Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
6:39 pm, October 11th, 2012 - 103 comments
Categories: john key -
Tags: dotcom scandal, GCSB, kim dotcom, lies
Interesting hints on 3 News this evening – the gist of it is covered in Labour’s press release:
Did spies catch Key on tape on Dotcom?
Labour is calling on the Prime Minister and the Government Communications Security Bureau to confirm whether an audio-visual recording exists of John Key addressing staff at the agency during a visit on February 29th.
“Labour understands such a recording may exist and that it may show John Key referring to Kim Dotcom when speaking to staff.
“There is one way to clear this up. The Prime Minister should give the green light to the agency to release any and all unclassified material about the visit and John Key’s comments to staff.
“It was during the visit on February 29 that the Prime Minister was briefed by GCSB about their surveillance of Kim Dotcom. He claims to have no memory of that. Previously though, he had told New Zealanders that he did not know about the surveillance till September 17.
“The agency’s review of its handling of the Dotcom case says that ‘no written record was kept of the meeting’. But it is silent on whether any audio-visual record exists of the Prime Minister’s visit.
The tape, if it exists, was taken after Key’s Dotcom briefing – a briefing that he has said over and over that he couldn’t remember:
“While neither the GCSB Director nor I can recall the reference to the Dotcom matter being made during my visit to the bureau back in February, I accept that it may well have been made,” he says.
If Key is shown to be addressing staff about Dotcom then it’s further confirmation that the briefing sunk in at the time, and that his subsequent denials of it are lies. Watch Campbell Live at 7 for more…
How far can a rat go up a drain pipe,will watch him squirm.
He looked pallid and drawn on TV3 this evening.
I understand neither Labour nor TV3 have the alleged video at this point. So I guess Campbell Live will be interesting, but I don’t expect any more information.
New Zealand is on track for a Johnesia epidemic.
Points to David Shearer on his interview. He paused and gathered his thoughts before answering Campbell’s questions. Much better. On the substance, from my time at the National Library it was always a big deal when the minister came. Public servants usually go to the minister, not the other way around, so the claim it was taped is certainly credible.
Yes. David Shearer was effective.
David was almost yelling his responses at John, he should have played it cool. Why couldnt he have been more like the way he was on ‘Would I lie to you’? He was actually really cool on that. Maybe he’s still not comfortable with live tele, if so he needs lots more practice before the election.
or maybe David Shearer, like many throughout New Zealand, no longer has any patience for the arrogance of our Prime Minister and his obvious contempt of the position.
Shearer is fine, provided the issue isn’t him.
But the more National look like they’re going to lose, the more attention will switch to the “next Prime Minister”. In the Campbell interview, there were no hard questions, because Shearer isn’t the target today. Soon he will be.
John Key says “So what?”
…so the claim it was taped is certainly credible.
Of course it was taped. Anyone who walks through the doors of a spy agency is going to be taped and that goes for the PM too – no matter who it is.
If John Key didn’t appreciate that, then his ignorance is indeed profound.
Maybe the tape is going to get lost.
ShonKey to the media: “I’d invite anyone with any such tape to release it. I’m completely committed to trying to be transparent.”
To the GCSB: “If that tape sees the light of day I’ll have Perata take a look at your budget. Am I clear?”
GCSB techs to themselves: “fuck that dude, I’m off into the private sector in a month. Try and leave me with the can for illegal tapping, will he? He’s going down with me.”
The GCSB whistleblowers should be amply rewarded with nice new jobs.
How absolutely stupid for Key to put all the blame on a spy agency. Of course they will be spying on him. That’s a spy’s job.
Already is by the sound of it. What I am waiting for is the cellphone footage, that is miraculously found.
And this on the Governor General’s possible involvement.
And Neazor has a memory lapse….?
“I’m glad I’m not Brezhnev. Being the Russian leader in the Kremlin. You never know if someone’s tape recording what you say.”
Richard Nixon
It was Nixons own idea to tape his conversations…for good reasons I might add… The stupidity was letting it be known…
I haven’t watched Campbell since he ambushed the PM some years ago.
Yeah he was real unfair to Helen Clark.
Nope it was muldoon.
That was Simon Walker.
And Simon’s brother Johnnie.
Don’t worry higherstandard it looks like it’s all going to unfold without you. Like it or not.
What I find is strange, is this – Labour/Shearer have pretty much told the PM, there is a recording,….. now go find it and produce it.
If they say the tape has gone missing or that there was no tape wouldn’t that increase the doubts?
Yet if a tape did surface and Key did talk about Dotcom, then the damage to Key would be even greater. And the office of PM would also seriously be damaged here and overseas.
Calm on the surface. Feet paddling furiously underneath.
The thing is that if lab/grn released the tape, the issue becomes the fact that the GCSB security system has a leak. Any recordings are probably on computer, so you get unlawful use issues, release of restricted info, even theft as servant maybe.
if they run a twofor – OIA request for the tape with a “nothing to hide/nothing to fear” argument so he has to authorise release early (not that I agree with that argument, but it would make him squirm), well it’s all in the open, legit and public.
McFlock I think tonight has shown that GCSB has leaked if nothing else. It’s possible that as part of that leak Labour has been told there is CCTV footage of the PM speaking to staff but they haven’t been provided with that. They are working with the material they have at the moment.
funnily enough I’m still at work, so missed CL
I haven’t seen CL yet either – no TV in my house. Trying to piece it all together off the net.
Yes McF, and better to make him deny it first anyway.
I agree with you also,i expected to hear a short tape recording, (shearer was better though
with his interviewing skillls,i always hold my breath though),it would make an excellent
movie someday,( the kimdot conspiricy ), the outcome, well we wait for the next installment.
Taping…illegal bugging..right to the top…even to the GG. Definitely shades of Watergate.
In Watergate, the initial illegality was just the tip of the iceberg. It took months to uncover the layers of coverup.
For Key, on Dotcom, the question is why? Where is the motive for trotting out such a transparent story? Key is obviously badly shaken. He knows denying 2011 and early 2012 knowledge of Dotcom will never stand up to scrutiny. Especially now that Banks has been exposed as a blatant liar on the same issue.
Why deny knowing Dotcom, when half NZ knew about him for months, and he lived in the PM’s electorate?
Somehow, somewhere, there is a lot at stake here. Best guess, the TPP. The US agencies were quick to praise co-operation from their NZ counterparts after the Dotcom raid.
The most plausible scenario is that Key responded to US pressure over Dotcom by giving a wink and a nod to all concerned, while keeping it at arms’ length under the ‘plausible deniability’ cover.
This is now unraveling. And no-one knows better than John Key where the buck will finally stop. No wonder he looks worried.
Yep, that about nails it.
+ 1 and what money on something as innocent as an annoyed resident confirming they spoke to Sparkles about this noisy brash larger than life character with an inflatable tank on his lawn who was upsetting the ambience of the neighbourhood.
Have checked online MSM sources to see who has reported the story.
Top story on all sites with the exception of :
TVNZ – zilch.
ZB News – zilch.
Waiting for their Nat. masters’ instructions?
Stuff, RNZ, NZ Herald. It just takes a little time to proliferate.
There will be no video and this will backfire on Labour.
It can’t possibly backfire.
If there’s a tape, Key is screwed. If there’s no tape, Shearer is screwed. (Perhaps he’s been set up by Cunliffe, eh Matthew?). Either way, the left win.
But I don’t really think it will matter if a tape doesn’t turn up. Nats drop in polls and this is the perfect time for mudslinging, it will stick, even if a tape never existed in the first place.
That was the best performance by shearer i have ever seen
It is quite puzzling why the PM, who is also in charge of GCSB, is reportedly “challenging” the release of relevant material.
Surely, if John Key’s tongue has been so very straight and clean, and in order to maintain public respect for the office he holds, he should be asking for all material to be released to uphold the reputation of the Prime Minister and to clear his own name.
Shearer did not say there was a tape. He said that he had been informed that there was a tape at GCSB. He never said there was a tape he was very careful on that point.
Nice try Matthew. But you’re wrong. There doesn’t have to be a video. There simply needs to be an ‘idea’ planted into the public mindset. And that has happened. Dotcom has become toxic for this government. Key’s numbers are falling all over the place and that, sir, is the name of the game.
It really doesn’t matter if there is no video. Key didn’t flatly deny it, it was an “I can’t remember”. It builds into the narrative that he is too relaxed and too uninterested in the responsibilities of government. Normally such a leader could manage that by delegating to his ministers. But since his front bench is rubbish and this is his portfolio, Key has no political cover. Dotcom is such a masterful P.R. guy that this story is going to keep going.
Key is a big picture kind of person and that was seen as a strength 4 years ago, but now with little sign of that brighter future, Kiwis are viewing that as a liability. We’ve heard enough of the sizzle, now we’re wondering if there’s any steak.
You got the lotto numbers for Saturday too?
It is not just a video Matthew. One report said that it was an informal session with staff in their canteen. Several people have reported the session. It was not a leak from an official meeting. A cellphone filming perhaps?
from what is being put up on the chalkboards it appears the session in the cafe was most likely recorded to share with absent staff the wondrous occassion of Leader’s prescence .
Being who they are this suggests use of a digital Cam rather than tape. Not a stretch to think the file must already be in the wilderness so as to avoid the accidental misplacement that no doubt occurred hours/days ago.
– not entirely sure why it was worthy of recording the visit though, he has been there for fifteen briefings this year, which kind of makes one wonder what else he is forgetting . . . if a billionaire German with a Rhino on his lawn spending a half million bucks on fireworks doesn’t grab your attention, then what does ?
This was said about 1.5 weeks ago and stands:
In this small country, we are all only about two degrees separated. John Key needs to remember that he can tell different things to different people, but only for so long and only in certain selected circles that do not or cannot join up the whole story.
I “understand” that people involved on the inside are less than happy with different versions being told. He can make up shit and dump on them because the nature of their jobs does not usually allow them to go public.
not entirely sure why it was worthy of recording the visit though, he has been there for fifteen briefings this year…
It’s normal for the briefings to occur in the PMs office. That is, they go to him. His visit to their head-quarters would have been some sort of ‘look around’ to see what they do and how they do it. Doesn’t mean to say a briefing didn’t take place though.
Don’t forget, it is a new headquarters. When I was working at National Library, I was temporarily relocated in the Freyberg Building, which housed the GCSB until they moved to their current location on Pipitea Street. I can’t remember exactly when they moved, but it was around late 2010, early 2011. Pipitea House was formally opened in May 2011. I would imagine the meeting on 29 February was to show off the new facilities and new resources of the bureau. For most people that would have been a memorable occasion.
Thanks for the reminder, it slipped my mind about the briefings protocol and i can certainly see why they bothered.
How silly of me not to remember all the hundreds of millions of dollars we magically find for new agencies and offices and subsidies et al but adult education programmes and railway lines are just too damn expensive to continue
There will be no Cactus Kate/Matthew Hooton video and this will backfire on NAct.
Good God – defamation!!!!
I’m sure the IP address/whatsathingy will show the host I haven’t commented here for months and definitely not under the pseudonymn of Matthew Hooton.
[lprent: Correct. Besides which your style is kind of distinctive… ]
It’s fair enough you feel aggrieved Kate, accusing someone of wilfully associating themselves with the name of Matthew Hooten is close to hate speech.
Personally CK, I took Murray’s comment to be referring to the Matthew Hooton/Cactus Kate tape! Yes, you know the one I’m talking about. Until I heard about that, I thought you just talked dirty on your blog.
Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, Cactus Kate, we all make them – it’s OK.
Imagine what could be on the walls and menu of the GCSB cafe. Lamburgers and Miss Hustler. More likely pure public service. My own view is that Key is only interested in money and golf and would be bored by the spies and fat germans. He probably told his staff he wasn’t interested.
The GCSB is about serious business. The Collins class submarines are so unrealiable and leaky the Australian can’t use them to spy on the North Koreans and Vietnamese. Our Orions have been retitted with Link 16 data processessors and communication links to the US Navy but the Magnesium anomaloy indicator in the tail is so old , the RNZAF have thrown them away and fly with a hollow tail, so they can’t spy on the Chinese or Russian kilo subs of Fiji let alone the new ones just delivered to the Vietnamese Peoples Navy.
Apparently the Australian DSD mainly intercepts Indonesian military communications and the naval communications satellites of Japan, Pakistan, Russia and China.
Spying is serious – after capturing the pueblo in 1968 all USN sub, missile and intelligence communications were broken in real time for 17 years- so they knew exactly where USS Queensfish and Pintado were off the kiwi coast in real time. Its comforting to know the latest Canadian Navy spy has been captured as most domestic NZ intelligence is often analysed by the Canadian branch of the GCSB.
The wish appears to be father of the thought, Matthew.
You seem to be ignoring the fact that Key’s credibility over this whole issue has been repeatedly – and damningly – brought into question by just about every commentator (and I don’t just mean on The Standard).
In that context, there are simply too few commentators – such as yourself – to support a counter-narrative. They would probably fear, quite rightly, being seen as apologists for what is clearly a heavily compromised John Key. I understand that you are trying to work out how best to defend Key but this is a difficult one.
It is one thing to give someone the benefit of the doubt – it is quite another to bend over backwards to construct some version of reality in which the Prime Minister has acted both competently and transparently and then assert that that version is the most likely to be true.
You should remember that New Zealanders like to see themselves as commonsensical and Key’s problem is that his claims of memory loss and – incredibly – of not even knowing who Dotcom was prior to the day before the raid, offends common sense (irrespective of whether or not it is true).
As for backfiring on Labour (and, presumably, the Greens and NZ First?), that would require the assertion not only that there is no video but that David Shearer has completely made up the existence of a source at the GCSB. Do you think the public are ready to believe that David Shearer is a blatant liar?
I am not predisposed to support David Shearer’s leadership of the Labour Party or of the Opposition, but I can’t see that accusation sticking – mostly thanks to your own good work :-).
Ew it’s Matthew Hooten.
Doing the rounds of the blogs dropping in the line you think the local tr0lls should latch onto eh? I’m sure you’re a hit at Whaleoil, but your desperate attempts here to deflect attention to Labour while John Key’s trousers have fallen down are embarrassing.
Testing out your spin to see what kind of reaction you get? I’ll help you out, this one’s a fail. When your credibility is as low as Key’s you’re past the point of being able to attack your opponent’s. It’s a boy who cried wolf thang. It will backfire on you.
How about… “This is a political stunt by the opposition.” Dang, you’ve used that when they complained about Banks lying to us about being a [deleted]. And again when they called for an inquiry into the GCSB’s law-breaking and Key’s long-way-short-of-credible explanation for it. (It’s getting old.)
Aw shit I guess I’m just no good at being a sociopathic blood-sucking leech on society who dreams up propaganda for the elitist millionares who are wrecking our country in their own image.
But by all means keep on flailing about like a dying octopus.
[lprent: Too far. If you want to express something as fact, then it has to be something verifiable. That was not either directly or even indirectly. It puts us in the gun for defamation. Don’t waste my time having to clean it up – think first. ]
Quite right lprent, my apologies.
Which is not to say there wasn’t a video.
Don’t be naive matty …. the way shearer has framed it means that tape, or no tape, without a full, independent inquiry that actually, and credibly exonerates johnny sparkles, then the taint of corruption will stick to sparkles like an overgrown hemorrhoid…
You know that well, so stop playing silly games…..
Btw, you really are sounding desperate…. what’s got you so nervous I wonder? Is sparkles losing his job going to affect your career prospects?
MH. Oh, how desperately you will be hoping that you are right (and “Right”).
Thanks for the link!
A transcript from the clip should be made available to slippery aspirants for high office who might find it handy to practise for moments to avoid telling the truth:
“No idea I can’t remember …
I don’t think so …
Goodness knows dunno …
No I don’t remember …
I don’t recall it …
Look I dunno you know who knows but I dont recall it anyway …
Well, they need to find some proof of that, I don’t recall it …
Never raised it with me”
You wish; Mr Hooten
Can’t help thinking Mr Key looks like Dead Man Walking more and more….
As Judge Judy says tell the truth and then you don’t have to remember the lies you have told.
Indeed. What is getting really bad with Key’s condition is that it seems he can’t remember lies he has told and, even worse, he doesn’t seem to even care (reportedly: “so what”!).
A comment on DimPost
Mathew Hooten doing the rounds
Max – there will be no video and this issue will come back to bite Labour.
Panic Pants has been sending out an urgent call to arms?
Panic Pants to the rescue of Pants On Fire !
Patrick Gower’s questioning of Key was brilliant. After every answer was a little ‘yeah’ (ie yeah right) from Gower, hilarious.
The story has now reached boiling-point …
It can’t just be ignored now. Somebody’s wrong, or lying, or being played, or something.
Is David Shearer being played?
He is dumb enough to listen to Mallard, so it’s possible. But bigger picture: the GCSB is at best leaky, at worst dysfunctional. Independent inquiry overdue, root and branch. Not some doddery old chap investigating his own job.
Why doesn’t Key want one?
Denials from the spy’s boss of the existence of any tape…
Sutff article
There is no tape. But whichever party is involved, we should all be deeply concerned that a political party is boasting that it has sources in the GCSB.
well, at least someone is watching the watchers – the minister in charge is out to lunch.
At least two hours late with the spin, Inv2. Half the country’s already gone to bed. You’re fired.
Yeah, coz the integity of the GCSB is deeply important right?
Freedom said the following at 13.5.1
Being who they are this suggests use of a digital Cam rather than tape. Not a stretch to think the file must already be in the wilderness so as to avoid the accidental misplacement that no doubt occurred hours/days ago.something.
It seems to have occurred during a session with the staff in their cafeteria. I wouldn’t imagine there would be any ‘official’ recording devices in such a place.
I thought this was interesting
Fletcher said “exhaustive enquries” at the GCSB have revealed no video tape.
An ‘exhaustive search’ in a couple of hours!!!
“Exhaustive enquries” = Fletcher sent a group email to all GCSB staff. Subject: Who wants to get fired?
This is almost as good as watching Don Brash unravel over the EBs. The likes of Matthew Hooten had better hope that Key handles the pressure better than Brash.
Signs point to “no”
Winny was questioned if his no ment yes and was voted out, phil was caught not telling the truth re Richard worth having copies of texts and is now in opposition, perhaps the voter is more aware of what the truth is. So regarding .com is key or shearer in possession of the truth the consequences of being caught out with lies is very telling . I only hope both side are aware of the consequences of being found out.
It’s probably listed in the Video log.
Y’know that piece of paper that indexes every video ever shot by the GCSB.
That’s what a qualified librarian would do too keep track, wouldn’t they?
John Key must be finding it a hard trail to delete ….. good spys aye M8!
In response to everyone above, my comment last night was not a diversion. The diversion was made by David Shearer (or Fran Mold) yesterday afternoon.
On the Dotcom/GCSB issue, all the attention was on the Prime Minister’s integrity, but yesterday’s suggestion of a tape etc has now turned the attention to Labour’s integrity.
Worse for Labour, in my experience with the old tactic of “I’m getting the tape tomorrow, run a preview tonight” is that it never works. The tape never shows up and the person who suggested there was one gets damaged more than the person who is supposed to be the target. That is what is already happening. See http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/auckland/news/nbpol/893204296-exclusive–labour-s-gcsb-leak-revealed
My pick is that it will get worse for Shearer, Mold and Labour through the day so that by the Saturday political columns in the Herald and Dom-Post, not to mention Q&A and The Nation, the story will be more about bumbling, dishonest Labour and less about the Prime Minister’s conduct than would otherwise have been the case. Of course, I could be wrong, but the proof will be in the weekend media coverage. We shall see.
the sound of barrels being scraped…
Mmm it does make people wonder whether John Key’s super secret weapon in Labour, and the National Party’s special mole, is Shearer.
But of course all of the focus you wishfully anticipate will keep before the public the utter improbability of Key’s stories about what he remembers or doesn’t remember……..and the spectacle of his laboured squirming. We’re well past the stage where your boss can come out smelling like roses.
All you guys have got left is the Portly One or Heki Pirau delivering an outburst about kids’ hoodies as gang-wear or some equally ridiculous rave.
Already the public has Botox Banks sorted out…….next stop Planet Key. Choice !
U should be a spy Matthew, such amzing insight and obvious people skills …. wow
Why don’t you apply for a job at the GCSB?, U can tell them all where they went wrong.
My advice too them was , cover your arses, that cats’ gonna through you to the wolves.
(And that was close to 3 years ago, when JK first told them too spy on DotCom)
“On the Dotcom/GCSB issue, all the attention was on the Prime Minister’s integrity, but yesterday’s suggestion of a tape etc has now turned the attention to Labour’s integrity. ”
In your cataract clouded “I understand John Key” eyes maybe, no one elses bud.
I don’t think so Mr Hooton…
This issue is about whether John Key lies. This is very heavily entrenched in the public’s mind. Hell, even non-pollie watchers in our circles are glued to this issue.
There were many many suspiciouns that he lies well before all this GCSB palava. This issue has now brought that very simple issue to the forefront. Even if there is an issue over the existence of a tape it will be minor and fade.
The issue is whether John Key is a liar. People want it resolved and to see and hear all the evidence so they can make up their mind.
It is really as simple as that.
MH – take care, for if you do get rid of Shearer, you risk ending up having to deal with the frightening Cunliffe! An intelligent Opposition is that last thing you could cope with!
Every time PinoKeynose has a cup of tea he looses his credibility!
Maybe he should stick to planet Key where their are no toilets so he would avoid cups of or use his old trick while he was bankrupting BT investments the milk bottle down the trouser trick.
No toilets would explain why is full of #$it!
Key is a dead man walking.
I would have thought this issue now needs bringing to a head instantly. Push the big red explosion button that has accumulated dotcoms and campbell’s sweat from their hovering hands.
Key is about to fail at the peak. It is even possible this will become such a matter that a knighthood will never be gonged on his lying forked-tongue spitting head.
yes and their seems no reason to not admit he knew about KD unless it possibly implicates his involvement in yet another shonky deal involving selling out our sovereignty, rights and independance to feather that hollow nest….hear that sideshow, it’s the sound of inevitability.
never underestimate the powers of the undead to continue moving.
As an aside, what was the official story with the woman who fell from the Internal Affairs building and died a few weeks ago?
Still waiting to see the video……