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- Date published:
12:30 pm, October 13th, 2010 - 9 comments
Categories: education -
Tags: national standards, new zealand principals' federation
Yesterday, the New Zealand Principals’ Federation, joining the education union NZEI, launched their campaign opposing the Government’s National Standards. The current status of the Standards controversy is this.
The Government considers that the design phase of the Standards is over and done with. They are now into the implementation phase but are facing (and perplexed by?) mounting opposition from the Primary sector. The issue of whether the Standards will raise education achievements is hotly debated. The weight of informed debate lies against the Standards achieving what they are purported to deliver however.
A growing number of education practitioners want the Government to go back to first principles and revisit the design of the Standards. Successful implementation of the package is premised on sound evidenced based design. If the design of the standards links through to providing valid education outcomes, the implementation process should go reasonably smoothly and with minimal fuss.
The key for the Government in getting National Standards implemented rests with the design of the package linking up with desirable educational outcomes. Achieve that and the sector will work hard to get them in place.
Testing must:
Be relevant to the current study
Be useful for further student development
Leave the student feeling confident (and not humiliated)
If one of the above is missing, then test/assessment is invalid.
Principals must be supported by the people. Unfortunately there are those who will not support the Principals for Political reasons.
The Many just have to make sure that they don’t let the Few railroad proceedings.
Correct Colonial Viper.
The nation of parents who voted for and who care about quality education and are keen on national standards must not be railroaded by the indoctrinated principals trying to hold back the tide of educational reform.
how many votes were cast for national standards at the last election?
The nation of parents voted for a change in 2008, not for National Standards.
And when they vote for a change in 2011, it will be to get rid of National Standards.
Educational *reform*?
More like thoughtless uneducational connivance.
The contradiction between quality education and the National Standards (as they currently stand) is one that even you Fisiani cannot resolve.
Fisiani, who in your world view is indoctrinating the Principals?
The truth of the matter is that communities trust their Principals and teachers far more than they trust politicians and especially the ones we currently have. Principals, including me, have put our hands in our own pockets for no other reason but to ensure that our countries excellent education system, envied by many around the world, continues to do the wonderful job it does despite the mess that successive far right free market polices has done to our once world leading country. The market has stuffed much of what made us such a great place – no one should let it ruin any chance that our children will have of putting it right.