Open Mike 29/09/2017

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 29th, 2017 - 113 comments
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113 comments on “Open Mike 29/09/2017 ”

  1. Ed 1

    Powerful lobby groups using their puppets in the media to make the public think the world will end with a NZ First, Green, Labour coalition.
    This time it’s big business pimping for the TPP….

    The media is part of the problem.
    Reform it.

    • Eco maori 1.1

      + 100 Key was a control freak he has put his M8 in all the CEO Job’s that’s how one controls a society
      And they have been having fun playing with OUR Human weakness which is OUR emotions .
      Did you notice that key worked hard to control his emotions and he used the media to paint a perfect image of himself and national . Key still has a big influence in NZ because he put his M8 in all the CEO position that he could stock market E.C.T these people need to BE kicked out and people that are hired on there qualifications to perform there job to improve the organization that they are serving and not to USE there power to manipulate OUR SOCIETY TO BENEFIT THE NEO LIBERALS.
      Let’s get this strait the Police are a vital part of our society most of them server our society for the better of our society in NZ but with any population you get a few bad apples that CAN infect more people in that population It does not help that Key has put all his neo liberals BRO,S to run these organizations so we just need to change the culture of our police force to all have the attitude to server our society . And not to try and control US .
      These people that are harnessing me are not you standard police they have to much power to be Your normal cop they have the power and spin to influence Judges Lawyers other cops and everyone. I talk to they spin there shit and flash there badge and pump them for information and get the people to believe there lies yes I no this I have faith that this will get sorted out soon so Please respect our police that are serving us because it is a job hard mental job to server as a standard cop P.S. I think The Americas cup should be held in TAURANGA its a perfect location out along the Mount and Papamore every one could see it from the shore

  2. North 2

    Look at this facile crap from the wannabe Nation’s Scribe, Soper:

    A smartish 14 year old who reads the Herald a couple of times a week could do as well. My mind always go back to the time Winston Peters chucked him out of the room for his bitching hubris when Peters met with John McCain in Washington years ago. Soper’s got it in for Peters. Couple that with his Gower-like belief that he’s central to every story there’s some real fun coming up.

    • ScottGN 2.1

      Soper is pretty much clapped-out these days. Even by his, now, low standards that’s a pathetic effort at informed analysis.

    • tc 2.2

      Soper and his wife (HPA) are an excellent example of the type of owned puppets that get a few bullet points from their handlers and have to craft the rest themselves.

      The better ones, like Matty, can largely shield the intent behind his own angry persona whereas Baz and HPA lack the skills and don’t make the effort.

    • tracey 2.3

      He seemed underused pre election day. Or to put another way he contributed about as much as I would like

  3. Sanctuary 3

    Reading Chris Trotter’s columns lately brings back to my central question about the guy -Why is he such a defeatist? He is like the two fee-market economists walking along arguing about Hayek when one stops a $100 note on the ground “oh! Look! A $100 note!” Says one. “Impossible!” Said the other. “It would have been picked up by now!”

    Replace the economists with left wingers and the $100 with opportunity and you’ve got Chris Trotters basic world view – a defeatist who thinks that opportunity will never appear, and if it does it’ll be picked up by someone else.

    • tc 3.1

      IMO trotter is part of the DP arena, he may not be as willing or involved however he knows where his breads buttered with those MSM gigs.

      DP is as much about the memes as it is the muck raking and spin and one that’s been running for many years is to paint the bally lot of them as being all the same.

      • Bearded Git 3.1.1


        • tracey

          Dirty politics?

          • Bearded Git

            Thanks…of course…not sure I have connected Trotter with this though.

            I did find his defeatist attitude a bit weird after the election. It seems that when he is on TV in front of a right-wing host he completely loses it.

            I mean the likely election seats outcome is Lab/Gr 54 Nats 56. WTF???

            • silvertuatara

              I have to wonder if Chris Trotter has a property portfolio which may be motivating his current political opinions which would be more likely be seen propagated by the right wing MSM and right wing political commentators.

              If he does have a property portfolio then perhaps he sits within the demographic that this election has voted more on self interest, as opposed to the wider common good of building a fairer and more sustainable tax/revenue base by taxing capital gain on speculative housing sales other than the family home.

              There is also the possibility that if his appearances on TV, and radio are paid positions that he could possibly derive more “TV, radio gigs” if he provides the candy that the right winged MSM would lap up.

              What could be better for the right winged MSM than a branded “Left-Wing” political commentator espousing left wing defeatist opinion in an attempt to undermine left block coalition negotiations.

              I think that Chris Trotter should come forward publicly for the sake of transparency and his own integrity and fully disclose where his political leanings are now positioned on the political spectrum.

  4. Ad 4

    Why does Sweden get business innovation and entrepeneurship so right?
    Doesn’t mean all things apply here, but it includes:

    – Tax reform to relatively flat
    – Monopoly-busting
    – Deregulation
    – Early state internet investment
    – Social security including free healthcare and free university
    – A bunch of cultural elements

    Good article I thought:

    • Johan 4.1

      Still asking the questions, plus a link but no real input from you Ad.

    • Molly 4.2

      Posted yesterday, but given your comment, worth posting again. Films for Action article: How Swedes and Norgwegians broke the power of the 1 percent

      Worth reading in it’s entirety, but short answer – they collectivised and fought for a culture where collaborative entrepreneurship is normalised, the level of trust in having adequate welfare and support systems in place while start ups get going is high, and the expectation of good behaviour is cultural.

      The article you linked goes back to the changes instigated by the 1990’s response to financial crisis, but the positive impact of those changes seems to be related to the national movement that took place in the 1930’s.

      • Ad 4.2.1

        Yes I saw the intriguing link, but what is the name of the film? I’d like to have a look if it’s online.

        • Molly

          Films for Action is a website with progressive articles as well as links to films and videos.

          The link sends you to an article. Fairly short.

          (If interested there is a reference in that article to a film as well, but I’m guessing you were just inquiring about the media at the end of that link)

  5. Andre 5

    I know nobody needs any more evidence to conclude that the current occupant of the White House is an utterly disgusting simulacrum of a human, but this story adds another dimension to just how vile he really is.

  6. Paula bennett – if i was her i’d keep quiet instead of talking about the greens and gnats. Or maybe encouraging her is a good thing… 😈

    I notice in the stuff article they are saying Shaw won’t rule out the possibility – all this to put pressure on Winnie lol

    • JanM 6.1

      I find it seriously weird that the MSM are still wittering on about National and the Greens no matter how many times the Greens say there’s no chance of it happening. Talk about living in a parallel universe!

      • Cinny 6.1.1

        I’m with you fellas, Marty and Jan. After over a decade of national giving the Greens a hard time, name calling, nastiness and all the rest, national discovers it’s got no mates and expects everyone who they have ridiculed and bullied in the past to cuddle up to them.

    • Johan 6.2

      Bennett, whenever she opens her mouth comes across as unintelligent and clownish.

      • Molly 6.2.1

        Well, to be fair, anything else would be like expecting orange juice from squeezing an apple.

      • Once was Tim 6.2.2

        Indeed! Nasty thing to say I know, but even that constant smile and chuckles seem to me to be chemically induced. They’re so fake and plastic it’s otherwise hard to explain it. I’m like, kinda, like, like getting pissed off with being expected to remain dignified with people like her who have no hesitation in dishing it out, but who squeal like stuffed pigs when people throw a bit back.
        I think Paula Bennett would be the Natzi party’s biggest hypocrite – but then there are others. Nafe (I no longer like weed and whites but prefer wine), or Soimun 10, and a few others.
        Sometimes I feel embarrassed for them, and her in partic.
        I realise others are far more charitable, but there goes one really fugly specimen – and not just aesthetically. Oh for a MSM that would adhere to the principles of the 4th Estate (even RNZ at times) – it’s bloody staring them in the face ffs!

        • Draco T Bastard

          Indeed! Nasty thing to say I know, but even that constant smile and chuckles seem to me to be chemically induced. They’re so fake and plastic it’s otherwise hard to explain it.

          It’s taught at business schools and other ‘success’ courses that you should always smile. It’s a basic part of the deception.

    • Paula Bennett: National wants to talk with the Greens

      Bennett floated the possibility of National and the Greens talking to each other about forming a government – they could have a majority with the Greens’ seven seats.

      She believed her personal relationship with the Greens was “great” and that they respected her work on climate change.


      Or, as Giovanni Tiso put it: This tells me talks with Winston aren’t going well and National is scrambling for leverage.

  7. Carolyn_nth 7

    “home stagers” I’ve never heard of this line of work before – maybe I lead a sheltered life. But this must be one of the most unnecessary and pointless ways to earn a living.

    But, it is sad for people who took up jobs in an area where wealth has been floating on a bubble. A decent society would have checks against people throwing all their efforts into jobs built on a temporary bubble. It’s only going to end in tears and frustration for too many people – while the homeless and underpaid continue to struggle with insufficient infrastructure and lacking the necessary workers.

    • JanM 7.1

      I’ve come across them -my cousin has her house on the market in Tauranga – she’s quite a serious hoarder and her agent more or less made her hire some ‘home stagers’. For the first time I can get through her garage and walk through her house without risking life and limb -lol. Needless to say she hates it!

      • alwyn 7.1.1

        “her garage”.
        I imagine it was like most New Zealand garages.
        Why don’t we tell the truth and label them as storage rooms?
        Full of things that are never used but which people won’t get rid of.
        Then the car(s) get parked in the street.
        I can actually use my garage (boast, boast). However there are just two of us now living in a four bedroom home, so it isn’t really surprising.
        The people who clear out houses for sale are actually doing a very valuable job for the seller. Houses look much bigger and more welcoming if they are cleared out. I think people would be able to sell their house more readily if they got rid of half the contents before putting it on the market.

    • Molly 7.2

      “But, it is sad for people who took up jobs in an area where wealth has been floating on a bubble.”

      Sad for those individuals, yes. But in effect similar to the job insecurity of seasonal workers, who have guaranteed work for the short term and then nothing.

      Even more reason to ensure a fully functioning support system to provide welfare, housing and medical needs when work is no longer available.

    • DH 7.3

      They’ve been around a long time Carolyn_nth, staging was a commonly used ploy to flick on houses for a quick profit even as far back as the ’70s.

      People are strongly influenced by visual imagery and it can surprising just how much value can be added to a (rundown) house simply by mowing the lawn, trimming the hedge and generally tidying up the place. Artfully placed furniture, rugs & wall hangings can then transform rooms and hide a lot of blemishes.

      It does work and is perhaps a testament to our shallowness but we’re probably all guilty of that… I’m just as easily influenced as I expect most everyone is.

    • AB 7.4

      This is what you get when you deliberately fuel bubbles as National has done with housing. The people who got in too late and the bubble chasers like this woman in the ‘home staging’ business get socked. Others walk away with a great pile of free money.
      Why oh why is everything so idiotic and f*cked up?

  8. Karen 8

    Talk about delusional – Paula Bennett thinks the Green Party respects her because of her work on climate change!!

    • Carolyn_nth 8.1

      Julie Anne Genter has published some tweets today, that bennett would be advised to read and digest:

      Genter Tweeted:

      If National really wanted to work w @NZGreens, they shouldn’t have spent last 9 yrs increasing cows, motorways, oil exploration & poverty.

      This is linked to other Genter tweets that said:

      Green policy options were always open to them. They had an MOU with us in the first term, they chose not to continue.

      Actions speak louder than words.

      • Cinny 8.1.1

        Epic goodness, Julie-Anne is one of my fav MP’s and sheez the nats have given her a hardtime in parliament for years and years, old boys club have really laid into her in the past. She’s an inspiring role model for women, switched on and passionate, love her work especially around COP21

        Thanks ever so much for the link Carolyn

        • Pete

          Julie-Anne Genter asked sensible, pertinent questions in Parliament of Simon Bridges. He just got rattier and rattier when his bullshit non-answers didn’t cut it and resorted to being petulant, nasty and childish.

          For that he gets a 10,000+ majority in Tauranga.

      • Tracey 8.1.2

        Now maybe the Nats and voters might begin to realise that 9 years of lying and BS and ad hominem at the Green Party has come home to roost. Nats are forced into having only 1 partner option and they tried to destroy him

    • savenz 8.2

      Karen, I had to laugh out loud when I heard that pearler!

    • weka 8.3

      Trolling the Greens.

      • timbeau 8.3.1

        I reckon Chloe Swarbrick’s line was pretty good, too:

        “When speaking about parties’ inaction on climate change, during the campaign, new Green MP Chloe Swarbrick said: “Saying you want action on climate change and still allowing new consents for oil drilling and coal mining is the same as saying you’re going to be faithful in a relationship and keeping the Tinder app on your phone.””

      • Grey Area 8.3.2

        Totally. I thought even that awful creature couldn’t be that delusional. But then again …

        • Carolyn_nth

          The Nats blue-green bid shows a total disrespect for Green Party voters – the Greens said on their website, a vote for the GP was a vote for a Labour-led coalition – and shows Nats’ total contempt for democracy.

          They have demonised the GP since forever, and now they are saying to the GP leaders, give us all your GP votes.

          The National Party – all about power, and anti-democracy.

  9. Cinny 9

    Wozzers the house across the road sold for $500k after just a few weeks on the market. Was nicely presented by the family who sold it, well done the garden looks great.

    Dang, Motueka locals, young families etc who want to own their own home have no chance especially with sunshine wages and that blows.

    House prices around these parts have climbed around $200k over the last four or five years, it’s unreal.

    Can’t believe how quickly real estate is selling here. It’s also been unusual to see the camping grounds, domains and communes so full over winter.

    • JanM 9.1

      People are running away from the cities where survival has become too difficult – the same stuff is happening in Whangarei

      • tc 9.1.1

        Don’t underestimate the offshore impacts on this also, it’s not just akl that’s being bought up.

  10. rhinocrates 10

    The Economist is worried about Jeremy Corbyn. It’s quite a bit of fun reading these articles:

    There’s an inadvertent admission in the second:

    Mrs Thatcher argued that only by breaking with a failed consensus could Britain offer its people what they desperately wanted: private homes rather than council homes, efficient trains rather than nationalised cattle carts, economic growth rather than conflict and stagnation. Mr Corbyn is such a powerful candidate because he is performing exactly the same manoeuvre: arguing that the only way to solve problems that really matter to people—the shortage of homes, the awful trains, the unsatisfactory economic situation—is to break with the consensus that Mrs Thatcher established in the 1980s.

    Ah, so neoliberalism left us with a housing shortage, decayed infrastructure and a sick economy? Oops.

    • Molly 10.1

      Inadvertently clicked on more than three articles, but read the first.

      The petulance is strong in that one.

      Thanks for the read.

      • rhinocrates 10.1.1

        You can get around the limit by opening in different browser or by reloading and then hitting stop before it’s entirely loaded – if you have good reflexes. The latter trick only works with The Economist ‘tho.

        • alwyn

          Does that really work?
          I subscribe so it doesn’t affect me but I often want to recommend articles to friends to read. They get rather annoyed by the limit but I didn’t know a way around it.
          I shall have to have a play with those techniques.
          Thanks for the tip.

        • Molly

          Thanks for the tip, which worked.

          The whining is loud and clear in the second article as well – especially, as you pointed out – given the unconscious admission at the end.

    • Carolyn_nth 10.2

      I read an Economist article this morning about NZ’s potential coalitions – the skewed language and sources is a bit of a laugh:

      Mr Peters, who wants to ban foreign investment and give politicians free rein to meddle at the central bank, says he will not rush into “premature” decisions.

      Although it is not a requirement, the largest party has always formed the government. The economy has done well under the Nationals. And voters might see a coalition with Labour as overturning the results of the election, given the size of the Nationals’ lead.

      Mr Peters has also feuded with bigwigs in the Nationals such as Steven Joyce, the finance minister. He might expect to hold greater sway over Ms Ardern, who needs him more, than over Mr English. And his two previous tie-ups with incumbents were followed by heavy losses for New Zealand First, notes Matthew Hooton, a political analyst, so it may be “in his interest to side with someone new”. A similar logic might prompt Mr Peters, who is 72 and has already served as deputy prime minister, to refuse to join any coalition.

      Seriously, hooton a “political analyst”? – NZ First’s last stint with Labour resulted in losses because NACT’s dirty politics machine went after Peters relentlessly – and Hooton was on the fringe of the DP group.

      • Psycho Milt 10.2.1

        He might expect to hold greater sway over Ms Ardern, who needs him more, than over Mr English.

        What does “needs him more” mean in this context? Given that neither Ardern nor English can command a majority without him, they need him to exactly the same extent, don’t they? It’s a simple “majority = true or false” thing.

        • JanM

          It’s probably a put-down – as in, you know, ‘Uncle Winston’

        • Sabine

          one could even argue that Bill English needs him more as he wants his fourth term. Labour can like the Greens simply say, thanks but no thanks, you go ahead, we be the opposition. 🙂

      • savenz 10.2.2

        hooton a “political analyst – god another laugh of the day. Do they not realise he’s a political lobbyist?

        • Grey Area

          Yes but being honest about it wouldn’t suit their purpose.

        • Union city greens

          The morning after the election show on 3 had him at his inadvertently funny and most creepy best.
          Right at the end as the panel were winding up he went all Sméagol on Jacinda.
          Just for a brief moment the real Mr Nasty couldn’t be hidden beneath the fake smile.


  11. savenz 11

    Using the sea as our rubbish dump.

    Critically-endangered sea turtle dies after ingesting one litre worth of plastic

    • JC 11.1

      The tragedy of the commons!

      “By 2050, the oceans could have more plastic than fish. Already, the ocean is filled with about 165 million tons of plastic.”

      “Cruise ships dump more than one billion gallons of sewage into the world’s oceans each year, much of it after only minimal treatment.”

      • Molly 11.1.1

        Spent a few days with friends up North while election was drawing to a close, and spent election night with various mobiles trying to keep track of the results.

        After several hours of conversation about politics and the effect on NZers lives, I managed to effectively silence a friend by suggesting tourism is perhaps not something we should be relying on, given our geographical position on the globe, and the use of fossil fuels necessary to get here.

        When speech returned, conversation then moved on to the stress on local government to provide for the added stresses of tourism in less populous places, and the unconcern shown by some – not all – freedom campers.

        It was an interesting conversation, one that would have benefited from the information about the cruise liners and the sewage. (I personally don’t like the visual pollution on our shore line, and the spending on deeper ports when utility infrastructure for residents is failing, as well as the price gouging for tourists that affects locals who reside at those locations but that is by-the-by).

  12. feijoa 12

    All this national green stuff put about by right wing trolls is hogwash

    Winston can say – If you don’t do what I want I’ll go with Labour

    National says If you don’t do what we say we’ll go with , er, er, er, er, er ( no friends) er

    I know! The Greens! (they’re naïve enough!!)

    Just don’t ANYONE have a bar of it
    Let Winston play his strong card

    • Carolyn_nth 12.1

      It’s possibly also aimed at splitting the GP in the long term. The Nats are ruthless politcal operators with their main aim gaining and maintaining power. Everything else is secondary, and they are never to be trusted.

      • Robert Guyton 12.1.2

        I think they scheme to make The Greens generally unpopular because they “turned down a golden opportunity to keep the country going strongly…” etc. Setting The Greens us as a scapegoat, no matter what the outcome of the negotiations. But so what? They do that already. I think The Greens should play for keeps.

        • AB

          They aim to destroy the Greens by any means available because the Greens are their ideological antithesis and aren’t sufficiently controllable.
          For example – the right wing commentariat seems to have had a role in determining which Labour leaders are deemed to be ‘acceptable’ over the last 9 years (Shearer good, Cunliffe bad). That level of influence/control over the Greens is impossible.

          • Robert Guyton

            And The Greens are so undeservedly righteous and they smirk and act all superiour when they should be, you know, grateful!

            • Robert Guyton

              Uppity! That’s what they are, uppity! especially that Gareth Hughes – oooooh! He needs a good spanking!
              Gareth Hughes.
              And that Chloe! Chloe Starstruck!
              She’s … she’s just a girl!
              Jeanette Fitzsimons, now there was a Greenie I could trust. And Rod Donald. Of course, at the time I didn’t but looking back…real Greens, those two. It all fell apart with that Australian Norman man; no manners, no respect for the Chinese King or whoever it was; waving his Australian flag, ridiculous! Wasn’t Norman married to Chloe? Wouldn’t surprise me. And that Sue what’shername, Tim Shadbolts bit of fluff? The grocery woman. Lived the high life in some elite suburb somewhere, pretending to be green. Not Bradford Arrrgh! Don’t remind me! I just don’t like those Greens. They’re not our sort.
              Edit: /s

              • Anne

                It all fell apart with that Australian Norman man;

                ‘… that Commie Aussie Norman man. And look at him now. Doesn’t shave. Bet he doesn’t even wash himself. ‘ FIFY.

                Thanks for the belly laugh.

              • Once was Tim

                If I had my way, I’d put em in the army! Show em some discipline!

                It’s quite amusing how those boomers we once grew up with whose parents were National Party used to protest the state of their parents.
                Only one or two decades later, they’re a fucking sight worse than their parent ever were.

  13. adam 13

    Centrist scum that is Emmanuel Macron, anti worker, and creating a police state in France.

  14. joe90 14

    Heard the tail end of a NatRadio piece about Nobilangelo Ceramalus’ push to rename Waiheke island’s Ōmiha bay so I googled Mr Ceramalus and oh boy, they’ve got a live one,

  15. savenz 15

    Best quote of the day by Catherine Delahunty.

    “I’d rather eat hemlock that work with the National party”.

    • Carolyn_nth 15.2

      Former MP Catherine Delahunty said there was “a snowball’s chance in hell” that members would back such an arrangement.

      “I would rather drink hemlock than go with the National Party,” she said.

      “The last thing I want to see is the Green Party or any other party propping them up to put them back into power. They’ve done enough damage.”

      She said National was just floating the possibility to try strengthen its hand with New Zealand First.

      “This is just a whole lot of political manoeuvring by the National Party and others who would like to give Winston something to worry about.

      “It’s not even worth speculating about.”

      The former MP David Clendon – who resigned in protest over Metiria Turei’s benefit scandal – said a Green-National deal in 2017 was not a viable option.

      • marty mars 15.2.1

        Backfire gnat bastards now your true unplesantness is on the radio, tv, and net.

        Backlash went early with bms bumble – the funny thing is ALL of their tired lies, insults, and innuendo about the greens actually applies the them!!!

    • Cinny 15.3

      Love it 😀

  16. Frida 17

    OMG like picking a scab I just had my daily look at the Sewer. Leading the billshit today is a post criticising Guy Williams’ tweet about John Armstrong (which Williams has subsequently apologised for). Farrar rants indignantly about people focussing on appearance. All his own commenters ever seem to do is attack Jacinda on her appearance. That guy is so stupid it’s not funny.

  17. tracey 18

    Interesting quote on about why some men get so agitated about the idea of equality…

    ” When men imagine a female uprising, they imagine a world in which women rule men as men have ruled women. ” Sally Kempton.

  18. swordfish 19

    Couple of days ago a young man by the name of Anthony R0bins highlighted a recent Colmar Brunton which revealed voters prefer NZF support a Labour rather than National-led government.

    The poll showed 46 per cent of respondents supported Labour, a third say National and seven per cent don’t want the party in government at all. The rest don’t know. …

    That encouraged me to tweet Colmar Brunton asking for a breakdown specifically for intending NZF voters

    Colmar Brunton have very kindly obliged with this brief analysis

    Key Finding

    Those people who support New Zealand First (for their party vote) were more likely to say they would prefer the party to support a Labour-led government (65%) than a National one (25%).

    Prefer NZF support
    …………………………………… All …… NZF voters only
    Lab-led government …… 46% ………… 65%
    Nat-led government …… 33% ………… 25%