awareness, maybe, of existing from one moment to the next. We shouldn’t torture them, or kick them just for the hell of it. But to cry when one sees a cattle truck is displaying a whole range of intellect that, frankly, I don’t think cows can manage. I’ve met and lived with a whole bunch of farm animals. The brightest of them were not quite as smart as someone enthralled by prime-time network sitcoms.
‘The brightest of them [animals] were not quite as smart as someone enthralled by prime-time network sitcoms.’
The human animal is the most murderous, destructive, polluting creature ever to inhabit this earth. And this is what you call smart.
So your concern foranimals masks your contempt for people.
Because yes, we are all of that. We are also so much more: creative, caring, curious, capable of rational heroism as well as instinctive reactions, we can build so much and (hopefully) we can walk so far. We aren’t “smart” because of our shortcomings, we’re smart because of what each of us might one day be capable of. I’ve heard stories of a cow jumping over the moon, but only a human has walked on the face of it.
Name a species that tortures and butchers its own kind en masse, and destroys its own habitat, or don’t assert manipulative and glib statements.
It’s rather ironic you accuse me of contempt when the reason I took issue with you was the contempt shown for Belladonna and her concern for defensiveness creatures.
The lovely qualities you ascribe to us are exemplified by those like Belladonna who feel things, and question why the world isn’t a different place.
Edit: That above is meant to read ‘defenceless creatures’.
Well, that was concisely self-contradictory.
You do realise that a large number of species, lions for example, will kill any young of the same species that are not their own?
Defenseless creatures that she would rather not exist, and upon which she purported some extremely doubtful characteristics.
And the regrettable human traits that you listed are frequently committed by people who choose only to project their own opinions, beliefs and feelings onto what they choose to see in the world around them, rather than recognising it for what it is.
I said ‘en masse’ for a reason, McFlock. And, also, the torture and habitat destruction? Read some of the many examples given today on Mickey’s Dotcom distraction post if you are ignorant of the pertinent history.
‘And the regrettable human traits that you listed are frequently committed by people who choose only to project their own opinions, beliefs and feelings onto what they choose to see in the world around them, rather than recognising it for what it is.’
Like most of your arguments, this is disingenuous and facile while sounding good on the surface.
It is the suppression of feeling that causes most of our problems. For instance, how would a WINZ minion inflict misery on their fellow citizens if they empathised with them?
It is no coincidence that the very people who deride the role of emotion in decision-making don’t have any time for animal rights arguments.
“En masse”?
Chimps are vicious buggers to their own, but you’d be hard pressed to find a species as populous as humans (therefore genocide is a bit difficult). Locusts are pretty good habitat destroyers, though. In fact most animals are – they expand to the level of resources (usually food), and then either migrate or population collapse.
They say “a solution, to their problem as I see it, is obvious to me, therefore they are lazy or grifting”.
I’m not deriding emotion in decision-making, I’m deriding the assumption that everyone and everything is like us.
Emotion is good, with reason. Reason is good, with emotion. Either alone is insufficient: reason without emotion is sociopathic, emotion without reason is stupid.
air pollution
too much exercise
too little exercise
accidental injury
intentional injury
too much sun
too little vitamin D
too many bananas or brazil nuts
the list goes on…
Agree with your list but meat and dairy still should be at the top of your list.
Bold claim.
At a guess, overeating (anything, including potato chips) should be at the top of the list, at least in developed nations.
….too many vaccinations?…too many doctor’s visits?….too much smoking?….to much alcohol?….too much living?….too much fun?
too much measles, pertussis, etc as well
Lolz, Mac, Nooooo, please dont get me started,pleeease…
“We also have the highest rate of rheumatoid arthritis in the world”
I’m pretty sure the NZ RA rate is on par with most predominately (Northern) European populations. The highest rates are in some North American indigenous populations.
If our reported rate is high, compared with other predominately European populations I’d consider looking whether fudging diagnoses of an unspecified inflammatory arthritis as rheumatoid to meet the pharmac criteria for more effective drugs is an issue as well as looking other health triggers (e.g. infection and environmental triggers).
Miravox, I saw a graph fairly recently that showed New Zealand at the the top for RA.
Diet plays a huge part. Many have recovered completely from RA by following a vegan diet. D
I know where you’re coming from Belladonna, I’ve looked around a bit of the stats too, but yeah…nah – it’s not that simple, from what I understand.
“So Bowel Cancer may not be the biggest cancer killer in nz but our affliction rates are amongst the highest in the world.”
One way to seriously cut the number of NZers dying of bowel / colorectal cancer is to ensure that GPs are up to speed on current guidelines. Bowel Cancer has one of the highest survival rates (out of all cancers) when caught early / and one of the highest mortality rates when caught late.
There are 5 stages – from 0 to 4. Stage 0 = abnormal cells that haven’t evolved into cancer but are about to. Survival rate = almost 100%. Stage 4 = spread to distant parts of body. Survival rate = almost 0%. What seems to be happening quite often is that GPs are unaware of Stage 0 (which of course is precisely when oncologists and surgeons want to catch it). So GPs do the standard digital examination and if they can’t find a tumour then tell the patient that they haven’t got bowel / colorectal cancer. Which, in turn, gives the patient a false sense of security – they assume that their symptoms (dramatically changed bowel habits over an extended period) must simply be something to do with “growing old”. And so they’re virtually guaranteed to develop to a more serious – often fatal – stage.
My mother went down to her GP 4 years ago, believing she may have bowel cancer. The above happened, her symptoms got worse, but she’d been assured by her GP that she didn’t have cancer (she’d clearly been at Stage 0). Finally, she goes down again in December 2013 and, of course, is finally diagnosed with rectal cancer – has to have a major operation, complete with colostomy and is still not entirely sure if she’s Stage 2 or Stage 3. Survival chances better than 50/50 but if the GP had done their job – would have been almost 100%.
My parents have since heard that a number of middle aged and older people in their suburb have recently died of bowel cancer. Prob had same group of GPs.
GP guidelines are that patients should be sent for a scan if they’re over 50 and have experienced significantly altered bowel habits for more than 8 weeks, regardless of whether or not GP can feel any lump / tumour.
And I have to say – Wellington is far more poorly served when it comes to the number of specialist surgeons and the quality and financing of hospital treatment and related services than Auckland or Chch. But then we’re just the Capital City so what the fuck do we matter ?
Tony Ryalls Health rationing, the first step is to deny there is a problem, this may get a bit explosive for Mr Ryall next month,
Part of me thinks He might already know this and such is the real reason for His announcement of retirement…
Well PU, it’s become a ‘broad spectrum drench’ using a programme that’s fundamentally flawed.
Firstly …. putting people with ‘P’ addictions on Methadone FFS!!!!
Secondly …. what that ‘harm reduction’ reasoning means is that it’s easier to have long long long term “clients” that you can control and treat like kids, as opposed to cycling a greater number of addicts through a system (ensuring of course they receive adequate counselling and monitoring for a while).
[Far easier to have little morning meetings discussing meaningless bullshit over a fewer number of “clients” than it is to have to administer the cycling through of a greater number. It’s actually a cushy little number for those involved].
I’ve kept my distance for a very very long time – even as my brother went through it, for obvious reasons, but even then as a family member, one can’t help but be affected in some way or other – whether it’s being left to raise children; financial assistance to inevitable legal costs; emotional effects, paying for dental repairs, etc., etc., etc.
BUT, Having now had so many older people now on that evil programme for such a long time, it’s going to be difficult to change. Perhaps the ‘harm reduction’ long term thing is at least now only appropriate for the 40,50,60-somethings because often it’s too late.
Certainly though ‘P’ freaks that present, and those in say their 20’s and 30’s with opiate addictions shouldn’t have to have be faced with a life sentence.
Utimately there are some in the medical/counselling professions that should be bloody ashamed of themselves – and of course politicians for under-funding and repeatedly taking piss-poor advice.
Incidentally, a friend of mine, whose brother/friends also went thru’ it all (I think actually a past acquaintance of yours as well) were trying to count up the number of ‘units’ that have bitten the dust the other day. We lost count.
The ”Life Sentence” Phillip was self prescribed by the users of both ‘P’ and needle jamming Heroin users like yourself around the 3rd time such users ”Chose” to use such drugs,
You, and only You slapped those handcuffs on yourself and that was a long time in your case and any other Heroin/P users case befor they got anywhere near the Methadone which is the States remedy as a ‘maintenance dose’ to the addiction,
Your laughable demand for Morphine over Methadone only tells me that deep in your psyche you still crave that Heroin like nothing else on this Earth,
You might see such a demand as ‘reasonable’, but, that ‘reasonableness is just your Junkies mind demanding the Heroin you crave, obviously because Methadone just doesn’t ”do it” for your addicted little tortured soul,
Screaming for Morphine over Methadone is in reality a scream for more Heroin to keep the addiction raging, and, by the way, Methadone didn’t kill those other junkies, years of drug abuse done them in and Methadone was just the final straw for their abused bodies and minds, all self inflicted i might add,
indulge in enough Morphine Phillip and that will literally stop you breathing,
Btw… the only problem I have with PU at times is a kind of dogmatic, preaching approach that just serves to get everyone’s back up – like the stereotypical reformed smoker.
I’m not sure what the answer is, but it sure as hell isn’t the current methadone programme (at least for ‘P’ freaks and the younger opiate addicted). Even Australia has a far more sensible approach to it all – who’d have thunk!
Once was Tim, there’s a question to be asked here, ”does the methadone program stop ‘P’ and Heroin users using the drugs”???,
Sure we have a ‘cheap fix’ without those using the Methadone program also going through a Hamner Springs type rigorous counselling program,
The ‘bean counters’ have obviously come to the conclusion that if the ‘Done program’ removes the need for addicts to access street drugs like Heroin and ‘P’ then the financial cost of the addiction is also removed along with the crime that comes with that financial cost of the addiction,
In bean counter land it aint about ‘salvation’ of the addicts, we aint short of people, its all about managing the problem in terms of criminal harm such addictions cause,
Becoming addicted is oh so easy, i have boxes of prescribed pain killers here which during the first week of their use definitely got me ‘out of it’, to have kept up that ‘out of it feeling’ would have required me to keep upping the dose as the ‘buzz’ wore off after a week,
Knowing what addiction is, i have gone the other way and stopped using them unless i cause myself an acute bout of pain,
If i chose the other route, to chase the ‘buzz’ sooner or later these painkillers would have been of no use to me for the purpose they were prescribed and i would be back at the doctors demanding stronger for longer pain medication,
Its easy to become addicted, from Tea to Heroin, the easiest thing in the world…
In answer to the ”does the methadone program stop ‘P’ and Heroin users using the drugs”???, – not from what I’ve witnessed but then I work on a policy of not hanging round the barber’s shop because one is liable to get their hair clipped.
It is as you suggest – a bean counter approach.
It’s also at times a bit of a ‘holier than thou’ approach’ by many involved in the various professions involved in its administration, and often by policy decisions made..
If it wasn’t so sad, I’d be amused. Often the attitude by them is that they’re somehow ‘better’ than the stereotypical dirty filthy addict when in fact I know of certain Trauma Specialists, children of Science Advisors, Police officers; Counsellors themselves and many others who are in no position to hold that attitude .
Some have had the benefit of wealthy parents able to pay for private counselling services, others simply got bored and grew out of it all (probably those that don’t necessarily have a certain personality type), others just switched to so-called ‘respectable’ addictions – like the TAB or became at least borderline pissheads.
In my brother’s case, it all started by being introduced to heroin whilst a border at Christ’s College – I’ve come across certain ‘professionals’ that don’t like to be reminded of that – Eh What!
For me, the safest policy is not to hang around the barber shop.
You mention Hamner Springs – was it regarded as a help centre that worked for addicts?
It seemed to have a good name and the direftor was well thought of. What was your opinion? And should it be replicated as a major means of changing addicts lives?
I knew plenty of addicts/users that went through Hanmer Springs and other places and didn’t seem to be helped by the experience. I don’t personally know any who were “cured” by the experience. I knew a small number who stopped after stints at Odyssey House, although they all (3) went on to make careers in the addiction treatment industry, so I don’t think they were ever really cured. Given that addiction is one of the most difficult things to treat, a success rate that may be laughable in other areas of medicine may well be laudable. The other thing is that I am only speaking from experience and have no idea how well that would generalise.
With many addicts, their addiction is perceived as the most significant thing that ever happens in their lives. Even if and when they do stop, they never seem to stop talking about it, which makes me wonder about their ability to do much else. Some of us manage to hardly give it a second thought, and go on with other things, at which we can be very successful. For obvious reasons, the first category are noticed far more.
The talking about it by ‘cured’ addicts. It certainly is a powerful change in their lives, a winning leap like a high jumping athlete. Something thatt hey would remember for the rest of their life, though not talk about.
But wouldn’t talking about it echo that old joke about the person who wants to show off their war wound or their operation scar. It’s the most dramatic thing that has happened to them, they have been at the edge of losing themselves, their lives and survived. They just haven’t got round to getting a tshirt that blazons
`I survived methadone/ my aneurysm,/rheumatoid arthritis/ bi-polar attacks/grand mal/gout’ etc.
And there is that thing about one problem masking another. It may be preferable to concentrate on the drug thing rather than other troubling things from the past that want to thrust their unwelcome presence into the mind. Our minds are definitely delicate things, and to cope with life’s impacts on us, who knows what defences we will build.
And … excellent jousting. Did you smell some bacon cooking! That was a riposte and a half.
I saw getting over addiction as giving myself an opportunity to do other things, and I’ve concentrated on them. I never saw it as a great achievement in and of itself, but it has allowed me to do the odd thing that, if I were not so modest, I would give myself a little pat on the back for.
Others approach things differently, and good on them I suppose. It doesn’t mean that they can deny my experience, nor I theirs. If I were a believer in one unique truth, I’d be religious, or, if I were insane as well, I’d join ACT.
Methadone treatment had its place, and probably still does. Most of the problems with it came from not prescribing enough and forcing withdrawals when people weren’t ready. I have no idea why it would be prescribed for people using amphetamines, and have never seen any hard evidence that this happens. I don’t expect that you’ll be able to provide any, because you never do.
ah..!..fuck off olsen..
..can’t be bothered dragging you from square one..
Yep, about what I expected. You can’t even handle the non-existent withdrawals from cannabis without displays of unprovoked aggression. Did you smell some bacon cooking or something?
Morning all. The one “left wing” possible policy that really excites me as a game hanger for the country is a UBI. On this site most people promote it as an equity policy, which it is. But it has a number of elements that would be very appealing to conservative voters also. It would reduce cost and complexity in govt. Half of ird and most of winz could be reassigned to do something more useful. We could significantly drop abatement/effective marginal taxation rates on work, encouraging more participation. We could simplify the tax system to maybe one or a max of two rates. My question is that why is labour not picking this up? Cheers
The reduction in bureaucracy is a big selling point for me. I have an inherent dislike for systems that take money out of one pocket and then put it back in the other. It seems a ridiculous waste of resource to me.
If you have a ubi for every citizen working for families can go, no need for a baby bonus scheme etc.
I would imagine that if you had a decent tax free threshold as well and then reset the tax levels in such a way that people say earning around $100000 end up with about the same amount of money after tax as they have now and those above slightly less due to a higher tax rate at the top.
It takes so much complexity out of the system and would make a massive difference to those at the lower end.
..+ pretty much every word..
The entire tax system needs a major rework, once L/G/ and others get in power soon we can crunch the numbers etc to make radical change. CGT is a good start as is the rich coughing up to pay their share.
+100…me too
…UBI is simple…everyone can understand it…it is equitable….it gives everyone dignity and respect….and everyone feels part of a caring society ….essential for a healthy participatory democracy
So now it’s official. John Key considers the National Party to be a charity.
For the last 6 years the Nats have been spreading a rumour about Key donating his salary to “charity”, and a lot of people seem to believe it.
And now I believe it too.
Starts at 7′ 00″ – former Problem Gambling Foundation head John Stanfield puts the boot in.
…patron saint of money launderers and loan sharks..
HAHAHA the best description of Dunne I have heard for a long time.
“30 years of Sucking on the public teat In Parliament”
But in Plain English
A Bought and Paid for Man. Stands on the principles of the highest bidder.
Stanfield on Dunne: “The patron saint of money launderers and loan sharks and never so much as a squeak against his mates in the liquor, tobacco or gambling barons (sic)….”
This decision (Problem Gambling Foundation being dumped) could be the end of Dunne if used against him in his Ohariu electorate.
Gotta be a vote loser for the Nats too. (Nats 45.5% Lab Green 45.5% in latest Roy Morgan)
there has to be a concerted effort of get rid of Dunne …he is a despicable hypocrite and toady
Can we do politics better?
Better voter turnout? Better party participation? Better candidates? Better MPs? Better parties? Better political behaviour? Are these all linked?
The political arena needs to have robust debate, it needs to have keenly contested ideas and ideals, policies and personalities.
But we have a problem. Our politics often seems dominated by deception and lies, attacks and smears, attempts to destroy opponents and governments. And domination of the dirty dishonest dark arts of politics results in widespread disappointment and disillusionment, and that’s what we have.
Record numbers of people don’t vote. A number of MPs are frustrated and annoyed at the poor standards of behaviour in Parliament and in the wider political sphere. It’s difficult to attract women into politics, and advance them in politics, and keep them in politics, because of male dominated poor behaviour.
Some MPs, some party employees and some journalists seem dominate with agendas, diversions, attacks, with a sordid and sensationalist approach. Unfortunately their loud voices and over the top actions get a disproportionate amount of attention. The same applies to political forums in social media.
Can we do better? If enough people want better and don’t remain passive, pissed off and turned off, yes.
There will always be politicians and activists who think that anyone who disagrees with their aims and ideals is an enemy who should be dealt to and if possible destroyed. It’s ingrained in their nature, as if they are intoxicated by a quest for power. In a way similar to drunken thugs who think it proves their strength and dominance, or think it’s fun to smash people.
To diminish the dominance of dirty politics it needs to be confronted. And better alternatives need to be established.
Most MPs are decent people wanting to do better for New Zealand. They have different ideas on how to make things better but they want things to be better.
They need to be held to account if they make mistakes or do things they shouldn’t.
They also need the help and support of decent people who want better from our politicians and our Parliament.
I decided to become involved in politics because I wanted better politics. I’ve become involved in many things, I’ve gained useful experience. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve made friends. It seems that I’ve enemies. That’s inevitable in politics.
I now want to focus most on my original goal, doing politics and doing democracy better. I believe we can and we should. To succeed it needs a number of people with a common aim. There’s many people who wish for better out there. We need to stand up more, speak up more, act more positively.
I’m prepared to reach out to people with similar aims and work together. Some will see it as a threat to their petty, pissy and destructive way of doing things. So be it.
We can do politics better if enough of us want to, and if we make it happen.
I noticed Pete had been testing the waters.
I guess the tl:dr missive on fairness was inevitable…
Shorter Version as tl;dr
‘Why can’t everyone be like meeeeee!1!!!1!!, only I can save you all from yourselves, look at meeeeeeeee!!!1!!, I, I’ve, I, I’m, meeeeeeeeee!!!11!!
PG the self appointed arbiter of political discourse. Yes Pete, politics would be sooo much better if we could all be as beige as you and have permanent fence marks on our butts.
Go back to factchecking (cough, cough).
Shouldn’t that be “PG;dr”?
Hahahaha pg;dr is a stroke of genius, maybe we need another variation like rwnj;dr
“..PG the self appointed arbiter of political discourse. Yes Pete, politics would be sooo much better if we could all be as beige as you and have permanent fence marks on our butts.
Go back to factchecking (cough, cough)…”
(heh heh..!..)
PG, you make a good argument for the need for more open and democratic political debate.
Given that the original Politico-checker NZ site call for volunteers stated that the editor position required someone with a strong research background, what are your credentials for the position/
This goes to the heart of my scepticism about you in the role. I have a research background, and have mixed a lot with researchers and read many peer reviewed publications. I have yet to see any evidence that you have a strong research background.
The editor role is wide ranging. There is a research co-ordinator who will manager the research team, if you’re interested in contributing or know anyone who might be then contact Kirk, details here. It requires more than just academic research skills, it’s obviously highly political. The more input we can get from across the spectrum the better, that will give us overall balance. the more participation the better it will work.
care to tell us how many of yr ‘left’ volunteers have fled..
..since the announcement of you as their boss..?
is it just you..that rightwing green..farrar/williams..
..and a few rightwing toadies..
Well the details you link to, PG, indicate you have a background in research. Good research is n=done in unis and in other organisations doing research.
i do not see how you can fulfil the stated editorial role – as final gatekeeper of “truth ratings” and what is “true and accurate”.
I remain skeptical. I have seen nothing in your way of arguing that shows you have a significant understanding of, or capability with, rigorous research and related analysis.
I do hope the others doing work for the site. The deputy editor looks to have more relevant experience and paper qualifications.
We could do ‘politics better’ if we rejuvenated the parliament by introducing parliamentary democracy where politicians were not almost always bound to boring party lines (remember when marriage equality passed, and there was genuine engagement rather than silly point scoring). We’d end up in a more honest place, in terms of where the parties really sit on the political spectrum.
This would create more interesting discussion and comment.
A well resourced, accountable, interesting, representative parliament.
Direct democracy is not the answer.
Nicky Hager (who rarely comments on party politics) touched on the malaise in his 2012 Bruce Jesson address:
‘The politician Peter Dunne, for instance, is a hard-line free market politician from the 1980s, a moral conservative and a friend of the alcohol, tobacco and gambling industries. He is called “centrist”. The New Zealand Labour Party maintained most of the 1980s free-market policies when it was in government twenty years later but was called “centre left” — making it hard for the party to understand why it’s policies are contradictory and what it needs to do to realign with its consistuency. The “centre-right” National Party is also a very confused place. Its free-market policies sit uncomfortably with its traditional conservative policies, and its big-business friendly policies clash badly with its small-to-medium sized business constituency. The label “centre right” doesn’t help understanding or progress on these issues at all.’
Yes it is. As long as we have representatives making the decisions then parties and all the negatives you point to will still exist. With participatory democracy we will get real engagement and discussion because the discussion will no longer be limited to what the caucus thinks.
Great, another pathos dripping fake and insincere post (just like the last time you did it) – learn some new tricks.
How come you’re getting advance copies of Cunliffe’s speeches?
Hahaha……..Petey George – the quintessential mealy mouthed, country vicar affected, while risibly disingenuous MP wannabee, aspirant to the guzzling trough.
Telling us that we should be ‘nice’ and draw a line under the patent foulness of Smile & Wave & Invoice and its hubris, entitlement and destructiveness to democracy. Get off the grass Petey !
But thank you anyway for the preview of your nightly fantasised maiden speech.
“I have a dream……..(of being a celebrated, august, ‘someody’) “.
Peter, I agree than most (all maybe) who become MPs want to make the country a better place, and that the “better place” is per their own definition.
One MP (who you guys would never actually have voted for) said that most MPs work very well together in the committees and all genuinely listened to each other and to those who came to do submissions. And that most were pretty good at compromising to try and get better legislation.
Now maybe everyone becomes a bit more beige by the experience, and perhaps thats why the middle is often called “Labour lite”, or “National lite” depending on who is in opposition and why those who cant see politics delivering the outcomes they want, dont vote.
The bloody minded reformists havent got a chance under MMP.
So we wont see any of the radical stuff of previous generations of the NZLP – from the Savage radical stuff to the Douglas radical stuff of more recent times.
The problem being that we actually need radical policies so as to get out from under this neo-liberal rock that the governments of the last thirty years have placed us under.
BTW, taking account of reality really isn’t all that radical whereas keeping going under the present delusional policies is.
Your argument seems to be that New Zealand has, in effect, entrenched a radical socio-economic and political environment originally established in the late 1980s and early 1990s? That one group of “bloody minded reformists” have triumphed in radicalising New Zealand society?
It follows, then, that moderate, balanced policies are now impossible – or extremely difficult – to introduce. That means your conclusion – “So we won’t see any of the radical stuff of previous generations of the NZLP” – is almost exactly incorrect, since it is not ‘radical stuff’ that is disallowed – after all, one form of radicalism has been entrenched – but, instead, ‘moderate and balanced stuff’.
For example, if the NZLP decided, when it is next in government, to introduce further privatisation in the education system that would be perfectly possible and would receive a smooth ride – since it conforms to the entrenched, radical agenda. Alternatively, if it wished to reduce the amount of private sector involvement in the education sector that would not be possible – or extremely difficult to ‘sell’ – because it is too moderate for the entrenched, radical agenda.
Or have I misunderstood your analysis?
My point is that radical change from where ever we currently are, is off the agenda under MMP.
Under MMP theres no way that the Douglas reforms would have got past Parliament.
If you recall, Lange was a power hungry PM who wanted control. He had the majority party in Parliament, and then he had a cabinet (and ministers outside cabinet) who in total numbers more than 50% of the caucus, and then had the “inner cabinet” which was more than 50% of the total cabinet.
So his little group had control over the whole parliament. And when he lost control to that group of radical socialists (Prebble Douglas & co) he was totally screwed, and his legacy would forever be of a weak PM who lost control of his team.
Im sure that Douglas and Prebble still see themselves as radical socialists trying to right the world, and that if Labour had only listened, everyone – including the workers – would be way better off now.
Now maybe very few agree with their take on things, but Im sure they both still hold those views even now
I don’t agree with that. I think if the Labour party went far more radical left than what they’re doing now then they would get more votes as the people who aren’t voting will flock to them.
Labour are too scared to do a sharp left turn as its their belief that you have to occupy the middle to occupy the treasury benches.
The only way to achieve it is to have parties to the left of them propose the radical stuff and then to coallition with them. If the radical stuff works then Labour can claim it as their own (as senior party in coalitions do) and if it doesnt, they can hang the minor out to dry. (as happens in NZs version of MMP)
The Lone H.ger
Yeah that sounds a good scheme, good thinking. Hope that Labour takes that approach which is the sensible pragmatic one for these days. That doesn’t allow Jones to go cocking his leg up at Greens posters. That’s something else Labour has to attend to.
Don’t worry Pete we are going to get rid of the current regime.
Another commitent from a previous non voter this morning. I will personally get him to the voting booth. Closing in on 100 from this group adding to swing voters coming back left and shoring up the importance of voting to the first timers, made easy by Key-National’s anti student loan policy and the youth wage policy.
I maintain it will be a huge defeat for NACT, more than what people expect.
“I maintain it will be a huge defeat for NACT, more than what people expect.”
Thank you Skinny for your positivity and enthusiasm – something we’re not hearing a lot of lately. All that is required of us is some work and effort, such as you are putting in – it will pay off. Being gloomy and giving up won’t.
Read Putnam.
Pardon my ignorance in advance. This one?
Or another?
Peter G the fence sitting concern troll is back for election year, yippy!
With his recipe for our political salvation, oh joy of joys, when all we really need is more transparency, more transparency and more transparency, but PG isn’t really interested in improving anything except his own public image.
An example of how PG the concern troll works:
“There will always be politicians and activists who think that anyone who disagrees with their aims and ideals is an enemy who should be dealt to and if possible destroyed. It’s ingrained in their nature, as if they are intoxicated by a quest for power. In a way similar to drunken thugs who think it proves their strength and dominance, or think it’s fun to smash people.”
And then.
Most MPs are decent people wanting to do better for New Zealand. They have different ideas on how to make things better but they want things to be better.
Too long a comment Pete George. If you can’t be brief – Felix fits more valid punch into 20 words than you do in 200, then stay away. Check yourself. There’s plenty of content.
Aww greywarbler, you’re too kind 😉
Since Pete is having a missive regarding fair and balanced I thought id have a crack…
Using Gower as my example and the sensationalist way he likes to report seemingly trying to become a celebrity or part of the story.
Whether it’s Labour he’s after or National the man is an embarrassment either cheered or jeered depending on who his latest target is. I suspect he regards ‘balance’ as reporting both sides in the same sensationalist manner. I would argue that balance is to be found on a story by story basis not see sawing about hoping you’ll end up in the middle and thus ‘balanced’
I would encourage everyone to ignore his ‘news’ whether it is favouable to the left or indeed the right as it is only a matter of time before he shifts aim. The less oxygen given to him the better I feel much like our friend PG.
Different strokes for different folks i guess cricklewood, i am starting to enjoy Alfred E.Nuemann, (Paddy Gower), as He seems to be a little reformed,
Admittedly the lies told by Gower around the non-existent ”leadership challange” were unacceptable, but, you cannot level that same claim about the two interviews Paddy has done with Slippery the Prime Minister in the past couple of weeks,
Real Gems i would call them, shining the light of the ”truth” on the PM, No lies, No overt grandstanding, just straight questions exposing that truth,
Anyone in this life is capable of change, we all do it throughout our lives, if Gower continues in His current vein of seeking the truth using that truth then i will offer Him a modicum of applause just as i will be quick to give Him the thumbs down if He again stoops to lies…
I am also giving Alfred E Nuemann a second chance bad12………………..
I agree with you cricklewood. Tv3 fills a vacuum – because tvnz is not really interested in politics coverage. Tv3’s coverage is over the top and gives too much power to one person. Only a few issues get covered and many are ignored, such as the total debacle of the asset sales programme – no real heat on national over that.
Love this-the Wail thinks tv3 is anti-National. Ha ha ha ha ha…
Lolz, i simply refuse to read Blubber boys ‘wail’, whats He whining about, Paddy Gower interviewed Slippery the Prime Minister in China for TV3’s ‘the Nation’ this morning,
While He again asked Slippery about the ‘Charity’ involved in the rounds of golf, He, in my opinion let our Prime Minister off the hook far too lightly choosing not to question Him on the difference between todays answers given surrounding these ‘Charitable’ donations accruing to the National Party and the original answers that the PM gave,
Also let slide in a big way by Gower, with much hurled abuse at Him by me as a viewer, was the sheer hypocrisy involved in a Prime Minister hoodwinking the public and the media into the belief that these ‘Charity events’ were anything of the sort gaining Himself free publicity as the ‘good guy’ only too happy to take time out to do things for ‘Charity’ when in actual fact there was no ‘Charity’
whatsoever involved,
Its simple fraud that our PM indulges in, and, i can only hope that the kid gloves displayed this morning by Gower aint as a result of Him having His chain yanked by those above him in the food chain, forlorn my hope may be, hopefully tho, Gower is only biding His time until the PM returns to face the music in the Parliament befor He continues to expose this Fraud and the architects of this fraud for what it is…
Saw the interview too and thought Gower was very weak in questioning Key over Oravida.
It is NOT CREDIBLE that someone turns up having been bought at a charity match and fails to ask what the charity is!!!! This is one of many question Gower should have hurled at Key.
i.e.” Do you mean to tell me you do a lot of these charity gigs, you turn up, knowing that your valuable time is spent raising money for some worthy cause and you don’t even ask the very simple, obvious question, that all bar people who are cognitive challenged (my apologies to such people) would ask?”
Also note how Keys slides it on to everyone else. It’s not Key who is responsible for fund raising for National being a “charity”event, it’s the National Party. Hello!!!
Amazing! The Natzis get a couple of instances when their trad allies become so embarrassed by their blatant antics they simply have to question them (such as Collins et al), and the likes of Hooton and the Whale start squeeling like stuffed pigs.
Really, the only reason the likes of Gower and Co have done so is that they fear they may be caught on the wrong side of history – they have slightly longer vision than the extended pot bellies, ample arses and pinochio noses of those they’re VERY occasionally trying to hold to account. Journalists they’re NOT though.
(this one ‘moved’ me..)
“..Heart-breaking pictures have emerged of the moment a giraffe said goodbye to a terminally ill zoo worker – who had spent most of his adult life cleaning the animal’s enclosures.
Maintenance worker Mario has terminal cancer and had asked to be taken into the giraffe enclosure at Rotterdam’s Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo.
The 54-year-old was wheeled into the enclosure on his hospital bed.
Within minutes – the giraffes approached him and began to nuzzle and kiss him..”
+100 PU …thanks for that picture …it speaks a thousand words….and where humans fail ….animals often show compassion and understanding that is non verbal.
..i read a book once about an autistic or aspergers woman ( who eventually became a professor of Anthropology ) ….anyway her life was a mess until she got a job in a zoo and established a relationship with the gorrillas….she was healed by looking into their eyes and touching their hands.
That’s a poignant human animal moment. I wonder if in NZ it could be arranged? I wouldn’t think so, we seem to have lost our humanity but have fallen further than animal levels of behaviour.
I can remember reading a story about a cow who had 2 calves and hid one in a hedge to stop the inevitable. That has stayed with me a long time. If a cow has the ability to figure out such a scenario then they are obviously intelligent enough to know at a certain stage of the butchery that awaits them.
We can do better.
Yes, cows have great sensitivity and a powerful maternal drive. I’ve had some lovely interactions with cows – I’m sure they are more intelligent than we give them credit for.
I live near a beef “hobby farm”. The calves do live with their mothers for about a year it would seem but when they are taken away, for slaughter, I presume, the cows moo loudly for days and well into the night. It’s really painful to hear, it’s like they are crying.:-(
they are ‘crying’..rosie..
I know. Their grieving is so sorrowful
…i am going to go to hell for eating meat!….i know it!….cattle /sheep trucks are a bit like taking the peoples off to the concentration camps…i have seen a sheep standing by her dead lamb for 3 days and mourning….mind you i have seen other sheep drop their lamb and take off as if nothing had ever happened
….next incarnation i will be a vegetarian or a cow or a sheep or a piggie….and I will accept my fate but I will curse those humans ….who are very far down on the evolutionary scale
It’s never too late Chooky! I hate overtaking those cattle trucks, you can smell the fear in my opinion. I invaribly blub when I see those lovely sad brown eyes. Cows are such lovely passive creatures that never cause harm to any living being.
No such thing as hell Chooky…………….it’s your choice and it’s up to you.
On the subject of cattle trucks I will say this though. As well as living near a beef hobby farm I have to go past an abattoir on the way to town! Either on the bus or in the car my stomach lurches as I see the full trucks pull into the Taylor Preston slaughter house in the Ngauranga gorge here in Wellington. It’s a moment of real despair. It’s just as bad seeing the empty trucks pull out of the yard. You know what’s happened.
Thats lovely phillip. The emotional intelligence of animals seems to be greatly underestimated – just an observation.
One of my favourite images is John Duncan’s “Saint Columba farewells the white horse”. (1925)
The story goes that Saint Columba was dying, and horse friend knew his days were numbered and came to say goodbye. Although I don’t have a religious bone in my body I find this image really quite moving as I have a strong affinity with horses having spent many years around them and know their sensitivity for human states of being. The link is a bit random as my images search isn’t working.
Also, man of the moment is New York mayor Bill De Blasio (sp?) who believes that keeping horses stabled in the city for use as touristy carriage horses is inhumane and is planning on outlawing the industry. He has strong resistance however including “celeb” resistance from the likes of Liam Neeson, so has a bit of a fight on his hands. He talked John Stewart from the Daily Show around though!
Peter Dunne really is an angry homonunculus isn’t he! On the nation with Tova he really seemed to struggle to retain his composure.
In my considered opinion, it seems that this issue of NZ Justice Minister Judith’s Collins corrupt, corporate cronyism ain’t going away any time soon, and it IS (as I predicted) hurting National.
Justice, Minister—Visit to China and Potential Conflict of Interest
[Sitting date: 18 March 2014. Volume:697;Page:16731. Text is subject to correction.]
Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS (Leader—NZ First) to the Minister of Justice: Does she still stand by her claim that Oravida business was not discussed at her dinner in Beijing at which Oravida personnel were present as well as a senior Chinese Government Customs official?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS (Minister of Justice) : Yes, but I do need to correct the member’s question. As I have said before, guests at the dinner included a senior Chinese Government border control official and Ms Margaret Malcolm.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Can she confirm, therefore, that she and Margaret Malcolm are fluent in Mandarin, and were therefore able to understand everything that was said during the dinner?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: No. I can, however, assure the member that I am fluent in English and I can understand when someone is talking to me in English—normally.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: That being the case, can she confirm that because the senior Government customs official—or border official, as she says—did not understand English, he said nothing to anyone during the dinner and just sat there mute the whole time?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: The senior Chinese Government official did have some English, but it was limited. I did my very best to talk about what a great country New Zealand is.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Is she saying that there was a dinner meeting involving a senior New Zealand Minister, an adviser, a senior Chinese customs or border official, and business personnel from Oravida, which is having trouble with customs and entering China, and yet not one person during that dinner mentioned that subject?
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Given that she said that there were language issues at that meeting when the Prime Minister spoke to her on this matter, did he question her public assurance that Oravida business and customs entry problems were not discussed, knowing, as he did, that neither she nor Ms Malcolm speak Mandarin and therefore could not give such an assurance?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: Given that it was a very short dinner—
Hon Annette King: How short?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: —well, it was a very short dinner—and the language being spoken was English, or forms thereof, I actually can give that assurance to the Prime Minister.
Rt Hon Winston Peters: Given the acknowledgment that the border customs official spoke little English at all, is it not a fact that her claim that Oravida business was not discussed was false, as is the Prime Minister’s claim of receiving such an assurance from her, which means that both she and he—the Prime Minister—are knowingly involved in a cover-up of a serious breach of the Cabinet Manual?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: I challenge that member’s assumptions, and I would have to say that since I was there and he was not, he should stop making it up.
Grant Robertson: Why will she not reveal the rank or identity of the Chinese official?
Hon JUDITH COLLINS: Because I have been advised by the Prime Minister’s office that we never reveal those matters.
“Roy Morgan poll has Collins scandal denting Nats’ support”
There is a LOT more to come on this disgraceful story of corrupt, corporate cronyism, which straight goes to the top ….
In my considered opinion, corrupt Minister of Justice Judith Collins is being protected by corrupt, ‘shonky’ Prime Minister John Key.
PS: Don’t forget, that on Minister for Justice Judith Collins’ watch – New Zealand STILL has yet to ratify the UN Convention Against Corruption.
Because our NZ domestic legislative anti-corruption framework is not yet in place.
One of the things NZ URGENTLY needs, is a genuinely Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption /anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
+100 Penny…keep on their case!
Who the hell is Peter George? Mr NOBODY.
i always thought Peter George was a product of a particular squat and squeeze Peter Dunne accomplished during one mornings daily ablutions…
George sure as hell comes across as the by-product of an over-dose of laxatives following a prolonged period of constipation…
“George sure as hell comes across as the by-product of an over-dose of laxatives following a prolonged period of constipation…”
Must not laugh, that is rude B12 but good.
Recursive Fury: Conspiracist Ideation in the Blogosphere in Response to Research on Conspiracist Ideation
Conspiracist ideation has been repeatedly implicated in the rejection of scientific propositions, although empirical evidence to date has been sparse. A recent study involving visitors to climate blogs found that conspiracist ideation was associated with the rejection of climate science and the rejection of other scientific propositions such as the link between lung cancer and smoking, and between HIV and AIDS (Lewandowsky et al., in press; LOG12 from here on).
Seems the conspiracy loons are thin skinned too.
A psychology journal is said to be preparing to retract a scientific paper that found a link between conspiratorial thinking and the rejection of global warming science after climate sceptics claimed the paper was defamatory.
DeSmogBlog has learned the paper’s four authors, led by Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, the chair of cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol, have signed gagging orders preventing them from discussing the nature of the complaints about their work, carried out when Lewandowsky was a professor at the University of Western Australia.
News of an alleged pending retraction, by the Switzerland-based journal Frontiers in Psychology, has leaked onto climate sceptic blogs but the journal is yet to make a formal announcement.
But DeSmogBlog can reveal that Freedom of Information documents obtained last June but revealed here for the first time show that climate sceptics complained that the work was defamatory.
Pope Francis tells the Italian Mobsters off:
He warns them that they will go to hell if they don’t repent and renounce their “blood-stained money and blood-stained power.”
The occasion was a prayer vigil at a Roman church for relatives of innocents killed by the mafia, during which the names of 842 victims were read aloud as a somber Francis looked on.
After voicing his solidarity with the family members, Francis said he couldn’t leave the service without speaking to those not present: the “protagonists” of mafia violence.
Addressing these absentee mafiosi, Francis was unsparing:
“This life that you live now won’t give you pleasure. It won’t give you joy or happiness,” he said. “Blood-stained money, blood-stained power, you can’t bring it with you to your next life. Repent. There’s still time to not end up in hell, which is what awaits you if you continue on this path.”
On Radionz soon will be news on Sartres newspaper set up in 1973? called Liberation.
Which is having difficulties in the digital age. Wonder what they’re doing about it.
Venice’s population voted for independence from Italy. Not just few but 89% of its population. That is on a par with Crimea and while some might argue the population of Crimea did so under threat of a gun the same can’t be said of the population of Venice. What is next? Ngai Tuhoe?
However unfortunately for Venice, the days of the republic of La Serenissma are long gone and without the financial support of the Italian state that particular living museum will be tits up in a year. As for Crimea, votes don’t count when foreign forces are occupying the region with their shooty shooty bang bangs. I doubt Tuhoe is that stupid.
FYI ……………….
“6 March 2014
NZ Prime Minister
John Key
OPEN LETTER / OIA request – re: the alleged ‘conflict of interest’ of Minister of Justice Judith Collin’s perceived endorsement of Oravida milk.
Dear Prime Minister,
Please provide a copy of the advice purportedly provided by the Cabinet Office, upon which you are relying, which substantiates your following reported statement:
Prime Minister John Key said the Cabinet Office “unequivocally .. said no there’s no breach.”
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
Collins told Oravida its milk was ‘nice’
By Claire Trevett
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption/ anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’ ”
” 21 March 2014
Why is Prime Minister John Key’s Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson still replying to Official Information Act requests addressed to Prime Minister John Key?
Why are OIA requests not going STRAIGHT to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, (DPMC) instead of apparently being effectively filtered through the ‘party political’ Office of the Prime Minister?
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti=privatisation Public Watchdog’ ”
” 21 March 2014
“Dear Ms Bright
Official Information Act Request for Information Relating to Advice on Ministerial Conflict of Interest
I refer to your Official Information Act request of 6 March 2014 for “a copy of the advice purportedly provided by the Cabinet Office [in relation to the alleged conflict of interest of Minister of Justice Judith Collin’s perceived endorsement of Oravida milk] upon which …[the Prime Minister is] relying, which substantiates … [the Prime Minister’s] following reported statement: Prime Minister John Key said the Cabinet Office ‘unequivocally …said not there’s no breach”.
The information you have requested is not held by this Office and is more closely related to the functions and responsibilities of the Cabinet Office, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Accordingly, I am transferring your request to the Cabinet Office under s 14 of the Official Information Act.
Yours sincerely,
Wayne Eagleson
Chief of Staff”
Why did this OIA not go STRAIGHT to the DPMC in the first place?
Answering OIA requests is NOT the job of the party political ‘Office of the Prime Minister’ – END OF STORY.
“Conduct, public duty, and personal interests
Managing conflicts of interest
2.69 Ministers must ensure that any conflicts of interest are promptly addressed. The Secretary of the Cabinet (and, where appropriate, the chief executive of the department concerned) should be kept informed of conflicts of interest as they arise.
In addition, the Prime Minister should be advised in writing of conflicts that are of particular concern or that require ongoing management. If in doubt about the appropriate course of action, Ministers should consult the Prime Minister or the Secretary of the Cabinet.”
“Administrative support to the Prime Minister
This includes preparation of replies to Parliamentary questions, and dealing with Official Information Act requests and other correspondence. A totally separate body, the Office of the Prime Minister, also advises the Prime Minister: it is the primary point of responsibility for managing political issues and relationships with other political parties and for providing administrative and media support.
DPMC formally came into existence on 1 January 1990, as a result of a report which recommended establishing structures to provide two separate streams of advice to the Prime Minister; one, a new government department to supply impartial, high quality advice and support to the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and another, a Prime Minister’s Private Office (which is not part of DPMC), to provide personal support and media services, and advice of a party political nature.”
Quite frankly – in my considered opinion, any person from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) who has given advice that Minister of Justice Judith Collins has not breached the Cabinet Manual for her ‘perceived’ endorsement of Oravida milk , is unfit for duty and should be sacked.
That is of course, if such ‘advice’ was ever given to Prime Minister John Key in the first place?
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
Contrarians bully journal into retracting a climate psychology paper
Damn because that will fuel the climate deniers legal attempts to shut down real research.
edit: one of the authors comments
ed:..a bird has whispered in my ear that the mana party and kim dotcom are engaged in preliminary talks..
..with a view towards working together in the election-campaign..
..and possibly coming together into a new hybrid party..
..a suggested name..?
..the party..?
this idea is interesting..and it could work/be a good fit.. understanding is that both parties are still some way from closing a deal..
..and that details are still to be worked out..
..but i see dotcoms’ internet party concerns and mana concerns fitting together well..
..(with the spread of free/low-cost internet to the more deprived areas being an idea that could well resonate with voters..especially younger ones..
..and the mix could well give a fillip to the mana party party vote..
..and spread the appeal to many who may not have thought of mana as an option before..
..once again..especially amongst the younger wired voters.. an example of lateral-thinking.. resonates..
”The little bird” Phillip would seem to have as much of a grip on reality as you do…
you will of course offer me an abject apology when i am proven right..
..won’t you..?
This was on Mana website 3 days ago
I suppose you will apologise if needed too eh phil? You know about the ‘exclusivescoop’ of the ‘election talks’ rumour you are propagating.
well..i guess time will tell if i am correct or
..and possibly sooner than you may think..
..and of course if i am wrong..
i am man(a) enough to apologise.. no doubt those accusing me of bullshitting will also do..
..when i am proven right..
Did you even know that that had been posted on the Mana site? Your report on your site is exactly the same as what you posted here.
Maybe stick to trying to destabilise the Greens by calling then carnivores eh?
and of course if I’m wrong I’ll say sorry 🙂
yes..i knew that..
..3 days is a long time in
..and i look forward to it..
..yr apology..
(if i ‘did’ emoticons..i wd leave you a smiley face back..
..a ‘heh!’ will have to do..)
.and..are the greens not ‘carnivores’..?
..and why would ‘the truth’ ‘destabilise’ them..?
..and i’ll tell you what will ‘destabilise’ them..
..being locked into an agreement with labour..
..whereby being ministers will mean they will be unable to speak out about govt policies they may oppose..
..something to do with cabinet-solidarity..? i understand it..
..i fear too many of the greens have bmw-gleams in their
..and maybe you cd tell me why in tureis’ state of the nation speech..
..the words ‘climate-change’ never passed her lips..?
..i wd suggest..that if you are a green.. you should be fretting/asking about that omission..
..mind you..i understand those ministerial limos are pretty comfortable.. is the salary/income of a minister..
I’m not a Green voter (although I have been in the past). I am a Mana supporter for 2 ticks and my $ as a member.
As far as I am aware there are no vegan parties likely to stand for parliament (although I think there should be) which must leave you in a bit of a bind re your vote – how you reconcile that must be tough. a mana member..
..what wd b yr thoughts..if in fact i am correct..
..and a deal is able to be patched together..?
Well I suppose if kim supports Mana’s kaupapa then he’d be a useful member but apart from that I don’t see any benefits for either side – but that’s just my opinion of course and if the leaders of Mana had different ideas I’d always be open to hearing those ideas – I trust the leadership and their belief in the kaupapa and the longterm goals of the Mana Movement.
no ‘benefits’..? about a common enemy..?
..and financial help for a party whose most members are at the bottom of the economic-pecking order..?
..and for dotcom..
..that 5% threshold wd not have to be reached..
..and i see his internet/pirate’ party..and mana..
..if you think about it a bit..
..(fast internet-access as a human right..?..for all new zealanders..?..)
..having more in common than you may think at first glance..
..and politics can make (seemingly) strange bedfellows..
..i am also a mana party member..
..and i find the idea both novel..and exciting..
I think feeding the kids, destroying poverty, creating equality through tino rangatiratanga and the rest of Mana’s kaupapa to be more compelling than giving everyone fast internet.
..of course those mana priorities wd remain.. don’t see it as being part of the same package..?
..the sweeping away of gross inequalities..?
..why should so many people be excluded from an online life..
..just ‘cos they are poor..? many others..i see that as a basic human right.. the 21st century..
Phil firstly great to see you’re a Mana brother.
I suppose in my heart I’m not convinced about Kim – I struggle with his excessive wealth and I struggle with the fact he donated to banks and I just don’t yet see him as a friendly dude wanting a better world for all – for me I can’t get over thinking that it is all about him and that doesn’t align with my political or social viewpoint. But I’d be happy to be proved wrong.
I also think it is dangerous to put too much weight in the enemy of my enemy is my friend – sometimes they are the enemy too.
Actually Phillip, i think you can take it as a given from Marty Mar’s reply to you below that you are in fact wrong,
i do tho take back what i said to you about the ”little bird”, its fucking obvious that ”all the little birdies” i see chirping in my Pohutukawa tree’s every day have a Far Far greater grip on reality than you will ever be blessed with…
have you emptied that ashtray yet..? looks disgusting..
yeah, because hippies are so pretty. /sarc
Why dis the hippies mate cos sure as hell phil ain’t one and I hope he doesn’t correct me on that lol.
’tis a weakness of mine.
In the words of the philosopher Professor Cartmenez, “they want to save the world, but all they do is smoke dope and smell bad”
That smell could be natural human scent – it’s not bad – bad is the sweet unnatural disguising artificial odors used by everyone else – that contribute to so much global suffering for humans and animals alike. Sure, you have to wash with water regularly but that’s like wiping your bum after a poo, as in pretty basic hygiene. The bad smell may also be the leeching of substance through the skin from that which has been ingested – and fair enough that can be awful. But these traits are not exclusive to those that would call themselves ‘hippie’ at least in my experience.
If it stinks, it’s a bad smell, “natural” or not.
Both rosesand horseshit smell, but only one smells good. Best you can hope for is that your nose shuts down.
Lolz, i am gutted to be so described…
lol – sorry about that – you smell good bad not bad bad I’m sure
I was a hippy – didn’t smoke much dope – didn’t really like it. And shower daily – or more.
I’m still for all of the anti-materialist hippy ethos.
Why dis the hippies mate – why do you hate them so. Phil may correct me (and I hope he doesn’t) but he ain’t no hippie.
Sorry about the double up – you pick the one that resonates 🙂
marty..i have never worn a headband…nor sung ‘kumbaya’ in a group..
..(tho’ my hair has been halfway down my back..but currently a number one..
..and beards have come and gone at different times/stages..)
..but i find much about ‘hippies’ to both like and admire..
..especially if compared to brainless rightwingers like flock..
Ha ha ha…what was it you said below…that’s right brainless right wingers…what a riposte from one that uses his one working braincell to plagarize a right wing loving poet to produce an astounding lack of style…
The fact that you continue the same old chant about ashtrays simply proves the one working cell is still operative..just…your bristling today Phillis…my first comment to you this morning while not having the desired effect…did produce an interesting one…we will have to refine your progam a little…it could be painful but that’s a small price we are willing for you to pay for our endeavors to drag you into the real world…
I will Phillip, offer you a large upright middle finger in lieu of any such apology having to ever be tendered in you direction,
When you are proved right on anything you choose to rave like a drug loony over you will in fact probably have ‘won’ as such a day will probably result in myself having a major coronary…
too much shock can kill us, too 🙂 you go and hang around a hospital a& e.
..(and make sure you get there early in the morning..
..and don’t read the herald on sunday b4 u get there..)
it’s sat nite..
..have you been overdoing it on yr ‘meds’..?
I doubt if Mana would join up with Dotcom’s non-existent Internet Party. While there are obvious areas of agreement, Dotcom’s basic political philosophy of libertarianism ends up seeing the world as a rich man’s playground. Mana are not as silly as your little bird.
so consistantly wrong..
..that olsen..
..did you leave school at a young age..?
I left as soon as I’d learned to spell consistently.
you didn’t make it thru 2 the ‘d’s then..?
It does look as if it may be phil ure who is owed the apology by some of the other people in this conversation:
More of your bullshit. Go back and hatch your egg.
I stand by my doubts. Mana is having discussions with Dotcom, but I doubt if they will amalgamate. Mana has been steadily building a movement, while Dotcom is a one man band. Amalgamation would be the death of Mana, irrespective of Phil’s dreams about being given a free server for his blog.
If you said it was raining outside, I’d still check it for myself
An intriguing mention for tomorrow’s offerings on Radionz I think in the afternoon.
From Christchurch a report on an inconvenience store offering things that money can’t buy.
Latest Roy Morgan poll shows National and Labour/green coalition neck and neck
But… the Herald-Digipoll!!! The sky is falling on Labour!!!
(must also be remembered that even the Roy Morgan systemically overestimates Nat support and so this is even worse for the Nats than might appear from the numbers)
Sadly, still comes down to Winston – but the greater the support for L+G, the more likely he is to deal with them first imo.
Humans and their clever and destructive toys which will turn around and bite us?
Radionz news.
Students invent tree-swinging robot
Canterbury University students have developed a robot that can swing between trees, in the hope it may one day be put to good use in forestry.
I just read this excellent advice from a poster there, Alex Coleman, on the ‘Pundit’ website regarding NZF:
It’s fun to try and guess, and come up with reasons for why he (Winston) may do
various things, but at the end of the day I think the message the other
parties should be pushing, ( a message which has the added benefit of
being true), is something like;
‘If you have a preference for
who will lead the next government, vote for that party instead of
Winston. If you don’t care who leads the government and your main
concern is having Winston in the mix, then vote for him, but be aware
that he could go either way depending on what else happens’.
This message, I think, gives voters the most honest appraisal of what sort of government their vote will help to build.
a vote for peters last time from the left..was safe..
..that is not the case this time.. is no longer ‘safe’ 4 anyone left to vote 4 peters..
..’cos ya don’t know which way he is going to swing..
..and imagine being left..and voting for him..
..and then he goes with key..’d be best to be safe..
..and just cross him off the list of possibilities..
I was talked into having a flu vaccination this year, for the first time ever. A few hours later, I was aching, vomiting, feverish and shaking uncontrollably. It was worse than any flu I’ve ever had and thankfully only lasted about three hours, but my chest is still sore from vomiting. While I’m all in favour of the vaccines that allow us to live without polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, and a few other things, I doubt very much if I’ll be dosing up on the flu vaccine ever again.
might be useful to know what the reaction was to, though.
Just in case you come across it outside of vac.
For sure. I’ll be following the procedures to report it.
i like all my ewes to be vaccinated before I bring them into my bed at night.
[lprent: banned for being a frustrated dickhead ]
Go back to Kiwibog. That’s the place for those who want to take strange creatures to bed, and for those looking for someone who will take strange creatures to bed.