Written By:
IrishBill - Date published:
8:30 pm, September 13th, 2011 - 39 comments
Categories: culture -
Tags: murray mccully
There was a time when authoritarian Tories would use draconian powers for things like outright class war, lockouts, or to turn the streets of our cities into war zones.
While disagreeing with the politics of these abhorrent actions at every single level you had to respect the sheer brute will driving them.
So what do the red-blooded authoritarian Minister McCully exercise the brute muscle of the state for?
To fix a wee party on a wharf.
I’ve this image of Piggy, Massey and Holland sternly gazing upon Murray like he’s just told them he’s quitting politics to pursue a career in interpretative dance…
Agreed but …
Apparently there were cordial Central – Local Government discussions about how to deal with the next bout of RWC crowd problems. It is dawning on central and local officers that Party Central is a really dumb idea. Last Friday’s experience is testimony to this. Key may be proud that within the hermetically sealed and security guard reinforced area that is Party Central things were ok but out in ordinary people land there was chaos. And if you have a party central then the rest of the party needs to be in the same area.
Of course this was not the problem of the elite, just the plebs and a scapegoat was needed.
AND McCully’s job was on the line. He may or may not have been a naughty boy and been so boorish that even the Australians were offended. This takes a highly advanced degree of boorishness but he is nothing if not capable …
So some sort of extreme looking action was required. Something that suggested that Key was not to blame, McCully was in control and it was all Len’s fault.
So the CT line was born – LETS ANNEX DOWNTOWN AUCKLAND. The only problem for McCully was that after he uttered words to this effect he realised that Len and Auckland were rightfully really pissed off because he never told them and it was not so much an annexion more of a fast tracking of a liquor license.
But I need to get this off my chest. I AM SO PISSED OFF WITH THIS BUNCH OF CLOWNS.
Please lefties of all persuasions. Go and make a donation to Labour, Green or Mana whichever is your preference. I will give a donation to Labour and a smaller donation to the Greens because I have a soft spot for them. But we need to get this rabble out of power.
Indeed micky.
When Key says “party central” he means “for the inner party members only”.
Pure 1984. The Right Wing Authoritarian mindset of Jonkey and the rest of NAct is really starting to come out now.
MickyS – have made a donation today to Labour [$100], hope it helps. Only wish I could afford more.
On ya jilly, will do the same …
Dont worry Jilly Bee, your details will undoubtably become public knowledge just like every other Labour donator. If you have more, why don’t you just put it down the toilet? It’ll do just as much good.
invitro…”put it down the toilet”. that would allow for company for those opinions you obviously spent days formulating……so… you really needed to share your shortcomings with the world that badly eh?
Ooooh bbfloyd! Yer hurting me now. May I suggest the Labour Party are in the toilet as well?
My assertion that Jilly’s details would become public is based on past history that is not an opinion. Do you remember that Labours complete list of donators was left open to the public?
Any truth to the rumour they’re bringing in the army to oversee a shipment of sausage rolls and party hats. Because it will be chaos if those party hats don’t make it to Party Central on time!
Nah… it’s the navy. They’re shipping them over from Devonport on one of the frigates to be sure they get there on time. Bit risky, it might breakdown halfway across.
Has there been an ipredict wager on how long it would take McCully to stuff up the RWC?
Oh, come on, no one was going to take that bet – even the RWNJs realised that McCully had screwed up about 5 minutes after he got the job.
Hilary – yes; see https://www.ipredict.co.nz/app.php?do=contract_detail&contract=DEP.MCCULLY
Any chance you could put your NBR column from last week online Matthew? (or point out where it is if it’s already there).
Very topical, no?
Matthew – that is not quite the same thing. McCully is doing his best to destroy relationships, any residual goodwill, and is making the RWC a laughing stock locally and internationally. In his spare time he is destroying the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with it NZ’s diplomatic and aid reputation. But whether this means the PM will sack him as Minister of the RWC is another thing altogether. After all isn’t it McCully who knows where all the National Party skeletons are hidden, including the PM’s?
I remember McCully back in the 70s when he first won East Coast Bays. He was a slimy bastard from the start!
Agree, 90% of our low land rivers stuffed, 25% of our children in poverty, Christchurch people still in crisis, highest suicide rate amongst our youth and all stops pulled out for a party?
Yep, that sounds like the normal priorities of the RWNJs.
I had to read the news a few times. Unbelievable.
If someone prints his face on toilet paper, I would buy it and use it very neo-liberally before flushing it away.
Quite seriously, I am tempted to ask around if that can be done. Even on the larger Kleenex sheets would be good.
Too late, the opening night was the big event, it’s all downhill in terms of numbers from here. The final is not a family event so will be less popular and full of annoying drunk punters.
What a bunch of clowns….let’s just F up akl some more as we didn’t F it up enough last time we looked.
That may be exactly why they are taking this step. It is empty posturing – the risk of being seen as nanny state is offset by “STRONG CONTROL”. The hard work has now been done by the officials, this gives an excuse for more money being spent for ‘special purposes’.
Yup exactly why they’re doing it, the ‘see how well it’s working now we stepped in’ note they’re not taking over the real failure…..public transport.
Well RWC is no more than a circus, so of course there have to be clowns. But behind this is the centralisation of executive power in the form of Cabinet Control. This is a sort of Ecan takeover, ChCh tsarism, supercity mafia, now RWC rule by edict from Cabinet Central. The circus is the light show while the banksters steal the loot behind the scenes. That’s taken as read. So is the behaviour of the bemused hobbits sucked into the circus tent while the NACTs piss on us all the way to the election. They are already pissing by now making all the Labour leadership look like whingers and wreckers of this great joyful celebration of our nationhood.
The Fijian Commodore has rightly been criticised for operating by decree. This tory mob likes decrees too, via urgency in parliament, the ECAN and CERA steamrollers, and enforces with the cops, surveillence state and and a bought and paid for media.
Gerry VIII in Christchurch and now Murray the Merciless in Auckland. I knew Key was a monarchist but these satrapies are getting ridiculous.
I would love to see a breakdown of Mccullys DNA, I feel sure that at least 80% must be weasel or rat …..
Aucklanders appear to have become quite fond of Len despite the best efforts of the likes of Michael Barnett and Cameron Brewer. Initially they voted for Len becasue he wasn’t John Banks, so the government should be careful about picking on him and trying to make him look incompetent. It could backfire on National, and I hate to think what the chaos would have been with Lord Mayor John in control. Auckland is sick of Wellington telling them what they can and can’t do and spending our taxes on Stephen Joyce’s highways instead of PT.
Sheesh. There’s no pleasing some people. Red Len and Mike Lee couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery. Lee has done his best to sabotage anything to do with the RWC from day 1. Scapegoat? If the cloth cap fits, bloody well wear it. Both of these twerps have gotten what they deserved.
Whether or not McCully is culpable, at least he’s manned up, taken responsibility and did something. Not something that we saw from Brown or Lee.
What are you smoking IVV McCully took no responsibility he wouldn’t/ Didnt apologise. Brown has been in for what 12 months how come its his fault.But what do we expect from Nats they havent even got the balls to admit behaving like thugs at the Rugby, you would hardly expect this soft cock bunch to man up.
Brown has been the only one who has fronted, back to your imaginary world you go IVV.
Craig, you clearly didnt listen to McCully on the radio this morning. He stood up and admitted it was his responsiblity and the buck stopped with him, therefore he was taking over completely. The implicit in this is that he can’t rely on Brown and Lee to do what they said they were going to do (and all they’ve done since Friday is make excuses).
Ergo, he’s cut the loonies out and is going to try and clean this shit heap up. Lee and his transport authority gave assurances to McCully months and months ago that it would all be OK.
And yup, Brown has been in for 12 months and selected Lee to continue day 1. Therefore, culpability resides with him. He should stick to rapping in Sth Auckland. Or change his tune to “transport shambles in da house”.
You can now see why the government is reticent to put vast amounts of taxpayer money into rail transport in Auckland.
Janice, my blood pressure is fine, thanks very much for your concern, and my shirt is still on. I’d point out I wasn’t replying to you, just making a general comment on a thread that opened at 8.30pm yesterday, since this has clearly escaped your notice. Perhaps I should have put “if the incompetent hat fits, wear it”.
Your hysterical whining just shows that IB’s right. You tories have gone soft.
Your lightweight response is exactly what I’d expect from someone who hasn’t got anything to say.
Gee IVV that brought a quick reply, keep your shirt on mate and remember your blood pressure.
IVV, Brown fronted up to the media Sarurday, McCully Tuesday.
If The Minister of the Rugby World Cup had done his job properly in preparation, he wouldn’t have had to man up after the fact.
If it is all Brown and Lee’s fault, why were Key n McCully spotting off with such confidence in the days before the opening. Had they been doing their job properly they would have moved to “man up” last week.
Brown fronted and blamed Veiola. Brown and Lee gave McCully assurances that they have failed to keep. Key and McCully expected them to have done their jobs. Thus, the loopies have been taken out of the loop.
Oh wow. the ig question of the day is whether the buses ran on time on friday night after a football game.
But what about the PM’s comment: “12,000 people at Queens wharf had a good time”.
so it’s ack to the old have and have nots once more. If you can afford the price of admission to rub shoulders witht he ovalballerati then you ok and if you cant afford it then tough sh*t.