Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 2:53 pm, June 28th, 2014 - 79 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour, social media lolz - Tags: ,


79 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. freedom 1

    “It’s not about me, it’s about the Party”- John Key, June 2014

  2. amirite 2

    Ïf you thought Team NZ was expensive to run, try this!

  3. Once was Tim 3

    Oim your Neshnool Ken Date – giggle giggle

  4. Andre 4

    Thirteen members of government will be leaving and taking up lucrative directorships.. Team Key .When looking after your mates comes first.

    • swordfish 4.1

      President of Sociopaths Anonymous , Paula Bennett, unveils new membership card.

      • swordfish 4.1.1

        Media shocked as Cabinet Minister, Paula Bennett, takes the piss out of John Key’s increasingly obvious Male Pattern Baldness.

  5. ghostwhowalksnz 5

    Doesnt mention the word NATIONAL- is it toxic all ready

  6. ianmac 6

    “Bedmates,” simpered coy Paula. “Yep. Slept with all of them except one.”

  7. Stuart Munro 7

    “Many of these people will be turning up at our WINZ offices in August – I want you to treat them especially well.”

  8. Mike the Savage One 8

    Hah, without this man (JK) I would simply have remained nothing but a loud mouthed, smart-arsed, bullying, loathsome, greasing “bludger” and opportunist, now I have got it made, with stuff all brains, no significant skill and hardly any efforts.

    For money, perks and power I will do anything! And I pulled the ladder up behind me, hahaha, you suckers.

  9. bennett:..’you can smell the drone-strikes..!’

  10. weka 10

    “I’m a little snot-goblin”

  11. dimebag russell 11

    I Fake Everything.

  12. Will@Welly 12

    And you all thought we were going to get a copy of John Key’s biography? This is even better. A farewell picture – oops!

  13. Awww 13

    Bennett holds up the new 2014 commemorative stamps to be released post election. The stamps are said to leave a particularly nasty taste in the mouth.

  14. Colonial Viper 14

    Nikki Kaye: see, this is how you do it, keep smiling for the cameras as you slide the stiletto in nice and deep.

  15. Tracey 15

    Paula bennett wants to thank god she is not one of the “deadwood”, but he is busy signing books.

  16. Tracey 16

    Nikki kaye smiles nervously while checking she is on the leaflet

  17. greywarbler 17


  18. Deckard 18

    Paula shows off her copy of the new board game “Spot the Arsehole”

  19. Treetop 19

    Paula and Nikki can’t wait to have the picture installed as a kitchen splash back.

  20. Gruntie 20

    Leave me alone – I’m not ready to come out and show my Hitler moustache yet

  21. ffloyd 21

    So excited! so excited! I can barely contain mys……….. oh no………forgot to wear my adult incontinence pads.

  22. Humph 22

    “These are the guys we don’t spy on”

    …unless they’re baaad

  23. Ecosse_Maidy 23

    Govt In Big Financial Trouble as it tries to sell New Range of Postage Stamps

  24. Ecosse_Maidy 24

    Mrs Louis Saurez is just about to take a sneaky bite of of Team Key.

  25. Ecosse_Maidy 25

    Team Nationals decision to re design the chess board had a subtle flaw

  26. Ecosse_Maidy 26

    Nationals Fundraising Promotion of “Spot The Bastard”

  27. Ecosse_Maidy 27

    The Government unveils required reading for the nursery school cirriculum.

  28. Ecosse_Maidy 28

    No, I am not putting this down…Honestly I have shaved off my sideburns, beard and plucked my nasal hair…..honestly!

  29. Ecosse_Maidy 29

    Whole Cast for Alien 5 revealed!

  30. Ecosse_Maidy 30

    If you can see my lips move I am lying.

  31. Ecosse_Maidy 31

    National Match Dot Dating Service, is initiated

  32. Ecosse_Maidy 32

    The Spot The Bastard Competition this month, was a very difficult one

  33. Ecosse_Maidy 33

    Christchurch residents resort to wanted posters due to the complete lack of assistance…

  34. anker 34

    Air NZ get Paula Bennett to show off their new sick bags.

  35. Ecosse_Maidy 35

    Paula Bennett, goes the extra mile and licks John Keys arse

  36. Ecosse_Maidy 36

    Paulas body guard thought there is no way I am standing in the front of that!

  37. Ecosse_Maidy 37

    Paula reveals the most wanted abusers of the system…

  38. Ecosse_Maidy 38

    The NZ Herald still denied any political alligence to any party, inspite of todays front page

  39. Ecosse_Maidy 39

    Blonde behind Paula…”Yes well it is a false smile but you try sitting here when shes just farted!”

  40. felix 40

    This acid is really strong. Keep forgetting whether I’m still pretending to be a westie or not.

  41. bennett:..’after me now..!

    ..’the working-class can kiss our arse..we’ve got the bosses’ job at last.!’.

  42. blue leopard 42

    A new dartboard for New Zealanders

  43. blond visitor from hawkes bay:

    ..’i can see her ladders from back here..

    ..and yep.!..they’ve been pulled-up her behind..!..’..

  44. joe90 44

    One little duck

    Knock at the door

    Legs 11

    Two little ducks

    Two and eight, in a state.

    Danny La Rue



  45. bennett:..

    ..’i’m holding up this picture of all these wankers..

    ..’cos i don’t want you to see the cocaine caked around my nostrils..’

  46. blond visitor from hawkes bay:..

    “..and i thought i was a right real-beetch…!”

  47. blue leopard 47

    …yeah….and I really suggest that you stop looking so pleased with yourselves Bennett & Kaye -…it isn’t clever to stand behind a dartboard like that….

  48. Lloyd 48

    Well, we proved we can’t be brighter but we’re still brighter than the electorate if we get in with this lot!

  49. Jackal 49

    Mr Invisible standing for nothing and nowhere in particular in the bottom right corner.

  50. Mike the Savage One 50

    Lacoste and Gucci are my friends now, I hate you, you losers on my payroll! Go and get a life, as there are so many “jobs”, I know many “blow jobs” that can be done for good pay also.

  51. “We wanted to make them into stamps, but people kept spitting on the wrong side.”

  52. Mike the Savage One 52

    Teem(ing) Key Wee – all over your heads, it is called “trickle down theory”!

    Teem Key Wee is a “winner”, I suppose, if you like “golden showers”.

  53. the pigman 53

    “I’m so embarrassed! That nice Mr. Key said that he sacked Wilkinson and Heatley for “nothing”, yet he still keeps toxic buffoons like me, Hekia, Bridges, Collins, Tolley and Woodhouse around!”

  54. the pigman 54

    Gastric bypass surgery patient misuses party promotional material to hide immense, all-consuming shame.

  55. Tel 55

    National re-invent Snakes and Ladders board game but forget to add the ladders.

  56. Jenny 56

    Look into my eyes, you are feeling sleepy.

    On the count of three you will wake up and remember nothing.

  57. Jenny 57

    These are not the drones you are looking for.

  58. xtasy 58

    Rot in hell, you self righteous “Nazis”, you National Party demagogues, and that is what you are in a social and economic context, viva el pueblo, viva el Chile:

  59. xtasy 59

    The CORRUPT Key and Pinera connection, to all the idiots here that do NOT get it yet, wake the damned well up, thanks out of your slumber:

    What a cowardly disgrace has come about us??

  60. fender 60

    Megalomaniac renames his political party.

  61. fisiani 61

    Behold the best candidates in the land.

  62. Richard 62

    They look like real estate agents. Slimy

  63. Populuxe1 63

    This is the design for the new food stamps

  64. georgecom 64

    For sale, please send sealed tenders to cabinet club.