Rudd ousts Gillard

Written By: - Date published: 9:57 pm, June 26th, 2013 - 76 comments
Categories: australian politics - Tags: ,

Kevin Rudd is PM of Australia again after defeating Julia Gillard 57 votes to 45 in the Australian Labor Party leadership vote.

76 comments on “Rudd ousts Gillard ”

  1. Jimmie 1

    Me me – I wanna be captn of the Titanic. Wah wah wah

  2. Yes 2

    Shearer Cunniliffe Roberston three way vote in nz

    • Tangled up in blue 2.1


    • Colonial Viper 2.2

      Why you righties so keen for another Labour leadership fight? I thought you all voted for Shearer?

      • infused 2.2.1

        Because it’s better than watching the crap on tv.

      • Yes 2.2.2

        I seriously like Shearer – wish there was great policies he could campaign on and not tagging onto NZ First and Green policies.

        For a government to be strong you need a good opposition – the public are split between labour Greens and NZF.

        I have said and I will say it again – really looking forward to labour dropping those two parties and standing on its own two feet.

        You know guys – that is all I have ever really said on here – I want labour to be strong. It will give all NZ a lift with two very strong operators.

        Ignore the hard left and hard right calls – centre NZ is where it is at

  3. Lanthanide 3

    I don’t honestly know why Gillard hung on this long. She should have stepped aside at the start of last week. Clearly her position was untenable and I don’t know why anyone would want to be leader of such a riven party – easier just to stand back and let the other guy take the fall.

    • QoT 3.1

      I’m sure when Labor under Rudd does implode they’ll still find a way to make it the woman’s fault.

      • infused 3.1.1

        I like how you put that.

      • Colonial Viper 3.1.2

        Likely will be, don’t you think 😈

      • Lanthanide 3.1.3

        Yes, probably.

        Ultimately Gillard’s failure was due to Rudd. Gillard only took the job because it looked like Rudd was going to lose, and they just barely scraped over the line, and had to swallow political rats left and right to stay in power.

        This is an example of why Labour + Greens want to come out of this upcoming election with 65+ seats, a bare majority like National currently have just won’t cut it.

        • Chris

          That is never going to happen whilst Shearer is leader. About time the Shearer camp swallowed their pride and moved on. Shearer = Rowling lovely blokes lousy leaders

          • Rhinocrates

            Rowling=A good PM and decent fellow.

            Shearer=shallow dick – never a leader.

            Goff, King, Mallard etc= Brides of Our Blessed Lord Roger – boils that need to be lanced.

            Just look at the bullshit: “Bare majority” “scraping through”. Oh FFS. Are the Shearer bearers so desperate?

            • Alanz

              “Shearer bearers” has a ring of pallbearers.
              Just an observation.

              • Colonial Viper

                Or crucifix bearers. I do believe that was the literary idea of it 😈

            • Sable

              Agree with what you say about Rowling, he was a good man but in ineffectual leader.
              Shearer is a sad case but then look at the abomination we have as an alternative, Keys? A petty dictator and dishonest leader.

              I have to say the Australians are lucky to have Kevin Rudd, we have no politician of his calibre in this country and as such we are lost.

      • Ennui 3.1.4


  4. jaymam 4

    I see Rudd has been wearing his lucky blue tie for days. Thank goodness that dreadful woman has gone.

  5. yeshe 5

    Methinks Rudd is indeed leader of the Labour Party but not yet PM .. there are formalities to go through with assumptions but no built-in guarantee … Abbott’s shadow looms large.

    And come in David Cunliffe, your time is up, please.

    • Alanz 5.1

      Grant would want a go at the leadership himself first.

    • Colonial Viper 5.2

      A leadership spill is of no point until Labour remembers who it is representing. Clue: not people earning $75K pa complaining about Auckland first home prices.

    • karol 5.3

      And come in David Cunliffe, your time is up, please.

      Following the Gillard-Rudd model, shouldn’t it be, “Come in Goff, your time is up, please”?

  6. xtasy 6

    Do not accuse me of sexism, please, but Gillard was just not able to deliver the leadership in difficult times for Australian Labour.

    I am not enthusiastic about Rudd, but facing an election in a few months, or even weeks, with Gillard trying stunts like holding a knitting session in front of cameras, open to ridicule, having been too defensive too often, doing too many u-turns, and about to lead Aus Labour to their worst defeat in at least recent history, there is now only Rudd who can turn the ship around.

    Surely, with the Nats running this country down further, we do not want a large, powerful neighbour and ally across the Tasman being taken over by a similar kind of government.

    As for Shearer, I hope that the vote in the by-election this weekend will send a final message to the Labour caucus, that it is time to get rid of him. Please, avoid a scenario like Aus Labour faced until yesterday, and another embarrassing defeat: Roll the hopeless man!

    • infused 6.1

      ironic much? They are rejecting labour over there, which is having a pretty similar time here. Have you ever thought people are just sick of labour?

      “we do not want a large, powerful neighbour and ally across the Tasman being taken over by a similar kind of government.”

      Who is we? It’s certainly not the majority of NZ.

  7. Murray Olsen 7

    Rudd is a self-serving, dishonest megalomaniac whose ego has allowed him to be used by Murdoch and the miners to get rid of Gillard. Gillard was a socially conservative and determined atheist who managed to hold a minority government together against an hourly litany of orchestrated character assassination and lies, and had been used by the miners to get rid of Rudd. Rudd would never have been able to become PM given the numbers after the last election. Gillard not only did that, but she kept the government together for a full term.

    Her politics disgusted me. Her refusal to treat refugees as human beings, her denial of marriage equality, and her continuation of the racist intervention in the Northern Territory would inspire John Banks. As a political animal, you knew what she would do and could trust her to try to do it.

    I don’t know what Rudd’s politics are, because apparently they’ve changed significantly since he was PM the first time, especially on refugees and global warming. As a political animal, I have no idea what he will do except to lose an election. He will then blame Gillard.

    Many of the same Queenslanders who voted Bjelke-Newman in and are now complaining are exactly the same ones who are rejoicing that Gillard has gone. Perhaps not so coincidentally, the previous state premier was also a woman. Soon enough, they’ll be crying about Abbott.

    • Colonial Viper 7.1

      Seems like Labor has its share of big leadership problems. Remembering that only half the problem are the leaders themselves. The other half are their powerful backroom and factional supporters.

    • halfcrown 7.2

      “Her politics disgusted me. Her refusal to treat refugees as human beings,”

      They disgusted me. Her refusal to treat TAX PAYING New Zealanders
      as human beings. Lets hope Rudd addresses that issue like right now.

      • Murray Olsen 7.2.1

        I include Kiwis in Aussie in the economic refugee category. You’re right though – she just continued Howard’s policies. Key went over to sort it out and gave them access to New Zealand government information, with nothing in return.

    • burt 7.3

      Rudd is a self-serving, dishonest megalomaniac…

      Just say he’s a senior Labor/Labour party member – we all know that equates to your description.

      • Murray Olsen 7.3.1

        I don’t know that at all, burt. I do know that a disproportionate number of self-serving, narcissistic, dishonest megalomaniacs are found in all sorts of political parties. Nact doesn’t seem to have much else, in fact, whereas Labour Parties tend to have a few decent human beings who follow what I consider an invalid political and economic model.

    • Ennui 7.4

      Thanks Murray, been waiting for somebody to enlighten me on what Gillard stands for, what Rudd stands for. I dont give a flying f**k about their genders. Anybody else who can state what their politics are?

    • xtasy 7.5

      Murray – with all that, as you comment, why do so many Kiwis go to Australia?

      Maybe then, it is doing us a favour, they must all be selfish and fall for the system that they have over there?

      I am no fan of the Australian system, and I am horrified generally, how things move globally, but we live in horrific times, really, we have only choices between cholera and the plague, that is politically, socially and economically.

      But it is all neatly packaged, in hygienic, plastic wrapping these days, go to the supermarket and get a thrill, all so clean, neat, nice, fake smiling and bullshit, love it, really!?

      Got your message on Rudd by the way! Cholera or plague, I say or ask?

      • Murray Olsen 7.5.1

        I can answer for myself, xtasy. In Australia I get paid for doing what I spent years learning to do, and in some small areas am an international authority. That option isn’t available to me in Aotearoa.

        I think others go for economic reasons. There are jobs here. In the past many went to get away from Mowrees and Eyelanders, and built lovely little racist colonies in places like the Gold Coast. That’s changed, as many Maori and Pasifika are here to work. I’m not going to call them selfish for that.

        Rudd – probably bubonic plague. Smelly and unpleasant to be around when it happens. I’m not sure he stands for much at all except himself – sort of like Winston without the charm or the economic nationalism, in my view.

        On Kim Beazley, Karol – I remember seeing him on a tv debate in about 2000 when I was over here for a conference. I remember wondering who the Labor candidate was, because he would have slotted straight into National at home. I was appalled when I found out it was him.
        You are of course, 100% correct that most of the attacks Gillard faced was because she is a woman. We can’t ignore gender.

        • xtasy

          My impression has been that Aus Labour is pretty much there, where Shearer or even more right wing Labourites want to take us. It dismays me, and it leaves open the question, what can be done to deal with the wider “middle class” actually voting for this. That is the issue, really, and we get it here too, en force, the middle class do NOT want to be seen next to the poor and underclass, the beneficiaries, and that is what got Key voted in, really, to be honest.

          It is the result of decades of division, to make the ones a bit better off, a bit better skilled, a bit better “inherited” and otherwise privileged, even moderately, to frown on some “low life”, so they can think, we really “work hard’, we “deserve” what we get, others do not, and they better “shape up”.

          I see this as the major issue in societies, from the North American scene, to increasingly also Europe, and certainly well engrained in Latin America. Asia is a bit different, but we see, apart from some Yankee entrepreneur being locked up in his factory, for considering shifting to India, and lower paid work, there is even in China increased division and a new bourgeoisie.

          This cannot be fought and stopped by force or violence, it cannot be stopped by competing with them for work or privileges, what do you suggest?

          Mass protests need masses, we will never get this with the entitlement thinking middle and upper classes, shitting on us, the rest, and I am a hated beneficiary, by the way, facing day in and out how neighbours and others frown on me for that!

          I sometimes feel like doing a 9/11, really!

        • Colonial Viper

          Thing is, I think that Australian attitudes are going to harden considerably as the fall out from thousands of people being made redundant (or not having contracts renewed) in the mining/resources sector, takes hold.

          You are of course, 100% correct that most of the attacks Gillard faced was because she is a woman. We can’t ignore gender.

          How do you explain Gillard’s position that gender explained only part of the rough journey she had experienced?

          And you cannot say that her gender was the primary factor in her bad political judgement, self inflicted wounds and hypocrisy around multiple issues – including the fact that she originally crucified Rudd on his bad poll numbers and low popularity, replaced him as PM, and then went on to hang on even longer when her numbers were worse.

          We can’t ignore gender, but we can’t make the world orbit around it either.

          • Murray Olsen

            Ditch the witch? Bob Brown’s bitch? Barren harpy? Childless lesbian? Fat thighs and a big red box? The attacks were made in a way that wouldn’t make sense at all if directed at a male. Directed at a female, they showed that Whalespew and his rabid army would be true gentlemen among the Australian Liberals.

            I think that’s basically what Karol said, and what I agreed with. Otherwise, thank you for correcting the position I didn’t take.

        • karol

          Ah. I must have mis-remembered Beazley’s position. I saw him speak in Sydney in the mid-late 90s, in Howard’s time. Beazley seemed a breath of fresh air at the time.

          The Aussie Labor party died with Whitlam’s demise.

          there has always been a quite strong labour movement and socialist & communist groups. One of my bosses in Sydney had been a communist party member in her youth and still was strongly left as well as being well respected by more MOR people at work.

  8. vto 8

    Rudd said twice that he would not challenge for leader again.

    Bare-faced lying seems to have now become completely acceptable for politicians on both sides of the ditch.


    • infused 8.1

      I bet you’ve said things you’d never do and done them as well. Get over it.

      • vto 8.1.1

        Not in that manner or scale, no.

        It just goes to show that you cannot trust that a politician will honour what they say. They cannot be believed.

        Don’t like how politicians are seen by joe public? Get over it.

        • infused

          I think it’s accepted actually. People knew this was coming for along time.

          • vto

            Well I guess that’s what I was trying to say – that the public has come to accept that politicians cannot be trusted, or that they have any honour, or that what they say has any truth to it. They are today known liars and deceptors extraordinaire. How else does Winston Peters continue……

            It seems a genuine shame as this is either indicative of wider society or it leads wider society down the same path.

            it has probably always been so……

            (might try it myself today on a similar scale. wonder how far I’ll get)

  9. Blue 9

    To me, Rudd is a gutless man without honour. Sitting there white-anting his own party for years because of a bruised ego, refusing to step up and prolonging the agony, lying about challenging for the leadership and now being a total hypocrite by doing to Gillard what he complained loudly about when it was done to him.

    How Labor will endure this asshat again I don’t know. Personally I think they would have been better off holding the line under Gillard and losing.

  10. Santi 10

    Meanwhile in New Zealand, I predict the charismatic, eloquent and well-spoken David Shearer will lead Labour to a crushing victory defeat in the next election.

    David for PM in 2017, but which one?

    • Wairua 10.1


    • xtasy 10.2

      I suppose you watched TV3 News tonight, revealing that Shearer does (according to internal caucus source/s) only have 2 months to improve, or they will ditch him!

      Finally, I say, finally, get rid of him, he is a liability to NZ Labour. Gillard may have stuffed up somehow, but she at least could talk, face interviews and to a moderate degree “lead” a party and government, although she did not convince the wider electorate.

      So imagine a f***head with stumbles, no words and worse, trying to convince the electorate in NZ. If Gillard has to move, Shearer should have been made to be removed months ago!

      It is a very “humane” caucus, I think, unless they are mostly clingers on, all desperate, as they put their bets on Shearer. What a bloody mess, really!

  11. Jokerman 11

    NZLP could call a ballot on the Leadership…

    • xtasy 11.1

      NZLP SHOULD call a ballot on the leadership – a.s.a.p.!

      • Colonial Viper 11.1.1

        It could call a membership ballot on the Leadership but I think it would be essentially pointless. A new head on a struggling directionless ideologically conflicted body.

        For true renewal, half a dozen of the current worst oxygen thieving MPs need to be gone. And some real socialists including people who have a solid grasp of heterodox economic principles need to be put in. Preferably MPs who want to gut the BS medical/work capacity assessment hoops done by WINZ, and also return the super age to a more sensible 60.

        • xtasy

          Shruggedy, shruggedy, that is the problem, lower ranks, members, old members, new members (them less so), the lemmings heading desperately for joy at the cliff, the brainwashing by mass media, commercial madness, indifference and also cowardice, distraction into little consumerist escapism, and not wanting to be seen with the wrong crowd, that is exactly the main issue.

          Who dares to protest these days, oh, it endangers my “career prospects’, ‘oh, I would not want to be seen with those radicals and no-hopers” and “oh, no, I may ge some dirty stains on my shirt, if I do that”, sadly thought messages I have detected.

          One Che Guevara must have been “mad” to do what he did, no “sensible” person would bother risking their life and health for silly ideals now. There is plenty of ice cream in the fridge, lots of treats at the supermarket, and if I am nice to Mr Nice Guy, or Ms Nice Guyess, I may turn out to be famous, famously wealthy and have a great life. Fuck the rest, solidarity is not what I want, that is what I get every day, in little messages, and that is where we are at, sadly.

          So a total global collapse of economic and social systems may turn out to be a game changer. But the snake oil salesmen like Key keep up the hopes and fals e promises. Brighter future and light at the end of the tunnel, yeah right, Tui board out again.

  12. Anne 12

    Very good commentary by Kerri-Anne Walsh (Canberra journalist) re- the Gillard/ Rudd stoush on The Panel (yep Morrissey for once it was worth listening to) – just after the 4pm news. Her sympathies clearly lay with Julia Gillard, and it seems Rudd and his supporters have waged an intensive destabilising campaign against her for the past three years.

    I can’t figure out how to link since RNZ changed their format. Could someone do it? It’s well worth a listen.

    You think our MSM political journalists are appalling? Wait til you hear what Kerri-Anne has to say about the Aussie equivalents…

  13. Anne 13

    Thanks Iprent and karol.

    Not doing something right but no matter. Linking direct to programme sched. is almost as good.