Open mike 25/10/2013

Written By: - Date published: 7:26 am, October 25th, 2013 - 165 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step right up to the mike…openmike

165 comments on “Open mike 25/10/2013 ”

  1. Paul 1

    Job Key must be getting sick of this bad news.
    Meridian float a flop.
    Affordable housing plan a failure.
    Police fiasco .

    Must be asking his controllers soon when he can pull the plug on his mission to sell NZ to them and retire to Hawaii.

    • Steve 2.1

      The partial sale of the power companies made absolutely no sense financially or strategically.

      The Government knew this so avoided the argument and used the “mum and dad investor” and “building our capital markets” pitch to try and sell the idea. This has also failed as the Herald article points out.

      To add to the pain, the cost of the sale process has been far greater than anticipated, the sum raised far less and there is now the spectacle of all those unwanted prospectuses.

      It is very hard to imagine how National could have effed this up any more. A failure of epic proportions. Any wingnuts out there who would care to offer some insight as to how this went well?

      • Tat Loo 2.1.1

        Unfortunately because National had made certain promises to it’s own key stake holders, and had taken a public stance on the asset sale programme which could not be backed out from easily, they proceeded, hoping for the best.

        English and co. knew there would be trouble with this float, hence the sweet heart deal of deferred payment for shares, but decided to push on anyways.

        “Damn the torpedoes”… very apt. The Nat ship is sinking.

      • bad12 2.1.2

        What i see National having ffed up with the asset sales isn’t actually the sales themselves, remove for a moment your mind from the froth of Ma and Pa investors, having a broader base of New Zealander’s involved in the share-market, assets sold so as to build schools and hospitals, etc etc and on the litany went,

        For that is what all of the ‘reasoning’ surrounding the part sale of assets was and continues to be, a litany, a litany of lies,(when has this present Government told the electorate the truth about anything),

        The asset sales as the Herald article points out was purely ideological, the stated reasons by this Government for the sales mere froth, the weasel words of the used car sales-man in other words,

        The real reason for the asset sales were quite simply to get those shares onto the open market, the manner of the sales pure political spin in an attempt to lull the electorate, once on the market such shares will be avialable to the banking cartels who over time will become the major beneficiaries of these sales,

        Politically with regards the sale of these assets this Government has Failed, in terms of ideology tho this National Government achieved exactly what it intended to with regards the asset sales…

        • thatguynz

          Right on the money bad12 – I concur 100%. These asset sales haven’t been a failure, in fact they’ve been highly successful. It is only when you view them through the lens of what is good for the people of NZ that the sales could be considered to be a failure. We all know that Key et al don’t use that lens 🙂

          • bad12

            Yes the whole ‘we are selling to Ma and Pa investors’ ruse is starting to now unwind, National had to try and get the large demographic of the middle class heavily complicit in this act of theft, allowing them if you will the ability of clipping the ticket as the shares transit over the decade from NZ Ma and Pa ownership to their intended owners Ma and Pa in the guise of Goldman Saches and various other little firms of New York Banksters,

            The brick wall seems to have been hit as far as National’s involvement of the middle class in this particular act of theft for reasons of lack of capital,(despite tax cuts),or the middle class balking at being involved in something that gives off an absolute reek of dirty deals done dirt cheap,

            i would pick a bit of both along with a savvy middle class seeing the political writing on the wall as far as a National government’s re-election chances go with the added realization of what KiwiPower will do to the market value of these shareholdings as the reasons for their mass non-involvement in these acts of theft…

        • Draco T Bastard

          The real reason for the asset sales were quite simply to get those shares onto the open market, the manner of the sales pure political spin in an attempt to lull the electorate, once on the market such shares will be avialable to the banking cartels who over time will become the major beneficiaries of these sales,

          And thus turning us into serfs.

    • BLiP 2.2

      Harsh words? Oh, I dunno. While the New Zealand Fox News Herald puts National Ltd™’s beligerence down to ideology, its apparent that the writer shares that same ideology.

      . . . The major pity is that only 16,000 of those who put money into Meridian are first-time investors. Most of those who dipped into their pockets found the dividend yield attractive enough to buy large parcels of shares. That outcome may not worry the Government unduly. It is, nevertheless, unfortunate. More people have to be attracted to the sharemarket, and not just to revive its fortunes. The Government’s programme represents an outstanding opportunity to cultivate that interest. In so doing, it would help to remedy the current unhealthy investment emphasis on the housing market. Unfortunately, the Meridian offer helps that process only to a very limited extent.

      It also does little to inspire confidence in the part-float of the final power company, Genesis Energy. The Government, however, has no choice but to push ahead. It would make no sense to pause now, leaving Genesis with a different ownership structure. But an acceptable level of investor backing will depend on innovative salesmanship . . .

      The problem, according to Kevin Hart, is not that the ideology is flawed, only that the process did not involve a sufficient level of bullshit to make it more attractive to the punters.

      • Tat Loo 2.2.1

        Kevin did OK. There’s no harm in pointing out that the sale of Meridian was a failure using any number of criteria.

        • BLiP

          Sure, but to suggest the failure was down to a lack of “salesmanship”, like its some sort of minor glitch, seems to under estimate the situation and his fellow New Zealanders. What’s most disappointing, though, is that he believes there is an “acceptable” level of private ownership and New Zealanders can be duped. That’s the very ideology which drove the sale in the first place.

      • Draco T Bastard 2.2.2

        Exactly BLiP.

  2. Sanctuary 3

    Russell Brand is one strange guy.

    But I do believe him to be sincere.

    • Te Reo Putake 3.1

      Brilliant! And, yes, the Daily Mail did campaign to have Jeremy Paxman shave. Funny old world etc.

    • Steve 3.2

      Can’t usually stand RB but this I like!

      Don’t agree with all that he says but love the “truth to power” theme as he cuts through all the noble BS that the “consensus” feeds us.

      Paxman, as part of the status quo, quite simply looks caught in the headlights!

      • karol 3.2.1

        Paxman – not so much caught in the headlights, as not computing anything that doesn’t fit in with his complacent world view.

        • phillip ure

          and the view of every mainstream–media entity here..

          ..phillip ure..

        • gorj

          Karol and steve are you sure? To me it looks like Paxman likes Brand and served him up some classic objections for Brand to ‘slam dunk’.. He doesnt interrupt Brand and lets him put on a show.. What did Nietzche say “The best way to harm a cause is to defend it with faulty arguments” or something like that..

          • miravox

            Yeah, I think I agree with that gorj. Paxman was making good TV while Brand, awesome though he was, had lots of valid opinion by faulty (or no) argument that made any sense around changing the status quo. He’s looking for the poor to resist so much that tptb stay in power long enough to ferment revolution, but he didn’t seem to want to go with where that thought process was taking him.

            I do agree with him that British politics is a very cosy club – at least in NZ there is The Greens and Mana to attempt to keep the mainstream parties honest, and Labour has taken a lurch to the left. I don’t think the Brits have a similar choice.

            Go with the vote the buggers out party, or start a revolutionary party. If everyone stopped voting tptb would be very happy – implied consent, no resistance in parliament. Sometimes people have to work within the system, especially the very big systems, to change the system. However distasteful that may seem.

          • emergency mike

            It seemed to me that he didn’t interrupt because Brand was both articulate and making fair points. A combination the politicians Paxman interviews don’t often manage. What unclassic objections should he have raised?

    • Tat Loo 3.3

      “Wherever there is profit, there is deficit.”

      “I don’t have to wait for you to give me the right, i’m taking the right.”

      Not a silly man, he’s learnt some of the fundamentals really well.

      • Sanctuary 3.3.1

        Brand completely sank Paxman’s battleship when he referred to Paxman’s reaction to the discovery of his grandmothers unfair treatment on the show “Who Do You Think You Are?”

        And his subtle putdown of Boris Johnson was brilliant.

      • travellerev 3.3.2

        OOOOHHHH, If I wasn’t happily married and was about a quarter of a century younger I would be so on to this guy 😆 now I am just totally enchanted with his brain, intelligence and humor!

      • Anne 3.3.3

        Not a silly man,…

        A very intelligent man. “They” will be watching him.

        • Populuxe1

          It’s a pity he’s such a misogynist dirtbag

        • Tat Loo

          To be realistic, if you’re posting on TS, they’ll be watching u.

          • King Kong

            Paranoid much?

          • King Kong

            Paranoid much?

          • TheContrarian

            Who’s ‘they’ and what do you mean “watching u’?

          • Tat Loo

            have none of you guys been following the revelations on Tempora, Prism, etc? Seriously?

            FFS stop pretending like it’s the internet ignorant bliss of 2012.

            • McFlock


              I’m not cool with it, but “watching” implies someone’s actually taking notice. Nobody here is probably important enough.

              The flipside to Prism is information overload – most of it would be for monday-morning refereeing, rather than active monitoring.

              sis/gcsb might be vaguely interested, but probably only because of network analysis showing a connection between one or two posters and prior-flagged individuals.

              My guess is that it’s all down to budgeting analyst time vs threat-scale. And what would they really gather (thanks to much of LP’s prior planning) that they wouldn’t get as a policy geek browsing here on their lunch break?

              • Tat Loo

                GCSB/GCHQ/NSA stuff all storm in a teacup then. Sorry my mistake.

                • McFlock

                  sorry, where did I say that?

                  Forgive me for not having the conceit to think that everything written here is delivered in a daily briefing to the NSC.

            • TheContrarian

              So “they” are the US government? And how do you mean watching, specifically?

              • Tat Loo

                Read up the Snowden/NSA files/Glen Greenwald op eds on the Guardian website mate.

                • TheContrarian

                  I know all about Snowden et al. What I am trying to establish is whether you think NSA etc are watching via a back-door into The Standard or merely reading The Standard.

                  Secondly why you think that.

    • The Al1en 3.4

      He’s a smart bloke is our Russell. Great interview, thanks for the link.

    • vto 3.5

      Yes very good.

      Of course he should be standing for the Vote Them Out Party so he can do something positive with the vote he refuses to use by using it to delete seats in Parliament.

    • joe90 3.6


      Strange or not he’s particularly eloquent in his appearance before the Home Affairs Committee on drug policy.

    • Rogue Trooper 3.7

      without a shadow of a doubt, A Complex Kid

    • Draco T Bastard 3.8

      He certainly very passionate and, yes, I think sincere as well.

    • Thanks Sanctuary that was great.

  3. i found this on my rounds this morn..

    ..and it really is a most excellent interview..

    ..that most should enjoy..

    ..(and stephen fry has these really cool

    ..phillip ure..

    • moderation:..thou art a harsh mistress..

      ..phillip ure..

      [lprent: Much better mistress than the alternative. This morning we had a catch of 196 in the auto-spam queue that I have to scan for any nuggets from humans. Looks like someone has a new set of slave bots as that is abnormally high. ]

      • Lanthanide 4.1.1

        Lynn: I’ve thought for a while that you should build up whitelists of commenters with good track records, who are automatically released from moderation but the comment is still recorded in the log so you could catch it later.

    • Chooky 4.2

      thanx philip ure….Malcolm Gladwell on psychological divergence and tolerance and exceptionality… English culture shot for the morning….very interesting

  4. Chooky 5

    thanx Sanctuary!….wow Russell Brand gets my vote!

  5. felix 6

    So yesterday our parliament, under urgency and with secrecy, passed legislation to retrospectively protect the NZ Police from the consequences of disregarding the laws under which they are expected to operate.


    Does anyone think they’re ever going to behave lawfully if we bend over backwards to avoid them ever experiencing the consequences of their unlawfulness?

    • vto 6.1

      As long as the courtesy is extended to everyone I don’t see a problem felix ………..

    • What you should understand in that the NZ civil justice system is fundamentally corrupt. Absurdities like the one that you have just described are simply a consequence of the perversion of law that parliament operates by. One way of looking at it is as a consequence of the dereliction of duty of the monarchs of the house of Windsor regarding the English coronation oath.

    • McFlock 6.3

      The alternative is to negate damned near every single case those officers were involved in.

      However, I would be very interested to see what disciplinary action was taken against the district commanders who exceeded their authority by administering oaths. If they don’t understand their procedural power in normal duties, how can they be relied on in an emergency?

      • felix 6.3.1

        “The alternative is to negate damned near every single case those officers were involved in.”

        Yes that’s right. Stupid arrogant irresponsible lawbreaking can have serious consequences.

        Or, we just validate their behaviour (again) and let them continue to make up their own rules, safe in the knowledge that no-one will ever challenge them on it.

        • McFlock

          We’re not talking about lying on warrants or extrajudicial killings, here.

          The consequences should be felt by those responsible for the error. What convictions are you prepared to overturn because the evidence was gathered by a cop who turned out to have been sworn in by the wrong person (and so didn’t actually have the power to take part in a search warrant or issue notices)? Speeding tickets? Drink driving arrest? Murder convictions?

          I reckon it’s a minor error that is more symptomatic of a problem than it is particularly bad in itself.

          • felix

            “What convictions are you prepared to overturn…”

            None, that’s a matter for the courts. However I would anticipate that any half-way decent lawyer should be able to convince the courts to overturn just about any conviction that was obtained illegally.

            And so they should.

            • Tat Loo

              Hence the need for secret justice and secret law…yeah its an oxymoron.

              • McFlock

                It’s not “secret justice”, and the law was under wraps for very similar reasons to the Budget being under wraps.

            • McFlock

              Nah, that’s too black/white.

              Firstly, we’re not talking about an intentional abuse of authority by the officers concerned with the cases, but a procedural fuckup that doesn’t directly affect rights or chain of custody. So the suspects aren’t compromised.

              Secondly, 63 officers by several years = a possible shitload of cases being tested. This puts more pressure on the courts, but the idiots who made the gaff aren’t affected.

              Thirdly, overturning a murder case simply because one of the officers on the search warrant was caught up in this cockup is farcical, but a number of the more dickish folk around would use it to the fullest extent of the law without preventing themselves being convicted. It would draw out the process even longer for the surviving victims, however.

              So parliament is supposed to step in to overturn this sort of fuckup as a sort of prophylactic deus ex machina.

              Like I said, though, the commanders issuing the oaths without authority really need to be censured at the very least. If it’s only one or two, fire them as a warning to everyone. Why wasn’t it done the first time this fuckup happened?

              • felix

                “Like I said, though, the commanders issuing the oaths without authority really need to be censured at the very least. If it’s only one or two, fire them as a warning to everyone. Why wasn’t it done the first time this fuckup happened?”

                Because the Police assume themselves to be above the law. That’s the whole point, McF.

                • McFlock

                  yeah, sorry, I forgot for a moment that police officers aren’t individuals, they’re the Borg. /sarc

                  • felix

                    This has very little to do with individuals.

                    I think what you forget is that this isn’t an isolated instance. The failure is symptomatic of far broader institutional systemic and cultural problems in the Police.

                    Mock that observation all you like. It may help pass the time while you wait for the Police to fire or discipline the “individuals” you think are responsible.

                    • McFlock

                      If you want the organisational culture to change, you make individuals within that organisation accountable for their actions.

                      Let me put it this way – the fact that parliament has had to resolve the same issue twice indicates that the ministers and managers failed in their roles. The first time, maybe they’d been unclear on what was expected. The second time means someone’s playing silly buggers.

                      It’s like any other situation where an organisational culture has atrophied and needs correcting. You detect wrongdoing, issue clear corrective instructions, and if those instructions are not heeded you take disciplinary action against the individuals who break the rules.

                      So I want to know what action, for example, the minister has taken, and whether the responsible commanders are facing disciplinary action.

                    • felix

                      Yeah I agree with all of that.

                      But it’s not going to happen because there are no consequences for ignoring it.

                    • McFlock

                      Shit flows downhill.

                      I’d be disappointed if labour and the greens didn’t make some hay from the fact they they’ve had to help national clean up national’s failure to adequately ensure the police act lawfully. Twice.

                  • Te Reo Putake

                    Jacinda Adern and David Clendon have been leading the charge for Labour on this. Heard her on the radio earlier and they’re both quoted here:


                    btw: I’ve always thought the way Greg O’Connor refers to the organisation as ‘Police’, rather than ‘the Police’, is a little Borg-like.

      • Murray Olsen 6.3.2

        “The alternative is to negate damned near every single case those officers were involved in.”

        TINA. They acted without legal authority and the government retrospectively gave it to them. They acted as private citizens. I can think of one or two people I’d love to do something horrible to, and poaka behaviour gives me a few ideas. I could shoot them, taser them, baton them, pepper spray them, and lock them up in a cell. When I got caught, the politicians could just make me a retrospective constable and it’d all be sweet.

        One day they will have to face the consequences of illegal activities. I hope that day is soon.

    • King Kong 6.4

      Pretty hard for you to bend over backwards for the police when you have already well and truly bent over for the criminals

  6. Obamacare or the affordable care act seems to turn into a total disaster it seems.

    Of course this does not surprise those of us who where of the opinion that legislation written by the for profit big insurance companies can not in any form or shape be good for the little man living pay check to paycheck if he is lucky enough to have two or three jobs in the US.

    • Zorr 7.1

      Travellerev – there is no data there to back up their claims whatsoever and even the most rudimentary digging in to these “issues” shows that it’s all smoke and mirrors bullshit from the negative-ACA people

      I really can’t be arsed digging up links to support my position because neither did your link have any proof.

  7. The racist paul henry is soon to return to primetime screens on TV3.
    Judging by their reported programme line-up, it’ll be one show on a long list of things to deliberately avoid.

    Maybe Campbell live could do a show on how a bunch of controlling bankster shareholders can decide who owns the countries biggest media outlet.

    • McFlock 8.1

      I might even try to avoid tv3 altogether

    • ak 8.2

      Any clued-up standardista know who made this decision? Time to repeatedly name and shame the scum who are responsible for smearing this repulsive squirt of putrid tory faeces in the living rooms of innocent kiwis.

      • Tim 8.2.1

        Well he’s under contract to Mediaworks, so I imagine they’ll be trying to figure ways of ‘utilising’ him as much as possible.

        One of the reasons I’m not yet prepared to offer Labour anything more of an electoral vote (they were going to get NOTHING pre-Cunliffe) is that they’ve not yet committed to any policy on issues such as Public Service Broadcasting, the plight of beneficiaries, and a few other things – you know – some of the really important issues that concern their traditional support base.
        That legitimisation they supported yesterday of Police incompitence rushed through Parliament (which if you watched, saw the Nats throwing shit at them) almost made me withdraw that commitment to an electoral vote. They should have made it clear to some of the shit throwers from the Natzy side, that if they kept it up – support would be withdrawn.

        As I’ve mentioned before – there are a couple of really simple things they (Labour/Greens/others) could do once in power to break the Sky monopoly, commit to PSB TV, and in doing so – go a long way to improving the situation of the Film/TV industry that’s widely canvassed in another thread. (There are a few people in TVNZ, gubbmint depts and quangos that really need to lose their shirts over both their incompetence and not behaving as public servants acting in the PUBLIC interest)

        • Murray Olsen

          Yep. There’s still far too much of the old business as usual in Labour. There are too many groups that are untouchable, such as ngati poaka, who get laws made to suit them at the speed of a MacDonald’s drive in window.

        • ak

          Ta Tim.Quite agree old chap,

  8. risildowgtn 9

    And so the pillaging begins…..

    Raglan Fishing Charters’ Brian Hooker is worried about the environmental impact on marine life and is threatening to lead a fleet of boats to picket the Anadarko vessel the Noble Bob Douglas when it arrives at the end of next month.

    Go hard

    • tc 9.1

      That’s what you don’t see being all out at sea, however on land the planes drone on most days doing their grid pattern aerial surveying with Rigs drilling hundreds holes below the water table (sinosteel) but as its…
      a) private land
      b) not a crown mineral
      c) farmer gets money

      Gov’t agencies don’t care and WDC only care to see they have got a bore permit and aren’t making roads, which of course you don’t with a tractor on hand in case a rig gets stuck.

      The pillaging has been well under way for some years now.

    • Sanctuary 9.2

      Mr. Hooker is about to discover that the law changes this government has done to try and outlaw protest at sea doesn’t just apply to Greenpeace – law abiding middle class citizens will also suffer.

  9. BLiP 10

    I see both National Ltd™ and Labour have been feasting upon the public purse while simultaneously ensuring the details remain hidden. Kinda explains Not-So-Clever Trevor’s emotional outburst in the House the other day. Apart from the mendacity in keeping such information from scrutiny, I don’t really have a problem with the travel perks. If I was in charge of things I’d pass a law requiring the airlines to provide the internal travel for free to MPs and partners as part of their civil duty.

  10. Philgwellington Wellington 11

    Go Russell Brand! If you like what he says check out Jesse Ventura. There must be Hope.

  11. TE 12

    While watching paula bennett give her speak easy on parliment tv last night I noticed the finger action of that john key clone simon something or rather,
    was he texting to WO?
    is there a law against texting, while pretending to be at work as an mp ?

    • Tim 12.1

      “is there a law against texting, while pretending to be at work as an mp ?”
      Unfortunately not – just one introduced to cover driving – introduced to make sure they looked as though they were concerned, and ekshully doing something. Of course there were already enough laws in place to cover those idiots that text while driving (most of whom can’t even text whilst walking down a city street) – it’s just the the Polis seemed to have a problem using them.
      And from what I’ve noticed, there are just as many people still trying to drive and text (all the while unable to keep to the lanes they’re in, following way to close, indiscriminately changing lanes and driving like they’re in a dodgem car, etc.)
      I’m picking they’re really really really remorseful when they’ve killed some one, or in vegetative state wrapped halfway around a lamp post. And I’m expected to feel some sort of sympathy for them after such an event. The urgency to reply to a text telling them was a spunk SBW is si rilly rilly important (aye!).
      Pardon me while I back out of my driveway and over my son – I’ve got a rilly rilly important call to take! (aye)

      • karol 12.1.1

        was he texting to WO?

        Actually quite a few MPs on both sides of the House tweet comments during Question Time & Parliamentary Debates.

        I often check twitter while watching Parliament on TV. I don’t follow all opposition MPs, but often the best tweets get retweeted by people I do follow.

        So tapping on a mobile phone while in the House, might actually be work.

    • Murray Olsen 12.2

      I remember seeing Rodney Hide driving and talking on a cellphone a few times. Even though he probably supports 1lawforall, he must think it shouldn’t apply to him.

  12. AsleepWhileWalking 13
    New work assessments for the disabled and people with health conditions will impose ”unnecessary angst” and wrongly put the onus on clients rather than employers, CCS Disability Action Otago patron Donna-Rose McKay says.

    Details of the tests, which start early next year, have been released to the Government’s electronic tenders website in a Ministry of Social Development request for proposal.

    Mrs McKay believed New Zealand was adopting the same ”flawed model” as Britain, where work-testing the disabled was highly controversial.

    ”The process focuses on the person as having to overcome the barriers, but in reality for many people with impairment or many people who have an illness, the barriers are not with themselves; the barriers are with employment and other people’s attitudes.”

    • aerobubble 13.1

      Its a mentality in the lazy elite, that claimed wealth creation was due to their genius when in fact it was increasing amounts of cheap high density energy, so of course they believe the state can solve the problem, since it can’t be the market which is filled with lazy self-absorbed thinkers like them.

  13. Sanctuary 14

    Russell Brand’s editorial in the Newstatesman is an incredible piece of controlled fury, not to mention a fine fine piece of prose.

    • Paul 14.1

      Should be forwarded to many many sell out politicians of the left

    • karol 14.2

      It’s very good, but it goes on a bit. He nails it in many places, but too often it’s about Russell.

      • Murray Olsen 14.2.1

        That’s very much the impression he gives me. It seems to be a performance about himself, although that could just be my dislike of fast talkers.

  14. Penny Bright 15

    FYI (I have sent this FAR and WIDE…….)

    24 October 2013

    ‘Open Letter’/OIA to NZ Prime Minister John Key:

    “Why have you not ensured that ‘due diligence’ was carried out over the increased risk of money-laundering with the International Convention Centre (Sky City) Bill”?

    Dear Prime Minister,

    As an ‘anti-corruption’ campaigner, (and 2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate), I am deeply concerned at the apparent lack of ‘due diligence’, by yourself, as Prime Minister of New Zealand (‘perceived’ to be ‘the least corrupt country in the world’ ) regarding the increased risk of money-laundering arising from the International Convention Centre (Sky City deal) Bill?

    Please provide all information which confirms why you failed to do ‘due diligence’ and consult the ‘lead agency’ (OFCANZ) who has responsibility for “making it harder to launder money”,regarding the increased risk of money-laundering arising from the International Convention Centre (Sky City deal) Bill.

    (Please be reminded of the role of OFCANZ, as stated on their website:

    OFCANZ will combat organised crime through:

    Leading, coordinating or contributing to policy or legislative changes to make it harder for organised criminals to operate. There will be opportunities to do so by, for example, making it harder to launder money, or obtain false identities, or by increasing information sharing. )



    Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:28:05 +1200
    Subject: ‘Open Letter/ OIA ‘ request to OFCANZ
    re: the increased risk of money-laundering associated with the NZ International Convention Centre Bill 2013

    11 July 2013

    Sheryl McCormick

    Financial Crime Group | Organised & Financial Crime Agency New Zealand
    Police National Headquarters

    ‘Open Letter/ OIA ‘ request to OFCANZ re: the increased risk of money-laundering associated with the NZ International Convention Centre Bill 2013.

    Dear Sheryl,

    Can you please forward this ‘Open Letter / OIA request’ to whoever from OFCANZ is responsible for handling such requests.

    ( re: Potential risk of money laundering )

    New Zealand International Convention Centre Bill 2013
    Regulatory Impact Statement
    New Zealand International Convention Centre
    Potential risk of money laundering

    95: Cash intensive industries such as casinos are attractive to money laundering activity. New Zealand’s National Risk Assessment 2010 assessed casinos as presenting moderate to high risk of money laundering.

    For this reason, casinos (including all SkyCity casinos) are subject to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financingof Terrorism Act 2009 (the AML/CFT Act), which comes into force on 30 June 2013.

    96: Nothing in the Agreement affects SkyCity’s obligations under the AML/CFT Act. Those obligations include:

    a. – developing a risk assessment of the money laundering and terrorism financing risks facing

    b .- appointing an AML/CFT compliance officer

    c. – designing and implementing an AML/CFT programme, which must include:
    i. vetting senior managers and staff engaged in AML/CFT related duties

    ii. training senior managers and relevant staff on AML/CFT related matters

    iii. complying with customer due diligence (CDD) requirements, including determining
    when enhanced CDD is required, when simplified CDD might be permitted, and when
    CDD can be carried out by a person other than the reporting entity

    iv. reporting suspicious transactions

    v. monitoring and record keeping, especially in relation to specified high-risk transactions
    and business relationships

    vi. policies and procedures for how SkyCity will manage and mitigate its risks of money
    laundering and financing of terrorism

    vii. monitoring and managing compliance with the AML/CFT programme.

    97: However, there are aspects of the regulatory concessions that potentially raise the risk of money laundering through SkyCity.

    98: For example, the anonymity that can be associated with TITO technology has the potential to facilitate money laundering, by increasing the potential for currency refining and ticket structuring.

    In effect, this means that low denomination notes could be fed into one or more gaming machines or kiosks and then be redeemed by ticket into high denomination notes or casino cheques.

    Increasing the use of TITO technology (and raising the denominations that can be fed into a machine) may therefore increase the potential for money laundering.

    99: Increased use of “white cards” may also lead to increased risk of money laundering.

    White cards are an account-based system with a unique identifier that permits transaction sequences to be tracked. However, the form of identification information associated with each card will depend on the “business relationship” between the casino and the white card holder(s).

    100: The limits on anonymous cashing-out of TITO and white cards described in paragraphs 69-71 of this paper are aimed at mitigating this potentially higher risk of money laundering.

    I note the role of OFCANZ, as stated on your website:

    OFCANZ will combat organised crime through:

    Leading, coordinating or contributing to policy or legislative changes to make it harder for organised criminals to operate. There will be opportunities to do so by, for example, making it harder to launder money, or obtain false identities, or by increasing information sharing.

    Under the OIA – can OFCANZ please provide the following information:

    (1) Copies of all/any Information OFCANZ has provided for the NZ International Convention Centre Bill / or any related Regulatory Impact Report or Statement/ Cabinet re: the increased risk ofmoney-laundering

    (2) Information which confirms that the views of OFCANZ on the increased risk of money-laundering were sought by any of the following parties:

    a) Department of Internal Affairs
    b) Ministry of Economic Development
    c) Sky City
    d) The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
    e) The Office of the Prime Minister
    f) Cabinet
    g) Any Cabinet Minister (in particular Steven Joyce)

    (3) I am also interested in any information held by OFCANZ on how TITO (Tickets In Tickets Out) can be used for money-laundering at casinos.

    I would prefer this information to be provided electronically

    (4) All/any information held by OFCANZ which raises concerns about the potential increase in ‘organised crime’ as a result of potentially increased money-laundering opportunities through the proposed NZ International Convention Centre Bill.

    Kind regards,

    Penny Bright

    ‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation’ campaigner
    Attendee: Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference 2009
    Attendee: Transparency International

    Anti-Corruption Conference 2010

    2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate





    Candidate Affiliation No Votes Received Rank

    BRIGHT, Penny Independent 102 11723 (4th)


  15. johnm 16

    I do hope that Pullya Benefit and Shonkey aka GoldinSacks are not going to replicate the obscenity of the persecution of Beneficiaries in Arbeit Mach Frei land under the Tory scum?

    “Bedridden farmer suffering from diabetes had benefits cut and told he was fit to work… then was refused reassessment when diagnosed with terminal cancer

    David Coupe lost his £50 a week payment after he was ruled fit to work
    Farmer, 57, was ill with injured back, diabetes, ulcers and heart condition
    He was then diagnosed with cancer and given just weeks to live
    Mr Coupe tried to appeal the decision but died before it could be overturned
    Wife Lyn, 57, vows to fight in husband’s name so other families don’t suffer
    Prime Minister David Cameron said he would personally look into ‘sad’ case.”

  16. Tat Loo 17

    I see Hutchison and Calder are exiting stage right.

    • bad12 17.1

      That’s four jumping after reading the numbers, any bets on at least 10 of them finding they have better things to do after November 2014…

      • Tat Loo 17.1.1

        Yes, I suspect a few more MPs will announce between now and the Summer holiday period.

        • weka

          Who are Hutchison and Calder?

          • bad12

            Obscurities from the deep gloom of National’s back bench who have only been able to today raise their personal profiles to that of being non-entities by announcing their retirements…

          • Tim

            Failed stand-up comedians? Shoes in for the next Narzy intake. All they have to do is get on their backs and let the Collins/Slug/Wewege Neshnool Party X Fekta judges to give them the thumbsup

            • Tim

              Actually Cam Calder reminds me of a Maurice Williamson of the 1990’s. – except he’s got more sense (by getting out now whilst the going’s good and he can clutch to a smidgeon of credibility). Cam – if you’ve got shares in Chorus – sell sell sell1

  17. bad12 18

    The Crown will take over the prosecution of John Banks from Wellington pensioner Graham McCready,

    It’s about time the Crown got off of it’s proverbial and did it’s JOB in this case and considering the personal sacrifices Mr McCready has had to make to progress the case thus far the Crown should also consider reimbursing Him for His costs so far incurred…

    • veutoviper 18.1

      Hi, Bad12 – as I have opinioned elsewhere here on TS in the last day or so, I am of two minds on this. I just hope that the Crown will do their job and not a whitewash. I was pleased yesterday to see that Michael Lloyd, an Auckland barrister and former Crown prosecutor, has offered to provide his services pro bono if the S-G did not decide to take over the prosecution, but know nothing of his reputation – or connections. But in some respects, I would prefer to see an ‘independent’ taking the prosecution case on behalf of McCready.

      I have been watching to see whether Banks and his legal team had actually filed a request this week for the High Court to undertake a judicial review of the DC decision to commit the case to trial but have been unable to find any reference to them having filed this request.

      Re McCready, I really wish I was in a position to help out financially, but unfortunately I am not….

      • greywarbler 18.1.1

        Re McCready – this is the Soc for … take on the history of the last few years.

        He has been a naughty boy and taken taxes and the law into his own hands. He probably understands a lot of things about financiers better than many of us.

        • veutoviper

          Greywarbler, I am well aware of McCready’s background as are others here. However, I also admire the fact that he has taken on this private prosecution despite his own record and lack of current resources. Re your past para, as the saying goes “it takes one to know one”.

          • greywarbler

            I didn’t set out to take him down so no need to get all tetchy. I noted what he had done with interest.
            And you say ‘ the others here’ are well aware of the info. That doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be put up. All the others here cannot all be as completely informed on everything as you apparently are. So don’t read things into my comments that actually are in your own head.

            I didn’t address the comment to you particularly or I would have put your pseudonym. That’s what I do so that comments can be connected and understood as a conversation which is often difficult when there is no initial reference.

        • bad12

          Greywarbler, only a fool or the ‘wing-nuts’ decide upon the merits of any particular case put befor a Court or Tribunal by the ‘past’ of those who bring such actions,

          Such cases should be judged by Courts and Tribunals upon the evidence they contain not by the character of those putting any particular case unless that person is an integral part of the evidence at the heart of such a case…

          • greywarbler

            Well naturally I am bound to fail to meet your standards as you call me a wanker. Making negative snap judgements about others is your forte.

      • bad12 18.1.2

        Ventoviper, yes what you have opinioned and are in two minds over has also had Graham McCready in those same two minds,

        On the one hand He was and i suppose still is a little worried that the Crown Law Office might choose not to prosecute Banks with the full force of it’s resources,(my belief is that Crown Law will actually go the extra mile in this trial to PROVE to New Zealand people their total separation and independence from the executives power) and without imparting anything that i shouldn’t i know that there were some concerns about the ‘unknown’ status of the ex Crown prosecutor who kindly offered His services,

        The judicial review was also going to be problematic for Mr McCready should He have been forced to defend the District Courts decision that Bank’s should stand trial, for reasons i will not at this point go into,

        It is my view, strongly put in recent days in certain quarters, that it is the Crowns duty to at least defend the decision made so far in that Banks should stand trial by the District Court, or, provide Mr McCready the funding to have legal counsel assigned with High Court experience so as to assist Mr McCready at the High Court,

        i have had a conversation with Graham about how He feels His abilities would handle the complexities of the High Court and while He wasn’t overly confident His attitude was if He had to He had to,(but would rather have a Legal Eagle do it),

        VV, re the finances, ummm right now, with the insertion of the Crown Law Office into the prosecution and the actions of a couple of kind people that for now is ‘sorted’,(and i have wondered if the Crown move today was as a result of the ‘kind’ people having intervened without reaching a conclusion), although i believe that should Banks be convicted the ‘cost’ of the work already put in by Graham McCready should be paid by Banks…

        • veutoviper

          Thanks for your reply. bad12. We seem to be on the same wavelength re reservations on the Crown Law taking over and Lloyd’s offer. I could find very little as to Lloyd and his background on Google. We can but wait to see ….

          And I see that Banks has filed for judicial review by the High Court and a hearing is scheduled for next Thurs, 31 Oct. This will be interesting as I gather in some ways this is a ‘first’ legally.

          What really riled me this week was Banks’ attitude that came across as him expecting different treatment by the courts to other people in terms of timing and number of hearings and process. In particular, one media report which I cannot now find (funny that!) reported him as saying something to the effect that a trial next year “was not an option for me”. Sorry, John, you don’t get to decide the options in this situation! (sarc)

    • Murray Olsen 18.2

      I hope the Crown actually puts some effort into the prosecution, but I am deeply worried by this development. They are far more likely to settle for a discharge without conviction than a private prosecution would be. Since an actual lawyer has expressed interest, I’d prefer to donate to his fees.

      Of course, any reimbursement of McCready is a different question. I’m happy for them to do that, and then claim costs off Banks.

  18. I dunno about this one – a space cannon ffs!!!

    Built by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the space cannon’s job is to fire off a 1.8kg metal projectile into the catchily named 1999JU3 asteroid, giving the previously attached space probe access to all that sweet, sweet asteroid soil.

    Hayabusa 2 is scheduled to arrive at its target mid-2018, and we won’t have the soil samples back on Earth until sometime in 2019.

    I like the science but, well, I watched moonraker the other night…

    • weka 19.1

      You watched moonraker?! Why?

      “Hayabusa 2 is scheduled to arrive at its target mid-2018, and we won’t have the soil samples back on Earth until sometime in 2019.”

      There’s an opportunity there for someone to do a projection comparison re Peak Oil and AGW 😉

  19. lprent 20

    Site upgraded to wordpress 3.7. That has to be the fastest upgrade ever. Worked well on all betas and the quick test today.

  20. greywarbler 21

    Just been to the supermarket. The Budget soap is made in CHINA. Boy they sure cleaned up. Boom boom.

    I have a memorial pack of McLeods soap once made in Dunedin, by McLeods I suppose. Then I think mine was made in Petone. Any offers for this artifact of ancient NZ when simple people made things for themselves? Then of course the bigwigs decided that was just effete and primitive thinking, and we should all make our living tapping out clever things on keyboards. Like at the present! What offer do I have for this clever thing….

  21. greywarbler 22

    Chris Trotter writing on the new work testing by Minimum of SockDeviation here in Nz.

    The people behind these reforms know that there are simply not enough jobs to socially integrate the tens-of-thousands of “jobseekers” currently registered on the MSD’s books. And yet, they have no intention of following the example set by previous New Zealand Governments, in which the state itself provided the jobs so necessary to people’s health and wellbeing.
    What they propose to do, instead, is force as many jobseekers as possible off the MSD’s books. They will achieve this objective by turning the experience of being on the MSD’s books into a nightmare of bureaucratic harassment and social stigmatisation.

    It is reminiscent of George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier. In that there were bands of people kept tramping round the country looking for work and not being able to stay more than one or two days in one place. He talks about being in Salvation Army care, where they had to have prayers before eating though very hungry. Of one person after another sharing bath water until it was like a watery bog. He comments that there is little comfort, even the women tramping refuse to have sex. I think that may be a male-centred thought.

  22. ak 23

    And for how much again are we bankrolling our fearless attourney general to sue a penniless man of the cloth for $1.2 mill? Kapai, Chris, know where you are now brother.

  23. Morrissey 24

    Possibly the worst statement ever on the Panel
    —-and it’s by a “Professor of Legal Ethics”

    The Panel, Thursday 24/10/13 (Part TWO of TWO)
    Jim Mora, Michael Deaker, Chris Trotter


    JIM MORA: Now we turn to the ethics of gassing as opposed to droning. Two new reports have ben issued by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Most disturbing was the story of Mamana Bibi, a 68-year-old grandmother killed by a Hellfire missile while tending her garden. The ethics of gassing versus droning in a moment with Professor Tim Dare, but before he comes on, do you think we’ve been under a bit of a false impression with regard to these drones?
    CHRIS TROTTER: Oh I think so. There is an argument there, there is no question about that. If you could guarantee that you could kill these terrorists and insurgents, there would be no problem. But you can’t. The Americans are building up trouble for themselves, because the locals are not intimidated, they are enraged.
    MICHAEL DEAKER: It is a bestial way of running a foreign policy. There’s a place for this new technology but it sure is not for killing.
    JIM MORA: Professor Tim Dare is on the program. Hi Tim.
    PROFESSOR TIM DARE: Hi Jim, hi Chris, hi Michael.
    JIM MORA: How come you can use drones to blow people to kingdom come but it’s unacceptable for other countries to use gas?
    PROFESSOR TIM DARE: [slowly, carefully, with gravitas] Well, I guess it is because the countries that have nuclear weapons and drones don’t need to use poison gas. It sounds like the critics of terrorism: the powerful countries that condemn terrorism don’t need to use it. ….

    I have excised the rest of a rather rambling speech in order to focus on that quite extraordinary assertion, viz. “the powerful countries that condemn terrorism don’t need to use it.”

    Since it began in 2005, regular listeners to The Panel have been subjected to some staggeringly ignorant statements [1]. They have listened in dismay to Panelists snickering at the plight of victims of state repression [2]. They have suffered a plethora of lazy, complacent [3] and/or hateful [4] statements. When it comes to selecting guests, there seems to be no base level of stupidity or depravity below which Jim Mora’s producers are not prepared to sink [5]. But in spite of all that, I believe that statement—“the powerful countries that condemn terrorism don’t need to use it”—uttered by a “Professor of Legal Ethics”, no less, might just be the worst, the most ignorant, the stupidest, the most depraved of all of them.

    It’s a sad sign of both the intellectual level and the moral tone of this program that not one of the others—neither the host nor his two guests—picked up on what the “Professor of Legal Ethics” said. None of them even demurred at the statement. But on the other hand at least none of them murmured assent. Possibly they were simply rendered speechless; truly bizarre statements can have that effect [6].

    It’s pretty hard to envision much worse than Tim Dare’s dishonest and irresponsible words, but Jim Mora came close a short time later…..

    CHRIS TROTTER: We have heard plenty of criticism of the Assad regime, but nobody dares to criticize Israel’s nuclear arsenal.
    MORA: [caviling tone] Yeah but is that an entirely fair comparison? Because what would happen to Israel’s security if it did not have those weapons?

    Jim Mora’s insincere, spurious and cynical expostulation had the same effect as Tim Dare’s learned observation that powerful states don’t use terror: neither Chris Trotter nor Michael Deaker dignified it with a response.

    If you would like to see the issue of state terror discussed by a couple of people far more serious, well informed and thoughtful than Professor Tim Dare or Jim Mora, watch how Dr. Norman Finkelstein schools a bewildered reporter from the scurrilous Murdoch rag the New York Post….

    …and listen to Professor Noam Chomsky talking about the massive use of terror by Western states, something which Professor Dare reckons is not needed by the most powerful states…..

  24. Penny Bright 25


    Solicitor-General to to ‘assume responsibility for the prosecution’ of Mr Banks.

    “25 October 2013

    Dear Ms Bright and Ms Prager

    New Zealand Private Prosecution Service Ltd vs the Honorable John Archibald Banks:
    Request for Solicitor-General intervention: Our Ref SOL 115/2464

    Thank you for your email of 21 October 2013 requesting that I intervene in the private prosecution of Mr Banks.

    I have written to the District Court at Auckland today, advising of my decision to assume responsibility for the prosecution.

    Yours faithfully,

    Crown Law
    Michael Heron
    Solicitor-General ”


    (A copy of this letter should be up soon on )


    Penny Bright

  25. Draco T Bastard 26

    You been playing with the gravatars again LPrent?

    • Morrissey 26.1

      Although it lacks the classical elegance and gravitas of my old avatar, I have to say that I love my new one! I’m impressed how the avatars kind of match the posters, in the same way dogs look like their owners. Especially appropriate are the ones for: Te Reo Putake, greywarbler, weka, McFlock and The Al1en.

      Only one has not changed: Felix. He retains the solid black square, befitting his role as a sinister dark eminence on this board.

      How did he manage to escape the reshuffle?

  26. Thanks, don’t know whether to be flattered or not.
    MS paint and two of Dell’s old style alienware laptop logos.
    A bit of a copy and paste, a resize and image copyright is now held by me.

    Happy to license usage to Dell in exchange for a customised, top of the line music production notebook. 🙂

    But McF does look good with his monocle.

  27. ghostrider888 28


  28. captain hook 29

    who is the geek?

  29. dv 30

    What is my avatar?
    I look very aggressive.

  30. Murray Olsen 31

    Does my avatar suggest I’m a deep cover Pentagon agent?

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  • Hipkins challenges long-held Labour view Government must stay below 30% of GDP

    Hipkins says when considering tax settings and the size of government, the big question mark is over what happens with the balance between the size of the working-age population and the growing number of Kiwis over the age of 65. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short; here’s ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • Your invite to Webworm Chat (a bit like Reddit)

    Hi,One of the things I love the most about Webworm is, well, you. The community that’s gathered around this lil’ newsletter isn’t something I ever expected when I started writing it four years ago — now the comments section is one of my favourite places on the internet. The comments ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    3 days ago
  • Seymour’s Treaty bill making Nats nervous

    A delay in reappointing a top civil servant may indicate a growing nervousness within the National Party about the potential consequences of David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill. Dave Samuels is waiting for reappointment as the Chief Executive of Te Puni Kokiri, but POLITIK understands that what should have been a ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    3 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #36

    A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, September 1, 2024 thru Sat, September 7, 2024. Story of the week Our Story of the Week is about how peopele are not born stupid but can be fooled ...
    4 days ago
  • Time for a Change

    You act as thoughYou are a blind manWho's crying, crying 'boutAll the virgins that are dyingIn your habitual dreams, you knowSeems you need more sleepBut like a parrot in a flaming treeI know it's pretty hard to seeI'm beginning to wonderIf it's time for a changeSong: Phil JuddThe next line ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    4 days ago
  • Security Politics in Peripheral Democracies: Excerpt Six.

    The “double shocks” in post Cold War international affairs. The end of the Cold War fundamentally altered the global geostrategic context. In particular, the end of the nuclear “balance of terror” between the USA and USSR, coupled with the relaxation … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    4 days ago
  • Buried deep

    Here's a bike on Manchester St, Feilding. I took this photo on Friday night after a very nice dinner at the very nice Vietnamese restaurant, Saigon, on Manchester Street.I thought to myself, Manchester Street? Bicycle? This could be the very spot.To recap from an earlier edition: on a February night ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    4 days ago
  • Security Politics in Peripheral Democracies, Excerpt Five.

    Military politics as a distinct “partial regime.” Notwithstanding their peripheral status, national defense offers the raison d’être of the combat function, which their relative vulnerability makes apparent, so military forces in small peripheral democracies must be very conscious of events … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    5 days ago
  • Leadership for Dummies

    If you’re going somewhere, do you maybe take a bit of an interest in the place? Read up a bit on the history, current events, places to see - that sort of thing? Presumably, if you’re taking a trip somewhere, it’s for a reason. But what if you’re going somewhere ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    5 days ago
  • Home again

    Hello! Here comes the Saturday edition of More Than A Feilding, catching you up on anything you may have missed. Share Read more ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    5 days ago
  • Dead even tie for hottest August ever

    Long stories short, here’s the top six news items of note in climate news for Aotearoa-NZ this week, and a discussion above between Bernard Hickey and The Kākā’s climate correspondent Cathrine Dyer:The month of August was 1.49˚C warmer than pre-industrial levels, tying with 2023 for the warmest August ever, according ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • The Hoon around the week to Sept 7

    The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts and talking about the week’s news with:The Kākā’s climate correspondent on the latest climate science on rising temperatures and the debate about how to responde to climate disinformation; and special guest ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • Have We an Infrastructure Deficit?

    An Infrastructure New Zealand report says we are keeping up with infrastructure better than we might have thought from the grumbling. But the challenge of providing for the future remains.I was astonished to learn that the quantity of our infrastructure has been keeping up with economic growth. Your paper almost ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    6 days ago
  • Councils reject racism

    Last month, National passed a racist law requiring local councils to remove their Māori wards, or hold a referendum on them at the 2025 local body election. The final councils voted today, and the verdict is in: an overwhelming rejection. Only two councils out of 45 supported National's racist agenda ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    6 days ago
  • Homage to Simeon Brown

    Open to all - happy weekend ahead, friends.Today I just want to be petty. It’s the way I imagine this chap is -Not only as a political persona. But his real-deal inner personality, in all its glory - appears to be pure pettiness & populist driven.Sometimes I wonder if Simeon ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    6 days ago
  • Government of deceit

    When National cut health spending and imposed a commissioner on Te Whatu Ora, they claimed that it was necessary because the organisation was bloated and inefficient, with "14 layers of management between the CEO and the patient". But it turns out they were simply lying: Health Minister Shane Reti’s ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    6 days ago
  • The professionals actually think and act like our Government has no fiscal crisis at all

    Treasury staff at work: The demand for a new 12-year Government bond was so strong, Treasury decided to double the amount of bonds it sold. Photo: Lynn GrievesonMōrena. Long stories short; here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, September ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    6 days ago
  • Weekly Roundup 6-September-2024

    Welcome to another Friday and another roundup of stories that caught our eye this week. As always, this and every post is brought to you by the Greater Auckland crew. If you like our work and you’d like to see more of it, we invite you to join our regular ...
    Greater AucklandBy Greater Auckland
    6 days ago
  • Security Politics in Peripheral Democracies; Excerpt Four.

    Internal versus external security. Regardless of who rules, large countries can afford to separate external and internal security functions (even if internal control functions predominate under authoritarian regimes). In fact, given the logic of power concentration and institutional centralization of … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    6 days ago
  • A Hole In The River

    There's a hole in the river where her memory liesFrom the land of the living to the air and skyShe was coming to see him, but something changed her mindDrove her down to the riverThere is no returnSongwriters: Neil Finn/Eddie RaynerThe king is dead; long live the queen!Yesterday was a ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    6 days ago
  • Bright Blue His Jacket Ain’t But I Love This Fellow: A Review and Analysis of The Rings of Power E...

    My conclusion last week was that The Rings of Power season two represented a major improvement in the series. The writing’s just so much better, and honestly, its major problems are less the result of the current episodes and more creatures arising from season one plot-holes. I found episode three ...
    6 days ago
  • Who should we thank for the defeat of the Nazis

    As a child in the 1950s, I thought the British had won the Second World War because that’s what all our comics said. Later on, the films and comics told me that the Americans won the war. In my late teens, I found out that the Soviet Union ...
    7 days ago
  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #36 2024

    Open access notables Diurnal Temperature Range Trends Differ Below and Above the Melting Point, Pithan & Schatt, Geophysical Research Letters: The globally averaged diurnal temperature range (DTR) has shrunk since the mid-20th century, and climate models project further shrinking. Observations indicate a slowdown or reversal of this trend in recent decades. ...
    7 days ago
  • Join us for the weekly Hoon on YouTube Live at 5pm

    Photo by Jenny Bess on UnsplashCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with special guests:5.00 pm - 5.10 pm - Bernard and ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    7 days ago
  • Media Link: Discussing the NZSIS Security Threat Report.

    I was interviewed by Mike Hosking at NewstalkZB and a few other media outlets about the NZSIS Security Threat Report released recently. I have long advocated for more transparency, accountability and oversight of the NZ Intelligence Community, and although the … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    7 days ago
  • How do I make this better for people who drive Ford Rangers?

    Home, home again to a long warm embrace. Plenty of reasons to be glad to be back.But also, reasons for dejection.You, yes you, Simeon Brown, you odious little oik, you bible thumping petrol-pandering ratfucker weasel. You would be Reason Number One. Well, maybe first among equals with Seymour and Of-Seymour ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    7 days ago
  • A missed opportunity

    The government introduced a pretty big piece of constitutional legislation today: the Parliament Bill. But rather than the contentious constitutional change (four year terms) pushed by Labour, this merely consolidates the existing legislation covering Parliament - currently scattered across four different Acts - into one piece of legislation. While I ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    7 days ago
  • Nicola Willis Seeks New Sidekick To Help Fix NZ’s Economy

    Synopsis:Nicola Willis is seeking a new Treasury Boss after Dr Caralee McLiesh’s tenure ends this month. She didn’t listen to McLiesh. Will she listen to the new one?And why is Atlas Network’s Taxpayers Union chiming in?Please consider subscribing or supporting my work. Thanks, Tui.About CaraleeAt the beginning of July, Newsroom ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    1 week ago
  • Inflation alive and kicking in our land of the long white monopolies

    The golden days of profit continue for the the Foodstuffs (Pak’n’Save and New World) and Woolworths supermarket duopoly. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short; here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, September 5:The Groceries Commissioner has ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • The thermodynamics of electric vs. internal combustion cars

    This is a re-post from The Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler I love thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is like your mom: it may not tell you what you can do, but it damn well tells you what you can’t do. I’ve written a few previous posts that include thermodynamics, like one on air capture of ...
    1 week ago
  • Security Politics in Peripheral Democracies: Excerpt Three.

    The notion of geopolitical  “periphery.” The concept of periphery used here refers strictly to what can be called the geopolitical periphery. Being on the geopolitical periphery is an analytic virtue because it makes for more visible policy reform in response … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    1 week ago
  • Venus Hum

    Fill me up with soundThe world sings with me a million smiles an hourI can see me dancing on my radioI can hear you singing in the blades of grassYellow dandelions on my way to schoolBig Beautiful Sky!Song: Venus Hum.Good morning, all you lovely people, and welcome to the 700th ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • I Went to a Creed Concert

    Note: The audio attached to this Webworm compliments today’s newsletter. I collected it as I met people attending a Creed concert. Their opinions may differ to mine. Read more ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    1 week ago
  • Government migration policy backfires; thousands of unemployed nurses

    The country has imported literally thousands of nurses over the past few months yet whether they are being employed as nurses is another matter. Just what is going on with HealthNZ and it nurses is, at best, opaque, in that it will not release anything but broad general statistics and ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    1 week ago
  • A Time For Unity.

    Emotional Response: Prime Minister Christopher Luxon addresses mourners at the tangi of King Tuheitia on Turangawaewae Marae on Saturday, 31 August 2024.THE DEATH OF KING TUHEITIA could hardly have come at a worse time for Maoridom. The power of the Kingitanga to unify te iwi Māori was demonstrated powerfully at January’s ...
    1 week ago
  • Climate Change: Failed again

    National's tax cut policies relied on stealing revenue from the ETS (previously used to fund emissions reduction) to fund tax cuts to landlords. So how's that going? Badly. Today's auction failed again, with zero units (of a possible 7.6 million) sold. Which means they have a $456 million hole in ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Security Politics in Peripheral Democracies: Excerpt Two.

    A question of size. Small size generally means large vulnerability. The perception of threat is broader and often more immediate for small countries. The feeling of comparative weakness, of exposure to risk, and of potential intimidation by larger powers often … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    1 week ago
  • Nicola Willis’s Very Unserious Bungling of the Kiwirail Interislander Cancellation

    Open to all with kind thanks to all subscribers and supporters.Today, RNZ revealed that despite MFAT advice to Nicola Willis to be very “careful and deliberate” in her communications with the South Korean government, prior to any public announcement on cancelling Kiwirail’s i-Rex, Willis instead told South Korea 26 minutes ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    1 week ago
  • Satisfying the Minister’s Speed Obsession

    The Minister of Transport’s speed obsession has this week resulted in two new consultations for 110km/h speed limits, one in Auckland and one in Christchurch. There has also been final approval of the Kapiti Expressway to move to 110km/h following an earlier consultation. While the changes will almost certainly see ...
    1 week ago
  • What if we freed up our streets, again?

    This guest post is by Tommy de Silva, a local rangatahi and freelance writer who is passionate about making the urban fabric of Tāmaki Makaurau-Auckland more people-focused and sustainable. New Zealand’s March-April 2020 Level 4 Covid response (aka “lockdown”) was somehow both the best and worst six weeks of ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    1 week ago
  • No Alarms And No Surprises

    A heart that's full up like a landfillA job that slowly kills youBruises that won't healYou look so tired, unhappyBring down the governmentThey don't, they don't speak for usI'll take a quiet lifeA handshake of carbon monoxideAnd no alarms and no surprisesThe fabulous English comedian Stewart Lee once wrote a ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Five ingenious ways people could beat the heat without cranking the AC

    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Daisy Simmons Every summer brings a new spate of headlines about record-breaking heat – for good reason: 2023 was the hottest year on record, in keeping with the upward trend scientists have been clocking for decades. With climate forecasts suggesting that heat waves ...
    1 week ago
  • No new funding for cycling & walking

    Studies show each $1 of spending on walking and cycling infrastructure produces $13 to $35 of economic benefits from higher productivity, lower healthcare costs, less congestion, lower emissions and lower fossil fuel import costs. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short; here’s my top six things to note ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago

  • Getting the healthcare you need, when you need it

    The path to faster cancer treatment, an increase in immunisation rates, shorter stays in emergency departments and quick assessment and treatments when you are sick has been laid out today. Health Minister Dr Shane Reti has revealed details of how the ambitious health targets the Government has set will be ...
    3 hours ago
  • Targeted supports to accelerate reading

    The coalition Government is delivering targeted and structured literacy supports to accelerate learning for struggling readers. From Term 1 2025, $33 million of funding for Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support will be reprioritised to interventions which align with structured approaches to teaching. “Structured literacy will change the way children ...
    4 hours ago
  • Survivors invited to Abuse in Care national apology

    With two months until the national apology to survivors of abuse in care, expressions of interest have opened for survivors wanting to attend. “The Prime Minister will deliver a national apology on Tuesday 12 November in Parliament. It will be a very significant day for survivors, their families, whānau and ...
    6 hours ago
  • Rangatahi inspire at Ngā Manu Kōrero final

    Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini kē - My success is not mine alone but is the from the strength of the many. Aotearoa New Zealand’s top young speakers are an inspiration for all New Zealanders to learn more about the depth and beauty conveyed ...
    7 hours ago
  • Driving structured literacy in schools

    The coalition Government is driving confidence in reading and writing in the first years of schooling. “From the first time children step into the classroom, we’re equipping them and teachers with the tools they need to be brilliant in literacy. “From 1 October, schools and kura with Years 0-3 will receive ...
    21 hours ago
  • Labour’s misleading information is disappointing

    Labour’s misinformation about firearms law is dangerous and disappointing, Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says.   “Labour and Ginny Andersen have repeatedly said over the past few days that the previous Labour Government completely banned semi-automatic firearms in 2019 and that the Coalition Government is planning to ‘reintroduce’ them.   ...
    22 hours ago
  • Govt takes action on mpox response, widens access to vaccine

    The Government is taking immediate action on a number of steps around New Zealand’s response to mpox, including improving access to vaccine availability so people who need it can do so more easily, Health Minister Dr Shane Reti and Associate Health Minister David Seymour announced today. “Mpox is obviously a ...
    1 day ago
  • Next steps agreed for Treaty Principles Bill

    Associate Justice Minister David Seymour says Cabinet has agreed to the next steps for the Treaty Principles Bill. “The Treaty Principles Bill provides an opportunity for Parliament, rather than the courts, to define the principles of the Treaty, including establishing that every person is equal before the law,” says Mr Seymour. “Parliament ...
    1 day ago
  • Government unlocking potential of AI

    Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced a programme to drive Artificial Intelligence (AI) uptake among New Zealand businesses. “The AI Activator will unlock the potential of AI for New Zealand businesses through a range of support, including access to AI research experts, technical assistance, AI tools and resources, ...
    1 day ago
  • Government releases Wairoa flood review findings

    The independent rapid review into the Wairoa flooding event on 26 June 2024 has been released, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown and Emergency Management and Recovery Minister Mark Mitchell announced today. “We welcome the review’s findings and recommendations to strengthen Wairoa's resilience against future events,” Ms ...
    1 day ago
  • Promoting faster payment times for government

    The Government is sending a clear message to central government agencies that they must prioritise paying invoices in a timely manner, Small Business and Manufacturing Minister Andrew Bayly says. Data released today promotes transparency by publishing the payment times of each central government agency. This data will be published quarterly ...
    1 day ago
  • Acknowledgement to Kīngi Tuheitia speech

    E te māngai o te Whare Pāremata, kua riro māku te whakaputa i te waka ki waho moana. E te Pirimia tēnā koe.Mr Speaker, it is my privilege to take this adjournment kōrero forward.  Prime Minister – thank you for your leadership. Taupiri te maunga Waikato te awa Te Wherowhero ...
    2 days ago
  • Interim fix to GST adjustment rules to support businesses

    Inland Revenue can begin processing GST returns for businesses affected by a historic legislative drafting error, Revenue Minister Simon Watts says. “Inland Revenue has become aware of a legislative drafting error in the GST adjustment rules after changes were made in 2023 which were meant to simplify the process. This ...
    2 days ago
  • Strong uptake for cervical screening self-test

    More than 80 per cent of New Zealand women being tested have opted for a world-leading self-test for cervical screening since it became available a year ago. Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti and Associate Minister Casey Costello, in her responsibility for Women’s Health, say it’s fantastic to have such ...
    2 days ago
  • Ministry for Regulation’s first Strategic Intentions document sets ambitious direction

    Regulation Minister David Seymour welcomes the Ministry for Regulation’s first Strategic Intentions document, which sets out how the Ministry will carry out its work and deliver on its purpose. “I have set up the Ministry for Regulation with three tasks. One, to cut existing red tape with sector reviews. Two, ...
    2 days ago
  • Māori Education Advisory Group established

    The Education Minister has established a Māori Education Ministerial Advisory Group made up of experienced practitioners to help improve outcomes for Māori learners. “This group will provide independent advice on all matters related to Māori education in both English medium and Māori medium settings. It will focus on the most impactful ways we can lift ...
    2 days ago
  • Government welcomes findings of NZ Superannuation Fund review

    The Government has welcomed the findings of the recent statutory review into the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, Minister of Finance Nicola Willis says. The 5-yearly review, conducted on behalf of Treasury and tabled in Parliament today, found the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation ...
    2 days ago
  • First of five new Hercules aircraft takes flight

    Defence Minister Judith Collins today welcomed the first of five new C-130J-30 Hercules to arrive in New Zealand at a ceremony at the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s Base Auckland, Whenuapai. “This is an historic day for our New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) and our nation. The new Hercules fleet ...
    2 days ago
  • Have your say on suicide prevention

    Today, September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day, a time to reflect on New Zealand’s confronting suicide statistics, Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey says. “Every death by suicide is a tragedy – a tragedy that affects far too many of our families and communities in New Zealand. We must do ...
    2 days ago
  • Action to grow the rural health workforce

    Scholarships awarded to 27 health care students is another positive step forward to boost the future rural health workforce, Associate Health Minister Matt Doocey says. “All New Zealanders deserve timely access to quality health care and this Government is committed to improving health outcomes, particularly for the one in five ...
    3 days ago
  • Pharmac delivering more for Kiwis following major funding boost

    Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour has welcomed the increased availability of medicines for Kiwis resulting from the Government’s increased investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the Government,” says Mr Seymour. “When our Government assumed office, New ...
    3 days ago
  • Sport Minister congratulates NZ’s Paralympians

    Sport & Recreation Minister Chris Bishop has congratulated New Zealand's Paralympic Team at the conclusion of the Paralympic Games in Paris.  “The NZ Paralympic Team's success in Paris included fantastic performances, personal best times, New Zealand records and Oceania records all being smashed - and of course, many Kiwis on ...
    3 days ago
  • Government progresses response to Abuse in Care recommendations

    A Crown Response Office is being established within the Public Service Commission to drive the Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care. “The creation of an Office within a central Government agency was a key recommendation by the Royal Commission’s final report.  “It will have the mandate ...
    6 days ago
  • Passport wait times back on-track

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says passport processing has returned to normal, and the Department of Internal Affairs [Department] is now advising customers to allow up to two weeks to receive their passport. “I am pleased that passport processing is back at target service levels and the Department ...
    6 days ago
  • New appointments to the FMA board

    Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister has today announced three new appointments and one reappointment to the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) board. Tracey Berry, Nicholas Hegan and Mariette van Ryn have been appointed for a five-year term ending in August 2029, while Chris Swasbrook, who has served as a board member ...
    6 days ago
  • District Court judges appointed

    Attorney-General Hon Judith Collins today announced the appointment of two new District Court judges. The appointees, who will take up their roles at the Manukau Court and the Auckland Court in the Accident Compensation Appeal Jurisdiction, are: Jacqui Clark Judge Clark was admitted to the bar in 1988 after graduating ...
    6 days ago
  • Government makes it faster and easier to invest in New Zealand

    Associate Minister of Finance David Seymour is encouraged by significant improvements to overseas investment decision timeframes, and the enhanced interest from investors as the Government continues to reform overseas investment. “There were about as many foreign direct investment applications in July and August as there was across the six months ...
    6 days ago
  • New Zealand to join Operation Olympic Defender

    New Zealand has accepted an invitation to join US-led multi-national space initiative Operation Olympic Defender, Defence Minister Judith Collins announced today. Operation Olympic Defender is designed to coordinate the space capabilities of member nations, enhance the resilience of space-based systems, deter hostile actions in space and reduce the spread of ...
    1 week ago
  • Government commits to ‘stamping out’ foot and mouth disease

    Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says that a new economic impact analysis report reinforces this government’s commitment to ‘stamp out’ any New Zealand foot and mouth disease incursion. “The new analysis, produced by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research, shows an incursion of the disease in New Zealand would have ...
    1 week ago
  • Improving access to finance for Kiwis

    5 September 2024  The Government is progressing further reforms to financial services to make it easier for Kiwis to access finance when they need it, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says.  “Financial services are foundational for economic success and are woven throughout our lives. Without access to finance our ...
    1 week ago
  • Prime Minister pays tribute to Kiingi Tuheitia

    As Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII is laid to rest today, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has paid tribute to a leader whose commitment to Kotahitanga will have a lasting impact on our country. “Kiingi Tuheitia was a humble leader who served his people with wisdom, mana and an unwavering ...
    1 week ago
  • Resource Management reform to make forestry rules clearer

    Forestry Minister Todd McClay today announced proposals to reform the resource management system that will provide greater certainty for the forestry sector and help them meet environmental obligations.   “The Government has committed to restoring confidence and certainty across the sector by removing unworkable regulatory burden created by the previous ...
    1 week ago
  • More choice and competition in building products

    A major shake-up of building products which will make it easier and more affordable to build is on the way, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “Today we have introduced legislation that will improve access to a wider variety of quality building products from overseas, giving Kiwis more choice and ...
    1 week ago
  • Joint Statement between the Republic of Korea and New Zealand 4 September 2024, Seoul

    On the occasion of the official visit by the Right Honourable Prime Minister Christopher Luxon of New Zealand to the Republic of Korea from 4 to 5 September 2024, a summit meeting was held between His Excellency President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as ...
    1 week ago
  • Comprehensive Strategic Partnership the goal for New Zealand and Korea

    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon held a bilateral meeting today with the President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol. “Korea and New Zealand are likeminded democracies and natural partners in the Indo Pacific. As such, we have decided to advance discussions on elevating the bilateral relationship to a Comprehensive ...
    1 week ago
  • International tourism continuing to bounce back

    Results released today from the International Visitor Survey (IVS) confirm international tourism is continuing to bounce back, Tourism and Hospitality Minister Matt Doocey says. The IVS results show that in the June quarter, international tourism contributed $2.6 billion to New Zealand’s economy, an increase of 17 per cent on last ...
    1 week ago
  • Government confirms RMA reforms to drive primary sector efficiency

    The Government is moving to review and update national level policy directives that impact the primary sector, as part of its work to get Wellington out of farming. “The primary sector has been weighed down by unworkable and costly regulation for too long,” Agriculture Minister Todd McClay says.  “That is ...
    1 week ago
  • Weak grocery competition underscores importance of cutting red tape

    The first annual grocery report underscores the need for reforms to cut red tape and promote competition, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says. “The report paints a concerning picture of the $25 billion grocery sector and reinforces the need for stronger regulatory action, coupled with an ambitious, economy-wide ...
    1 week ago
  • Government moves to lessen burden of reliever costs on ECE services

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour says the Government has listened to the early childhood education sector’s calls to simplify paying ECE relief teachers. Today two simple changes that will reduce red tape for ECEs are being announced, in the run-up to larger changes that will come in time from the ...
    1 week ago
  • Over 2,320 people engage with first sector regulatory review

    Regulation Minister David Seymour says there has been a strong response to the Ministry for Regulation’s public consultation on the early childhood education regulatory review, affirming the need for action in reducing regulatory burden. “Over 2,320 submissions have been received from parents, teachers, centre owners, child advocacy groups, unions, research ...
    1 week ago

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