Open mike 25/09/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 25th, 2013 - 81 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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81 comments on “Open mike 25/09/2013 ”

  1. Steve 1

    Meanwhile, on another planet far, far away…

    If only… sadly this sociopath is of this earth.

    • Murray Olsen 1.1

      And we put the logo of their scumbag company on the All Blacks’ jersey! While there is some dark humour in this, given the role the ABs played in propping up apartheid for so long, I really don’t think it should be there.

  2. Tiger Mountain 2

    In light of Mathew Hooten’s outburst on Nine to Noon on Monday–if they can keep the intemperate, but more likely on ‘message’ hollowman–then they can bring back Bomber Bradbury.

    Just drop a casual email now and then to Jim Mora
    “Bring back Bomber!”

    I do and JM says “I will not”. A few more will at least keep him looking over his shoulder. I look forward to Bombers return in 2014 if not before, carrying a 99 cent plastic bucket for Mora to chuck into.

    • Tracey 2.1

      ” Hooton refused to apologise.

      He doesn’t want to get into a prolonged argument with Cunliffe, but said: “I just don’t think that doing a paper on research and development in the dairy industry can be described as helping with the formation of Fonterra. ”

      and yet he thinks being the pr guy for shipley meant HE had a role in the formation of fonterra.

    • The Al1en 2.2

      My only exposure to Bradbury has been when citizen a was on stratos on uhf freeview. I can’t say I feel I’ve missed out much since it’s not been on.

      Sometimes, all you want is a personable, intelligent ‘head’ to tell you like it is. I’ve always been a red/Green, but watching him is a real turn off. Funk knows what affect he has on the bi partisan viewer. I’d wager he does more electoral harm than good.

      I think, and obviously it’s only my opinion, if Labour have finally got their act together, and it seems like they have at last, then it’s only proper the ‘commentators’ and ‘personalities’ among us, especially if touted as ‘the voice of the left’, up their game considerably or ‘quietly’ get out of the way and let a professional have a go – You know? For the better good as opposed to celebrity junkies.
      Those in the know should forward their CV’s.

      • Murray Olsen 2.2.1

        I don’t like Bomber’s style at all, and disagree violently with his emphasis on baby boomers, but to suggest he might do more harm than good is a bit harsh. I don’t think he gets that much coverage, except for people who are already broadly on the left. He’s still on my side, and does work hard to raise issues. My guess would be that he’s a positive influence overall.

      • Rogue Trooper 2.2.2

        Opportunity Knocks? The Al1en.

        • The Al1en

          Not for me, Rogue. I was ruled out at personable and intelligent, way way before professional and better good were even mentioned 😆

          I’d be the perfect ambassador, but only on opposite days, so not much better than Bradbury at this time when focus is paramount, even if I am better looking, wittier and less full of my own self worth. 🙂

          • Rogue Trooper

            ditto: chuckle. (and that is all I personally have to say about that). 😀

            Last thing the proles need before breakfast is an ugly Auld Mug .

  3. Ron 3

    <blockquote" From that bastion of news reporting comes this item
    "A spokeswoman said the prime minister appeared to have picked up a bug while overseas and had stopped at a pub on the way to the UN because of a "dodgy tummy".

    So we have it confirmed that not only is Key’s grasp of Politics dodgy it has somehow extended to his stomach. Get well soon John we need you back here so that the Labour can continue demolishing your government.

    • ianmac 3.1

      perhaps he had just been told of the Poll results?
      “Prime Minister John Key has taken ill soon after arriving in New York, having to rest in a nearby pub for a while when walking up to his first engagement at the United Nations.

      Mr Key had just spoken to media, and was walking up to the UN.

      He needed to lean against a wall for a few minutes before going into McFaddens pub. He spent about five minutes in the pub before emerging, looking very pale.”
      Ooops not posted

  4. Tracey 4

    bomber versus hooten? Would there be blood on the floor??

    On another note, if Oracle win the Amercia’s Cup will National allocate the money it would undoubtedly have found to partially fund a defence, go toward Hone’s Food in Schools Programme?

  5. amirite 5

    After the latest Digipoll, team National are literally shitting themselves

  6. lprent 6

    The fun and games this morning appear to have been caused by some failed caching of the images in the Feed. Exactly why, I have no idea.

    They have been running for several days with no problem. But were causing database (!!!) errors this morning.

  7. Sanctuary 7

    I am not sure if Key’s hanging out with the Queen is quite the photo opportunity his spin doctors think it has been. People’s views of the monarchy are quite strange. People don’t particularly care that the Queen is head of state and the waxing of waning of the celebrity status of the Royals also has an effect – there is little doubt that Wills and Kate currently make the monarchy more popular.

    But like people everywhere New Zealanders bristle at obsequious cow-towing to foreign heads of government. Talking around (anecdote alert!) the office, everyone is a bit turned off by Key’s obvious enthusiasm for tugging the forelock in the presence of the Queen. She might be the de jure head of state, but people still expect our de facto leader to bend his or her knee to no one (in public, at least).

    Key has hit totally the wrong note with a lot of voters with his trip to Sandringham.

  8. Rogue Trooper 8

    …and the number of people even Epicurus had to rely on for his goat-cheese diet! So there!

    (8% decline in lamb numbers predicted; 20% decline in the worst affected drought regions).

    and the sheep goes, “Baa, baa baa” and the goat goes “bleeet, bleeet, bleeet”.

  9. Puckish Rogue 9

    – Well thats what happens when you go to a country like Russia and start causing trouble

    • Greywarbler 9.1

      As opposed to coming to NZ and causing trouble ie blowing up a ship (bateau devaster) – you get sent to a Pacific Island and get pregnant, or was that first and then the island. Sounds awful though.

    • Tracey 9.2

      International waters and law…

  10. wyndham 10

    Comment from Peter Dunne on the High Court rejection of the farming / horticulture appeal against the Manawatu / Whanganui “One Plan” environmental controls . . . .

    “The High Court’s ruling in favour of the One-Plan is a comprehensive victory for the environment and a major step in the direction of promoting sustainable agriculture.

    “It underpins the value of the current principles of the Resource Management Act, and makes it clear why the Government must not water these down in its present attempts to reform the Act,” Mr Dunne says.

    Mr Dunne says he was disappointed that DOC was not more active in supporting the One-Plan, given its role as an environmental advocate.

    “It was fortunate local anglers and hunters through their local Fish and Game Councils had the resources to take up the case.

    “This is an unfortunate parallel with the current Ruataniwha Dam situation where DOC’s attempts to make a comprehensive submission to the board of inquiry have been thwarted.

    “Both cases highlight the importance of the current principles of the Resource Management Act and why they must not be watered down, as administrative processes are reformed,” he says. (

    Does anyone else find this a remarkable criticism of the environmental policies of NACT and the actions of Nick Smith over Ruataniwha ?

    Swing in the polls? Election coming?

    • Tracey 10.1

      I find it a pretty open effort to drum up certain support. Fish and Game did not do this alone. They played a part but so did other organisations.

      I just hope he doesnt trade this principle away as he did a few weeks ago.

      He’s appealing to the Green leaning centrists in his electorate.

      The great protector of the environment.

      He’s in cabinet, did he speak out about DOC having its funding dropped to prevent it making submissions on this and other issues.

    • jenny kirk 10.2

      To Wyndham – Dunne would have played a part in formulating the original RMA. I find it intriguing that he’s mouthing opposition to the NAct govt’s intentions to gut the RMA of its principles, and await with interest how he votes when the changes to this legislation come before Parliament.
      On the other hand, it might not matter if Dunne votes against the RMA changes because there is soothing so-called “collaboration and consultation” in it for Maori, so the Maori Party might well make up the necessary votes for NAct to get those changes through.

      • Tracey 10.2.1

        I note he deliberately didnt mention Forest and Bird in his congratulations for working hard to preserve the environment.

  11. Tracey 11

    Why can a MP object to the tabling of a document with no reason?

    • Draco T Bastard 11.1

      Apparently so that critical information doesn’t become available to the National and other RWNJ parties.

  12. Tim 12

    Well well. I’m about to stomach Jum Mora’s “The Panel”.
    Middle Moik is about to indulge us.
    I wonder whether he’ll have the balls to reference Matthew Hooten’s little hissy fit on Monday – or is the potential threat of becoming out of favour all too much for him.

    I’m not holding my breathe.

    • ..but ‘moik’ couldn’t help himself..

      ..with the ‘agreeing with’..rightwingers..

      ..hooten wasn’t there for him to agree with.. ‘moik’ reached out to key..

      ..phillip ure..

  13. bad12 13

    Winston in the House questioning Aunty Tariana over where the monies from the Whanau Ora fund have been going,

    Turia looks pretty much unwell, Sharples sitting behind Her pretty grim, it’s not good news for the Maori Party with National taking a hit in the latest poll of 6% the junior support party as the lap dog is bound to have suffered just as much, not that Te Roopu Maori have got 6% of support to play with,

    Winston on Turia, Maori against Maori will produce no win for either, Winston i would suggest ought to watch His back, that bloke Williams is giving Winston the same look Phill Goff was giving David Shearer in the week leading up to His being dumped…

    • Tracey 13.1

      Winston doesnt have a Maori constituency though does he bad?

      • bad12 13.1.1

        There’s quite a Maori constituency, it’s best seen through looking at the full election results of the Maori electorates and of course you can partly guess-timate the rest by considering that only half of Maori choose to be on the Maori roll and He is likely to have much the same amount of support among those Maori who chose to vote on the General roll…

  14. URGENT!

    Sorry folks – only just found out that the DROP DEAD date for submissions is 5pm TODAY 25 September 2013

    Dear Hon Amy Adams,

    As an Auckland Mayoral candidate, I am REALLY concerned at how this New Zealand Government, led by ex-Wall Street banker, Prime Minister John Key, is so blatantly working in the interests of overseas investors and multi-national companies – the corporate minority.

    Where is the precautionary ‘commonsense’ that arguably ordinary NZ ‘mums and dads’ would use?

    Exploratory deep-sea drilling has proven to be highly risky. The world’s worst oceanic oil disaster, in the Gulf of Mexico, occurred from an exploratory well.

    The repercussions and consequences from a deep sea oil drilling disaster have extended much further than from those who ‘took the risk’.

    Who ends up underwriting and paying for ‘the risk’ – when things go wrong?

    It is indeed rash to take an uncalculated risk.

    Look at what happened with the Rena!

    That was not a deep sea oil drilling disaster, but it proved that NZ could not / DID NOT cope with an oil spill, and that was close to shore.

    The potential risks to New Zealand’s oceans, our coastal communities and economy from this drilling are huge. As a New Zealander I am DEEPLY concerned about these risks.

    Where is the ‘prudent stewardship’ that the people should expect from those of you who govern us?

    Deep-sea drilling is a major issue of public interest and concern and we have a right to oppose this. International law protects our right to object to oil drilling.

    “The will of the people is the basis of the authority of government.”

    Why does the ‘RULE OF LAW’. both nationally and internationally appear to be treated with such contempt, by this current Government?

    How dare this National Government act to block New Zealanders from having a say in what happens in our own waters?

    I most definitely agree that exploratory deep sea oil drilling should be classed as a prohibited activity.

    Whose interests is this Government serving?

    I agree that Government should be supporting clean industries that will reduce pollution, not those that risk what is most valuable to us – our unspoiled oceans and coastlines.

    Think of the future, and the lives of future generations, not just of our species.

    Think of our environment and all who live in it and depend upon it, including those who cannot make submissions, but whose lives may changed forever from decisions that YOU may make.

    Please, use your power in a lawful and proper way, and do the right thing.

    Yours sincerely,

    [Penny ] [BRIGHT], [New Zealand]

    • The Gormless Fool formerly known as Oleolebiscuitbarrell 14.1

      Hey, Penny. I have seen your hoardings up around Auckland (I have not looked directly at them obviously, but have got a sense of them and looked away, like looking at the sun).

      Do you predict a crushing victory?

  15. greywarbler 15

    Rhinocrates and Yeshe took on the enjoyable task of devising a device suitable as a coat of arms for Jokeyhen.
    I did suggest they choose their own icon, but thought I had better draw these clever conceptions to notice now and if my icons don’t suit I’ll amend them.

    I think Rhinocrates’ was the best – 🙄
    Arms: a peacock, rampant on a field of or. Crest: a conical helm bearing the letter “D”. Supporters: a penguin and Moby Dick. Motto: Vendor.

    and yeshe was refreshingly symbolic. 😆
    It seems a castle can be used as a symbol of protection, and a Chimera can be used, meaning “Impossible or difficult to believe”.
    Thus my suggestion is an outline of the Kim Dotcom mansion/castle, with a rampant Chimera.
    Motto: “I know you know”
    Colour just has to be red.
    Crest: a pointing finger.

  16. What do you folks think about railroaded ‘consultation’ and ‘retrospective’ decision-making, by this ‘Corporate-Controlled-Organisation’ – the Auckland Council?

    Where is Committee for Auckland member – Auckland Council CEO – Doug McKay?

    Minister for the Environment “Activity Classification under the EEZ Act”

    Governing Body
    26 September 2013

    Submission on Discussion Document: Activity Classification under the Exclusive Economic Zone
    (EEZ) Act

    Page 27
    Submission on Discussion Document: Activity Classification under the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Act
    File No.: CP2013/23527


    1. To seek a retrospective approval from the Governing Body on the submission on the discussion document “Activity Classification under the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Act”.

    Executive Summary

    2. The Government is seeking feedback on its proposals for regulating exploring drilling for oil and gas in the EEZ, discharges of harmful substances from off-shore structures, and production facilities on board mineral mining ships, and the dumping of waste.

    3. The Minister for the Environment has called for submissions by 5pm on 25 September 2013.

    4. At the 18 September 2013 Auckland Plan Committee meeting, members of the Committee were presented a summary of key points of a submission on the Ministry for the Environment discussion document

    “Activity Classification under the EEZ Act”, on the regulation of exploratory drilling, discharges of harmful substances and dumping of waste in
    the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf.

    5. The Auckland Plan Committee meeting requested a workshop to draft the submission document and also to include views from the Local Boards and iwi. A workshop has been scheduled for the Auckland Plan Committee on 25 September 2013 to provide an informal direction on the submission document.

    The submission document will be sent off by the end of the day of 25 September 2013 under delegated authority of the Chief Executive.

    6. The submission document will be tabled at the Governing Body meeting on 26 September 2013 for a retrospective approval.

    That the Governing Body:

    a) retrospectively approve the submission on discussion document: Activity Classification under the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Act.


    There are no attachments for this report.

    Author Crispian Franklin – Democracy Advisor
    Authoriser Andrew McKenzie – Acting Chief Executive

    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption /anti-privatisation’ campaigner
    2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate

  17. Media Update: Auckland Mayoral candidate Penny Bright:

    “Seems that I got a very poor result in the Generation Zero ‘questionnaire’. GOOD!”…/penny-bright

    How many people actually understand that UN Agenda 21 is a massive corporate ‘GREENWASH’?

    Sustainable Development in the 21st century (SD21)

    Review of implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Principles

    Agenda 21 did not address the interconnectedness of the various goals, because it was not “allowed” to examine the economic system itself.

    Nor did it explore the fundamental drivers of sectoral and inter-country outcomes, which include:

    • the role of corporations, and multi-national corporations (MNCs) in particular;

    • the role and impacts of trade and globalisation;

    • the role of international economic governance in helping steer the whole system;

    I may be many things but a ‘SHEEP’ is not one of them.

    Like the global capitalist economic system is not controlled by multi-national companies?


    Like multi-national companies are not the main ones responsible for polluting and destroying the planet?

    Through this corporate UN Agenda 21 ‘GREENWASH’ they try to spin it that the planet is a mess – that it’s we the peoples’ fault and it’s OUR job to clean up it up?

    Wakey wakey folks! Generation Zero supporters may like to ‘SEEK TRUTH FROM FACTS’ and check this out?

    If Generation Zero support UN Agenda 21 (which is my understanding) – then I am VERY proud of my ‘score’.

    Also – how many Generation Zero supporters are aware that the root cause of corruption is privatisation?

    That in 2010 – the global procurement market was $14 TRILLION – of which $2.5 TRILLION was estimated to be lost to bribery and corruption?

    Don’t you think that $2,500 BILLION might help to feed, clothe, shelter and water a few poor people?

    (I got these figures from the 2010 Transparency International Anti-Corruption Conference, which I attended, as an independent, anti-corruption ‘whistle-blower’ from New Zealand) .

    Kind regards,

    ‘Her Warship’

    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption/anti-privatisation’ campaigner
    2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate

  18. greywarbler 18

    Instructional video for those town-dwellers who want to get on in NZ. Secrets of how to make wads full of money and end up being a jammy bastard. And how to solve the transport to work problem too. This could change your life!

    • david mitchell is one of the funniest people on the planet..

      ..i always link to his pieces in the english print media..

      ..he can make me laugh like a drain..

      ..phillip ure..

  19. James Thrace 19

    Lprent – keep getting this message on the mobile version
    our access to this site has been limited
    Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)
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    If this is a false positive, meaning that your access to your own site has been limited incorrectly, then you will need to regain access to your site, go to the Wordfence “options” page, go to the section for Firewall Rules and disable the rule that caused you to be blocked. For example, if you were blocked because it was detected that you are a fake Google crawler, then disable the rule that blocks fake google crawlers. Or if you were blocked because you were accessing your site too quickly, then increase the number of accesses allowed per minute.

    If you’re still having trouble, then simply disable the Wordfence firwall and you will still benefit from the other security features that Wordfence provides.

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    • Daveosaurus 19.1

      Getting the same message on the ordinary web version – with the first actual click on the site (other than loading the main page from a bookmark). Looks like something needs recalibrated again?

    • karol 19.2

      I’m not having any problems with accessing the web version of the site, either on firefox or Chrome.

  20. karol 20

    Video of TICs meeting in Wellington a couple of nights ago, now on youtube,

  21. logie97 21

    ENZ must be feeling now in a similar way that their nemesis (Dennis Connor) would have been back in 1983 when being almost a leg of a race ahead and with the finish line in sight, he was the victim of a massive wind shift, and he could only watch the Aussies sail by to take the America’s Cup. What goes around comes around perhaps.

  22. greywarbler 22 – Bryan
    7:10 Accounting for the government
    Affording our future – what should be the long-term government policy and expenditure priorities in New Zealand? With Professor Sue Newberry from The University of Sydney School of Business.

    Bryan Crump had an informative interview critiquing the Treasury document casting a prediction 40 years hence on government spending. It presents hypotheses without factual backup and provides notes that are hard to understand.

    It appears to be formula driven and with a bias to finding that social spending is unaffordable. It is business-modelled with an emphasis on having investments, and getting good returns on investment (how this works in with selling off good earning electricity SOEs??), and in general deals with government figures that cannot provide for social responsibilities and costs, as this is not the role of a business aiming to be profitable.

    The Attorney General finds it below expectations. The interviewee compared it to other countries similar documents and says that the NZ one has little information compared to the others.

    It does not supply back-up information to show how it has reached its conclusions which show a high debt to GDP going up to about 170% in 2060. And it points at social spending as the reason. Yet does not explain what other types of spending is being done and what the projections for that are.
    The cost of private-public partnerships was mentioned and they apparently require a hefty amount of borrowing, she says.
    See Treasury reported –
    Auditor-General Report on Affording Our Future – Treasury’s 2013 … › … › Media Statements‎
    Aug 8, 2013 – Media Statement: Auditor-General Report on Affording Our Future – Treasury’s 2013 … its efforts to encourage an evidence-based national discussion on the long-term fiscal outlook. … Email:

  23. Rogue Trooper 23

    Thank you for your work; I have some notes, yet dalliances…

  24. geoff 24

    Finally got around to listening to Hooton’s monday shout on RNZ.
    Hooton even gets his falsetto, Viggo Mortensen voice going.

    Well done, Matthew, great entertainment.

  25. North 25

    No Open Mike for today, on my screen at least.

    Tended to switch off to “Americas’ Cup – rich mens’ sport” so as to enjoy the spectacle. Hard to avoid the resonance of it given the outcome.

    Money rules what ? Yes. Everything it would seem……..not just Americas’ Cup yachting. Rather glum making.

    Nevertheless, congrats to Oracle. Hope the media don’t mount a hatchet job on Barker.

  26. greywarbler 26

    I think the stocks would be good fun. Or what about the tipping someone into a water bath. That goes well at schools, especially if there is a brave, hardy and dedicated teacher on the receiving end.

    The other is too messy and could upset our clean green image to have spots of red blood etc. Human sacrifice or colonial convict style flogging etc. is so not 21st century (in public at least).

  27. Sable 27


    I took a look at a few comments on an MSM website a few hours ago about Keys speech at the UN. Went back a little while later as much of what had been written was surprisingly informed and well written. I was curious to see if there was a trend in public opinion.

    Interestingly many of the better written and more concise comments had been EDITED OUT with the ravings of the unintelligible on both the left/right left in. Seems these sites don’t like intelligent debate that provokes independent thought.

    Anyone else had this experience?