Your Brighter Future: Burn.

Written By: - Date published: 1:13 pm, October 2nd, 2013 - 15 comments
Categories: benefits, capitalism, class war, cost of living, Economy, energy, health and safety, helen clark, Judith Collins, national, paula bennett, privatisation, welfare - Tags: , , , , ,

Paula Bennet apparently reckons that 2000 people having social welfare entitlements cancelled every week is a good thing. It brings down the projected future cost of welfare payments by $3 billion.

Judith Collins apparently reckons that 207 000 work place accidents a year is a good thing. It creates a profit of $4.9 billion and suggests that a cut in health and safety training could generate even more dollars to drool over.

Meanwhile, back in 2008, Helen Clark confessed to the following

I just utter one fear, and that is that I do hope that all we have put in place doesn’t go up in flames on the bonfire of Right-wing politics.

But hey, she was being too pessimistic. She missed the brighter future note whereby the light and heat of those flames would mean ‘no problem’ for the 106 households every day having their electricity cut off while corporate profit margins spiral.

Finally.. I don’t know…venal isn’t a strong enough word for these ‘comfortable with that’ types who presently govern our society and who have this penchant to twist  human misery to produce financial ‘feel good’ spin.

And that’s to say nothing of the cronyism, the corruption, the arrogance, the lies, the trashing of democracy…

15 comments on “Your Brighter Future: Burn. ”

  1. Good post, Bill.

    There’s this strange logic at play. It’s as if the aim is simply less government expenditure rather than less human suffering. It’s ghoulish stuff.

    And where are the accountants when you really need them? Where are the ‘balance sheets’ showing the effects in terms of both increased suffering from reduced support and consequential ‘knock-on’ costs to other parts of the economy? (e.g., the health system).

  2. Yes 2


    [lprent: You were warned about commenting whilst banned. I hope you enjoy the auto-spam as much as I enjoy placing your stupidity there. ]

  3. ghostrider888 3

    It is all gonna’ Burn .

  4. Tangee 4

    Its all about the numbers with national and not the people. It is sad that they see right through the suffering and just see the balanced budget.

  5. Puckish Rogue 5

    Naah JC is just cutting funding to unions while still increasing money for overall training

    Another reason shes wonderful

  6. Paula Bennet apparently reckons that 2000 people having social welfare entitlements cancelled every week is a good thing.

    In most cases, it is a good thing. I guess it certainly isn’t in those cases where the benefit is cancelled because the recipient’s died or been imprisoned, but in the cases where it’s been cancelled because the recipient’s become a student, changed their marital status, left the country, gained too much income or assets, or is no longer looking after a dependant, we should be happy for them, shouldn’t we?

    • anarcho 6.1

      nice idea…. nicely qualified with an “I guess”.

      I’d guess (no links to stats unfortunately) that you guessed wrong.

      “Do they owe us a living? Of course they fucking do.” Crass.

    • Bill 6.2

      And the ones who were tripped up, fucked up and pissed on? We ignore them. I guess.

  7. no links to stats unfortunately

    Here you go. As usual, it’s the right-winger I apparently shouldn’t read because she’s a right-winger who’s actually bothered to look up the figures.

    • Bill 7.1

      According to those figures….751 disappearing for no apparent reason (didn’t renew their claim or contest a cancelled claim) and ‘only’ 136 specifically recorded as cancelled due to failing onerous WINZ obligations.

      Would be curious as to whether the nebulous ‘other reasons’ that Lindsay signposts under her ‘Labour did it too’ defense of the indefensible were in fact categorized.

      But regardless, no-one on a benefit had any love for the last Labour government…so the petty minded finger pointing that seeks to normalise this bullshit only deserves to be bent and snapped.

  8. ghostrider888 8

    Burn, I tells ya, it’s all gonna burn (where have we heard that before, oh, that’s Right). meanwhile, Summer is just around the corner.Carry on you BAU acolytes, thanks to google, we know where you reside. 🙂

    as an aside, was talking with a very politically informed Brigid today; “the cops are the last to concede that the power they swear an oath to, are wrong. (in fact, they may be barking mad

  9. Whatever next 9

    The last election bill boards always read ” cooking the books” for a ” shiter future” to me, certainly proving true