Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
7:20 am, September 22nd, 2017 - 101 comments
Categories: election 2017, labour, leadership, MMP -
Tags: #ChangeTheGovt, election 2017, let's do this, lies, MMP
On current polling the next government could be Labour + Green + NZF. That would annoy a lot of Nats if they have more votes than Labour alone, but that’s how MMP works. English lied about this in the last debate, but apparently has since walked it back. Audrey Young sums up:
Biggest party might not lead new Government
New Zealand heads to the polls tomorrow in one of the most uncertain election outcomes in memory, after one of the most gripping campaigns.
One thing is certain: either National or Labour could lead the next Government, no matter which party has the most seats after the votes are counted.
A suggestion by Prime Minister Bill English this week that the largest party gets the first chance to form a Government under New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements is not correct, and he has walked back from that.
The largest party under MMP has led the Government but any bloc of parties making up more than 50 per cent of the Parliament can actually form the Government. …
The Nats tried to take out NZF and have probably failed. Bad mistake, though who knows what Peters will actually do if he holds the balance. Let’s hope that the polls are underestimating the scope of the mood for change, and that Labour + Green (+ Maori?) can do it without him. Get out there and work for it people…
There are no “kingmakers” in this election and Winston Peters is a PCP (Probable Coalition Partner, not Angel Dust). This is MMP and we have a representative democracy. This means that a majority of one or two seats should not be seen as a mandate to exclude the other half of the House and thus the other half of the electorate/population. It means that you go out of your way to reach as much (political) consensus as possible. It means that you first and foremost try a non-partisan approach. Am I asking too much?
That’d be nice but that’s not actually how things work in the real world – as National have showed us time and time again as they’ve gone against the wishes of the majority of people.
It’s a problem that comes from having a government that’s not accountable for their actions.
What National have forgotten over the last 9 years is that at all times they have held a very small majority and that around 50% of the electorate don’t agree with their policies. They still work as though they are under FPP.
I guess they only way to change things is to show them how things can work. I expect that Labour,Green and NZ First will have that opportunity following the election.
Nope because when they next get into power they will be act exactly the same way.
Thing is, even a Labour led government will likely be passing legislation that the majority of people are against. The TPPA springs to mind. If they can’t get agreement from NZ1st and Greens then they’ll just get it from National. it won’t change the lack of support in the community – they’ll just over-ride the opposition.
Yes draco Like the cup of teas sagas??
National coerce the system to get power so Incogntito’s suggestion;
” It means that you first and foremost try a non-partisan approach.” Am I asking too much?
Well it seems that no party is following this policy you state should be followed.
Anyway I have more respect for Winstons knowledge of what is the ‘legal’ proceedure of how to form a governmet so I will await the outcome.
The banner headline on the Audery Young article is
“Could a minority party lead new Government ”
this will be today’s dog whistle.
As for yours?
Maori Party = Kupapa
This is on the front page of Stuff:
Very misleading!!
Audrey and others must keep up the indirect scare tactics…
“The Nats tried to take out NZF and have probably failed. Bad mistake……..”
Winston also still hasn’t forgotten that National took NZF out over the Owen Glenn donations in 2008.
This is why Jacinda will be PM.
Lab 39 Gre 8 NZF 6 is 65-66 seats, a safe majority. Add Flavell to this.
Winston will go with the side that gives him more. It is that simple.
Predicting he will go with the left because of a scandal in 2008 which was of his own making is a bit hopeful unfortunately.
100000% Beared git, great insight I fully agree.
Winston is so deeply experienced far far more then compared to the other bees hovering around the parliamentary honey pot today eh?
“On current polling the next government could be Labour + Green + NZF.”
Please let it happen!!!! as we need both youth and experience combined with all oposition parties to begin the restoration of this country from the clutches of a dying carcass of the National Party.
Please please please let Labour go into a threeway coalition with Greens and Winston.
The resulting chaos would be outstanding.
I think its far more likely that Labour will just ignore the Greens and go with Winston.
As long as Lab + NZF > Nat they are safe as Greens will never vote with National.
There’ll be less chaos from that combination than we’ve seen from National/UF/ACT/MP.
Nat govt has been steady functional and boring I want some excitement!
Undermining society by underfunding essential services is ‘functional’?
As for steady?
How many of their MPs suddenly retired? Where’s Barclay?
Barclay was a boy in a man’s job good riddance to him.
But if that is all you can give me for excitement over 9 years of Nat management then bring on the lab/gre/Winston hydra ☺️
It’s not. There were a few more that ‘retired’ from politics quite suddenly.
There’s the ongoing Barclay affair and how Blinglish and a few others tried to cover it up – I do wonder how that investigation is going and how the police are going to sweep it under the rug this time.
There’s Collins and the Orivida scandal which may have grown some more teeth.
Aaron Gilmore
IIRC there’s another couple of instances of fraud and sexism to go as well.
If there’s anything that the country should have learned over the last few years is that no National MP can be trusted.
“Please please please let Labour go into a threeway coalition with Greens and Winston.”
Big ups to David C for his positive day-before wishes!
What I really want is a fully functional CGT but Taxcinda has wimped out on that
Planning to vote today (in Epsom) – will hold my nose and go for gold – to change the government: one tick against the NACT rorts, lies, inequalities, poverty and destruction of democracy; one tick for the left and positive change.
Carolyn, the way to get rid of Rimmer (Seymour) is to give your electorate vote to Goldsmith.
Did you read what I wrote?
Oops, sorry. My nerves are a bit rattled!
I took her to mean just that from the nose hold comment.
You go girl. Out out damned lot!!
I think I voted – now I’m not sure. If they want you to tick within the circles, they need to give us thinner pens. I did 2 tick movements, and ended up with 2 circles filled with orange – I figured it must count – but now I’m not sure.
Hah! I submitted a query to the Electoral Commission via the form on their website.
Got a pretty prompt reply:
Nice one!
I voted last weekend and had the same experience. The marker looked new, but the tip showed evidence of some deliberate use. I ended up with a small white dot at the top of both circles.
Interesting. You’d think, with all the “Two ticks” promos for voting, they’d make damn sure they provided the equipment to do it easily, and with certainty!
National are so stupid they continue to attack their potential coalition partner right up to election day. It would not surprise me at all to see NZF going with Labour and the Greens because i’m not the only NZF party member wanting some utu.
Winston is old school. Weened on politics at Muldoons teet. He plays it as a game and says what it takes to win. He will forgive National if they make some concessions to him. Remember this is the party that has recriminialise prostitution as a policy…
The winebox was a long time ago …
As opposed to the maori party …..?
Winston is old school. Weened on politics at Muldoons teet. He plays it as a game and says what it takes to win
This, one of the big reasons you always see him sticking it to National is not that he hates them but sees National voting people as being more likely to swap to NZ First if he sows enough doubt in their heads.
Once the “game” is over it’s beers and laughs around the table.
You are daft if you believe that there is real hatred inside the National party towards Winston and NZF.
THat’s not what he said. He’s saying that Peters is playing a power game. Of course he will work with National if he needs to, and vice versa.
Willie Jackson ,on the daily blog
“Take the latest Colmar Brunton Poll – added together, Labour + Greens + NZ First will be the new Government, but is that the story the right-wing media are telling you? They are saying that Jacinda’s ‘fairy dust’ has failed her, that the momentum has stopped and that anyone wanting real change this election should just go home, head bent with their tail between their legs for daring to hope.
I call that out and denounce it! ”
The “brand” differentiation exercise is over , it’s time for compromise and pragmatic agreement on the way forward.
It will be a rough ride , the msm and our owners will fight tooth and nail to delay obstruct the repeal of the garbage legislation this sycophantic mob of thieves have bestowed upon us .
It will require all that have petitioned, organised, berated through forums & non-msm against the damage done in the past 9 years to continue to their efforts and use the mechanisms of democracy to try and re-build a fair society.
At least we can hope to see a Parliament devoid of Urgency , Select committee process working as intended and a Speaker who respects the traditions of their position.
Well said Willie Jackson.
Looking forward to the Troika being in Government…the bulk of people see through Nationals deceit and lies …this is why a three way coalition is what is required.
This not a “feature” of MMP, but just they way a parliament in a representative democracy works. It could happen under any electoral system, even FFP.
I believe 1923 elections in the UK was such a case
A more proportional system encourages to have more parties, which the makes situations like this more likely, but it is not restricted to them.
“I believe 1923 elections in the UK was such a case”
The MacDonald Ministry didn’t exactly end well…
Winston will be the next UK High Commissioner before the end of next term and all power to him if he does get it. Despite what we may think of him he is a legend. (And I didn’t vote for him).
Nats will want a support partner, Winstons already is old, by term end. So they will fob him off to London, same same, Labour. Renewal of the old vote party.
Maybe not Winston, Latest Internal polling the gap is narrowing, also over last four days a large increase in the
youth turning up to be inrolled
This from an article on Stuff today,….
Get out and vote!
When Aunty Helen tells you to get and and vote, you better do what she says!
So there , … consider yourselves warned !!!
My family is voting tomorrow. Lots of red ticks.
The Marlborough Express has an unscientific on line poll going today.
I voted for our mighty Janette Walker Labour candidate three times.
The counter went up by one each time because I voted on Firefox, then Chrome, and then Safari. Dishonest I know but just proving that online polls are beatable.
I’m surprised there are still Provincial Newspapers still surviving the internet. The Taranaki Daily News up still goes on despite having reduced staff, a rented office, mainly syndicated news and being printed in Porirua and I amazes me why folks buy it. If I subscribed to a print newspaper in a moment of insanity it would have to be either The Dominion or The Herald.
Yeah, I don’t believe any online polls. Even doubtful of the ones on telly.
Go Jacinda.
Glenn. Fairfax owns our Express. Their experiment is that on Monday Wed Fri we get the Express with strong accent on Marlborough news. On Tuesday Thur we get the Christchurch Press.
Strangely enough it is quite good after initial misgivings.
Ah, the old ‘vote early, vote often’ strategy!
Changing Public & MSM opinion
One or two Polls over the past decade have suggested strong public sentiment in favour of the idea that the party receiving the most votes should form the subsequent Government (eg 79% agreeing in a 2008 Colmar Brunton).
However Jacinda-mania (and Labour’s subsequent revival) may have somewhat mitigated this view – the usual MSM suspects haven’t been pursuing this line in the way they did during previous campaigns & a recent Herald ZB Kantar TNS poll found more voters feeling NZF should make any coalition decisions on the basis of policy wins (38%) rather than simply going with the largest party (35%) – albeit with a hefty 27% still Unsure
The polling results seem to be swinging around a great deal. Is this the ‘undecideds’ making their minds up, or are some voters really unable to choose between National and Labour?
I’m picking a large proportion of the supposed 13% “undecideds” from whatever that last poll was, are tossing a coin between NZ Labour and Green. Obviously, the sensible and the progressive or left leaning among them will tick Green 😉
Also in my canvassing have found a big portion of people tossing up between the two big parties as they don’t want little parties.
There are a lot of people with that mindset, that only the largest parties ‘count’.
I suspect that these are the people who don’t understand policy at all, and just want to choose the ‘winning team’.
They have had a chance to have a good look at Ardern’s ability to do the job and they aren’t impressed.
Did you happen to see the graphic that went with the TV3 news broadcast about the poll last night? After Ardern became leader the Labour votes rose a lot. After the campaign started they fell nearly as fast as people saw that she really wasn’t up to the job.
Damn it, why couldn’t Labour get their act sorted out? Nine wasted years. It would be good to get a new Government but the alternative to National are totally useless.
As are some of the commenters on this site. FFS Alwyn who are you talking to? Yourself?
Well you are obviously one of my readers.
Why do you bother if it upsets you?
Why does anyone bother?
That’s the question.
In your case Robert I can tell you.
I am sure it is because you are a seeker after enlightenment.
You are trying to reach, in the Indian Religious sense, the state of Nirvana
“All Indian religions assert it to be a state of perfect quietude, freedom, highest happiness”
Reading my homilies will help you on the path. Travel well, my son.
I personally find that your homilies lead to the slough of despond.
Oh dear.
Slough of despond.
“The Slough of Despond is a fictional, deep bog in John Bunyan’s allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress, into which the protagonist Christian sinks under the weight of his sins and his sense of guilt for them”
Are you really such a vile person with such a great weight of sins? Actually you are, when I consider the things you say here.
Repent and all will be forgiven. You can overcome your terrible guilt if you repent, or so I have been told. Change to worshipping the ideas that I expound. You can be saved you know.
I really didn’t think anyone read Bunyan any more. I remember trying it when I was a teenager. God knows why, and He isn’t talking.
Indeed – a pity you have lost God, whom I see as a metaphor for Principles.
The protagonist Christian is the modern beneficiary, or poor couple working long hours on barbarically low pay rates of which you and your ilk approve.
You I see as a Pharisee who does not comprehend his own guilt in supporting a system of exploitation and misery imposed upon others.
You burble with foolish over-confidence.
Yes, dear.
You sound as if you have already been partaking in order to try and numb the pain when your beloved lot fall short again in an election.
“In vino veritas is a Latin phrase that means “in wine, truth”, suggesting a person under the influence of alcohol is more likely to speak their hidden thoughts and desires. The phrase is sometimes continued as, “In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas”, i.e., “In wine there is truth, in water there is health.”
What have you been drinking? Stick to water. It is much better or your liver.
Ahh, tut tut. ‘for your liver’, not ‘or your liver’. As you preach correctness, try to pick your bumbling way around the keyboard more carefully. You love to pretend erudition, but fail to convince.
That would be one thing that I would definitely rule out.
It isn’t as though Bill English has been covering himself in glory throughout the campaign — if anything, he has destroyed the ‘honest Bill’ talking point. Ardern could be criticised for lack of specificity, but as any sociologist can tell you people don’t recall facts as well as they recall emotional response: a positive message devoid of facts will win over positive facts with a neutral message.
(This does have a distinct downside, in that you get ‘robot’ Clinton losing in likeability terms to the Orange Clown.)
Relieved to see NZF in the mix. A voice of common sense and reason.
The results of the American election, the Brexit referendum and the British snap election, show a disconnect between voting results and polling demographics that should favour Labour in our election. However, if the worst comes to the worst and Labour is unable to form a government, I still see room for hope.
For such a result, National would presumably have ACT with it, it would have pooh-poohed the Greens, leaving it with NZ First and the Maori Party as partners. Such a mixture would surely be unstable. There are many conflicting policies between the four of them but in particular, NZ first is strong on economic nationalism, which is the antithesis of the vile TPP that National is besotted with. The campaign has also aroused the social conscience of the Maori Party. Hence, even if the Nats win this election and form a government, a successful vote of no confidence against it within three years is not unlikely.
If it does, by this time Labour, Jacinda, and their policies would be well consolidated, and many potential partners thoroughly antagonistic to National would be available – why else would a vote of no confidence have succeeded – and Labour would win in a canter.
I think Winston will go with whichever party gives him the biggest bag of baubles.
However he has a high price. With National he can insist that he be the number two in a two party coalition. ACT and the Maori party can’t stop that.
With Labour though he will be requiring that there are no Green Ministers. He isn’t going to share his prizes. It will be just like 2005. What are the Greens, assuming they are actually in Parliament, going to say? They will almost certainly have less seats than New Zealand First and are, in my opinion, equally likely to end up with a percentage that is below the 5% as they are to be above it.
Under 5% and National will be able to form a Government with their current partners.
I think the Green vote will be higher than the polls show.
It is possible but it would be a first.
They have dropped well below the final poll in every election since 1999.
On the other hand they usually go up between election night and the final result although not back to the poll numbers.
This time could be different though. I know several people who have been vociferously Green before previous elections but were very unhappy with the Party preferring to support Turei but to dump on Graham. They might be still going to vote Green but they aren’t talking about it any more.
People talking to pollsters might be the same.
The Greens have always picked up a few percentage points from overseas voters casting special votes in previous elections. There’s no reason to think this year will be any different.
Yes, that is what my third sentence was saying, or at least meaning to say, although I hadn’t limited it to the overseas voters.
“On the other hand they usually go up between election night and the final result although not back to the poll numbers.”
On the other hand I would suggest “a few percentage points” is gilding the lily a bit. 50 basis points or about half of a percentage point might be a bit closer.
It was 0.23% in 2005, 0.29% in 2008, 0.44% in 2011 and 0.68% in 2014.
Sorry if I misinterpreted what you meant. I didn’t take ‘Mind Reading’ as a subject at school.
I thought you, like me, were both Old Boys of Harry Potter’s school Hogwarts.
Compulsory subject there.
I can’t stand Harry Potter personally. Poorly written shite if you ask me.
I’ll take your word for it. I’ve neither read any of the books nor seen any of the films.
Nicholas Lezard certainly isn’t a fan, is he?
He is indeed. The films are tolerable IMHO.
I shall keep an eye out for when one is next on free TV. I can always record it, watch a bit of it and then delete it if I cannot be bothered looking at the rest.
When Lezard compared the writing to Jeffrey Archer I really lost interest in the books. I read about 50 pages of Archer once. God it was awful.
With you 100% on Archer. Forget about perjury, the bugger should have been jailed for life for crimes against the English language.
Haha @simonm and @alwyn – agree with you both there. Rowling and Archer can’t write to save themselves. Another ‘bestseller’ in that camp is Dan Brown. Ouch. Meanwhile, superb English writers like Ian McEwan and Zadie Smith to name just a couple continue to produce beautiful pieces of writing.
[lprent: Thank you for identifying that election day comment loophole. Now fixed. ]
It’s never happened before but it’s possible
We have seen a couple of percent of soft left voters float away from Labour over the last couple of weeks if that trend continues then greens might do 8% or so
Usually greens % drops on the day tho.
I would guess that they will get to eight or nine percent, but not crack ten.
Unfortunately they have bled some support back to Labour under Ardern, and managed to make several leadership bungles leading in to the campaign.
My feeling is that the results between National and Labour will be tight. At least this should be an interesting result.
I think whatever happens, NZ First is going to suck the neoliberal air out of National and Act. Sure, it won’t be real progressivism, but National will be damaged goods after 12 months. If they do stitch together a government from National, NZ First, ACT, and Māori, it will be a shambles that has no coherent strategy. Worst case scenario I see happening tomorrow is 3 years of a very effective Labour-Green opposition while National desperately tries to negotiate its way through a coalition of chaos.
nope, Bill English basically said that under our constitution, the kingmaker would have to go with the party that has the most votes. How is this not true? In a democracy, that is how it works. Winston himself said he would go with the party with the most votes, has he not? I English did not lie, he was stating facts of democracy.
[lprent: No that is not true. It is just billshit. Bill English was simply lying again. As are you.
There is no legislation that says that. There is no standing protocol or convention that says that. And there is absolutely no precedent that says that.
Since I’m not that in favour of people trying to promulgate false facts on this site – banned for 4 weeks as a discouragement to do this kind of crap again. Unless of course you can come up with a constitutional reference that states that coalitions must be formed with the biggest party under MMP.
😈 But since even Billshit Bill has retracted on that bit of crap it could be a long search. ]
Bill English was lying, and has since retracted his statement. Winston says he talks to the party with the most votes. Please try and inform yourself so that I don’t have to constantly correct your fake news.
methinks there’s going to be some interesting conversations on Sunday. Unless we get really lucky, which I’m still open to happening.
We’ll know more when the electoral commission releases the updated early voting and enrolment data at 6pm.
180,000 more votes cast yesterday. Insane.
6pm? That’s not the counted votes though right?
Almost right.
My understanding was that they start counting the advance votes at midday tomorrow and release them at 7pm at the close of voting.
Yes, that’s what I thought too. But OAB is talking about early voting and enrolment stats I think? As in which booths had what turnout? Enrolment demographics?
Sorry, going off this Newsroom piece…
…looking, can’t find anything yet. Will keep looking…
Oh right, I thought you were talking about tomorrow. So the EC is going to update its website tonight on enrolment and advanced voting stats?
Enrolments are open until midnight (online), so I guess we won’t get a final figure until tomorrow.
26k more people have voted than at the same time in 2014. That might mean that fewer will vote tomorrow and we’ll get a similar turnout.
If it’s a bigger turnout, I struggle to imagine it’s because people are more convinced by Bill English than they were by Dr. Sir Key.
260K more, not including today’s votes. Which could easily be another 200k (178k on Thursday).
Yes our Weka,
There will be many lies and coecion to distort the truth comming from the PM/Joyce stable to try and screw any deal which only benefitss them under false circumstances, so it is great to have Winston’s long experience to draw upon of how this joselling for control is going to play out going forward as we saw in the UK election, dont you agree?
*correction, for “talks to”, read “talks first to”.
Driving home tonight I heard a report on Radio live Ali Mau “Drive with Ali Mau at around 5.30pm radio that Ali was interviewing a political expert Massey University my memory serves me, who said that a forward report was known already about the results from the voting pattern of the early votes todate!!!!
We heard are (apparently) now known said the presenter.
The results we heard on the car radio was ;
Voters for the two main parties National & Labour are as follows;
National 33%
labour 45%
I hope this early reprt is correct, as when we voted today in Gisborne the booth was over loaded with people all the way out the door and down the road, and my wife said she did not see many ‘national’ voters.
Please dont ask me how she knows that, but I have faith is a womens intuition as my mum had it and she was right every time on every issue then presented to us.
OAB said “We’ll know more when the electoral commission releases the updated early voting and enrolment data at 6pm.”
This last post above may shed some light?