Open Mike 29/05/2018

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, May 29th, 2018 - 102 comments
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102 comments on “Open Mike 29/05/2018 ”

  1. One Anonymous Bloke 1

    Sub-editor at Stuff trying to set up a bullshit ‘gotcha’ narrative.

    Headline: Test for Labour Government as France stands firm against strikes.

    Article’s position on local wages/industrial relations: After years of relatively anaemic wage growth, I certainly don’t begrudge workers rattling the cage for a top-up to their take-home pay.

    The article goes on to describe a rancorous mess in France and makes no mention of any sort of “test” for our government.

    Meanwhile, on Earth, Labour the Greens and NZF emphasised the need for higher wages. Guess what happens if there are no wage rises: they get accused of “breaking promises”. Guess what happens if wages rise: they get accused of failing the “test”.

    Shouldn’t be too hard to knock this sub-editor’s bullshit out of the park, so I expect to see ministers doing exactly that.

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 2

    Lol Aucklander

    Resident Paul Davie, who was behind the meeting, said he did not know whether low-level criminals, people with mental health issues or paedophiles would live at the houses.

    “How’s it going to be managed and who’s going to control these people if they need controlling?”

    Could ask a similar question about the wealthy assholes in your suburb

  3. AsleepWhileWalking 3

    Lol Aucklander

    Resident Paul Davie, who was behind the meeting, said he did not know whether low-level criminals, people with mental health issues or paedophiles would live at the houses.

    “How’s it going to be managed and who’s going to control these people if they need controlling?”

    Could ask a similar question about the wealthy assholes in your suburb

  4. Tom Semmens 4

    NZ dairy Farmers are first class whiners. They think they have a right to let their cows shit and piss in waterway that suits them, and not have to pay a cent towards remediation. Despite producing almost half of our greenhouse gas emissions they demand they be exempt from any costs associated with reducing our greenhouse gas outputs.

    Mycoplasma bovis arrived in NZ because their overwhelming party of choice, National, defunded MPI and biosecurity to the point of ineffectiveness allowing not just Mycoplasma into NZ but other things like Myrtle rust as well. Dairy farmers also subverted the stock movement recording scheme with unrecorded and illegal stock movements for tax dodging purposes, making it extremely difficult to track the disease spread.

    The government stumps up the thick end of a billion dollars of ordinary Kiwi’s money (you know, the struggling minimum wage cleaners of Otara that National spends some much time crying crocodile tears over when it suits them) to eradicate the disease caused by their political party and their greed and all they can do is go on the telly and the radio and whinge and bitch about how hard done by they are.

    Personally, I would levy an extra charge on the the dairy industry to recover every last cent of taxpayers money spent on eradication and make them pay for their own f**k ups for a change.

    • Muttonbird 4.1

      Great comment. Spot on!

    • saveNZ 4.2

      Sadly wish there was as much urban anxiety about the shit from people and diesel from roads we are putting in our harbours.. resulting in record beach closures this year.

      • adam 4.2.1

        There has been a lot of action by people in Auckland about the pollution closing beaches. You need to look locally, the actions by people in their neighbourhoods.

        I think most people know, or the ones I know anyway, acknowledge Auckland sewage crisis is one bad storm away from shutting down the city. We have had succession of councils who have ignored the fact that pipes are old, and in (desperate, which is were we are now) need of replacement. Not a huge fan of current crop, but at least their head is not buried in the sand on this issue.

    • Draco T Bastard 4.3


  5. Wayne 5


    Fortunately the government is not as stupid as you want them to be.

    Imagine if the government said “no compensation, and we are going to levy all farmers (or maybe just the farmers affected) the cost of eradication” how much co-operation do you think MPI would get. In fact there would be demonstrations and blockades, since the farmers would think they have nothing to lose.

    On top of that imagine all the stories on TV and media of bankruptcy, farm walk offs, suicide and family tragedy.

    Just because most farmers don’t vote Labour, doesn’t mean their plight would not affect other voters.

    I reckon the govt would not survive even till the next election. NZ First would have to walk and form a coalition with National, if it wanted any chance at all of electoral survival.

    And in any event in emergencies like this, no government makes its policies on the basis of who votes for it. Thank goodness.

    • mickysavage 5.1

      Serious question Wayne. Why should a private business that is a farm get state aid for compensation after taking risky business action but not other businesses?

      • Rosemary McDonald 5.1.1

        “Why should a private business …get state aid for compensation after taking risky business action ”

        South Canterbury Finance.

        • mickysavage

          SCF is perhaps the best example of misplaced state aid. Especially the payout to the investors who bought bonds after the company first failed …

          • Bill

            I’d have thought the “best” example of misplaced subsidy is that which goes to the oil industry. According to the IMF, it’s about NZ$2 billion every single year (and climbing) when health costs and environmental costs for New Zealand are factored in.

            • greywarshark

              That’s not a direct subsidy Bill and it can be questioned at being called one at all. Are we subsidising the cane sugar industry?

              • Bill

                Well, seeing as how I mentioned a couple of areas that are obviously in the category of indirect subsidy, yup, I think you can safely assume I know I’m not talking only about direct subsidies.

                Do we subsidise the cane sugar industry by, for example, picking up the tab for associated health costs? Of course we do.

                And for industry after business after industry, that’s the nature of the game. Some people make off like bandits while society absorbs the consequences of their actions in a myriad of ways.

                It’s beyond me why we fete, honour and reward their likes, and why we often hold them and their ways up as examples for our children to emulate. (shrug)

          • greywarshark

            That point is so right Especially the payout to the investors who bought bonds after the company first failed …

            Some of the knowledgable commenters here have painted a different picture of the SCF dealings showing Hubbard in a better light, and having helped good businesses get going. I am still ignorant of most, but take the point that there are facets that haven’t had full study by the public. There is just too much happening to grasp truth from hyperbole on everything.

        • Wayne

          In dire emergencies beyond the control of any business, lots of businesses get special assistance from government.
          Some examples. Quite a lot during the GFC in 2009. Also a lot of support for Christchurch businesses following the earthquakes. Same in Kaikoura and Edgecumbe. Not to the level of normal business activity, but enough for most to survive.
          Given the severity of the various crisises during 2009 to 2011, that was quite a bit of the overall work of Cabinet.
          In a sense it is a form of social and economic insurance provided by society as a whole, beyond what any insurance company could ever offer.
          This type of “insurance” seems essential for the stability and continuity of society. In some respects it is the business equivalent of the unemployment benefit. At the end of each business are actual people, and the assistance is in reality for them.

          • mickysavage

            Thanks Wayne.

            What about businesses that suffer adverse effects attributable to risky business behavior?

            • Sabine

              do these other businesses that suffer adverse effects attributable to risky business are held up as special needs and special value businesses by National No Mates and do they vote reliably for National No Mates?

              they don’t? Then they are moochers that need to learn the hard way how to exists of the government tit.

              see that was easy.

            • adam

              Come on mickysavage call it what it is in this case – criminal behaviour.

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            If only they didn’t fund and support a political party that has repeatedly sought to smash the welfare state. A party that deliberately increases income inequality. A party that attacks human rights and the rule of law.

            A party that tells lies about “personal responsibility” and the “high trust model”. The National Party.

            Now they want some “communism”, let’s see if any of them can muster the grace to apologise.

            • Baba Yaga

              Which party in NZ has “repeatedly sought to smash the welfare state”? Certainly not National. It was National who introduced the first real increase in benefits in over 30 years. National borrowed over the course of the GFC to maintain WFF and a raft of other components of the welfare state. If you referring to national introducing a more robust assessment regime, that actually enhances the welfare system by making more equitable (to the taxpayer) and more sustainable.

              • One Anonymous Bloke

                So you admit it.

              • Barfly


                “It was National who introduced the first real increase in benefits in over 30 years.”
                Only for families and then the vast majority of them got less than the headline figure because of supplementary allowances being reduced.

                Job Seekers, Supported Living got nothing extra -except harassment and vilification from the National Government

                • Baba Yaga

                  “Only for families and then the vast majority of them got less than the headline figure because of supplementary allowances being reduced.”
                  So there was an increase. So no one lied. Well done.

                  • Kay

                    Hey Baba, so long as no one lied then eh?
                    You’re ok with seriously ill and disabled citizens not having their benefit rate increased?
                    /rhetorical- of course you are.

              • Kay

                ” It was National who introduced the first real increase in benefits in over 30 years.”

                Ho hum… been saying it often enough so I guess you believe it.

                • Baba Yaga

                  You’re saying they didn’t?

                  • Kay

                    Me and almost every single beneficiary. Still waiting.
                    But of course you already know that.
                    Happy to be proved wrong of course- Perhaps you would like to link to evidence of this increase to ALL beneficiaries, then point out to WINZ that they’ve been mucking up our payments since the announcement?

                    Get a new line why don’t you, it’s not going to work here.

          • Draco T Bastard

            In dire emergencies beyond the control of any business, lots of businesses get special assistance from government.

            Of course, this isn’t actually a dire emergency and their own practices caused it.

            And all the finance companies should have collapsed during the GFC rather than getting bailed out.

            In a sense it is a form of social and economic insurance provided by society as a whole, beyond what any insurance company could ever offer.

            And only provided to National’s rich mates. The poor got kicked again and again.

            At the end of each business are actual people, and the assistance is in reality for them.

            At the end of a failed business is the unemployment benefit – just like everyone else. What they shouldn’t be getting is government bailouts.

            The unemployed are also people but you seem to forget that easily enough.

      • faroutdude 5.1.2

        Serious question micky. Why should a private person get ongoing state aid (benefits, housing etc) after taking risky personal action (not going to school, not taking contraception, not looking after supplied housing etc).
        One might say that at least the majority of farmers are net taxpayers.

        • mickysavage

          Because social security is a safety net to prevent people sliding into penury? Benefits are available for farmers if their businesses fail.

          • Sabine

            what benefits are available to other small business owner that loose their businesses to greed and general stupidity and support from National no Mates?

            non. they can close shop, file for bankruptcy and go on the dole to be told “your Partner earns enough to feed you”.

            so are these benefits only available to farmers or all businesses. cause if they are farming only then that would make the farmers more special and more deserving then anyone else.

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          One might also say that the taxes collected aren’t equal to the damage done by this current crop. After all, businesses fail all the time and the economy (and the associated tax take) carries on.

          I note that the incentive to ignore NAIT is tax evasion. Business owners who cheat on their taxes belong in prison, or at the very least, out of business.

          That’s what productive, non-polluting, successful operators call “a gap in the market”, so the sky will not fall, Chicken Little, no matter how many businesses change hands.

        • andrew murray

          A crappy little deflection based upon the’ we’re deserving – they’re not argument.

        • Draco T Bastard

          One might say that at least the majority of farmers are net taxpayers.

          Except for the fact that they’re not. What they are is a bunch of bludgers.

        • mauī

          Are you comparing the bailing out of business malpractice to the bailing out of kids wagging school and mums who can’t afford to nourish their kids?

      • ianmac 5.1.3

        While playing golf with some farmers years ago, they said that NZ must understand that Farmers are the backbone of NZ. “Maybe so,” I said. “But are you farming for the good of the country or because you like the lifestyle and have good taxfree income from it?”
        I saw it that they felt that we owe them a living.

    • Robert Guyton 5.2

      Certainly compromise is needed to prevent rural revolt, no matter where the fault lies. Tom makes some very good points though; he talks about National’s failure to implement NAIT properly and that’s a significant factor in the present dire situation. His conclusion reflects his anger, and fair enough.

      • Sabine 5.2.1

        what percentage of the rural population actually works in dairy farming?

        As fulltime paid workers with benefits? And how many of these are Kiwis or on a working visa?

        Why do you expect a rural revolt, when as of now the unemployed and disregarded population of the rural areas are not revolting?

        Are you speaking of a farmers revolt? Cause as i live rural now the only ones that are marching with stupid signs while living of the government tit receiving working for families are the farmers that we are now have to bail out due to their stupidity, willful stupidity, ignorance, willful ignorance, disregard for the land, disregard for their larger community and greed.

        btw, can these rural non revolting people that are unemployed and disregarded actually afford butter, milk or mince?

    • Muttonbird 5.3

      Wayne, you are using alarmism to defend the status quo here and completely missing the wider problems with lightly regulated/enforced dairy intensification practices.

      • One Anonymous Bloke 5.3.1

        Not to mention his measure of personal responsibilty for the entire situation.

        • Sabine

          personal responsibilities is for single women and their children.

          Farmers are poor humans that are hard done by and must be coddled and waddled in cotton at all times lest they have to pay the bill for the mess they created.

    • Draco T Bastard 5.4

      Imagine if the government said “no compensation, and we are going to levy all farmers (or maybe just the farmers affected) the cost of eradication” how much co-operation do you think MPI would get.

      Imagine if those farmers not cooperating were sent to jail and lost everything for obstruction of justice.

      In fact there would be demonstrations and blockades, since the farmers would think they have nothing to lose.

      We can ensure that they lose everything.

      Should give them plenty of ‘incentive’. Isn’t that what National’s ‘tough on crime’ is all about?

  6. AsleepWhileWalking 6

    They can’t strike like nurses so the DHBs continue to exploit those caring for disabled.

    Who else wants to work as a Support Carer?

    If she was hesitant, I was astonished. The maximum rate, $64.50 for 24 hours, works out to be $2.69 per hour. Yes, you read that right – and as I recall has barely changed in over 30 years.

    The Support Carer is still unable to claim mileage. So a return trip of 30k, at the IRD rate of 73c per kilometre allowed for mileage expenses, works out at a $21.90 cost to myself.

    To add further insult, IRD requires the hourly $2.69 to be taxable. For a five day week working 24 hours with no breaks, the total payment is a taxable $312.50.

    • Rosemary McDonald 6.1

      Thanks for putting this up AWW….and a very good article too. Some slight errors, and maybe later I’ll expand a bit on the information.

      Needless to say, as per usual the Ministry of Health Disability Support Services will not emerge covered in glory.

      CSS is a fine example of why I truly believe MOH;DSS hate disabled people and their family carers.

  7. Puckish Rogue 7

    “If you don’t want to have affordable housing or quality density housing in your neighbourhood, you go and live in Pokeno or Dairy Flat,” he said.

    Ok so its fair to say that National still haven’t quite cottoned to the fact they’re the opposition but its equally fair to say Labour and more specifically Twyford haven’t realised that what they could say and do in opposition is different to what you can say and do when you’re in power

    • One Anonymous Bloke 7.1

      Right, because that’s what Judith Collins does 🙄

      • Puckish Rogue 7.1.1

        Jude isn’t in power, Twyford is which means his words have power so he needs to stop taking a “us v them” mentality and realise hes working for all NZers

        Rather then be deliberately confrontational he could explain why its happening unless the only reason he can think of is ideological

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          And how did she behave when she was in power? Totes non-confrontational, eh.

          Not to mention Bill “lazy, stoned” English.

          Raise the double standard, Puck.

          • Puckish Rogue

            Good then don’t complain when the same charges of being arrogant and out of touch are levelled at Labour

            • Baba Yaga

              …and so soon in their tenure.

              • Robert Guyton

                “Cleaning up the appalling mess National left the country” is a powerful weapon for Labour to wield; they’d be foolish not to wave it around all over the place, lopping off Natty heads, left, right and centre.

                • Baba Yaga

                  The only mess is in your mind. The only reason Labour can spend so much is because they have inherited a strong economy and a healthy balance sheet. From National.

                  • Robert Guyton

                    Baba, ya ditzy ol’ granny, you!

                    • In Vino

                      Baba – I think your comment needs filling out a little.
                      As In: “The only reason Labour can spend so much is because they have inherited a falsely represented economy from a balance sheet faked through shameless underfunding of social services to create a false surplus as well as an ailing, unhealthy society.” But filling it out to reflect the truth makes nonsense of your comment, doesn’t it?

                    • Robert Guyton

                      Our responses to Baba are practically identical, IV!

            • One Anonymous Bloke

              So long as they’re out of touch with you, authoritarian centrist followers and sociopaths, I’m not too concerned: Judith has that constituency covered quite well.

  8. Reality 8

    It would be a welcome gesture if farmers could show their appreciation for what the Government and New Zealanders (via their taxes) are doing to attempt to eradicate this biosecurity breach that they have brought upon themselves. Instead of holding up banners about a “pretty communist”. Ironic that “communism/state aid” is now going their way – which it should of course at a time like this.

    Farmers will hopefully realise they can’t operate like Wild West Cowboys and society as a whole has to work together for the benefit of all.

    During night time talkback it was good to hear a National voter express his admiration for Jacinda’s handling of the whole situation and for how well informed she was.

  9. saveNZ 9

    “We are, at last, navigating out of the “meth contamination” debacle

    “Testing for low levels of methamphetamine in residential properties in New Zealand has come at a very high cost,” reads the report of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor Sir Peter Gluckman into the national panic over the alleged meth contamination of thousands of properties, which was published today.”

    • Antoine 9.1

      That’s very good


      • saveNZ 9.1.1

        Yes thumbs up to the Government on sorting this sorry state of affairs out.

        “Several hundred state homes sitting needlessly empty would be put back into use within weeks, and Housing New Zealand would save up to $30m a year on testing, Twyford said.

        “The great majority is testing and remediation was completely unnecessary,” Twyford said.

        A review into how the standards were set would also be carried out by Consumer Affairs Minister Kris Faafoi.

        “Very significant sums of money have been spent on testing and decontamination of houses that are thought to have been contaminated by methamphetamine. Housing New Zealand alone in the last fours years has spent $100m on testing and remediation,” Twyford said.

        “Large numbers of homes thought to have been contaminated were left empty in the middle of a housing crisis.”

    • Booker 9.2

      At last we get some sense on this issue – the question everyone should be pondering is why did it take so long and why wasn’t something done sooner? The wastage from this mess is unbelievable.

  10. Puckish Rogue 10

    I thought Curran might be the best Labour MP National has but now I’m convinced its Twyford…

    As the first lady of NZ politics puts it

    ‘National’s housing spokeswoman Judith Collins said it was time for Housing Minister Phil Twyford to face the facts.’

    “You’ve had builders, academics, the Treasury, Reserve Bank, MBIE, economists and media commentators all pointing out the serious flaws in his policy, and saying the Government won’t deliver on its promises, in spite of Phil’s ‘Hear No Evil’ approach to his responsibilities.”

    “And today it’s the Salvation Army urging Phil to accept he’s not up to it and calling on the Government to bring in the experts to deliver more houses,” she said in a statement.

    • saveNZ 10.1

      @PR, who are the experts, Fletchers, Master builders, China construction bank and the Ozzie banks, Phil Goff, the council cronies that can’t even put a legal argument in for the unitary plan, the Sallies, illegal/semi legal labourer’s and their exploiters, Tilers????

      At least they have got a few hundred empty state houses back into production.

      But Labour are still heavily neoliberal is their approaches and more people still coming into NZ than going out.

      • Puckish Rogue 10.1.1

        When both the MBIE, Treasury and the Sallies are telling you its not looking good and the only person who thinks its going well is the reflection in the mirror then you might have some issues

        But don’t worry when kiwibuild fails i’m sure National won’t remind everyone of the promises made and failed to be kept

        • saveNZ

          @PR – oh I agree with you about Kiwibuild failure, but probably for different reasons.

        • McFlock

          To be fair, Sallies were only saying that people were being unsettled by reports that it might not deliver.

          In other words, the undermining has been going well.

          But Kiwibuild has clear objectives. If they are not met, the minister will be held responsible. That is what a government with integrity looks like.

    • AB 10.2

      Be great if Twyford fails eh PR?
      More untaxed capital gain for you and me (I’m at $1.4M and going up whoopee) and more people sleeping in cars but they’ve made bad decisions so who cares? I’m a fan of personal responsibility you see. And excellence too. I put the doubling of the ‘value’ of my properties in 10 years entirely down to my personal excellence in every respect. And my brilliant decision-making – I decided to be born to professional parents. I think I’m pretty fantastic in every respect and my money is evidence of that.
      Earth – meet scum of.

      • Puckish Rogue 10.2.1

        Failing miserably because you can’t or won’t take advice is no better than trying nothing since the result is the same but at least he can get some nice feelz for “trying”

        Maybe if he took some advice then instead of failing he might actually make it work

  11. Carolyn_Nth 11

    Today, I got an email with links to the select committee report on the CPTPPA, because I made a submission.

    report can be accessed here.

    It seems like the outcome is that the committee attended to criticisms and decided they were without merit: especially with regard to ISDS issues.

    They say they are working on consultation with Māori over treaty issues.

    So the Committee Recommends:

    The Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committeehas conducted
    the international treaty examination of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The committee recommends that the House take note of its report and note that the Government intends the treaty to be implemented through a bill.

    I suspect the committee was stacked with pro-CPTPPA supporters. I think we need to ask for an independent analysis, as did some submitters.

    The Foreign Affairs, defence and Trade Committee has 1 GP 3 Labour, and 4 Nat MPs.

    Listed on P8 of the Report:

    Simon O’Connor (Chairperson)
    Hon Gerry Brownlee (until 21 March 2018)
    Golriz Ghahraman
    Hon Willie Jackson
    Hon Tim Macindoe (from 21 March 2018)
    Hon Todd McClay
    Hon Mark Mitchell (until 21 March 2018)
    Christopher Penk (from 21 March 2018)
    Louisa Wall
    Dr Duncan Webb

    • saveNZ 11.1

      @Carolyn_Nth, Oh what a surprise, they listened to the submissions. Probably more like ‘listening’ aka surveilling the submitters, while telling themselves it will all be ok.

      Sad and predictable result explaining Labour and NZ First’s positions in the polls. And Greens very weak on their position of this farce, against the government.

  12. greywarshark 12

    I came across this quote – it seems relevant at present.

    The good die first,
    And they whose hearts are dry as summer dust
    Burn to the socket.
    Williiam Wordsworth 1770-1850

  13. saveNZ 13

    Shocking. Profits first.

    The number of Maui dolphins in the world is continuing to drop, with only a few dozen now left alive.

  14. John G 14

    I get so frustrated with the flack coming from all corners about Twyford not achieving his goals in Kiwibuild. Maybe he won’t reach the targets he set, but at least he is DOING SOMETHING !

    • Puckish Rogue 14.1

      I get so frustrated that a promise that was made to help win an election isn’t being lived up to and probably won’t even get close to succeeding because Twyford is so arrogant to think he has all the answers

      But its ok because hes “doing something”, how about instead of him wasting millions/billions we just give him a gold star sticker and tell him hes special

      Or maybe instead he takes advice, puts his ego in check and actually works through the problems to get this sorted, like hes supposed to

      • Stuart Munro 14.1.1

        And yet you never made a peep about the completely useless Nick Smith.

        We are all touched by your concern.

        • Puckish Rogue

          I don’t like that National lost the election, I think National would be doing a much better job and if we’re all lucky this will only be a one term government

          That being said Twyford said they’d build 100 000 houses, it was a big plank of their election campaign, it was “proof” that Labour cares, cares so much more than National so i don’t think anyone should have a problem with wanting Labour to actually carry out their promises

          and pointing out when they break those promises

          • Drowsy M. Kram

            Should the Labour-led government reach out to the opposition National party for assistance in dealing with the housing crisis?

            John Key campaigned on addressing the growing housing crisis over ten years ago, so National must have ‘built’ up considerable expertise during nine years in power, and were poised to ‘Act’. They just needed three more years to ‘turn’ things around – so cruel.

            The reality is that if National was still in power, then they would be continuing to do SFA – fiddling while NZ churns.

            “The Man in the Panama Hat would love nothing more than staying indoors.”

  15. NZJester 15

    Nice story on the Radio New Zealand website about the change in government thinking on the dodgy Meth testing practices that became common under National and cost Tax Payers and a lot of people unnecessary problems while also making the housing crisis worse all so a few dodgy firms that owned both meth testing and cleaning companies could rake in big money for unnecessary work.

    The country’s top scientists say New Zealand has been gripped by hysteria and are recommending people do not test their homes for meth – unless the Police specifically indicate it was a meth lab.
    A new report by the Prime Minister’s chief science adviser Sir Peter Gluckman found there’s never been a documented case of someone getting sick from third-hand exposure to meth.

    Mr Twyford said the moral panic around meth has led to needless clean-ups and evictions.

    “A hundred million dollars in the case of Housing New Zealand, goodness knows how much in the private sector – so money’s been wasted,” Mr Twyford said.

  16. Jenny 16

    Fake News: Or, some people just like fascism

    Thomas Binder

    The WH are exposed thanks to brave people like @EvaKBartlett and @VanessaBeeley. First I saw the electrodes in the centre. On the phone I see they are placed quite correctly. I did not lie. I made a mistake! I apologise. Will the WH and others too?*wMhecBMLB5ABi2y_oM9RaQ.png

    “…. even if his evidence was wrong, the conclusion was still correct.”

    The swansong of the Assadist.

  17. JessNZ 17

    A heartwarming story about the trials (literally) of those hardworking rich folks…

    ‘Elizabeth Huljich alleges her son Christopher Huljich and her grandson Peter Huljich failed to comply with the conditions of a $750,000 loan agreement she organised for them….

    ‘In 2011 Peter Huljich and his company Huljich Wealth Management was convicted and ordered to pay $447,000 for undermining public confidence in the KiwiSaver investment market and misleading investors by using his own money to artificially inflate the performance of the company’s KiwiSaver fund.’

  18. R.P Mcmurphy 18

    the party is over.
    time for the speaker to crack the whip and bring this inept mediocre nationals rump to heel.
    happy holiday.

  19. eco maori 19

    Good morning The AM Show can’t you see this was a drilibrit move to cause a housing crisis shuttering houses because of PEEEEE. PEEEEE test was also a gravy train for some retired people who think that there views are the only ones that count. As for Sir Peter Gluckman The Labour lead coalition government top science advisor if the boss say stay out of the debate we’ll that’s what he did we know who the boss was.
    How many houses have been condemned because of this con job.Maybe there should be a law pasted that the people who were running the government at the time should pay te tangata compensation A.
    I was going to include the Rose Anne shoe in one of my post it does show you how hard poor people have it in America I did not no she was a racist trump admire I wonder if he is going to stop printing money this action actually takes wealth from the rest of the Papatuanukue.
    The last bonus I got was 11 years ago I used the money to buy my truck that was when Farmers value there workers before shonky decided to change the laws immigration and employment. It did not take long for some farmers to start treating workers like——- now its a shame people laugh at you when you say that you are a dairy farm worker because of the – – – – – way tangata have been treated bad Karma bites NO.
    Mark calm down its not your fault that all nationals shitty secrets are coming to light 400 million to irrigate land that would have stay in the low intensity farming with out the gift of millions billy boy A looking after his m8 You made all the wrong moves Ka kite ano

  20. eco maori 20

    The AM Show Duncan don’t try and blame the scientists just look at the human caused global warming debacle If a government does not want to use common sense there is no way OUR scientist are going to change there views thru a lens of $$$$$$ bills No. you know the old saying. Ka kite ano

    • eco maori 20.1

      I think it’s bull that those retired civil servants the people from the PEEEEE testing industry are commenting on this subject don’t you think its a conflict of interest just like the Alcohol lobbying group commenting on Alcohol issues a conflict of interest No so don’t listen to the bull that comes from people like them. An toa kai Ka kite ano

      • eco maori 20.1.1

        Good evening Newshub the sandflys are not happy with my post this morning they are doing the same here in Auckland sending actor to try and – – – with ECO MAORI but know effect arrr why don’t they find someone worthy of their attention they obviously got to much time to waste intimidating me.
        Good on the Tall Black playing in Rotorua soon it will be good for Aotearoa Basketball if Steven Adams plays for the Tall Blacks.
        Ingrid I hope we are going to get some warmer weather soon.
        Ka kite ano. P.S Ill have to put a TV in the Truck lol its Matariki on the first of June ECO MAORI will be celebrating this event