
Written By: - Date published: 4:47 pm, March 11th, 2008 - 11 comments
Categories: national, slippery, spin - Tags: , ,

Well National’s finally got their line straight on the research fund and, despite me old mate Dancer’s prediction, they are not supporting it.

It seems this one goes to AYB who picked their line perfectly. He said they’d claim the idea’s good but the model is flawed and then have cry about how it should have come earlier and guess what? They did:

Labour’s model carries a considerable risk, and will be at the mercy of the investment strategy employed.


“It is disappointing that it has taken until election year for the Labour Government to announce a gimmicky funding formula.

So there you go, AYB gets the chocolate fish for spin-bingo.

I wonder if the NBR will now claim we test National’s lines for them too?

11 comments on “Yawn ”

  1. gobsmacked 1

    Another own goal by Key. There’s support for this right across the spectrum. National just look churlish.

  2. Tane 2

    You’re right. Every single business and industry group has come out in support of it. National are the only ones I can find opposing this.

  3. gobsmacked 3

    Tomorrow he will correct the false impression that others may have wrongly taken from his comments today, which are now in the past.

  4. Daveo 4

    He was talking about his opposition to Australian research and development.

    Because that’s how we’re going to close the research and development gap, don’t you know.

  5. I heard he has ordered scoop to clarify the remarks in his release as they are misleading. Or that he can’t remember sending it out.

  6. James Kearney 6

    See the National Party cheerleaders at the Herald have retooled their story on the innnovation fund to lead with the PPTA’s strange and irrelevant press release:

    Teacher’s Union rejects Government’s $700m innovation plan

    Remember, this is a policy that was supported by Business NZ and every industry group there is. And the Herald leads their coverage with this. Pathetic.

    [captcha: Mr intestinal]

  7. Billy 7

    “Every single business and industry group has come out in support of it.”

    Find me someone who doesn’t support welfare for themselves. Why the fuck are we subsidising dairy farmers? I thought you were against corporate welfare for anyone who doesn’t build luxury yachts for Owen Glenn.

  8. any predictions on what the Member for Helensville might say about this?


  9. randal 9

    he just flapping his gums with faux menace…he aint gonna do nothing…he’s an indian not a chief!

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