Written By: weka - Date published: 9:06 am, December 15th, 2020 - 67 comments
The Prime Minister is talking about demonstrating a plan for action, but as we move into 2021 we need to settle back into grappling with the urgency of the climate crisis.
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 11:30 am, January 23rd, 2020 - 70 comments
The right appears to be splintering on climate change, with former Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull describing Donald Trump as the world’s leading climate change denier. And locally National MP Andrew Bayley has talked the profound effects of climate change on Antarctica’s ecosystems at the same time as Paula Bennett is attacking educational material designed to make children think about climate change.
Written By: nickkelly - Date published: 4:25 am, December 7th, 2019 - 3 comments
The climate crisis is one of the greatest threats to life on our planet, and as Prime Minister Boris Johnson should have fronted this debate. By failing to do so, he has shown himself to be a weak and feeble leader. By not engaging on the critical issue of climate change, Boris Johnson has shown not only UK electors, but the world that he is a fool.
Written By: notices and features - Date published: 9:48 am, September 25th, 2019 - 7 comments
“How dare you pretend that this can be solved with just ‘business as usual’ and some technical solutions?”
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 8:13 am, September 24th, 2019 - 67 comments
Greta Thunberg has spoken at the UN Climate Change summit and has warned the world that it is stealing the dreams and hopes of young people through its failure to address climate change.
Written By: weka - Date published: 7:15 am, August 30th, 2019 - 209 comments
Greta Thunberg’s journey was an invitation into a conversation not about deprivation, but how to live well as we change.
Written By: advantage - Date published: 7:42 am, August 7th, 2019 - 119 comments
Activist Greta Thunberg is attending a United Nations global warming summit in New York, and will get there by boat not airplane. But should she consider flying?
Written By: notices and features - Date published: 9:51 am, December 16th, 2018 - 94 comments
In a powerful speech a young 15 year old woman from Sweden has told the world’s leaders why action against climate change is urgent and that if the political system is preventing the necessary action from being taken then it is time for system change.
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