Posts Tagged ‘mfat’

What should NZ prioritise in international climate change negotiations later this year?

Written By: - Date published: 6:05 am, March 15th, 2018 - 48 comments

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is seeking submissions to inform their negotiations for the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) in December 2018.

NRT: “The TPP is too important for democracy”

Written By: - Date published: 5:27 pm, February 1st, 2016 - 40 comments

Fran O’Sullivan seems to be arguing against democracy in her bitter little rant in Saturday’s Herald against Labour’s opposition to the TPP. Labour, of course, is representing its constituents, many of whom have significant doubts about the TPP or its benefits to New Zealand (or to them). That’s what political parties should do in a democratic country.

Groser: an arrogant git with a tin ear

Written By: - Date published: 4:08 pm, August 15th, 2015 - 36 comments

I’m amazed about how ignorant Tim Groser is in his costly pursuit of the TTP. But his completely weird and idiotic remarks on how the ICT industry runs really do reach a new level of mindless – even for a fool from MFAT. The TTP will bring us no advantages, and are likely to cause major disruptions to the innovation that is driving the ICT export sector.

Tania Billingsley’s statement

Written By: - Date published: 9:16 am, July 10th, 2014 - 97 comments

Tania Billingsley has waived her right to name suppression in the case against the Malaysian diplomat accused of attempted rape – and a Minister of Foreign Affairs who wants the finger pointed at anyone but him.

She’s spoken to 3rd Degree about it, and I think she’s a big damn hero.

Blame the Officials

Written By: - Date published: 9:59 am, July 5th, 2014 - 7 comments

Murray McCully doesn’t accept his responsibilities. He appears to see no need to do more than to blame his officials. Yet his job, under our system of parliamentary government, is to be accountable to parliament for the performance – and failures – of his department.  The McCully doctrine appears to be to suppress public discussion on difficult issues and to limit any adverse fallout for their party. Public officials are convenient sacrificial lambs if things go wrong. This is a bad idea.

Local Bodies: Woman Experiences Sexual Attack, PM Gets First Apology.

Written By: - Date published: 3:16 pm, July 3rd, 2014 - 42 comments

A young woman was attacked in her own home by a Malaysian diplomat. He attempted to rape her. Despite Malaysia being prepared to have the diplomat tried in New Zealand the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade suggest that Malaysia may use diplomatic immunity and have the man returned home. The relationship with Malaysia was […]

NRT: An agreement for the sake of an agreement

Written By: - Date published: 3:42 pm, May 22nd, 2014 - 19 comments

The more you look at the Trans Pacific ‘Partnership’, the more you realise that unlike the trade agreements of the past 20 years, this agreement isn’t a agreement about freeing up trade. It is about putting restraints on trade. For NZ especially, it appears that we will not receive anything from it. All it does is makes it harder for our businesses. No Right Turn looks at the latest disaster of NZ diplomacy..

Polity: Key – “Meh. Maybe I lied to Parliament.”

Written By: - Date published: 11:38 am, May 14th, 2014 - 39 comments

Misleading parliament is serious. If it happens, MPs are supposed to make a stand-alone statement to the House about what they said, why it was wrong, and what they should have said instead. Key didn’t do that at all. He just inserted a pathetic “meh” concession into an answer to a question. And the speaker diminished parliament by letting him get away with it.

Mfat’s cuts cost $9.2m

Written By: - Date published: 7:50 am, March 29th, 2012 - 20 comments

Mfat is spending $9.2m a year on 30 strong razor gang cut diplomat jobs. It’s a ludicrous waste of money. As Goff notes – McCully’s splurging on ‘back office’ contractors in the razor gang to cut the ‘frontline’. 49 of 53 heads of mission have written to McCully say this process is destructive and dangerous. All McCully can do is blame the ‘star’ private sector head of Mfat he appointed.


Written By: - Date published: 7:50 am, March 13th, 2012 - 14 comments

It’s easy to attack the extra remuneration that diplomats get while on posting as ‘perks’ that can be cut. But they serve an important purpose. Diplomats and their families have to up-root their whole lives to go on posting. For diplomats’ partners, that usually means giving up their work and income. If there’s no compensation for that, then diplomats won’t be able to go.

List contest: Coping with redundancy stress

Written By: - Date published: 8:00 am, March 8th, 2012 - 43 comments

The $340K contractors hired to show our diplomats the door have told them that, to cope with stress, they could pray, take a bath, or get a cat. What else do you think was on the list?:

  • Suggestion 4: Whistle while you don’t work…
  • Suggestion 12: Watch The Life of Brian. Sing along to Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
  • Suggestion 18: For the love of God, stop leaking to Phil Goff

MFAT leak too convenient

Written By: - Date published: 10:16 am, July 23rd, 2010 - 16 comments

Why would someone in MFAT feel the need to interfere in the Australian election by leaking to the Australian media? I’ve been accused of conspiracy theories in the past but this leak seems all too convenient when National’s old mates Crosby Textor are up against it in Aussie.