Open mike 28/10/2019

Written By: - Date published: 7:00 am, October 28th, 2019 - 82 comments
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82 comments on “Open mike 28/10/2019 ”

  1. Ad 1

    Anyone else doing a Labour Day LEC picnic?

    • Blazer 2.1

      Al-Baghdadi "died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way," Trump later said at the White House news conference, calling him a "gutless animal".

      Another coward just like that dope smoking,porno watching,degenerate Osama Bin Laden.

      All these cowards trying to disrupt the spread of freedom and democracy ibn America's backyard is enough to make you…sick.

      • greywarshark 2.1.1

        Imagine the USA chasing a protest leader here like that. It isn't impossible to think of as annually or more often, there are Defence Force maneouvres with the USA and other countries and they have a game plan and often it is about a group rising up against the government. Turning language, 'weaponising' naming of protests to calling them 'terrorists' is a move towards turning the facts so they present a different picture. And even people minding their own affairs may be attacked; Why? Because we can!

        Think about the Marshall Islands where the USA let off a giant atomic blast, and lots of other blasts too.

        The commission's chair, [National Nuclear Commission] Rhea Moss-Christian, said the NNC Strategy is a tool for all Marshallese, whether living in the islands or overseas, to use in their individual and collective efforts to respond to the devastation resulting from the U.S. nuclear weapons testing program in the Marshall Islands.

        "It is also a resource for our partners and friends outside the Marshall Islands to understand the nuclear testing impacts that persist today and how they can support the Marshallese people," Rhea Moss-Christian said.

        (refers to the 1953 blast)
        (refers to 30 June 1946 and USA used the place for 12 years to test bombs and weapons)

        This is what the USA is prepared to do to small islands that pose no threat to their might. They may choose to hold military exercises and then start testing weapons. We have new business here in NZ – setting off rockets, more dangerous an activity than on November 5th.

      • Anne 2.1.2

        I don't know whether your comment is meant to be satire Blazer but the world's liar-in-chief will be lying. Sure, the terrorist leader was probably running away but the "gutless animal" bit is a perfect description of Trump himself. In fact if Trump ever found himself cornered , its how he would behave – "like a coward to the end."

        Malignant narcissists have a habit of projecting their own dysfunctional personalities onto other individuals.

        No, I'm not defending the ISIS leader who deserved extermination.

        • marty mars

          Yep good points Anne – only an idiot would trust or believe anything turnip.rump says but some people also don't believe in the climate crisis we are in – they make a sack of spanners look smart.

          I wish we could stop the cycle of violence that causes so many innocent deaths and devastation.

        • joe90

          His gleeful description of ghastly violence was particularly vile.

          • Anne

            What's with all the unconnected cables floating around? Didn't they have time to plug em in somewhere. Make it look authentic.

            It beggars sane belief!

            • Sacha

              They had already unplugged the secure gear by the time Chump demanded his photo op.

              EDIT: or the photo was taken *beforehand* according to the story below ( Others I saw said the raid was at 3pm but maybe that was PST not EST?

              • Anne

                From Andre's link:

                Update: A previous version of this article said the raid reportedly took place at 3:30 p.m. According to more recent reporting, it took place at approximately 6:10 p.m.

                Based on past practice, I'm inclined to suspect Trump had the time of the raid changed so it looked like the photo was taken after the raid instead of beforehand. Whatever… why is it that everything he's involved in always has marked discrepancies attached? I mean, top level professionals don't get the times wrong.

                Remember this?


                I love all the pretty pictures on his desk. Donald likes pretty pictures. 😡

                • Sacha

                  Ah, did not see that note. No conspiracy required – it's just the difference between the Pacific (PST) and Eastern (EST) timezones of the US coasts where its media organisations are based.

            • OnceWasTim

              Possibly WiFi is not considered secure enough for all their little treats and trinkets connecting to an intra/internet

          • francesca

            Then again, Obama didnt have a fucking clue what he was looking at , there was a video blackout during the raid

            But good to look all presidential and deadly serious, even if the promised snuff movie turns out to be a blank screen


            • marty mars

              wtf – defending t.rump by deflection – how sad lol

              • Francesca

                Not a defense of Trump


                I despise all warmongers .

                Photos of Obama and Clinton in the situation room were widely dispersed in the media as depicting the pres. and his crew watching the raid on the compound as it happened

                American imperialism at its finest,don't let anyone criticise it

                Two situation rooms,Dem and Republican presidents, both full of shit,both murderers

                • marty mars

                  Yeah nah you just defended t.rump by deflecting

                  • francesca

                    By that token, you're defending American imperialism and its endless murders, by isolating and targeting Trump , as if all this mayhem and bullshit in the ME started with him

                    I suspect I'm a few decades older than you, I have a long memory, seen all this bullshit a thousand times before

                    Of course Trump is a total dickhead, I find it hard to come up with an American pres. who wasn't

                    He's just the latest clueless American exceptionalist incarnation, who doesn't have the social graces or political nous to clothe it all in fine language.

                    • marty mars

                      you may well be 80 or so but it is irrelevant to me

                      I read what you write and respond to that – sorry if you don't like it

                    • Andre

                      If your starting point is all American presidents are total dickheads, you will always find find plenty of ammunition for that view point. The job involves balancing competing demands that are fundamentally incompatible, and I find it simply inconceivable that anyone could resolve those issues without the outcomes being pretty shitty for some people most of the time.

                      But that's not a useful position if you're actually looking for a path to a better world.

                      There will always be a president of the US, and some of them are 'less crap' than others.The ones that actually are going to be less crap are worth trying to identify and support, and the 'more crap' ones need to be called out and resisted more strongly. Rather than just taking the facile path of throwing a tantrum at all of them, in the hopes of achieving – what exactly, getting to watch it all burn?

                    • In Vino

                      Marty – wait until you are 80 before you write silly, disrespectful stuff like that. By then you may have learnt that you actually know less than you are currently so certain about.

                      I normally agree with you, but at times you come across as highly over-confident.

                      I agree fully with Francesca that she was not trying to deflect anything.

                    • marty mars

                      in vino – talk to her and her disrespectful try to shut the discussion down put down regarding what she thought my age was and then come back and I'll give you the time of day – I don't care about the age of people – you or her – I take what they write as what they write and if you think that she didn't deflect then good for you mate

                    • aj

                      My 10:15pm directed to support francesca

            • Andre

              That's looks like an awful lot of attempted misinformation and smearing on the back of "video blackout".

              Quite likely there would have been a lot of other information coming through at the time, as the entire team would have been sweating bullets about the risk of another debacle like the failed Iran hostage rescue in 1980.

              Nice smear by implying that people were there to watch a snuff film, when the situation involved an awful lot of personal risk to the personnel involved that carried enormous international and domestic political implications. Those watching would want to have the best information they possibly could in real time in case they were called on to respond to things going bad.

              • francesca

                Well if they were called upon , they were shit out of luck .The Seals, those brave heroes, America's finest, made the final decision to kill , in haste even though Bin Laden was unarmed.

                Nice try as you would say Andre, but Obama was a killer too, just like all American presidents, but with a prettier face, better speech writers, and a better handle on the political game.

                "America remains the one indispensable nation "

        • Jimmy

          I don't like the way Trump tells the story. You can tell he is loving being in the limelight describing how the guy was killed and able to say anything he likes about it as non of it can be dis-proved.

    • Peter 2.2

      I was disappointed in the the President's speech about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death. Given the same circumstances I'm sure George Washington and Abe Lincoln would've been a tad more eloquent. No doubt when Trump reflects he will rue a chance he could have made more of. Maybe some wimpy adviser limited him

      "Died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way"? A "gutless animal" who "died like a dog, he died like a coward."

      Surely a half-hearted effort. The real Trump supporters would have relished some description of the brain tissue of Baghdadi's kids dripping off the ceiling, pieces of their limbs sliding down the walls the odd eyeball still looking at them.

      When it comes to emulating his historic heroes he has a way to go but a touch such as naming American victims of executions by the Islamic State was nice.
      Quite a peachy performance by the ringmaster in the Big Top.

      What chance the author of the demise of Otto Warmbier receiving equally eloquent salutations?

    • Brigid 2.3

      Total load of typical Murican bullshit

      "There’s no credible data to prove a successful American raid took place against Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The US coalition didn’t even carry out any airstrikes in Idlib recently.

      Moscow pointed out that it recorded no US coalition airstrikes in the Idlib area in northwest Syria on Saturday when the raid was held.

      It also rejected Trump’s claims that Russian forces opened up the airspace under its control in Syria to American planes to facilitate the operation against the IS leader.

      The ministry questioned the very possibility of al-Baghdadi’s presence in Idlib as the area is held by Al-Qaeda offshoot, Jabhat al-Nusra, who have always been mortal enemies of Islamic State."

    • Andre 2.4

      Unpacking Generalissimo Bonespurs' statement about the raid …

  2. This seems a very good innovation for boaties. I think by the Grey in the West Coast SI would be another place for them.

  3. Ad 4

    Not that I could ever see NZTA taking out a judicial review of a decision from its own Minister, but Chris Bishop may well have a point here on light rail; from today's NZHerald:

    From NZInfra: "Prior to submitting our proposal, we discussed it with Sir Brian Roche and Sir Michael Cullen and, together with them, corresponded with and sought meetings with Ministers to explain the concept and our investment.

    "There was no invitation from the Government to submit such a proposal nor any pressure to do so."

    Cullen said that the Super Fund had initiated the approach.

    "The purpose of the January meeting was to try to ensure that the Government was aware that the Super Fund was interested in putting forward a proposal and that space was made to listen to that proposal."

    Twyford has subsequently appointed Roche to chair NZTA, but Twyford said there was no conflict of interest "because Sir Brian is not a decision-maker on the light rail project".

    National Party transport spokesman Chris Bishop has criticised the process.

    "Two years after the Prime Minister made this flagship promise, we have no business case, we have no costings, we have no route map, we don't even have an identification of the objectives of why they're doing it in the first place.

    "If the Prime Minister had the courage of her convictions, she would remove Phil Twyford from the portfolio."

    • Peter 4.1

      Yeah, yeah, Chris Bishop, no business case, no costings, no route map, no budget, big deal.

      You've got slimy National bullshit artists saying the current Government killed massive improvements to the highway to Northland which National was implementing.

      National election promises became reality and your desperate, sycophantic supporters have ridden a highway of lies since.

      So Chris, if business cases, costings, route maps and trivialities like budgeting are a big deal, 1) get your sad mob to shut up and 2) since you're so good at getting headlines, grab some to tell the truth about Warkworth to Whangarei roading.

      • Ad 4.1.1

        Plenty more scrutiny to come on this one, even if we don't like where it comes from.

        Twyford will now need Cabinet help landing this plane.

  4. Hong Kong – what is happening there and why?

    The problem of open-ended civil unrest in Hong Kong, which has been punctuated by rising acts of violence and vandalism carried out by a distinct but hardline minority, is a reflection of China’s new assertiveness under Xi – an assertiveness that marks a break with the caution of the post-Mao era. It can be seen in Xi’s signature undertaking, the Belt and Road Initiative – an infrastructure building project with global ambitions. Or, most recently, the flaunting of new weapons systems during the military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist party rule – a declaration of China’s intention to rival American military power more openly than at any time in the recent past.

    Under Xi, China has been intervening much more directly in the governance of Hong Kong. The most notable example of this was the abduction to China of Hong Kong booksellers who traded in titles critical of Beijing or historical accounts that undermined Chinese orthodoxy.

  5. Ihumatao – what gives. Had a look and managed to get on a site with a pouting curvy woman with big boobies. It's hard to get through the barriers to real information these days!





    But NZ Initiative are showing how they have joined the list of continuing earthquakes rumbling away, making our lives more uneasy and falling into an irreparable condition.
    Property rights and Ihumatao blues: Dr Bryce Wilkinson Insights Newsletter 27 September, 2019
    The apparently successful illegal occupation of private property in Auckland’s Ihumātao is potentially a serious setback for the rule of law, and thereby New Zealanders’ wellbeing. Also disturbing are the more immediate implications for Auckland housing and the Treaty of Waitangi claims process.

    Some points about not rubbishing people when argument and race combine. Another RW from Tauranga totally disparaging about reasonable Maori protests and giving that as a reason why we should be come a Republic (like the great 'America' no doubt).

    • Brigid 6.1

      What the actual fuck, in your opinion, that she is a "pouting curvy woman with big boobies" have to do with anything?


    • Ad 6.2

      Just a land deal jacked up with guilt cash.

      Government pays, Tainui Holdings buys it, and then the protesters can ague with Tainui if any family will get housed there.

      • Dukeofurl 6.2.1

        I dont see that . The claim is now that its not part of Kawerau a Maki at all but another iwi that hasnt done a treaty settlement.

        Which conflicts with this

        "Ōruarangi will be home to a new neighbourhood that will provide a range of affordable housing for our whanau and new families. The developer Fletcher Building plans to build 480 homes. Around 40 of these will be affordable housing for our people.

        Te Kawerau ā Maki has played a key part in the design of the new development. It will reflect our heritage, including walkways that mirror the movements of our tupuna Hape, and parks that resemble our maunga.

        KAM acknowlege other iwi and hapū have whakapapa to this whenua .

        This could be the loophole to get around the 'settled claim issue' although even the SOUL group when opposing the the Fletcher development in legal proceedings were as Kawerau a Maki.

        • Ad

          There will be claim and counter-claim for a while. Then a cash deal.

          Sure at a good point before the election, they'll come out singing and Prime Minister Ardern will wrap it up in her most polished of televisual emotions. Singing and orchestrated weeping covers everything.

          I see a very high chance of judicial review of any decision – barring some little legislative carve-out – because one Maori group or other will feel slighted.

          Ain't no stable truth emerging out of this for a long time.

        • Sacha

          There are complex relationships with that place. No gain from us talking about it here without the neccessary background understanding, and certainly not with the views of the right-wing Business Roundtable NZ Initiative added to the bonfire.

          • marty mars

            you forget that those two know next to nothing about it so they must have a say and put their opinions across

  6. joe90 7

    Hoo boy, the end of the video.

  7. phantom snowflake 8

    For anyone with a taste for homegrown and politically-flavoured Hip Hop; "Bunga" by SWIDT is a must:

    The story behind "Bunga":

  8. marty mars 9

    Just give the kids the bloody beads you wankers

    'Courage beads' are given out to children going through cancer treatment. Some families say they've become much more difficult to get out of the Child Cancer Foundation since the charity changed the way it operates.

    • Abso-fucking-lutely. The more I take a look at those involved in the provision of public services, the more control-freakery and utter muppetry I seem to encounter.

  9. joe90 10

    I guess the 16 year old should gave respected what the police were doing. Eh, Bern.


    Newly released video shows a Fresno, California, police officer shooting a fleeing, unarmed 16-year-old in the back of the head and then handcuffing the boy as he lies motionless on the ground.

    • Andre 10.1

      I really really hope this shit gets sorted out before my black nephew (currently living in St Louis MO) reaches his teens.

  10. Dukeofurl 11

    Who would guessed, from NY Times

    "1.5 Million Packages a Day: The Internet Brings Chaos to N.Y. Streets"

    'The push for convenience is having a stark impact on gridlock, roadway safety and pollution in New York City and urban areas around the world.

    One of the issues is they use the public space- streets and footpaths- as sort of warehouse. And apartment buildings which were designed for letters now have an avalanche of packages every day.

    "About 15 percent of New York City households receive a package every day, according to the Sustainable Urban Freight Systems center

    Where I live with a group of 20 houses , some days I see Uber Eats deliveries multiple times. Even though its about 1 km from 2 supermarkets , a Countdown truck drops off a delivery at least once a week. A neighbour uses Uber for getting to and from work even though a good bus service is 50m away

    • SPC 11.1

      10 people drive to and from supermarket to shop or one truck delivers, which is more like a bus service …

    • SPC 12.1

      They needed Turkey and Russia and Syria to guarantee air movement in and out.

      A pay off for handing Turkey, Russia and Syria the territory held by the Kurds?

      • joe90 12.1.1

        Speculation that the whole thing was a stitch-up.

        In retrospect, it is striking how well Turkish, Russian, American, and Syrian actions fit together, effectively shaping an outcome in concert instead of bouncing off each other and breaking down in chaos.


        Nevertheless, the idea that the carve-up of Syria was the result of sheer improvisation and happenstance is so far-fetched that if you believe it—well, I’ve got a pontoon bridge over the Euphrates to sell you.

      • francesca 12.1.2

        I think that is the kind of stuff that goes on behind closed doors.Give me this propaganda coup to offset the Kurd issue.The promise of a homeland for the Kurds was never going to be kept .How could it? Without endless aid and military protection.

        And a 10 Kurd minority in control of the richest part of the country in terms of oil fields was never going to sit well with the rest of the population
        The Rojava experiment might have sounded cute, so did the kibbutzim for socialist hippies .Didnt turn out so well

        Trump gave plenty of warnings he wanted to pull out.Each time he was over ridden

        Who knows whos calling the shots on the American side, with the President saying one thing, the CIA another and the Pentagon going its own way .

        Now it seems the Americans are going for the oil again. Out and out theft

  11. joe90 13

    Only Repugs can fuck around and keep their jobs.

    The fall came just as quickly.

    Last weekend, the conservative website RedState published a series of articles alleging that Hill had engaged in relationships with a member of her campaign staff and the House staffer. Hill denied the relationship with the House employee, which would be a violation of House rules, but did not deny the relationship with the campaign staff member.

    The release of the story, complete with intimate photos of Hill, sparked debate about a double standard in the male-dominated world of political sex scandals, particularly because Hill has blamed Heslep for releasing the photos. Hill’s resignation is likely to bring those questions further out into the open.

    On Wednesday, in a letter to constituents, Hill again denied the alleged relationship with the House staff member but acknowledged she was involved in a separate relationship with a member of her campaign staff “during the final tumultuous years of my abusive marriage.”

    “I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment,” the letter read.

  12. Anne 14

    He is welcome to come and live in NZ but I hope for his sake and the rest of the US he doesn't have to:

    • Andre 14.1

      … not to mention for the sake of the rest of world.

    • Perhaps Comey could take dual citizenship and become our next National Party leader. If we don't allow duality now we can soon change our laws to enable it, flexibility is our name. It would be a fun feather in his cap which Key has shown how to stick in behind the Right band.

      • Anne 14.2.1

        Becoming a politician – anywhere – I think would be the last thing James Comey would have in mind. He does not strike me as a political animal. Yes, I think he is probably a conservative thinker but that does not mean he is National Party material.

        He comes across to me as a man of integrity who nevertheless, like all of us, is not immune to making mistakes.

  13. Andre 15


    Seems the Criminal-in-Chief went to a ball game. First they booed him. Then they chanted "lock him up".

  14. heather Grimwood 16

    bit late as been busy, but to joe90 at : I agree with you absolutely about Trump's obscene joy in killing another ( and probably several), whoever it be. His attitude and the proof again of his infantile stage of development is frightening. I turned off all TV and radio today when found the event such a big deal to them too…..also concerning/frightening. I write in sincerity.