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6:00 am, December 28th, 2022 - 38 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
I propose we launch an immediate special operation to de-Nazify all Pukeko everywhere by way of a genocidal war of conquest.
Little NATO proxy bastards ate our Xmas cake this morning.
Throw them out of the window.
NZ bloke kultcha in a nutshell.
The kea will figure it out 😈 Incredible smart birds.
Yeah! Don't know why anybody wants to put model pukeko in their garden either. We had around 200 of the real kind around ours. Stole just about every persimmon, apple, pear and plum we ever grew. And that was despite putting bird netting over all the trees. Corruption birdified.
Oh! and they pulled out most of the oioi and the other wetland plants we planted – just for fun. Eventually we managed to get the plants established – but it took some time.
I thought they were cute. Then I found out they eat ducklings. Bastards!
Your no longer keen on bordering up with NAPO?
Has anyone thought, "Nuke the pukes" yet?
I think Sanc, was camping and doesn't have access to microwave technology as a result. That will be the lynch pin of the story when its later explained on RT anyway.
Heavens we are still mopping up after the anti Kea operation for naughty anti tramper activities that had our supply lines extended in the South Island, then there is the proposed anti Tui war for picking off the flowers on my wisteria.
Bravo for all the bird sanctuaries and native forest 'islands' in our cities, for the tui at least….
I want an anti pigeon "special operation" to remove the roof rats that have driven off the little birds we used to feed, and are now invading our living room through the French doors in search of cat biscuits.
A decade was not enough lead time for chook farming numpties. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/481515/egg-shortage-supermarket-shelves-bare-as-industry-deals-with-supply-issues
They've been running round like chooks with their heads cut off.
For a decade now – the sky is falling, you'll see! They were hoping NACT would repeal it all, rather than learn to farm ethically.
As long as you're OK with eggs being rich people food , all free range is good I guess
Improved incomes would be great.
yeah, nah. Plenty of people in NZ could afford to buy free range but didn't. If they had, we'd be seeing free range at scale by now and the price would come down so lower income people could too.
But what Sacha said. Producing food sustainably reveals the true costs of growing food. We can increase people's incomes too.
Once they went past $7 I'm sorry it was back to barn eggs
sure but that doesn't negate what I said.
If a bird in a cage
puts all heaven in a rage
how feels heaven when
dies the billionth battery hen
– Spike Milligan
Per the article, it wasn't just the transition away from battery cages as colony cages will remain legal (source), it's that supermarkets won't be accepting eggs from colony cages. I'm sure the legislated phasing out of battery cages started that ball rolling, but transitioning to free range wasn't actually legislated.
Not sure what to make of this.
”The White House and Congress are quietly reshaping the American economic relationship with the world’s second-largest economic power, enacting a strategy to limit China’s technological development that breaks with decades of federal policy and represents the most aggressive American action yet to curtail Beijing’s economic and military rise.”
The globalist in me thinks shouldn’t we all try to maximise all economies for the greater good. If we trade with them, they are less likely to be aggressive. The pragmatist saw how that worked out for Merkel, Germany and Putin. All it did was encourage him.
May we live in interesting times.
I think it is to do with the US being scared shitless that their technology will be weaponised by the Chinese.
Will be?
That is why the US is banning higher level chip technology for China.
Not much is very useful without the computer brain behind it.
The problem for China is, that if they continually rely on stealing other people's tech, they will always be several generations behind, and they will be in big trouble when situations such as the curve-ball the US has just thrown is put into the mix.
It isn't just China.
Yes, I had heard about that as well.
I think the problem there is more that a lot of the items used in the Iranian drones are quite generic in their use that the Iranians adapt for their own needs. This makes it much more difficult to control the supply of this type of technology due to the complexity of supply chains.
These Iranian drones are actually quite low-tech, which in itself is an issue.
On the other hand, Ukraine has been wreaking havoc recently on the Engels air base in Russia with its own long-range drones.
Who understands the 'value' of weaponised technology better than the US MIC.
Something to set tankies/magats/troofers aflutter.
Russia’s meddling in Trump-era politics was more directly connected to the current war than previously understood.
https://archive.vn/SCOFv (nyt)
A lot to digest in that thank you.
They've been watching the goings on in Ukraine. Now they're preparing.
I don't think China will go for an invasion. If anything, they will likely try to blockade Taiwan into submission.
The strategic advantage Taiwan has in terms of an invasion is the fact it is an island surrounded by water. The strategic disadvantage that Taiwan has in terms of a blockade is that it is an island surrounded by water. And after Pelosi's visit earlier in the year, the following Chinese exercises seemed focussed on a blockade. And, from China's perspective, why would they want to play into the Taiwanese strategic advantage?
It will be interesting to see how the QUAD alliance responds to a Chinese blockade. It will be daring them to challenge the Chinese by challenging the blockade if they want to keep Taiwan supplied.
Of course, it is easy for the QUAD alliance to set up a counter-blockade against China at the Malacca strait. So, that would be another option.
ok – round 2.
I think I have fixed the issue on the Replies tab – as in I can't reproduce it now.
If anyone sees it – ie getting someone else replies – let me know.
Not quite right here, I'm getting arkie's replies
I'm getting everybody else going all the way back to the beginning of the year.
I'm getting dvT's now.
For me it changes, to be replies from the last commenter to reply – to anyone.
ATM it's Weka, previously it was Francesca (I think)
And, if I refresh the browser, it defaults back to me (last person to comment)
Damn. Turning it off.
Thanks for thereplies.
I sent my comment 1 minute ahead of you weka. Now I'm getting your replies. Oh what a tangled web…..