Thank you ….

Written By: - Date published: 8:57 am, December 25th, 2013 - 34 comments
Categories: blogs, child welfare, democratic participation, education, equality, greens, health, housing, labour, mana-party, poverty, public services, quality of life, sustainability, workers' rights - Tags:

To the people working today, tomorrow and other public holidays to keep needed services running: transport, hospitals, retirement homes, emergency services, and all others working today

To the people who will be providing meals today at various city missions and other places

To the parents trying to give their kids a great summer on limited resources

To all unpaid workers int heir homes and communities

To all those providing services throughout the year that are essential to our society – especially those that are often ignored, marginalised or underpaid: cleaners, teacher aids, nursing/hospital aids

To all the community workers giving their time for the benefit of mothers in their community

To the activists, working for a better NZ – such as Auckland Action Against Poverty; Child Poverty Action Group; anti-mining protesters…. and more….

class war

To the politicians committed to moving NZ away from TINA of the “neoliberal” scam, and towards a more equal and inclusive society

To unionists working for for fair employment laws, living wages, and good working conditions.

To the journalists and bloggers taking part in the left wing conversation, articulating alternatives, highlighting injustices, and working to hold the MSM to account: special mention to Nicky Hagar, Jane Kelsey, Gordon Campbell, many TS and The Daily Blog authors

media lies to you

To Standard commenters who participate in the left wing conversation, and especially for providing necessary insights, information and (sometimes overlooked but significant) critiques



[Update] Special thanks to Lynn for all his work for The Standard.

What Tautoko Viper said:

Thanks to Lprent for providing us with a place for discussion of important issues. ( I particularly enjoy reading the witty gems that accompany the banning of some mindless troll. )
And thanks to the contributors who provide a real sense of community and interconnectedness, regardless of geographical residence.

34 comments on “Thank you …. ”

  1. karol 1

    And thank you to Edward Snowden who will deliver an alternative Christmas message on UK Channel 4.

    The television channel said today that the prerecorded message would be Snowden’s first television broadcast since he arrived in Moscow, where he has been granted temporary asylum following his exposure of the NSA’s secret domestic surveillance apparatus. Snowden’s revelations have prompted a global debate over the limits of surveillance and the value of privacy.

    Snowden will set out why he believes mass surveillance by governments is wrong and note the importance of the debate his disclosures have ignited.

    • Colonial Viper 1.1

      Well noted, karol.

      And also a note of recognition for Chelsea Manning, another incredibly brave young American of conscience. Sentenced to 35 years in military prison while the war criminals flying the Apache gunship killing the civilians including children and Reuters camera man, got nothing, and were not even called to answer for their actions.

  2. Tracey 2

    Thanks for all your efforts karol. It is hard to make people shift uncomfortably in their seats. Even harder to make them move. Keep on keeping on bringing another version of our country to the light

  3. Saarbo 3

    Thank you Karol for your thoughtful Posts and also for your elegant rebuttals to the right wing trolls/etc …always impressed.

    Maybe you could provide some of the leading left male commentators with lessons on how to stay cool when been challenged.

  4. r0b 4

    Hear hear – thank you all!

    Great post Karol.

    Merry Christmas All…

  5. Swimmer 5

    Thanks to the moderators and writers at The Standard for getting the message out day after day. 🙂

  6. Colonial Viper 6

    Thanks and gratitude go out to all Standardistas. And especially to you, Lprent.

  7. Tautoko Viper 7

    +1 Thanks also to you, Karol, for your intelligent contributions in support of the campaign for a more equal, inclusive and fair society which rates people and the environment above dollars.
    Thanks to Lprent for providing us with a place for discussion of important issues. ( I particularly enjoy reading the witty gems that accompany the banning of some mindless troll. )
    And thanks to the contributors who provide a real sense of community and interconnectedness, regardless of geographical residence.

    • karol 7.1

      Thanks very much, Tautoko and others above.

      And yes – a very big thanks to Lynn for providing and maintaining this space so well.

      CV – thanks also for your tireless efforts for the left and Labour – keep them honest!

    • Olwyn 7.2

      Well said Taukoto. Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Standard, and keeps the conversation going, especially lprent. Thanks also to the posters, who bring the things that matter into focus for discussion.

    • blue leopard (Get Lost GCSB Bill) 7.3

      Yep, well said Tautoko Viper +1
      A great deal of appreciation for Lprent’s work here from this quarter too- the last few months appear to have been particularly challenging and there he is – always ensuring this site is working.
      A great deal of appreciation to all the people commenting also – very awareness raising – and has enhanced my life no end being able to come here and read all the varied views.
      Lovely, lovely thread, Karol, acknowledging all the people who make this world a better place. This reflects a real Christmas spirit. Thankyou

      Merry Christmas all.

  8. logie97 8

    … and thanks for Open mike where those little nuggets can be raised for public discussion. Looking forward to this site further exposing the Tories for what they are in election year. Seasons greetings to all.

  9. Philj 9

    Thanks all. You give me hope.

  10. Ianmac 10

    Thanks Lprent. Your efforts keep us all in the loop. Invaluable. If I believed in knighthoods I would recommend you.
    And Karol. You must do a tonne of research. Thanks for your huge efforts and all those other writers.

  11. veutoviper 11

    My sincere thanks and very best wishes for today and the year to come to all the contributors to making the Standard my first port of call each day. There are too many to name everyone, but particular thanks to Lprent for providing and maintaining the site, Karol, MS, R0b, and CV are also just some who come immediately to mind.

    It is a pity that some trolls could not leave it alone today – but on this day at least, I am choosing to ignore them and even include them in my best wishes.

    2014 is going to be an interesting year, and we are all going to need strength to pull together to ensure that NZ returns a government and a culture that helps and is inclusive of all.

  12. Belladonna 12

    Special thanks to Lprent and all of the contributors and a Merry Christmas to everyone.

  13. George D 13

    Thanks to all those who stand against rampant neoliberalism and an ideology which is destroying our planet and keeping us from the future we need.

    Thanks Lynn for your work, and thanks to all the contributors here.

  14. Murray Olsen 14

    Merry Christmas everyone. Let’s put TINA out of her misery in 2014. For us, TINA.

  15. Flip 15

    Thanks for the opportunity to put forward ideas, comment on things and for responses. It has been enthralling to have some intelligent commentary and critical thinking being applied to MSM and government. Good to know your not alone with your concerns and be informed of other people’s plights. I’ve been really impressed by the quality of much of the commentary. Always exceptions but generally great and at times very funny.
    Lprent and other contributors put in a lot of work to provide the site and information that is an alternative to corporate controlled media and commentary that is lame and one sided. It is really where democracy is starting to live and breathe again. Cheers.

  16. Macro 16

    What every one has already said especially Karol.
    Thanks for a great site where we can share.

  17. McFlock 17

    Thanks Lynn, and the agnostic equivalent of “god bless everyone” 🙂

  18. xtasy 18

    Yes, I wish to add my thank you to the same persons and for the same reasons and aspects that Karol summarised above. Thank you to Lynn for providing the technical base and some of your own contributions for this lively forum. I thank also Karol and others who regularly publish their posts and comments here, same as all other regular and not so regular commenters and readers.

    This place is much more interesting than any other blog-site of this type I know in NZ, and it offers more “brains” and debates of quality than most. Naturally there will always be the odd trolls and dimwits wanting to upset, irritate or disrupt, but we learn to deal to them, or live with them. If Kiwiblog was not so right of centre and “libertarian” focused, it could deserve its place ahead of TS, but I am mystified why Farrar gets so much credit.

    I have signed off a few times before and will possibly only pop up here again on occasions. The end of year prompted me to return with some contributions. In any case, I continue reading TS more regularly.

    Best wishes for 2014 – to all of you! And thanks for putting up with me, when I had my not so great moments.

  19. Jenny Kirk 19

    I, too, would like to give my appreciation for the work of everyone, and especially L Prent, in making this such an informative and interesting blogsite.

    Enjoy the summer !

  20. marsman 20

    Thank you Lynn for the Standard and thank you Karol and all the other writers for their great posts. You are all generous indeed.

  21. Linz 21

    I’d like to add my thanks, too, especially to Lynn, Karol, Mickey Savage, and many others for their research and facts as well as their valuable opinions. I’m a lonely Labour Party supporter in rural East Otago so I appreciate having The Standard as a means of connecting to the Left and hearing all the gossip. I do hope we all have a cracker year in 2014.

  22. Huginn 22

    Thanks to you all.

    • Anne 22.1


      It’s all been said.

      However if I may be so bold as to change the subject slightly – here is as good as anywhere.

      The subject of Len Brown came up at the family Xmas function and there was much tut-tutting and faux angst over his acceptance of hotel upgrades. I pointed out that it was par for the course for politicians, and had been going on since God made little apples. The emphasis changed, and the tut tutting etc. became… fancy Len Brown being stupid enough to get caught. 🙄

  23. Tracey 23


    politics doesnt get discussed in my family. But at a non family dinner brown came up from someone who reads whaleoil. With a straight face I asked him how many right wing politicians have had as much time and energy expended outting their misdemeanors. He didnt think any. 😉

  24. JustLikeTigerWoods 24

    John Key. On here. You guys are totally obsessed with him.

    • karol 24.1

      JLTW, that’s why my post and every comment under it has a mention of John Key..

      …. no, wait, a search of this page shows that you are the first to mention him.

      Must be you that is obsessed.

      Go sip some summer wine, and chill, your obsession may waft off in the summer breeze.

      PS: Am I correct in thinking you were banned?