Open mike 23/11/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, November 23rd, 2013 - 197 comments
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197 comments on “Open mike 23/11/2013 ”

  1. Morrissey 1

    BBC upholds complaint about settler article

    A BBC Online article about the life of Israeli settlers breached editorial guidelines on accuracy, the BBC has ruled.

    The article focused on two British men who had chosen to go and live in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank with their families.

    Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) wrote to the BBC to question why it had run a feature on settlers, living on internationally recognised Palestinian land, without interviewing a single Palestinian about the impact of settlements and settlers on their lives.

  2. karol 2

    So, the police telling even more, worser work stories:

    Story on on Stuff: Cop Meyer using his uniform & rank to coerce women sexually.

    Story 2 on NZ Herald: the return of Brad Shipton.

    Detectives reinvestigating the disappearance of Luana Deborah Laverne Williams 27 years ago have interviewed a former prison officer who claims Williams told her she was a police informant and gave sexual favours to disgraced former detective Brad Shipton.

    Shipton and a second detective – who Williams allegedly claimed also had sex with her – later headed the investigation into her disappearance.
    Bowen claimed Williams had suggested that crimes “such as drug dealing were minimised by certain police in Tauranga in return for sexual favours”.
    The Herald understands that she gave further details, including that one of five telephone numbers Williams put forward for authorisation was checked by Wellington police and found to be a private police number.

    Bowen claims Williams said the number was Shipton’s.

    Shipton was interviewed by police last year as part of an “expanded” inquiry ordered by Police Commissioner Peter Marshall after complaints to the Independent Police Complaints Authority by Williams’ family and Bruce.

    The other officer Bowen says Williams named was Detective Inspector Phil Seaman. Seaman and Shipton took over the inquiry into Williams’ disappearance. Police initially treated it as a missing persons inquiry, but upgraded it to a murder inquiry in 1994.

    Seaman concluded Williams had committed suicide. He committed suicide in 2009 after becoming ill.
    Shipton’s lawyer, Bill Nabney, did not respond in time for this article, but in August, Shipton emphatically denied knowing Williams before or during her time in prison and said the first time he became aware of her was when he was asked to investigate her disappearance.

    • LynWiper 2.1

      Sickening! Feel for the good cops but this has to be addressed.

      • Morrissey 2.1.1

        This is about the bad ones, Lyn. The focus has to stay on the wrong-doers. The fact is that a significant minority of the police force in this country is out of control. And a lot of the “good cops” have turned a blind eye to their crimes.

        • bad12

          Yes and it is the ‘blind eye’ of those in the force who are NOT the perpetrators of criminal acts which needs be addressed as this ‘blind eye’ is the key to the culture within Police that has figuratively and perhaps literally allowed the criminal element within to get away with murder,

          This ‘blind eye’ which allowed a Wellington constable to break a ‘party-goers’ neck with a baton and escape charge or conviction simply because the ‘blind eye’ allowed all the other police lining the hall of the ‘party house’ to claim they did not see the blow struck,

          My view is the Police Complaints authority must be given the means and control of prosecuting all wrong-doing Police where they are subject to complaint and where the ‘blind eye’, the culture of silence is shown to be operating the Law must be changed so as to facilitate the charging of all the officers in a group, just as criminal gangs are charged, where it is shown that some or all must have seen or known of the offending by a colleague but chose to maintain the code of silence…

    • Paul 2.2

      Julia Hartley Moore used her time to speak on the Panel to say she knew of a lot of abusive conduct within the police, including policewomen being told to sleep with senior officers if they wanted promotion. Disturbing.

      • Morrissey 2.2.1

        Even more disturbing was that she used the rest of her time to scold environmental protestors and enthusiastically voice approval of Nevil Breivik Gibson’s foam-flecked denunciations of them.

        • Paul

          Yes, Morrissey, good point.
          Mora’s failure to challenge Gibson when he rolled his eyes as Abel connected the Philippines to change was a shameful moment for a public broadcaster.

          • Morrissey

            It was actually Finlay Macdonald. He’s as spineless and craven as Mora, unfortunately. He not only guffawed approvingly as Gibson and Hartley-Moore expressed their contempt for the protestors in Russia and New Zealand, but added his own disparaging comments.

    • BM 2.3

      You do realize there’s around 8500 police officers.

      When it comes to doing dodgy stuff how do the police stack up against up against other occupations such as teaching?.

      I’d say fairly well, with the amount of scum they have to deal with on a daily basis and the amount of temptation that would waved in their faces I’m really quite impressed with the small amount of bad behavior that goes on within our police force.

      Well done, the people in blue.

      • Morrissey 2.3.1

        You do realize there’s around 8500 police officers. When it comes to doing dodgy stuff how do the police stack up against up against other occupations such as teaching? I’d say fairly well….

        Your comment is one of the more foolish ones to be posted here in the last year. You obviously have no idea about anything.

        ….with the amount of scum they have to deal with on a daily basis and the amount of temptation that would waved in their faces I’m really quite impressed with the small amount of bad behavior that goes on within our police force.

        You are obviously blind and deaf.

        • BM

          Your comment is one of the more foolish ones to be posted here in the last year. You obviously have no idea about anything.

          Lol,That’s pretty rich coming from you.

          The amount of diarrhea that pours from your key board is quite unbelievable.

          • Paul

            Morrissey highlights some of the issues with a corrupt mainstream corporate media.
            You simply shill for the elite.

        • chris73

          Your comment is one of the more foolish ones to be posted here in the last year. You obviously have no idea about anything.

          – ok so why is it foolish?

          You are obviously blind and deaf.

          – Rather then insult why not explain

          • Paul

            Good to hear you lecturing others, Chris.
            You always turn up on this site to reason using evidence, don’t you?

            • chris73

              Why not, you never hear anything on this site about teachers sexually and physically abusing kids yet there are regular postings about how bad the police are even though its a very small percentage

              Turning a blind eye to anything is not good

              • Paul

                Interested in all opinions if they are supported by evidence.
                My issue with your contributions here are that they are comments without back up,and when people debate the issue with you , you dodge the actual discussion.
                You’re a proud Tory, so debate using real arguments, not slogans,

                • chris73


                  I think the left supporting posters on this site see the police as a tool of the right which means their influence needs to be weakened at every opportunity using whatever excuse they can no matter how weak it is


                  the teachers are part of the left which means a blind eye can be turned to whatever abuses the teachers and teacher unions commit while agreeing with and reinforcing whatever notion the teachers unions come up with

                  Abuses by one profession is regularly discussed and its members vilified while abuses by another profession are not mentioned and its members supported


                  • Paul

                    Could you provide some links to provide evidence that “posters on this site see the police as a tool of the right.”?

                    You need to stop making vacuous, unsubstantiated arguments.

                    • chris73

                      Of course the good ol’ “links or its not true” argument…it can’t possibly be true unless theres a link to it somewhere

                      You spout off your opinions I spout off mine, yours are no less valid then mine (and vice versa)

                  • Draco T Bastard

                    Can you provide evidence that a similar abuse of the system that the police get away with happens in teaching?

                    • McFlock

                      The thing about teachers is that usually they are charged at around the time complaints are made.

                      This doesn’t seem to happen so often with the police complaints in the media.

                  • Rogue Trooper

                    Police – “shoe-shine boys (and girls) for the capitalist classes”; nannies for the Baby Boomers. ok, that’s a little hyperbolic…yet… 😀

                • Paul

                  I try to link to an article when making an affirmative statement, as I did with my comment about Fran O’Sullivan.
                  I don’t see you doing this. Be honest Chris, you’re here to make mischief, not to debate.

              • Rogue Trooper

                you do “hear anything on this site about teachers [priests, coaches and health ‘professionals’] sexually and physically abusing” children, ackshully. ‘chris’

        • Draco T Bastard

          Morrissey, BM is trying a diversion onto teachers and away from the police.

      • Tiger Mountain 2.3.2

        @BM 2.3
        Or ‘occupations’ such as company directors and CEOs if you want to talk dodgy behaviour. The difference with the blue bellies is that they are sworn operatives and meant to set higher standards for the community. So even one bent copper should be of some concern and dealt with by the IPCA and sent on for standard court attention as the rest of us would be.

        Police assaulting, harassing, raping, and helping themselves to the odd line of seized coke goes on largely unbothered by sanction due to the three monkeys or “blind eye” culture as bad12 said.
        Cops are part of the state forces and as such are able to use lethal force as well as physical restraint, arrest, incarceration and intimidation against citizens.

        So damn right there needs to be some of them locked up and very close scrutiny kept on the rest. They still obscure or fudge their ID numbers fer crissakes (e.g. by a group of officers wearing the same number) for the sole purpose of being unaccountable. And something to think about–a lot of their work could be done by unsworn civilians with training. Gruesome car crashes and lost trampers could all be dealt with by your average towie or pig hunter if paid accordingly.

        Why they swear an oath like the defence forces is that they are needed to enforce the ruling class political will and protect private property which as many who have been burgled would realise does not necessarily include your private house or flat. No it means corporate property and strategic government sites.

        • RedLogix

          Gruesome car crashes and lost trampers could all be dealt with by your average towie or pig hunter if paid accordingly.

          Well if you looked a little closer you would see that both functions are the responsibility of specialist police officers whose primary task is to coordinate outside resources, eg your towies and volunteer searchers.

          However both jobs also entail the high probability of dead bodies; which is always a police matter.

          is that they are needed to enforce the ruling class political will and protect private property which as many who have been burgled would realise does not necessarily include your private house or flat.

          Largely a matter of priorities. Double the number of police and yes the burg of your flat will get more attention.

          In fact while your particular break-in doesn’t get much attention, it is the pattern of similar ones in an area, and the statistical analysis of them, plus the usual plod work with fences, informants and second-hand dealers that invariably catches up with your crim.

          While it seems that a lot of crime goes unsolved, a cop once explained to me that in the long-run they actually finish up convicting close to 100% of career criminals one way or another.

          • Rogue Trooper

            can be a lot of casualties fall by the way-side on that “Long Run” of ‘priorities’ Red, imo.
            See serial abusers, Wairarapa children for examples.

            • RedLogix

              And that heap of files in the Masterton Police Station would likely have mouldered a lot less if there had been four or five officers assigned to it rather than one … who kept of being dragged off to other more ‘urgent’ matters.

              Still should we not be careful what we ask for here? Could we double or triple the number of police and thus vacuum clean society free from all it’s ills….

              • Rogue Trooper

                imo, and experience, much offending by The Criminal Kind is less overt, and more sophisticated now than previously in NZ; Omerta has become more established, such a small village, and the ‘net. Otherwise, despite the heralding of ‘this’ drug-bust and ‘that’ sexual offending, would there be so many tinnie houses remaining un-touched, and I’m talking for more than eight years, that I am aware of; managed often by people with very responsible employment or community roles. The analysis by the Left, generally, is that the Offences Stats are being massaged (and that’s not all, lol) while the MSM and pathetic programmes like Police 10-7 fuel the stereo-typing of the ‘typical’ offender. Every time there is a relatively minor drug operation success locally, the freakin’ editor makes it Front Page News (aarrrgh!).

                Just reflecting, I have been privileged, or damned, to engage intimately with people right across the s-e-o spectrum, and it is far from Black, White, or Blue. (hence why I do not trust the po-po).

                • RedLogix

                  Just reflecting, I have been privileged, or damned, to engage intimately with people right across the s-e-o spectrum, and it is far from Black, White, or Blue.

                  No quibble. I’m just a little wary of reflexive cop-bashing when they are really just a part of us … Good, Bad or Ugly.

      • weka 2.3.3

        When it comes to doing dodgy stuff how do the police stack up against up against other occupations such as teaching?.

        I’d say fairly well, with the amount of scum they have to deal with on a daily basis and the amount of temptation that would waved in their faces I’m really quite impressed with the small amount of bad behavior that goes on within our police force.

        Why do you say fairly well? Got any basis for a comparison apart from your own experience? Do you think that there are the same numbers of teachers raping or blackmailing/forcing students into having sex with them and we just don’t know about it?

        “the amount of temptation that would waved in their faces”

        What, like some of the NZ citizens they deal with having vaginas and such?

        • BM

          Yep or penises or both if they’re that way inclined.

          Heaps of hard arse female crims that would offer up the goods if they thought there was a chance they may get off being dragged in front of the courts.

          • Daveosaurus

            That says a bit more about the company you keep than it does about the police.

          • weka

            Right, so when a cop looks at another human being who has a vagina or a penis or both, they can’t help themselves? How on earth do men who aren’t cops cope?

            “Heaps of hard arse female crims that would offer up the goods if they thought there was a chance they may get off being dragged in front of the courts.”

            Not sure what that has to do with this conversation. Are you saying that because some women are ok with trading favours, that all women should be? Or are you saying that because some women are ok with trading favours, that the police are confused and can no longer tell the difference between choice and force? Doesn’t that render them incompetent to do the job they’re employed to do?

          • Murray Olsen

            I’ve come across plenty of cases of cops letting it be known that, if the “goods were offered up” they’d be willing takers. Pretty much falls into the category of coercion. I’ve known one or two cases where female crims had sex willingly with detectives, but they were informants anyway. I can’t speak for the people you know, Bloody Moron.

      • felix 2.3.4

        Oh ffs BM and chris73, only a tiny percentage of the population pull armed robberies.

        The vast majority of people just do their banking and shopping without ever pulling a sawn-off, but it’s no surprise that a few of us do when you consider the enormous temptation of all that free money.

        But hey, it’s only a handful of people really so no big deal. Well done all the non armos I say.

    • Rogue Trooper 2.4

      there is more than a few filth

  3. Dan1 3

    Fascinating fight for NACT party nomination in Kaikoura. Incumbent Colin King is a nice enough guy but seen to be ineffectual on local issues. He does what Head office says. Missing in action on issues such as the local hospital worries. Sat with Aaron Gilmore at the back of the back benches.
    At least one challenger: Stuart Smith with a reputation as a mover and shaker in the wine industry. Supported by a group of Marlborough businessmen who want a higher Marlborough profile in Parliament.
    National membership numbers have soared. The traditional Nactoids are getting the blue-rinse brigade out in force.
    Wednesday night is decision time I understand. The role of Head office will be interesting.

    • ianmac 3.1

      I feel a bit sorry for Colin. His influence seems to be largely confined to his lovely family. He looks a bit startled when faced with the wider Electorate problems. Whenever he puts in a newspaper column usually about what his family is doing I say nice chap, but a pity National are not interested in using resources in a very safe seat.

  4. ScottGN 4

    Referendum done and in the post.

  5. Colonial Viper 5

    How the Left is less numerate at MMP than the Right

    Yeah that’s what I’ve been saying. But no, let’s not change a thing and play straight into National’s game plan instead.

    The problem in Epsom was that the Labour Party (and many Labour voters) simply lacked the numeracy-nous to shut-out Act. (The Green Party equally lacked such nous in 2005; hence Keith Locke’s near-naked stroll through Newmarket.)

    Labour’s biggest mistake by far was to select senior MP David Parker as Labour candidate in Epsom. Labour should not have even contested the Epsom election.
    – See more at:

    • QoT 5.1


      Why would anyone vote for a non-contestant (meaning anyone destined to come third or lower) when they could use their vote to actually influence the result?

      Because some (many) people don’t see this as a zero-sum game. This line of reasoning only works if you treat voters as too dumb to know what’s good for them. Green electorate-seat voters in Ohariu knew damn well that their chances of not having Dunne as their MP would be maximised by voting for Chauvel. Labour electorate-seat voters in Epsom knew damn well their chances of throwing out Act would be maximised by voting Goldsmith.

      There’s an argument to be made, certainly, that running Parker in Epsom was stupid because it seemed to send a signal that Labour view the seat as winnable. But everything else is just political nerds having a whinge that not everyone votes along purely utilitarian lines (and implying that it’s because they’re ignorant).

      • weka 5.1.1

        And the GP voters in the Waitakere electorate vote? How would we know how many left voters are voting knowledgeably and how many are voting relatively cluelessly?

    • Draco T Bastard 5.2

      The only way to stop the shear stupidity of the present electoral voting system is to make it a preferential vote. Have people vote for the top three choices minimum and we’ll actually get their most preferred candidate.

      We won’t have to screw our democracy up by giving the political parties the power to choose who’s going to win by making deals.

  6. bad12 6

    ”On another planet with you”, fact usually just as strange as fiction sees both Fran O,Sullivan and John Armstrong voicing their approval for David Cunliffe’s assertion that the Government must pay the Court ordered compensation to the Pike River miners families,

    This follows on from an editorial earlier in the week where the editor of the NZ National Party NZ Herald also gave Cunliffe it’s backing on this issue,

    O’Sullivan goes so far as to tell Slippery the Prime minister that He must change His stance on the payment of the compensation befor the next election,(or suffer???),

    Armstrong i get the distinct feeling was laboring under ‘orders’ from on high when He produced His piece which while supporting Cunliffes stance was full of the snide abuse we have come to expect and disrespect this particular producer of ‘advertorials’ for the National Party to cause to come into print,

    It took David Cunliffe a while to get around to saying the a Government He leads would pay this Court ordered compensation which now proves to have support for those high and low in the great scheme of things,

    i would go further tho and simply tax the share-market $1 for every $100 of shares either bought or sold and create a fund to provide for any such future payments,(preferrably called the Pike River Memorial Fund with transactions recorded as such each time a dollar was paid just to remind the directors and shareholders of their ongoing ‘responsibilities’)…

    • Colonial Viper 6.1

      The beginnings of a financial transaction tax. Make it 5c on every $100 transacted, and have it apply to every NZD credit card, money transfer, foreign exchange and EFTPOS transactions over a NZD$250 level.

      It should help tamp down market speculation on the NZD as well.

      • bad12 6.1.1

        Don’t find i have any disagreement with that proposal, there would need be a mechanism to detect multiple payments under the thresh-hold by the one entity in any given period attempting to rort the system is my only codicil…

      • Murray Olsen 6.1.2

        Brazil had a transaction tax on everything. It was originally imposed to help pay for the health system, although it’s debatable how it was actually spent. I never noticed that I was paying it, unlike income tax and student loan interest.

    • chris73 6.2

      Gee theres a surprise, more taxes

      • Colonial Viper 6.2.1

        Taxes are a critical mechanism to drive the correct behaviours in society and to focus the private sector on specific sectors and activities.

        • BM

          Being the director of at least 3 companies, do you use tax minimization?

          Are you paying your fair share, Mr CV?

          After you outed yourself, I jumped onto the companies register and had a look, you’re certainly involved in a diverse range of businesses.

          The thing I don’t understand is why you’re wasting your time with Labour, National seems like a much better fit?

          They’d love to have a candidate with all your skills and experience also you’d help add a bit of diversity to the National line up, you’d be a shoe in for selection.

          • felix

            “Outed” himself?

            No BM, it’s you who has just outed yourself as a creepy panty-sniffer like the Slater child.

            As if we didn’t know.

            • BM

              Panty sniffer?

              I actually was really impressed with the mans skills and what he’s involved in, I was actually under the impression that he spent his day bludging off his rich in laws.

              CV would have to be one of the most business savy guys within the labour party,.

              PS: I should have put a smiley face at the end of the second line, to demonstrate that I was joking.

              • Rogue Trooper

                Have you checked out my skid-marks BM? (better get in that garden before it rains btw).

                • BM

                  Have you checked out my skid-marks BM?

                  Why, are they like a modern art masterpiece?, I’m not really that big on contemporary art so I’ll pass this time.

                  Probably more felixs thing, though.

                  • ghostrider888

                    Impressionism, or a Cubist then…although, likely a Classicist 😀 (definitely not Renaissance).

              • felix

                Just shows, BM, that you know fuck all about the Labour Party, or the National Party, or business of any sort.

                Hardly surprising when all your info comes direct from the fetid worm Slater.

          • Colonial Viper

            The critical thing for an economy IMO is for money to circulate through communities and SMEs (which is the business sector I am involved with). The velocity of money concept. And for SMEs to see reasonable profits in order to encourage grass roots investment in local businesses.

            I see Labour as the party which understands this. National on the other hand, despite its reputation as the party for business, is really the party for big (corporate) business. We’re in a situation now (both in NZ and globally) where corporate businesses and their profits are protected by governments to the detriment of not just ordinary workers and citizens (who in theory governments are supposed to be serving), but SME’s and SME owners.

            For instance – as an SME owner, higher broadband costs (due to subsidising Chorus) and higher power prices (due to electricity market privatisation and lack of a buying scheme like NZ Power) are highly damaging to the bottom line. Not to mention things like bank fees and small business loan costs from banks.

            In summary – corporates don’t just thieve from communities and ordinary consumers but charging more and delivering less – they are thieving from SMEs as well.

            Having said that, there are major problems with how Labour is perceived in the SME sector, and National is still the preferred party of many business owners for good reason.

            edit – hi felix

            • BM


              Not the I’m involved in the National party, but I do agree they’re more geared up for big business.

              The reason being is probably because most of the mps careers have being involved in big business, it’s what they know, not a lot of National mps come from SME sector.

              Someone with your skills and experience would do well in the National party and could really make a difference for small business owners.

              Something to think about?

              I’m just heading outside to weed the garden(fun times) so if you reply It may be a while before you get a response.

              • Colonial Viper

                I have been previously approached about standing for National, which I found a fascinating occurrence. Sadly I had to politely decline further discussions 😈

                • Ad

                  Still, could be a way to get Dunedin North 😉

                  • Colonial Viper

                    Is sedition still a charge on the books?! 😀

                  • Ake ake ake

                    Btw, as many of you would know, Dunedin North may not necessarily continue to be a safe Labour seat that it once was.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      The boundary expansion is a challenge but I’ve got a high level of confidence in David Clark vis a vis the North electorate of Dunedin. He’s already been active and visible up that way.

                • BM

                  Problem for you though CV is that you’re not a teacher,social worker or unionist. That fairly much rules you out.

                  Also you’ve a Man, so you’re really up against it, honestly I’d say the chances of you getting picked are up there with Trevor Mallard being made deputy leader.

                  • Colonial Viper

                    Hmmm. Quick jot on the calculator, I figure a maximum of 24-25 males in the Labour caucus next year even if it’s a strong result for Labour.

                • kenny

                  Why sadly?

              • vto

                BM it’s interesting how you think that National helps SME’s. National’s overall approach results in a dividing society with very disparate situations (it’s ok, you lot probably don’t fully appreciate that this is the outcome of you MO atm. It will come.).

                Most all business does better when everyone is closer together in terms of economic situation, not further apart.

                As such, left wing policies result in better outcomes for sme’s.

              • Draco T Bastard

                Someone with your skills and experience would do well in the National party and could really make a difference for small business owners.

                No he wouldn’t as all those people from the big corporate world would expect him to kiss their arse (authoritarian mindset) and CV doesn’t seem like the arse kissing type.

                • Colonial Viper

                  Indeed. Having said that, I’ve also done my share of work for a number of big corporates, both NZ ones and trans-national corporates.

                  • Draco T Bastard

                    Yeah, so have I which is why I know that privatisation and big corporates aren’t any better and are often worse than a government department.

                    • Colonial Viper


                    • RedLogix

                      Same here… worked extensively in both sectors.

                      Ultimately the only difference I ever observed was in their internal quality of leadership.

                      Plus the public sector organisation effectively passed it’s productivity gains back onto all it’s customers (ie tax and rate payers) while the private corporate gains were pretty much all captured by it’s shareholders.

                    • TheContrarian

                      I found the complete opposite. Split my working career between govt. and private and found govt frustratingly festooned with petty rules, paucity of innovation and bureaucratic nightmares.

      • Te Reo Putake 6.2.2

        Yeah, thank god we have a Government who won’t raise GST. Oh, wait …

      • Paul 6.2.3

        See what I mean, Chris.
        You just pop up with little barbs and insults.
        Make an actual argument for less taxes, with evidence.

      • Draco T Bastard 6.2.4

        Gee, there’s a surprise, a RWNJ complaining about having to pay the full cost of things.

      • phillip ure 6.2.5

        gee there’s a surprise..

        ..chris 73 proffering yet another simplistic one-liner…

        ..(it must be a day ending in a ‘y’..) you have rolling amnesia..?

        ..who was it who raised gst after promising not to..?

        ..remind us again.. on poorest ..good..

        ..taxes on share-traders..bad…

        ..and i wd like to propose another user-pays tax..’s the rightwingers-oxygen-users tax..

        ..i call it the ‘rot’ tax..or if you prefer..the ‘rout’-tax.. like..? pay at the start of each day..’s a kind of a sin-tax..

        ..for being greedy/uncaring rightwing/randite-arseholes..

        ..should we call it the rand-tax..?

        ..or the ayn-tax..?

        ..phillip ure..

      • Murray Olsen 6.2.6

        It could mean less taxes, but a shift on how they’re paid. A well designed one would be unavoidable, unlike income or capital gains taxes, or even GST, which can be evaded by spending overseas. I don’t expect Tories to like the idea. You guys prefer taxing paper boys and girls, or beneficiaries who make an extra $20 a week. You actually love more taxes, as long as you don’t pay them.

  7. Paul 7

    Fran O’Sullivan is starting to criticise this appalling government.
    Here are some key quotes from her article in the Herald today.

    Govt must pay for Pike tragedy

    “A failure to do so invites the observation that the Key Government was prepared to take the limelight during the harrowing and symbolic mass mourning that has taken place on the coast and that Key and his Cabinet, having politically elevated the disaster to a national tragedy, prefer to stay absent from the fray and refuse to take a moral stance when political leadership is required.

    “Their failure to do so has of course given Cunliffe an opening and enabled him to paint Key’s Government as a heartless lot. ”

    “Rod Emmerson’s brilliant cartoon (Key Lorde-ing it up) in yesterday’s Herald underscored that in contrast to Pike River, the Government has given a $30 million subsidy to the Tiwai Pt aluminium smelter.”

    “Not surprisingly, the Labour leader’s tactics are raising eyebrows in corporate circles, particularly among directors who are starting to feel they will have to factor in an element of political risk (on top of the blindingly complex commercial risks that now exist) if there is a change of government after next year’s election.”

    But the real issue for Key and his Government is how its stance plays out in the political arena.

    “But the Pike River disaster shocked New Zealanders to their core. It exposed unbelievable negligence by the Labour Department and the Pike River company. It was especially shocking as this negligence was on a scale that might be expected in a Third World country, not New Zealand.
    Cunliffe is right: The Government should fill the breach and pay the $3.41 million to the families.”

    When Tories like O’Sullivan speak, do Key and his crony government listen?

    • ianmac 7.1

      The Key government is rather caught out. They are adamant that the Government should not pay out to the families. If they changed that position then it is because David Cunliffe forced him to. (Can’t have that!) If Key does not change his stance he will be constantly reminded about the contrast of $30million for Rio Tinto but nothing for the families. (Miserable buggers!)
      Well played that man Cunliffe.

  8. vto 8

    Kennedy, shot from behind in the head yet his head shunts backwards.

    Trust the government? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Trust the mainstream media like the Herald? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Trust the official version? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Trust Key when it comes to his ties to the US government? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Trust Key when it comes to spying? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Trust any of them?

    not on your nellie, and anyone who does is an outright fool worthy of only ridicule.

      • Paul 8.1.1

        Yes, BM, Lee Harvey Oswald killed on his own.
        You’ve got to be crazy to believe that.
        Do you ever question the government’s story?

        • felix

          From November 2014, every word.

          • vto


            best to question every government.

            can’t wait until November 2014 – can practice on a noo set ….. been a few years now.

        • BM

          I know Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.

          I’d go with the theory has was topped by the Israelis because he was trying to stop Israels Nuclear program.

          • phillip ure

            i like the mob-hit theory..

            ..pappy kennedy promised the mob that if they got out the vote for his boy in the closely-fought/tight election..

            ..that a kennedy presidency would go easy on the mafia.mob..would leave them to get on with their business..

            ..the mob duly delivered on the day..kennedy just scraped in..

            ..and then ongoing war was declared on the mafia..

            ..with robert kennedy setting up/heading a special task-force targeting all aspects of the mob business model..

   understanding of the world is that you don’t do that to people like that..

            ..they tend to kill you…if you do that sort of thing to them..


            ..those political facts/realities of that election are what lend me to the mob-hit theory..

            ..but oswald acting alone..?..

            ..yeah right..!

            ..phillip ure..

          • kenny

            It is suggested in The Grip of Death (a book about monetary reform) that both Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln were both assassinated on behalf of the bankers, who were concerned that both presidents were trying to control the money supply.

  9. James Thrace 9

    This week referendum papers start arriving in voters mailboxes.

    While many think the outcome is foregone conclusion and some, such as our inept Prime Minister believe that the outcome is well known it is vitally important to still tick “NO” on the referendum.

    Ticking NO sends a message to not just the government, but to the people and the media that despite not campaigning on Asset Sales, contrary to popular opinion, making a hash of the offerings and spending more than expected on selling even just 49% of our assets to the 1%, New Zealanders are against asset sales.

    With over 70% in recent polls voicing their opposition to asset sales, a subsequent corresponding turnout in the postal vote will have serious ramifications.

    Unfortunately, if local body turnout is any indicator, it is highly probable that fewer than 30% will return their ballots.

    Should the NO vote be around 20% of that, the media will trumpet it as indicative of an overwhelming indicator of support for the assets being sold off.

    So what can we do?

    1) Talk to your colleagues and encourage them to vote to “send a message”
    2) Get your neighbours to vote to “send a message”
    3) Your local networks in sport, community or volunteer groups – vote to “send a message”

    What is the message we want to send?

    That our assets were built by our grandparents and parents for all New Zealanders.
    Selling off these assets will mean a higher cost of living for everyone.
    The Government has lost $249million in income each year.

    In perspective, the first year of loss income earnings could have covered the costs (in a single year) of;
    – Pike River Compensation (3.4M)
    – Adult Education Classes (23M)
    – Feed the Kids Bill (100M)
    – Paying Parliamentary Cleaners a living wage (25M)
    – Paying out 100% land value for Red Zoned residents – up from the 50% offered (around 15M)

    That’s a total of $166.4M, with $82.6M remaining.

    Remember, nearly 20M of those figures are one off costs.

    For the sake of ideology and feathering the nests of the few, dividends of $249M each year would have covered key issues that this government refuses to acknowledge as issues in getting New Zealand back on the road to becoming a society of participation, and creating a fair society.

    Voting NO in this referendum sends a clear message to the government that they are treading dangerous ground.

    If even a 50% turnout can be achieved with a 45% response rate of NO – with 50% of voter turnout sending a message that asset sales are not to be ignored, will leave the media playing a dangerous game if they try to frame it as an “us against them” viewpoint, which really when you think about it, is the entire point.

    But let them try because if you try to turn “us” against “them” WE will win everytime.

  10. Ad 10

    Since it’s the day after the anniversary of President Kennedy’s death, make sure you take 2 hours out and view Oliver Stone’s “JFK”.

    Not for the conspiracy theories, but for the kind of leadership that we should expect and aspire to.

  11. PHILG 11

    Good post James. Puts things into a different frame. How many mates has John Key got to vote in this referendum? Re. Police accountability. I have had my eyes open to police abuse etc and now see them as in Need of serious independent oversight if we are not to find ourselves in a grim police state. I was pulled over the other day, for no reason but to check my warrant and seat belt. If you own an old car, are a young male, or brown, you will be pulled over all the time. Oh and if your female….! This is bullying harassment and intimidation, and must cease, after a public apology from the chief of police. Haha

  12. Rogue Trooper 12

    A Brighter Future? Plastic ‘Houses’ to Alleviate Housing Shortage

    • Colonial Viper 12.1

      fossil fuel melt down

      • Rogue Trooper 12.1.1

        Fake Plastic Trees ; How was the second ‘games’? – No pulling the Lego now. 🙂

        • Colonial Viper

          Passable. Interesting study in political economy for the tweeny set. Looking forward to Ender’s now, although I think it won’t beat the writing by Orson Scott Card.

          • Rogue Trooper

            recommended reading for the USMC: Card, however, a Mormon opposes ‘Buggers’ (homosexuality) and same-sex marriage.

            • Naturesong

              Aye, Card is a fantastic writer.
              Read every single book of his a while ago (just before my Stephen R. Donaldson phase I think).

              Some of his personal views though, particularly around homosexuality, are pretty abhorrent.

              • Draco T Bastard

                Last time I described Card it was: Fantastic stories, boring style.

                • Naturesong

                  Thats fair.

                • Zorr

                  I’ve read a large portion of his collected writings and would have to say that most of it is terrible writing that doesn’t benefit from the rosy-tinted glasses that Ender’s Game engenders.

                  The moment I realized that all his writing is from the libertarian Mormon fantasy mindset (didn’t investigate his beliefs prior to my initial foray in to his work), it spoils every story because you have a good idea of what any developments will be. Give me a good Heinlein any day.

                  • Naturesong

                    Asimov will always be top of the list for me.
                    He was the one that challenged me to think about ethics and technology.

                    Reading the Foundation series as a teenager changed the way I think about society.

                  • Draco T Bastard

                    Ender’s Game is probably his best and, yeah, his libertarian/religion psyche comes through really strong. In fact, when you get down to it, that can be said of a lot of fantasy/fiction. You really do see a lot of authoritarian societies with free-markets with the rich as the good guys.

                    • Rogue Trooper

                      I’m still choosing not to read SF, although Bank’s culture novels are calling…”they keep calling me” and Fantasy, got an eye-full of that looking for James Tiptree Jr. at the library this week. *sigh*

                    • Zorr

                      I’ve basically come up with a “know the author, know the story” philosophy regarding my sci-fi/fantasy reading. I will make myself knowledgeable about the author before starting on the first book and then if it hasn’t surprised me in the least by the end of it I will proceed to not read the rest of their works because if they aren’t able to step outside of their own bounds, how can I expect them to transport me out of mine?

                      William Gibson is right up there for me 😛

                    • Rogue Trooper

                      ae, Gibson.seminal

                    • weka

                      Out of curiosity, how many of the above mentioned authors’ novels pass the Bechdel Test?


                    • Draco T Bastard

                      Probably none.

                      Thinking about it, I’d say even a lot of the books I’ve read that have been written by women don’t.

                    • Rogue Trooper

                      Try Jane Austen, George Eliot, Margaret Atwood… 😀

                    • Zorr

                      @weka – I get the importance of what the Bechdel Test is there to point out but, for myself, a lot of the sci-fi I tend to read is of the short story variety because I am there for the interesting ideas, not for geek/nerd writers to prove how poorly they sometimes understand simple social interaction

                      And, in all honesty, I cannot think of many novels that I have read that would pass the Bechdel Test because the closest I have come to standard literature tends to have been the Kurt Vonnegut’s and Joseph Heller’s of the world (Slaughterhouse 5 and Catch-22 being all-time faves).

                      And when I think of literature *in general*, I can’t easily think of any that would.

                    • rhinocrates

                      I don’t think that the Bechdel Test is in itself a measure of quality or even of ideological worth – Dr Strangelove could easily be appropriated as a feminist text precisely because of its depiction of hypermasculinity leading to disaster.

                      However, I do think that the test is something that every creative artist should keep in mind now. If you are going to exclude women, as women with their own subjectivity and intersubjectivity, one must ask why, because that’s not how the real world works. Even satire has to keep up with the times – especially satire, actually.

                      As for Orson Scott Card, while one might try to separate his weirdly extreme homophobia “outside” of his fiction (and more than a few have speculated about self-loathing and repression…), um, well, fuck it, that’s just trying too hard. SF is meant to be speculative, but speculation along the lines of “lets suppose that, you know, just as an incidental detail that no-one ever mentions but is implicitly ever-present that there were no people were ever, you know… in the shower… um… well, lets’ not…”

                      Well, that sort of undermines the real ethos of SF, which I always thought was to honestly confront real issues or real possibilities, not reel out silly fantasies about midichloridians and colourful space battles.

                      What I absolutely hate about a lot of SF is that it presents a universe of indulgence without permanent and complex consequences – even the later Ender sequels avoid that.

                      OK, rant over until the next cup of coffee.

              • Daveosaurus

                Card’s a thoroughly disgusting individual, but at least a competent writer. Those of his books I’ve read, I’ve borrowed, or bought second hand, in order that he sees no actual money from them. Donaldson, on the other hand, was the first writer I recall having read whose work invoked the Eight Deadly Words, it was so utterly boring.

      • Draco T Bastard 12.1.2

        Yep, that’s another piece of modern society that will have to have reduced use and strict recycling.

      • weka 12.1.3

        “fossil fuel melt down”

        + Darwin Award. PVC is a pretty high toxicity plastic and iirc is an endocrine disruptor with serious implications for human fertility.

        The stupidity, on so many levels, of importing plastic housing from China make my brain hurt. Technically we don’t have a shortage of houses in NZ (pretty sure the number of unoccupied houses is in excess of people needing a home). What we have is an economy being run for profit rather than the good of the people.

        • Draco T Bastard

          What we have is an economy being run for profit rather than the good of the people.

          And that is why we have poverty. With greed and selfishness as the guiding principles it’s all we can get and it needs to change.

        • Daveosaurus

          You say ‘serious implications for human fertility’ like they’re bad things. Considering that this planet is already grossly overpopulated, and that sea level rise has been locked in for at least the next couple of generations (with consequent loss of coastal land), I’d consider infertility one of today’s least pressing problems.

          • weka

            I completely agree (although I doubt the effect on fertility will be large enough, soon enough to be of any benefit). It was more a passing comment that humans should be given the Darwin Award as a species.

            Unfortunately endocrine disruptors don’t just affect homo sapiens 🙁

  13. Rogue Trooper 13

    “It acts without action, does without doing, finds
    flavour in what is flavourless,
    Can make the small great and the few many,
    Requites injuries with good deeds,
    Deals with the hard while it is still easy,
    With the great while it is still small.
    In the governance of [nation] everything difficult
    must be dealt with while it is still easy,
    Everything great must be dealt with while it is still small.”

    As DoC have their flag-pole cut, Possums rise on the ‘mast’.

  14. Rogue Trooper 14

    Cosmic Toaster :

    note bene : Warsaw UN Climate talks unpact.

  15. Sanctuary 15

    I listened to Geoffrey Palmer’s interview on Kim Hill this morning with growing astonishment. The pompous git spent his whole time bemoaning the state of our democracy without once seeming to realise the reforms he championed are more than anything else responsible for it. He seems to completely lack empathy or connection, he analyses the past as if he had nothing to do with it. He is one seriously off the planet guy, so crazy he is almost sane.

    And to top it off, when David Lange – the only one in the entire asylum that was the fourth Labour government to retain his moral compass or sanity – stood up to the crazies like Douglas, Prebble and Palmer and canned even more radical reforms like the flat tax, Palmer criticises Lange for not following correct procedure:

    “…Prime Minister David Lange was the main culprit. He canned the newly elected government’s notorious economic package of December 1987, a dramatic lurch to the Right based on a flat income tax and sweeping privatisation.

    Lange’s unilateral decision was something “that you can’t do”, Sir Geoffrey says. “And that’s why it all fell apart…”

    What the fuck? Geoffrey Palmer is the guy at Isandlawana who wouldn’t hand out the ammo unless the soldier had the right requistion order. What is wrong with him?

    Palmer is a fucking wierdo.

    • Murray Olsen 15.1

      Palmer has a very ordered legal mind. He is a detail person who wants all the forms signed in the right place. He certainly would have been the stores clerk denying munitions, or the officer commanding Ghurka enlisted men to leave their defensive line in the Officer’s Club in Singapore. It always seemed to me that he was incapable of seeing the big picture. He always reminded me of Frasier in Cheers, running around with a pair of scissors to prove he was a dangerous rebel. A fucking weirdo is as good as any description I’ve ever seen of him.

    • Tim 15.2

      I’m glad you had the fortitude to keep listening. I had to give up. I’d always thought of Palmer as quite a reasonable sort of fella – things like expiration on legislation etc.
      Today he showed me just what an out of touch pompous git he actually is.
      Decrying Lange for example for calling for a cup of tea on the basis that people were really beginning to hurt. Palmer thought Lange should have carried on.
      You’e correct Sanctuary – one pompous git

  16. captain hook 16

    its all just a dream babe a vacuum a scheme babe that sucks you into feeling like this.

    • fender 16.1

      “…I can see that your head has been twisted and fed with worthless foam from the mouth…”

      “…I used to care but – things have changed ….”

      • Rogue Trooper 16.1.1

        “It’s not dark yet, but it’s gettin’ There ” ; …[ Try ] to get to ‘heaven’ before they close the door…

        • fender

          +1 love it
          ….don’t even hear the murmur of a prayer..

          “I’m 20 miles outa town in cold irons bound

          • Rogue Trooper

            He was in this ‘phase’ when I saw him at the Westpac Stadium in Christchurch with Patti Smith. Only international artists I have seen of note, yet sufficient for me: Too many people at concerts like Sabbath and AC/DC. I’d love to meet Johnette Napolitano though! .

            • fender

              Have you seen this , he’s been making ‘gates’ recently.

              Johnette Napolitano….even her name is wonderful.

              • Rogue Trooper

                No I hadn’t, ‘swinging gate’ comes from the tao. Amazing serendipity (or not 😉 ) though. Wotta day, and ‘straight’ as dray too. Wonders never cease 😀 Thanx fender, ‘request’ me some time.

            • Naturesong

              Meh, I saw him with Tom Petty.

              Petty was awesome, Dylan, not so much.

              I’d give my eye teeth to see Patti Smith though.

              • Rogue Trooper

                yes, the Dylan set was muddled by the acoustics of the venue. Tom Petty, say no more!
                “It didn’t feel like Sunday
                Didn’t feel like June
                When he met his silent partner in that lonely corner room
                That overlooked the marquee (Moon) 😉
                Of the Plaza all-adult
                And he was not lookin’ for romance – just someone he could trust.

                And it wasn’t no way to carry on
                It wasn’t no way to live
                But he could put up with it for a little while
                He was workin’ on Something Big

              • fender

                Sympathise with the Petty experience Naturesong, but as he states in Chronicles volume 1

                “I’d been on an eighteen month tour with Tom Petty. It would be my last. I had no connection to any kind of inspiration. Whatever was there to begin with had all vanished and shrunk. Tom was at the top of his game and I was at the bottom of mine. I couldn’t overcome the odds. Everything was smashed. My own songs had become strangers to me, I didn’t have the skill to touch their raw nerves, couldn’t penetrate the surfaces. It wasn’t my moment of history anymore. There was a hollow singing in my heart and I couldn’t wait to retire and fold the tent. One more big payday with Petty and that would be it for me. I was what they called over the hill. If I wasn’t careful I could end up ranting and raving in shouting matches with the wall. The mirror had swung around and I could see the future- an old actor fumbling in garbage cans outside the theatre of past triumphs.
                I had written and recorded so many songs, but it wasn’t like I was playing many of them. I think I was only up to the task of about twenty or so. The rest were too cryptic, too darkly driven, and I was no longer capable of doing anything radically creative with them. It was like carrying a package of heavy rotting meat. I couldn’t understand where they came from. The glow was gone and the match had burned right to the end. I was going through the motions. Try as I might, the engines wouldn’t start.”

                But beginning with his 1997 album Time Out of Mind he has released 5 great albums that prove an “over the hill” artist can certainly experience a renaissance when the creative juices start flowing again.

  17. ghostrider888 17

    “Love is the ghost haunting your head
    Love is the killer you thought was your friend
    Love is the leech, sucking you up
    Love is a vampire, drunk on your blood
    Love is the beast that will tear out your heart
    Hungrily lick it and
    Painfully pick it apart

    Former believers, they beg for release
    As Love looking down on them
    Smiles and picks his teeth

    (She knows all the secrets you don’t want to tell)

  18. North 18

    Hearteningly, in my ongoing daily dealings with cops what I hear is unbridled contempt for cops who abuse their role for personal advanatge of whatever description. In my not limited experience the broad cop mindset, which is unsurprisingly distinct in numerous aspects, does not extend to tolerance or rationalisation of corrupt acts.

    I well recall a sergeant rightly identified as a hardarse with whom I’ve had long term dealings, vocally disgusted when a senior cop on trial in the High Court turned up at trial in police uniform. In this sergeant’s view the guy on trial was smearing his personal shit all over the uniform and the police generally by turning up uniformed. His view didn’t change when the guy was acquitted of rape. In other words he didn’t accept the acquittal as the end of it. There are many cops like that.

    • North 18.1

      Sorry folks. Just realised that my comment above should be placed with those at 2 above. Got interrupted by the water tank running dry. $275 for 13,000 litres just delivered by tanker. Lucky I had the readies.

      If I hadn’t, and going by their usual rants, I guess I’d be a ready target for Piss73 and Bowel Motion and SS-lands denouncing me as hopeless feral underclass who deserved it all for his bad choices.

      Ah……….such Masters Of The Looniverse those hatefilled carping old pricks !

      • Northshoreguynz 18.1.1

        Shit, that’s expensive water, we usually pay $150 for 11000 litres.

      • chris73 18.1.2

        Well I’m glad to see you’re up, hows the hang-over going?

        • North

          Piss-Up73 kind of you to ask.

          • chris73

            Well I assumed you must have been drunk to post this:

            North 31.1.1
            22 November 2013 at 11:01 pm
            You’re a nutter Piss73. Give the missus a serious seeing to when she got home late with the Maccers dinner and no dipping sauce didya ? You being too bone idle or unartful to peel some spuds while ya waited, as you related yesterday or the day before ? Walked home for that matter while you drove to and from work in the Grandly asprayshinul Vitara angling at the stylish Maori Land Bruiser VX, as you also related yesterday or the day before ?

            Ake ake ake……obviously don’t know or care to know about the zoo of Judge Judy’s current colleagues but certainly there are many former colleagues in Auckland who always saw her as a self promoting baggage and a not too gifted one at that.

            • rhinocrates

              Well X73, you’re eager to hand it out, but you get all huffy and indignant when you get a taste of your own medicine and you still haven’t got the point of that. Keep showing how thick you are… but beware that that’s all you’re doing.

              Another word of advice: if you’re going to cling to your dignity, then first you must show some, but don’t confuse it with pomposity.

    • Rogue Trooper 18.2

      encouraging North

  19. Penny Bright 19

    FYI – this comment was ‘awaiting moderation’ on Kiwiblog – so it must be HOT? 😉

    “She never will, big bruv. Miss Dim is a corrupt individual, always ready to rip people off.
    A blight, a parasite, a leech on society’s back.”


    Any other Kiwibloggers registered and attending the Australian Public sector Anti-Corruption Conference?


    APSACC ID Number: 1094

    Dear Penny,

    We look forward to welcoming you to the Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference, being held at The Hilton Sydney, from Tuesday 26 – Thursday 28 November 2013.

    Below are the details of your registration; please check the information carefully, including your name and address details. If any of your details require changes, please notify ICE Australia via email at as soon as possible. Alternatively you can amend your details online by entering your access key TIJCZXVYH into the Attendee Login on the Conference Registration page. This facility will be available until Tuesday, 29 October 2013, at which time all changes must be sent to the Registration Manager at

    Please find your tax invoice attached as a PDF file to this email. If you are part of a bulk registration your invoice will be sent to the first person registered.

    Name: Ms Penny Bright
    Position: ‘Anti-Corruption /anti-Privatisation Whistle-Blower’
    Organisation: Public Watchdog
    Country: NEW ZEALAND

    Please find important conference information, in addition to a summary of your registration, below.

    The Hilton Sydney
    488 George Street, Sydney
    NSW, 2000

    As the 4th highest polling Auckland Mayoral candidate, with 11,723 votes

    who campaigned against ‘corrupt corporate control’ of the Auckland region, I look forward to discussing with international anti-corruption EXPERTS, the following ACTION PLAN against ‘white collar’ crime, corruption and corporate welfare

    I’m sure there will be a lot of interest in the recent complaint made by Lisa Prager and myself to the NZ Serious Fraud Office (SFO), against Auckland Mayor Len Brown and Sky City (Auckland) for alleged bribery and corruption:

    It is my intention to raise the question of how New Zealand can continually maintain the status of being the ‘least corrupt country in the world’ (together with Denmark and Finland, according to Transparency International’s 2012 ‘Corruption Perception Index’ ) when we haven’t even ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption?

    UNCAC in a nutshell – U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre…/uncac…united-nations-convention-against-corruption…/3…‎
    Countries that have signed, but not yet ratified UNCAC: Barbados, Bhutan, Czech Republic, Germany, Guinea, Japan, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and….

    I’m sure a number of anti-corruption experts, and hopefully significant Australian media, will be interested in the fact that the NZ International Convention Centre Act 2013, was effectively railroaded through the NZ Parliament, without ‘due diligence’ against the increased risk of money-laundering being carried out by the supposedly ‘lead agency’ – OFCANZ (organised and Financial Crime Agency of NZ), the NZ Prime Minister John Key, Minister of Economic Development Steven Joyce, Auckland Council, or Auckland Central Police.

    So – there may be some interest in the fact that the NZ Auditor-General, Lyn Provost, has confirmed that she will consider my request for an investigation into the failure of OFCANZ to carry out ‘due diligence’ on the increased risk of money-laundering arising from the NZ International Convention Centre Act 2013 ( or as prefer to call it – the ‘Sky City money-laundering’) Act:

    As during the Auckland Mayoral campaign, I will explain why I am making a stand in defence of the public’s right to ‘open, transparent and democratically-accountable local government, which cannot be ignored – ie my refusal to pay rates, until ‘the books’ are open and the public are given the ‘devilish detail’, which shows EXACTLY where rates monies are being spent on consultants and private contractors.

    You see, gutless anonymous ‘Manolo’ and ‘Big Bruv’, unlike your bleating sheepish selves, I’m an active and effective ‘anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’, who actually ‘gets things done’?

    (Meant of course in a caring way 🙂

    You have a GREAT day!

    Kind regards,

    ‘Her Warship’

    PS: For those who kindly made donations to help get me over the ditch and registered at this 2013 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference – THANKS!

    In the end, my sister loaned me $1500 in order to make sure I could get there.

    I’d REALLY appreciate not being left in the financial poo here folks – so if you haven’t yet made a donation to help out, you still can:

    KIWIBANK PM Bright 38 9010 0725719 00

    That’s 150 people donating $10
    75 people donating $20

    Not a big ask?

    Have a GREAT day!


    Penny Bright

    • Ad 19.1

      Why should people give you cash? You don’t support public transport, urban density, the Auckland Plan, or indeed anything at all.

      • Rogue Trooper 19.1.1

        I support a few ’causes’, being interviewed for board-membership of a disability trust next week, and can always do with some cash! 😀 (All donations Gr8fully invested). 😎

      • Penny Bright 19.1.2

        Not a UN Agenda 21 supporter by any chance are you ‘Ad’?

        I’m not.

        So ‘Ad’ – you’re not opposed to corruption, ‘white collar’ crime or ‘corporate welfare’?

        I am.

        You’ll be disappointed to know that a number of people DO support the (voluntary, self-funded) work I do and what I stand for – otherwise I wouldn’t have got nearly 12,000 votes and polled 4th in the Auckland Mayoral election, and wouldn’t be flying out to Sydney tomorrow morning?

        Never mind.

        You have a lovely day.

        (I am 🙂


        Penny Bright

        • Ad

          12,000 wasted votes from yet another futile and wasted campaign. You are in fact harder right than Rodney Hide; you rebel against nothing of note, stand for nothing, and seek to destroy everything you touch.

          Apart from your little foray into the forgotten Aotea Square Occupy movement. Here’s what you need to do Penny: go occupy a job.

          • Rogue Trooper

            I’m ‘friends’ with Penny, yet, that is funny! 😀 (unless you are implying I get a beard-cut too…)

          • Penny Bright

            “12,000 wasted votes from yet another futile and wasted campaign. You are in fact harder right than Rodney Hide; you rebel against nothing of note, stand for nothing, and seek to destroy everything you touch.

            Apart from your little foray into the forgotten Aotea Square Occupy movement. Here’s what you need to do Penny: go occupy a job.”

            Gosh ‘Ad’ – can you show me some EVIDENCE where Rodney Hide has campaigned against the ‘corrupt corporate control’ of the Auckland region?

            I did.


            Can you show me some EVIDENCE ‘Ad’ – where Rodney Hide has exposed who is really running Auckland – membership – as I did in my 150 word Auckland Mayoral candidate statement which went out to 1.4 million Auckland voters?

            (Maybe you’re just a little bit inexperienced politically ‘Ad’ , and simply don’t know what the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ are supposed to stand for?

            Although since the neo-liberal ‘Rogernomic$’ reforms were introduced by the 1984 – 1987 ‘Labour Government’, ‘left’ vs ‘right’ is arguably no longer really very politically meaningful ?

            Personally, I prefer to look at the fundamental political divide as ‘corporate minority’ vs ‘public majority’? (1% vs the 99% – sort of thing 🙂

            My ‘little foray into the forgotten Aotea Square Occupy movement’, as a Named Respondent and an Appellant in my own name, working together with pro-bono lawyer for Occupy Auckland Ron Mansfield, resulted in a significant win against corporate-controlled Auckland Council.


            The following High Court documents, help expose how corporate-controlled Auckland Council is a ‘Supercity’ for the 1%.


            Actually ‘Ad’ – I’m REALLY busy as a full-time, self-funded ‘anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’.

            This is what I stand for:


            That this obviously upsets people such as yourself, gives me considerable satisfaction.

            (Meant of course, in a caring way 😉

            FYI – Occupy Auckland, to date, has been the only organisation to ever endorse the ‘principle’ of such an ‘ACTION PLAN’.

            I look forward to as many people/ organisations / political parties / as possible, endorsing, advocating for such an ACTION PLAN, or as many parts of it as possible.

            ‘Where the people lead – the politicians will follow’ ?

            PS: ‘Ad’ – do you support UN Agenda 21?

            Given your rather semi-hysterical response, it seems to me that you probably do?

            I don’t.

            Kind regards,

            Penny Bright


    • TheContrarian 19.2

      Really Penny, really?

      Stumping for donations on The Standard for your own ends?


  20. Treetop 20

    In about a year another general election will be held.

    The next election is winnable for Labour and the Greens.

    My top five issues to be addressed are:

    Affordable housing.
    Money for research and development.
    Job creation.
    Food in schools.
    A Hikoi to show the importance of voting.

    • Penny Bright 20.1

      Anything on here you support ‘Tree top’ ?

      To help ‘clip the wings’ of the corporate 1%?

      Help yourself – that goes for anybody /everybody …

      It’s a framework for GENUINE ‘transparency’ – a word that you’re seeing a lot of now.

      (Like the “f” and “c” words – “FRAUD” and “CORRUPTION” ?)


      Penny Bright

      • Treetop 20.1.1

        I support you Penny. I have just redone my budget for next week to donate $10.

        • Penny Bright

          Thank you ‘Treetop’.

          Getting an income of just $320 per week myself (freehold house + flatmates) – I know how money is tight for a lot of us.

          That’s why I’m asking folks to help ‘spread the load’ (as it were 🙂

          Just need another 149 folks to do what you’re going to – and all will be well!

          MUCH appreciated.


          ‘Her Warship 😉

          • Treetop

            Don’t stop the good fight. Someone has to do it and that someone is you and you need to be, and feel supported.

          • Lanthanide

            Certainly easier to make that $320 stretch when you refuse to pay rates.

          • bad12

            So sorry my budget for ‘intervention’ is currently being used to try and leverage the ‘Hairdo’ outta that electorate,

            Plus i coughed a decent wad of used 20’s into G, Mac’s efforts at giving Banks a spanking, $320 a week with flatmates and a freehold house,(tell us more), sounds like you should have been able to save up to fund your own holiday, oops i mean conference across the ditch…

          • TheContrarian

            “Just need another 149 folks to do what you’re going to – and all will be well!”

            And what will the donations bring? What outcomes will be achieved? Will you be open and honest with your donations? What will the donations be spent on?

            • Treetop

              So you would rather sit on your hands and do nothing.

            • Penny Bright

              errr…. did you miss this bit ‘The Contrarian’?

              PS: For those who kindly made donations to help get me over the ditch and registered at this 2013 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference – THANKS!

              In the end, my sister loaned me $1500 in order to make sure I could get there.

              I’d REALLY appreciate not being left in the financial poo here folks – so if you haven’t yet made a donation to help out, you still can:

              KIWIBANK PM Bright 38 9010 0725719 00

              That’s 150 people donating $10
              75 people donating $20

              Not a big ask?

              Have a GREAT day!


              Penny Bright

              PS: I would not have been able to draw up this ACTION PLAN against ‘white collar’ crime, corruption and ‘corporate welfare’, had I not attended the 2009 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference, and 2010 Transparency International Anti-Corruption Conference – listened to and questioned the speakers, collected and read the material, then applied what I learned to New Zealand.


              Got a considered opinion on how better to help ‘clip the wings’ of the corporate 1%
              ‘The Contrarian’ or ‘Ad’?

              When you’re ready ……

              Kind regards,

              Penny Bright


  21. ropata 21

    Zerohedge: The Dark Heart of Centralised Power

    It’s little wonder so many sociopaths end up in positions of power: power attracts the ruthless unencumbered by empathy. No wonder the phrase ‘pathology of power’ resonates: The Federal Reserve and the Pathology of Power (November 18, 2010).

    There is an ontological darkness in centralized power, and it flows from the disconnect between authority, responsibility and consequence. A leader with vast centralized powers–a president, an emperor, a dictator–has the authority to send young citizens into combat in distant lands, but he does not carry an equal responsibility to ensure their lives are not lost in the vain glories of Empire. The consequences of his decisions do not fall on him; he is far from the combat and the loosed dogs of war. His concern is the domestic political squabbles of the Elites who support his centralized power.

    All centralized power carries the same pathology: those with the authority are never exposed to the consequences of their authority, nor do they have any responsibility for the consequences. The president who launches an unwinnable war that chews up the nation’s youth and treasure leaves office to fund-raise for his self-glorification, i.e. a presidential library.

    The CEO whose strategies fail to revive the corporation and indeed send it to the brink of insolvency leaves with a “golden parachute” worth tens of millions of dollars.

  22. Rogue Trooper 22

    Southern glaciers retreating at 160m per year, some 5m a day!
    In the Philippines, 4M people remain homeless following typhoon.

    -Te Newz

  23. greywarbler 23

    I have just been listening to Stephen Sackur BBC Hard Talk. What an interrupting, opinionated yob. He interrupts, states something as a question then interrupts the explanation. He’s been with the BBC since 1986 apparently. Your time is up Sackur, sacking time. Time to move on to… the USA perhaps. They have quite a thing for clipped British accents.

    • gobsmacked 23.1

      Watch Sackur’s interview with John Key to get another perspective.

      I think he’s a good interviewer, generally.

  24. gobsmacked 24

    John Ansell has now added his comment to the Allan Titford story:

    “I also know Allan Titford. I’ve met him twice for long chats in the company of his new partner and small son. They struck me as a loving couple and there was certainly nothing in his partner’s behaviour to suggest that she was a victim of abuse.

    In view of the fraud being perpetrated by the state over the Treaty, and in view of the numerous instances of police corruption that litter recent New Zealand history, I’m going to give Allan the benefit of the doubt until I’ve seen the evidence presented against him.

    If he is guilty of these crimes, then he deserves everything that’s coming to him.

    But I’m not going to see an innocent man rot in prison and a lovely little boy grow up without his dad if that evidence is as flimsy as I suspect it is.

    I am certainly not going to accept that he is guilty of decades of sexual slavedriving based on the televised tearjerking of an ex-wife with a vested interest in his conviction.

    Let us see the evidence. Already the 24 year sentence is evidence of a judge who rates Allan as deserving of a longer sentence than all but a few murderers.


    That’s John Ansell, architect of National’s 2005 election campaign, under Don “Iwi/Kiwi” Brash. They must be proud.

    • karol 24.1

      “If he is guilty….”


    • Rogue Trooper 24.2

      it’s a tragedy he lives in the same hemisphere as us!

      • gobsmacked 24.2.1

        I don’t think it’s worth engaging with these people, they are utterly immune to reason.

        But it is important to know that they are out there, and not just on the wild fringe.

        • Rogue Trooper

          some of these attitudes are quite mainstream. Wonder what went wrong with their socialization to limit their brain development. Not much better than ill-bred animals trapped in a cage.

    • weka 24.3

      That elocal link doesn’t go to the text quoted, nor is the text turning up in a site search. Have they taken it down? Can’t find it on google either.

      • gobsmacked 24.3.1

        The blog comments are on the left of the page link.

        Ansell’s is (currently) the 4th one down. But all the comments are worth reading, to see what these people are like – and bearing in mind that their group includes the likes of Muriel Newman (ex-ACT MP) and others who pop up as pundits in the mainstream media.

        • Rogue Trooper

          does it leave ya’ gobsmacked? 😀

        • karol

          I see my reply didn’t make it through. So clear to see where the site managers are coming from.

        • One Anonymous Knucklehead

          I expect Ansell doesn’t believe the arson evidence either. Or the using a document with intent to defraud evidence, or the perjury evidence.

          Delusional person has delusions?

      • One Anonymous Knucklehead 24.3.2

        It’s a comment attached to one of the ongoing series of “Gangsta’s Stole My Landinflammatory drivel articles.

        What a narrow scary world these people project.

  25. lprent 25

    Improved the search results fixing that damn date problem and putting in a few minor appearance enhancements.

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  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #29

    A listing of 32 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, July 14, 2024 thru Sat, July 20, 2024. Story of the week As reflected by preponderance of coverage, our Story of the Week is Project 2025. Until now traveling ...
    6 days ago
  • I'd like to share what I did this weekend

    This weekend, a friend pointed out someone who said they’d like to read my posts, but didn’t want to pay. And my first reaction was sympathy.I’ve already told folks that if they can’t comfortably subscribe, and would like to read, I’d be happy to offer free subscriptions. I don’t want ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    6 days ago
  • For the children – Why mere sentiment can be a misleading force in our lives, and lead to unex...

    National: The Party of ‘Law and Order’ IntroductionThis weekend, the Government formally kicked off one of their flagship policy programs: a military style boot camp that New Zealand has experimented with over the past 50 years. Cartoon credit: Guy BodyIt’s very popular with the National Party’s Law and Order image, ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    6 days ago
  • A friend in uncertain times

    Day one of the solo leg of my long journey home begins with my favourite sound: footfalls in an empty street. 5.00 am and it’s already light and already too warm, almost.If I can make the train that leaves Budapest later this hour I could be in Belgrade by nightfall; ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • The Chaotic World of Male Diet Influencers

    Hi,We’ll get to the horrific world of male diet influencers (AKA Beefy Boys) shortly, but first you will be glad to know that since I sent out the Webworm explaining why the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was not a false flag operation, I’ve heard from a load of people ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    6 days ago
  • It's Starting To Look A Lot Like… Y2K

    Do you remember Y2K, the threat that hung over humanity in the closing days of the twentieth century? Horror scenarios of planes falling from the sky, electronic payments failing and ATMs refusing to dispense cash. As for your VCR following instructions and recording your favourite show - forget about it.All ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Bernard’s Saturday Soliloquy for the week to July 20

    Climate Change Minister Simon Watts being questioned by The Kākā’s Bernard Hickey.TL;DR: My top six things to note around housing, climate and poverty in Aotearoa’s political economy in the week to July 20 were:1. A strategy that fails Zero Carbon Act & Paris targetsThe National-ACT-NZ First Coalition Government finally unveiled ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Pharmac Director, Climate Change Commissioner, Health NZ Directors – The latest to quit this m...

    Summary:As New Zealand loses at least 12 leaders in the public service space of health, climate, and pharmaceuticals, this month alone, directly in response to the Government’s policies and budget choices, what lies ahead may be darker than it appears. Tui examines some of those departures and draws a long ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    1 week ago
  • Flooding Housing Policy

    The Minister of Housing’s ambition is to reduce markedly the ratio of house prices to household incomes. If his strategy works it would transform the housing market, dramatically changing the prospects of housing as an investment.Leaving aside the Minister’s metaphor of ‘flooding the market’ I do not see how the ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    1 week ago
  • A Voyage Among the Vandals: Accepted (Again!)

    As previously noted, my historical fantasy piece, set in the fifth-century Mediterranean, was accepted for a Pirate Horror anthology, only for the anthology to later fall through. But in a good bit of news, it turned out that the story could indeed be re-marketed as sword and sorcery. As of ...
    1 week ago
  • The Kākā's Chorus for Friday, July 19

    An employee of tobacco company Philip Morris International demonstrates a heated tobacco device. Photo: Getty ImagesTL;DR: The top six things I’ve noted around housing, climate and poverty in Aotearoa’s political economy on Friday, July 19 are:At a time when the Coalition Government is cutting spending on health, infrastructure, education, housing ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • The Kākā’s Pick 'n' Mix for Friday, July 19

    TL;DR: My pick of the top six links elsewhere around housing, climate and poverty in Aotearoa’s political economy in the last day or so to 8:30 am on Friday, July 19 are:Scoop: NZ First Minister Casey Costello orders 50% cut to excise tax on heated tobacco products. The minister has ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Weekly Roundup 19-July-2024

    Kia ora, it’s time for another Friday roundup, in which we pull together some of the links and stories that caught our eye this week. Feel free to add more in the comments! Our header image this week shows a foggy day in Auckland town, captured by Patrick Reynolds. ...
    Greater AucklandBy Greater Auckland
    1 week ago
  • Weekly Climate Wrap: A market-led plan for failure

    TL;DR : Here’s the top six items climate news for Aotearoa this week, as selected by Bernard Hickey and The Kākā’s climate correspondent Cathrine Dyer. A discussion recorded yesterday is in the video above and the audio of that sent onto the podcast feed.The Government released its draft Emissions Reduction ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Tobacco First

    Save some money, get rich and old, bring it back to Tobacco Road.Bring that dynamite and a crane, blow it up, start all over again.Roll up. Roll up. Or tailor made, if you prefer...Whether you’re selling ciggies, digging for gold, catching dolphins in your nets, or encouraging folks to flutter ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Trump’s Adopted Son.

    Waiting In The Wings: For truly, if Trump is America’s un-assassinated Caesar, then J.D. Vance is America’s Octavian, the Republic’s youthful undertaker – and its first Emperor.DONALD TRUMP’S SELECTION of James D. Vance as his running-mate bodes ill for the American republic. A fervent supporter of Viktor Orban, the “illiberal” prime ...
    1 week ago
  • The Kākā’s Journal of Record for Friday, July 19

    TL;DR: As of 6:00 am on Friday, July 19, the top six announcements, speeches, reports and research around housing, climate and poverty in Aotearoa’s political economy in the last day are:The PSA announced the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) had ruled in the PSA’s favour in its case against the Ministry ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • The Hoon around the week to July 19

    TL;DR: The podcast above of the weekly ‘hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers last night features co-hosts and talking with:The Kākā’s climate correspondent talking about the National-ACT-NZ First Government’s release of its first Emissions Reduction Plan;University of Otago Foreign Relations Professor and special guest Dr Karin von ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #29 2024

    Open access notables Improving global temperature datasets to better account for non-uniform warming, Calvert, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: To better account for spatial non-uniform trends in warming, a new GITD [global instrumental temperature dataset] was created that used maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to combine the land surface ...
    1 week ago

  • Joint statement from the Prime Ministers of Canada, Australia and New Zealand

    Australia, Canada and New Zealand today issued the following statement on the need for an urgent ceasefire in Gaza and the risk of expanded conflict between Hizballah and Israel. The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The human suffering is unacceptable. It cannot continue.  We remain unequivocal in our condemnation of ...
    17 hours ago
  • AG reminds institutions of legal obligations

    Attorney-General Judith Collins today reminded all State and faith-based institutions of their legal obligation to preserve records relevant to the safety and wellbeing of those in its care. “The Abuse in Care Inquiry’s report has found cases where records of the most vulnerable people in State and faith‑based institutions were ...
    20 hours ago
  • More young people learning about digital safety

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government’s online safety website for children and young people has reached one million page views.  “It is great to see so many young people and their families accessing the site Keep It Real Online to learn how to stay safe online, and manage ...
    20 hours ago
  • Speech to the Conference for General Practice 2024

    Tēnā tātou katoa,  Ngā mihi te rangi, ngā mihi te whenua, ngā mihi ki a koutou, kia ora mai koutou. Thank you for the opportunity to be here and the invitation to speak at this 50th anniversary conference. I acknowledge all those who have gone before us and paved the ...
    22 hours ago
  • Employers and payroll providers ready for tax changes

    New Zealand’s payroll providers have successfully prepared to ensure 3.5 million individuals will, from Wednesday next week, be able to keep more of what they earn each pay, says Finance Minister Nicola Willis and Revenue Minister Simon Watts.  “The Government's tax policy changes are legally effective from Wednesday. Delivering this tax ...
    24 hours ago
  • Experimental vineyard futureproofs wine industry

    An experimental vineyard which will help futureproof the wine sector has been opened in Blenheim by Associate Regional Development Minister Mark Patterson. The covered vineyard, based at the New Zealand Wine Centre – Te Pokapū Wāina o Aotearoa, enables controlled environmental conditions. “The research that will be produced at the Experimental ...
    1 day ago
  • Funding confirmed for regions affected by North Island Weather Events

    The Coalition Government has confirmed the indicative regional breakdown of North Island Weather Event (NIWE) funding for state highway recovery projects funded through Budget 2024, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Regions in the North Island suffered extensive and devastating damage from Cyclone Gabrielle and the 2023 Auckland Anniversary Floods, and ...
    1 day ago
  • Indonesian Foreign Minister to visit

    Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, will visit New Zealand next week, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced.   “Indonesia is important to New Zealand’s security and economic interests and is our closest South East Asian neighbour,” says Mr Peters, who is currently in Laos to engage with South East Asian partners. ...
    1 day ago
  • Strengthening partnership with Ngāti Maniapoto

    He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero. The government has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the aspirations of Ngāti Maniapoto, Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka says. “My thanks to Te Nehenehenui Trust – Ngāti Maniapoto for bringing their important kōrero to a ministerial ...
    2 days ago
  • Transport Minister thanks outgoing CAA Chair

    Transport Minister Simeon Brown has thanked outgoing Chair of the Civil Aviation Authority, Janice Fredric, for her service to the board.“I have received Ms Fredric’s resignation from the role of Chair of the Civil Aviation Authority,” Mr Brown says.“On behalf of the Government, I want to thank Ms Fredric for ...
    2 days ago
  • Test for Customary Marine Title being restored

    The Government is proposing legislation to overturn a Court of Appeal decision and amend the Marine and Coastal Area Act in order to restore Parliament’s test for Customary Marine Title, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says.  “Section 58 required an applicant group to prove they have exclusively used and occupied ...
    2 days ago
  • Opposition united in bad faith over ECE sector review

    Regulation Minister David Seymour says that opposition parties have united in bad faith, opposing what they claim are ‘dangerous changes’ to the Early Childhood Education sector, despite no changes even being proposed yet.  “Issues with affordability and availability of early childhood education, and the complexity of its regulation, has led ...
    2 days ago
  • Kiwis having their say on first regulatory review

    After receiving more than 740 submissions in the first 20 days, Regulation Minister David Seymour is asking the Ministry for Regulation to extend engagement on the early childhood education regulation review by an extra two weeks.  “The level of interest has been very high, and from the conversations I’ve been ...
    2 days ago
  • Government upgrading Lower North Island commuter rail

    The Coalition Government is investing $802.9 million into the Wairarapa and Manawatū rail lines as part of a funding agreement with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), KiwiRail, and the Greater Wellington and Horizons Regional Councils to deliver more reliable services for commuters in the lower North Island, Transport Minister Simeon ...
    2 days ago
  • Government moves to ensure flood protection for Wairoa

    Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has announced his intention to appoint a Crown Manager to both Hawke’s Bay Regional and Wairoa District Councils to speed up the delivery of flood protection work in Wairoa."Recent severe weather events in Wairoa this year, combined with damage from Cyclone Gabrielle in 2023 have ...
    3 days ago
  • PM speech to Parliament – Royal Commission of Inquiry’s Report into Abuse in Care

    Mr Speaker, this is a day that many New Zealanders who were abused in State care never thought would come. It’s the day that this Parliament accepts, with deep sorrow and regret, the Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.  At the heart of this report are the ...
    3 days ago
  • Government acknowledges torture at Lake Alice

    For the first time, the Government is formally acknowledging some children and young people at Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital experienced torture. The final report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State and Faith-based Care “Whanaketia – through pain and trauma, from darkness to light,” was tabled in Parliament ...
    3 days ago
  • Government acknowledges courageous abuse survivors

    The Government has acknowledged the nearly 2,400 courageous survivors who shared their experiences during the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State and Faith-Based Care. The final report from the largest and most complex public inquiry ever held in New Zealand, the Royal Commission Inquiry “Whanaketia – through ...
    3 days ago
  • Half a million people use tax calculator

    With a week to go before hard-working New Zealanders see personal income tax relief for the first time in fourteen years, 513,000 people have used the Budget tax calculator to see how much they will benefit, says Finance Minister Nicola Willis.  “Tax relief is long overdue. From next Wednesday, personal income ...
    3 days ago
  • Paid Parental Leave improvements pass first reading

    Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden says a bill that has passed its first reading will improve parental leave settings and give non-biological parents more flexibility as primary carer for their child. The Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill (No3), passed its first reading this morning. “It includes a change ...
    3 days ago
  • Rebuilding the economy through better regulation

    Two Bills designed to improve regulation and make it easier to do business have passed their first reading in Parliament, says Economic Development Minister Melissa Lee. The Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill and Regulatory Systems (Immigration and Workforce) Amendment Bill make key changes to legislation administered by the Ministry ...
    3 days ago
  • ‘Open banking’ and ‘open electricity’ on the way

    New legislation paves the way for greater competition in sectors such as banking and electricity, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says. “Competitive markets boost productivity, create employment opportunities and lift living standards. To support competition, we need good quality regulation but, unfortunately, a recent OECD report ranked New ...
    3 days ago
  • Charity lotteries to be permitted to operate online

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says lotteries for charitable purposes, such as those run by the Heart Foundation, Coastguard NZ, and local hospices, will soon be allowed to operate online permanently. “Under current laws, these fundraising lotteries are only allowed to operate online until October 2024, after which ...
    4 days ago
  • Accelerating Northland Expressway

    The Coalition Government is accelerating work on the new four-lane expressway between Auckland and Whangārei as part of its Roads of National Significance programme, with an accelerated delivery model to deliver this project faster and more efficiently, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “For too long, the lack of resilient transport connections ...
    4 days ago
  • Sir Don to travel to Viet Nam as special envoy

    Sir Don McKinnon will travel to Viet Nam this week as a Special Envoy of the Government, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced.    “It is important that the Government give due recognition to the significant contributions that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made to New Zealand-Viet Nam relations,” Mr ...
    4 days ago
  • Grant Illingworth KC appointed as transitional Commissioner to Royal Commission

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says newly appointed Commissioner, Grant Illingworth KC, will help deliver the report for the first phase of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons, due on 28 November 2024.  “I am pleased to announce that Mr Illingworth will commence his appointment as ...
    4 days ago
  • NZ to advance relationships with ASEAN partners

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters travels to Laos this week to participate in a series of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-led Ministerial meetings in Vientiane.    “ASEAN plays an important role in supporting a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific,” Mr Peters says.   “This will be our third visit to ...
    4 days ago
  • Backing mental health services on the West Coast

    Construction of a new mental health facility at Te Nikau Grey Hospital in Greymouth is today one step closer, Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey says. “This $27 million facility shows this Government is delivering on its promise to boost mental health care and improve front line services,” Mr Doocey says. ...
    4 days ago
  • NZ support for sustainable Pacific fisheries

    New Zealand is committing nearly $50 million to a package supporting sustainable Pacific fisheries development over the next four years, Foreign Minister Winston Peters and Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones announced today. “This support consisting of a range of initiatives demonstrates New Zealand’s commitment to assisting our Pacific partners ...
    4 days ago
  • Students’ needs at centre of new charter school adjustments

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour says proposed changes to the Education and Training Amendment Bill will ensure charter schools have more flexibility to negotiate employment agreements and are equipped with the right teaching resources. “Cabinet has agreed to progress an amendment which means unions will not be able to initiate ...
    4 days ago
  • Commissioner replaces Health NZ Board

    In response to serious concerns around oversight, overspend and a significant deterioration in financial outlook, the Board of Health New Zealand will be replaced with a Commissioner, Health Minister Dr Shane Reti announced today.  “The previous government’s botched health reforms have created significant financial challenges at Health NZ that, without ...
    5 days ago
  • Minister to speak at Australian Space Forum

    Minister for Space and Science, Innovation and Technology Judith Collins will travel to Adelaide tomorrow for space and science engagements, including speaking at the Australian Space Forum.  While there she will also have meetings and visits with a focus on space, biotechnology and innovation.  “New Zealand has a thriving space ...
    5 days ago
  • Climate Change Minister to attend climate action meeting in China

    Climate Change Minister Simon Watts will travel to China on Saturday to attend the Ministerial on Climate Action meeting held in Wuhan.  “Attending the Ministerial on Climate Action is an opportunity to advocate for New Zealand climate priorities and engage with our key partners on climate action,” Mr Watts says. ...
    5 days ago
  • Oceans and Fisheries Minister to Solomons

    Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones is travelling to the Solomon Islands tomorrow for meetings with his counterparts from around the Pacific supporting collective management of the region’s fisheries. The 23rd Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Committee and the 5th Regional Fisheries Ministers’ Meeting in Honiara from 23 to 26 July ...
    7 days ago
  • Government launches Military Style Academy Pilot

    The Government today launched the Military Style Academy Pilot at Te Au rere a te Tonga Youth Justice residence in Palmerston North, an important part of the Government’s plan to crackdown on youth crime and getting youth offenders back on track, Minister for Children, Karen Chhour said today. “On the ...
    7 days ago
  • Nine priority bridge replacements to get underway

    The Government has welcomed news the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has begun work to replace nine priority bridges across the country to ensure our state highway network remains resilient, reliable, and efficient for road users, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“Increasing productivity and economic growth is a key priority for the ...
    1 week ago
  • Update on global IT outage

    Acting Prime Minister David Seymour has been in contact throughout the evening with senior officials who have coordinated a whole of government response to the global IT outage and can provide an update. The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has designated the National Emergency Management Agency as the ...
    1 week ago
  • New Zealand, Japan renew Pacific partnership

    New Zealand and Japan will continue to step up their shared engagement with the Pacific, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.    “New Zealand and Japan have a strong, shared interest in a free, open and stable Pacific Islands region,” Mr Peters says.    “We are pleased to be finding more ways ...
    1 week ago
  • New infrastructure energises BOP forestry towns

    New developments in the heart of North Island forestry country will reinvigorate their communities and boost economic development, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones says. Mr Jones visited Kaingaroa and Kawerau in Bay of Plenty today to open a landmark community centre in the former and a new connecting road in ...
    1 week ago
  • 'Pacific Futures'

    President Adeang, fellow Ministers, honourable Diet Member Horii, Ambassadors, distinguished guests.    Minasama, konnichiwa, and good afternoon, everyone.    Distinguished guests, it’s a pleasure to be here with you today to talk about New Zealand’s foreign policy reset, the reasons for it, the values that underpin it, and how it ...
    1 week ago

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