What the hell?

Written By: - Date published: 3:44 pm, April 14th, 2014 - 111 comments
Categories: uncategorized - Tags: , ,

The NBR is reporting (behind the paywall) and now at TV3 news that Matt Blomfield, the person currently suing Cameron Slater in defamation, was attacked on the weekend by a male. A gunshot was fired and although it is not specified it is understood that Blomfield suffered an injury from the gunshot.

The police are investigating and seeking the assailant who left the scene after the gun was fired.

Mr Blomfield is the person involved in an ongoing defamation case with Cameron Slater. He posted on the Standard some of the background to the dispute at When the wolf cries boy

The police may have more than a passing interest in the defamation case and with the mystery of the hard drive that came into Slater’s possession. Cameron Slater has been trying to claim that he is a journalist to protect the source of who he received these items from. Mr Blomfield has asserted that these items were stolen.

No doubt they will want to talk to anyone who has discussed the case with Blomfield.

TS wishes Matt a speedy recovery.

111 comments on “What the hell? ”

  1. Marty 1

    Not a peep over at Snake Oil

  2. Mark 2

    You would imagine that the feral beached whale will be getting a visit from the police but with daddy’s connections maybe not.

    • Oh right, so the cops are in Slater’s or his “connections’ “back pocket? How twisted is that! Even if you look at it with semi-logic, enquiries could be made and the results published to prove your point, or not. I dare you.

      • Mark 2.1.1

        I do know that in John Key’s New Zealand,money buys everything. Laws and regulations are only there to be navigated around. As long as you can oil the wheels. The person who provided the information for the professional smear job on Blomfield would have to be high on the list of the people the police would like to talk to. Will feralface reveal his name to the police. If it was “Joe Public” in feralface’s position, the police would be all over it like a rash. As for your rant about enquiries, I leave that up to trolls like you who have the time and are paid to defend the status uo.

        • Not Petey

          What rubbish, if money buys everything in John Key’s NZ why is Dotcom still facing extradition ?

          • felix

            Because he can still afford to fight it.

          • Tracey

            who else would still be in play up against the fbi… us govt and nz govt agencies and crown law? not the ordinary kiwis I work with.

            • Not Petey

              No that’s a bit of a fail Tracey. Mark insinuated that money can but you out of any legal predicament, clearly Mr Dotcom’s money hasn’t done that nor for that matter has Mr Banks money nor countless others whose misdeeds have seen them get their just rewards.

              I do agree with felix that having money does make fighting back very much easier.

              • felix

                So you agree with me but disagree with Tracey for saying exactly the same thing?


                • Not Petey

                  No I agree with you that the fact that having money allows for an easier mounting of a legal defence than not having money.

                  I disagree that with mark’s insinuation supported by Tracey that

                  “I do know that in John Key’s New Zealand,money buys everything. Laws and regulations are only there to be navigated around. As long as you can oil the wheels.”

                  • felix

                    What bullshit. Tracey said exactly what I said.

                    If you’re rich you get to use the justice system. If you’re poor the justice system is something that happens to you.

                    • Not Petey

                      Not true – if you’re poor you have access to legal aid


                      Compared to many if not most countries the legal aid available to the poor in NZ is quite good.

                    • felix

                      Yeah, having access to legal aid gives you exactly the same access to the justice system as a multimillionaire with a QC.

                      Fuck you’re dense, even for a tr0ll.

                    • Not Petey

                      Yes because that’s exactly what I said ‘:roll:’

                      Could you be any more of a dense dick felix ?

                      Don’t answer that judging from your behaviour at this site of course you could.

                      Go on now have the last word you OCD high troller you.

  3. CnrJoe 3

    Blubbery is a gun fetishist is he not?

  4. Puckish Rogue 4

    I hope this isn’t a sign of how desperate the left really is, if it is I worry about the depths the left will sink to in the next couple of weeks

    • freedom 4.1

      what are you inferring exactly?

      • One Anonymous Bloke 4.1.1

        He means he thinks drawing a connection between the violent language of a man who wishes people dead, and actual violence, is unreasonable speculation.

    • Tracey 4.2

      really? why would the nbr report it and slater not, given they are both journalists?

    • mickysavage 4.3

      I hope this isn’t a sign of how desperate the left really is, if it is I worry about the depths the left will sink to in the next couple of weeks

      Can you imagine what Slater himself would have made of news like this? There would have been post after post after post about the subject making all sorts of allegations.

      I cannot imagine Slater being so stupid as to have anything to do with this. But the violence and intolerance that his website breeds is a worry.

      I look forward to the police investigation results being known. I am sure that Slater has nothing to worry about the investigation itself but I am interested to see how he got hold of the hard drive. And if there has been any recent contact between Slater and/or supporters and Blomfield then it needs to be investigated further.

      • Jenny 4.3.1

        As police inspector, I give you my word…

        …the case will be investigated in a slipshod manner.

        Inspector Andre Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 1988

        Just like the murder of Ernie Abbot and the murder of Fernando Pereira, the police will refuse to detain the likely suspects or even interview them, and the perpetrator of this crime will be allowed to slip through the authorities fingers.

        Nothing is surer.

        • tinfoilhat

          I disagree Jenny.

          I think the police did an excellent job in relation to the French terrorist attach on the rainbow warrior it was only when the politicians got involved and the French government threatened to ban our products from the EU that it turned pear shaped, that the UN and UK didn’t step in at that stage and slap the French government down is shameful.

          • Jenny

            Rubbish, the police had the Ovea crew within their grasp, they even went on board their yacht, and took samples of the chemical residues from the explosives. They then let them reboard and sail away to be met by a French nuclear Submarine.

            What about the capture of Marfar and Prieure?

            It was only public intervention that led the police to these killers.

  5. This appears to be a not very subtle attempt to connect two things for which no evidence of a link has been provided, already with a predictable reaction.

    Why hasn’t the author put their name to this? It’s kinda easy to guess what might be going on but it seems more than a bit suspect.

    • lprent 5.1

      It was from several authors (including me) and most of it is a paraphrase of the NBR and TV3 articles. We don’t put a single author on when a group of us work on something or when we’re just paraphrasing entire news articles (we’re not the “Indeed” bloggers)

      The media were the people who linked Cameron Slater to it which is what I presume you you’re objecting to. As usual you are a bit too coy to actually state what you object to sigh

      I added the bit pointing out the prior criminality of the hard drive and documents.

      And no, there are 4 things linked in this post (not 3) because the whole thing is just outright murky. You’ll have to go and read the contents of Blomfields post to figure out the missing bits.

      But if I were the police I’d be damn suspicious of both Cameron and whatever source he is so valiantly “protecting”.

      • One Anonymous Bloke 5.1.1

        Nah, not now Petty George has assured us all there’s no connection.

      • Pete George 5.1.2

        You’re not the police, you’re a blogger. Police are not likely to investigate by reading a political blog. If you have suspicions have you contacted the police?

        Yes, the media made a connection which as far as reported is unrelated, they do that a bit. But the media didn’t go as far as pointing suspicions from one event to the other. You’ve now done that, and as you are so experienced with blogging you will know what this post would be likely to encourage.

        That’s your call of course.

        • McFlock

          and as you are so experienced with blogging you will know what this post would be likely to encourage.

          A controversial post such as this could well encourage hot young political activists to become the authors’ groupies. While I hope lprent’s heart is up to the challenge, I’m not entirely sure that’s what you were hinting at.

          fucksake pete, just say something explicitly, can’t you?

          • weka

            Well he did point out that Lynn isn’t the police.

            • McFlock

              Only he would think that fact needed checking 🙂

              • weka

                He was probably just being kind, concerned that we didn’t realise. Or maybe even concerned that Lynn didn’t realise!

              • Sanctuary

                Well you never know. Your a leftie, don’t you read the Guardian? It is full of police agent provocateurs inciting people to write mild mannered letters, make large urns of tea and be snubbed, shouted at and ignored when handing out pamphlets strongly suggestive of social democratic change.

          • lprent

            Nah I have definitely slowed down with age and medical treatments (those damn beta blockers!). Besides which Lyn wouldn’t let me do anything with the gropies groupies (not that I have seen any anyway1).

            In view of my advancing age, I tend to prefer to keep excess energy for the art of programming anyway 😈

            1. Mind you. How would they know who to grope damnit! cluster with anyway? There is a definite shortage of photographs with my name attached to it on the net. They’d probably go and cluster around my namesakes in scotland and the US.
        • lprent

          You’ve now done that, and as you are so experienced with blogging you will know what this post would be likely to encourage.

          Yes. Bloggers and media read this site seeking information. And your point is?

          Sure I don’t like Cameron Slater because of his previous attacks on many people including me, friends, my relatives, and many many other people around politics. I particularly despise the way that he attacks people like our authors, Blomfield, watersiders unions, and many others for both hire and bullyboy pleasure.I dislike the way that he is virtually always inaccurate (a trait that you tend to share BTW).

          And when he tries to hide his bullyboy behaviour behind a figleaf of journalism I get just get irate and I’m inclined to put the boot in.

          But I think it is unlikely that he was involved in this attack (and I certainly hope that I am right about that). However bearing in mind the cowardly and underhand attacks that the “sources” he is so assiduously been trying to protect have been doing, then it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re involved at some level or another.

          I’m sure that Mr Blomfield will be pointing out his suspicions of who they might be. But of course the police merely have to read the court documents.

          • Marty

            I guess there is no need for Slater to protect his sources now that Blomfield’s got the message as to what happens if he actually does something with that knowledge.

            • Murray Olsen

              Can you enlarge on that, Marty? You seem to be hinting at something there, but not quite willing to say it.

          • I Know More Than You.

            Hi – thanks for the feedback re: my other comment. I am happy to substantiate with the evidence from the Police who attended the break & enter, the fraudulent documents they showed me, and a series of emails which confirm the chain of events. I would never post anything in any public forum that I could not validate with infallible proof.

            • lprent

              This sounds awfully familiar. Isn’t it part of the existing defamation case that had peripheral allegations along the same lines? The comment I trashed looked rather like one of the missing Cameron Slater posts about how much of a bastard Blomfield was.

              If so then I’m sure that they will surface whenever the defamation case gets past the discovery phase. It is stuck on Cameron Slater trying to claim he is a journalist so he can protect the source for the stolen data that he based his alleged defamations on.

        • Sanctuary

          “…You’re not the police, you’re a blogger. ..”

          And you’re not the police you’re a fuckwit, so what is your point?

          Because being a fuckwit unfortunately doesn’t stop you blogging all sorts of uninformed speculation.

      • Melb 5.1.3

        The media – Fairfax – have also reported “There is no suggestion Slater was connected to the incident.” Perhaps the post could be updated to reflect this, for increased accuracy.

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Stuff haven’t been able to contact Blomfield. Their statement seems premature to me. How can they possibly know that without talking to witnesses?

    • Hamish 5.2

      Connecting things for which there is no evidence? That’s your speciality isn’t it? Upset someone else might be treading on your territory.

    • rhinocrates 5.3

      Why hasn’t the author put their name to this?

      That horse must be high enough to give you nosebleeds.

      It’s been stated time and again that anonymity is a protection for people who might very well lose their jobs if they express ideas contrary to their employers’ (now I suppose that you’re going to say that that never happens and there are protections and it doesn’t happen much, there needs to be research to see if there should be a study and we should do politics better etc etc).

      When I have a pension and a lifestyle block, I’ll tell you my name.

    • Tracey 5.4

      like reposting verbatim an article by a german media outlet with at least two facts highly questionable despite being told of this issue when posting the first time?

      • Pete George 5.4.1

        Off topic, but Tracey accepted the word of a TS commenter with no evidence provided over a Die Velt article. Substantial parts of the article are substantiated by other sources. Whether Dotocm’s father was navigator of a luxury cruise ship before or after Dotcom’s first arrest in 1994 means little.

        This has been addressed – http://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-14042014/#comment-798516

        • Mainlander

          Seriously pete why do you bother commenting here, even if your information is relevant and on topic the feral class just call you a fuckwit etc etc in fact im sure most dont even read your posts or links they just join the lets bash Pete George brigade

    • captain hook 5.5

      WHAT do you think pete geroge. Are you a fucking idiot. Nobody else wants to get shot for telling the truth about a bona fide kiwi monster. If you are here supporting him it would be better for everyone if you just pissed off.

  6. Blue 6

    To be fair Blomfield has allegedly ripped off and definitely pissed many people off. Could be a number of people responsible for this violent act. Something is only in the realms of “criminality ” if found guilty- Blomfield included.

  7. Anne 7

    To be fair Blomfield has allegedly ripped off and definitely pissed many people off.

    Who told you that? Slater?

    My guess is: this is an attempt to frighten Blomfield into withdrawing his defamation suit. Whether its direct or only indirect, Slater will be in there somewhere. Bullies and cowards stick together!

    • Roflcopter 7.1

      Really? Seriously?

      You’ve got issues.

      • Colonial Viper 7.1.1

        Must be nice to be 12 and so naively innocent.

        • Roflcopter

          Oh OK then….

          My guess is: CV & Anne might have ordered the hit on Blomfield, with the intent of implicating Slater in what happened because, you know, he knows John Key.

          Is that how it works?

          • Blue

            Yes good call, after all there is “evidence”. Ann hates Slater, CV is a lunatic, ergo they must be guilty.

        • Blue

          From that are you suggesting Slater is somehow responsible then ?

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            I wouldn’t go that far. I’m sure Cameron Slater is a malevolent and violent individual, but there’s no public evidence to link him to this particular attack on Mr. Blomfield.

      • Anne 7.1.2


        Read lprent @

        But I think it is unlikely that he was involved in this attack (and I certainly hope that I am right about that). However bearing in mind the cowardly and underhand attacks that the “sources” he is so assiduously been trying to protect have been doing, then it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re involved at some level or another.

        A clearer and more detailed version of what I was saying.

        Even so, probably too cerebral for you to comprehend.

        • Roflcopter

          Back-peddling already? Well done.

          • Anne

            No R-copter. What Iprent said is precisely what I was trying to say. Directly or indirectly is the phrase I used. He either knew about it because he has direct knowledge of the reason for the violence and who was responsible or… he was not privy in any way to what happened. If it was the latter, he may well have helped incite it with his own previous inflammatory posts and behaviour. Lets hope it was the latter…

        • Blue

          There’s nothing cerebral about unsubstantiated allegations Anne. It’s beneath you and anyone who claims the “cerebral” high ground.

          • RedLogix

            Let’s put it this way. While I agree that there is nothing yet to substantiate Slater’s involvement, given his character (or rather lack thereof) and track-record it would be a fool who would categorically rule it out.

  8. Tinfoilhat 8

    This blog is getting more batty by the day

  9. karol 9

    There’s a fairly full report on it on Stuff.… in the business section?

    Police confirmed they attended a report of two men fighting at a Greenhithe address on Saturday night and that a gunshot had been heard.

    There is no suggestion Slater was connected to the incident.

    “Armed police arrived on the scene and found a 38-year-old man with facial injuries. The offender had fled. He remains outstanding and unidentified.”

    Police said the man was taken to hospital for treatment, but was later discharged.

    “A scene examination and an area canvass have both been conducted. Inquiries are ongoing and Victim Support are assisting the man and his family,” police said.

    Blomfield could not be contacted for comment.

    • Marty 9.1

      Where else would you put it? Blomfield is known to the public as a business man.

      • karol 9.1.1

        “National” section: subsection “Crime.”?

      • Tracey 9.1.2

        i had never heard of him til he posted here.

      • Pascal's bookie 9.1.3

        Outside of rightwing circles people getting shot at is generally not considered a business thing.

        • Melb

          No, not business; instead you get shot at for not toeing the union line.

          • Naturesong

            While this is getting a bit off topic, you may not be aware that there is a long history of union members and organisers being shot and killed by security forces who represent employers.

            South African Miners – 2012
            Nestle Workers, Colombia – 2013
            Coca Cola Death Squads, Colombia 2001
            AMCU Organiser, South Africa – 2013

            Banding together to request safe conditions and reasonable payment for your labour has always carried with it a risk that you may be killed by someone who gains a financial advantage by doing so.

            Go and read a book. Your ignorance is showing.

            • Melb

              You should educate yourself on the wide comb dispute. There was plenty of union-driven violence and intimidation because gasp some workers wanted to make use of the latest technology, and even work some weekends!

              • Pascal's bookie

                That the best you’ve got?

                • Melb

                  Do you not consider that serious? Or is that just the way things are done?

                  • One Anonymous Bloke

                    Seems like that was a serious situation forty-odd years ago. Naturesong’s examples are somewhat more current, hence PB’s remark.

                    Feigning stupidity doesn’t help your “argument”.

                    Just sayin’ 🙂

              • Naturesong

                I’m 45 – I remember the wide comb dispute.

                You will also find other examples of violence by union members during industrial disputes, some of which was even organised by the union itself rather than responding to agitators, self-defence or desperation.
                But, the number of incidents and deaths that have resulted from that violence pales in comparison to persistent and systematic violence unions have suffered over the years.

                If you want to go back over the last 100 years or so, you will find literally thousands of examples of violence towards union members from security forces, police, strike-breakers etc.
                This includes assassination, systematic hunting and killing of union organisers right through to the wholesale massacre of striking union members.

                None of that history in anyway excuses the shootings in WA or the beating to death in NSW of 2 NZ shearers during the wide comb dispute.

              • Murray Olsen

                Tempers flared during the wide comb dispute because Kiwi scabs helped undermine hard won conditions in the Australian shearing industry. I would have stood with the Aussies on that one. Some of us have a bad history of scabbery across the ditch. Think back to Sylvania Waters and the redneck pakeha who made a fortune out of supplying scab labour to Aussie bosses. All that, and they still treat us like shit! Ha. Some of us deserve it.

                • greywarbler

                  Thanks for that background. I knew a bit about it but details no. More now.

  10. KINTO 10

    Bizzare, prominent blogger a suspect in attempted murder and no-one on his side utters a peep… the strange world we live in…

    • Murray Olsen 10.1

      We have no idea that there was an attempted murder. The fact that Blomfield was discharged from hospital relatively quickly suggests that the facial wounds were not from a gun. We do not know who fired the gun. At least two people were present. I have been in situations where guns were fired into the air to defuse a situation.

      I can’t stand Slater and wouldn’t be surprised if some Whalespew army idiot had tried to win a free bdsm session with the NAct MP of his/her choice, but this is total speculation. If it was an attempted hit, it’s the second worst attempt I’ve ever heard of. Let’s be patient. The different versions of the facts will come out – the police version, the media version, Blomfield’s version, and Blubber Boy’s version. We don’t need to make one up as well.

    • Dave_1924 10.2

      Your kidding did you read Karols post above at post number 9, or the article he linked to??? Seriously….

  11. Mary 11

    “TS wishes Matt a speedy recovery.”

    I’m sure a lot of people do, but how can TS wish?

  12. Northland and around 12

    This was a deliberate hit by an intruder. It was very serious and Matt saved his own life and that of his family through his actions. It was almost certainly linked to the case. Whaleoil must be a possible but unlikely subject. Whoever made the well documented threats against Matt might be a bit more concerned now CIB are on the job.

  13. vto 13

    This combined with blubber’s wishing people dead and commenting that the world is a better place with other people dead (Judd Hall on the west coast) is painting a picture………

    As commented on in the recent post about the commemoration of Ernie Abbot’s murder in the Trade Hall bombing in Wellington in 1983…. the fascists are just behind the door …. make no mistake

    • mickysavage 14.1

      That is spectacularly underwhelming …

    • Tracey 14.2

      but when you play in shit people will tend to thi nk the worst of you.

    • felix 14.3

      Is that the same Slater who threw someone down a flight of stairs and bragged about it?

      • Not Petey 14.3.1

        I honestly have no idea of Slater’s history, does he have a history of violence ?

        A link to the alleged assault you’re talking about would be very interesting.

        • felix

          It’s all in the public record. His accomplice, Gerard Anthony Brownlee, was convicted of assault over the incident.

          • Not Petey

            I’ve googled “Brownlee and Slater assault” but can’t find anything can you help out with a link.

            • felix

              Nope. Guess it’s not true then.

              • Not Petey

                I’d have thought that if Brownlee and Slater had assaulted someone and it would all on public record that it would by on the net somewhere.

                I did find the following on Brownlee



                Apparently it was Brownlee that fell down the stairs……. lucky no one was behind him otherwise manslaughter would have been the charge ………..but no mention of Slater ?

                • felix

                  Nope you’re mistaken. Brownlee was convicted of assault.

                  And no, it wasn’t for throwing himself down the stairs you fucking idiot, it was an assault against a 60 year-old man.

                  He was convicted, and Slater bragged about being there and helping chuck the man down the stairs.

                  • Not Petey

                    Calm down Felix I don’t know why you’re getting so upset over this ?

                    From what I read in the links I found Brownlee was convicted of assault on the back of a civil case that Mr Abel took.

                    “Neil Abel, 58, a sympathiser of the Native Forest Action Group, said Brownlee grabbed him by the belt, thrust his knee “up my backside”, and manhandled him from the venue.

                    Brownlee then threatened to throw him down a staircase, and that he feared for his life during the scuffle, he said.

                    Abel was later awarded $8500 in damages.”


                    Again no mention of Slater so I’m not sure where you get your first comment in this thread that –

                    “Is that the same Slater who threw someone down a flight of stairs and bragged about it?

                    Have you got some kind of beef with Slater ? I’ll concede his politics and blog is not to my taste but having searched your comments on this blog about him you seem to make some fairly serious accusations against him of assault and pedophiliac tendencies which you really need to back up with some evidence.

                    • felix

                      I don’t care what you can or can’t find. That your first googling led you to believe that Brownlee was convicted of assaulting himself leads me to believe you’re either a moron or a liar.

                      Brownlee was convicted, Slater bragged about being there and taking part.

                      I don’t think I’ve ever called Slater a pedo, but it’s well known that he made and published pornography featuring an underage boy.

                      The sky is cloudy today. Sorry I don’t have a link for that either.

                      Believe it or don’t. I couldn’t care less.

                    • Draco T Bastard

                      From what I read in the links I found Brownlee was convicted of assault on the back of a civil case that Mr Abel took.

                      That can’t be right because assault can result in more than two years in jail which would mean that Brownlee couldn’t be an MP. So either he’s breaking the law or he wasn’t convicted.

                    • Not Petey

                      “The sky is cloudy today. Sorry I don’t have a link for that either.”

                      Here you go…

                      “That your first googling led you to believe that Brownlee was convicted of assaulting himself leads me to believe you’re either a moron or a liar.”

                      Ummm not sure where you got that from ? I think you have got the story a bit muddled, from the links I supplied which you clearly didn’t read Brownlee was the one that fell down the stairs during the scuffle he didn’t throw anyone down the stairs.

                      As per Mr Abel’s comments, who was the person who took the civil case..

                      “……..said Brownlee grabbed him by the belt, thrust his knee “up my backside”, and manhandled him from the venue.

                      Brownlee then threatened to throw him down a staircase, and that he feared for his life during the scuffle, he said.

                      Abel was later awarded $8500 in damages.”

                      And I still can’t find anything to support your initial accusation that

                      “Is that the same Slater who threw someone down a flight of stairs and bragged about it?”


                      “It’s all in the public record. His accomplice, Gerard Anthony Brownlee, was convicted of assault over the incident.”


                      “He was convicted, and Slater bragged about being there and helping chuck the man down the stairs.”

                      “I don’t think I’ve ever called Slater a pedo,…”

                      Here’s a reminder for you ……..great search function this site has.


                      [lprent: It is pretty good. Standard open source package sphinxsearch. I must upgrade the plugin for it again. ]

                    • felix

                      Hey Not Petey, perhaps you missed the part where I didn’t give a shit what you can or can’t substantiate you moronic duplicitous tr0ll.

                      Btw neither of those links have me calling Slater a pedo. That’s you either lying or being thick, or both.

                    • Not Petey

                      Such lies Felix, you really should be in parliament spouting such lies !

                      I think you know very well what The Standard banned you for you naughty wee thing tut tut calling someone a pedo without any proof even if that someone is Cameron Slater is very poor form a bit like your assertions about Key and his “pedo smile” you do seem to have bit of a fixation.

                      For someone who doesn’t give a shit you’re giving a very good impression of being virtually diarrhoea like in your shit giving.

                      Now I know you’re desperate for the least word so have at it dear.

                    • felix

                      Nope you’re still lying or thick. I said Slater had made and published child porn, which he did, and everyone knows it except you.

                      Never called him a pedo, as your awesome search skills have already demonstrated.

                      And yes, Key has a pedo-smile which, while creepy, is not illegal.

      • I Know More Than You. 14.3.2

        You might be confused felix. Matthew Blomfield was charged with pushing a court bailiff down a flight of stairs in 2008 when events didn’t go his way. Blomfield was ordered to pay $300 to Victim Support as part of his diversion.

        [lprent: A link to the decision would be preferred. See the policy about assertions.

        Trashed your other comment as something that would probably be damn hard to substantiate one way or another. Which makes it dangerous legally for this site.]

        • felix

          Oh I’m almost certainly confused, but no that’s not what I was referring to. I was talking about the time when Brownlee got convicted of assault.

          • Blue

            He was never convicted of assault. Your lies are compounding upon your lies. He was sued in a civil court where no conviction can be entered.

            • mickysavage

              Yep he was never convicted. He was ordered to pay a significant sum of money for assaulting Mr Abel but he was not convicted. Nothing to see here, please move along quickly and forget any impressions you may have formed …

            • felix

              Right you are, Blue.

              Please read “convicted of assault” as “found by a judge to have assaulted a 60 year-old man”.


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