Server move

Written By: - Date published: 9:23 am, June 24th, 2009 - 19 comments
Categories: admin - Tags:


The hosting company has moved the site to a new server last night at about 10pm. That is nice, however they didn’t bother to inform us that it was happening. Of course it was 0400 their time. I noticed it because I was working on a few bugs like the archive page at the time. Some of our writers noticed and txt’ed or e-mailed me because they were writing posts. It took just under two hours.

Anyway this should alleviate some of the outages that we have had over the last few weeks as our traffic has been attempting to surpass the election week peak.

19 comments on “Server move ”

  1. Maynard J 1

    Are people over the post-election-damn-it-I’ve-had-enough-politics mindset? It always seems to take a few months – that is what I think the honeymoon really is. Not the media going easy, but no one caring, even over issues that whould normally raise the hackles.

    • lprent 1.1

      Oh yeah. We’re getting extraordinary growth in the lurkers on the site (who are the bulk of the population) as well people commenting and posting. We’ve been having a steady growth of a few percent per week generally (public holidays disrupt the trend) since the xmas/new year drop.

      captcha: harmonious Dubba
      yeah right..

      • Maynard J 1.1.1

        lprent, this is all about politics – maybe you should call them ‘readers’ and not lurkers 😉 (I know no offence intended)

        • lprent

          I’m a programmer – not a politician. The term is evocative and pretty accurate with little ambiguity. That is what I tend to look for when labeling behavior. When people hear a term I don’t have to spend time explaining how they are different from illiterates (in the case of readers).

          Besides lurkers has a long and venerable heritage in net circles. I think that it was first used in the BBS’es.

          BTW: What do you think I should call trolls?

          • Maynard J

            Just so long as your lurkers know it is a term of endearment!

            Trolls is Trolls though, through & through. And no need to worry about their feelings!

  2. SHG 2

    Hosting’s with, right? Have they done this sort of thing before?

    • lprent 2.1

      Nope. But I’ve only been there since early this year.
      The move would have been smooth if I was in the US or European timezone. In NZ it wasn’t too bad. I’d just like a e-mail damnit.
      Still you what you pay for. This costs ~$200 NZ for a year. Prior to that I was paying $180 per month in NZ

  3. Billy 3


    The Archives do not seem to be working.

    And I am feeling all nostalgic.

    • r0b 3.1

      Billy – I thought you were extinct! Say hi to ‘Sod some time. Nostalgia indeed (starting to think I’ve been hanging round here for too long myself).

      • Billy 3.1.1

        Hey r0b. Billy is dead. I killed him. He barely put up a fight. Even he could see that he had become just too ridiculous.

        • r0b

          Hey Dead Billy.

          Interesting isn’t it how blogging drives us to extremes. r0b has turned out to be a lot more confrontational than I was expecting too. It’s something about the medium, but its also something about the message. When one side is putting extreme opinions so strongly and so plentifully I think the other side has to do so too. Hmmmm. Bread and circuses or the next phase of democracy? Perhaps it’s still to early to tell.

          Anyway, hope you’re enjoying the afterlife…

          • Pascal's bookie

            bah. This is nuttin. Used to have duels and fightin in the streets, tory farmers bringin their horses into town and gettin gifted wiv a weekend loan of a badge and a baton.

            Mass media has calmed things down a whole lot, pollies know that what they say at meetings will be reported nationwide, journos know that what they write will be read beyond their sectarian audience and seen beyond their city and preserved longer than a week. Everybody is downright civil.

            Christ, it’s gotten so bad the even the bloody trolls like burt will spend years setting up an argument that will only maybe show that a pseudonymous scribbler might be a hypocrite.


          • r0b

            Interesting points PB. Though I’m still not sure where blogs are going to end up in the long run, as the messy collision of politics and the internet unfolds…

    • lprent 3.2

      Yeah. I was fixing them last night and the hosts suddenly decided to move our server box. There is a post on the topic. Will have to wait until tonight

  4. a lurker 4

    yes, readers not lurkers. this is a wonderful site. You should be proud of what has been achieved.

  5. gingercrush 5

    Well what happened today?

    • Anita 5.1

      Missed yous guys! 🙂

    • lprent 5.2

      Bluehost suspended the account again because the cpu use went over limits. This time it did it at about 0330 NZST. I found out when I read my e-mail and saw a notice from them.

      So I spent a tedious hour and a half looking for causes in the code and logs, which I couldn’t find. The rest of the time was getting them to start the site again. It wasn’t external and it wasn’t corrupted code. It is happening at idle time for teh site.

      I’ll pull it to somewhere local for a few days so that I can see what the issue is. I suspect that what is happening is that a normal cron-job like super-cache cleanup is getting excessive cpu as we haven’t had this type of issue prior to the traffic running up.

      Expect maintenance tonight

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