SCRABBLE success

Written By: - Date published: 8:44 am, November 14th, 2007 - 7 comments
Categories: culture - Tags:

dsc_6960.jpgNigel Richards, formerly of Christchurch, has become our first world Scrabble champion.

Richards apparently led from the start, needing just three of the five available games to clinch victory.

Stuff reports that “In the final game, Richards got four bonus scores for getting all seven letters out & for dirtiest, overapt, recopies and equinias”

Clearly multi-talented, Movember also appears to be going well for him.

Here’s the story on Stuff, and also a link to the world Scrabble champs site.

7 comments on “SCRABBLE success ”

  1. Crikey, I see you’ve been going hell-for-leather adding banal, non-political posts to bury the smear campaign against Whale Oil, and the shellacking you’re getting for supporting that travesty of an electoral finance bill.

  2. the sprout 2

    IP/Whaleoil, have thought of a new approach, like maybe convincing arguments with sound content?

  3. all_your_base 3

    IP, it may come as a shock but the blogosphere doesn’t revolve around you and your (narrow) concerns. Here at The Standard we have a variety of readers who are interested in a variety of topics. We thus aim to cater to a variety of tastes.

    I’m personally very keen on the idea of celebrating and congratulating NZ success overseas – Scrabble triumphs included. Not your game perhaps? No need to discriminate.

    Fear not though, there’s likely to be plenty more EFB goodness coming your way shortly.

  4. Amateur Scrabbler 4

    Scrabble can actually be quite a fascinating game.

    I randomly bought it on Vodafone Live a while ago, and it turns out there is a remarkable degree of strategy/tactics in it.

    Sure it’s not the ‘coolest’ of games, but for people that possess a wide vocabulary and an analytical mind, it’s not a bad game at all.

    Bizarrely, there is even an element of gambling in it. Players at the highest level will supposedly risk using knowingly invalid words, and chance that their opponent won’t challenge it (with the unfounded challenge taking a penalty if it is indeed a valid word).

  5. Amateur Scrabbler 5

    Although I’m certainly not implying that Nigel Richards did anything like ‘cheating’ or playing unethically…

    I was just trying to say that there’s a lot more to Scrabble than people would think.

  6. all_your_base 6

    AS – If you’re into Scrabble check out this documentary if you can. Definitely worth seeing, it’s a bit like Spellbound…

  7. Amateur Scrabbler 7

    AYB – thanks for the link. I had never heard of that movie before. I might try to find it…

    I wouldn’t say I’m ‘into Scrabble’ per se, but I found it interesting to discover what nestled levels of strategy appeared to me after only a few games of it.

    There’s often such a huge amount of choices you can make in a given turn, so no game is ever even remotely the same.

    This is, say, in contrast to Sudoku, which although mentally taxing for the Hard or Diabolical ones, is basically a brute-force trudge towards the solution…