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10:03 am, January 24th, 2019 - 47 comments
Categories: Andrew Little, journalism, Media, national, same old national, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, uncategorized -
Tags: mark mitchell
Fark me.
Last night when perusing twitter I came across a Stuff article which had this headline:
Justice minister’s UN speech compared to David Cunliffe apologising for being a man
This bought up a flood of memories. I recall clearly the day David Cunliffe said this and was pilloried because of it.
Good people I know have said how David’s infamous comment was off script, and while it was heart felt was not something they would have recommended that he said.
Because it gave the right a perfect opening.
But in these days of #MeToo can it really be said that David was wrong? Or like my mate Bob Harvey says was he wrong because he was right too soon?
So I read further. The first thing that I noticed was that it was National MP Mark Mitchell who had made the comparison. Labour MPs must dream of the day when their reckons are converted into Stuff headlines.
Mitchell said that Little apologised for being a Kiwi. But if you read the speech the only apology Little mentions are those that had been made officially for Treaty breaches.
The speech is typical Andrew Little. No frills, no spin, honest, to the point. The sort of speech all politicians should give. Always.
Like this part where he talks about housing:
Wellbeing also means that every New Zealander has a safe, warm, dry home. This includes people who are renting. This may seem basic, but it is something that some New Zealanders are not currently enjoying, including our most vulnerable. Too many of our houses are cold and damp, leading to preventable diseases. This is why we introduced the Healthy Homes Guarantee, requiring landlords to properly insulate, heat and ventilate rental properties.
It is hard to identify the part that caused Mitchell such angst.
But this is from the Stuff article:
National’s Justice spokesman Mark Mitchell likened Little’s speech to ex-Labour leader Cunliffe’s 2014 apology for being a man, where he pledged to invest $60 million to tackle domestic violence.
“Now you have got Little apologising for being a Kiwi,” Mitchell said. He said the minister had “talked-down” the nation.
Stating the justice system was broken and still suffering the effects of colonisation, was “ridiculous”.
Little “bagging” New Zealand on a global stage was as bad as it gets and a “huge slap in the face” for front line officers and those working in the justice system, he said.
He said New Zealand had a great track record on human rights, democratic freedom and freedom of the press and was regularly ranked one of the least corrupt countries in the world.
So what did Little say about the Justice System? Again from the article:
During his speech, Little explained the Government’s wellbeing approach and achievements such as paid parental leave, the Child Poverty Reduction Act, healthy homes and the child, youth and wellbeing strategy but acknowledged New Zealand must still improve when it came to its broken justice system.
New Zealand had one of the highest incarceration rates per capita in the world and it has risen in recent years, he said.
He said the damaging effects of colonisation were still being felt today with Māori facing “considerable disadvantages and having a disproportionate number of Māori in state care and prison.
There was no escaping the fact New Zealand had very high levels of family violence and the system was failing NZ women, girls and families, he said.
He told the council some New Zealanders faced more barriers than others and the Government was taking substantial steps to address equality and discrimination.
Māori and Pacifica people, the LGBTI community, new migrants and those living with disabilities faced the biggest challenges.
And Little is right. New Zealand does have an appalling incarceration rate, our levels of domestic violence are far too high, and the effects of colonisation are all too easy to see. Maori make up far too large a proportion of those in jail. The effects of discrimination are clearly evident.
That is unless you have shut your eyes.
The comparison was ridiculous. But it was neatly and uncritically packaged into a really negative headline by Stuff’s powers that be.
It would have been closer to the truth if the headline had said “National MP Mark Mitchell says something really stupid”.
The right claim that the media is a front for left wingers. This headline provides perfect evidence against such a proposition.
The fact that Mark Mitchell included a big sum of money in the item indicates that he is reaching for some feral reaction. There could be some sort of template for National to follow when they make derogatory comments about Labour.
Must look at –
* The money angle. That gets anti Labour voters aroused.
* The mention of manhood is another good one.
* Refer to not being true to family values.
* Is there a connection to tax to exploit?
* Make comment that is derogatory to women usurping male roles.
* Something about weakening NZ strength and fortitude – making us soft.
PS This is all confidential, and our National working document, so keep it so/
Or else.
Not mitch difference between mark and a drooling fuckwit.
Not your usual wit but accurate as always Gabby.
Perhaps Mickey missed the disclaimer of Advertorial in the article.
Advertorials are the often the most honest thing you will read in a paper because it is clear they are selling something and biased towards the subject, whereas a lot of news articles really should be labeled as advertorials
How fucking true
Here is a Newshub report on Little making the official report to the UN.
Not just mouthing off stuff like being 100% Pure, which is National’s style, or in Judith Collins style indicating the problem was bad people hurting each other.
This is the third time New Zealand’s human rights record is being judged in what’s known as the Universal Periodic Review. Former Justice Minister Judith Collins last fronted the forum in 2014 where she talked about reducing family violence.
New Zealand’s latest UN human rights review is being overseen by Brazil, Slovakia, and Saudi Arabia, despite the latter Arab kingdom being widely criticised over its human rights record, particularly in regards to women.
The final report on New Zealand’s human rights record in 2019 will be prepared by those three nations, known as the ‘troika’, with assistance from the UNHCR.
The recommendations are not legally binding.
Note that we have to do the best we can within an imperfect world. Note Saudi Arabia being one of three reviewers about human rights. But good reporting becomes even more important to help us know who and what is being judged, and why.
Is Newshub more reliable and straight than stuff? More believable, and with more integrity than stuff? (Scoop of curse is the one that tries harder.)
With stuff being sold off again, we can expect a downward trend in its importance and value to real NZs. 😥
Haven’t seen many more effeminate politicians than John Key.
Even he said….’Bronagh gets a …man in’!
I made the following point on another thread a few days ago:
National’s new strategy is to pick the bones out of every utterance, every press release and every action taken by government ministers. Opposition spokes-people have been told they are expected to realign, distort and if necessary… lie about every mortal word spoken or written by their government counterparts. The strategy started to emerge in the latter months of last year and some spokes-people (eg. Collins, Woodhouse) were lined up to keep it going throughout the holiday break.
Every politician criticises and indulges in bit of spin about their opposite numbers, but National is taking it to a whole new level of lying and deceit. No-one should be surprised.
It is up to Labour/Greens and NZ First to counter their dirty political tricks. If they don’t then more fool them.
. Opposition spokes-people have been told they are expected to realign, distort and if necessary… lie about every mortal word spoken or written by their government counterparts
Since you state this as fact. How about backing it up?
Just hysterical nonsense.
They all follow the same line of attack. If you think they don’t have a strategy laid out for their MPS – spokespersons in particular – you’re a darn sight thicker than I gave you credit for. Maybe C/T is back in the game.
As for the “hysterical nonsense” bit, that’s part of the general strategy. Accuse anyone who lifts the lid on their modus operandi of hysteria or being a conspiracy nut. The only conspiracies are those the Nats regularly indulge in, then when they are called out accuse the other side of what they doing themselves.
Well said Anne. James is an typical Tory lacky with little to offer – a disciple of the Crosby Textor brigade – attack whenever you can and don’t worry too much about the truth – in fact don’t give it any thought at all.
Out of the Crosby Textor Handbook latest Edition January 2019.
I don’t know that the press in the country (only 2 players) who are both privately owned are putting forth ‘information’ that leans to the right should be unexpected. If anyone uncritically reads then accepts this ‘information’ to be unbiased is naive in the least. Unfortunately there are many readers of this information that lack the critical analysis skills and people like Mr Mitchell take advantage of this – as does Mr “fake news” Trump in the US.
Who’s going to ask mitch why he lied?
Certainly not what passes for ‘media’ in NZ which is mostly an extension of big business ambitions.
I’d like to see some regulation around the publishing of lies. Collins refused to regulate the media as it suits their dirty politicking ways.
What media out let is not right wing?
TV1 news was always right wing which is why I gave
up watching 6 0clockTV news in 1974.
The Holmes show rigth wing.
Talk back radio i:e Radio Pacific 1970 -right wing.
ZB night talk George Baloni from 1980
Mike Hosking from 1990. All right wing.
News papers in NZ right wing?
Commercial radio…right wing.
Commercial is the key.
Money talks.
Right wing have the most money that is why 90% of
the NZ media has always been right wing.
National radio with out commercial influence was the most balanced
but only reached 3% of the market and mainly intellectuals.
Left wing media has always been peripheral
at best invisible more often than not.
Do the under 45’s even care or are they only
interested in checking their phone for messages?
Look right look left look right again then (put your) cross.
Rata you remind me of Ed. Lots of statements about how things are. Like someone has a Road to Damascus experience and having suddenly seen the light is intoxicated with it.
When is Ed due back ?
Ex-copper and mercenary, scary thought if he ever gets his hand on the Crown ?
Yup a nasty piece of work right at home in the national party. Carrying on as he begun having used DP tactics to get the pre selection for his safe seat.
He’s not – IIRC, it was a permanent ban.
“Rata you remind me of Ed.
Lots of statements about how things are.
Like someone has a Road to Damascus experience
and having suddenly seen the light is intoxicated with it.”
Wish I was intoxicated 🙂
Mitchell is scary AF.
If the country ever descends into authoritarian right-wing barbarity, Marky boy will be there applying the electrodes.
Anybody willing to accept help from Lusk is not a good person.
Yes, long ago I marked his card as a ‘lock’em up and throw away the key’ type.
On several occasions he has stated memes. They have fallen flat.
I do believe he is aiming at Andrew Littles’ capital of goodwill.
I wonder why he is supporting Simon. There has to be a personal advantage.
I think Mark Mitchell (and Judith Collins) is the suitable candidate for the far right of National Lusk was alluding to.
mitchell is a mercenary cunt he puts his nasty gnats spin on everything he says
I thought we were trying not to use the ‘c’ word?
sorry its hard when you see a c…t acting up
It has a real ring of extreme distaste to it for sure in common speech.
I wondered would ‘low-life’ be a good replacement. Anyone using that I’ve heard has always meant someone particularly unpleasant.
I just had a vote. The question: “What is worse for our society, people occasionally using that c word or Mark Mitchell being close to the wheels of power or even leading the National Party.”
The result was unanimous. I admit there was only one voter. I couldn’t really count the dog who was watching at the time because as well as being dyslexic he gets really confused. It would’ve been 2-0 though if I’d counted him because he was definitely giving me that “Mark Mitchell certainly is a cunt” look.
Now, report done, I’m going to give him a bone.
I am with you on that poll, Peter.
And of course your dog gets to vote as well. And perhaps my cat and my three parrots could as well. The parrots, especially Evil Sam, my cockatoo, certainly support swearing! They learn swear word far faster than anything else!
Yes there are some more intelligent birds around than some people.
Great copiers of other people’s words that happen to attract their interest.
Tui Woof Woof
He died in 2011 aged 16 years.
It is revealing when media that always led their stories with the govt’s view of things are now leading with the opposition’s. Nothing to do with speaking truth to power.
No more than usual as there’s been studies done that confirm the bias. Can’t recall who the kiwi academic it was recently.
I think it was after the 2014 and something with Otago University measuring the column inches (oops should I say cms) of exposure for both main parties and it ran something like about two to one although 80% does ring a bell. Likewise for a period of years “key” became a “key” word to use in headlines and it is only in recent times, while I admit is is a useful word” that it has returned to the normal useage you would expect.
That’s a good point. The important announcements and comments about policy should be coming from government, first and foremost. But the media show bias by flipping that on its back.
Fact is: it didn’t matter what Cunliffe said or did not say: anything can be distorted and then amplified like that. National’s been at this sort of thing since 1958, when they coined the ridiculous propaganda term the “Black Budget” to attack the Labour Government.
To be fair, from Mitchell’s perspective any suggestion that white people haven’t done an awesome, unbeatable job of running NZ and aren’t still doing perfectly today is a great affront to his racial pride, especially if the suggestion’s made in front of a crowd of darkies and assorted other foreigners.
What I don’t get is how Stuff editors can contemplate Mitchell’s perspective without wanting to spew, let alone give it a headline and pretend it’s news.
Same way as this I suspect. Simply not willing to see.
they are not real journlaists.
they are presstitutes.
they will do anything for money.
There revenue is click bait.
” Stuff is now an official mouthpiece for the National party ”
They always have been because they are controlled by Fairfax that has never been friendly to any left wing cause and will give precedence to any right wing nut job as long as it causes as much damage as possible to their opponents just like all the other media operating in this country.
If you want balanced news , and that is hard to find you wont get it with ” Stuffed ”
Public broadcasting or suffer the mouthpieces of money and power. It’s always being attacked in Oz by the liberals as part of the Murdoch dead rat they swallowed.
Stuff and the NZ Herald are mouthpieces of the ChiNational party?
Wow ! – your 11 years behind the times…
Ill give you Carmen as a consolation, however … favorite of me Dads…
Carmen – Habanera (Bizet; Anna Caterina Antonacci, The Royal …
WE had our very own Carmen. She was Labour I think.
What a unbelievable sin to commit. A pro National piece. How dare they let a National MP even speak or have there picture in a news article. Don’t they know this country is ruled by a socialist MP. Forget the WP articles, Clemingtine opinion pieces, Ali, MeToo, Climate change pieces and blatant misandry, the endless Trump Fake News and hate Trump opinion. Damn them for not following the rules. One slip up is one to many.
I have to say for a overtly left wing feminist rag they are OK with general News.
Yeah but they didn’t do anything to expose Con Key during his grubby little reign , did they.
435 lies by John Key « The Daily Blog
The great big list of John Key’s big fat lies (UPDATED) « The Standard
And that marks them out as well as the NZ Herald as sycophants.
Sorry , but no cigar.
You are another one that needs to sing Carmen.