Written By:
the sprout - Date published:
9:22 am, September 16th, 2013 - 59 comments
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The stunning levels of naked media dishonesty and bias we’ve seen in the coverage of David Cunliffe, his campaign, and now his election, call for a special tribute!
This post is for us dear readers, to assemble links to examples of those who write in the msm’s anti-truth, anti-democratic elite self-interest – and quite clearly not in ours – as demonstrated by the last months’ ‘reportage ‘ of our next Prime Minster. Please cite a choice quote and source link in your comments.
TVNZ interview this morning, Cunliffe refutes some of the MSM spin, by stating:
@ about 1min 20
after questions @3min 24 – on Chris Hipkins and the claims Cunliffe challenged for the leadership at last year’s conference:
On RNZ this morning, Cunliffe said, in response to John key’s far left attempted smear, too often just repeated by the MSM jonolists:
Question about attacks for being too far left:
@ about 4 mins 10:
TVNZ replaced that link to go straight to Key now! Theres some bias for ya. The new link is here http://tvnz.co.nz/breakfast-news/david-cunliffe-s-plan-unite-labour-video-5584864
Curtis, I don’t know what happened, but the Cunliffe video is still there – fixed the link.
I shared it on my facebook and it made me look like I was trying to promote Key lol.
Just viewed that which, together with TV3 and RNZ etc etc, reveal the media still stuck in the mental and competitive mode of the Labour leadership race along with voting number, and they need to be told the race is over!
And that the real race is just beginning!
Quite. The race with National.
It was such a pleasure to listen to the Labour leader this morning on National Radio responding to questions clearly, concisely and without stuttering.
It was also nice to hear him on RadioLive with John Tamihere and Willie Jackson and hear spontaneous laughter from David Cunliffe. Something that eludes John Key with his pre determined jokes and his smarm.
Those who have seen, heard and watched Cunliffe would have known that he is solid substance first and foremost. While on the road and in between the leadership meetings, he would be working on his speech and keeping in mind the content and the specific audience that he would be addressing, while always having a ready ear for people he met and also asking others around him for comments.
So it was quite surprising to read TV3’s report of a poll, which had it round the other way (“Asked which of the candidates was more style than substance, 25.8 percent said Mr Cunliffe, while 13.9 percent said Mr Robertson and 13 per cent said Mr Jones”??), that cannot be reconciled with the actual person.
That TV3 webpage was written in a misleading way and seems actually quite wrong (giving a false impression that was pointing to Cunliffe having “more style than substance”) and this was only clarified when the following stuff.co.nz piece (which reported on the TV3 poll) was read to reveal that Cunliffe was regarded to have the most substance over style among the candidates:
p.s. Good on ‘the sprout’. Might oaks from little acorns sprout 🙂
Might = Mighty!
PS: If jonolists claim that Cunliffe has failed already because he doesn’t score a killer blow against Key in the House tomorrow – at the end of the RNZ interview, link above, Cunliffe is asked about how he will take perform in the House tomorrow:
@ about 5 mins 10:
Cunliffe points out, that tomorrow in the House will be just one step in a long process:
And asked how he will foot against it in the House against Key, Cunliffe said:
He’s quick, that’s why he will best Key in debate. At the last meeting in Chch when the hurricane like winds hit the venue he quipped ” That’s not just a Nor’wester, that’s the winds of change”.
When Key sprouted ” Show me the Money”, i’m pretty sure DC would have said something like” I can’t, your mates have taken it all”.
Game over, Labour would have been Government!
And last night, Gower on TV3 was continuing to spin the ABC line that Cunliffe had attempted a leadership coup at last year’s Labour conference.
This was only the second attempt, the first had been during the last legitimate leadership selection, when Cunliffe stood and Shearer was the eventual last other candidate standing, after Parker dropped out.
That spin was laid to rest by Cunliffe this morning – not a coup, a constitutional debate & Hipkins has retracted.
Technically speaking the first occasion was not a leadership challenge either as there was no leader at the time 🙂
Good point, micky.
Technically speaking, was this a challenge either?
Had Shearer resigned from the job and therefore there was no leader or was he still officially the leader of the opposition?
Gower – idiot – arsehole – compensating for his extraordinary misfortune. Cunliffe will have to slap him down only once.
Did Gower ever pass journalism 101.
Even his attempts at fabrispin are so amateurish and transparent that he surely can’t believe them himself.
The fact they got Slater on first thing to talk about Cunliffe just like they did when Shearer resigned
No knifing needed. But love, kindness, understanding and forgiveness. Hah.
Cunliffe nailed it as he has said MERITOCRACY.
(Please excuse shouting that one word.)
Why do they try to use WhaleSpew as if he’s a worthwhile commentator rather than a pigshit thick and shallow hate merchant?
Because he has the most popular political blog in NZ and doesn’t post anonomously.
like, many people who post and comment here regularly have not been identified. One or two pseudonymous commentators at Seaworld.
Nope. He has the most popular blog originating in NZ. But because he has all of those nice vignettes of guns, videos, and every other damn thing I suspect that the majority of his page views and visitors are from overseas and completely uninterested in NZ politics. Not to mention the use of several technical means to boost overseas numbers. It is how he makes his money from the site.
If you’re looking for the most popular popular political blog in NZ, then that is probably still kiwiblog (damnit) or that great unknown at public address. I have suspicions that they have quite high numbers.
We don’t let anyone post ‘anonomously’ or even anonymously – not even commenters. We do allow people to write pseudonymously – which is a whole different thing.
But since you think that writing with a pseudonym is the same as writing anonymously and this is a bad thing (and we don’t allow anonymous comments), then I’ll take you at your word and test it out on you….
[lprent: In fact I think that can be the new rule.
If people complain about “anonymous” posts (or comments) while hypocritically doing the same “anonymous” actions themselves, then I’ll automatically ban them in accordance with their own “rules”. Gosman is now banned until after the next election for writing comments “anonymously”. Let this be known as the Gosman (hypocrite) ruling.
I’ll add it into the policy after I cook dinner.
Of course the normal rules apply for non-“anonymous” people complaining about our sites policies. ]
Is it within the rules if I laughed at your comment on your new rule, lprent?
cos that’s really funny!
🙂 I just got tired of the hypocrisy…
Hahaha that’s an awesome ruling, Lynn.
Would you mind sharing your thoughts about this: “that great unknown at public address. I have suspicions that they have quite high numbers.”
All hail the Gosman Ruling, long may it save my desk from meeting my head at velocity.
I trust you do your head-banging to appropriate music?
Good and bad. It’s a shame as I really enjoyed reading Gosman’s comments and seeing him get his butt kicked.
I suspect he will be doing an Arnie.
You really won the argument with that old saw/sore in your last three words Gos’.
Richard Dawkins once explained his refusal to debate with creationists by asking, ‘ would a leading geographer or geologist consider debating with a flat earther?’
I’m disappointed that Mike Williams for whom I once had respect would sit in the same studio with a pretentious unintelligent clown like Slater.
Please could TV3 raise the level just a little?
Maybe he thought it would be best to have someone in Labour there to defend Cunliffe rather than just have Slater sit there and bag him while the media (who got him on in the first place) lets him get away with it.
Nah Let slater reveal his true intellectual competence alone. Mike Williams demeans himself by association with the intellectually slow. Surely Mike can’t be that short of money?
And this morning, selective quoting from Tracy Watkins and Andrea Vance. Compared with the longer quotes above from this morning’s RNZ interview, where Cunliffe talked about it not being just about him and Key, but between the Labour front bench and Key’s government – Watkins and Vance made it all about Cunliffe attacking Key when they wrote:
I think Cunliffes best chance is to make it about him and Key because when you look at the bench Key has v the bench Cunliffe will have it’ll be easy pickings for National
But Cunliffe v Key will be interesting: Harvard educated businessmen v Wall St money man…it’ll be a ripper
Oh yeah the Nat bench is just chocka with talent hahahahhahahaha….
Wake up…..please
English gets kudos in the international press for his performance
Ryall: has anyone heard anything coming out of health recently because thats impressive all by itself
Joyce seems to be the go to guy for anything (whos Labours guy to guy or girl?)
Collins has most of labour scared (not thats much of an achievement)
Hell labour can’t even land hits on Tolley or Bennett anymore
Cunliffe can’t do it all by himself (much as the posters on here would like to think he could)
English: gets praise for growth achieved from Chch disaster.
Ryall: covered in crap from SOE theft.
Joyce: covered in crap from skycity corruption deals.
Collins: a mean, ugly dictator type who would scare anyone with civil rights concerns, who feels she should be one of the few exempt from being spied upon.
Bennett: lands hits on herself every time her mouth opens, another mean-spirited hater of the poor. A ladder thief.
Tolley: is she still above ground?
Cunliffe…….”form” for “sleazy”……..love it ! “Scoop” Watkins and “Swipe” Vance are gettin’ their reporting right for once !
In a climate where journalists deliver the goods of lite-facts and heavy opinions, here is a report I made on supposition that makes as liteweight a story as anything from the jonolists.
‘Political journalists said to be in cahoots while in their showers.’
And here is a link to Politifact that Lanthanide provided. This is an innovation that could be a true tool of value. I’m repeating it to ensure that it doesn’t get missed in the general hubbub of joy from the phoenix rise of Labour with the Cunliffe positive vote.
It’s my belief they are playing into Cunliffe’s hands.
The more they play up these “divisions” within the Labour party and the “mess” it’s in, the better he looks as the party continues to be united and positive going into next year’s election.
Yes we all know they are a bunch of corrupt creeps. Can we change the record?
“Thus God and nature linked the gen’ral frame,
And bade self-love and social be the same”.
-Pope : An Essay on Man Epistle.
“Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye”.
-Sonnet 62
“We have the wolf by the ears; and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other”.
-Jefferson: On slavery, in a letter to John, Holmes.
They (some of the old hacks) are so vain, they probably think the ‘self’ is about them : Sense of self is a consequence of social relationships, with others, or not, beginning with mimicry.
The Self Illusion : Bruce Hood : 2012
For them to consider the social them , the cultural artifacts that compose their identities, gender, role, position, status, age, privilege etc, would expose the establishment and their mouth-pieces to to the objective possibility of a further erosion of their illusion of free will.
-derived from Antonio Damasio.
‘(their) sperm’s in the gutter, their loves in the sink, we may make them feel, but we can’t make them think”
-Ian Anderson
Nice to see Rawdon Christie being treated like a concern tr*ll.
wondered where the Ent had been hanging out their branches Treebeard
Why is Radio New Zealand National quoting opinions and the views of Michelle Boag on the new leadership? Since when is opinion news?
Since about when they stopped pretending to have facts.
Something thats really starting to piss me off is the MSM painting the Greens as the evil stepmother, all you hear is how the Greens are going to bleed votes back to Labour etc…. or how Labour are going to work with the Greens etc….. or how the Greens will be insignificant if Labour go left, can’t these morons get it thru there thick heads that the public were sick of the bloody two horse race, with MMP other horses don’t have to appeal to everyone and anyone, the Greens for me represent some free thought and inspirational thinking from outside the socially controlled, money driven, competitive, ass kissing load of shit we have to suck up daily.
The MSM are, as normal, trying to influence how the people vote rather just reporting.
Got that link. Ta very much.
Rev Mr Smith – Somehow seems to flow after that great rant.
There’s even patronising headlines: King David
Now the trick is to manage to have the MSM not just completely ignore him or at best quote half a sentence until after the next election.
The more they complain about him the better because at least he gets a chance to be infront of cameras.
Something should be done about the abysmal reporting by Patrick Gower on TV3. He just goes from bad to worse. What a disgraceful example of journalism! I watched the news tonight with guests from Europe. What an embarrassment. As I often do, I switched to the pathetic coverage on TVNZ to avoid hearing more from Gower. We are at an all time low on news coverage, that’s for sure.
Agree wholeheartedly. Try Al Jazeera for real and relevant news.